Homeovox for children: instructions for use. What are these Homeovox tablets for? Homeovox tablets instructions for use

In this article you can find instructions for use medicinal product Homeovox. Reviews of site visitors - consumers of this medicine, as well as the opinions of specialist doctors on the use of Gomeovox in their practice are presented. We kindly ask you to actively add your reviews about the drug: whether the medicine helped or did not help get rid of the disease, what complications and side effects were observed, perhaps not stated by the manufacturer in the annotation. Homeovox analogues in the presence of existing structural analogues. Use for the treatment of laryngitis (loss of voice, hoarseness) in adults, children, as well as during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Composition of the drug.

Homeovox- a homeopathic medicine used for laryngitis, produced by the pharmaceutical company Boiron (France).


Aconitum napellus + Arum tryphyllum + Ferrum phosphoricum + Calendula officinalis + Spongia tosta + Atropa belladonna + Mercurius solubilis + Hepar sulfur (hepar sulfur) + Kalii bichromicum (kalium bichromicum) + Populus candicans (populus candicans) + Bryonia dioica (bryonia) + excipients.


Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug Homeovox are not provided.


  • acute and chronic laryngitis of various etiologies (including loss of voice, hoarseness, fatigue of the vocal cords).

Release forms

Film-coated tablets, homeopathic.

Instructions for use and dosage regimen

IN medicinal purposes Prescribe 2 tablets every hour, after improvement of the condition they switch to maintenance therapy - 2 tablets 5 times a day.

For preventive purposes, 2 tablets are prescribed 5 times a day.

The pills should be dissolved slowly between meals.

Side effect

No side effects of the drug Gomeovox have been identified.


There are no contraindications.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Restrictions on taking the drug during pregnancy and during breastfeeding No.

Use in children

For children under 6 years of age, the tablets should be dissolved in liquid before use.

Special instructions

Sick diabetes mellitus It should be noted that 1 tablet contains 179 mg of sucrose.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Does not affect the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery.

Drug interactions

There are no drug interactions between the drug Gomeovox and other drugs.

Analogues of the drug Gomeovox

The drug Homeovox has no structural analogues for the active substance. Like any homeopathic remedy, Homeovox is unique in the composition of its active ingredients.

Analogs for therapeutic effect (drugs for the treatment of acute laryngitis):

  • Aquamaris;
  • Acetylcysteine;
  • Biseptol;
  • Vilprafen;
  • Vilprafen solutab;
  • Doctor IOM herbal cough lozenges;
  • Dr. Theiss Sage;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Miramistin;
  • Oflocid;
  • Oflocid forte;
  • Sanorin;
  • Septolete;
  • Septolete Neo;
  • Septolete plus;
  • Sumasid;
  • Tantum Verde;
  • Tariferid;
  • Theraflu LAR;
  • Erespal.

If there are no analogues of the drug for the active substance, you can follow the links below to the diseases for which the corresponding drug helps, and look at the available analogues for the therapeutic effect.

These days, pharmaceutical companies have flooded the market with products for every occasion, with each manufacturer praising its drug and its effectiveness. Often, in order to choose a truly effective remedy, you need to try several options, which is quite expensive for the budget of the average Russian family. Therefore, many buyers are increasingly thinking about using homeopathy.

Such products are available, do not have a high cost and do not harm the body. In any case, this is what homeopaths all over the world say.

We will tell you about the product “Gomeovox”, popular among Russians. Instructions for use, price, reviews and analogues of the drug - all this became the topic of the article. From it you will receive all the necessary information and will be able to find out how effective this remedy is in the treatment of diseases of the vocal apparatus.

A few words about homeopathy

Before we talk about Homeovox tablets and reviews of them, we decided to expand our readers’ knowledge about homeopathy. After all, the average Russian has a very vague idea of ​​what exactly these means conceal.

WHO classifies homeopathy as an alternative medicine; doctors often call it “pseudoscience” and trash the effectiveness of these drugs. However, be that as it may, the popularity of homeopathy does not decrease because of this. Many people consciously make a choice in its favor, giving their opponents real positive results in reviews (Homeovox, by the way, has them in large quantities).

The action of homeopathic remedies is based on inducing in the patient symptoms similar to those of the disease by taking a drug with a highly diluted active substance. We can say that homeopaths recommend treating like with like, and for the production of medicines they use formulations that contain only one molecule of the original substance. That is why they do not harm human health.

Despite what official medicine believes positive result from taking homeopathic medicines with a placebo effect, most patients still prefer to purchase just such remedies in pharmacies.

Brief description of the drug

Unfortunately, most people don't realize the value of their voice until they lose it. And here they are fully aware that more than 40% of the information during a conversation is extracted not from the words of the interlocutor, but from the sound of his voice. Therefore, problems with the vocal apparatus, expressed as hoarseness or, for example, hoarseness, significantly reduce our quality of life.

An almost universal drug that allows you not only to get rid of these problems, but also to completely restore your voice, is the homeopathic remedy "Homeovox". Reviews about it are found quite often, but full description medicines have to be sought from different sources.

Patients who have tried the drug note the following:

  • effectiveness of use for loss of voice caused by various colds and more;
  • noticeable effect after the first day of treatment;
  • recovery with this drug is much faster than when taking other similar drugs;
  • If necessary, tablets can be combined without harm to health with other medications prescribed by a doctor.

We have no reason not to trust such reviews about Homeovox, therefore, along with satisfied patients, we can say about the high effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of diseases of the vocal apparatus.

In addition, the tablets have a double effect:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • mucolytic.

That is, patients taking Homeovox, reviews of which are provided in our article, can be sure that they will not have to add antibiotics and cough suppressants to their treatment regimen. The only exception is severe cases of infectious diseases, in which Homeovox is prescribed as concomitant therapy.

Causes of voice problems and risk factors

Many people do not even suspect that they fall into a certain risk group and can become hoarse at any moment. Often these are patients who have bad habits and work in positions that force them to constantly strain their voices. However, viral or bacterial infections that directly affect the condition of the vocal apparatus can also create problems.

Have you probably noticed that people who often catch colds have a low and often unpleasant timbre? This is due to the fact that the infection, penetrating the body, causes dryness of the mucous membrane of the throat and cough. As a result, a person who does not attach much importance to a common ARVI may get chronic laryngitis. And this disease will be accompanied by constant hoarseness and rapid fatigue of the vocal apparatus.

Air conditioning, smoking, and an abundance of caffeine and carbonated drinks also play a negative role. The latter often provoke heartburn. Because of it, gastric juice enters the esophagus and larynx, irritating it. Naturally, this causes hoarseness and a dry cough.

For many professions, voice is a calling card. This category includes teachers, managers, coaches, lawyers, etc. These people constantly strain their vocal cords, which causes hoarseness by the end of the day. If this problem is not treated, then sooner or later it will turn into aphonia - complete loss of voice.

Many people notice that when allergies worsen, they begin to speak more hoarsely. This is due to irritation of the throat mucosa by coughing and discharge. Often the disease subsides when taking an antihistamine, but in some cases it continues to accompany the person even after the allergy attack subsides.

In all of the above cases, you can take "Gomeovox" (we will talk about the price, reviews and analogues of this product in the following sections of the article). At the same time, the risk of progression of the disease of the vocal apparatus to conditions requiring surgical intervention is reduced.

Manufacturer of the drug

The manufacturer of "Gomeovox" - "Boiron" (reviews of the drugs produced by this pharmaceutical company are mostly positive) has been guarding people's health for more than eighty years.

The company was created specifically for the production of homeopathic remedies. Today, Boiron produces about 60 items containing a complex of active substances, and more than 1,000 single-component drugs. In France, where laboratories and drug production plants are located, the company is well known and enjoys the trust of the population.

Boiron drugs entered the Russian market approximately twelve years ago and have been extremely popular all this time. It is noteworthy that the company’s specialists conduct many years of research on each new drug before making sure of its effectiveness and putting it into mass production.

Therefore, there is no need to doubt the quality of the drug "Gomeovox". Instructions for use (reviews confirm this) are included in each package and help adults and children take tablets correctly.

Dosage form and pharmacological action

The instructions for Homeovox, reviews of which we will definitely analyze in our article, indicate that the drug is available only in tablet form. Be sure to consider this fact, buying the product in pharmacies. After all, none of us is immune from purchasing counterfeits, and in addition to depriving us of money, they can significantly harm our health.

In reviews of "Gomeovox" (the price of the drug often does not rise above the average level) you can read about cases when the medicine was sold in the form of drops. Naturally, such a remedy turned out to be a fake.

One package of Homeovox contains 60 tablets, convex on both sides. The weight of each does not exceed three hundred grams, and the carbohydrate content is equal to three hundredths of a bread unit. This information will be useful for people with diabetes, as they are often hesitant to take homeopathic remedies due to their high sugar content.

Film-coated tablets white and do not have a pronounced odor. The drug itself can be classified as multicomponent, since it contains several active substances.

Composition of the drug

The instructions for “Homeovox” (we will discuss the price and reviews in the last sections of the article) must indicate the composition of the drug. Usually it contains information about active and auxiliary substances. There are 11 active components. And these include the following substances:

  • belladonna;
  • bryony;
  • Aconitum napellus;
  • calendula and others.

Auxiliary components are:

  • lactose;
  • sucrose;
  • starch.

Keep in mind that in addition to the usual excipients, there are also components included in the shell of each tablet. They are also often classified as auxiliary, but are separated into a separate group. Of these, we can name beeswax, gelatin, carnauba wax, etc. All of them are safe for humans, and the drug can be used in the treatment of children from one year old.

The instructions for use of "Gomeovox" for children (this is often written about in reviews) provide a special regimen for taking tablets, which must be followed if you want to get the desired result.


Many people believe that homeopathic medicines have no contraindications. However, each of them has, albeit small, a list of symptoms or diseases that can worsen when taking pills.

Thus, the instructions do not recommend taking the homeopathic remedy "Homeovox" in the following cases:

  • If you have lactose deficiency or intolerance.
  • In the presence of glucose-galactose malabsorption.
  • When the child is under one year of age.

In all other cases, you can absolutely freely use the drug as prescribed by your doctor.

The drug "Gomeovox": instructions

For children (there are a lot of reviews on the use of the medicine by children of different ages), the drug is used very often, but still, first of all, it is ideal for adult patients.

Doctors recommend taking this drug as treatment and prevention. Depending on this, the regimen of taking pills will change. So, if you have been prescribed Homeovox for laryngitis and other diseases, then you need to take it between meals. In this case, 2 tablets must be dissolved in the mouth without drinking water. You can take them every hour, but do not overdo it - you cannot take more than twenty-four tablets per day. This will be considered an overdose.

As soon as you feel that the acute manifestations of the disease have been relieved, you can proceed to the prophylactic dose. In this case, the patient should take 2 tablets no more than five times a day. The duration depends on the patient’s condition, but it is best to extend treatment for 1-2 months.

Children aged one to six years can take the tablets dissolved in a small amount of water. In the case of an acute form of the disease, parents can give the child an adult dosage. As soon as a positive effect is achieved, the dose should be reduced to a prophylactic dose. The course of treatment is determined by the attending physician.

Side effects and taking the drug during pregnancy

Not identified to date side effects, which can be caused by the named remedy. Pharmacists consider it absolutely safe for children and adults, but if you notice symptoms of an allergic reaction or any other side effects, consult a doctor immediately. He will help to establish the causes of the ailment and prescribe a new course of treatment with a different drug.

Clinical studies did not reveal any negative effects on the fetus. However, during pregnancy, doctors still try not to prescribe Homeovox. It can be recommended only in cases where the danger to the mother’s life significantly outweighs the possible risks of taking this drug.

Also, you should not take the drug while breastfeeding, since its effect on newborns has not been sufficiently studied.

Cost of the drug

On average, in Russia, one package of Homeovox costs patients 300 rubles. In the acute phase of the disease, one package lasts approximately three days. Therefore, if possible, try to purchase two or three packs of the drug at once.

Drug analogues

If you have an allergic reaction to certain components of the drug, then your therapist can select analogues of Homeovox for you. Among them the most popular are:

  • "Corizalia".
  • "Edas."

The first drug is produced in tablet form by the Boiron company. The cost of the product usually does not exceed 250 rubles.

"Edas" is a cheaper product that comes in the form of drops. It has different concentrations, which is why the cost of the bottle depends. In Russian pharmacies it ranges from one hundred fifty to three hundred rubles.

The drug "Gomeovox": reviews

For children, homeopathic remedies are purchased quite often, because parents who care about the health of their offspring try to choose those medicines that provide minimum quantity side effects on a fragile body. Therefore, quite a lot of reviews about this medicine were left by parents of children. Moreover, most of them have an enthusiastic coloring:

  • Children drink tablets dissolved in water without whims;
  • the result occurs already in the first days of use;
  • the absence of side effects has a positive effect on the baby’s mood.

Adults also often leave reviews about treatment with Homeovox. They remain extremely satisfied with the data effective drug and note the following positive points:

  • after three days the hoarseness disappears;
  • with long-term use, there is less fatigue of the vocal apparatus in people who are at risk due to their profession;
  • even a severe cough after a few tablets of a homeopathic remedy becomes softer and gradually disappears.

Those who have experienced the powerful therapeutic effect of Homeovox actively recommend it to other patients for any voice problems.

A homeopathic remedy such as Homeovox is in demand for respiratory tract pathologies, for example, laryngitis. Is it allowed for children and can it be used to prevent voice problems?

Release form

The drug is produced in tablets packaged in packs of 60 pieces. They have a convex shape on both sides, a white shell and sweet taste, and there is no smell.


Homeovox is classified as a combined homeopathic remedy because it includes both herbal and non-herbal components. Medicinal plants, from which the active substances of the tablets are obtained, are represented by aconite, arisema, calendula, steppe, belladonna, sea sponge and poplar. They are supplemented with mineral compounds such as iron phosphate, soluble mercury, hepar sulfur and potassium dichromate.

In addition, there are excipients inside the tablets, due to which the drug has a dense structure and a sweet taste. These are lactose, magnesium stearate, starch and sucrose. The shell of Homeovox is made from gelatin, white beeswax, acacia gum, sucrose, carnauba wax and talc.

Operating principle

Homeovox components help eliminate hoarseness and restore voice. They have an anti-inflammatory effect and also have a mucolytic effect. Taking this remedy speeds up recovery from throat diseases and improves voice quality.


The main reason to prescribe Gomeovox is laryngitis in acute or chronic form. This medication is also used for other voice disorders, for example, if hoarseness appears or fatigue of the vocal cords is diagnosed.

At what age is it allowed to take it?


Homeovox should not be given not only to children under one year of age, but also to those with hypersensitivity to any of its components, lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Side effects

In rare cases, tablet intolerance occurs. No other significant negative reactions other than allergies to the drug were noted.

Instructions for use and dosage

  • A single dosage for children over one year old for both treatment and prevention is represented by two tablets.
  • For therapeutic purposes, the drug is given every hour between meals. After the condition improves, they switch to five times a day (this is maintenance treatment).
  • For preventive purposes, tablets are given 5 times a day.
  • The product must be kept in the mouth until the tablet is completely dissolved.
  • For a child aged 1 to 6 years, the tablet is first dissolved in warm boiled water (200 ml), and then given to drink this liquid.


When taking more tablets than the instructions recommend, no toxic effects of the drug were detected.

Drug interactions

The drug is compatible with any other medications, for example, Gomeovox can be given together with Imudon, Paracetamol, Biseptol and other drugs prescribed for laryngitis.

Terms of sale and storage

Homeovox is freely available in pharmacies without a prescription. On average, the price of a package of 60 tablets is 260-300 rubles. You need to store the product at home in a place hidden from children at a temperature of +15+25 degrees. The shelf life of the drug is 5 years.

BOIRON Laboratory Boiron

Country of origin


Product group

Homeopathic medicines

Homeopathic remedies

Release forms

  • Film-coated tablets, homeopathic. 20 tablets in a blister made of PVC film and varnished aluminum foil. 3 blisters (20 tablets each) along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard box.

Description of the dosage form

  • Biconvex tablets, white, odorless, film-coated

Pharmacological action

Multicomponent homeopathic remedy, the effect of which is determined by its constituent components

Special conditions

The dosage regimen and frequency of administration do not depend on age. If there is no therapeutic effect within three days, or if side effects occur, you should consult a doctor. Information for patients with diabetes: the carbohydrate content in one tablet corresponds to about 0.03 bread units. Effect on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery No effect Overdose No cases of overdose have been reported to date


  • Composition (per tablet) Active components: Aconitum napellus C3 0.091 mg Arum triphyllum C3 0.091 mg Ferrum phosphoricum C6 0.091 mg Calendula officinalis C6 0.091 mg Spongia tosta ) C6 0.091 mg Belladonna C6 0.091 mg Mercurius solubilis C6 0.091 mg Hepar sulfur C6 0.091 mg Kalium bichromicum C6 0.091 mg Populus candicans C6 0.0 91 mg Bryonia ) C3 0.091 mg Auxiliary components: sucrose, lactose, starch, magnesium stearate Auxiliary components of the shell: acacia gum, gelatin, sucrose, talc, white beeswax, carnauba wax Tablet weight 300 mg

Homeovox indications for use

  • Laryngitis of various etiologies, including loss of voice, hoarseness, fatigue of the vocal cords

Homeovox is a French homeopathic combination drug.

Produced by the Boiron laboratory. The drug helps restore a hoarse voice, relieves inflammation, has a mucolytic effect, helps thin sputum, makes it less viscous and facilitates its removal from the lungs, speeds up recovery.

On this page you will find all the information about Homeovox: complete instructions for use for this medicine, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews from people who have already used Gomeovox. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Homeopathic medicine used for laryngitis and voice disorders.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.


How much does Homeovox cost? The average price in pharmacies is 360 rubles.

Release form and composition

Homeovox is produced in the form of a homeopathic tablet, coated, odorless.

Each dragee contains:

  • Burnt sponge (Spongia tosta);
  • Potassium bichromate (Kalii bichromicum);
  • Candican poplar (Populus candicans);
  • Dioecious steppe (Bryonia dioica);
  • Soluble mercury according to Hannemann (Mercurius solubilis);
  • Belladonna (Atropa belladonna);
  • Iron phosphate (Ferrum phosphoricum);
  • Aconite (Aconitum napellus);
  • Arizema three-leaved (Arum tryphyllum);
  • Calendula (Calendula officinalis);
  • Calcareous sulfur liver according to Hahnemann (Hepar sulfur).

Also, according to Gomevox's instructions, the tablets contain excipients: starch, sucrose, lactose, gelatin, beeswax, talc, carnauba wax, magnesium stearate and gum arabic.

In a blister pack of 20 pcs., 3 packs in a pack.

Pharmacological effect

This is a homeopathic multicomponent preparation, which is based on herbal components and minerals. It has an effective mucolytic and anti-inflammatory effect due to its natural ingredients.

Indications for use


The instructions for Homeovox provide the following information about contraindications - the medicine is not recommended for use:

  • with hereditary fructose intolerance;
  • with sucrase-isomaltase deficiency;
  • with lactose intolerance or insufficient content in the body;
  • children under 1 year of age;
  • with glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • in case of individual intolerance to individual components of the drug.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of Gomeovox during pregnancy and lactation is possible only on the recommendation and under the supervision of the attending physician.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Homeovox is used orally. The tablets should be dissolved slowly, between meals.

  • For preventive purposes, 2 tablets are prescribed. 5 times/day.
  • For medicinal purposes, 2 tablets are prescribed. every hour (no more than 24 tablets/day), as the condition improves, you should switch to maintenance therapy - 2 tablets. 5 times/day.

Side effects

If you are individually intolerant to the composition of the drug, an allergic reaction may begin, which can manifest itself both in the form of skin rashes and respiratory problems. In this case, you need to interrupt therapy as soon as possible and seek medical help.

If other undesirable reactions occur, you should report them to your doctor.


At the moment, no information has been received about any recorded cases of drug overdose.

Special instructions

  1. The dosage regimen and frequency of administration do not depend on age.
  2. When and the drug should be used only as prescribed by a doctor (the composition includes Hepar sulfur C6).
  3. If there is no therapeutic effect within 3 days, or if side effects occur, you should consult a doctor.
  4. Information for patients with diabetes: the carbohydrate content in one tablet corresponds to about 0.03 XE.

Drug interactions

The use of homeopathic medicine can complement the main treatment with other medications and does not exclude it. There is currently no information about any interactions with drugs.


We have selected some people's reviews about the drug Gomeovox:

  1. Valeria. I purchased the drug for my son, who is 4 years old. It is difficult to force children to remain silent, but with laryngitis or problems with ligaments, this is simply necessary. My son’s voice became hoarse, and after a few hours it was already unbearable to listen to his attempts to explain something. My heart sank with pity and fear. The pharmacist recommended Homeovox. She said that the drug is new, homeopathic, children can use it, that buyers are happy with its effect, since the effect of use will already be after a couple of hours. Of course, I doubted that the remedy would quickly help with laryngitis, but I took it anyway. And what a surprise I was when the child really felt much better in the evening! The advantage of Homeovox for children is that the pills resemble small sweet candies, which the child consumes with pleasure. Inexpensive, effective, tasty and without side effects, the drug is a dream that has come true in the person of Gomeovox.
  2. Elena. To be honest, I don’t really care about homeopathic medicine or not, the main thing is that it really helps! As a child, laryngitis was diagnosed and treated at the wrong time, and now the loss of voice and all the accompanying laryngitis is my constant problem. Usually, exacerbation of laryngitis occurs with stability about once a month. Only homeovox really helps!
  3. Irina . An indispensable tool for teaching staff. I use it when my voice gets weak. This is homeopathy, it helps me and many colleagues very well. Pleasant-tasting tablets need to be dissolved every 2 hours. The effect appears the very next day, and if you manage to take it at the very beginning, then after a couple of hours. The packaging of the tablets is compact, small, and I carry it with me in my purse. You don’t need to drink it with water, you can use it on the go.” Homeovox” has been on for a long time Russian market and inexpensive in price.
  4. Anna . I gave it to my daughter for 3 years, and when she has a cold, hoarseness appears. When the hoarseness did not give, it lasted for a week, and when I found out about it and started giving it, then on the 3rd day the hoarseness was no longer there. Homeopathy does not help everyone. It also depends on the neglect of the whole organism. I myself took another homeopathic medicine for acute illness, and I was also pregnant, so in 1 day the fever went away and most of the symptoms did not harm the child.


Like any homeopathic remedy, Homeovox has a unique composition, so it is impossible to select a completely identical analogue of its active ingredients.

The following inexpensive medications can replace the drug and cure acute laryngitis and hoarseness:

  • Acetylcysteine;
  • Bryony;
  • Longidaza;
  • Lobelia;
  • Mlekoin;
  • Neovasculgen;
  • Cuprum-plus;
  • Oflocid and Oflocid forte;
  • Sanorin;
  • Septolete, Septolete Neo and Plus;
  • Sumasid;
  • Tantum Verde;
  • Tariferid;
  • Theraflu LAR;
  • Vilprafen and a type of medicine Vilprafen Solutab;
  • Dr. MOM;
  • Dr. Tass Sage;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Miramistin;
  • Erespal.

Before using analogues, consult your doctor.

Storage conditions and shelf life

Store out of the reach of children at a temperature of +15…+25°C. Shelf life – 5 years.