Kutab afar flatbread with herbs. Oriental flatbread The process of preparing dough and forming products

Real Uzbek flatbreads turn out very soft, tender and rosy. Such products, prepared at home, cannot be compared with the bread sold in stores. That is why we decided to devote this article to the simple culinary question of how to prepare Uzbek flatbreads yourself.

General Product Information

Uzbek flatbreads can be made using different bases. Today we will present several of the most popular recipes with which you can make delicious and tender bread yourself.

It should be especially noted that in the original, Uzbek flatbreads are baked in a tandoor. This is a stove made of baked clay. Of course, no one will build it specifically for preparing flour dishes. In this regard, we decided to present to your attention a detailed recipe for Uzbek flatbreads in the oven and on the stove.

Cooking Uzbek bread with dry yeast

As mentioned above, Uzbek flatbreads can be baked in the oven from different doughs. But the most popular in our country are products made with yeast.

It should be noted that the recipe for creating Uzbek bread is so simple that even the most inexperienced cook can use it correctly. By strictly following the requirements of this method, you will definitely get very soft and tender cakes with a delicious taste.

So, how is homemade Uzbek flatbread prepared? The recipe for creating such flour products requires the use of the following components:

Kneading yeast dough

The Uzbek flatbread, the recipe for which we are considering, turns out to be very rosy, fluffy and tasty. Before placing it in the oven, you should knead the yeast dough well. To do this, you need to slightly warm up fresh milk with maximum fat content, and then pour sugar and dry yeast into it. After the last component has completely dissolved, you need to add egg yolk, table salt and melted salted margarine to the bowl. Moreover, cooking fat should not be hot. Finally, add high-grade light flour to all ingredients. It is recommended to knead the dough for about ¼ hour. At the same time, it should move away from the palms quite well. If this does not happen, then a small amount of wheat flour must be added to the base.

In order for Uzbek flatbreads to rise well in the oven, become soft and fluffy, it is advisable to cover the kneaded dough well with a dry cloth and a lid, and then place it in any warm place. It is recommended to keep the base in such conditions for approximately 1.2-1.6 hours. During this time, it should be “beaten” by hand about 3-4 times.

Formation process

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about kneading yeast dough for Uzbek flatbreads. Once the base is suitable, you can safely begin to form the products. To do this, it must be sprinkled with wheat flour and divided into 10-11 parts. Next, each piece needs to be converted into an even ball and rolled into a flat cake 1 centimeter thick.

Heat treatment

Uzbek flatbreads take a relatively short time to bake in the oven. And before placing them there, the products should be placed correctly on a baking sheet. To do this, a large sheet needs to be generously greased with butter or other cooking fat. Next, you need to place some of the cakes on it so that the distance between them is about 3-4 centimeters. Finally, each product should be pierced in the middle with a fork and then brushed with heavily beaten egg white. In this form, it is recommended to keep the semi-finished products warm for about 15-26 minutes. During this time, the products should rise slightly. Next, the filled baking sheet should be placed in the oven, where it is advisable to keep it for 30-45 minutes. In this case, the temperature must be maintained at about 200-220 degrees.

How should Uzbek bread be served?

After the Uzbek flatbread is baked properly at home, the baking sheet with the products should be removed from the oven and immediately greased with fresh butter or salted margarine. Next, the product must be removed from the sheet using a spatula and served along with any first or second hot lunch. By the way, such flatbreads can be consumed with sweet and fatty kefir. Bon appetit!

Let's prepare Uzbek puff pastry together

Uzbek flatbread at home turns out delicious not only from yeast dough, but also from a puff base. To prepare this bread we will need:

  • salted butter - approximately 100 g;

Preparing the base

Undoubtedly, Uzbek flatbreads in a tandoor turn out much tastier than in a conventional oven. But if you don’t have such an oven, then you can bake flour products using the mentioned kitchen device. And before placing it there, you should knead the puff pastry well. To do this, you need to slightly warm up the drinking water, add a medium pinch of salt and sugar to it and, stirring regularly, gradually add the sifted flour. As a result of such actions you should get a fairly cool base. To make it fit, it should be wrapped in cling film and left warm for ¼ hour.

After the specified time has passed, the hard dough must be rolled out into a very thin layer using a rolling pin. Next, the resulting sheet must be greased with softened butter. After this, the dough needs to be folded in half, rolled out and seasoned again with cooking oil. Similar actions should be performed about 12-16 times. Finally, the dense square of many layers must be placed back into the bag and left aside for half an hour.

How to shape and bake correctly?

After the specified time has elapsed, the puff pastry must be removed from the bag and immediately rolled into a thin flat cake. Next, you should make holes on its surface using a fork. After this, the semi-finished product must be placed on a greased baking sheet and sent to the oven. It is advisable to bake Uzbek flatbread from puff pastry at a temperature of about 195 degrees for 15-25 minutes. At the same time, the product needs to be monitored regularly. After all, if you miss the moment, then you will not end up with a tasty and tender flatbread, but an ordinary cracker.

Uzbek onion cakes: recipe with photos of products

Uzbek bread with onions turns out to be very aromatic and tasty. It should also be noted that the calorie content of these products is much higher than those presented above. After all, such flatbreads need to be thermally processed not in the oven, but in a frying pan with oil.

So, to make onion bread we need:

  • high-grade light flour - about 500 g;
  • filtered water - 400 ml;
  • granulated sugar - a full small spoon;
  • salted butter - 2 large spoons;
  • large sweet onions - 2 pcs.;
  • table salt - a medium pinch.

The process of preparing dough and forming products

To make onion cakes, you should warm up drinking water a little, and then add sugar, salt and light flour to it. It is advisable to knead the dough until you have formed a fairly dense and homogeneous base. To make it fit, it should be placed in a bag and left aside for 16-22 minutes. After this, the dough needs to be rolled out very thinly and greased with a large spoon of vegetable oil. After wrapping the base into a roll, this rolling procedure must be repeated. At the end, the dough should be wrapped again in film and left warm for ¼ hour.

While the base arrives, you can start preparing the filling. To do this, you need to peel large onions and then finely chop them. Next, you should roll out the dough again into a large and thin layer. Place chopped onion on it and then roll it tightly into a roll. To get flat cakes, you need to cut it into pieces 3-4 centimeters thick and press it with your hands so that you get a small and round sheet. For beauty, it is recommended to pierce it several times with a fork in the middle.

Roasting on the stove

After preparing the semi-finished products, you need to put the frying pan on medium heat and pour sunflower oil into it so that it covers the bottom of the dish by 1 centimeter. Next, place the prepared onion cake in the hot fat. Fry it on each side for about 3-5 minutes. After the product has browned, place it on a plate, pour a little more oil into the frying pan and place the next semi-finished product.

Serving Uzbek bread to the table

After frying the onion cakes in a frying pan, place them in a stack on a plate and serve immediately. You can eat such products not only with hot first and second courses, but also just like that, along with sweet, freshly brewed tea. Bon appetit!

Let's sum it up

Now you know how you can make delicious Uzbek flatbreads at home using yeast and puff pastry, as well as adding sweet onions. It should be noted that these are far from the only ways you can make flour products yourself. After all, some housewives cook them not only with water or milk, but also with kefir. As practice shows, such cakes turn out to be very fluffy, soft and tasty.

Lahmajun (Armenian: Լահմաջո lahmajo, Turkish: Lahmacun lahmajun, from Arabic: لحم بعجين‎ lahm bi-adzhin - “meat with dough”) is a popular oriental dish. In accordance with national preferences, it is called Armenian, Turkish or Arabic pizza. The basis of the dish is a thin crispy bread flatbread, on which minced meat (lamb, less often beef), tomatoes and/or tomato sauce, bell pepper, onion, garlic, herbs, black pepper, and oregano are placed. Properly cooked lahmacun weighs approximately 150-170 grams.

In Soviet Armenia, lahmacun gained popularity in the 1960s thanks to repatriates from the Syrian city of Aleppo.

Dissolve yeast in warm water, add sugar, leave for 10-15 minutes.
Sift flour and salt in a heap, make a hole in the middle, pour in milk, diluted yeast, knead the dough. Form small balls, cover with cling film. Leave for 30-40 minutes.

Cut the onion into small cubes, chop the tomatoes and bell peppers, finely chop the garlic
Finely chop the greens and add them to the minced meat along with the chopped vegetables.

Add oregano, melted butter to the minced meat (melt butter or homemade butter and let it harden), salt everything and season with spices to taste, mix thoroughly

Roll out the dough into round cakes 2-3 mm thick, place the cakes on a greased baking sheet, brush with milk. Place the filling on each cake, leaving a little space around the edges.

Bake at 250 degrees for 4-5 minutes.
When serving, stack the flatbreads on top of each other or roll them into tubes. Can be served with ayran



Pide (Turkish Pide) is a Turkish dish. It consists of a boat-shaped bread flatbread on which are placed: minced meat - usually lamb, tomato and/or tomato sauce, bell pepper, onion, garlic, herbs, black pepper. Sometimes cheese is added.

Good afternoon, my dear subscribers and readers!

I am sure that many of you have already prepared such delicious oriental flatbreads with filling , To which are called, as well as prepared, differently.

You will find similar recipes for dishes with oriental notes in many of my other recipes.

I cook oriental dishes, which I absolutely adore, using my own special recipes. I love everything related to the East, including food, so I cook with love in my heart. Join us!

So today I am sharing my recipe for a delicious low-calorie dough dish with you, friends. Try them, these flatbreads are simply delicious!

I know that you will like the result, but still, I would like to know your opinion about the recipe and your taste sensations after preparing the flatbreads and taking a sample.

Cooking oriental flatbreads with filling


  • 1st grade flour – 3 cups (+- ½ cup)
  • Bran with milk thistle – 2 tbsp.
  • Kefir 1% fat. – 0.4 l.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • Baking soda – ½ tsp.
  • Butter or – for greasing finished flatbreads

Any filling. I have:

  • Potatoes, boiled in their jackets, peeled and grated on a coarse grater with chopped green onions and herbs
  • And cottage cheese mixed with sea salt and herbs

Yield from this amount of dough: 10 servings of 2 pieces.

My cooking method:

1. Stir kefir with salt, baking powder and soda until bubbles form.

2. Add sifted flour and bran, knead into a smooth, soft dough, put in a bag and leave for 40 minutes. or one hour at room temperature

3. At this time, prepare any (or several different) fillings that you have chosen for yourself

4. Form balls from the finished dough

5. Roll the balls into flat cakes

6. Place the filling on each flatbread, like this (curd):

Or this one (potato):

7. Or any other and carefully pinch the edges

8. Turn the resulting ball over with the smooth side up and again, without pressing hard, very smoothly, gently and femininely, as if in a dance, roll out the flatbread with filling.

9. Bake in a dry, heated frying pan (ideally in cast iron, as in the photo) on both sides

10. Place the flat cakes on a flat dish and grease each with butter

The taste and aroma of freshly baked flatbread was always with me throughout my childhood. Not far from the house there was a flatbread shop, where a stern Tajik man in a white robe and chef’s hat kneaded the dough with strong hands, cut it, and rolled it out. He sent the flatbreads to a huge tandoor, which was heated with charcoal. It was incredibly hot in the tortilla shop, but the tortilla maker didn’t seem to feel the heat at all - he climbed into the tandoor headlong, bravely throwing tortilla after tortilla into it. The flatbreads stuck to the hot walls of the tandoor and literally rose before our eyes, becoming covered with an appetizing blush.

From time to time, the flatbread maker looked into the tandoor and doused the baking flatbreads with splashes of water from a huge spray bottle. In response to this ritual, the flatbreads blushed bashfully, becoming covered with a beautiful crust. Finally, the cook had a homemade device in his hands, with which he removed the cakes from the walls one by one and laid them out in a row in front of the customers.

I always took a huge tablecloth with me and wrapped the purchased flatbreads in it. As a rule, one or two flatbreads did not survive until I came home; my hand itself tore off piece by piece and put them in my mouth - and how could I resist! No one could resist this smell and taste!

I spent a lot of time watching the flatbreads being baked. I know many different recipes, from the most complex to the simplest (by the way, I would caution strict vegetarians from buying flatbreads at eastern markets; many recipes not only include dairy products or eggs, but the starter can also be made with meat broth). Unfortunately, not all flatbreads can be prepared at home in the oven. The temperature in a tandoor can reach 350-400 degrees, plus the very shape of this oven is such that the heat goes to the front side of the baked flatbread. This largely gives the taste and texture to real oriental flatbreads - Tajik, Uzbek, etc. But we can prepare the simplest flatbread in the oven and with a minimum of ingredients available to everyone.

So, a video recipe for making flatbreads:

Recipe:: Oriental flatbreads


  • 8 cups flour
  • 2 tablespoons sugar
  • 3 tsp salt
  • 3 tsp yeast
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 600-700 ml. water
  • Kalonji seeds (nigella)
  • sesame seeds


  1. Knead the dough from flour, sugar, salt, yeast, vegetable oil and water.
  2. Let it rise for one and a half to two hours.
  3. Divide into 6 equal parts from which we roll out flat cakes.
  4. Flatten the cakes in the center and place them on a baking sheet, cover with a towel and leave to rise for 15-20 minutes.
  5. Flatten the cakes in the center, sprinkle with water and decorate with kalonji seeds in the center and sesame seeds around the circumference.
  6. Bake at 300 degrees for 10 minutes. At 7-8 minutes, open the oven and again spray the cakes with water.
  7. After removing from the oven, spray with water again.