Are lovage and celery the same thing? Is celery an annual or perennial vegetable? A plant similar to celery

Miloduh. Love-grass.Lovage.

Lovage (Levisticum officinale) is a spicy medicinal plant from the Apiaceae family. Perennial. Russian names: zorya, lovage, lyubchik, milodukh, love-grass.

In Rus', lovage has been known since time immemorial. But it was especially popular in Ukraine and southern Russia. In Ukraine, poems and songs were written about lovage.

One of the most famous is the song "Lovage".
"I was looking for Edelweiss in the mountains,
And you know the lovage in the meadow.
The girl hooked up with me
And I tenderly asked for lovage."

Lovage is also mentioned in A.S. Pushkin:
"Touchingly on a beam of dawn
They shed three tears."

It was believed that with the help of lovage one could bewitch a loved one, hence its name... In the old days, when getting married, many fancy girls sewed lovage into the hems of their wedding dresses. This method promised the love of her husband for life.
In Bohemia and Moravia, lovage is added to the bathing water of little girls, so that in the future they will have there was no end to suitors. And unmarried Tula guys tied lovage in a handkerchief knot so that the girls would love.

An old belief says: To ensure there is always happiness in the house, lovage must grow in the garden.

Asia is considered the homeland of lovage. However, it has long grown wild in the mountainous areas of Southern Europe, preferring low, moist places.

Initially, as a cultivated plant, it was grown in monasteries. It has been cultivated in Central Europe since the 9th century.

To taste and appearance Lovage resembles celery and is sometimes called mountain celery. But lovage leaves have a darker color, they are tougher, and the taste of lovage is more spicy, pungent, even bitter.

The lovage root is massive, spindle-shaped. The stem is round with large wedge-shaped petiolate leaves that have a beautiful shine. Some leaves can grow up to 50 cm. And the plant itself sometimes reaches two or more meters. The flowers are light yellow, collected in fluffy umbrellas. The fruit is two-seeded.
In ancient times, when there were no chemical medicines, people looked closely at plants. And they noticed that lovage has many healing properties. For example, it stimulates digestion, helps with cardiovascular diseases, reduces shortness of breath, soothes, anesthetizes, has an expectorant, anticonvulsant, diuretic and choleretic effect.

A decoction of the roots is used for diseases of the kidneys, heart, and nerves. It is also recommended for menopause.

Pour 15 g of dried lovage roots into 3 glasses of water, bring to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes. Leave for 3-4 hours. Strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

Lovage contains essential oil, ascorbic acid, starch, sugar, gum, carotene, mineral salts, rutin and organic acids - malic and folic.

Lovage is very convenient for growing in our climate. This is a cold-resistant and frost-resistant plant. Shoots appear at soil temperatures of +5 - +7C, although the best temperature for seed germination is considered to be +18 - +20 °C. Lovage grows on any soil, although it will be happy with fertile soil. Grows quickly in spring. One or two bushes are enough for the whole family.

Lovage can be widely used in cooking. And not only. For example, in Rus' there was sobering medicine from lovage- the middle root of the plant and 2-3 bay leaves were poured with a liter of vodka and kept in a dark place for 2 weeks. It’s not too late to stock up on this medicine for the new year...

You can prepare many different dishes from lovage. Its root is edible both fresh and boiled, stewed, baked and fried. It adds a piquant taste to soups, cutlets, stews, vegetables, purees, and casseroles. The same can be said about lovage leaves. Dried herbs and finely chopped dry roots are prepared for the winter as seasonings. For 1 kg of greens 200 g of salt. I myself freeze lovage leaves for the winter and take them out of the refrigerator as needed.

Can be prepared for breakfast lovage oil "Vivority".

Remove the butter from the refrigerator and let it soften a little. Finely chop the lovage leaves or grind them through a meat grinder, mix with butter, pepper and salt. And you can make sandwiches.

Lovage salad

1 medium lovage root;
2 carrots;
2 apples;
sour cream for dressing;
salt to taste.

Grate everything on a coarse grater, add salt and season with sour cream.

Beef stew with lovage

500 g boneless meat;
600 g lovage roots:
2 carrots;
2 onions:
50 g dill;
salt, pepper to taste.

Cut the beef into portions, place in a roasting pan and simmer in the oven until half cooked. Chop the lovage root, grate the carrots, and cut the onion into half rings. Place the vegetables on top of the meat, add salt and pepper and simmer until done.

Candied lovage

400 g lovage roots;
2 cups sugar;
2 glasses of water.

Wash the roots, scrape off the skin, cut into pieces and crosswise. Boil in a small amount of water, changing the water 3-4 times. Make a syrup from sugar and water, add boiled roots and cook until transparent. Remove, place on greased paper, sprinkle with powdered sugar and leave to dry in a cool place. It makes a wonderful treat for tea.

Are lovage and celery the same thing?

Lovage is a crop from the Umbelliferae family. These plants are similar to each other not only in appearance. Taste qualities and the beneficial properties of herbs are similar; they are used in cooking and medicine. The differences in the photo are visible only in the size of the stems and the shade of leafy greenery.

Lovage officinalis: description and care

People have given it many names: lyubets, mountain celery, love-herb, and even love potion. Lovage (Levisticum officinale) is the only representative of its species. This plant reaches a height of more than 2 m. Its powerful stem is hollow inside (piper), the leaves are pinnate, dark green, with a strong spicy aroma. All parts of the plant have a scent, including the root. Lovage blooms in “umbrellas” with small yellow flowers.

Lovage is a cold-tolerant perennial. Flowering and seed ripening occur in the second year of life. It is very easy to propagate and care for it. Sow the crop in ridges, thinning the plantings to 60 cm between plants.

Lovage is planted in moderately moist, nutritious, not heavy soils. For full growth and development, apply fertilizers:

  • mineral complexes with potassium;
  • humus or compost.


The composition of the mixture for feeding can be taken as follows:

  • compost 4-5 kg;
  • urea 20 g;
  • superphosphate 30 g;
  • ash 1 cup.

In order for the plant to grow tubers, the flower stalks should be removed. The roots are removed in the second year and used for their intended purpose.

Spicy celery in the garden

Celery has three types:

  1. Root.
  2. Sheet.
  3. Chereshkovy.

Unlike lovage, its taste and aroma are less tart. The culture is inferior in size to lovage (height up to 1 m). In agricultural technology, plants have a lot in common. Celery is a biennial. Grows well in moist soils. Resistant to cold and light frosts.


Celery is grown using the seedling method. Seeds are ready for planting by February. A month after emergence, the seedlings are planted in separate containers. Fertilizing is done with a Nitrophoska solution (1 tsp per bucket of water). Before planting in the ground, seedlings are hardened off by taking them outside for several hours.

Attention! Do not overcook celery root seedlings, this will slow down the development of tubers.

The distance in the beds for stem and leaf celery is 15-20 cm, for root celery is at least 25 cm.

Celery does not tolerate dry soil. On dry days, the garden bed is watered every day. Young plantings are supported with herbal infusion. A couple of weeks after planting in the ground - a solution of bird droppings or mullein. In the middle of the season - superphosphate (30 g per 1 m²). Beds with spicy vegetables need weeding, mulching and loosening.

Advice! In order for root celery to grow nutritious tubers, its top and side roots are broken off at the end of summer.

Leaf celery is dug up with the first cold weather and transplanted into pots at home. Good way have fresh herbs for the table.

Lovage and celery are equally rich in vitamins and nutrients. Some differences in growing and caring for plants are due to the crops belonging to different types one family.

Lovage officinalis: video

Lovage is herbaceous plant, which reaches a height of up to 200 cm. Its stem is bare and branched. Every year the bush grows, becomes strong and powerful. It begins to bloom in spring and ends in August. Umbrella inflorescences are located at the tops of the stems.

About a month after the start of flowering, the seeds ripen. They retain their germination capacity for three to four years. Cultivated everywhere.

Its roots and leaves have a salty-bitter taste and a specific aroma.

Many people wonder, are lovage and celery the same thing? No, but it tastes like celery, so it is used in food as a seasoning for meat, fish, and vegetables. Spices are also made from the seeds. Essential oils, trace elements and minerals included in the composition stimulate appetite, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and accelerate metabolism.

Lovage is recommended for use in cases of gout, anemia, heart disease, and helminthiasis, as it has a diuretic, antispasmodic and tonic effect. It is effective when increased excitability nervous system, poor circulation. It can be used as an antidote for itching from mosquito bites and skin diseases.

The roots are rich in essential oils, tannins and minerals, resins, and organic acids. Tinctures and decoctions are made from it.

There is an opinion that the root is poisonous before flowering, so it should not be touched with hands. Stands out in hot weather large number essential oils which can cause skin burns.

Cannot be used when peptic ulcer, pregnancy, glomerulonephritis.

If you have chronic or acute diseases, be sure to consult a doctor before using the plant.


This is a simple matter. He doesn't require special attention: tolerates frost and wind well. It can be grown from lovage seeds. But it is necessary to absorb fertile soils, since lovage grows for a long time without replanting and gains a large vegetative mass.

The soil should be light and moist, but without stagnant water. If they are located nearby groundwater, the roots may rot. In dense soil, the root system is clumsy and curved. It is good if the landing site is in partial shade.

Planting is carried out in rows: row spacing - 70 cm, interval between plants - 60 cm. Lovage is a fairly powerful plant, so it is better to plant it along the fence, along the edges of the site. It is important to ensure that it does not block the light of other crops.

The soil must be prepared especially carefully. For each square meter it is necessary to add a bucket of peat and the same amount of humus, a glass wood ash and 10-15 grams of nitrophoska.

The plant needs to be watered generously periodically. One bush requires approximately 15 liters of water. If there is insufficient moisture, the lovage will acquire a bitter taste, and the leaves will also become bitter and rough.

After watering, you need to loosen the soil so that the roots grow better.

Lovage is widely used in cosmetology and medicine.

Medicinal properties

  • heals wounds;
  • calms down nervous system;
  • fights migraines and anemia;
  • removes swelling, relieves inflammation;
  • normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • strengthens hair and returns shine to it;
  • restores potency;
  • reduces cravings for alcohol.

The benefits of lovage infusions are undeniable. They are used for washing, compresses, baths, and are effective for skin diseases, ulcers, and wounds.

The preparation process is simple: pour 1 teaspoon of pre-chopped roots into an enamel container and keep in a water bath for half an hour.

When the infusion has cooled, strain it through cheesecloth and bring it to its original volume with boiled water.

You need to take 1.5 tablespoons several times a day, half an hour before meals. Regular use will calm the nervous system and relieve emotional excitement.

The beneficial properties of lovage will also help with rheumatism, gout, and heart disease: boil 5 grams of roots for 10 minutes, leave for several hours, after wrapping the container. After this, you need to strain and take 3-4 tablespoons half an hour before meals.

To prevent and treat skin rashes and irritations, you can wipe your face with this infusion several times a day and make lotions.

Traditional medicine recipes will make your hair strong and healthy. 50 grams of roots need to be poured with a liter of boiling water and left for several hours. This infusion should be used to rinse your hair after washing.

Lovage tea will help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: a pinch of raw material should be brewed in a glass of water. Regular consumption of this drink will relieve you of flatulence.

To remove headache, you can apply the leaves to your temples. Fresh stems are an excellent anthelmintic.

A decoction of fresh root can be added to alcohol.

It has no odor, so the patient does not recognize it. The decoction causes strong vomiting, and over time the craving for alcoholic beverages disappears. But it is better not to start treatment without consulting a specialist.

Vanga successfully used lovage to relieve cravings for alcohol. In 300 ml of vodka you need to infuse 150 grams of root for two weeks. But this is not the only plant used. Need to add 2 bay leaf. Let the alcoholic drink the remedy in small doses, 20-50 ml.

The root of the medicinal plant lovage is beneficial for many ailments, but it must be consumed in courses. It is not advisable to self-medicate, so you should first visit a specialist.


Mountain analogue of celery

This plant from the celery family is cultivated as a perennial. The root is massive, spindle-shaped, yellow-brown on the outside, white on the inside. The leaves are shiny, with wedge-shaped toothed lobes. Blooms from June to August.

They are bred in gardens, but are also found wild in southern Russia. Propagated by sowing seeds or dividing old bushes in spring or autumn. The roots, seeds and aerial parts are used for food.

The smell is reminiscent of celery, the taste of lovage is pungent, salty-bitter.

People call lovage mountain celery. Indeed, they are close botanical relatives. In the wild, lovage grew on the slopes and foothills of mountains, hence another name - mountain celery. It also grew in lower, moist places, where it developed even more magnificently.

The cultivated plant is a perennial, very winter-hardy, unpretentious, less demanding of care, sunlight, warmth and soil. Mountain celery can grow in shade. It even does better when the lower part of the plant is in the shade. In the second year of life, the lovage blooms, and then it bursts upward, towards the sun, trying to create conditions for the ripening of seeds.

The plant has a large fleshy root suitable for food. Greens are used as a spicy seasoning in cooking, as well as for pickling vegetables. At the same time, lovage also has medicinal properties.

In the second year of growth, mountain celery will surprise you with its height (up to two meters!) and yellow flowers, collected in a dense umbrella. And the older the lovage is, the more beautiful it grows and bushes in width. Everyone who comes to visit you will certainly notice it in the garden and wonder what kind of curiosity it is?

Lovage has long been known in Rus'. There are legends about him; miraculous properties were attributed to him. He was especially loved and revered in the south of the country, where he was called by affectionate names: lyubchik, lovage, lyubitsik, love-me. Girls “bewitched” guys with lovage.

When getting married, they sewed lovage into the hems of their wedding dresses so that their husband would love them all his life. It was believed that for good luck, lovage should grow in every household.

Why and where does such a respectful attitude towards this plant come from? Maybe because eating lovage gives a person strength and vigor.

Even in ancient times, people knew about the nutritional, medicinal, stimulating and aromatic properties of lovage. This vegetable is rich in potassium salts, vitamins, minerals, and essential oil. The roots contain starch, sugar, tannins, coumarin, malic acid, resins, and gum.

IN folk medicine its juice, infusion or decoction of roots and leaves was used as an expectorant, diuretic and tonic. They also gave lovage to enhance intestinal motility (for constipation). All parts of the plant were used: roots, leaves, seeds.

Lovage infusion was used to enhance hair growth and strengthening.

How to grow

It is propagated by seeds sown before winter or early spring. It sprouts in the spring even from self-sowing. Lovage also works well when dividing perennial roots.

If you decide to propagate this plant with seeds, then sow not scatteredly, but in rows, first sprouting green shoots 10–15 cm deep and using them as young greens. Then you can thin out the plants by 30–40 cm, gradually increasing the distance between plants and row spacing to 60–70 cm.

This area is enough for long-term cultivation this large and powerful plant. In the fall, it would be good to sprinkle the plant with peat or humus.

Lovage grows on different soils: clayey, sandy, peat, but it develops more luxuriantly in breathable, moderately moist and nutritious soils. If nitrogen is applied too much, the plant becomes too strong and the roots reach large sizes, but its pulp loses density and juiciness, becomes loose, and darkens when cooked.

That's why nitrogen fertilizers You shouldn’t get carried away, but be sure to add potassium and trace elements. Before sowing seeds, fill the soil with humus or compost at the rate of 4–5 kg of compost per 1 m2, 15–20 g of urea, 20 g of superphosphate (ordinary) and 30 g of potassium sulfate, a glass of ash.

To grow good lovage roots, you need to remove the flower stalks in time, preventing them from rising. Do not cut too much greenery, this will affect the growth of the roots. Greenery for the table will provide thinning of thickened plants. It is enough to leave one copy of lovage for seeds.

In the spring, the seeds that have fallen to the ground produce good shoots (seedlings), which are transplanted to the ridges to grow new plants. This same plant - tall, densely leafy, with large dark green leaves, as if polished to a shine, and tall yellowish umbrella peduncles - can also be decorative at the same time.

The roots, dug up in the fall, are stored in the basement, cutting off the greens and small roots. Laying them tightly next to each other, sprinkling them with sand. Those left in the ground are dug up in early spring immediately after the snow melts. In the spring, such a gift from the garden is very necessary, because it remains nutritious and vitamin-rich. The root is insignificant in the year of sowing and grows only after the second year.


The root is consumed both fresh and boiled, stewed, baked and fried. It is also added to soups, cutlets, stews, vegetables, purees, and casseroles.

Young greens are used as a spicy seasoning in soups, salads and other culinary products. Dried herbs and finely chopped dry roots, as well as seeds, are good for seasoning in winter. Salted greens also play the same role (200 g of salt per 1 kg of greens).

To prevent cut raw rhizomes from turning black, they should be sprinkled with lemon juice or citric acid, or even vinegar.

Boiled lovage roots are used in salads mixed with other vegetables: beets, carrots, cucumbers (fresh or pickled).

In early spring, it is good to prepare salads from raw, freshly dug roots, peeling them and chopping them on a coarse grater. Add carrots, apples to the salad, season it all with mayonnaise.


Lovage cutlets. Peel the boiled roots, pass through a meat grinder, add raw egg, a little flour, then fry in oil. At dietary nutrition You can steam the cutlets. For 0.5 kg of roots: 1–2 eggs, 3 tablespoons of flour, salt, sugar to taste.

Stew with lovage. Simmer the meat until partially cooked. Place peeled and chopped pieces of lovage root, previously sprinkled with lemon juice or citric acid, on top, add a little onion and simmer until tender. For 0.5 kg of meat: 1 kg of lovage, 1 onion, salt to taste.

Stuffed lovage. Cool the cooked roots, peel and cut into large pieces. Using a teaspoon, scoop out the pulp from the middle, chop it and mix with the raw minced meat. Stuff pieces of lovage with this mixture, fry them in oil or bake them in the oven with sour cream.



This plant, probably, from the day it appeared, does not leave anyone indifferent. Oh him healing properties make up legends and myths. Which of this is true and which is a myth? Does this herb have any contraindications (benefits and harms of the dosage form)? Let's understand these issues, and also look at the secrets of growing and care.

Medicinal properties and contraindications

In fact, almost everything that people say about this amazing plant- Truth. Even our contemporaries noted the benefits of its use. Thanks to its unique medicinal composition, it is used in many fields: perfumery, cooking, medicine, etc.

Absolutely everything in it is valuable: leaves, seeds and roots. The highest concentration of essential oils is contained in the seeds (more than 2%). The leaves are rich in vitamin content, so they are widely used in cooking. The root is the most useful medicinal remedy for treating many problems.

How is it used? Read below.

What is it

How is lovage beneficial for humans? This - perennial umbellaceae family. It can be found in vegetable gardens and orchards throughout the European part. A tall bush with flowers in the form of yellowish umbrellas.

The leaves and root have a specific smell (in folk medicine it is believed that it increases male potential (love)). In fact, its action is not limited to such a narrow spectrum. In it great content carotene, vitamin C, rutin, essential oils, etc.

Benefit: has a wound-healing effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents fragility of blood vessels and other therapeutic effects on the body as a whole. Contraindications: kidney and genitourinary system diseases and pregnancy (use not recommended).

This medicinal plant not capricious during the process of growing and subsequent care.

Are celery and lovage the same thing?

Celery is its close relative, but these two plants, in addition to the name, have other differences:

Celery is a vegetable, and its relative is a spice; celery has a softer, pleasant taste, while its bright relative is slightly bitter;

Celery is more difficult to care for.

They also differ in their medicinal properties, for example, celery is famous for its ability to normalize metabolic processes, while its brother has a wider range of uses (about its beneficial properties I can talk for a long time).

Photos of grass can be found on the Internet and you can see their obvious similarity. Celery has practically no contraindications, but a relative has contraindications.

They are united by their external similarity and ease of cultivation and care, as well as their use in medicine.

For women and men: harm and benefit

The herb has pronounced beneficial medicinal properties, and therefore can cause harm if the rules of consumption/dosage are not followed.

Another contraindication is allergies. This is a rare case of a reaction to this plant, but it is still worth paying attention to.

Useful properties

We invite you to delve into the magical world of this herb and figure out what lovage treats (medicinal and beneficial properties), to whom and how this herb can benefit, and to whom it can be harmful (contraindications). Check out some useful recipes traditional medicine based on this herb and learn the secrets of cultivation and care.

Lovage is widely used in folk medicine. This herb is used to treat various diseases using its beneficial qualities:

To improve vision;
improving blood flow and restoring the blood formula itself;
as a wound-healing and antiseptic agent;
for gout, rheumatism, arthritis;
as a mild laxative and for weight loss;
alcoholism treatment, etc.

Each specific case has its own unique recipe for use. Contraindications are the same for any form, therefore preliminary consultation with a specialist is recommended in order to receive benefits from use rather than harm.

In cooking

Lovage seasoning (fresh and dried herb) is used in cooking. It is added to meat, fish, salads and first courses. When using the herb, be aware that it has a slightly bitter taste.

It is usually used as part of a spicy mixture in combination with other seasonings; in this version it brings more benefits.

Any recipe can be used, but the presence of this herb will significantly improve the beneficial properties of the dishes.

From alcoholism

For these purposes, the herb is used in combination with bay leaf (one-time recipe):

Plant root; 2-3 laurels;

200 ml of alcohol-containing composition (you can use vodka).

Leave for 2 weeks. To reveal the beneficial medicinal properties, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of tincture per week (there will be benefits if there are no contraindications, otherwise there will only be harm).

Reviews say that this composition (or the potion, as it is also called) causes an aversion to alcohol and has a beneficial effect on the body.

In cosmetology and hair

In this option, in order to use the beneficial properties of the herb, you need to prepare a hair mask (there are no contraindications for this option, other than allergies). Recipe:

Chopped root – 1 pc.; onion juice – 2 tbsp; honey – 1 tbsp;

Yolk – 1 pc.

In order for the beneficial components to have time to act and bring maximum benefits, it is recommended to combine the components and apply to the hair roots for 10-15 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with water and wash your hair. If you grow and care for it yourself, the remedy will always be at hand and its beneficial qualities can be used at any time.

For weight loss

The main benefits of use: improves the digestion process, enhances metabolic processes and reduces appetite. Therefore, it has every chance of having the properties necessary for weight loss. To do this, it is enough to add it to various dishes (it is acceptable to use vinegar and oil).

To enhance the effect, you can prepare a decoction (for one dose): pour the root (1 tsp) with a glass of boiling water, leave for 20-30 minutes. Take half an hour before meals. Consider contraindications for use and achievements of traditional medicine to get medicinal benefits, not harm.

Growing and caring for your own grass will provide year-round access to the necessary components.


The plant is unpretentious in care and cultivation, but requires some knowledge. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with them and acquire a medicinal pantry in your garden, the beneficial properties of which will help you get rid of a lot of problems. We remind you of the need to take into account contraindications to the use of the dosage form so as not to harm the body.


The seeds are collected after flowering, when the inflorescences have already lost their petals and the seed pods have acquired a pronounced brownish tint. The seeds are dried and left until early spring in a dry, dark place.

Before planting, the seeds need to be prepared: pour running water for several hours, and only after that they begin to land. In the spring, prepare the soil, plant it in grooves 5-7 cm deep and water it abundantly. For better germination, the bed should be covered with non-woven material.

Future owners will not have any problems choosing a site; the plant is completely unpretentious and grows on sandstones, loams, and black soil. It also does not make any special complaints about the sun; it grows quite normally both in the shade and in open areas.

Possible cultivation and care in room conditions(in flowerpots or flower pots), this option also preserves the medicinal effect. When using lovage, follow the rules of use and recommendations for contraindications.

Preparation for the winter

To reveal the medicinal and beneficial properties, roots and leaves are prepared for the winter. The leaves are stored dried in tightly closed jars. The root is dug up, the top layer is cleaned, cut into several pieces lengthwise and dried. The root is used in the recipe for medicinal purposes.

How to use the root

The root of the plant is used as a seasoning or medicinal agent. In the second option, alcohol and water infusions are made. Recipes:

Alcohol infusion – 2 tbsp. Infuse for a liter of vodka for a month;
decoction – 2 tbsp. per liter of water, boil for 10-20 minutes.

To prepare medicinal raw materials, the root is crushed. They take medications depending on the problem. But before taking and starting a course of treatment, a mandatory consultation with a doctor is recommended.

Lovage officinalis Photo: Rita Brilliantova

General information:

Lovage comes from Southern Europe and Western Asia. It has been cultivated in Central Europe since the 9th century. Now cultivated in most countries Western Europe And North America, in many regions of the European part of the CIS, especially in Transcaucasia. IN Russian Federation lovage is poorly distributed;
. Its specific taste and smell is given by essential oil, the content of which in leaves reaches 1.27%, in young shoots - 1, in fruits - 2.47, in roots - 0.52%. All parts contain ascorbic acid, carotene, mineral salts and organic acids - malic and folic; rutin was found in the leaves;
. Only young shoots and leaves, fresh and dried, are used in cooking. Lovage has a sharp, spicy smell, the taste is sweetish at first, then pungent, spicy, moderately bitter. Lovage is good for making marinades, soups, vegetable salads, meat dishes, poultry and fish, cereal and vegetable dishes. Adding lovage to a strong meat broth highlights and enhances the flavor of the meat. As an additive for pickling and pickling cucumbers and tomatoes, lovage is used in small quantities, as it has a strong aroma


mechanical composition of the soil: light soils


fallow plot, green manure, potatoes, cabbages, legumes or outside crop rotation. Lovage can grow in one place for 10-15 years

specific cultural requirements:

Prefers sandy loam or light loamy, loose, fertile soils or cultivated peatlands;
. fresh manure and lime materials are applied only for the previous crop;
. the soil is prepared in the fall: they dig to a depth of 20-30 cm, 3-4 kg of humus or compost and 20-30 g of double superphosphate are added per 1 m2, and in the spring 30-40 g of complex mineral fertilizer such as nitrophoska


planting method: seedling

seedling age:

seed sowing time open ground:

mid-April or late September

time for sowing seeds for seedlings:

in the first ten days of March

sowing depth:

sowing/planting scheme:

lovage is placed with row spacing of 70 cm at a consumption of 0.3 g of seeds per 1 m2. In the first year of cultivation, the plants are thinned out twice: first by 10, then by 20 cm in the row. On next year 50 cm are left between plants. This area is enough for long-term cultivation of this crop

Care and problems with growing:


With excessive doses of manure or nitrogen mineral fertilizers, it grows large green mass and large roots, but accumulates a lot of nitrates;
. per season, 2-3 fertilizing is carried out with complex mineral fertilizer such as nitrophoska at the rate of 15-20 g/m2


during drought it loses its above-ground part, but with the onset of rains it produces new shoots. Excess moisture leads to complete death of the root system and death of the plant.


frost-resistant plant, can winter in open ground. Seeds germinate at a temperature of +3-4°C, but this period lasts up to 20 days. At a temperature of +18-20°C, the germination period lasts 10-12 days. The seedlings tolerate short-term frosts down to -3-8°C. Optimal temperature for the growth and development of lovage + 15-20 ° C, its increase has a depressing effect on the plant

Hybrids and varieties:

hybrids are not zoned

Purpose of the variety:


Cupid, Hercules, Don Juan, Leader, Preobrazhensky Semko, Daredevil

Medicinal properties:

Medicinal raw materials:

  • roots of plants up to 5 years of age;
  • green

Chemical composition:

  • in the roots - furocoumarins (psoralen, bergapten), lecithin (0.9%), falcarindiol (0.06%), resins, gum, starch, organic acids, 0.6-2% essential oil (up to 98 components, including including butylphthalide, ligustilide, terpenes - α-terpineol, carvacrol, sesquiterpenes, isovaleric acid);
  • in greens - up to 119 mg of ascorbic acid and 5 mg% carotene, bitterness, rutin, many trace elements, up to 1.3% essential oil

Action: calming, tonic, diuretic, stimulating digestion, expectorant, wound healing, analgesic, antispasmodic, aphrodisiac


inflammation of the kidneys and urinary tract, sexual weakness in men, damage to the testicles from infectious diseases (mumps, taxoplasmosis, brucellosis, tularemia), alcoholism, pustular skin lesions, freckles


for acute glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and pregnancy

Even in ancient times, people paid attention to the medicinal properties of lovage. In Russia, lovage preparations have long been used for tumors of the oral cavity and larynx. A decoction of the roots has a diuretic, sedative, analgesic and expectorant effect, increases appetite, stomach and intestinal activity, regulates heart function and reduces shortness of breath. Shredded fresh leaves applied to wounds, and dry, crushed into powder, taken against nervous disorders.

Lovage(dawn officinalis, lovage, love-grass, love-root, love-me, milodukh, piper, perennial celery - these are other names of this wonderful plant) unfortunately, now it is not found on everyone personal plot, although our ancestors knew him well. They called lovage “the herb we love” for its ability to give people strength and vigor.

For all Slavs, lovage is a plant that can charm young people. Girls used to bewitch guys with lovage. When they got married, they sewed lovage into the hem of their wedding dress so that their husband would love them all his life. It was believed that lovage should grow in every yard for good luck.

(Levisticum officinale)- a perennial herbaceous plant from the celery family with a branched erect stem up to 200 cm high. Root system lovage in the first year of life is of the rod type, and in the second year a massive rhizome begins to form, yellow-brown on the outside and white on the inside.

The leaves of lovage are similar to celery leaves, only larger and with longer petioles. Due to the high content of essential oils, they are always cool to the touch.

Lovage is very frost-resistant; when the soil freezes to 100 cm and frost to 30 degrees, its rhizomes remain viable. Its above-ground part tolerates short-term frosts up to 8 degrees.

Lovage is undemanding to growing conditions, but prefers humus-rich soils. It grows best after crops where manure has been applied. In one place, lovage grows well for up to 10 years.

Lovage is relatively drought-resistant, but with a lack of moisture it grows worse and its greenery becomes coarser. At a young age, the plant requires sunlight, and as an adult it grows well in slightly shaded areas.

Due to the long period of growing lovage in one place, the soil must be carefully prepared before planting. For deep autumn digging of soil, it is necessary to add 1 sq. meter for 1 bucket organic fertilizers and 2-3 tablespoons of nitrophoska.


Lovage is propagated by sowing seeds in the ground (in early spring or late autumn), by seedlings or vegetatively - by dividing bushes and root cuttings. The easiest and fastest ways to propagate it are by dividing bushes and root cuttings, which, together with the bud, are planted in the ground in early May. Young plants quickly develop from such cuttings.

When propagating lovage from seeds, its seeds are pre-soaked for two days in warm water, then they are kept in a damp cloth until biting. In open ground, seeds are sown in early spring to a depth of 2-2.5 cm with a row spacing of 10-15 cm.

Seeds begin to germinate at 3-4 degrees Celsius. Shoots appear in 15-25 days. They should be thinned out first to 12-15 cm, then to 30-35 cm, gradually increasing the distance between plants and rows to 60-70 cm. The older the bush, the wider it grows.

When propagating lovage by seedlings in open ground, it is planted at the age of 40-50 days from the beginning of May for 5-6 weeks. At the same time, the bushes are divided or root cuttings taken from plants no younger than three years old are planted. In this case, the roots are cut into several parts with a sharp shovel, and the cut areas must be sprinkled with crushed coal. After planting young plants, all leaves are cut off, leaving only young leaves.


Caring for lovage consists of weeding, loosening the soil, watering, and fertilizing. In the first year of life, the plant forms a rosette of leaves, and starting from the second year, it blooms and bears fruit. Therefore, in the second year plot, flowering shoots are systematically removed.

The plant must be watered regularly, at least 4-5 times per season; in dry weather, watering must be plentiful, otherwise the greens become rough and bitter. After watering, the soil is loosened to a depth of 3-5 cm.

For adult plants, it is necessary to apply annually in the spring, under each bush, 1 teaspoon of ammonium nitrate and half a bucket of rotted compost with the addition of 0.5 cups of wood ash.

Greens are cut from annual plants at the end of August. From the second year of life, greens can be cut from June to August. Young leaves along with petioles are cut at a height of 6-8 cm. It is cut at least 3-4 times during the season.

After each cutting of the plant, it is advisable to apply liquid fertilizing with nitrophoska (1 tablespoon per bucket of water) or any other complete mineral fertilizer. With an annual crop, the plants are harvested entirely at the end of September.

The roots of lovage are removed in the third year of the plant’s life. They are cleared of soil, washed, cut and dried until brittle in the shade, in a well-ventilated area or near a not hot stove. Dried leaves and roots are stored in tightly closed jars.

Forcing greenery

Lovage does not have a dormant period, so it is often used for winter forcing of greenery in an apartment. To do this, the roots are dug up and stored in the basement before frost, sprinkled with sand. In this case, the leaves must be trimmed carefully so as not to damage the apical buds.

As necessary, the roots are taken out of the basement and planted tightly together in boxes with a moist soil mixture. In this case, you cannot cover the tops of the roots with soil. Greens are cut as needed, leaving petioles 2-3 cm long.

Unfortunately, the varietal composition of lovage is still poor. But for recent years Several new varieties have been included in the State Register.

V.G. Saffron

"Ural Gardener", No. 46, 2015

Greetings to curious readers! Probably every gardener has heard about lovage. And not only a gardener... But probably not everyone knows about the many beneficial properties of the plant and, accordingly, its use. Do you know what lovage looks like and how to grow it? What is its benefit for the garden?

So that you have no doubt about the need to grow this beautiful plant, today I decided to talk about it. Lovage herb is used for both culinary and medicinal purposes, but it also has some contraindications. More on all this later in the article.

What does lovage grass look like and where does it grow?

Lovage is a plant that is classified as a perennial. This herb is similar to celery, which is not surprising, because they are representatives of the same family - celeryaceae. Lovage also has a specific aroma and taste, like celery, only it is much more bitter. Some people think the smell is too specific, but, as they say, the taste and color...

And here is the description of the plant:

  • The stem is tubular and round. Branching begins only at the top. It can reach approximately two meters in height.
  • Root system very powerful. The root of lovage is massive and spindle-shaped. They have a specific smell.
  • Leaves shiny plants. They have a serrated wedge-shaped shape.
  • The flowers are small and bloom in all shades of yellow from early June to late August.

The plant propagates by seeds or by dividing the bush. If you want to propagate the plant using the second method, it is best to do this in spring or autumn. Lovage does better at this time of year.

Interesting facts about the growth of lovage grass
The exact homeland of this plant is not known, as it can be found everywhere. But it is generally accepted that lovage originated from Iran and Afghanistan. There are mountain and cultivated species of the plant. Mountain prefers moist soils located in lowlands and tolerates shade well. The cultivated species can grow on any soil, the main thing is that the chosen place is sunny.

Lovage preparation

The entire plant can be used for food.
If you want to harvest roots, it is best to do this in the fall. They should be dug up, washed, crushed, then dried and stored in tightly packed containers.

To harvest leaves and stems, cut off the leaves and stems, wash and lightly dry them from moisture. The leaves can then be frozen or dried completely. Dried lovage is stored in glass containers.

Medical and culinary significance

The beneficial properties of lovage have been known for a long time. Even in the old days, it was believed that lovage juice or decoction restored lost strength to men, and to women the attractiveness lost over the years.

What are the benefits of lovage from a medical point of view?

In medicine, lovage is an excellent anti-inflammatory and preventive remedy. The juice contained in the plant can not only heal minor cuts, but also cure deep purulent wounds. Lovage is used for the manufacture of various pharmacological and cosmetic products.

A decoction of the roots is a good preventative against infectious diseases. It is used for constipation and urinary problems. Lovage treats hair fragility and hair loss.

If you suffer from heart disease, insomnia, or have experienced stress, then a decoction of lovage will help you recover and support your body.

Lovage in cooking

Lovage, which has many uses, is also used in cooking. This is a wonderful seasoning. Leaves and shoots give dishes a wonderful aroma and a slightly mustard-spicy taste. The above-ground part can be added to soups and broths. If you decide to use it fresh, you can also season meat with it or add it to salads. Lovage roots can be used in preparing sauces and dressings for meat or vegetable dishes. Lovage is also good because it stimulates digestion.

If you are rolling up tomatoes or cucumbers, add a couple of sprigs to each jar, then your pickles will be more aromatic and tasty.

Contraindications for the use of lovage

Despite the fact that the plant is used both in medicine and in cooking, lovage still has contraindications.

Lovage should not be consumed during pregnancy, either as food or as medicine. It causes a large flow of blood into the pelvic area, which is very dangerous for the baby.

How to grow lovage and what are its benefits for the garden?

This plant can be grown in any soil. It does not interfere with other plants, since it is, in fact, a spicy vegetable crop. Moreover, growing next to cultivated plants, lovage improves their health and taste.

Blooming lovage brings great benefits to the garden. The nectar and aroma of its flowers attract beneficial insects, which will help protect your garden and area from pests. It also attracts bees, which is also good for the garden.

If you grow lovage from seeds, you can sow them both in the spring (mid-April) and under snow (late October - early November). The distance between rows should be at least 50 centimeters as the plant needs space to grow.

Caring for a bed with lovage involves weeding from weeds and feeding with slurry (dosage: 1 kilogram of manure per 10 liters of water).

Well, that's all I wanted to tell you about it interesting plant. You already know where lovage grows and how to care for it. Knowing about the beneficial properties of lovage for you and your garden, it would be a sin not to plant it on your plot.

Grow lovage herb, eat soups and salads with it and be healthy!

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