A name that gives health and good luck. Male and female names that bring good luck. Money female names starting with the letter O

Everyone knows that a good name is better than wealth, but nevertheless, some parents choose names of wealth, names of luck and wealth, names of happiness and wealth, names of money for their children. Money names have always been in demand among all nations. And this has its reasons. Choosing money name, Parents dream of a prosperous and rich life for their child.

The group of monetary names includes:

Names that bring wealth

Names meaning wealth

And as you understand, this is not the same thing.

Names meaning wealth- these are names with the meaning of wealth.

And names that bring wealth- these are names that have the energy of wealth, that is, the programs of the name (its qualities, characteristics) can help a person achieve material well-being.

We have selected for you a list of money male and female names - names meaning money, wealth, well-being.

Male money names

Cash male names starting with the letter B:

Vanik(Armenian) – merchant

Wafik(music) – successful

Money male names starting with the letter G:

Gad(e.) – welfare

Gainulla(Turkic) – son of a rich man

Ganges(Chinese) – welfare

Gani, Ganiy(Arabic) – rich

Gayan(Arabic) – noble

Gaillard(Tat.) – from Arabic. Gayan– noble

Gaig, Gage(English) – moneylender (pledge, guarantee)

Money male names starting with the letter D:

Davlet(Arabic) – happiness, wealth

Daren, Darian(English) – possessing much, rich

Delyan, Deyan(slav.) – businesslike, active

Jasper(English) – treasure keeper

Jauhar, Dzhokhar(Arabic) – jewel

Giuseppe(Italian) – multiplying

Dovlet, Dovletmyrat(music) – wealth, property

Domn(slav.) – homely, economical

Domozhir(slav.) – homely, prosperous (“fat” – wealth, prosperity)

Dear(slav.) – dear

Dragan, Dragos(glory) – precious

Money male names starting with the letter Z:

Zhirovit(glory) – conquering with wealth (“vit” – victory, “fat” – wealth)

Zhiromir(glory) – increasing the wealth of the world (society)

Zhiroslav(glory) – glorious in wealth

Zhitovab(glory) – advocate of prosperity

Zhytomyr(glory) – ensuring the prosperity of the world (society)

Money male names starting with the letter Z:

Zaid, Ziyad(music) – abundance

Zinnat(Arabic) – decoration

Zlatan(glory) – golden

Money male names starting with the letter I:

Joseph(e.) – increase, profit. Russian nameOsip

Money male names starting with the letter K:

Caspar(pers.) – treasurer

Kumush(Turkic) – silver

Money male names starting with the letter M:

Masterman(English) – owner

Interco(slav.) – business

Men(slav.) - money changer

Muwafak(music) – successful

Musarali(Turkic) – rich, noble

Murtadi(music) – satisfied, satisfied

Money male names starting with the letter N:

Nahum(e.) – comfort

Nukrat(Arabic) – pure silver

Money male names starting with the letter O:

Odilon(French) – rich

Odo(German) – rich

Onisius(Greek) – benefit

Onuphry(Greek) – rising upward

Oraz(Turkic) – wealth, luck, happiness

Osip- wealth

Otto(German) – wealth, rich

Otes, Otis(French) – rich

Money male names starting with the letter P:

Pluto(lat.) – wealth

Prokosh(glory) – thrifty (for future use)

Prokofy(lat.) – successful

Money male names starting with the letter P:

Richard(ancient German) – rich, strong, solid

Money male names starting with the letter C:

Sezhir(slav.) – rich

Sidor- precious, dear

Suleiman(music) – living in health and prosperity

Money male names starting with the letter T:

Tryphon(Greek) – to live in luxury, living luxuriously

Trofim(Greek) – well-fed, pet

Money male names starting with the letter F:

Favoise(music) – successful

Firuz(pers.) – successful

Friedrich(German) – rich

Ugh(Chinese) – rich

Fuhua(Chinese) – prosperous

Money male names starting with the letter X:

Javier(Spanish) – rich

Khotul(slav.) – thrifty

Money male names starting with the letter H:

Cengiz(Turkic) – rich

Money male names starting with the letter Sh:

Shukhrat(music) – glory, fame

Money male names starting with E:

Edward, Eddie(English) – guardian of prosperity

Edgar(German) – property, spear

Edmund(German) – property, protection

Edmund(English) – defender of prosperity

Edon, Edun(English) – rich little bear

Money male names starting with the letter Y:

Uteka(Japanese) – in abundance, prosperous

Money male names starting with the letter I:

Yaniv(f.) – he will prosper

Yasar, Yaser(Arabic) – wealth.

Money names for women

When choosing a money name for their daughter, parents dream that her life will be prosperous. Or they give their child a goal in life, focusing on material well-being.

Cash female names starting with the letter A:

Aurelia(lat.) – golden

Aida(Arabic) – benefit, reward

Altana(Kalmyk) – golden

Altyn(Turkic) – gold

Alfisa(Arabic) – silver

Amber(Arabic) – jewel

Argenta(lat.) – silver

Aurika(Romanian) – gold

Money female names starting with the letter B:

Baybika(Turkic) – rich

Money female names starting with the letter B:

Waxes(Armenian) – gold

Money female names starting with the letter G:

Gauri(ind.) – goddess of gold

Gloria, Glory, Gloriana(English) – glory

Goldie(English) – golden

Money female names starting with the letter D:

Darian, Darin(English) – possessing a lot, rich

Danab(Arabic) – gold

Delyana(slav.) – business

Jerusha(e.) – owning

Jing(Chinese) – abundance

Josephine, Josepha(English) – multiplying

Dzhokhara(Arabic) – jewel


Blast furnace(Roman, Slavic) – homely, economical, mistress

Daria(lat.) – rich

Money female names starting with the letter E:

Eupraxia(Greek) – prosperity

Money female names starting with the letter Z:

Zhiroslava(glorious) – glorious in wealth

Money female names starting with the letter Z:

Zara, Zarina(pers.) – gold, golden

Zlata, Zlatana(glory) – golden, golden. Literal translation of the Greek. "chrysa" (golden)

Zlatoslava(glory) – gold, glory

Money female names starting with the letter I:

Inara(Arabic) – from dinar – gold coin

Money female names starting with the letter K:

Karina(lat.) – dear

Kumush(Turkic) – silver

Money female names starting with the letter L:

Lacretia(English) – rich

Laurika(lat.) – golden

Lucretia(lat.) – rich

Money female names starting with the letter M:

Maysara(Arabic) – wealth, abundance

Mira, Mirra(ind.) – successful

Money female names starting with the letter N:

Nadrat(Arabic) – a grain of gold

Nubia(English, Spanish) – gold, golden

Nuzar(Arabic) – pure gold

Money female names starting with the letter O:

Odelia, Odilia(German) – rich

Odette(lat.) – rich

Odelis(Spanish) – rich

Oriana(lat.) – golden

Ottila, Ottilie(German) – rich

Money female names starting with the letter P:

Ragana(glory) – precious

Radna(music) – jewel

Radha(ind.) – successful

Rafa(Arabic) – happiness, prosperity

Rogneda(glory) – abundant (“horn” – abundance)

Money female names starting with the letter C:

Salome(e.) – peace, tranquility, prosperity

Saraa(Arabic) – wealth

Seagal(e.) – treasure

Simin(pers.) – silver

Money female names starting with the letter T:

Thackera(Japanese) – treasure

Money female names starting with the letter F:

Fidda(Arabic) – silver

Fizza(Arabic) – silver

Firuza(pers.) – successful

Money female names starting with the letter X:

Hlatka(slav.) – golden, golden

Chris(Greek) – golden

Money female names starting with the letter H:

Charita(lat.) – dear

Money female names starting with E:

Edwina(lat.) – rich friend

Eishwoya(ind.) – wealth

Elodia(Spanish) – foreign wealth

Money female names starting with the letter I:

Jadwiga(Old German) – rich warrior

Name your child some money name? Why not! But before you finally decide on a name, it is advisable for you to diagnose it - to identify the main programs of the name. So that the money name you choose not only means money and wealth, but also has the energy of money.

If you have already decided on a name, then you can order us to diagnose any name...

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

[email protected]

Our book "The Energy of Surnames"

Book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our address email: [email protected]


Sites and blogs have appeared on the Internet that are not our official sites, but use our name. Be careful. Fraudsters are using our name, our email addresses for your newsletters, information from our books and our websites. Using our name, they lure people to various magical forums and deceive (they give advice and recommendations that can harm, or lure money for conducting magical rituals, making amulets and teaching magic).

On our websites we do not provide links to magic forums or websites of magic healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations over the phone, we do not have time for this.

Pay attention! We do not engage in healing or magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in written form, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that they saw information on some websites that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander and not true. In our entire life, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our website, in the club materials, we always write that you need to be an honest, decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The times have come when slander pays well. Now many people are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to slander decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience and faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, will never engage in deception, slander, or fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor who are hungry for money. The police and other regulatory authorities are not yet able to cope with the growing influx of “Cheating for profit” madness.

Therefore, please be careful!

Sincerely – Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our official sites are:

Many people think that a name plays an important role in a person’s life, determining his luck and success. These people are right - analysts have found that certain male names are capable of...bring good luck.


The determining factor for happiness in our lives is good material condition. A man, as the head of a family, is obliged to play a decisive role in providing his family with everything they need.

According to official statistics about the richest men in Russia, the five most successful and mostlucky names for men are Oleg, Alexey, Vladimir, Michael And Victor.

Most rich men have names starting with the letter A. Among such names, it is worth highlighting the name Alexey, because there are a lot of billionaires with this name. There are few Olegs, but the richest person in Russia, according to Forbes magazine, is Oleg Deripaska. He is included in the “golden hundred” of the world, occupying ninth place.

Psychologists' opinion

The letter A is the first letter in the alphabet, so names starting with A attract success and luck. Many believe that the very greatness of a particular name also plays an important role. Among these names, five are also worth noting: Vladimir, Alexander, Victor, Arthur, Alexey. When these people come into contact with you, you remember their names much better. You should also say a few words about not quite Russian names like David or Albert - they also give the impression of masculinity and strength, which is why such men have more luck in business.

Now let's talk a little about energy. The best energy has a name Nikolay. It attracts good luck and the positive aura of the Universe. There may not be many rich people in Nikolaev, but they are lucky in many other areas. The survey shows that there are much more happy people among Nikolaev than among the owners of other names. Here are the five most energetically stable and powerful names according to experts: Nikolay, Ivan, Dmitry, Sergey, Anton.

Knowledge about the energy of names will be useful to many. For example, with their help you canchoose a worthy name for the baby . Remember that a lucky name is your main gift to your child. With his help, he can achieve success in any area of ​​life and become happy.

Many astrologers and psychics are sure that a person’s name to a certain extent influences his destiny. In their opinion, each name emits its own energy, which can have a positive or negative effect on the owner of this name.

Because of this, some names have maximum positive influence, while others can bring a lot of problems to their owner.
Here are the happiest male and female names that bring good luck.

Female names

This name is considered one of the happiest. Most women with this name are awarded an easy fate. It is quite easy for them to move up the career ladder; they easily find common language with the people around you. Owners of this name are usually loved, appreciated and respected by family and friends.
Natasha is also quite lucky. They are confident in themselves and know how to defend their point of view. Thanks to this, they steadfastly overcome all difficulties and solve problems easily.
The name Tatyana also brings good luck. The owners of this name always live positively. Despite any difficulties in life, they always remain in a good mood. It is this attitude towards life that helps them cope with problems and feel happier than others.
This name radiates a strong energy of activity and determination. Thanks to this, its owners can easily achieve great success both in their personal lives and in their careers. They set bold goals for themselves and skillfully achieve them.
Olga Olga is another beautiful and happy female name. Its owners have all the prerequisites to live in happiness, love and wealth. Although they trust their feelings and intuition, they often commit serious actions under the influence of the conclusions of their minds. Thanks to this approach, they successfully solve problems and emerge victorious from difficult life situations.
The name Ekaterina not only brings happiness, it endows its owner with an analytical mind, determination and the ability to achieve her own. That is why most women with this name are ambitious, active and positive, which helps them achieve a lot in life.

Unlucky female names.

These experts include the names Nadezhda and Lyudmila. Nadezhda's problems in life may arise due to the fact that she is too passive in nature and tends to simply go with the flow. The energy of the name Lyudmila can attract various troubles.

Lucky male names:

Alexander, Alexey and Anatoly
All these names are in first place in the ranking of the luckiest. Men with these names are endowed with special strength, both physical and moral. Most of them are strong in spirit and capable of achieving significant success, if, of course, they do not miss the opportunities that fate itself gives them.
The name Ivan can also be called one of the luckiest. Those with this name are lucky to have a very strong guardian angel. It is thanks to him that they easily overcome even serious difficulties, because they have a protector who helps and protects them from troubles.
The owners of this name can also be considered happy people. The name is endowed with strong energy - it helps these men to always be ahead of everyone and achieve their goals. Strength of character and the ability to find a common language with people greatly help them in life.
Oleg and Mikhail
The owners of these names have strong heavenly protectors. Guardian angels help them in everything, sometimes situations even arise when they miraculously manage to avoid trouble. It may seem as if someone is leading and directing them, suggesting the right path and protecting them from troubles.

Unlucky male names

Yaroslav, Stanislav, Boris and Bogdan.
From birth, Yaroslav is under the influence of the energy of aggression of the name; it will control him throughout his life and often interfere with his personal relationships and career. Because of the influence of his name, Stanislav becomes impulsive and finds it difficult to contact people. Bogdan can be too closely connected with his mother, which can interfere with his adult life. Boris's whole life will be filled with difficulties that he will have to overcome.

In ancient times, people approached the choice of a name very carefully, especially when it came to the name of their son. They tried to call boys with names that emphasized a strong and courageous character. Our ancestors believed that a nickname given at birth could influence a person's future. Is this really so and how to choose a happy name for a boy?

Selection rules

Modern psychologists and bioenergetics argue that the name has an impact on the fate and character of a person. Therefore, if you want to give not only a beautiful and sonorous name, but also a happy one, you need to listen to some rules.

Who should name the child?

Ideally, only his parents should come up with a name for their son. You should not convene a family council on this matter, ask the opinions of grandparents and other relatives. Choosing a name for a child is a matter between the father and mother. After all, no one else, except them, is connected with him by an invisible emotional and energetic connection.

When choosing a name for a boy, think about the future. Years will pass, and your baby will become a father himself, which means that his children, your grandchildren, will bear his patronymic, formed from his name. Try to remember this and choose a name so that in the form of a patronymic it will be harmonious.

If you want the boy to inherit positive traits character of the father, then the responsibility for choosing a name rests on his shoulders. If the mother chooses the name, then the boy will be more attached to her all his life than to his father.


Don't forget about the sound. Say your chosen child's first name and middle name. What does it sound like? What do first, last and patronymic sound like together? It is desirable that there is no dissonance between them. Agree that an exotic name will be funny combined, for example, with the surname Ivanov.

Avoid fancy, complex or obscure names. Sometimes, wanting to stand out from other parents or, succumbing to fashion trends, the parents name the baby quite unusually. Later, when he grows up, he may feel some discomfort saying his name when meeting new people.

This can lead to complexes, isolation and fear of rejection.. To eliminate this problem, try not to use names that are too long or difficult to pronounce. Remember that your child will have to live with this name for the rest of his life.

Is it possible to name a son after his father?

Many parents follow tradition and name their son after his grandfather or father. On the one hand, this strengthens the energy of the family. If several generations in a row call boys in a family by the same name, then this imposes a strong energy protection on their aura. In addition, all men in the clan inherit the common character traits of their ancestors.

On the other hand, this approach often dooms a boy to maintain a “high bar” throughout his life. By naming your son after your father or grandfather, you will involuntarily compare their characters and fates throughout your life and make inflated demands on him. Moreover, according to psychologists, boys who bear the name of their father often suffer from the Oedipus complex, which is expressed in the desire to compete with their father.

Do not forget that your son is, first of all, a person, an individual who cannot be compared with anyone, even with relatives. He has his own character, his own life and his own path.


When choosing a name, many parents are usually guided by its meaning. For example, wanting the baby to become strong, strong and courageous, dad and mom call their boy Peter or Alexander. In fact, they thereby try to instill in him certain character traits that they want to see in him.

Before choosing a name based on this principle, parents should observe their child. You should not give a name too quickly and based only on your own. Is your baby calm and positive? Emphasize it with a name! If he is serious, silent and persistent, then give him a name whose meaning would emphasize these qualities.

Do not forget about the formation of diminutive forms. The more they can be formed from the name, the more multifaceted and charismatic the child will be. Pronouncing sounds of a diminutive form that are not in the name will endow the baby with additional character qualities, as well as talents and abilities.

At baptism

If the parents are believers, then, as a rule, they choose according to the calendar. By giving the child the name of one of the saints, they want to endow him with the protection of higher powers.

Most often, in Orthodoxy, when baptized, children are named after martyrs and monks who devoted themselves to serving God all their lives. This is why the superstition arose that a person named after a martyr would suffer throughout his life. In fact, this statement has no basis.

First letter of name

Some believe that the first letter sets the character and energy of a person. What letters do the happiest and most successful names begin with?

  • "A"– gives willpower and endurance
  • "B"– gives luck in risky and dangerous situations
  • "IN"– ability to plan things and strictly follow your plan
  • "AND"- wisdom, calmness, balance
  • "P"– the desire to win and be the first in everything
  • "R"– honor, nobility, loyalty and courage
  • "WITH"– sociability, recognition, erudition and charm
  • "F"– integrity, iron grip
  • "X"– responsiveness and kindness
  • "H"- striving for justice
  • "Yu"– romance, purposefulness

What are lucky names for boys?

The name Nikolai has a powerful energy force. Boys grow up to be insightful, businesslike, courageous and far-sighted. In adult life, they quickly find their place and strive to reach heights.

Successful combinations with middle names

The boy's name must be consistent with his patronymic. If the name is not pronounced when pronounced, then there is a possibility that the boy’s energy will be imbalanced. In addition, the cacophony of the combination can negatively affect family relationships. What principles must be followed to give a boy a harmonious name?

Should you name your child after the father? As already mentioned, in this case the child will constantly compete with him. On the one hand, such combinations as Ivan Ivanovich or Nikolai Nikolaevich sound representative and respectable. But on the other hand, they make a person faceless.

Try to ensure that the last letter of the name does not coincide with the first letter of the middle name. For example, Leonid Dmitrievich or Alexander Rodionovich. Firstly, such combinations are not easy to pronounce. Secondly, when quickly addressing a person by name and patronymic, the last letter of the name will constantly be lost.

Such discordant combinations also include those in which the last syllable of the name coincides with the first syllable of the patronymic. For example, Kirill Illarionovich or Stepan Anatolyevich. In this case, during pronunciation, the first syllable of the patronymic is lost, which means the protective energy of the family is lost.

In order for the boy’s name to sound light and harmonious, the number of syllables in the name and patronymic should be different. For example, long names such as Alexander, Nikolai, Svyatoslav, Valentin will go well with short middle names - Lvovich, Ilyich. And short names, Ivan, Yakov, Gleb, will harmoniously combine with long middle names - Afanasyevich, Maksimovich, Vyacheslavovich.

It is advisable to choose a name that, in combination with the patronymic, would not cause people to associate it with any historical or famous character. You should avoid combinations such as Vladimir Ilyich or Mikhail Sergeevich.

Regardless of how the boy’s fate develops, people will always associatively perceive him through the prism of this famous personality. Although, on the other hand, if this person is perceived positively in society, then this will only be a plus for the boy.

The name given at birth is usually given for life. Therefore, parents should take a responsible approach to their choice. When choosing, it is important to take into account not only your tastes and preferences, but also think about your son.