How to make a solution for plastering a stove. How to plaster a stove - so that the exterior finish does not crack or crumble. It is for these reasons that plaster is, although the most ancient and cheapest, but always a relevant option for finishing a stove

Properly done plastering of a brick stove will extend the life of the stove, increase its heat transfer, and add comfort to the room. The main thing is that the plaster on top of the brick oven is laid carefully, in compliance with all the rules and key points preparing the surface, preparing the mortar, applying plaster to the brick oven.

Preparatory work

First of all, you need to prepare the room in which the stove is located. You should remove unnecessary items and make room for work. The remaining furniture should be covered with fabric, and windows, walls, and floors with polyethylene to protect against dust, debris and accidental damage.
You will also need the following materials:

  • cement mortar for fastening the wire (for an old stove);
  • burlap or reinforcing mesh with cells 10x10 mm;
  • plaster solution;
  • lime or water-based paints.

If you are planning to plaster the stove yourself, be sure to study the process technology and prepare necessary tools and materials. You will need the following tools:

  • trowels or trowels;
  • graters;
  • electric drill with mixer attachment;
  • spatula or chisel;
  • hammer;
  • pliers or wire cutters and pliers;
  • scissors for fabric and metal;
  • containers for water and solution;
  • measures and scoops for the components of the plaster mixture;
  • coarse sieve for clay and sand;
  • brush or spray for wetting the surface;
  • vacuum cleaner or broom.

If you plan to freshly plaster an old stove, you need to completely clean its surface of the old plaster, which is removed with a spatula or chisel. The final leveling of the surface is carried out by rubbing with sandpaper or paper to eliminate minor errors. Complete the surface preparation by removing dust and small construction debris using a vacuum cleaner or dry rags.

Based on these factors, a decision is made on the optimal composition of the solution that will be used for plastering. Although many home craftsmen prefer ordinary clay mortar, the composition and properties of which have been tested by time, mortars of complex composition are also used for plastering brick ovens.

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Surface preparation

Before plastering a brick stove, it is necessary to prepare the surface for applying the mortar. The plaster will lie neatly on a smooth and even surface and will stay stronger and longer without cracks or chips.

Plastering a freshly laid stove can begin after the cement mortar used for masonry has completely dried, hardened and gained maximum strength. This usually takes at least 30 days during the warm season. In order for the plaster mortar to adhere better to the brickwork, the seams between the bricks are cleared to a depth of approximately 4-5 mm.

The composition of plaster solutions includes clay, sand, cement, asbestos, gypsum, lime, fiberglass, and water. You need technical or tap water, but not river or lake water.

You can buy a ready-made dry mixture to prepare the solution or prepare it yourself according to standard recipes. A prerequisite in both cases is careful adherence to the ratios of all ingredients of the dry mixture and water.

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Composition of mortar for plastering ovens

The question of how to plaster a brick oven is decided taking into account several factors:

  1. Purpose of the premises (housing, bathhouse, workshop).
  2. Room humidity.
  3. Mode of use of the premises (permanent or temporary residence, etc.).
  4. Climate in the region.
  5. Proposed exterior finishing of the brick stove: whitewashing, painting, cladding (stove tiles or tiles).

Basic compositions of solutions:

Grouting the plaster with a float: a) in a circular manner; b) acceleration.

  1. 1 part clay, 2 parts sand, 0.1 part asbestos.
  2. 1 part clay, 2 parts sand, 1 part lime, 0.1 part asbestos.
  3. 1 part gypsum, 2 parts lime, 1 part sand, 0.2 parts asbestos.
  4. 1 part clay, 2 parts sand, 1 part cement, 0.1 part asbestos.
  5. 1 part gypsum, 2 parts lime, 1 part sand, 0.2 parts fiberglass.

The amount of sand in the solution varies according to the fat content of the clay used. For 1 part of very oily clay you need to add 3 or even 4 parts of sand. The exact ratio is determined by applying the solution to a small area of ​​the surface. If cracks appear after drying, you need to add sand. If the solution crumbles, it means there is not enough clay in it.

Only slaked lime is used to prepare the solution. Fiberglass or crushed asbestos is added to the solution to increase the strength of the composition.

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Mixing the solution

Gypsum-based solutions harden very quickly, so they are mixed in small portions and immediately applied to the surface of the oven. The cement-based mixture diluted with water should be used within 50-60 minutes. after cooking. Clay-based solutions can be stored for a long time in an airtight container.

To slak, lump lime is poured into a metal bucket (no more than 50% of the volume) and filled with water (no more than 60% of the volume). This should only be done outside. When the solution has cooled (after about 24 hours), it must be drained. The remaining pulp is passed through a coarse sieve to sift out undissolved pieces.

After clearing away debris, the clay for the solution is placed in water for several days. After soaking, the clay slurry is filtered through a coarse sieve to remove small debris. The sand is also sifted and mixed with the clay. After this, fiberglass is added to the solution. The resulting mass is thoroughly kneaded with a drill or hammer drill with a special attachment or a construction mixer. The solution should be plastic, homogeneous, without lumps and solid particles.

Many owners of private houses are increasingly giving preference to such types of heating as gas or steam, and if there is central heating in the locality, some find it easier to connect to the heating network. However, in many houses the stove heating method is retained - both as the main source of heat and as an auxiliary one. Often the choice in favor of a conventional stove is associated with economic considerations - the best brick stove will cost less than laying a distribution pipeline to connect to central heating.

The stove is a fairly voluminous structure, making it invisible is almost impossible. Most often, red brick is used for masonry, which does not always look harmonious in the room. Therefore, the owners make efforts to ensure that the stove fits into the interior and looks neat. Furnace finishing is often done using plaster.

However, many are faced with this problem - after a few years, the plaster from a brick kiln begins to crumble. In fact, this can be avoided, the main thing is to do the plastering work correctly.

In fact, even a home craftsman who has no experience in similar work can properly plaster a brick oven. It is important to pay close attention to the process and use high-quality materials, then the oven will retain its presentable appearance for a long time. appearance.

Before plastering the stove, you need to prepare the room. To do this, you need to make room for work - all unnecessary items need to be removed from the room. Furniture should also be removed from the room if possible. If this cannot be done, then you need to cover it with a thick cloth. To protect windows, walls and floors from debris, dust and damage, these surfaces should be covered with polyethylene.

About materials and tools

You need to learn how to plaster a brick stove and prepare all the necessary tools and materials in advance. You will need a set of tools, including:

  • trowel or trowel;
  • grater;
  • hammer;
  • chisel or spatula;
  • wire cutters and pliers (they can be replaced with pliers);
  • sprayer - it is needed to wet the surface with water (if you don’t have it, a paint brush will do);
  • metal scissors and fabric scissors;
  • coarse sieve - for sifting sand and / or clay;
  • container for solution and separate for water;
  • scoop for the plaster mixture (or its components);
  • broom or vacuum cleaner.

The list of materials for plastering the stove includes the mortar itself for plastering the stove, a reinforcing mesh with 10 x 10 mm cells (you can get by with burlap), lime (or water-based paint), as well as a cement mortar (it will be needed to secure the wire, including case if we are talking about an old stove).

Reinforcing mesh with cells 10 x 10 mm

Surface preparation

Before starting plastering work, be sure to prepare the surface of the oven. This will make it easier to apply the solution, and the resulting finish will look better and last longer.

If we are talking about an old stove, then you will need to prepare the surface according to the following scheme:

  1. Cleaning the stove surface from old plaster. This can be done using a spatula or chisel.
  2. The surface is rubbed with sandpaper - this will help eliminate minor irregularities.
  3. Use a vacuum cleaner or dry cloth to remove any debris and dust that has formed.

In the case where a freshly laid stove needs to be plastered, such work should begin approximately a month after the completion of the brickwork. This period is enough for the mortar used for masonry to dry, harden and gain strength. Before starting work, you need to clear the seams between the bricks that make up the stove to a depth of about 0.5 cm - this will help the plaster mortar adhere better to the masonry.

Plaster solutions

Today you have the opportunity to choose between buying a ready-made dry mixture for plastering the stove or preparing the solution yourself according to proven “folk” recipes. To achieve a high-quality result, it is necessary to carefully observe the ratio of dry components and water, which must be either tap water or technical water (neither lake nor river water can be used for the solution).

Depending on the purpose of the room and its humidity, the mode of its use, the planned method of exterior finishing, as well as the climate in the region, the owner must decide how to plaster his stove.

How to prepare the “correct” solution? Classic recipe includes clay and sand. If you plan to paint the stove in white, then lime can be added - it must be slaked. To increase the strength of the solution, you can add crushed asbestos or fiberglass.

The composition of the mortar for plastering the stove may vary. The table shows the main popular options:

Clay Gypsum Sand Cement Lime Asbestos Fiberglass
ratio of parts in solution
1 1 2 0,1
2 1 2 1 0,1
3 1 1 2 0,2
4 1 2 1 0,1
5 1 1 2 0,2

To determine the correct ratio, you need to prepare a portion of the sample solution and apply it to the surface - a small area. If, after the solution has dried, the plastered area becomes covered with cracks, this means there is not enough sand and more needs to be added. If the solution crumbles, this indicates that there is not enough clay in its composition.

Bad solution

Rules for preparing the solution

In order to achieve good results, close attention You need to pay attention to the process of preparing the solution itself. In this case, it is necessary to follow a number of simple rules not only when mixing the plaster mixture, but also when preparing the components.

  • clear away debris;
  • Place in water to soak for several days;
  • filter the resulting slurry through a coarse sieve.

Soaking clay

Lime (work to prepare this material is carried out only outside):

  • pour pieces of lime into a bucket (it should only be metal) - no more than half the volume of the bucket;
  • fill with water (no more than 0.6 bucket volume);
  • Allow the solution to cool overnight;
  • drain the solution;
  • pass the lime slurry through a coarse sieve.

Sand also needs to be sifted, asbestos or fiberglass must be thoroughly crushed.

Sifting sand

To prepare a high-quality solution, you need to reproduce the following sequence of actions:

  1. Sifted sand is mixed into the prepared clay.
  2. The remaining components of the solution (for example, fiberglass) are added.
  3. The solution is thoroughly mixed. This can be done using a drill, a construction mixer, or a hammer drill with a special attachment.

A high-quality solution should not contain particulate matter or lumps, it looks uniform and plastic.

There are a number of nuances associated with storage and use periods, depending on what solution it was decided to use:

If gypsum was used as a base, such a solution hardens very quickly. It must be prepared in small portions, which should be immediately applied to the stove;

The prepared solution with a cement base should be used within an hour after it has been diluted with water;

The clay-based mixture can be prepared in advance. It can be stored for a long time if the container is sealed.

Step-by-step instructions for plastering a stove

Once all the necessary materials and a set of tools have been prepared, you can begin the process of plastering the stove with your own hands. Plastering a brick stove can be done according to a simple scheme consisting of five main steps:

After finishing applying the plaster, it needs to be allowed to dry. If cracks appear, they can be widened using a regular knife, then moistened with water and covered with a solution (if a clay-based solution was used, for these purposes you can use the remains of the plaster, which can be stored in an airtight container).

Exterior finishing works

In order for the stove to look good indoors, additional finishing can be done after plastering is completed:

  • painting with water-based paint;
  • whitewashing with chalk;
  • coating with lime milk (you need to add a little salt to it, at the rate of 0.1 kg per 100 liters of solution);
  • decorative plaster for stoves (a wide range of compositions can be found in hardware stores).

Despite large number modern heating systems, in many houses the brick stove is still the only heating device that produces heat in the house. Many of them are also used for cooking. In order to be able to provide uniform heating between the rooms of the entire room, such a stove is usually installed directly in the central part of the house. To maintain the appropriate appearance, as well as increase the heat capacity, decorative surface finishing is performed using various materials.

How to coat the oven to prevent it from cracking: preparatory work

First of all, you need to understand that furnace work, whether external or internal, must be carried out in the warm season, and long before the start of the heating season. If the brick oven was recently built, pay special attention drying - let it stand for several days for the masonry mortar to dry completely. At least a month must pass before plastering the stove begins. Only after this period will your new design no longer “sit down”.

Before you plaster or putty the slab correctly, so that it does not smoke in the future and flakes do not fall off and cracks do not stick out, it is necessary to carry out some preparatory measures.


  • Prepare your workspace;
  • Cover the floor and furniture with protective plastic film;
  • Carefully remove the old plaster (if the stove is not new), and thoroughly treat each wall with a construction wire brush;
  • Clean the surface from dust and debris using a vacuum cleaner or broom;
  • Treat the bricks with coarse sandpaper;
  • Remove any accumulated dust again.

To finish a new stove, it is necessary to grout the surface of the brickwork with clay, cement mortar, or a mixture of crushed asbestos, after which you need to leave it for several days until it dries completely.

How and with what to plaster a brick oven, firebox and furnace

Plastering today is the simplest, easiest, most affordable and environmentally friendly method of exterior design. Taking into account the high cost of good ceramic tiles, decorative stone, stove tiles and such means liquid glass for sealing joints, the low price of the plaster mortar competes well with more expensive materials.

In addition to this, there are several moreadvantages of this type of stove finishing:

  • Does not require special skills and knowledge to operate;
  • Applicable to any types of brick kilns;
  • Suitable for both finishing a new stove and restoring an old one;
  • There is no need to completely redesign the design;
  • Helps increase wall thickness and heat capacity;
  • There is an excellent opportunity decorative finishing using painting or painting.

Many home owners are interested in the question, why does the heat-resistant putty on their stove crack? The main reason that the plaster is cracked is non-compliance with the rules of work design and surface preparation technology, as well as the use of low-quality material during the work.

Advantages of plastering: how to cover up cracks in a stove

Autumn is coming, followed by cold winter. All residents of private houses who have neither gas nor electric heating begin to light the stoves, and, as often happens, they see that the smoke does not go quietly through the chimney, but enters the room. Usually in these cases, a stove repairman is invited, who explains that serious problems have occurred, the stove needs to be moved and re-plastered, and issues a hefty bill for repairs. But you can simply understand the situation and understand that the problem is not so insoluble on your own, and you wouldn’t have to pay a lot of money for repairs.

Common cracks that appear on red brick heating stoves, looking like a spider's web, are a network created by small, non-through cracks that spoil the appearance of the structure. When they first appear, they must be puttied, otherwise they will grow, and then serious problems you can't escape.

However, before you restore the stove in your house, country house or bathhouse and plaster it again, you need to thoroughly clean the entire damaged area.

Cracks should be sealed as follows:

  • Remove areas with formed cracks with a chisel;
  • Rub the cleaned surface with a metal brush;
  • Moisten these areas with primer;
  • Plaster the prepared areas with a mixture of clay and sand.

Often cracks appear in places where the doors or vents of the stove are secured. Before coating it so that it does not crack, you must first remove the door, thoroughly clean the damaged area, and only after that begin plastering work. To properly seal and smooth out cracks in a brick kiln, you first need to clean out the problematic seams, slightly deepen and widen them, and then thoroughly moisten the entire area with water. After this, you need to putty these places with a thick solution prepared from fireclay clay.

Fireproof putty for stoves: preparing the solution yourself

Reading reviews on Internet sites, you can often see the question: “How to plaster the stove so that it does not crack,” “Why does the putty fall off the walls of the stove.” In answer, we should recommend several types of finishing mixtures. Let's talk about them in more detail.

For plastering brick oven areas exposed to very high temperatures, you can purchase a ready-made, specially prepared dry building mixture, such as “Emelya”. That’s what it’s called: heat-resistant plaster or putty for fireplaces and stoves.

It is good because it can be prepared in the required quantities at the workplace immediately before starting work. To do this, pour one quarter of the water into a clean bowl and add required quantity dry powder, observing the proportions in accordance with the instructions. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps, and after 5-15 minutes your composition is ready for use.

However, you can prepare the composition for plastering the stove yourself. The cooking rules are:

  • Pour one part of clean building clay into a wide container, pour in a little water and knead everything to the consistency of liquid dough;
  • Add to the resulting base one part each of dry sifted sand, high-grade building cement and slaked lime;
  • Everything should be kneaded using a construction mixer or by hand until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

If necessary, if the mixture is very thick, you can add water. But the solution should not be too liquid, otherwise the coating will not work.

Is it possible to whiten a stove so it doesn’t get dirty: what to use

The Russian bleached or smeared stove is still used for heating rooms and cooking. Therefore, the issue of finishing these structures is still relevant now. This task becomes especially acute in the summer, when the time for repairs begins.

The most common materials that have always been used for whitewashing and are now used are lime and chalk. However, each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, and there is no escape from them. The main thing for the material with which you will whiten the stove is that it meets the main requirements inherent in the specifics of the device.

What requirements must whitewash for a stove meet:

  • The composition should not smear hands and clothes;
  • Whitewash must withstand temperatures of 50°C and above;
  • The appearance of the stove should not darken over time.

In view of the above requirements, ordinary slaked lime will not work here. She is very hands on. Instead, it is best to use mixed whitewash compositions from the following: milky-chalky, protein-milk, lime-salt composition, and modern putty.

How to make rude in the house (video)

The choice of material for finishing the stove depends mainly on the operational properties of the structure itself and the space surrounding it. To carry out all the necessary facing work, the help of specialists is not always required. You can repair the stove yourself, you just need to stock up on the necessary knowledge and materials.

How to plaster the stove? At dachas and in their homes, the owners of the stove have recently wanted to give it an old-fashioned look: plaster it with clay mortar and whitewash it with chalk and lime. Such natural compositions smell fresh and have an antibacterial effect after whitewashing. The article will tell you how to plaster a stove at the dacha and in your home.

A stove without cladding does not look aesthetically pleasing.

In this case:

  • Dust and debris can collect in the seams between bricks.
  • She doesn't wash well.
  • Unpleasant odors spread when the stove is lit.
  • If the masonry is of poor quality, some of the smoke and carbon dioxide, which is harmful to human health, escapes through microcracks in the seams.

Advice: To avoid such troubles, you should plaster the stoves, tile them, apply a thin layer of concrete, or perform other types of finishing of structures that require some expense. The price of kiln plaster is one of the lowest.

Before deciding what to plaster the stove with, you need to decide on its topcoat.

It could be:

  • Initially, beautifully and evenly laid brick.
  • Use of facing bricks when laying structures.

Both of these methods, if the work is done well with jointing between the bricks, make the stove look great without additional plastering, especially if the structure is then coated with a special water-based varnish that gives the effect of wet stone. In this case, you can avoid possible peeling of the plaster, which occurs over time due to mistakes when plastering the stove with your own hands.

Often the house already has a ready-made stove made of old, not very smooth brick. You need to decide how to plaster a brick stove with your own hands in order to do it efficiently. Before plastering the stove, it is necessary to find out the reasons why the coating may peel off.

They may be:

  • The thickness of the seams is incorrect.
  • Deviations in tying rows of bricks.
  • Frequent overheating of the oven.

To prevent these problems, before plastering the stove, a thin steel reinforcing mesh is laid (see Plastering steel mesh - types and applications), its cell dimensions are no more than one centimeter. The mesh is fixed to the brickwork of the device with wire with a diameter of three millimeters. The wire must be laid on each row of masonry when erecting the stove.

You can replace the reinforced mesh by covering the stove with burlap, previously soaked in clay diluted to a rare state, and applying a small layer of clay composition to the walls of the structure. The burlap is laid out and neatly straightened on the stove without the formation of air gaps. The oven should not subsequently overheat too much.

How to prepare the solution

How and with what to plaster the stove, everyone chooses for themselves.

These can be solutions such as:

  • Simple clay composition(see Clay mortar for plastering a stove: proportions).
  • Lime-gypsum.
  • A mixture of cement, clay and sand.
  • Lime-clay sand.

Such formulations are available in dry form, sold in bags, or prepared with your own hands. Often a clay solution is used to plaster the stove.

Advice: Before plastering the stove, it is necessary that the brickwork is completely hardened and shrinkage of the structure is excluded, after about 30 days. With a properly prepared solution and high-quality application of plaster to the stove, the coating will last a long time.

The solution for the stove should be applied to the surface easily, smoothing it well. The degree of fat content of the clay is affected by the amount of sand that is mixed into the solution.

With a high fat content of clay, the proportions of the mixtures used for plaster are 1/3 or 1/4. You can add strength to the solution by adding a little up to 0.2 shares of small fiberglass or asbestos fiber.

Features of plastering the stove

Before plastering the stove:

  • Its surface must be cleaned of dust, masonry mortar on the surface and other contaminants, which will improve the adhesion of the coating and the brickwork.
  • It is necessary to clear the seams between the bricks to a depth of approximately 5 millimeters.
  • Before applying the solution, the stove should be heated.
  • The solution must be applied only to warm walls.

To find out what is the best way to plaster a stove, it is suggested that you familiarize yourself with the table, which shows the proportions in parts of the most popular plaster compositions:

Material Proportions in compositions
Clay1 1 1
Sand2 1 2 2 1
Asbestos0,1 0,2 0,1 0,1
Gypsum 1 1
Lime 2 1 2
Cement 1
Fiberglass 0,2

Advice: It should be taken into account that the stove is a special structure, when plastering it everything must be done correctly so that you do not have to piece together the freshly laid plaster that has flown off.

  • Preference should be given to a solution using clay or lime, but in any case asbestos must be added.
  • Complex mortars made on a cement base, but also with the addition of asbestos, are suitable.

Tip: You can replace asbestos with straw or hemp.

  • You should not plaster only the constructed stove; the masonry must harden well.
  • The solution should be laid on a coarse mesh made of metal, which further strengthens the plaster layer from constant temperature fluctuations.
  • After applying the coating, a material is selected with which to paint the plastered stove. However, you should not use oil paints. The drying oil contained in them burns after heating and releases unpleasant odors.

What tools are needed to plaster a stove?

After choosing the appropriate plaster composition, all the necessary tools are prepared.

These include:

  • Container for preparing plaster.
  • Drill with attachment.
  • Trowel.
  • Sandpaper with varying degrees of grit.
  • Grater.
  • Brush.
  • Bucket for water.
  • Construction level.
  • Fine mesh made from fiberglass or burlap.
  • Nails.
  • Primer of the required composition.

How to apply plaster to a stove

Coating instructions:

  • Plastering the stove starts from the top of it, as shown in the photo.
  • The brickwork of the stove is wetted with water.
  • A liquid layer of solution is applied with a trowel or grater.
  • A thicker composition is laid.

Tip: Do not apply layers thicker than 5 millimeters. For the plaster to dry evenly, it must be applied in a fairly even layer.

  • After the plaster has set, but is still quite soft, it should be rubbed in a circular motion with a wooden trowel until a smooth and even plane is formed. If the plaster on the stove is poorly smoothed, this indicates that the material has had time to set. In this case, the surface must be sprayed with water and continued grouting with a wooden brush. The thickness of the coating layer should not be more than one centimeter.
  • The corners of the structure are plastered in the same way as door and window openings, which can be seen in the video in this article.
  • After the plaster composition has hardened, the stove should be covered with lime milk, with the addition of salt, about 100 grams per bucket. You can use lime paste, which is removed when grouting with milk.

After plastering the stove you should get the following result:

  • The deviation from the verticality of the furnace surface over the entire height should be no more than 10 millimeters.
  • From horizontal – up to two millimeters.
  • The deviation of the thrust from the vertical line should be no more than three millimeters.

How to plaster a chimney

Before plastering the chimney, you need to purchase special heat-resistant mixtures. They must be environmentally friendly to prevent release into the air harmful substances during heating and cooling.

When preparing dry plaster mixtures, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for their use, without violating the proportions, which can reduce the properties of the prepared solution and lead to the formation of cracks on the surface.

To finish rough plaster, you can prepare the mixture yourself.

To do this:

  • Take one part of clay.
  • Two parts of sand are added.
  • One cement.
  • 0.1 part asbestos.

The clay is soaked for several hours, the sand is sifted.

Before applying the coating, the surface is roughly reinforced with burlap, which fits as closely as possible to the wall or with a metal mesh. In this case, the mesh must be fixed with nails or self-tapping screws; plastic dowels must not be used.

After covering the stove with a layer of plaster, it is better to paint it. To do this, you can use chalk diluted in lime milk; to obtain the desired color, dyes used for water-based paints. There are heat-resistant enamels, paints and varnishes. Some of them have a specific odor when the stove heats up, but it disappears over time.

A beautiful and correct coating on the stove will create additional comfort in any home.

How to make a solution for plastering a stove? A stove is a fairly reliable source for heating a room, which is not affected by the gas supply, lack of electrical energy, diesel fuel. The article reveals the secrets of what kind of mortar to use for plastering stoves.

The purpose of any plaster is to fill in irregularities, remove roughness, and eliminate other surface defects.

However, for a fireplace and stove, the plaster must have such fundamental features as:

  • High temperature resistance.
  • Increased fire resistance.
  • High degree of plasticity.
  • Resistant to cracking.
  • Environmentally friendly, which requires the absence of toxic substances in the room when using the stove.

In addition, when finishing stoves it is necessary to take into account such factors as:

  • Heating its elements.
  • Extension.

Why do you need stove plaster?

Despite the fact that when making a stove, craftsmen try to make it as strong and as airtight as possible, it is almost impossible to find an unplastered structure.

There are several reasons for this:

  • Finishing material allows you to change the interior of the room.
  • Make noble external view structures.
  • The plaster composition for a clay stove is an additional safety layer that allows you to increase strength stove masonry and improve tightness. This is due to objective reasons: temperature changes contribute to the appearance of cracks in the masonry, this will be a source of smoke entering the room, which will have a bad effect on the interior and on people’s health.

To plaster the stove you can use:

  • Clay-sand mortar with cement or lime additives.
  • A mixture of gypsum and lime.
  • Compositions based on clay(see Clay plaster: composition and features of use). This is the most common option for applying a coating to a stove yourself.

Advice: Brickwork should be plastered only after it has completely hardened, usually 30 days. In this case, shrinkage will not affect the finishing result.

When preparing a composition for plastering a stove, it is necessary to observe certain proportions of the components used in the clay-sand mixture, which depend on the fat content of the clay itself - the main parameter of the composition. For example, if the fat content is high, the ratio is chosen: one part clay, to which 4 parts sand are added.

Tip: To increase the strength of the mixture, add fiberglass or asbestos to the prepared solution for plastering the stove.

To prepare a solution for plastering chimneys, slaked lime must be added to the composition. Otherwise, due to condensation, the coating will simply fall off the existing brickwork.

How to prepare a clay-based solution

Proper preparation of the solution and the period of its exposure are the key to reliable operation of the structure over a long period of time.

To prepare a high-quality solution, take:

  • One part plain clay.

Two parts of river sand. With increased fat content, the amount of sand increases: for one part of clay, take from three to four parts of sand.

  • Crushed asbestos or fiberglass - at least a tenth of the total amount of the composition. They serve to bind the solution and increase its strength. Sometimes such materials are replaced with straw or chopped hemp, which makes the solutions more environmentally friendly for human health.

What components are used in the preparation of complex mixtures for finishing the stove.

Mortars for plastering stoves can be made from:

  • Lime.
  • Cement.
  • Plaster.

For the lime-gypsum composition when plastering stoves, take:

  • Slaked lime – 2 parts solution.
  • Construction gypsum - one part in the mixture.
  • River sand - one part.
  • Fiberglass or asbestos - at least 0.2 parts by volume.

Advice: When preparing such a mixture and then plastering the stove, it is necessary to take into account that the gypsum hardens very quickly: after 5 minutes it will begin to set, and after 30 minutes it will almost completely harden.

This property of gypsum provides it with the ability to be an excellent additive for the manufacture of lime mortars to increase their strength.

To make a cement-clay-sand mortar you will need:

  • Portland cement composition - one part.
  • Plain clay - one part.
  • River sand - two parts.
  • Asbestos - 0.1 part of the total composition.

For a lime-clay-sand mixture you need:

  • Slaked lime - one part in the composition.
  • River sand - two parts of the total volume.
  • Asbestos - at least 0.1 part of solution.

How to prepare the mixture

When the composition of the mortar for plastering the stove is prepared, it should be:

  • Creamy.
  • Not too thick, like in the photo.

To mix the plaster, it is better to use a drill with an attachment that will work as a mixer.

  • Prepare the components.
  • Soak the clay in a large container for about a day so that it can be well saturated with liquid and swell.
  • Sift sand, preferably river sand, to remove shells and other unnecessary inclusions. In this case, it is advisable to use dry material so that you can accurately maintain the proportions of the plaster mortar for finishing the stove.
  • It is better to use grade M400 cement. Hardening of this material begins after 15 minutes, and after 12 hours its setting is completed.
  • The final strength of the cement layer applied to the surface of the furnaces will be achieved in 30 days.

Tip: Lime is an excellent plasticizer for the mixture. Its price is low, and its astringent properties help ensure good adhesion on brick surfaces. But the lime-based composition hardens very slowly, which should be taken into account if it is necessary to plaster the stove.

  • To ensure high-quality application of the solution, professional tools are purchased:

To better mix the composition, it is necessary to use a drill with a mixing attachment, which will prevent the formation of lumps in the solution, give it uniformity, improve the appearance of the surface after plastering, and save the work of the master.

  • In preparation brickwork: cleaned from the remnants of the previous solution using a spatula or a metal brush, dust using a soft brush.

Tip: Between the bricks, the seams should be cleared to a depth of 10 millimeters to ensure better adhesion of the mortar to the base.

  • Nails 45 millimeters long are driven into the joints, in increments of no more than 150 millimeters, and protruding outward by 10 millimeters.
  • The surface is treated with a primer (see Why a primer is needed: technological nuances of finishing work).
  • Before applying any solution, special bases for plaster are used - coarse-mesh metal mesh, which is pre-installed on the stove. This technique will strengthen the plaster layer and give it good strength under constant exposure to extreme temperature changes. Sometimes master stove makers use special burlap for stoves as a reinforcing layer. To do this, the material is glued to the solution so that no air gaps arise. This method quite effectively improves the performance properties of the outer layer of the furnace.

Advice: Plastering should only be carried out on hot walls.

  • Brickwork is well wetted with water.
  • The first layer of solution is applied, the consistency of liquid sour cream.
  • After hardening, a second layer is applied, up to 10 millimeters thick.
  • After drying, the surface is pre-moistened with water and leveled.

Advice: If cracks appear, after the last layer of plaster has dried, the defects should be filled out, carefully moistened with water, thoroughly filled with mortar, and after drying, rubbed.

How to make a mortar for plastering a stove, the composition of the components, and the technology for coating the material can be seen in the video in this article.