Do-it-yourself gas heating of a private house. About heating schemes for a private house with a gas boiler. Types of gas equipment for a summer residence

Despite the fact that there is a tendency for gas prices to constantly increase, home heating with this fuel remains the most popular. There are several reasons for this popularity. Modern heating boilers on gas for the home have an efficiency of about 95-98% and automatic control of work processes.

Features of gas heating installation

To create a heating system, you can use main and liquefied gas. First view gaseous fuel under a certain pressure value is supplied to subscribers through pipelines, which constitute a single centralized network.

Liquefied gas is supplied to consumers in cylinders, the volume of which is usually 50 liters, but can be different. Gaseous fuel is also poured into gas tanks, which are sealed containers for storing it.

Heat supply to private households is cheaper if main gas is used (excluding connection costs). In turn, the use of bottled gas is slightly cheaper than other types of liquid fuel. But these are general data, since prices in different regions are different.

Water heating systems

Most often, water heating is installed in private residential buildings, for the installation of which you will need:

  1. Heat source - in this particular case there will be a gas boiler.
  2. Heating radiators;
  3. Pipes for connecting the unit and batteries.
  4. Coolant, which can be water, antifreeze or other antifreeze liquid, circulating through the system and delivering heat from the heating boiler.

This is what it looks like general description water method of individual gas heating in a private house, since laying the circuit will also require additional components necessary to ensure the functioning and safety of the entire heat supply structure.

In such systems, heating units can operate on liquefied or natural gas. Some floor-standing appliances can use both types of gaseous fuel, and there are some that do not require replacing the burner. As a rule, a liquefied gas boiler is quite reliable and durable.

Convector gas heating

Similar models of convectors operate on liquefied gas. Produce for natural gas Wiring in a private house for each such heater is not safe. In this case, the room is heated by heated air, which is why heating is called air heating. Any boiler can be configured for this type of heating; you just need to change the burner or nozzle.

Gas convectors are best used when it is necessary to quickly increase the temperature, and in non-residential premises. These devices begin to warm the air immediately after they are turned on, but as soon as they are turned off, they quickly stop providing heat.

The convection heating method has one important drawback - the devices burn oxygen and dry out the air. Therefore, ventilation must be provided in the room where they are installed. There are also advantages - there is no need to lay a pipeline and install radiators.

Gas equipment options for a private home

Boilers differ in the type of installation; they can be floor-mounted or wall-mounted. Units that are installed on the wall can only operate on natural gas, while floor-standing units operate on both types of gaseous fuel.

The advantage of wall-mounted boilers is that they can be installed in kitchen areas as they are safe and automated. A number of models of floor-standing boilers, whose power does not exceed 60 kW, can also be installed in kitchens, but they must meet a number of requirements.

Types of wall-mounted boilers for individual heating

First of all, gas equipment for heating a home is distinguished by functionality, or more precisely, what it is planned to be used for:

  • for heating only;
  • for heating and hot water supply.

If water heating is required, then you should purchase a double-circuit boiler, while a single-circuit boiler provides only heating.

An important point is the choice of the type of smoke exhaust. There are gas units on sale equipped with atmospheric chimneys and open combustion chambers, as well as turbocharged units with closed chambers.

In the case of the first type of equipment, a smoke exhaust structure with good draft is needed. Oxygen for the operation of an atmospheric boiler comes from the room in which it is placed, so a channel for air flow is required. After completing the installation of gas heating, you should make sure that it is in good condition and is working properly.

Turbocharged boilers equipped with forced draft can be installed without a chimney. Combustion products are removed through a coaxial pipe discharged through the wall. In this case, the smoke exits with the help of a turbine through one pipe, and the combustion air enters directly into the combustion chamber through the second.

Coaxial chimney systems have the disadvantage of being overgrown with frost, and this leads to a decrease in draft. If its strength is not enough, then the automation extinguishes the unit so that combustion products do not penetrate into the room. The boiler will turn on only after the draft is restored, which means that the build-up on the coax will have to be removed somehow.

IN recent years The demand for condensing heating devices is increasing. They are distinguished by high efficiency due to the extraction of heat from the flue gases as a result of the vapors condensing. But their operation has high efficiency only in low-temperature conditions - this is when the return coolant temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. It is desirable that this figure be even lower.

Such boiler operating conditions are ideal for heating with a warm water floor system. If you plan to heat your home using this method, then choosing a condensing boiler is the ideal solution. It has few disadvantages - the high price and the formation of caustic condensate, for the removal of which the chimney must be made of high-quality stainless steel.

Floor gas heating equipment

If the design of gas heating for a private house involves the use of a high-power boiler, then wall-mounted appliances will not be suitable, since their productivity does not exceed 40-50 kW. In this case, floor units are installed. They have much greater power and can also operate in cascade, supplying heat to large areas.

Some models of floor-standing appliances are capable of operating from both main and liquefied gas, and in addition to liquid fuel. The body of such units is made of steel, and the heat exchanger is made of cast iron or steel.

Products made of cast iron are heavier and their cost is higher, but they have a longer service life, approximately 10 - 15 years. A burner, automation and heat exchanger are installed inside the housing. When installing modern gas heating in a private home, you need to pay attention to the functionality of the automatic boiler system.

In addition to the standard set of tasks - control over the presence of gas, draft, flame, automation solves a number of problems:

  • maintains the specified temperature;
  • allows you to program modes by hour and day;
  • ensures compatibility with thermostats located in rooms;
  • adjusts boiler operation to weather conditions;
  • the unit can only heat water;
  • creates the possibility of parallel functioning with alternative sources thermal energy.

The more functions the automation has, the higher the cost of the boiler and the more expensive it is maintenance.

House gas heating schemes

If you plan to carry out water-type gas heating, first of all, experts advise deciding on the coolant circulation option, which can be:

  1. Forced type using a pump. In such heating systems, the coolant moves at a given speed and heat enters all of their elements. Due to the presence of a pump, pipes of a small cross-section are used and therefore the volume of liquid in the system is small - it heats up quickly. The house provides conditions for a comfortable stay. But for work circulation pump electricity required. In order for it to be constantly in the house, you need to provide backup power. In case of rare power outages, several batteries will be enough. If there is a frequent power outage, the system must have an expensive generator.
  2. Natural (gravitational). In this case, it will be necessary to install a pipeline large diameter, which means there should be a lot of coolant in the system. In addition, the liquid moves through the pipes at low speed, and the heating efficiency is insignificant. As a result, distant batteries in long branches remain cold. But on the other hand, a system with natural circulation does not depend on the availability of electricity.

There are also combined systems. They are gravitational, but a circulation pump is built into them. This solution is almost ideal from a practicality point of view. The option can be called quite good, but pipes with a large diameter will be very noticeable.

Heating distribution in the house

It is quite difficult to install gas heating in a private house with your own hands, so it is better to use professional services. But having information regarding this type of work will not be superfluous.

There are three types of heating systems:

  • single-pipe;
  • two-pipe;
  • radial.

In single-pipe designs, radiators are connected to one pipe in series. This wiring option is economical, since fewer pipes are required, but it is impossible to achieve the same heat transfer from the batteries. The coolant enters the first radiator, located closest to the boiler, hot, passes through it and is sent to the next device and cools slightly.

The same thing happens throughout the entire thread. As a result, the coolant reaches the last radiator not so hot. In this situation, there is only one way out - to take into account the features of a single-pipe system and, as the batteries move away from the heating unit, increase the number of sections in them. True, the latest radiators will still be less hot.

It is much easier to balance a system that has thermostats on each battery. These devices allow you to regulate the amount of coolant passing through the radiator. In order not to disrupt the circulation process in the entire system, a jumper is installed under each device - a bypass, through which the liquid that does not enter the battery moves.

In two-pipe systems, radiators are connected in parallel to both the supply and return pipes. Since two threads are laid simultaneously, the consumption of materials increases significantly. But at the same time, in all heating devices the temperature of the coolant, and therefore the heat transfer, is the same. In this scheme, thermostats are used.

The radial wiring method differs in that a large number of pipes are used. In this case, supply and return pipes are connected to each radiator. They are connected to a collector, which is a device that has one input and several outputs. For adjustment, thermostats are used, mounted on both collectors and radiators.

Gas prices are constantly rising, but heating with this type of fuel is still one of the most inexpensive. But we are talking about monthly expenses - modern boilers have a high efficiency of 95-98%, which reduces costs. A high degree of automation also adds to its popularity - you can leave the house for quite long periods without much risk (if the electricity is not turned off). That is why many consider gas heating of a private home in the first place.

Gas heating a private house is still the most economical

What can gas heating be like?

For heating, you can use two types of gas - mains and liquefied. Main gas under a certain pressure is supplied through pipes to consumers. This is a single centralized system. Liquefied gas can be supplied in cylinders of different capacities, but usually 50 liters. It is also poured into gas tanks - special sealed containers for storing this type of fuel.

Cheaper heating - using main gas (not counting the connection), the use of liquefied gas is only slightly cheaper than the use of liquid fuels. These are general statistics, but it is necessary to count specifically for each region - prices differ significantly.

Water heating

Traditionally in private homes they do water system heating. It consists of:

This is the most general description of a water gas heating system for a private home, because there are many additional elements that ensure performance and safety. But schematically, these are the main components. In these systems, heating boilers can be powered by natural or liquefied gas. Some models of floor-standing boilers can work with these two types of fuel, and there are some that do not even require replacing the burner.

Air (convector) heating

In addition, liquefied gas can also be used as fuel for special convectors. In this case, the premises are heated with heated air, respectively, the heating is air. Not so long ago, convectors that can run on liquefied gas appeared on the market. They require reconfiguration, but can also operate on this type of fuel.

Gas convectors are good if you need to quickly raise the temperature in the room. They begin heating the room immediately after they are turned on, but they stop heating just as quickly - as soon as they turn off. Another drawback is that they dry the air and burn out oxygen. Therefore, the room requires good ventilation, but there is no need to install radiators and build a pipeline. So this option also has its advantages.

Types of wall-mounted boilers for home heating

First of all, it is worth dividing gas heating equipment according to functionality: will it be used only for heating or also for preparation hot water for technical needs. If you plan to heat water, you need a double-circuit boiler; a single-circuit boiler only works for heating.

Wall mounted gas boilers- a small cabinet that is fashionable to install in the kitchen

Next, you need to decide on the type of smoke exhaust. There are gas boilers with atmospheric chimneys and open combustion chambers, and there are those with turbocharged boilers (their combustion chamber is closed). Atmospheric ones require a good chimney and draft in it, oxygen for combustion comes from the room in which the unit is installed, therefore there must be an air flow channel and a working chimney (all this is checked when starting the system).

Boilers with forced draft (turbocharged) can be installed without a chimney. The boiler's smoke output through a coaxial pipe (also called a pipe in a pipe) can be discharged directly into the wall. In this case, smoke comes out through one pipe (pumped by the turbine), and combustion air enters through the second pipe directly into the combustion chamber.

This type of equipment is good for everyone, except that in winter the coaxial line becomes overgrown with frost, which impairs traction. If the draft is poor, the automatic system extinguishes the boiler so that combustion products do not enter the room. Switching on is possible only when traction is restored, that is, snow build-ups will have to be chipped or otherwise removed.

There is also a separate type of boilers - condensing boilers. They are characterized by very high efficiency due to the fact that heat is removed from the flue gases (vapors condense). But high efficiency is achieved only when operating in low-temperature mode - the coolant in the return pipeline should not have a temperature above +40°C. If the temperature is even lower, even better.

These conditions are suitable for heating with water warm floors. So if you are planning such a gas heating of a private house - with heated floors, then a condensing boiler is what is required. It has few disadvantages - high price (compared to conventional ones) and caustic condensate, which places special demands on the quality of the chimney (made of good stainless steel).

Floor standing gas boilers

If you need more power, the wall-mounted option will not work - they have a maximum output of 40-50 kW. In this case, a floor-standing boiler is installed. Here they are of high power, and there are also models that can work in cascade. This way you can generally heat large areas.

Some of the floor-standing boilers can operate not only from main gas, but also from liquefied gas. Some may also work with liquid fuel. So these are quite convenient units. Their body is made of steel, and the heat exchanger can be steel or cast iron. Cast iron weighs and costs more, but has more long term operation - for 10-15 years. Inside the housing there is a burner, automation and heat exchanger.

When choosing, you need to pay attention to the functionality of the automation. In addition to the standard set - monitoring the presence of gas, flame and draft, there are many more useful functions:

  • maintaining the set temperature,
  • possibility of programming modes by day or hour,
  • compatible with room thermostats;
  • adjusting the boiler operation to the weather,
  • summer mode - work to heat water without heating;
  • possibility of working in parallel with solar panels or other alternative heat sources, etc.

The wider the functionality of the automation, the more expensive the boiler and its maintenance. But many programs also allow you to save fuel, which is no less important. In general, the choice is yours.

Gas heating schemes for a house

We will talk about water heating using gas. You should immediately decide on the type of coolant circulation. It can be natural (such systems are also called gravitational) or forced (with a mandatory pump).

Gravity systems require the installation of large-diameter rubles, that is, there is a lot of coolant in the system. The second point is that due to the fact that the coolant moves through the pipes at a low speed, the heating efficiency is not very high. Distant radiators in long branches can be cold. It's about the shortcomings. There are many of them, but there is one big advantage - systems with natural circulation do not depend on electricity. This is important in regions where the power is often turned off.

Scheme of a natural circulation system

Now a little about forced circulation systems. They are more efficient - the coolant moves at a given speed, delivering heat to all corners of the system. The presence of a pump allows the use of pipes of small diameters. This means that there is not much coolant in the system and it warms up quickly. In general, they provide a greater level of comfort, but have a serious drawback - they require electricity to operate, meaning they require backup power. If the light is rarely turned off, it is enough to install an uninterruptible power supply with several batteries. They can ensure the boiler operates for tens of hours. If the lights are turned off often and for a long time, you will also have to build a generator into the system. In any case, these are additional costs and considerable ones.

There are also combined systems - they are designed as gravity, but have a built-in circulation pump. This solution can be called ideal from a practicality point of view: as long as there is light, the heating works as forced heating, as soon as the power supply is lost, everything works as a gravitational system. In general, a good option, except that the pipes will be large and too visible.

Wiring method

There are three types of systems - single-pipe, double-pipe and beam. In single-pipe radiators, they are connected in series to one pipe. This wiring method is economical - fewer pipes are required, but it is difficult to compensate for it - it is difficult to achieve the same heat transfer from radiators. The thing is that the coolant enters the first radiator in the branch hot - straight from the boiler. It passes through it, cools a little, goes to the next one, cools a little more. So throughout the entire thread.

It turns out that the coolant that reaches the last radiator is much colder than the first one. The only way out is to take this phenomenon into account when designing the system and increase the number of sections in the radiator as it moves away from the boiler. But the last radiators will still remain the coldest.

You can more or less easily balance the system shown in the photo above. It contains thermostats on each radiator - devices that allow you to change the amount of coolant passing through the radiator. In order not to “crush” the circulation in the entire system, a bypass is placed under each radiator - a jumper along which coolant flows that did not go through the radiator.

In a two-pipe system, radiators are connected in parallel - to the supply and return pipelines. In this system, the pipe consumption is much greater, since two threads are pulled at the same time. But in this case, for each heating device coolant is supplied at the same temperature, due to which the heat transfer from the radiators will be the same (if the same batteries are installed).

In this scheme, you can also install thermostats, but this does not require bypasses - only the flow to one radiator is regulated. So despite the higher pipe consumption, two-pipe systems are more popular.

The beam wiring method is the most expensive in terms of the number of tubes. In them, each radiator has a separate supply and return pipe. It connects to a collector - a device with one input and several outputs. In this case, adjustment is possible both on the manifold and on the radiator using a thermostat.

Gas heating of a private house made according to this scheme will be the most reliable: if one of the pipelines is damaged, all the others will work. Therefore, this method is often chosen if pipes are hidden in a screed.

Gas boiler as a heat source used everywhere and is considered the optimal means of heating a room.

Natural gas - the most accessible and inexpensive energy source. This is why gas heating is so popular.

Even if there is no possibility of connecting to the highway, you can consider alternative home gasification projects(gas holder, gas cylinders).

Gas heating system

The use of gas boilers for space heating is the most common method of heating private homes. When heating a house with gas no waste appears: no dust, no dirt.

There are floor-standing and wall-mounted boilers. They have the following characteristics:

  1. Floor-standing appliances have a significant mass due to the cast iron heat exchangers installed in them. They require a separate room. They work up to 50 years thanks to the anti-corrosion properties of cast iron.
  2. Wall gas boilers can be installed in the kitchen or in the corridors. The heat exchangers in them are made of steel, so they have less weight and a rather presentable appearance; the devices fit well into the home interior. Serve from 15 to 20 years, have a lower cost.

There are two types boilers: single-circuit, used exclusively for heating, and double-circuit, which also heats water.

Devices are classified and by type of combustion chamber. It happens:

  • open— consumes air from the room (accordingly, additional ventilation is necessary);
  • closed- takes in the street air.

Operating principle, diagram

The heating system using a gas boiler is standard. It contains:

  • heat source;
  • water as a coolant;
  • circulation pump;
  • pipeline;
  • expansion tank;
  • heating elements;
  • shut-off and control valves.

Photo 1. Heating scheme for a private house using a gas boiler. Radiators and heated floors are used for heating.

Available on the market many models gas boilers, but Fundamentally, they are practically no different from each other. Using internal sensors and thermostats, the controller supplies natural gas to the combustion chamber. In the heat exchanger, water is heated to the required temperature and pumped into the heating circuit. Heating will continue until the required temperature is reached.

In the future, automation will maintain the temperature at a given level, without requiring human control. Double-circuit boilers involve the use of water from a heat exchanger for domestic needs, but fluid intake to maintain balance is somewhat limited and depends on the size and power of the unit. Some gas boilers are used in underfloor heating systems and even for heating swimming pools and greenhouses.

Pros and cons

Gas boilers are the most economical heat sources, but they have other positive aspects:

  • Can heat rooms large sizes.
  • They have a high efficiency ( 80—95% ).
  • Warms up rooms quickly.
  • There is no need to monitor the boiler, everything is as automated as possible.
  • If for some reason the burner flame goes out, it will re-ignite.
  • Easy to operate and maintain.
  • Have a long service life ( from 15 years old).
  • Allows you to control the temperature in your home down to one degree.
  • The use of such boilers is safe.
  • The devices are compact.

Cons gas boilers:

  • It is not economically feasible to place these devices in houses with an area of less than 100 m2, their use in such conditions is considered extremely dangerous.
  • Installation of gas boiler equipment requires preparation of the necessary documentation (you need to obtain permission from Gaztekhnadzor).
  • It is necessary to install a chimney to remove exhaust gases.
  • The room in which the boiler is installed must have a separate exit to the street and forced air ventilation (especially for boilers with an open combustion chamber).
  • When gas pressure is low or the burner fails, the efficiency of the device drops sharply.
  • The installation of expensive automation is required to ensure security control.

The most profitable option is to install a gas boiler in a house connected to the main gas supply network. From the central pipe, a connection is made to the house directly to the heating equipment, which allows you to completely forget about the issue of heating the room, energy delivery and operating costs. These heating systems comply with all modern environmental standards.

The autonomous gas heating system includes gas tank or gas cylinders. It is advisable to plan the installation of a gas tank on the site and take it into account during development.

This will make it possible to install a gas pipeline underground to the boiler room and kitchen. The use of cylinders is practically unlimited.

When calculating the efficiency of heating private houses with liquefied gas, it is necessary to take into account that one 50 liter cylinder accommodates 35-42 liters of gas. Heating consumption 100 sq. m. per day for any boiler is equal 15 l. It is also necessary to remember that cylinders are refilled once a week. Heating the house gas cylinders can be considered profitable subject to the following conditions:

  • The house area is smaller 100 sq. m.
  • The building has good insulation.
  • The gas boiler is a backup.
  • In the future, gasification of the settlement is planned.

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AGW heating: what is it?

Back in the Soviet years, they were used in heating systems autonomous gas water heaters. These installations are the simplest of all those used in heating systems using natural gas. Advantages of AGV installations:

  • simple design for ease of control;
  • low price;
  • compactness;
  • independence from electricity;
  • reliability.

Photo 2. Description of the design of an autonomous gas water heater. Arrows indicate the components of the device.

Negative aspects of the units - short service life, frequent automation failures, condensation formation.

The devices remain popular because of the cheapness And constant increase in electricity tariffs.

How to make a heating system with your own hands

In a private house you can install a gas heating system with my own hands. This requires:

  • carry out the necessary heat engineering and hydraulic calculations;
  • draw up a working draft with a gas heating diagram;
  • purchase materials and equipment;
  • carry out installation;
  • test the heating system under high pressure;
  • put into operation.

When developing a gas heating scheme, the following are determined: coolant circulation: they decide whether she will be natural or forced. An important point is also the choice of single-pipe or two-pipe heating circuit wiring.

After selecting the heating scheme and pipe routing you can calculate the required power boiler, circulation pump and radiators, as well as determine the diameter of the pipes, the number and their sizes.

Types of boilers

Having decided on the power of the gas boiler, we begin to select the device.

Regardless of the type of boiler main task the owner - to ensure the effective operation of the most important communication system of the house with minimal financial and labor costs.

Equipment installation

The installation of the heating system begins with the installation of the boiler.

Required Tools for installation of a heating system:

  • roulette;
  • perforator;
  • level;
  • flarer;
  • gas, adjustable and regular wrenches;
  • screwdriver or screwdrivers.

For fastening use 4 screws with diameter 6-7 mm. Using a level, check the accuracy of the installation. After this, a connection is made to the water supply using a coarse water filter. Install ball valves. Attach the chimney.

Attention! Connect the boiler to the gas pipeline only a specialist should.

After installing the gas boiler, they proceed to laying the pipeline according to the diagram. There are three types of pipes used in heating systems:

  • metal;
  • metal-plastic;
  • polymer.

Best suited for the heating system of a private home plastic pipeline. He is not afraid of changes in temperature and pressure. Its installation is done using special set, allowing you to reliably solder system elements.

Radiators are selected taking into account the required power. Batteries made from different materials are available on the market:

  • steel;
  • cast iron;
  • aluminum;
  • bimetallic.

Photo 3. Bimetallic radiator. Such devices are often used in gas heating systems.

During installation level should be used for correct installation radiators. After installing all elements of the gas heating system, the pipes must be pressure tested.

You can heat your home in various ways, but due to significant savings and in the presence of a gas main, they most often choose a heating scheme for a private house with a gas boiler. There are several options for organizing heating: you can seek services from construction company, do some of the work yourself or do the entire installation yourself.

Features of gas supply

Gas is the first thing you need to take care of when planning a gas heating system in a private house, since not all settlements are gasified. But “blue fuel” can be obtained not only from the central pipeline or a liquefied gas cylinder, but also with the help of a gas holder.

Natural gas, which consists of methane, is supplied to houses through a pipeline. The liquefied analogue is a propane-butane mixture, which is placed in cylinders for transportation and storage. The pressure in these containers and gas holders is approximately 16-18 atm.

Gas is supplied via pipeline

If an autonomous gas supply is used to heat the premises, then it is advisable to choose a gas holder, and its volume is up to 25 cubic meters. The choice of cubic capacity will depend on the amount of liquefied petroleum gases (LPG) used. In this case, you need to take into account not only the heating boiler, but also the stove, fireplace, and other gas equipment. For a house of 200 sq. m. It is advisable to choose a gas tank with a volume of 2500-3500 l. And for a cottage of 350 m², a model with 8500-9500 liters is required.

If a populated area is gasified, then taking into account the cost of connection, the central pipeline is more profitable, as opposed to a tank in the ground. But there may be situations when installing a gas tank will be cheaper than connecting to a gas pipeline. This depends on the distance of the settlement from the main highway.

When using a gas tank, you do not need to worry about the presence of pressure in the pipes. This equipment is very easy to use. You just need to periodically call specialists for maintenance and do not forget about refueling. It takes no more than 3 days to install the system.

There are gas boilers on the market that are designed to work with both types of fuel. It is only necessary to replace the jets, and also set the electronics and valves to a different mode.

In this video you will learn more about the gas boiler:

Boiler selection

Heating scheme

To organize the normal operation of boiler equipment with two circuits that are connected to the manifold, the heating system requires the use of a hydraulic valve, which prevents strong pressure surges and the possible occurrence of water hammer.

The expansion tank can be installed open or closed. For the gravitational heating model, the first option is quite sufficient. A closed container is installed for a heating system with forced circulation.

For small house It is enough to establish natural coolant circulation in the circuit. But if the building has two or more floors, then a pump will certainly be required. The total size of the pipeline in the first option is limited to 30 m. Since the boiler will not be able to supply coolant over a significant distance. During natural circulation of liquid in a gas heating circuit, a pump is not required. If you are using non-volatile boiler equipment, then the entire system does not depend on electricity. There are simply no electricity-consuming nodes in it.

Don't forget about beneficial properties hydraulic guns

This system is more stable during operation, but the heating quality is worse (the coolant reaches the batteries farthest from the boiler almost completely cooled). The latter is especially true for a heating system made of cast iron or steel. Since they have increased hydraulic resistance, which reduces the movement of water.

You can also organize a combined heating system. In this case, the pump is connected to the pipeline using a bypass. If it is necessary to quickly heat the air in the rooms, it is switched on for accelerated circulation. And if necessary, it is disconnected from the main line by shut-off valves, and the system continues to operate in a natural way.

Installation rules

The installation of a gas-based heating system is carried out in several stages. Step by step instructions looks like this:

  1. Preparation and further approval by supervisory authorities of a heating project for a private house using gas equipment.
  2. Purchase of a boiler, necessary materials and additional devices.
  3. Connecting the house to the central highway.
  4. Installation of boiler equipment and pipeline circuit with heating radiators.
  5. Filling pipes with thermal fluid.
  6. Check the operation of the entire system using a test run.

It is impossible to prepare a gas equipment project for your home with all the drawings and calculations without experience. At the same time, all documentation must be approved by the gas service, so it is advisable to entrust this work to specialists from the relevant organization.

The heating design using a gas boiler must be calculated down to the smallest detail. If you install very powerful boiler equipment, it will begin to burn excess fuel. And when there is insufficient power, the boiler will need to heat the coolant to the limit of its capabilities, as a result of which it will quickly fail.

Only a professional heating engineer can correctly prepare calculations and drawings for installing gas equipment. It is advisable to entrust the preparation of the project and its approval to specialists. But the subsequent installation of the entire system can be done with your own hands. In this case, only skills are required installation work and strict adherence to project documentation.

In order for it to be safe and comfortable to live in a private house, the owner must take the trouble to install a good heating system. There are several ways to keep your home warm, but the most popular is gas heating.

Today we’ll look at this topic in more detail, let’s look at the disadvantages and advantages of gas heating, how to choose a gas boiler, and find out what heating options exist using this method.

The advantages of heating a house with gas are:

  1. The price of the gas itself. It is the most adequate based on labor costs for heating.
  2. Low losses. Gas heating guarantees that 80-90% of the heat it generates will be used to heat your home, and will not be wasted.
  3. Despite the small size of the equipment, it is capable of heating large rooms.
  4. The unit is silent and does not require special care. The system is autonomous and can maintain the required temperature itself, so you don’t have to constantly monitor it.
  5. There is no dirt from the gas boiler.
  6. Double-circuit gas boilers not only heat the house, but also supply hot water.
  7. Gas holders containing gas are considered safe for humans.

As you can see, purchasing such a heating system is quite profitable. But we must not forget about the disadvantages that any type of heating has.

Perhaps, when purchasing a boiler, you should not forget that:

  1. System autonomy is often ensured by electricity. Therefore, in case of interruptions or malfunctions, the operation of the boiler will stop and fail. Electricity creates the traction necessary for closed sediments and is responsible for water circulation. If it is turned off, for example, in winter, then there is a high probability of stagnation.
  2. The autonomy of the system is purchased at a considerable cost, which can reach several hundred thousand.
  3. The room must be ventilated and have a chimney. This is necessary to remove exhaust gases. Applies more to gas units open type
  4. When purchasing gas heating, you need to adhere to the climate of your area. Boilers of European brands will not survive severe frosts, since they are not designed for sudden changes in Russian temperatures.
  5. Burner wear reduces the efficiency of a gas boiler. But this is not a minus, but rather something to keep in mind.

Calculation of gas consumption for heating a house

Now let’s calculate whether it is profitable to install gas heating in a private house. To do this, let’s calculate how many liters are spent on heating.

To calculate the gas consumed, it is necessary to multiply the amount of kW needed to heat the house by one tenth of the volume of gas. Then you will be able to find out how many cubic meters of gas are consumed in one hour.

For example, we have a house with an area of ​​250 square meters. Then a 25 kW boiler is needed to heat the house. Then:

25 kV * 0.1 m 3 = 2.5 m 3 / h.

This means that the following is consumed per day:

2.5 m3/h * 24 h = 60 m3

For a month (we take 30 days):

60 m 3 * 30 d = 1800 m 3

They calculate a year like this: choose three cold months and add three more months to them, during which the boiler will work at half power. For convenience, take 100 days in the first and 100 days in the second case. Then for a year it turns out:

(60 m 3 * 100 d) + (30 m 3 * 100 d) = 9000 m 3

For houses with a smaller area, this figure is, of course, less. Moreover, what comes out mathematically does not always correspond to practice. Usually the real figure is less than the stated one.

When calculating, only heating is taken into account.

Simple manipulations will help reduce the amount of heat loss and gas consumption:

  1. It is necessary to pay attention to the thermal insulation of the house. This also applies to the roof.
  2. Replace, if necessary, the windows with plastic ones and replace the doors.
  3. Install a heat accumulator, heating radiators, that is, equipment that allows you to use heat economically.
  4. Insulate floors.

Selection and types of gas boilers

You should know that. Each type has its own right to exist and will provide good gas heating for a private home.

Single-circuit and double-circuit boilers

Single-circuit boilers They are intended exclusively for heating and do not perform any other functions. Purchased if you do not need to heat hot water directly from a gas boiler.

Such boilers work directly on the heating system. Can also be used to heat a boiler indirect heating, which in turn is used to provide the house with hot water

Double-circuit gas boilers Ideal for both space heating and water heating. It should be noted that double-circuit boilers are not always effective for heating water. Usually only enough for one active point. If, for example, you go to the shower and someone decides to wash the dishes, then you will already take a cold shower. You should take this into account when purchasing.

Wall and floor boilers

Wall-mounted boilers are safe and automated, but often operate only on one type of gas - natural. (There are models in which you can change the burner and they will also work on liquefied gas). They can be installed in kitchens, since they are smaller in size compared to floor-mounted ones.

The power of wall-mounted boilers is often limited to 35-40 kW. Therefore, if you want to install gas heating in a large house, you will have to either install two wall-mounted boilers in cascade mode, or install a floor-standing boiler.

Floor-standing boilers are capable of heating large rooms, as they have greater power. They are universal in terms of fuel consumption: natural, liquefied, and main gas are suitable. They can be energy-dependent and independent. Often a cast iron heat exchanger is used. Due to their design, they have an efficiency lower than that of a wall-mounted one, but at the same time more long term services.

Gas heating options

While reading the article, you probably noticed references to liquefied and main gases. A reasonable question arises: how do they differ? It is more profitable to heat private house using a line or cylinders? Let's figure it out now.

Types of gas heating:

  1. Trunk. The most environmentally friendly. It consists primarily of methane, which is purified from various impurities, leaving a tiny amount of odorant that allows people to detect gas leaks. However, installing it is not without headaches. You will need to coordinate documents with official authorities, you will need to worry about sufficient pressure in the pipes, and the wiring itself is a rather complicated undertaking.
  2. Liquefied. The same gas is in bright red cylinders in which the familiar propane-butane mixture is stored. But they will not interfere if you install an underground tank in which the cylinders can be safely stored. It needs to be replenished once or twice a year. Suitable for any boilers.

As you can see, liquefied gas is more profitable than main gas, but it is important to remember that about 50 liters of gas fit into one cylinder. One such cylinder is changed every two to three days. While the main one goes through pipes to your apartments. And gas tanks, in which gas is stored in cylinders, are filled with a special machine. This fact is taken into account in winter time. The storage area must be cleared of snow.

Alternative methods of heating a private home

Gas is not the only heat source that can heat your home. There is also indoors. But are they so beneficial compared to the gas system?

Methods of alternative heating of a private house:

  1. Electricity. The most common and accessible source of energy, however, it is almost the most expensive. It may simply not be enough to heat a private home, since not every electrical network will be able to transfer the amount of energy required for heating. Problems cannot be ruled out in the winter. Not the most economical and practical option.
  2. Diesel. Diesel fuel has a high price. It tolerates a very unpleasant aroma, which cannot be removed by anything, either at home or on the street. And if you take diesel fuel of insufficiently high quality, the heating system may break down. Not the best option.
  3. Solid fuels. Coal and wood. They must be supplied to the heating system two to four times a day. Every day it is necessary to remove ash from the heating system. Naturally, heating a house will require a considerable amount of fuel of this kind per year. This requires large cash. You should have a separate warehouse for them; in addition, they are dangerous, as they can emit carbon monoxide. In this regard gas installations more economically profitable and safer.
  4. Pellets. These are special granules that are made from peat and wood waste. Its disadvantages are akin to negative aspects coal and firewood: storage space required large quantity pellets, they do not smell very good and often need to be added to the heating system. The difference is that they are cheaper than all the types of fuel listed above, except gas. And they need to be loaded less often than firewood or coal: no more than once a week. Not a bad option.

Obviously, gas heating wins in many respects: efficiency, ease of operation, minimal heat loss, low cost of the fuel itself. Therefore, if you decide to install good system heating, then opt for a system with gas heating of the coolant.

Useful videos on the topic

Which boiler is better: single-circuit or double-circuit?

Which boiler to choose: wall-mounted or floor-standing?