Is it possible to walk with a child in the summer. What should a young mother wear, what is stylish and comfortable to wear when walking with a child. What should a mother wear for a walk with a child? The body’s defenses

Finding themselves alone at home with their newborn, mothers roughly understand how to bathe and feed the little one. But walking with a baby often raises numerous questions: what time to start, how long to walk with the child, what to do in hot and cold weather, and what clothes to choose.

In addition, many women try to do without going for walks, believing that viruses, drafts and dirty city air lurk for babies outside. Doctors, however, talk about the importance of the “promenade”, but recommend following some rules for walking with children in different times year.

So, walking with a newborn is a must, but not all mothers can articulate what walking can do for a small child. The arguments in favor of walking in the fresh air, meanwhile, are quite weighty.

In some cases, parents prefer being on the balcony to walking. Although the air at altitude is much cleaner, doctors do not advise getting carried away with such high-altitude “promenades.”

Exceptions - if the mother or child is sick, the family lives on top floor in a high-rise without an elevator.

If there are no special contraindications, pediatricians advise going for a walk almost immediately after returning home: on the seventh day in the summer in hot weather or on the 14th day for “winter” children.

If the weather conditions are unfavorable - frosty (-10) or hot (+30) - you need to postpone your first walks until better times.

How long to walk is another popular question asked by young mothers. The duration of the celebration depends on the age of the child and the time of year.

Usually you need to start with a few minutes, then gradually increase the duration of your stay outside.

Child's age

Time of year

Spring Summer Autumn Winter
The very first walk10 to 15 minutesUp to 20 minutesNo longer than 12 minutesNo longer than 10 minutes
7 daysHalf an hourNo longer than 45 minutesUp to 25 minutesNo longer than 20 minutes
30 daysTwice 60 minutesTwice an hour to an hour and a halfTwice 45 minutesTwice half an hour
Three month old babyTwice one and a half to two hoursTwice 2-3 hoursTwice 1-2 hoursTwice 60 minutes
Six monthsTwice two hoursTwice for two hours or once for four hoursTwice an hourTwice an hour
YearOnce or twice for two to three hoursTwo or three times for two or three hoursTwice an hour to an hour and a halfOnce or twice for an hour to an hour and a half

This table is quite approximate and may change as the weather and children's health make adjustments. If there is a winter blizzard, biting frost or pouring rain outside, then there is no need to take your baby out for a walk. And in the summer you can walk with your baby for quite a long time.

Newborns are not very interested at first, since they are constantly sleeping. A slightly older child begins to explore the surrounding space, and at the age of two months, rattles are attached to the stroller to make the walk even more interesting.

Rules for an ideal walk with a child

A walk with a newborn consists of several components, because it is important not only when to go outside, how long to walk with the baby, but also how to dress him and what to take with him. It all depends on the time of year and weather conditions.

What to do in the summer?

Summer weather can be dangerous for a newborn baby, as heat can lead to overheating, and unexpected precipitation can lead to colds.

To ensure that your first walk with your child brings only benefits, you need to follow these recommendations:

For summer walks with your child, you will need several diapers, spare diapers, a light jacket with long sleeves, and flannelette. It is worth understanding that the heat can give way to rain and thunderstorms at any moment, so you should worry about possible force majeure in advance.

Children's bodies do not tolerate heat well, so the optimal temperature for summer is considered to be 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius. If the weather outside is too hot - above 30 degrees - you should stop walking for a while.

For parents of newborns born in the off-season, it is more difficult to choose things for walks, since weather conditions often change. This is why you must account for any contingencies.

For ideal walks during these times of year, you will find the following tips useful:

  1. The heat can come in May or September, so you need to focus not on the calendar, but on the weather. On warm days, the child can be dressed in a vest with long sleeves, a not too thick blouse, autumn overalls and a thin headdress.
  2. When the temperature drops to +10, newborns will need an additional warm hat and insulated overalls. If the temperature drops even lower, the overalls are changed to a winter version.
  3. Walking in a sling provides the baby with an additional “warmer” - the warmth of the mother’s body. In spring or autumn heat, you should limit yourself to summer overalls; cold weather suggests an autumn version of this clothing.
  4. Don't forget to take a loose blanket with you, in this case you can wrap your child up to protect him from the rising wind and protect him from drafts.

The best choice for this time of year is a transformable jumpsuit, which has a soft, insulated lining that can be detached. If the heat goes away, you will remove the insulation, which will also allow you to walk with your newborn when it gets colder.

What to do in winter?

Walking with a newborn in winter time extremely useful for the baby, but often burdensome for the parent.

To make you and your child feel comfortable, cozy and as safe as possible in this weather, you need to do the following:

  1. Dress your baby in layers: a vest with rompers (can be replaced with a slip), fleece overalls, a winter envelope, which can be replaced with overalls with a particularly warm lining.
  2. A child also needs several hats: a thin seamless hat and a warm winter hat.
  3. In this weather, the stroller must have a warm blanket. It will protect the child from blizzards, frost, and strong winds.
  4. If you choose to wear a headband for walks, make sure that the overalls do not ride up, otherwise the child will blow out. If the set is not one-piece, then the jacket and pants should have straps.
  5. Just like in the summer heat, in winter it is also important to monitor the well-being of the little man. Constantly touch his neck to check if he is sweating or cold. In case of perspiration or cold skin, return home immediately.

A universal tip for walking with a newborn baby is to take walks in parks. The ideal option is a pine forest, where the air is very clean and even healthy.

There is no need to walk near highways and busy streets because of car exhaust. Avoid hanging out in crowded places, otherwise your baby simply won’t fall asleep.

Walks are very important for a baby, so you shouldn’t give them up unless the child gets sick or the weather turns bad. Also, take care of yourself.

Avoid tall stiletto heels for a while, long outerwear, include sportswear, gloves and a hat in your wardrobe. In this case, the morning and evening “promenade” will bring pleasure to both of you.

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a specialized psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on issues of raising children. I use the experience gained, among other things, in creating articles of a psychological nature. Of course, I in no way claim to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Many people believe that when colds, and even more so if you have a sore throat, you shouldn’t walk outside, especially in winter. This is explained simply: the cool air inhaled by the patient further irritates the sore throat and leads to aggravation of the situation. A common cause of sore throat is hypothermia, so the question often arises: is it possible to walk with a sore throat? According to experienced doctors, you can and should go outside, but not during an acute period of illness. It is important to dress appropriately for the weather so as not to harm yourself.

Should you stick to bed rest?

With acute tonsillitis, the patient suffers not only from a sore throat, which can radiate to the temples and teeth. He has severe intoxication, which is manifested by general weakness, nausea and severe sweating. In addition, the patient has severe muscle pain and aching joints, so most often bed rest is observed.

Often people do not want to take sick leave and endure the illness on their feet, while continuing to go to work. Doctors do not recommend doing this; the body is greatly weakened and does not always have enough strength to fight the infection, not to mention work. In addition, it is worth saying that tonsillitis is a very contagious disease and colleagues are unlikely to say thank you when everyone falls ill en masse. Therefore, if you don’t feel sorry for yourself, you should at least feel sorry for the rest of the team and not expose them to the risk of infection.

In case of severe intoxication, which is observed with sore throat for several days, mental and physical activity is strictly prohibited!

When does a person stop being contagious?

The acute stage of tonsillitis lasts only up to 3 days, after which time the person is usually no longer contagious. But sometimes this period increases slightly, since it all depends on the treatment and the characteristics of the body. It is easy to determine that the treatment is correct by improving the person’s well-being. If all signs of intoxication disappear and the patient feels well, then we can say that there is no longer a danger to others.

You can walk with a sore throat if there is no fever and there are no other symptoms of acute intoxication:

  • pain in joints and muscles decreases or completely disappears;
  • headaches disappear;
  • no weakness;
  • sleep and appetite are normalized.

In this case, you can already take short walks, but only in good weather and with the permission of your doctor.

If your condition improves, you cannot interrupt the treatment prescribed by your doctor; you must complete the full course. Otherwise, there may be dangerous complications of the disease.

When can you go outside?

Both adults and children can go outside in winter if they have a sore throat. Cold air does not have a bad effect on an irritated nasopharynx. For tonsillitis, walking in the fresh air is indicated at all times of the year. According to Dr. Komarovsky, you can walk with a sore throat when there is no high fever, dizziness and severe weakness. Contraindications for walking are considered feeling unwell, weakness and the patient’s desire to lie in bed.

Many patients are afraid to go outside in frosty weather for fear of harming themselves. There is no need to worry about this; in order to severely overcool the tonsils, you need to breathe very frosty air for 2 hours, and walks for a patient with tonsillitis do not exceed half an hour.

Walking with a sore throat is very useful for adults and children, since fresh air has such a beneficial effect on the body:

  • Tones the body and improves well-being.
  • Under the influence of fresh air, the condition of the nasopharynx and tonsils improves.
  • Reduces sore throat.
  • Abscesses on the mucous membrane break out faster.
  • Damaged tonsil mucosa heals much faster.
  • Local and general immunity increases.

Don’t forget that a walk in the fresh air greatly improves your mood. Sick people often experience depression, so fresh air and sun rays are simply necessary to normalize the emotional state.

If your body temperature is not elevated, then you can take short walks even with a purulent sore throat.

In order not to harm yourself while walking, you need to follow certain recommendations from doctors. They are quite simple, so it won’t be difficult to implement them:

  1. You need to dress according to the weather. Clothes should be warm, but not restrict movement. It is undesirable for the patient to both freeze and overheat.
  2. During a walk, you need to take a walk in a square or park, and not go shopping or sit on a cold bench.
  3. For walks, you should choose open areas to avoid drafts. There is no need to walk near the road, as particles of exhaust gases, when they get on the mucous membrane, provoke coughing attacks. The best place There will be a park, square or forest for walks.
  4. You shouldn't go far from home. It must be remembered that the body is still very weak, so at any moment the condition can worsen greatly.
  5. Sore throat is a highly contagious disease, so you should avoid contact with other people while walking. Parents can walk with a small child with a sore throat without fever, but you should not go with them to playgrounds or children's entertainment centers, as you can infect large number other kids. A sick child should not visit kindergarten until complete recovery.
  6. You can only take walks in good and calm weather. There should be no strong wind, rain or snowfall outside;
  7. You need to walk on paths cleared of snow and ice to avoid slipping. Your feet should have warm boots or felt boots.
  8. You need to walk no more than 20 minutes. It is worth understanding that it is better to go outside a couple of times a day for 20 minutes than to walk for more than an hour at a time.
  9. In summer, walks can be longer, but you should walk in the shade of trees, avoiding direct sunlight. Walking in the summer better in the morning and in the evening, since the sun is too aggressive at lunchtime.
  10. The duration of walks should be increased gradually. If a person goes out for the first time after illness, then it will be enough for him to breathe air for only 10 minutes, and over the next days the time is gradually increased.
  11. After a walk outside, you need to drink hot tea with honey and lemon, and then go to bed.

In the acute stage of the disease, the patient cannot walk, but the room in which he is located must be frequently ventilated. The window should be opened every hour and a half, while the patient with a sore throat should be in another room or lie in bed.

To prevent walking from causing complications, going outside is allowed only after the fever has passed.

Features of walking with children

Young children suffer from sore throat more severely than adults. Their temperature can rise to very high levels, and their health can deteriorate greatly. It is better not to take a child outside during the acute phase of the disease, especially in cold weather.. This is due to the fact that babies often begin to breathe through their mouths, which quickly leads to hypothermia of the tonsils.

If the baby's health condition has improved. He has become less capricious and nervous, then he can start walking. It is worth going outside only if the child wants it; you should not force the baby to walk if he does not express such a desire. Many children remain very weak after a sore throat for a couple of weeks, so walking can be a burden for them. In this case, you need to regularly ventilate your home and, if desired, take your well-dressed baby out to the balcony to get some air.

If the child feels well and wants to go outside, then you should not wrap him up too much. The baby should be dressed a little warmer than his parents, that is, he should have only one extra layer of clothing.

It is unacceptable to cover a child’s nose and mouth with a scarf during walks; in this case, too moist air enters the nasopharynx, which contributes to hypothermia.

Fresh air and sunshine will significantly speed up recovery, but you should only go outside if your condition is stable and there is no fever. If you have doubts about whether to go outside or not, it is better to avoid walking.

Is it possible to take a child for a walk if he has a sore throat?

Many mothers are interested in the question of whether it is possible for a child to walk with a sore throat. To this day, ENT doctors cannot give an exact answer to this question - opinions differ. It goes without saying that if the baby has an acute stage of sore throat, accompanied by fever, in this case there can be no talk of any walks. In order to ensure access to oxygen, it is enough to simply regularly ventilate the room in which your child is located.

If a child has a sore throat at sea, in this case the mother needs to be doubly careful. Contact with children should not be allowed; at first, as long as the temperature persists, the baby will have to remain in bed.

If you have a sore throat without fever, can you go for a walk? Again, there is no clear answer. The golden mean must be determined by the parent himself. It is important to understand that this disease in itself does not pose any particular danger - but subsequent complications can cause significant discomfort. If you do not heal a sore throat completely - and, without thinking about the consequences, go for a walk with a weakened baby - then problems with the heart, kidneys, as well as diseases such as rheumatism and glomerulonephritis may arise.

Milk and honey for sore throat – is it worth treating with these products? You will find the answer to this question on our website.

When can you walk outside if you have a sore throat?

As mentioned above, you need to find a middle ground. You should not take a weakened baby out, even if you managed to bring down the temperature with medications. On the street, a child may sweat, the immune system cannot cope with the load - and a second wave of the disease may occur. Therefore, before you decide for yourself whether a child can go for a walk with a sore throat, you need to make sure that the acute stage of the disease has already passed. That is, you can go outside if the baby does not have a fever and feels more or less good. Many mothers believe that you can walk with a sore throat only if absolutely necessary. This statement is also not entirely true. You can’t sit at home for weeks - for several reasons:

  • thanks to fresh air, the baby’s body will recover faster;
  • the sun's rays activate the immune system;
  • A gradual increase in walking time helps to strengthen all systems, the child will again be able to return to his usual life without special stress.

Another question that interests many mothers is whether it is possible to walk outside in the summer with a sore throat. The recommendations are the same - during the period of exacerbation of the disease, it will be enough to ventilate the room, and as soon as the child gets stronger, you can take him outside for a short time.

Recommendations that should be strictly followed

So, to the question, if a child has a sore throat, can he walk outside - we answered. However, this is not enough - when walking you will have to adhere to certain rules in order not to harm the baby.

  1. No physical activity during the walks - the child is still too weak for this, in addition, he may sweat, get winded - and the illness will return again.
  2. If the baby has a fever, then you need to stay at home, but do not exclude passive walks - this term means airing the room. Bacteria cannot multiply in fresh air, so there should always be clean air in the room.
  1. The question of whether it is possible to walk outside in the summer if you have a sore throat can be answered as follows. If there is no temperature, then you can take the baby out, but preferably in the evening so that he does not walk under the scorching sun. The same applies to the question if you come down with a sore throat at sea - walks are allowed, but not during the peak of solar activity.
  1. You need to start walking for 10-15 minutes and gradually increase the time.
  2. If the temperature has subsided, even with a sore throat at sea, you need to wait a couple of days before allowing your baby to go for a walk.
  3. Limit contact with other children.
  4. Make sure that the walking area is protected from drafts. You cannot visit shops or cafes with a sick child.

If a child has a sore throat at sea, then you need to contact a local doctor. We must not forget about pharmacological treatment.

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This insidious disease lies in wait for adults and children everywhere. It can be easily picked up on the street, from a sick relative or in a hospital. It is difficult to cure, especially if the child has a concomitant chronic disease or there are contraindications to the use of certain antibiotics. The therapy process is usually accompanied by bed rest with plenty of fluids and diet. However, parents have a question: “Is it possible to walk with a sore throat, because fresh air is necessary?” Let's find out the answer to this question.

What are the dangers of being on the street with fever and acute tonsillitis?

Bed rest and sore throat are inseparable concepts. A sick person should be provided with complete rest during the first few days of the disease. It is important to stop physical activity, which can cause fainting, cause new symptoms and aggravate the course of acute tonsillitis.

At this time, the patient is prescribed to take antibiotics, perform inhalations and use various decoctions that promote a speedy recovery.

Important! In the first 2–3 days, when the body is actively fighting the infection, doctors do not recommend going outside.

The sick person does not feel very well at first; the patient experiences intoxication and a strong cough, he becomes weak, and pain appears in the muscles and head. You can't leave bed in this state.

Being outside at a temperature of more than 38 degrees and a sore throat risks complications. Sore throat complicates the functioning of the cardiovascular system, promotes the formation of articular arthropathy, causes glomerulonephritis and other diseases of the internal organs.

Therefore, it is not recommended to go outside at high temperatures. Walking with your child can be moved to the balcony; just breathe fresh air for 10–15 minutes (you can’t open the window completely, it’s better to leave it for ventilation). You can't give up walking completely. Fresh air and sunlight activate the immune system; a gradual increase in exposure to the street will allow the body to recover faster.

Walking outside in winter with a sore throat

Winter is a cold season, and it is during this period that there are large concentrations of people in hospitals with respiratory diseases. When examined by a doctor, he must explain to the patient when he is allowed to go outside. Of course, you don’t want to be sick within four walls, but it’s better to take care of your health without causing complications than to spend an enormous amount of money on their treatment.

When can a child go for a walk after a sore throat? During the period of therapy for acute tonsillitis of the active form, walks should be passive. That is, frequent ventilation of the room in which the sick person is located is necessary. Ventilation is carried out 23 times a day; every hour the window should be opened for 5–10 minutes. When fresh air predominates in a room, pathogenic microorganisms develop worse in it.

Is it possible for a child to go for a walk after the temperature normalizes in winter? A few days after using antibiotics, the baby’s temperature drops to low-grade levels, but this does not mean that you can immediately go for a walk outside. Parents should wait two days; if during this period the baby has not experienced any temperature fluctuations, no new symptoms have appeared, the baby has become more active, you can think about going for a walk.

You can't walk outside for too long either. At first, you are allowed to go out into the fresh air for 15–20 minutes. Every day, increase the time spent by 10 minutes, if there is no temperature and the child feels well. Sore throat is a disease that has a predisposition to a rapid rise in temperature, so often touch your baby’s forehead to stop the walk in time.

Important! With herpetic sore throat, you are allowed to go outside after you feel better and the temperature drops to low-grade levels. The main thing is to avoid places with large crowds of people and not communicate with them.

Is it possible to go for a walk in the summer?

Is it possible to walk with a purulent sore throat in spring and summer, when the temperature outside is above zero? Any specialist will note what is allowed. Frequent walks are useful; if the child is active and does not want to remain in bed, take him outside.

In summer it is especially useful; fresh air and sunlight will allow the baby to recover faster. In spring it is very difficult to predict what the weather will be like.

Attention! You should not dress your child too warmly. At first he will sweat a lot, then a breeze will blow and his body will begin to cool down, and then sweat again. This can lead to complications or worsen the course of the disease.

It is necessary to walk with your child in places where there are no other children or people. Spending a long time outside will be beneficial if the child does not run. An active baby should limit this time; the body will quickly get tired, which is not very good for a disease such as acute or purulent tonsillitis. It is better to go out into the fresh air 2-3 times a day, combining walks with long rests.

Komarovsky’s opinion regarding walks

In the program, Dr. Komarovsky talks in detail about when you can and cannot go outside. He asks, “Why do most adults think fresh air won’t do them any good?”

The well-known doctor agrees that in case of fever, the patient should adhere to bed rest. Such measures are justified. But a child without fever is required to go outside several times a day. Agree, it is quite difficult to say in which disease fresh air is harmful.

Of course, no one talks about physical activity or jogging. But without fresh air, it is more difficult for the victim to recover. The main condition for acute tonsillitis is walking in the fresh air. They help moisturize the respiratory tract, cough up accumulated mucus. If the patient is exhausted, suffers from dizziness and muscle pain, the person is unwell and tired, it is better to avoid walking.

After completing treatment for tonsillitis, it is advisable to adhere to a calm lifestyle (pace) - respect the time necessary for the body to recover. Minimum - 1 week. During your recovery, avoid smoking and reduce strenuous activities, including sports. But is it possible to walk with a sore throat, i.e. while treating the disease?

Antibiotics require rest

If a person takes antibiotics, they need a quiet regimen because they are metabolized and the metabolites are excreted by the liver and kidneys (a heavy burden on the body). Physical overexertion makes the situation worse. If there is no temperature, short walks are allowed, for example, a half-hour walk in the park without jumping or running. It is not recommended to visit groups: despite the absence of symptoms, a person is weakened and can easily become infected again or develop another infection. In addition, there is a risk of infecting other people. After each infectious disease, a week of recovery outside the team, with minimal stress on the body, is recommended. Unfortunately, this rule is often not followed.

Sore throat and children: when can a child go for a walk after a sore throat?

Some parents are convinced that if the child is on bed rest for a week, the disease will not leave any consequences. However, lack of treatment and non-compliance with routine measures subsequently cause problems with joints, heart, and sometimes damage to the cerebral gray cortex. Sore throat, especially in children, must be treated carefully. Therapy involves home treatment until sedimentation is normal. Parents who send their child to school (kindergarten) without a medical examination just because the child feels well are risking his health!

After each common infection, the child is recommended to have at least a week of home recovery. Parents often shorten this period and think that when the child stops coughing, it is time to return to the team. Some doctors recommend compliance with regime measures for at least 3 days after the end of the illness without fever. If antibiotics are taken, this time is extended to a week.

Streptococcal sore throat lasts 7-10 days. A quiet regimen is part of her treatment, and fatigue is an accompanying symptom of an infectious disease. If there is no weakness, other signs are inexpressive, you can take a walk outside with the child - he will benefit from fresh air, which supports the immune system and therefore slows down the proliferation of bacteria.

Only the doctor makes a decision about the duration of bed rest, the opportunity to walk with the child, or visit a group. Based on the analyses, the duration of forced changes in his lifestyle is determined (exemption from physical education, restrictions on extracurricular activities, etc.).

Remember! Sore throat is one of the most common childhood diseases; it is almost always treated with antibiotics and requires several days of home recovery.

The body's defenses

Preschoolers are much less resistant to pathogens than adults. Their immune system is still immature, characterized by a low ability to withstand continuous attacks from viruses and bacteria, which are quite resistant to external temperatures slightly above zero. In a group, children share toys with friends, and with them, pathogens. One sick child is enough for viruses (bacteria) to spread between children like an avalanche. The same thing happens among adults who share office supplies and other items.

If a person (both a child and an adult) has not completely recovered from tonsillitis, the weakened immune system is unable to adequately respond to the invasion. As a result, re-infection occurs.

Regardless of the causative agent of sore throat, the basis of recovery is sufficient time to restore the body's defenses. It’s better to stay home a little longer than to rush back to the team. Otherwise, the disease will return like a boomerang.

Is it possible for a child to walk with a sore throat?

Even if the child seems healthy and is eager to return to friends, recovery time - the period when the body returns to a healthy form - should not be underestimated. Particular caution should be exercised if the disease is accompanied by fever or weight loss. Taking antibiotics also prolongs this period.

Important! The admissibility of walks depends on the manifestations of sore throat. If they are severe, it is advisable to leave the baby at home. Fresh air will be useful only if symptoms are minor or absent.


  • sore throat;
  • scratching in the throat;
  • redness of the tongue and palate;
  • swollen tonsils;
  • enlarged cervical lymph nodes;
  • elevated temperature, fever, chills (walking is not allowed!);
  • white coating on the tonsils and tongue;
  • fatigue;
  • painful swallowing;
  • bad breath (signal of a purulent process);
  • stuffy nose;
  • feeling of pressure in the tonsils;
  • vomit.

The transition period, when the child observes a special regime (gradual increase in mental and physical activity), is similar to the continuation of the acute phase of angina.

As part of recovery (in the absence of high temperature or fever), simple exercise and walks are allowed. But everything should be in moderation, it is better to talk about this with your doctor. As with any disease, with angina the minimum intensity of physical activity is important!

How to limit the spread of infection?

The absence of symptoms and a doctor's permission to walk does not mean there is no risk of spreading the infection. Therefore, it is important to prevent it. To do this, follow the following rules:

  • Constantly ventilate the patient’s room;
  • use disposable handkerchiefs and throw them away immediately - reusable handkerchiefs increase the likelihood of contamination of the environment;
  • wash your hands regularly;
  • When sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth - this will minimize the release of pathogens into the air;
  • sleep separately from healthy people;
  • Avoid contact with other people, especially the elderly and young children, for whom infections are especially dangerous.


The prognosis for bacterial and viral sore throats (with timely initiation of treatment and adherence to routine measures!) is good. Insufficient therapy leads to a number of complications. Improper adherence to the treatment regimen sometimes causes rheumatic heart disease, musculoskeletal system. Therefore, despite the weakening of symptoms or their absence, the feeling full health, it is important to observe the full recovery period - 1 week. Within its framework, walks in the fresh air are allowed, but outside the group! A person is contagious for some time after completing the therapeutic course.

Summer walks with an active child are what the doctor ordered for strong nerves, an elastic body, a juicy tan and the mutual health of mother and baby.

You can stay in the fresh air all day if you protect yourself from certain dangers in advance.

The best time to walk with your child in the summer is late morning or early evening. But during the sunny period from noon to four o’clock, it is advisable to sit out in the coolness of your home, otherwise daytime exercise can result in overheating, burns or heatstroke.

Suffocating 40-degree heat is as dangerous for a baby as strong winds and frost of -15. On the other hand, as pediatricians assure, you can and should go for a walk with your child in any weather, you just need to choose the right time, clothes and type of activity.

At comfortable temperature You can take your first walk with your newborn the very next day after leaving the hospital. Limit yourself to 10-15 minutes, and in subsequent days add 5 minutes of time.

Wander in the shade of trees, relax under awnings... The baby will get his share of the sun, but he won’t be covered with a ruddy tan crust like fried toast.

Walking with your child in the summer is very important for his health and immunity, so you shouldn’t be lazy. They allow him to contact other children without the danger of contracting the virus, saturate him with vitamin D (prevention of rickets), strengthen nervous system and the body as a whole.

Yes, and such walks are extremely useful for mom - and for the psyche(how long can you sit in one room!), and for muscle tone. By walking every day for 2-3 hours, women quickly get in shape after childbirth and have stronger nerves.

Children from birth to one year old walk and sleep well in strollers in the summer, the main thing is to provide an influx of fresh air, protect them from the rays with a deep hood or a special umbrella and be easy to dress. The back of the stroller conveniently opens up, leaving only a thin mesh material, and a pleasant breeze flows over the baby’s body.

What else you need to know about walking in a stroller in summer

1. If you plan to pop up the hood, a cotton hat and sunscreen are a must.
2. Offer your baby a bottle of water or the breast more often.
3. A mosquito net with fastenings for your transport will save you from insects.
4. We also note that for babies under one year old, the position of the stroller “facing the mother” is psychologically more comfortable.

For a short walk (up to 1 hour), you can wrap the baby around you with a sling scarf, place him in a ring sling, a May-sling or an ergonomic backpack.

Usually babies happily cuddle up to their mother - close to her face and breasts it is easier for them to fearlessly look the world around us. And you can always refresh yourself without being noticed by passers-by.

Take a Panama hat and... Choose the minimum amount of clothing (T-shirt + diaper), since the fabric of the sling and the mother’s body work hard to warm the baby.

For children over one and a half years old, offer to ride a tricycle with a visor and a safety belt. His mother will roll him by the special handle.

Older children are happy to switch to scooters, rollerblades, skateboards, balance bikes and even electric cars. The more the child likes the new transport, the more chances parents have to get to their destination without problems.

If the baby walks independently and actively explores the world, add variety to your summer walks. Tell him about spider bugs, collect herbariums of wildflowers, expand the collection of seashells, visit the zoo and fill in the gaps with the help of encyclopedias.

You can catch butterflies and frogs with a net, climb on low tree stumps, count crows, dig in the sandbox, take pictures, hug thick trees, blow soap bubbles and launch kite. We wrote in more detail about these and other activities for warm weather in the article “”.

Don't sit indoors on a rainy day: put on rubber boots, waterproof pants or short shorts, and go - launch boats in puddles, measure the depth with a ruler, run under a tiny umbrella and build castles out of wet sand.

If you go out for a long time, a set of spare clothes and a spare diaper will come in handy. Fortunately, in the summer it is much easier and faster to change into dry and warm clothes.

On a city scale, try to find quiet landscaped park or square. Such recreation areas are treated with insect repellents, and tall grass is often mowed. Such places are great for walking with a child.

  1. We replenish the need for oxygen. Outdoors, the oxygen content is much higher than in a room. In winter, batteries and heaters additionally dry the air and reduce the content of precious gas.
  2. Fresh air. The indoor air contains a large number of bacteria, dust, allergens, and household chemicals.
  3. We stimulate the immune system. Walking is one of the ways to harden the body. The difference between the temperature in the room and outside stimulates defense mechanisms immune system baby.
  4. We prevent the development of rickets. Vitamin D is produced in the baby's skin when exposed to ultraviolet light. Even if the day is not entirely clear, a half-hour walk will significantly increase the level of vitamin D and help strengthen the musculoskeletal system.
  5. Walking is educational. On the street, the baby explores the world around him. The newborn receives new sensations, visual and sound images. An older child finds friends and learns to interact in society.
  6. Benefit for mom. Physical activity helps restore shape after childbirth and adjust weight. Walking is an opportunity to find new friends and share parenting secrets. Communication and support among women reduces rates of postpartum depression.
  7. Interesting pastime. Walking is another opportunity for mother and baby to spend time together.

First walk

The long-awaited moment comes - the day the baby is discharged from the maternity hospital. For a baby, being discharged is a significant event, because it is the first time outside, the first walk.

At home, the baby finds himself in a completely new room with its own bacterial composition of the air. Give your baby a little time to get used to the new conditions and start going for walks regularly.

When can you start walking with your newborn?

It all depends on the time of year when the child was born. If the baby was born in the summer or spring, it is enough to wait 5 - 7 days and begin the first travels. In the cold season you will have to wait for 2 weeks.

You should not go outside if the air temperature drops below minus 10 degrees or rises above 30.

The first walk should not last more than 10 minutes. Place the baby in an envelope and take it in your arms. The first exit can be made on the balcony, especially if taking out the stroller is problematic. Gradually increase the duration of the walk by 5 - 10 minutes, and by 3 months the baby can spend 2 - 3 hours in the air.

The time spent outside is selected individually and depends on the well-being of the little one and weather conditions. On a warm sunny day you can walk all your free time. If the weather is not pleasant, in severe frosts or snowfalls, shorten the walking time.

The newborn spends most of the walk sleeping. Only a couple of months will pass, and the baby will be interested in everything that happens around him. Waking periods will become longer, and brightly colored rattles will need to be attached to the stroller.

What is the best time to take a walk with your baby?

The baby behaves well outside if he is fed and healthy. After feeding, the baby will be calmer, fall asleep easily and will be able to adapt well to the cold.

The time of the walk should be planned taking into account the interests of the mother. A young family always has a lot of troubles. Mom will feel calmer if important things have already been done and she can devote herself entirely to the baby.

Walking with a newborn in autumn

When can I start?

After being discharged from the hospital, give the child 7-10 days to adapt. If the baby feels well, start walking.

What to dress your baby in in the fall?

During the autumn period, parents need to be vigilant, the weather changes quickly. The temperature on the thermometer may be well above zero, but the wind becomes cold.

It is important not to overheat or overcool the baby, all this provokes the development of diseases. Therefore, it is worth walking in good warm weather. In cloudy, humid weather, the duration of the walk should be shortened, but it should not be removed at all.

All clothing for a child should be made from natural, body-friendly materials that allow the skin to breathe. Don't forget about a warm hat if it's cold outside. You definitely need to wear a diaper, even if you go out for a minute, for example, to the store.

Demi-season overalls are ideal for walking. Made from special materials, they retain heat perfectly and can protect the baby from the cold autumn wind.

What to do if it rains?

Modern strollers are very roomy; they can contain everything a baby needs on the street. Various accessories are often included with the stroller: umbrellas, raincoats, mosquito nets.

Long walks in a stroller with a raincoat attached are not the most useful pastime. After all, a raincoat prevents the passage of air to the child, creating a kind of greenhouse effect. But if precipitation catches you unexpectedly on the road, a raincoat will be indispensable.

How long can you walk with your newborn in the fall?

If the little one is well-fed and sleeps peacefully outside, the walk can be extended until the next feeding. The average duration of an autumn walk is 1.5 hours. In good, warm weather, it’s worth taking a walk twice.

A spring walk follows the same rules as an autumn walk. The weather during these seasons is similar and prone to change.

Summer walks with a newborn

When should you start?

The first trip outside with a healthy baby can be made within 5-7 days after discharge. There is no need to take a long walk with your baby for the first time, even if the weather permits. 10 minutes is enough for your first acquaintance with the street. Gradually increase your walking time with each subsequent outing.

On good summer days, you can allow your child to sleep and play in the yard all day. They bring the fidget home only for eating.

What if it's hot?

If the air temperature exceeds 30 degrees, walking with a newborn is strictly prohibited. The child's thermoregulation mechanisms are not sufficiently developed; the baby can easily overheat. It is better to postpone your walk until the morning or evening hours.

If the thermometer scale reaches 25 degrees Celsius, you need to follow some rules.

  • choose light, thin clothes of good quality for your child;
  • to avoid overheating, do not swaddle your baby;
  • to prevent the baby's back from sweating, the mattress should not contain artificial materials;
  • It is worth taking a spare diaper with you so that the baby is not wet;
  • do not deny your child water. Remember that breast milk replaces food and drink for the baby.

Possible troubles


In case of non-compliance simple rules Long summer trips can result in unpleasant situations for the baby. Often the baby overheats, and the first manifestations are diaper rash and heat rash.

The prickly heat rash causes anxiety for the baby, possibly disrupting sleep and general condition child. The baby becomes capricious and irritated. When diaper rash is present painful sensations, disturbance of appetite and well-being of the child.

To avoid this, you need to carefully monitor the child’s behavior while walking. When overheated, the baby becomes restless, begins to breathe quickly, and a blush appears on the face. The baby more often asks for breastfeeding or water. If you take your temperature at this time, it will be elevated.

Heatstroke, sunstroke

Sunstroke in infants occurs when the baby is under the scorching sun. The child's body is not able to properly regulate temperature, so it overheats very quickly. Heatstroke occurs in children who were under the influence, for example, tightly wrapped in a stroller.

In case of severe overheating, the child’s temperature rises to 38 degrees. The baby’s well-being is disturbed, the child screams or, conversely, becomes lethargic and apathetic. In serious cases, vomiting and loss of consciousness may occur.

In case of heat and sunstroke, you must urgently call ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, you need to move the child to the shade, undress, and wash his face with water.

Walking with a newborn in winter

Should you take your newborn outside in winter? Definitely yes. By observing certain conditions, you can protect your baby from hypothermia and stimulate the immune system.

The transforming overalls can be used for both a newborn (as an envelope) and an older baby. Thanks to the zipper system, the envelope turns into warm outerwear.

The transformable winter overalls have a special fur lining sewn into them, which will reliably protect the child from the cold. There are also demi-season and universal overalls.

In universal transformable overalls, the lining is detachable. Mom herself can regulate which version of overalls to dress the baby in, taking into account the weather outside the window. Transformable overalls are very practical and comfortable to wear.

When and how long to walk?

The time and duration of the walk depends on the weather outside and the baby’s well-being. You should be careful if the temperature outside drops below 10 degrees to avoid hypothermia of the child.

How to understand that a child is cold?

If the baby is cold, he begins to move more actively, worry, and cry. The most common way to check whether a child is warm is to feel his nose, but this is not always an adequate indicator. But pale cheeks and redness of the nose, anxiety indicate that the baby is cooling.

You can more reliably determine whether a child is cold at home by undressing and feeling the baby’s legs and arms. Pale, cold palms and feet are a sign that the child is cold.

Before a winter walk, you definitely need to feed your baby. A well-fed baby will be better able to maintain temperature and sleep more soundly.

Walking when sick

If a child has a cold and suffers from nasal congestion and cough, and the weather is beautiful outside, short walks will benefit the child. Fresh air helps recovery and improves the child’s overall well-being.

If a child has a high fever and severe weakness, walking can aggravate the condition.

In what cases should you not go for a walk with your child?

  1. In the acute period of illness.
  2. When a doctor prescribes strict bed rest.
  3. If the disease is contagious to others.

Is it possible to go for a walk if children have chickenpox?

Chickenpox is an infectious disease primarily of childhood. It manifests itself as an increase in temperature and the development of a typical rash with itching.

Chickenpox is transmitted by airborne droplets. The peculiarity of this infection is its high contagiousness. There is a very high risk of contracting chickenpox when meeting a sick person.

This is why the entire group of children can get chickenpox, even if just one child catches the virus. You can also become infected with chickenpox on the street, because the virus is very volatile, although it is not stable in the external environment.

A child with chickenpox can go for a walk if there is no fever or severe weakness. In this case, walking is not harmful for a sick child, but he remains contagious to other children.

How many days is a child contagious with chickenpox?

  • 1 - 2 days before the rash appears;
  • the entire period of rash, usually 2 - 9 days;
  • 5 days after the last bubble appears.

Thus, the baby remains contagious for a long time. But fresh air and a little physical activity, which the child gets while walking, will speed up recovery.

How to walk properly when you have chickenpox?

During a walk, the baby should not communicate with other children, so a private yard or balcony becomes an ideal place for games. Here the child will receive required quantity fresh air and feel better.

Let's sum it up

Walking is vital for a child; its benefits are enormous. Guided by simple rules and tips, you can safely walk even with a newborn baby.

There are practically no cases when walking is prohibited. After all, on the street the baby strengthens the immune system, develops physically and learns to interact with other children, actively developing. Spare no effort on walks with your baby, this is a wonderful and unforgettable pastime.

Features of bronchitis

Bronchitis is a fairly common respiratory disease, as a result of which an inflammatory process occurs in the bronchi with the release of sputum and mucus. Sputum collects in the bronchial spaces and leads to their obstruction. The human body reflexively responds to this by clearing the channel with a stream of air. This is how the inherent symptom – cough – is formed. The cause of the pathology is infectious or non-infectious.

Based on the length and severity of its course, bronchitis is divided into 3 types:

  1. Acute, duration about 20 days.
  2. Chronic, the duration of the disease intensification is up to 3 months, and the frequency occurs almost every 2 years.
  3. Recurrent, occurs in small relapses several times a year.

Obstructive bronchitis is particularly different in origin and is expressed by blockage of the bronchi through the accumulation of sputum, as well as swelling of the blood vessels. This type is often observed in children.

Is walking possible with acute bronchitis?

Is it possible to go outside during an acute illness and is it possible to cure bronchitis at home? This question determined from the point of view of the patient’s age category, condition, and severity of the pathology. If pronounced symptoms of acute bronchitis develop, bed rest is required at the initial stage of treatment. Often it takes 2-3 days, but the duration depends on the result of therapy, as well as the speed of recovery.

The main indicator of outdoor walks is temperature. It is necessary to limit your visit to the street in the following conditions:

  1. You should not stay outside for a long time when the temperature exceeds 37.5°C. And if a child is sick, then it is not advisable to go out into the air at all.
  2. It is not recommended to go for a walk if you have a strong dry cough. Since open air can complicate coughing attacks and provoke a change in general condition.

Therefore, with severe acute bronchitis, after 3 days of intensive treatment (if there is no dry cough or increased temperature), you can go outside. The first time, 15-20 minutes will be enough, with subsequent lengthening of the time.

The main requirement is that the sick person must independently determine the duration and possibility of visiting the street. The patient should feel ease of breathing, a surge of positive emotions from the fresh air, and there should be no feeling of dizziness.

The feasibility of walking with children is determined by the parent, based on his condition. Also, do not forget that infectious bronchitis is dangerous for others. Therefore, a sick child should not communicate with a healthy one. Contact is allowed with a gauze bandage.

Is it possible to walk with chronic bronchitis?

Bronchitis in chronic form goes on in a sluggish mode for quite a long time, sometimes even years. The pathology is often caused by non-infectious factors, in other words, it is not dangerous to others. The disease occurs due to weak immunity and needs walks in the fresh air.

In case of chronic bronchitis, walking has a good effect on the body:

  • for example, if you have the opportunity to breathe sea air, then walking will simply bring a positive effect; for patients with a chronic form of the disease, the sea will be an excellent preventive measure;
  • excellent results occur when inhaling slightly moist fresh air; humidified air restores blood circulation in the bronchial mucosa and has an expectorant effect (this is necessary to clean the bronchial canals); It is possible to stay in such air for quite a long time.
  • in dry hot weather, excessive dry air, especially hot weather, has a negative effect and increases the duration of the exacerbation phase; in such weather it is better to limit yourself to visiting the street, going out only as a last resort; excessive dryness in the house should also be eliminated with a special humidifier;
  • You should not go outside during this pathology, when the atmosphere is poisoned by toxic and dangerous emissions from enterprises; toxic substances can lead to a relapse of an acute attack; It is not advisable for a person with chronic bronchitis to even live in such areas.

Is it possible to walk with obstructive bronchitis?

Obstructive bronchitis is the most complex form of bronchitis, where structural disturbances occur in the bronchi, which complicates the passage of sputum.

The main symptoms here are:

  • severe cough with significant mucus that is difficult to pass, accompanied by wheezing;
  • low body temperature up to 37.5°C;
  • weakness and general malaise;
  • shortness of breath, which initially occurs due to physical exertion, and then becomes constant, appears in the patient even at rest;
  • in case of severe illness, attacks of suffocation are possible.

Factors in this condition include infectious pathologies, lack or absence of treatment, smoking, and poor environment. Children and elderly people with weak immune systems are most susceptible to the disease.

And yet, are obstructive bronchitis and walks in the air compatible or not? For any bronchitis, doctors prescribe bed rest only for the first 2-3 days. Afterwards, if the patient does not have a temperature, he should move, of course without much intensity, and breathe in fresh air. During the acute period of pathology, you should not go to school or work, because this will worsen the situation or lead to the expansion of the infection through airborne droplets.

The first walks should be no more than 15 minutes, then increase to 1 hour, and in good weather it can be 1.5 hours. It is recommended to walk 2 times a day, in hot weather it is better in the morning and evening.

It is better to postpone relaxing on the water or using sunbathing during illness; they are useful only for healthy people. You need to walk calmly and take a boost of energy from inhaling oxygen. It’s good to walk in the park, away from the roadway and industrial enterprises.

Impact of external factors

Before you go outside with bronchitis, you should consider the influence of conjugating external factors which can lead to exacerbation.

  1. One of the reasons for the formation of bronchitis is considered to be an allergic reaction of the body to the action of certain allergens. Often this form of the disease is seasonal and is triggered by the occurrence of a large number of allergens (for example, pollen). With this form of walking, it is advisable to limit or reduce it during a dangerous period.
  2. Winter is also considered the most dangerous time of year for complications of bronchitis. Various hypothermia of the channels can cause an attack of pathology. In this regard, there is no need to walk for a long time when the street temperature is below -10°C. But, if there is a need to go out into the frosty air, you need to dress warmly and cover your respiratory organs with a scarf.
  3. Heat has a negative effect on the course of the disease. Overheating of the body aggravates the disease and produces an attack of bronchitis.

With an existing chronic process, various colds or respiratory diseases lead to the formation of a relapse. Therefore, you need to avoid weather conditions such as wind and precipitation. It is also necessary to take into account some precautions: do not drink hot tea before going outside; after inhalation, it is also better to stay at home.

What are the benefits of walking?

In addition to the fact that by inhaling fresh air a person receives a charge of positive emotions necessary for the psychological state, there is also a healing effect on the body. Walking down the street, the patient receives healing processes:

  • moisturizing the mucous membrane;
  • restoration of the immune system;
  • intensity of oxygen circulation in the bronchi.

Based on the above, it is difficult to underestimate the benefits of walking during bronchitis. However, if the patient has no desire to go outside, there is no need to force him. After all, if you don’t feel very well, you want to just lie down at home.

Is it possible to walk if you have bronchitis?

Many people, and especially young parents, have often wondered whether it is possible to allow a patient to walk with a disease such as bronchitis? Basically, everyone tries to stick to bed rest and limit walking when they have bronchitis, but is this right? Not everyone can answer this question unambiguously and adequately assess the risks and benefits of such festivities. We need to figure this out.

Important points for this disease

  1. Bed rest is only relevant in case of complications of bronchitis or elevated body temperature (above 37°).
  2. Fresh air is a priority for bronchitis. Room dust can worsen the condition of the bronchi.

Features of walking with acute bronchitis

The question of taking a walk, especially when it comes to children, arises when bronchitis progresses. The disease can become severe and it becomes difficult to determine the need to visit the street. But in any case, if your health condition is not critical, you can go for a walk and this will have a positive effect on your well-being.

IMPORTANT! Fresh air can help fight bronchitis, because it has a beneficial effect on the respiratory tract and improves immunity. There is also increased blood circulation in the bronchial mucosa, which contributes to intense sputum production.

Of course, you should follow some rules if you decide to go for a walk while suffering from bronchitis:

  • you need to worry about the health of others. Children who will walk with your child may catch this disease, so you need to protect yourself from possible contacts;
  • The way you walk plays an important role. Active pastime in the fresh air will worsen the patient’s well-being; slow walking in the park should be a priority.

It should be remembered that the possibility of visiting the street is considered in each case individually, based on specific circumstances.

Fresh air during chronic bronchitis

Very often people suffer from a chronic form of the disease. With this type of bronchitis, it is necessary to carefully adhere to a certain temperature in the room and the desired level of humidity.

A dry room negatively affects the airways and slows down the healing process. More humid, fresh street air will enhance the work secretory glands, which will speed up the process of mucus removal.

Walking in the fresh air is very beneficial if bronchitis proceeds calmly. Some doctors recommend frequent walks, given the absence of high fever.

Simple rules on how you are allowed to walk when you have bronchitis

IMPORTANT! Walks should be leisurely and easy, and you should breathe through your nose. Physical activity can worsen the negative symptoms of bronchitis, so you need to take a walk calmly. Staying in a coniferous forest will be especially successful, because the beneficial substances of pine enter the respiratory tract.

Immediately after illness, it is not recommended to walk a lot. A 10-15 minute walk in the fresh air is enough to improve your health. In case of warm weather outside, it is allowed to extend the walk, not forgetting about short breaks. During such pauses, you can sit on a bench, but this is only allowed when it is warm and fresh outside. During cold weather, long walks, and even more so “get-togethers,” can trigger relapses.

Over time, the duration of outdoor walks can be increased, and the pace of walks can also increase. It is also allowed to walk in public places, but do not forget about a medical mask.

As for small children who have had bronchitis, they can take a longer walk while in a stroller. With such a walk, overstrain of the body is eliminated, and fresh air will only be beneficial. It is only important to carefully monitor the child’s condition, because hypothermia may occur.

Cases when it is forbidden to walk with bronchitis

During the course of bronchitis, it is necessary to follow the measures suggested by the doctor, and also do not forget to go for a walk, because walking has a beneficial effect on human health and immunity. Adhering to the above recommendations, the festivities will only be beneficial. Be healthy!

Can a child walk with bronchitis?

Bronchitis is diagnosed in children very often. This disease is considered the most common disease of the respiratory system in children aged 3 to 10 years. Very often, parents treat bronchitis in the same way as colds, flu, acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. Because of this, they try to provide the little patient with strict bed rest and prevent him from staying on the street. However, such a home regime is not always required and refusal to go for walks often only worsens the child’s condition, since a growing body simply needs sun rays and fresh air. In order not to make mistakes and not prohibit walks in vain, you should clearly know when bronchitis requires bed rest, and when to stay in the fresh air.

When you can’t walk with bronchitis due to the patient’s condition

In some cases, with bronchitis there are strict contraindications for walking. Neglecting them and forcing the child to go outside in such cases is unacceptable, since this will only lead to the fact that the sick child’s condition will worsen even more and there will be a serious risk of developing complications. Contraindications for walking are:

  • General poor health of the child, accompanied by drowsiness, headache, lethargy and weakness.
  • Increased body temperature. Even at 37 degrees, you should avoid walking.
  • Very severe coughing attacks accompanied by vomiting and dizziness.
  • Hurting dry cough. It causes a high infectious risk for the patient to others.
  • Allergic bronchitis caused by outdoor allergens (plant pollen, street dust).

Typically, such contraindications arise with the development of acute bronchitis, which is accompanied by severe intoxication of the body. The period of these restrictions on walking lasts on average from 4 to 7 days, depending on the severity of the disease and the state of the child’s immunity.

What are the benefits of walking for bronchitis?

In order to understand why it is so important to walk during bronchitis, you should find out how being in the fresh air affects the patient’s condition. In addition to the fact that during a walk the child receives a charge of positive emotions, which is very important for his psychological state, being outside also has a healing effect on the body. When a child walks, the following healing processes occur:

  • Activation of oxygen circulation in the bronchi. During a walk, the child (even if he does not get active physical activity) breathes more deeply and frequently, since even simple walking requires the intake of a larger volume of oxygen into the body than being at rest at home. As a result of this, the bronchi and alveoli expand as much as possible and their swelling, which developed against the background of inflammation and spasm, begins to subside, ensuring normal air passage.
  • Moisturizing the mucous membrane. Most often, the air outside is more humid, which has a beneficial effect on the bronchi, moisturizing the mucous membrane and accelerating the discharge of mucus due to its dilution.
  • Improving the functioning of the immune system. Under the influence sunlight The body's immune response to the pathogen becomes stronger and recovery occurs earlier.

Considering all of the above, it is difficult to underestimate the benefits of walking for a patient with bronchitis. However, parents should remember that if a sick baby does not want to go for a walk, then they should not force him, as this may harm his condition. Usually, with bronchitis, the desire to stay at home is caused by the patient not feeling well enough.

How to walk with bronchitis in winter

Winter is the season of mass diseases viral infections, including bronchitis. In order for a walk to be beneficial during this cold season and not harm the patient’s condition, you should know how to organize it correctly. Due to weather conditions, walking in winter with bronchitis is prohibited in the following cases:

  • air temperature below -10 degrees;
  • there is a thaw, accompanied by chilly weather;
  • The wind outside is quite strong and very cold.

During a walk, it is important to ensure that the child breathes through his nose and does not grab cold air with his mouth, which is harmful, as it leads to worsening bronchitis due to severe cooling of the bronchi. In the cold season, in the first week after you start going outside with your sick baby, the walk should last no more than 20 minutes. If your cough gets worse after being outdoors, you should stay at home for a couple of days and then resume walking.

How to walk with bronchitis in autumn and spring

These seasons are similar in that they are often accompanied by damp, cold weather with significant wind. For this reason, you can consider the rules for spring and autumn walks together. You should not take your child out into the fresh air when:

For a walk, you need to choose quiet days with good weather. Even on a cloudy day you can have a great walk, but only if there is no rain. As in winter, the walk in the first week should not last more than 20 minutes.

Summer walks for bronchitis

It would seem that in the summer everything is simple and walking can have no restrictions, but this is not so. On very hot and dry days, you should avoid spending time in the fresh air, since in such weather the air outside becomes too dry and can be a strong irritant to the bronchi. These days you can go no more than 40 minutes to the reservoirs that are located nearby - a maximum of 5-7 minutes walk from home. When the air temperature does not exceed 25 degrees, it is useful to take walks for 1 hour in the first week of going outside, without allowing the child to be physically active. If the baby is sweating, he should immediately return home and change clothes, since if he continues to walk in wet clothes, bronchitis can worsen greatly.

It is possible and necessary to walk with a child with bronchitis, but only by following certain rules and listening to the well-being of the sick baby.