Measure above all. Quality leads: truth and fiction. Definition and types of leads

Express 1. The same as Beyond Measure (in 1 m value). [Zizi:] The day before yesterday, during dinner and after dinner, the Marquis was kind beyond all measure (A. N. Tolstoy. Devil's Bridge). 2. The same as Without measure (in the 2nd meaning). They loved each other for almost three years, he... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

Adverb, number of synonyms: 18 more than (32) to overkill (18) to hell (73) ... Dictionary of synonyms

- (book). 1. adv. From the highest authorities, from an authority that does not allow objections (obsolete ironic). As ordered from above. 2. adv. From heaven, from God (church, poetic, obsolete). “Then, inspired from above, the sonorous voice of Peter was heard.” Pushkin. "Habit… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

1. adv. From higher authorities, from superiors (bookish, often ironic). As prescribed by 2. adv. According to religious beliefs: from heaven, from God. 3. what, sentence. since birth More, beyond what n. measures. Arrived from. one hundred people. S. forces (beyond whose n ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Before the introduction of the metric system of measures and the international system of units in 1925, so-called Russian measures were in force in Russia, which are constantly found in works of pre-revolutionary literature. Often these terms when reading are not... ... Encyclopedia of Russian life of the 19th century

over- ▲ more measure from above beyond any measure; in combination with numerals in birth. case (# hundred people). above (# of all). over (# staff). more than (trade with # one hundred countries). more [more] than that. with more. more than (colloquial). with a hook... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language

I. adv. High 1. According to religious beliefs: from heaven, from God. Sign with. Not by choice, but by the will of. * Habit has been given to us from above, It is a substitute for happiness (Pushkin). 2. From higher authorities, from superiors. Receive an order from. By… … Encyclopedic Dictionary

over- 1. adv.; high 1) According to religious ideas: from heaven, from God. A sign from above. Not by choice, but by the will of above. * A habit has been given to us from above, It is a substitute for happiness (Pushkin) 2) From higher authorities, from superiors. Receive orders... ... Dictionary of many expressions

I adv. qualities circumstances 1. outdated From God. 2. transfer From the highest authorities, superiors. II sentence; since birth More than anything, beyond any measure. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova


  • Jascha Heifetz. Arrangements for violin and piano. Part 1, Jascha Heifetz. In the art of violin playing, Jascha (Joseph Robertovich) Heifetz is a figure of exceptional caliber, as they say now - iconic, like Einstein in physics, Churchill in politics, Ulanova...
  • Roger West, J. Creasey. The English writer John Creasy is the undisputed champion in labor productivity among his colleagues in the detective workshop. Under more than twenty pseudonyms, he published over 560...

“Golden Cliché” is a prize from the Union of Italian Journalists awarded to A. Solzhenitsyn for his activities in the USSR. The award ceremony took place on May 31 in Zurich, where Solzhenitsyn delivered this short Word. It was written in May 1974 in Sternenberg (Zurich highlands). In it, the author wanted to go beyond the political statement expected of him and look at the East and West together, as a single arena for the development of civilization.

1974 The word was published in translations into Italian, German and French. The first Russian book publication is in the author’s collection “Peace and Violence” (Frankfurt: Posev, 1974). In the USSR it was first published in the Riga Russian-language magazine “Rodnik”, 1989, N°3. Here the text is given according to the edition: Solzhenitsyn A.I. Journalism: In 3 volumes. T. 1. - Yaroslavl: Verkh.-Volzh. book publishing house, 1995.

Having become familiar with the principles according to which your prize has been awarded by the Union of Italian Journalists for the 11th year and today to me, I, of course, not only express my gratitude to you, but I am not free from a feeling of pride, seeing such worthy and courageous people among my predecessors , including the entire Prague youth of 1968. Those who pass on this prize today, and the one who receives it today, lived their lives as if in different halves of the planet, different worlds, different systems, which they say are separated by an abyss, are opposite in everything and exclude each other. However, if this were so, then there would not be common values ​​between us that would give you the idea to award me this prize. And if such values ​​are found, then perhaps we can develop a common view of what is happening in the world today and even discover in each other a similar direction of our aspirations and efforts.

The primitive division of the world into two systems is a political judgment, and therefore of a very mediocre level.

All political methods in general are operations with ready-made moral (or immoral) givens, they lie at a low level of human consciousness and existence, they break off and change in short periods, with every change of situation. We are more misled by passionate political labels than we are by understanding the state of the world today. If we want to grasp the true essence of the situation of humanity today, the degree of hopelessness and the degree of hope - and the press, in its highest tasks, also cannot but have this goal in mind - we cannot avoid rising much higher than political characteristics, formulations and recipes .

And then we will see, perhaps, although this will not turn out to be more gratifying, that the main danger is not that the world is split into two alternative social systems, but that both systems are affected by vice, and even a common one, and therefore neither systems with its current worldview does not promise a healthy solution. Through all the accidents of the specific development of individual countries and over several centuries, this vice has organically grown into modern humanity, and we can trace it over a long distance. We - all of us, all of civilized humanity - placed on the same rigidly connected carousel, have completed a long orbital journey. Like kids on carousel horses, it seemed endless to us - and everything forward, everything forward, not at all sideways, not at all crooked. This orbital path was: Renaissance - Reformation - Enlightenment - physical bloody revolutions - democratic societies - socialist attempts.

This path could not fail to take place, since the Middle Ages once did not restrain humanity, because the construction of the Kingdom of God on Earth was introduced by force, with the taking away of essential individual rights in favor of the Whole. We were pulled, driven into the Spirit - by violence, and we rushed, dived into Matter, also without limit. Thus began a long era of humanistic individualism, and thus began to build civilization on the principle: man is the measure of all things, and man is above all. This entire inevitable path has greatly enriched the experience of mankind, but before our eyes it has come to an end: errors in fundamental principles, not appreciated at the beginning of the path, are now avenging themselves.

Having placed man, with all his shortcomings and greed, as the highest measure of all things, having surrendered to Matter immoderately, unrestrainedly, we have come to contamination, to an abundance of garbage, we are drowning in earthly garbage, this garbage fills and clogs all spheres of our existence.

In the material sphere, this garbage is already too noticeable to everyone, it has poisoned the air, water, the developed part of the earth’s surface, and is already littering the undeveloped part; it has rewarded our mighty production efforts as disgracefully as in the lives of individual people every day the most tempting advertisements, packaging and plastics turn into abundant urban garbage. But even in the so-called spiritual sphere, this garbage clogs us, crushes us - with heavy volumes that cannot fit into our eyes, ears, chests, with the pushing of sonorous universal, seemingly clear to everyone, but in fact helpless flat ideas, false science, cutesy art , - everything that does not know a responsibility higher than a Man, that is, you, me and people according to our inclination.

The thundering civilization has completely deprived us of a concentrated inner life, dragged our souls to the bazaar - party or commercial.

In the social sphere, our centuries-old path has led us in some cases to the brink of anarchy, in others to stable despotism. Between these two terrible outcomes, before our eyes, democratic governments one after another are becoming weak and powerless - because small and large groups of people do not want to limit themselves in favor of the Whole. This understanding that there must be something Whole, Higher, somewhere scattered by us, which once set a limit to our passions and irresponsibility - this understanding is sensitively guarded by modern cruel tyrannies and is presented in time under the name of Socialism. But - the deception of the sign, the unexplored nature of the term: half a century has sufficiently shown that even there we en masse manure the prosperity of small groups of people - and, moreover, the most insignificant, trash ones.

That is why the path turned out to be orbital, because we escaped from the power of violence and returned to the power of violence - not everything yet, but soon it threatens everyone, with the general illness of weakened will and lost perspective. The orbit threatens to close humiliatingly. As we see it, civilized humanity has now approached a turning point in world history (life, way of life and worldview), the same in significance as from the Middle Ages to the New Time - unless through carelessness and loss of spirit we miss this turn. It was your country, Italy, that was once the first country in the world to reveal to us the previous historical turn. Perhaps now you are the first to sense the abyss of our current situation and, through your sensitivity, will help us find those forms that would make it easier for us to move into the orbit of a higher level, in which we will learn to maintain a decent harmony between our physical nature and nature spiritual.

Let us find within ourselves the spiritual height to rediscover that man is not the crown of the universe, but that there is a Supreme Spirit above him.

Given the alarming pace of today's life, we have incomparably less time to comprehend and implement this turn than we had in the leisurely flow of the 14th or 16th centuries. And with all the bloody experience of the past centuries, the very choice of forms of transformation should be subtler and higher: we have already learned that the physical shaking of states, that violent coups open the way not to a bright future, but to worse destruction, to worse violence. That if we are destined to have saving revolutions ahead, then they must be moral revolutions, that is, some new phenomenon that we have yet to discover, discern and implement.

The term "philosophy" is believed to have originated in Ancient Greece in the 6th century BC. It was first used by a thinker named Pythagoras, familiar to readers from a geometry textbook. The word φιλοσοφια in Greek means “I love wisdom.” This word indicates the next thought. Complete and perfect wisdom is possible only for God. Only God possesses complete and definite truth, and man only strives for truth. (Referring to the gods of the Greek pantheon).

The word σοφια means "wisdom". And the word σοφος is sage, wise.

In ancient Greece, before the advent of philosophers, there were people who were considered sages. They lived in the first half of the 6th century BC. These were the so-called “seven wise men”. Here are their names and some of their sayings.

Solon of Athens (1):

“In great things it is difficult to please everyone right away.”

"Nothing too much."

"There is no limit to wealth."

Pittacus (2):

“Whatever angers you in your neighbor, do not do it yourself.”

"Most people are evil."

“I carry everything that’s mine with me.”

Periander (4):

“Pleasures are mortal, virtues are immortal.”

Cleobulus (5):

“Measure is above all.”

"Think about the end of life."

“Give a guarantee - and trouble is right there.”

Generally speaking, these sayings of the sages summarize everyday life experiences. Philosophers (amateurs, seekers of wisdom) set themselves a broader task: to go beyond the limits of all possible experience. The word φιλοσοφος (philosopher) is translated as follows: “lover of wisdom,” seeker of wisdom.

For example, the great German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) believed that the subject of philosophy is that which is not given and cannot be given in experience.

This is the world as a whole, the soul and God.

From the moment of its inception, philosophy appears as the unity of three components:

A) Content: philosophy explains totality things, reality in all parts without exception. The word “totality” and “total” come from the Latin word totus – whole, complete, entire. We find this Latin root in the words “totalitarianism” and “total” (for example, “total mobilization”). So, one of the main tasks of a philosopher is to answer the question “What is everything?” (“What is all this?”)

B) Method of philosophy(“method” - literally, “the path to something”, figuratively - “way”): rational explanation. Only reasonable arguments, logical motivation, “logos”, as philosophers say, are recognized.

The Latin word RATIO means reason. The word "rational" means "based on reason."

In addition, philosophy is sometimes defined as a type of theoretical reflection. The word "theoretical" comes from the word "theory". And theory (θεωρια) literally means “contemplation”, “observation”, and in a figurative sense - “research”, as well as “the search for truth for the sake of truth itself”.

The word “reflection” is of Latin origin (REFLEXIO).

The Latin prefix RE- corresponds to the Russian prefix re- .

The word FLEXIO means “bending”, “bending”. Accordingly, reflection is re - bend, reflection, reflection.

We can say that “reflection is turning thoughts back on themselves.”

That is, philosophy is a search for truth that, firstly, is conducted for the sake of truth itself, and secondly, during this search one must constantly monitor HOW it is being conducted. This means that philosophy develops stable features (criteria) by which one can determine whether a given philosophical argument is reasonable.

To do this, philosophy must evaluate and consider its own content. That is why they say that philosophy is a type of theoretical reflection.

This reflection includes, firstly, a precise definition of concepts. This moment is traditionally called “analytics”. ANALYSIS is DISSECTION. Secondly, this reflection includes assessing the truth of judgments and conclusions. This assessment is traditionally called “dialectics.” (We would now call this logic).

IN) The purpose of philosophy: pure contemplation of truth, pure desire to achieve it. The great philosopher Aristotle (384 - 322 BC) wrote: “When people philosophize, they seek knowledge for the sake of knowledge itself, and not for the sake of any practical benefit.” He wrote about philosophy: “All other sciences are more necessary, but none is better.”

Besides philosophy, other forms of reflection are art, science and religion.

Art, like philosophy, poses so-called “universal questions.” For example: “Why do I live?”, “What is a person?”, “Why is everything there, although there could be nothing?” To answer these questions, art uses sensory representations. That is, ideas about something that can be perceived by the senses. (Sensory idea is what arises in the mind of a person when he perceives external objects through the senses).

And philosophy uses abstract concepts.

The Russian words “abstract” and “abstraction” go back to the Latin verb ABSTRAHO. It means “tear off”, “distract”, “drag away”, “scatter”. Therefore, “abstract” literally means “abstracted”, “distracted”.

Abstract is separate, simple, one-sided, particular.

Concrete is connected, complex, multifaceted, holistic.

Science does not pose universal questions to itself, but, like philosophy, uses abstract concepts, although at the same time it relies on experience and experiment. The term “experience” in philosophy means a set of sensory perceptions. The term “experiment” means the organization of observation in artificial conditions, involving active intervention in nature, with a predictable result.

But philosophy, in principle, goes beyond all experience.

Religion, like philosophy, it goes beyond the limits of all possible experience, but if philosophy during such exits relies on reason, then religion relies on irrational (unreasonable) faith.

The religious worldview was clearly expressed by the Christian writer Tertullian (about 160 - about 220). The following words are attributed to him:


“I believe because it is absurd.”

Philosophy and worldview

Worldview is a system of principles, views, values, ideals and beliefs. They determine the attitude to reality, the general understanding of the world, life positions, and people’s attitudes. The subject (= carrier) of a worldview is an individual person, social groups, professional groups, national communities, and religious communities. The worldview of an individual is spontaneously or purposefully formed under the influence of society or a social group. A worldview always has a personal identity. This happens due to the specific life experiences of each person. The elements that make up a worldview: knowledge and beliefs. Knowledge is usually the content of a worldview, answers to the questions: How? What is this? Why is this?

Beliefs are an emotionally charged attitude towards both knowledge and reality itself. These are answers to the questions: Why is this? Why all this? What's the point? Is this good or bad? When they want to emphasize the emotional side of their worldview, they often say “worldview.” Optimistic worldview, tragic worldview, and so on. The worldview does not include all the knowledge that the subject has, but only the most important and significant knowledge. Philosophy is one of the types of worldview. Any philosophy is a worldview, but not every worldview is a philosophy. Philosophy is aware of worldviews, expresses them in the form of rational concepts, and critically examines, in the light of reason, those views and values ​​on which the everyday worldview is based.

Philosophy includes the following large sections:

Ontology (from the Greek word τοον, in the genitive case -τουοντος - existing and λογος - word, concept, doctrine) is the doctrine of being, of being in general, independent of its particular types.

Epistemology is the study of knowledge and its boundaries, of truth and its criteria. Main categories of ontology: rationalism, irrationalism, empiricism, sensationalism, agnosticism

Ethics is the doctrine of good and evil, moral norms and moral ideals. The main categories of ethics: good, evil, asceticism, hedonism, eudaimonism, natural inclination, duty.

Subject of philosophy. Depending on the era, the subject of philosophy shifts. As we will see later, for Plato the subject of philosophy is predominantly ontology, for Epicurus - ethics, for medieval thinkers - ontology again, for Immanuel Kant - epistemology, for existentialists - ethics.

Functions of philosophy: critical, prognostic, integrating, methodological.

Civilization will end,” but he justified this by the fact that humanity cannot leave the Earth. However, how wrong he was, at least least, in argumentation! But besides going into space, there is still a path to the microworld, which is probably inexhaustible in depth... if you really want to have tomatoes on a pine tree. Thus, cyclicality is not partly excluded, but rather total, it will have to be maintained artificially. Having once begun its activity, the mind is forced to maintain previous natural achievements. Inaction...


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Stop pestilence, improve soil fertility, but their main task is to wash away the veil of illusions. But it all came down to their feeling measures and eligibility. Sometimes wisdom is replaced by the wisdom of Maya. We slowly and reverently entered the temple. I looked back - the girls were no longer... they had taken the stone with them. They wanted to exchange the crystal for pieces of paper, which they called money, which they valued above total. The child was playing on the floor with a spinning top. He looked and laughed. The child looked and was not surprised that the multi-colored...


... MEASURES,.. - numerical and others,.. - I set myself with WEAPONS,.. - against the Planet... “Conquering” it,.. removing from its depths ALL that is useful... Necessary,.. however, for the planet itself.. .. Your measuredness, always and everywhere consumerist,... prevents the emergence of every true Spirituality in the soul!.. In the long-established practice of earthlings: ... that which is measured and measured out.. is no longer subject to spiritualization. QUANTITY,.. - above total... Profit, gain,.. and war,.. - above total earthly, in consciousness... THE POWER of Dimensions...


Carlos Castaneda

Through space, into infinity. *** When a person chooses the path of a warrior, he becomes completely awake, in full least realizing that ordinary life is forever left behind. The means of the ordinary world are no longer shields for him,... five quails, but one. Don't damage plants just to make a roasting pan. Do not expose yourself unnecessarily to the force of the wind. AND, above total, - under no circumstances exhaust yourself and others. Don't take advantage of people, don't squeeze every last bit out of them...


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Among these people and thanks to them, it was tolerable, and perhaps it did not hinder me from subsequently fulfilling what was entrusted to me by God, so that everyone would find themselves in their own place. measure patient, understanding and gave more, knowing and not knowing about it, and for me to give to them, knowing and not knowing about who... yes, with imported products, and a river, and old people, and drunken revelry, for vodka, and moonshine revered here above total. The children grew up one after another, in extreme need, almost without parental supervision, looking at each other as...


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Many people believe. But this is a “quota” for almost a medium-sized country. But this instrument will not last forever... By least how local residents form a “picture of the world” - it’s becoming increasingly difficult to come up with the next “sunken” continents... Peter: So what... “- everything was done quite primitively. This, of course, is a costly matter – keeping the planet “hidden”. But once they decided - “safety above total”, so let it be so... Peter: But this is all, only in terms of reflected signals, the planet itself is not...

One of the criteria by which you can evaluate the effectiveness of a particular campaign is the quality of leads. In trying to apply this indicator to the results of your company's actions, you may encounter a somewhat philosophical problem - the problem of the correct definition.

What does a lead actually mean? What is hidden under the concept of “quality lead”? Without knowledge of basic definitions and quality criteria, an adequate assessment of the results is impossible, only the subjective judgment of a specific specialist. Let's look at the main characteristics of lead quality, as well as the most common misconceptions on this issue.

Definition and types of leads

From all the variety of information regarding the concept of “lead”, 3 main definitions can be distinguished. So, leads are:

  • Users who have expressed interest in the product;
  • Seller-favorable user transactions;
  • Contact information left by the user.
Client actions include contacting support, subscribing to an email newsletter, or sending a chat message.

There are 2 main types of leads:

  • Hot leads;
  • Marketing or cold leads.

The first type are users who express their readiness to conclude a transaction. The sales department interacts with them. The second type - marketing or cold leads - requires additional processing. They are handled by marketers.

Definition of quality and evaluation criteria

When assessing the quality of leads, it is advisable to follow the following rules:

  • Do not simplify and complicate things;
  • Try to find an individual approach;
  • Do not base your assessment solely on explicit data.

Let's move on to a detailed consideration of the rules necessary for the correct analysis of lead quality.

Measure above all else

When determining the quality of leads, companies love to go to two extremes. Some companies engage in resource-intensive software analysis of information to determine the degree of client readiness to complete a transaction. Another part of companies does the opposite: the quality of leads is assessed by the company employees themselves. Thus, the evaluation criterion is their subjective opinion.

Don't go to extremes. Complex specialized programs for evaluation are not required, nor is the personal opinion of a full-time marketer. There are certain criteria that a priori can be called objective. So, a client can be called a hot lead if he performs the following actions:

  • Adds a product to the cart;
  • Reviews delivery conditions;
  • Compares prices.

Everything is quite obvious and does not need additional complication.

The importance of an individual approach

An important role in building a sales strategy is played by the so-called buyer persona. A buyer persona is a clearly defined image of a company's ideal customer. However, buyer persona matching may not always be a reliable indicator of lead quality. For example, a seemingly ideal client may be cold due to a variety of reasons: he lacks information, external circumstances have intervened, and so on.

Buyer personas can be used when developing a lead generation strategy, but it is best not to directly evaluate the quality of leads with its help. Quality assessment, whenever possible, requires an individual approach.

Explicit and Implicit Data

In this case, the situation is similar to the buyer persona problem. Explicit data, in most cases, represents ordinary “passport” information, which is clearly not enough to assess the quality of leads.

You'd rather need implicit data:

  • Downloading materials;
  • Interaction with the site;
  • View specific pages;
  • Questions for support.

Thus, it doesn’t matter who your client is or where he is from, the main thing is what actions he performs.

Sellers and marketers: who is to blame and what to do?

There is a misconception that a marketer should only focus on lead generation. Cold leads, hot leads - all are redirected to sellers for further processing. In fact, working with cold leads should be carried out by marketers, since they are the ones who are involved in creating a client’s need for a product, thereby preparing him to make a purchase.

According to statistics, companies in which marketers work with cold leads close 20% more deals than companies in which marketers are responsible only for lead generation.

Assessing lead quality should be a joint effort between marketers and salespeople. Salespeople get hot leads ready to make a deal, while marketers work with cold leads. This way, each department only has a view of one part of the big picture. According to statistics, joint analytical work of salespeople and marketers increases the number of successful transactions by 20%.

In-house marketers are, without a doubt, well informed about the product, target audience and market situation. However, outsourcers can also engage in effective lead generation.

Inexperienced marketers are firmly convinced that every new lead is already a success. Having received the data of the next user, they immediately redirect it to the sales department, and then are very indignant if in the end the purchase is not made.

Don't bully the sales department. Only those leads that have shown a willingness to make a deal are successful. They should be sent to the sales department. And the entire result of lead generation is just material that still needs to be worked with. You will only be successful if you can get your leads ready to make a deal.

And a little more about misconceptions

Separately, it is worth mentioning the misconceptions that are shared by many marketers:

  • You can't get quality leads from social media;
  • Work should be done exclusively with high-quality leads;
  • Hot leads always lead to a deal.

Let's start with social networks. According to statistics, SMM helps generate more leads than traditional marketing. Refusal to work with clients from social networks inevitably leads to the loss of profitable deals.

If you work only with leads interested in purchasing, then the business will soon face a complete fiasco. The work must be carried out with absolutely everyone. If a user has visited your website and interacts with it in some way, he can already be considered interested and is capable of becoming a buyer.

Thus, the main task is to determine how interested the lead is. If the user is ready to make a purchase, we send it to the sales department. If the user requires more information or is not sure about the need to purchase your product, marketers take over.

Quality leads don't always lead to deals. Even if a person has already made a purchase decision, he may, for some reason, postpone it indefinitely. Let’s say it’s winter outside, and the user decides to find out information about a summer tourist trip. He looked through the information about the tour, chose the one that suited him, but postponed the transaction. Quite a logical decision. What can be done in such a situation? Ask the client when he plans to make a purchase and maintain his interest until the transaction is completed.

What conclusion can be drawn based on what has been said?

Low-quality leads are rather the exception. There are customers who are ready to make a purchase and those who require more information. If you have data from a user about whom you can definitely say that he does not need your product, then he may not be considered a lead. In all other cases, you can continue to work according to the principle already described: hot leads go to the sales department, cold leads go to marketers for follow-up.