Lesson notes -"Буква Ю". Конспект открытого занятия для детей подготовительной к школе группы «Буква Ю, звук!}

Goal: creating conditions for familiarization with the letter and sound Y.




Municipal budget preschool educational institution « Kindergarten general developmental type No. 105" municipality city ​​of Bratsk


activities with older children

preschool age

on topic

"The letter and sound U"

Compiled by:

Molchanova I.L.



Target: creating conditions for familiarization with the letter and sound Y.


Introduce the letter and sound Y;

Continue learning how to parse words using sounds; name sounds, give them characteristics;

Strengthen the ability to select words for a given sound

Material: presentation, pictures, chips, letters.

Progress of the lesson

1. Motivation.

My bell is ringing and ringing.

All the guys gather around.

The bell sings ding, ding, ding.

He calls your guest: “Ding-ding-ding.”

And who came to us? Figure it out for yourself.

Song from the movie "The Adventures of Pinocchio"

2. Surprise moment.

Toy – Pinocchio.

Pinocchio decided to go to school after all, but it was very difficult for him. He doesn't know a lot, and he decided to turn to you guys. Will you help him? There are several tasks to complete. Pinocchio is a joker, and he hid them in the group and left you a map.


The children look at her.

What number is the first task?

3. Game task“Name the sounds.”

Children find an envelope with the number 1. It contains blue and green chips.

What do you think it is? What does the chip mean? blue? What vowels can come after a consonant? solid sound? (a, y, s, oh, uh)

What vowel letters can come after a soft consonant? (i, e, e, i)

Game “What has changed?”

The teacher swaps the letters, and the children must find the mistakes.

Children look for all the following tasks in envelopes themselves.

4. Introducing the letter Y (slide 2).

The riddle about the spinning top.

I'm spinning, I'm spinning,

And I'm not lazy

Spin around even all day long. (spinster)

The teacher invites the children to listen and say what the 1st sound in the word is - yula (th). Reminds that the sound (th) is always a soft consonant. How will we designate it? Next, the sound (u) is highlighted intonationally, the children name the sound and, together with the teacher, designate it with a red chip. Then the teacher pronounces the sounds (yu) several times, explains that if these sounds come one after another, they are designated by the letter yu and replaces the sound chips (yu) with the letter yu.

The analysis of the word is continued by a child called to the board. Questions: How many sounds are in the word yula? What vowel sounds are in the word? What is the soft consonant sound? What is a hard consonant?

So that O doesn't roll away,

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened:

It turned out...the letter Y.

5. Game “Name the name that begins with the sound Y” (slide 3, 4).

Good day, my dear readers!

I continue the column, learning letters and today is a vowel letter "U". Practical material the one I selected will help your child remember the letter “U” faster, your child will not only remember the letter, but will also learn to distinguish the sound [yu] in words.

Invite your child to listen to G. Yudin’s fairy tale “The Little Camel Bul-Bul” and remember words with the sound [yu]


The camel Bulbul really wanted to have everything like people do.

- Mother! I also want to sleep in a cradle.

– Is the warm sand on which you sleep worse? – asked the camel.

“No, he’s so soft...” Bulbul was happy.

“Mom, I also want to play with the top,” he said the next time.

- Is the bell on your neck worse? – asked the camel.

- No, he's so funny! – Bulbul was happy.

“Mom, I also want to eat apricots,” he said the next time.

– Are the thorns we eat worse? – asked the camel.

- No, they are so sweet! – Bulbul laughed.

“Mom, I also want to live in a yurt,” he said the next time.

– But do as many tulips grow in a yurt as in our steppe? – asked the camel.

- Of course not! – Bulbul laughed. - And it will never grow up.

Letter "U"

Funny poems

Young sailed on the ship, Young led the ship to the ground.

Young man steered the ship skillfully,

And he looked forward boldly.

Yurka rolls a snowball.

A blizzard swirls outside the window.

I don’t recognize Yura...

With a lump he is like a letter Yu.

V. Stepanov

Yura is carrying a tasty cargo -

Wonderful watermelon.

In the arena the tamer -

Lord of the formidable tigers.

He's like a letter Yu, with ring

He boldly faced the tigers.

V. Stepnov

Yura just sat down on the chair,

He dangled his legs and fell asleep.

Yura is very tired -

I was spinning like a top all day long.

F. Bobylev

* * *To ABOUT didn't roll away

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened:

The result is... a letter Yu.

A. Shibaev

I sewed a skirt for a doll,

I'll cut a new jacket.

The doll tells me: “Mom!”

So, I sew for my daughter.

Piggies love the letter Yu:

Without it you can’t say: “Oink!”

On the way, in an unknown land

The compass is our best friend.

One capital letter Yu

South is marked on it.

We're flying above the clouds

South by compass.

To the seashore, to southern Crimea,

Where there are no blizzards in winter.

I recognize my spinning top,

When I look at the letter Yu.

Proverbs and sayings

1. Young men think about the future, and old men think about the past.

2. If you like to ride, you also like to carry sleds.

Tongue twisters


Game "Who is attentive?"

1. Name the same sounds in words: cabin boy, south, skirt, yunnat, nimble, yurt.

2. Clap your hands when you hear the sound [ yu] in the words: apple, Christmas tree, Edik, Elena, Julia, humor, street, pit.

Game "Who is bigger?"

Come up with as many words as possible that start with the letter "u".
(Yula, skirt, youth etc.)

Game “Say the Word.”

Game "Find the word".

1. Lesenka. 2. T h o w n a b u c k a.

yu – – yu – –

yu – – – yu – – –

yu – – – – yu – – – –

yu – – – – – yu – – – – –

Possible option answer: Possible answer:

south, yula, cabin boy, yunnat. people, Duchess, budget,


Game "Transforming words - magic chain."

1. Replace one letter in the words: bite, cap, hole, onion, lettuce, scream.

Answer: beak, boat, Nyura, hatch, salute, hook.

2. Make a chain of words containing the letter “u”, in which each subsequent word begins with the last letter of the previous one.

Answer: yunnat – tulip – still life – tube – cuvette – tulle etc.

Game "Add Sound".

– ny, – burden, – g, – beat, – rist.


1. Baby cot.

2. Lighting device.

3. A wine vessel with a thin stem.

4. A stick with a curved upper end for support when walking.

Answer: cradle, chandelier, glass, stick


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1st grade

Lesson topic: Letters Yu Yu .

Letter designation yu sounds [ y ] and [th’ y ]

at the beginning of a word and syllable.

Compilation of the story “Daily Routine”.

Goals: - develop students’ ability to read words and sentences with lettersyu

Enrich vocabulary

Develop phonemic hearing, speech, memory, attention

Develop the ability to formulate your own point of view

Cultivate an interest in reading

Develop the ability to properly distribute your working hours

Planned results:

Subject: know and explain the function of the letter “yu” to denote two sounds at the beginning of a word and after vowels; perform syllabic and orthoepic reading of the sound and letter patterns of a word.

Personal UUD: development of cognitive interest, formation of certain cognitive needs and educational motives.

Regulatory UUD: distinguish between the method and the result of an action; acceptance of a practical task.

Cognitive UUD: use simple tables and diagrams to solve specific language problems; extract essential information from small readable texts.

Communication UUD: be able to exchange opinions, listen to a communication partner and teacher.

Equipment: - presentation


Cards with letters

Individual cards

Conductor picture


I. Greeting guests

Invented by someone
Simple and wise
When meeting, say hello:
-Good morning (to children)
Good morning to the sun and birds
Good morning to smiling faces (to guests)
And everyone becomes

Kind, trusting...
Good morning lasts until evening.

II. Lesson topic message. Slide

Children! Today we are going to trip around the world on a fun train through the country of sounds and letters, during which we will continue working with lettersYu , we will learn to read and perform interesting tasks.

III. Consolidation and generalization of knowledge. Slide

    Here we are at the station.

What do we need to get on the train?

But the conductor( drawing on the board ) says that only those who answer the questions correctly will receive tickets.

Let's answer the questions and hit the road.


    What does our speech consist of?

    What do the proposals consist of?

    What are words made of?

    What are syllables made of?

    What sounds are there?

    What are the vowel sounds?

    What are the different consonant sounds?

    How do sounds differ from letters?

    Name words in which all consonants are soft.

    What sounds indicate soft consonants?

Well done! You all completed the task, which means everyone gets tickets. Save these tickets until the end of the trip, we will need them later.

And now on the way toPotovyalkino station .

    Potovyalkino station. Slide

What letter did you learn about in the last lesson?

    Game "Find out the letter"

If you see a letteryu , clap your hands.

( Letters fly out: S, N, Yu, M, Yu, V, K, Yu, Yu, O, Ya, Yu )

Slides (letters fly out)

Passengers traveling in the compartment:

Luda, Juno, Ksyusha and Yulia ( cards)

What do they have in common?

What two groups can names be divided into?

children? On what basis?

What work can a letter do?yu ?


- Do a sound-letter analysis of words

Julia Luda

Are there the same number of sounds and letters? Why?

    Zaryadkino station.


We saw through the window

And the river and flowers. (Turn your head right, left )

Learned a lot of new things

And me, and we and you. (Movements with hands)

Zaryadkino! Zaryadkino! (Jumping with clapping overhead )

The kids are happy, (Hands to the sides )

Most likely everyone is in the carriages (Running )

Everything is in carriages. Next stationSmekalkino.


    Station Smekalkino .

Work in pairs

Row 1 – “Make a word” Cards

and fierce

sa zum

yub xo

Brew Duke


Row 2 – Anagrams

TGYuU – iron

SPYUL – plus

PIRTS – trousers

STULAR – chandelier

Row 3 – Decipher the sentence

reyu me tel.

Rype paradise to the student.

but it went into vyrep sklas.

Well done!(check the slides)


    Zakreplyalkino station.


Game "Live Letters"

Guess the riddle.

Students receive letter cards and write out the word.



I'm spinning, spinning, and I'm not lazy

Spin around even all day long.Yula

Thunder struck

Merry thunder,

Everything around was sparkling!

Splashes of light are pouring everywhere.

It's festive...firework

Strike more boldly with this stick,

So that the blow would be like from a cannon,

This stick is for hockey

And she's called...stick

    Station Zaryadkino 2. Slide

I will name the words. If a word contains a letteryu - the boys curtsy. If not, the girls do squats.

Skirt, jacket, north, south, young, old, girl, boy, January, June, house, yurt.

What word did you not understand?(yurt)


    Chitaikino station. Slide

Working with the Primer

    Reading words in a chain. What do the words in each column have in common?

    Student speech development

Read the words written around the letterI.

- What are we going to talk about?

- Tell us about your daily routine.

- Why does a person need a daily routine?

3) Reading the “Wake-up Song”

What mood should you wake up in?

Every day, as soon as you wake up, think - I have a priceless human life, and I won't waste it. I'll spend mine

energy to develop yourself to be useful people, I will think only good things about others.

    Summing up. Reflection.

- Our journey has come to an end. Let's summarize.

Continue the sentences:

-I found out that...
- It was difficult for me...
-I wanted...
-I did it...

I want to thank you for your work, for your diligence, for your desire for knowledge.

There are tickets on your desks. If you enjoyed today's journey, please return them so that you can travel on them again.

Thanks for the lesson!

Organization: MADOU No. 94

Locality: Tomsk region, Tomsk

Target: introduce children to the vowel sound [yu], the letter “Yu”.


  1. develop phonemic awareness, find sounds in words, in three positions;
  2. continue to teach children to read;
  3. develop the ability to interact with each other

Equipment: letter, split alphabet, sticks, pictures of iron products, ball, word cards, “learning the letter U” cards, emotion cards, bell.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. Moment:

1.1. The bell is ringing. Children enter the group and stand near the tables.

Good morning guys!

Come kids to the group

The bell has rung now

Everyone stood up quietly and quickly,

We caught up and got ready.

The one whose name begins with a vowel will sit first, and then those whose names begin with a consonant. Well done!

1.2. Educator:Guys, our group received a letter (showing it). I can't figure out who it's from. The letters on the envelope were all falling apart. Help me collect them. What is written on the envelope? We are discussing options. (Yura). Let's open the envelope and find out what Yura is writing to us.

“Yura is a first grade student. He studies at the school where you will soon go. Yura found out that you will also go to school in the fall, and he decided to check you to see if you are ready for school. Yura sent you tasks that you must complete and thereby prove that you are ready for school.”

- Are you ready to prove to Yura that you can cope with his tasks?

- In order for us to complete all the tasks correctly, let’s do gymnastics for the tongue.

The Tale of the Merry Tongue

Once upon a time there lived a Merry Tongue. He woke up early in the morning. Opened the window (open your mouth wide so that your teeth are visible). Looked left, looked right (turn the tip of your tongue left and right). Looked at the sky (touch your upper lip with the tip of your tongue). He looked at the ground (touch his lower lip with the tip of his tongue). I saw the sun in the sky and smiled broadly (smile). He closed the window (close his lips tightly). Tongue ran to the bathroom to wash. I started brushing my teeth (ex. Brushing my teeth). And then rinse your mouth (puff out your cheeks, as if you were rinsing your mouth). And he ran to the kitchen for breakfast. I saw pies with jam on the table and licked (lick upper lip right, then left). I ate three pies and ran outside. Tongue sat down on a horse and galloped up the hill (imitating the clatter of hooves slowly). And then he started singing his favorite song Aaaaaaaa, Ooooooooo, Uuuuuu, Iiiiiii, Eeeeeee, Yyyyy (listing of vowel sounds). Tongue got to the mountain and decided to swing on a swing (exercise: Swing. Mouth wide open, lips in a smile. Rhythmically change the position of the tongue: 1) the tip of the tongue behind the upper incisors; 2) the tip of the tongue behind the lower incisors. Only the tongue moves, not the chin!). I looked at my watch (exercise: Watch. Open your mouth, stick out your tongue. Alternately move your tongue to the right corner of your mouth, then to the left.). It's time to go home.

2. Progress of the lesson:

And so, the first task.

– Guess Yura’s favorite letter.

- This is the letter “U”.

– Why do you think so?

Guys, today I want to introduce you to the new sound “U”. To pronounce this sound correctly, you need to slightly round your lips and slightly stretch them forward (shows). Let's make this sound together. What sound is this, a vowel or a consonant?

Children: - Vowel

Educator: - Let's remember, what vowel sounds do we already know?

Children:- A, O, U, E, Z

Educator:- Well done. Tell me, please, how do we recognize vowel sounds?

Children:- Vowel sounds are easily sung, and air comes out of the mouth freely.

Educator:- Guys, how many sounds do you hear when you pronounce the letter Y?

Children:- Two.

Educator:- What sounds are these?

Children:- [th] and [y]

-It contains two sounds “Y”, “U”

Think of words starting with the sound Y

Educator:- Fine. Now look, the sound Yu is indicated by the vowel letter Yu. (showing the letter) Task 2. Let's draw the letter Y in the air. Write Y on a card, come up with magic shading.

Finger gymnastics:

I'll go to school in the fall Fingers “walk” on the table.

I'll find friends there.

I will be such a scientist! They spread their arms to the sides.

But I won’t forget my kindergarten. They shake their fingers.

Look what letter is hidden in the letter Y.

Children:- ABOUT

Educator:- To ABOUT didn't roll away

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened:

The result is a letter... Yu.

There are parts of our letter in front of you, let's make the whole letter Y (from parts in pairs)

Task 3: Children in pairs make the letter U from sticks.

Task 4: Collective composing of answers to a riddle

Night, but if I want,

I'll click once -

And I’ll turn it on for the day. (Switch).

Let's count how many syllables are in the word "Switch". (clap)

What's the first sound?

What's the last sound?

Name the vowel sounds.

Where is the letter "U"?

Task 5: Guys, Yura writes about what he and his friends do in their free time. I suggest playing with a ball Game "You-I".Stand in the circle, I throw the ball and ask You do it, and you catch the ball and answer I do it. For example:

You Read - I Read

Where is the letter "U"?

Task 6: “Where is the sound of Yu hidden?”(the teacher hands out word cards, asks to read, asks verbally where the sound is)

- Guys, where can the sound be located in a word?

At the beginning: top, Jupiter, cabin boy

In the middle: key, tulle, beak,

At the end: I dig, I blow, I chew, I warm

Fixing the material:

Color the corresponding square on the card

Salute is the last cube, the key is in the middle, the spinning top is the first cube)

3. Physical education minute.

A yurt is a house in the tundra (imitation of a house)

Young man floats on a boat (imitation of a wave)

Katya has a fluffy skirt (we show a fluffy skirt)

Yura - jumps on the bed (jump once)

I’ll become a top now (hands to the side)

I'll spin on one leg,

Now I'll change the leg.

And I’ll spin on it a little,

Spin around, and now

I ask you to sit down.

Task 7.

Guys, look at the words on the carpet, I suggest you read them by adding the letter u one by one, in a chain:


Task 8: Read Yura's story “How I'm getting ready for school.

In the morning I get up, do exercises, wash, eat and pack my school bag.

I will put……………………….. (name one by one)

These are school supplies.

4. Summary of the lesson


Guys, you have completed all the tasks that Yura sent you .

Well done. So, what was difficult and what did you really like? What vowel letter did we meet today? How many sounds do we hear in the letter Y?

5. Reflection

"Sun and Cloud"

Now I’ll ask you to evaluate your work, choose a card

If everything worked out for you - “sunshine”

If some tasks caused difficulties - “sun and cloud”

If I made a lot of mistakes - “a cloud with rain”.

And pin it on the board.


  1. Interactive demonstration tables "Teaching literacy." UMK V.G. Goretsky "Russian ABC" (series "School of Russia");
  2. ABC from A to Z. Teaching. - methodological manual / Comp. I.A. Gimpel. - Minsk: Asar, 2007.
  3. O.E. Zhirenko, L.A. Obukhova. Lesson developments for teaching literacy: reading and writing - M.: VAKO, 2009.
  4. Games for teaching literacy and reading. Uch. - methodological manual / Comp. N.N. Maksimuk-M.: VAKO, 2006.
  5. Goretsky V.G., Kiryushkin V.A. Russian alphabet: textbook. - M.: Education, 2011.

AbstractclassesForchildrenWithFFN. Vowels of the second row.

Letter Y.

Teacher - speech therapist Sukhorukova N.L.

Subject: Vowel sounds.

Target.Introduce students to the formation of the vowel of the second row - the letter Y. Indicate the softness of consonants using vowels of the second row; develop reading technique.

Tasks: clarify and consolidate the articulation of vowels, develop phonemic awareness, develop fine motor skills.

Equipment: table of syllables, counting sticks, cords, split alphabet, puzzles.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Org. Moment

Introducing the letter Y

Listen to a funny poem.

Pigs love the letter Y!

Without it they won’t say: oink!


Look at the board. The word (oink) is written here. Find the letter Yuyu among the letters of the split alphabet.

What elements does it consist of? Construct a large Yu and a small Yu from sticks and cord.

Now let's pronounce this sound (pay attention to the articulatory pattern)

2. Indicating the softness of consonants using vowels

A) Let's remember our fairy tale about the letters IiY. These sister letters were very similar, only I sounded drawn-out and could sing beautifully, but Y couldn’t, it sounded short and abrupt. Then the letter Y came to visit the vowels of the first row and offered to sing together. First they sang with the letter A, when their sounds merged, what letter did they get? - I, then they sang with the letter E?-E, then with the letter O?-E, and today we will listen to a wonderful song with the letter U, let's all together-Y...

B) Game (with a ball) “On the contrary”:

La-la-la la-la-la

So-so-so so-so-so

Lu-lu-lu lu-lu-lu

Tu-tu-tu tu-tu-tu

Physical exercise.

Speech with movements.

Matrona was walking from the garden

I found a hoopoe under a bush.

And the hoopoe said to her: “Doo-doo-doo!”

I won't go with you!

I’ll run to Baba Dunya,

She’ll give me cottage cheese!”

Let's continue our game with words and write in our notebooks:

Whining thread



3. Acquaintance with the letter Yu - serves to indicate the softness of the consonants in front. Reading from syllabic tables with comments.

4. Physical exercise.

5. Development of fine motor skills: complete the "Y" puzzle

6. Oculomotor gymnastics.

Bottom line: What letter did we meet in class today? How is it different from the letter U? Which exercise did you like?