Unusual design and maximum benefit of vertical beds in the country. How to make vertical pyramidal multi-tiered and hanging beds Vertical beds and flower beds with your own hands

If there is not enough space for garden beds on a small plot, but you really want to grow your favorite vegetables and berries, vertical gardening comes to the rescue. Vertical beds are increasingly gaining popularity among summer residents. Consider vertical beds for strawberries, cucumbers, tomatoes and even melons (zucchini).

Vertical beds - This is the use of lattices, nets, strings and cages to save space in small areas. Spreading plants such as cucumbers, melons, beans, even tomatoes are obvious candidates for this type of landscaping.

Support for supporting plants can be existing buildings or fences on the site. The height of the support device will depend on the crop being grown.

Vertical beds significantly save space, facilitate harvesting, and keep fruits clean. Some plants climb with tendrils, so make sure your material and structure are strong enough to support the weight of the vegetables.


For a vertical bed for strawberries, we will need a 110 sewer pipe and a HDPE pipe a couple of cm in diameter.

We randomly drill holes in a 110 cm pipe with a diameter of 4 cm. Look there for your convenience when planting strawberries, but the main thing is that they are not large, otherwise the seedling will not gain a foothold. It is better to leave one side of the pipe without holes - this way you can lay the pipe on the ground in winter so that the strawberries are under the snow.

We install it vertically and secure the two tubes. Place the seedlings in the bottom holes and add some soil to cover the roots of the seedlings. We water it. Next, we plant the next row of seedlings and add soil. It is better to install a thin tube for watering in the middle, of course, if possible. Continue working until the entire pipe is filled with strawberries.

Usually 12-15 bushes fit on one pipe. Well, this of course depends on the length of the pipes. See that it is convenient for you to assemble.

Important: this method is a growing option. There are opinions that strawberries may not have enough soil. You can use a larger diameter pipe, of course, but it’s a bit expensive, I think.

This method of growing greatly saves space on the site.

I just want to draw your attention to the fact that this method (photo above) is not suitable for northern regions countries (for greenhouses only). In winter, strawberries should still be under the snow. And in this case - well, there will be a little snow on top, then a short-term thaw - and all the strawberries will be covered in ice, hence the reduction in yield, or even the plant will die.

The soil under the site should be light in texture and well moistened. Areas where underwater water is closer than 1 meter from the surface should be avoided.

The optimal soil for strawberries, as it should be, is sandy or sandy-loamy light soil with a humus content of no more than 3%.

Pay attention to the design example vertical bed in the photo below.

Here it is better to use a PVC-coated chain-link mesh. By the way, you can also use it for cucumbers. Just come up with a frame and voila! A pipe is laid inside for irrigation.

Still, for strawberries, the bed should be laid horizontally in winter. If this is not possible, then it should be covered for the winter.


For cucumbers usually do vertical trellis. To do this, you can use a PVC-coated mesh or thick fishing line. It is better not to use metal wire, because... it heats up from the sun and the plant will burn from the metal.

Cucumbers need to be planted in soil rich in organic matter. In autumn or spring, 10-15 kg are added to the garden bed. organic fertilizers(per 1 m²). Mineral fertilizers are scattered in the spring 3 weeks before sowing or planting cucumber seedlings in quantities of 10 g of nitrogen, 12 g of phosphorus, 12 g of potassium.

Vertical beds for cucumbers save space; everyone knows how cucumbers love to grow. Such beds are well lit by the sun. And of course the cucumbers will always be clean. Well, what can I tell you, many people have been practicing this on their plots for a long time!

This design can be used not only for cucumbers, but also for legumes.

You can use pergolas and fences, walls of country houses.


Many people are used to growing low-growing varieties of tomatoes - they tied it to a stick and forgot about it. And I want to say a few lines about trellis method.

A tomato trellis helps to significantly increase the yield per unit area, and also guarantees a harvest even in unfavorable weather. This device is especially advantageous to use in an area with a limited area where trees and shrubs grow. When growing tomatoes, you should remember that they do not like shading; shaded bushes without a trellis begin to fight for light, the stem lengthens, the foliage grows, and the number of fruits decreases. Tall tomatoes feel much better on a trellis:

- plants are well ventilated,

- evenly illuminated by the sun,

— fruits are not injured during harvesting,

- it is easier to plant plants and remove diseased, unnecessary leaves,

- faster and more convenient to collect fruits,

- less susceptible to diseases, since the lower leaves and fruits do not come into contact with the soil,

— in planting the gradient (ratio) of daily fluctuations decreases air temperature,

- droplet moisture does not stagnate on the leaves and in the air,

— favorable conditions are not created for the spread of pathogens, including late blight,

- the fruiting period is extended,

— plant productivity increases and fruit quality improves.

It is advisable to place rows of tall tomatoes grown on a trellis from north to south. Under no circumstances should plantings be thickened. As they grow, it is necessary to twist the plants around the twine, tie side shoots and heavy clusters with fruits to it.

See how you can grow small varieties of melons, zucchini and watermelons.

Simply tie the fruits to the trellis with nylon or fabric (knitwear). Of course it must be strong to withstand such weight. This, of course, doesn’t look very good...however, if the vegetable garden is separated from the garden by bushes and hedges, then you can afford this!

I bring to your attention a selection of photos with vertical beds for various plants (lettuce, dill, parsley, etc.).

It is necessary to lay geotextiles (agrospan, etc.) on the bottom.

Another option vertical bed (step by step photo below)

Here's a similar one vertical bed.

I hope the photo examples and ideas for constructing vertical beds will help you grow your favorite vegetables and berries, saving space on your plot.

Would you make one of these beds for yourself?

By the way, leaving comments is now easier - no need to enter e-mail, Just a name is enough! We will be grateful for your comments! We read everything. We answer everyone as much as possible!

I wish you good luck in your hard work!

Best regards, Tatyana!

Today there are many ways to grow a variety of crops in the country. But every day, skillful and ideological summer residents come up with more and more new ways to save space and optimize their own work on the site. One of the results of this work is vertical beds and flower beds.

We have repeatedly talked about creating vertical plantings and chose classic methods for them, but today we decided to present you with new and even more interesting options that can not only make your work more convenient, but also help decorate and diversify the landscape of your summer cottage.

So, we present to you our finds and creations that shook the “green world” and changed the perception of many summer residents about saving space and vertical plantings.

Vertical planting of plants in plastic pipes

There are some good ideas about using plastic pipes for growing, say, strawberries, herbs, and flowers. We will look at each of them so that you can independently determine the one that suits you best.

Planting plants in a single pipe

To implement this idea, you need to take a plastic pipe for the sewer, 2.5 m long. A third of this pipe will be immersed in the ground so that the structure has good stability, and 2/3 will perform useful work for growing crops.

So, one part of the pipe remains solid, along the rest of the length we need to make holes with a diameter of 2-3 cm. Afterwards, the pipe is lowered approximately 70-80 cm into the prepared hole and dug in, and from above, into the existing hole, a fertile substrate is poured under a certain type of plant. Planting occurs in two ways - the seeds spill into the pipe along with the substrate and germinate through the holes, or they are planted in ready-made holes after installing the pipe.

In the second planting method, it is possible to grow crops by seedlings. In addition, it is worth keeping in mind that you can place several dozen of these pipes in the garden bed, or even create a fence from them.

The advantages of this idea can be considered high savings in free space, water savings when watering (from above the pipe), uniform distribution useful substances for all plants during fertilization (fertilization along with watering), good quality harvest (which does not come into contact with the soil and does not rot), etc.

Growing strawberries in vertical beds (video)

Planting plants in a double pipe

The double pipe design is practically no different from the one described above, but has some additional advantages. To build a vertical bed, you will need to install a smaller diameter pipe into an already installed wide pipe to ensure more uniform watering. To do this, small holes should be made along its entire length, right up to the edge that will rest against the soil below, to supply water. After installing the pipe into the pipe, the substrate and seeds are spilled into the cavity of the wide pipe, or external planting of seedlings occurs. In addition, in this case it will be possible to use simple garden soil if it is not possible to prepare a special substrate at the planting stage.

The advantage of growing plants using similar methods can be considered storing plants in winter time. You can simply remove the pipes from the soil without disturbing the structure of the plants, stack them and insulate them for wintering. In the spring, when it gets warmer, the pipes are installed again in the soil and produce a harvest.

Hanging bed made of pipes in your garden

To create the next type of bed, we take all the same pipes for the sewer and cut them lengthwise into two equal parts. Having received the gutters, we install restrictive elements on the edges and hang our creation on a canopy, tree branch, pergola, part of the gazebo. This can be done using rope, cable, steel wire or even strong fishing line. You can choose the number of levels of the structure yourself, as well as the length of the beds, the substrate for filling, and the number of plant species.

It is also very convenient that you will not spend a lot of money and time on creating such flower beds, and you will be able to decorate the area with new products that can provide convenience and high quality of growing fresh herbs or bright colors.

Vertical multi-level flower bed made of tires

Growing plants on wheels is what summer residents most often call this model. She is known to many, but today we decided to remind her.

To build a vertical bed from old ones, we need a little time, 3-5 tires of the same or different diameters, fertile soil or a special substrate and, in fact, the plants that are selected for planting.

Here everything is simple - we arrange the tires in a vertical shape, sequentially pouring the substrate inside, and plant plants inside, seeds or seedlings. Each summer resident’s planting methods are different, and therefore you can choose your own. The simplest is considered to be seeding, when the seeds spill into the substrate itself. A more complex method is multi-level planting different plants, due to which you can build an original decorative flower bed. The most complex garden bed is considered to be multi-level planting of fruit crops, such as strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, and others. To do this, holes are cut in the tires, into which plant seedlings are subsequently planted.

It is noteworthy that this method not only saves space and diversifies landscape design dacha, but can also help grow a high-quality harvest.

Decorative bed made from old furniture

If at the dacha there is an old table with drawers, a chest of drawers or even kitchen furniture, it can always be used, so to speak, past its intended purpose, thereby decorating the territory and bringing many interesting moments into it.

For example, an old table with drawers... an unnecessary piece of furniture can become an excellent garden bed or structure for a vertical flower bed. To do this, you just need to put the furniture in order and protect it with special compounds to protect wood, and then pull out the drawers a little, fix them and create nice flower beds.

As you can see, everything is very simple, and now you just need to fill the boxes with soil and plant flowers or even fresh herbs, taking into account all the rules of agricultural technology.

This way you not only beautify the area, but also give a second chance old furniture, which until recently they wanted to simply throw it away.

Vertical gardening on a grid

An interesting option The creation of flower beds and beds of this type can also be a structure made of building mesh, which you can make yourself. So, make a vertical bed with your own hands using the mesh that is available on every summer cottage.

We know several ways to help you complete such a project:

  • Bed in a special design. It can be done simply, for example, by rolling the mesh into a pipe of the required diameter. When this form is ready, you need to lay straw under the walls and fill the rest of the space with compost. In such a container you can grow several types of crops at once, for example, potatoes and annual flowers. It should only be clearly understood that many crops are not recommended to be grown in the same soil;
  • Vertical mesh stand. To build a stand from mesh, you can use the mesh itself and dense polyethylene as a basis. We immediately warn you that due to the fragility of such materials, the structure will not last more than a few years, but this is quite enough, especially considering minimum investment into beauty. You need to install the mesh by choosing a shape, put several layers of polyethylene inside, and sprinkle the substrate between them. Of course, it won’t be possible to grow strawberries or tomatoes this way, but you can very easily arrange original flower beds throughout the entire area;
  • Mesh stand for hanging plants. You can also create a stand for small boxes and pots in which, for example, seedlings or herbs are grown. This mission will require a thicker mesh to support the weight of all the plants placed on it. Next, you can place absolutely any plants in small pots along its plane.

Vertical flower beds from pots

Many of us have seen a wide variety of figures built from flower pots. And, what’s most interesting, the vast majority of them are made with their own hands by skilled summer residents. You can easily be one of them, if you just pay attention to the following idea.

So, we build vertical beds from flower pots.

The first method is very simple, because to implement it we will use 5-6 pots and a piece of reinforcement 100-120 cm long.

Initially, the reinforcement is driven into the soil at the site where the structure is installed, approximately halfway. Next, the first pot is put on the fittings. It is filled with soil after installation in the desired position. Next, the plant is planted, the next pot is put on, filled with soil and populated with the plant. This happens until you install the pots to the edge of the reinforcement.

The second way of working with flower pots is more interesting, since the figure can be not only vertical, but also three-dimensional. To create a new small architectural form in the dacha landscape, we choose an old tree that does not bear fruit and which can be partially removed. We remove dry and long branches from it, leaving only a shaped trunk. It is with him that we will work further.

Along the trunk and main branches we place light plastic pots that can be screwed onto self-tapping screws or special strips. Next, fill the pots with substrate and plant plants inside, preferably bright flowers. As a result, having spent only on a dozen or a half pots and seedlings or flower seeds, you get an unusual garden decoration that no one else in the area has.

We create vertical beds from a bag

Old bags, briefcases and sacks may not make the most durable, but they certainly make the most stunning containers for planting.

Such accessories, which can be hung almost anywhere, are made quite quickly and become very creative decorations for the area, especially if you work carefully with the style. The only thing is that you should choose plants that do not like moisture very much, so that you do not have to water them often and thereby shorten the service life of the hanging bed.

The simplest such accessory can be made from a piece of burlap or a small ready-made bag. Place a bag of thick polyethylene inside and fasten it with burlap with staples to install several levels of soil inside. Otherwise, the soil will crumble to the very bottom and the bag will take on a not very attractive shape. It is also worth making holes in the back of the bag so that moisture does not stagnate and the roots of the planted plants have the opportunity to ventilate.

After the cavity of the bag is formed, it is filled with compost or dry substrate, and is also planted with plants that can easily tolerate drought.

If you manage to choose the right plants for planting, installing a plastic bag inside will not be a necessary condition, because many plants will take root much better without it.

How to make a vertical bed with your own hands (video)

Reviews and comments

Igor 11/15/2014

Cement-concrete couplings suitable for cable pipes and small diameters may be suitable for vertical gardening. They can also be posted retaining wall and paint it in different colors. Or, if separately, veneer with pieces of tile.

Oksana Vladimirovna 14.01.2016

I liked the idea with the pipes. Cheap, done quickly. I'll put petunia there. You can also “play” with large plastic bottles. You can insert them into each other, attach them to something, and create a composition.

Sergey 03/04/2017

All my life I have dreamed of doing something like this. I have a garden of six acres. There is a house and a garage on it, and we need to make some more beds and a playground for the children. There's not enough space. This option is very convenient and saves precious garden space.
I was going to plant potatoes using approximately the same principle, but I still didn’t have enough time. Now that I have retired, I will definitely take up vertical beds.

FEDOR 03/27/2017


Katrina 07/08/2017

Not long ago I prepared the “Vegetable Mix” stew (I didn’t even know it was called that - I just threw in matching vegetables, thinking I had discovered new recipe), just without adding mushrooms. I’ve never cooked “Bean Mood” before, but it’s probably worth a try. I have one secret simple stew recipe, however, it’s not for everybody. Spicy lover. Chop three ripe zucchini, grate two carrots and add garlic. Well, salt and pepper to taste, of course. You can also add vinegar (this is my personal love for sour).

Olga-Nikonorova-vkontakte 07/09/2017

Mila 07/09/2017

I try to always have vegetables on the menu. I often prepare “vegetable mix” in the winter season, when the choice of natural vegetables is small. But with the onset of summer, many garden gifts are added to the stew: zucchini, green peas. squash, young carrots, eggplants. This dish always turns out equally tasty and healthy, and you can add ingredients at your discretion.

Anya 09.20.2017

Nowadays this kind of landscaping is very popular, they even do it in apartments. There are quite a lot of plants that can grow in this way; maintenance of such landscaping is practically not needed.

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Initially, architects began to plant vertical surfaces and used this method to create green recreation areas in the limited space of balconies and terraces.

The idea was so good that it was quickly borrowed by gardeners and farmers, because the height of the site is not limited in any way, which makes it possible to increase the usable space.

Nowadays, vertical beds are widely used by landscape designers, as they fit any created style.

In fact, any gardener can create such beauty on his own site. This does not require a lot of effort, skills or financial investment. And with a little ingenuity and imagination, you will create real Hanging Gardens of Babylon on your site.

A vertical bed has its advantages and disadvantages:


  • ease of care. To plant, process and harvest, you do not need to bend down to the ground, all plants are at an accessible level
  • plant leaves do not come into contact with the ground, therefore they are protected from fungal diseases
  • saving useful site space
  • When the temperature fluctuates sharply, such beds can be easily moved to the utility room
  • the opportunity to decorate not only the landscape, but also the walls of buildings, fences, gazebos
  • absence of weeds and pests in the soil


  • Due to the small volumes of soil in vertical beds, nutrition of the root system is limited, so it is necessary to feed it with mineral fertilizers
  • Perennial crops may not tolerate severe frosts; they should be brought indoors for the winter
  • the soil dries out quickly, more frequent watering is required

Vertical bed made from pallets or pallets

For the garden bed, choose whole pallets that are not affected by rot and mold. Pay attention to the factory markings. Typically, to extend their service life, wood on pallets undergoes chemical or heat treatment.

For growing ornamental plants Both options are suitable, but for the beds from which you will harvest, use only thermally treated pallets. Be sure to check them for nails and knots.

To create a bed you will need: a pallet, non-woven covering material (agrofibre), burlap, thick fabric, soil, seedlings.

Let's get started:

  1. Clean and treat the pallet with paint or a compound for exterior use.
  2. cover the back side with a double layer of agrofibre, burlap or fabric
  3. we plant plants starting from the bottom row
  4. compact the soil tightly and fill all available space
  5. We water the finished bed and leave it in a horizontal position for a month for better root germination and soil consolidation.
  6. hang the bed on the wall, fence, crossbar, you can lean it against the wall

Advice: You can make pockets from agrofibre for each row of the bed. And although it will take a little longer, the soil consumption will be much less.

Idea: pallets can become the basis for vertical flower beds and plantings herbs. Paint them with bright paint, attach existing containers (flower pots or containers, buckets, painted tin cans, linen bags) and plant plants there.

Green beds made from plastic boxes

This idea of ​​plastic bottle boxes is perfect for small plants, flowers, salads, herbs. With the help of such a vertical bed, you will not only fill the table with tasty and vitamin-rich food, but you will also be able to create cozy relaxation areas.

Vertical bed of flower pots

Using ceramic or plastic pots of different sizes you can make a very simple but very beautiful garden bed. Everything is simple here: the structure is installed according to the pyramid principle.

Pot largest diameter Fill it with soil and place a smaller diameter pot on top. So we install all the pots sequentially. You can make several tiers, depending on the number of pots.

From pots of the same diameter, you can make an original bed using a metal rod with a diameter slightly smaller than the hole at the bottom of the pot. Place the first pot on the ground and drive part of the rod into the ground through the hole for stability.

Fill the pot with soil, and then string each pot onto a rod and move them in different directions. The bed is ready, all that remains is to water it and plant the plants.

Vertical bed made of construction mesh

This garden bed is ideal for growing flowers, herbs, vegetable crops and even potatoes or mushrooms.

  • the construction mesh must be rolled up in the shape of a pipe with a diameter of 80 - 90 cm.
  • We lay a layer of straw along the outer edge and a layer of compost inside.
  • We fill the soil in layers of 10 cm, plant seeds or tubers of plants in each layer and water them abundantly.

Instead of straw, you can use polyethylene or burlap. This garden bed looks impressive, takes up little space, is mobile and easy to maintain.

Vertical bed-bag

The bag bed can be placed both vertically and horizontally. Give preference to a bag made of natural material, since artificial fibers will collapse under the influence of moisture and sun without lasting even one season. Make a hanging loop on top, fill it with soil and secure it in place.

Make holes in the bag and plant seedlings or tubers in them.

By the way, you don’t have to hang the bag, but install it in a sunny area of ​​the garden or yard. The main thing is to take care of the stability or fastening of your bed.

By analogy with a bag bed, you can build mini beds from a wooden, metal or plastic barrel.

Vertical mini beds made from plastic bottles

One of the most inexpensive options, as waste is used.

Place the bottle with a screwed cap horizontally and cut it off top part, use a knife to make several holes on the opposite side. It turned out to be a wonderful planting container. Having made the required number of containers in this way, assemble them with a rope into one system, as described in the previous version.

By planting low-growing, bright flowers in such a vertical flowerbed, you can create entire compositions, flowering walls, and also divide your yard into zones with colorful hedges.

Bed made of plastic pipes

Plastic pipes are affordable and easy to work with. For the beds you will need plastic pipes small and large diameter, at least 11cm, and possibly larger.

From cinder blocks

The height and dimensions of your bed in this case depend only on the number of blocks and free space on the site. All you have to do is show your architectural skills to build stable design south oriented.

This way your plants will receive maximum light and warmth. Try to immediately choose the most illuminated, heated and protected from the wind place for the garden bed, because moving it to another place will be quite troublesome.

Growing berries and spices in compact vertical beds is becoming increasingly popular. This is due to a number of factors, such as: space saving, decorative appearance, protection of berries from various pests and birds. In this article we will look at how to create inexpensive but original vertical beds with your own hands from various materials.

Advantages and disadvantages of vertical beds

A vertical bed is an excellent replacement for conventional plantings, which occupy quite a large space on the site. Vertical structures are ideal for growing strawberries, strawberries, herbs or flowers.


  • Today, craftsmen have come up with many design options for vertical beds, but the constant advantage of all types remains their compactness. And this applies not only to small garden plots. Even on the balcony, creating a light structure from plastic bottles, you can get an excellent harvest of a variety of aromatic herbs and berries.
  • The next advantage of vertical beds is their easy care. Due to the fact that the seedlings or crops are located quite high, when weeding or collecting, you will not need to bend low and “break” your back.
  • By arranging these beds in the country, the roots of plants and berries rise high from the ground, which helps protect them from small pests and rodents. And thanks to the pyramidal or cylindrical shape of the structure, birds cannot land on them and eat the crop.
  • Such beds are especially attractive for children. Not only do they enthusiastically help care for them, but they can also eat the berries straight from the bush since there is no need to wash them first.


  • Vertical beds require frequent watering. From lack of moisture, plants in containers will die faster than similar varieties in open ground. True, this shortcoming can be corrected, but this will require additional financial investments. Below are two ways:
    • hydrogel, which is sold in any garden or flower shop. It is brought into the ground, dug up and, in the soil prepared in this way, plants are planted. The gel has the ability to accumulate and retain moisture, and if necessary, plants will take it away;
    • arrangement drip irrigation. More expensive, but at the same time more effective way. Moreover, you can do it yourself.
  • Due to the small volume of containers for vertical beds, only low-growing plants will feel good in them, and even those will require active feeding nutrients.
  • Planting perennials in vertical beds, it must be taken into account that even in middle lane In winter in Russia, the ground freezes in them, causing the entire root system to die. Therefore, when planting strawberries, the containers should be insulated for the winter.

Before you start building a vertical bed on your site, you should familiarize yourself with a number of valuable tips:

  • large structures of vertical beds must be assembled immediately in a permanent place, otherwise problems may arise with their transportation;

  • It is better to place the bed for greens closer to the kitchen, but with berries only in the sun;
  • The soil for filling containers is prepared in advance. For example, a vertical bed for strawberries is filled with a mixture of peat, sandy loam soil, hydrogel and fertilizer (rotted compost is perfect);
  • It is better to place it closer to the water source, as it will need to be watered frequently;
  • You also need to immediately consider how the structure of the vertical bed will be protected for the winter. Will she come into the house, cover herself with spruce branches, etc.

Vertical beds made from plastic bottles

This is inexpensive, accessible and, as a result, the most popular way to create a vertical bed.

First way

The height of such a modular structure can constantly vary, depending on the amount of planting material. To set it up you will need:

  • plastic bottles (volume of at least 2 liters);
  • wire;
  • wire cutters;
  • sharp knife;
  • frame for fixing containers (it can be either metal or wood);
  • paint and brush (optional).

Stages of work

  • The plastic bottle is cleared of the label and cut (see diagram below).
  • The lid screws on, but loosely, so that excess moisture has the opportunity to drain down.
  • The upper part with the lid is filled with nutritious soil (preferably with hydrogel) and the plant is planted in it.
  • Everything is placed in the cut off lower part. Thus, a module is obtained that is attached to a prepared durable frame using wire.

  • For a more decorative look, the bottles can be painted acrylic paint or paint with different patterns.

Second way

Using homemade containers made from plastic bottles, you can add greenery to any vertical surface.

To create them you will need:

  • plastic bottles with a volume of 2 - 2.5 liters;
  • washers (twice the number of bottles);
  • awl;
  • strong rope.

Stages of work

  • The bottle is cleared of labels.
  • Using a sharp knife, cut a small rectangular hole on the side of the bottle.
  • Holes are made at the bottom of the resulting “pot” for drainage.
  • Near the bottom of the bottle and the neck, one through hole is pierced with an awl, and a rope is threaded through them. It is very important to make a strong and sufficiently sized knot under the hole so that the weight of the earth does not cause the module to fall onto the bottom row.
  • The structure is mounted exclusively on a horizontal surface, and only in finished form is attached to the wall.
  • Each container is filled with expanded clay and soil, and low-growing and unpretentious plants are planted in it.

How to make a vertical bed from PVC pipes

Most often, such beds are used for growing strawberries and wild strawberries.

What you will need for work:

  • PVC pipe with a diameter of 150 mm;
  • PVC pipe with a diameter of 100 mm and 15 cm longer than a larger diameter pipe;
  • plug or reinforced tape;
  • chisel and drill;
  • burlap or non-woven material and strong rope;
  • for planting - soil, drainage and planting material.

Stages of work

  • At the beginning, the pipes are cut to the required height (not forgetting that the smaller diameter pipe is left 10-15 cm longer than the main one).
  • A narrow pipe is intended for watering plants, so holes are drilled in its upper part for water to leak through.
  • To protect against clogging, the watering pipe should be wrapped in non-woven material or burlap and tightly wound with rope. The lower end, where there are no holes, is closed with tape.

  • Now it’s time to drill holes for plants in a larger diameter pipe. They are made using a drill with a special attachment. Optimal size- 15 cm, and location - 20-25 cm from each other. At the bottom you need to leave a space of 15-20 cm from the ground.
  • A plug is put on the pipe prepared in this way from below, and the structure is installed vertically. You will also need to securely attach it to a wall, fence or any other vertical support.
  • A narrow watering pipe is placed in it, and the gap between them is filled with gravel or expanded clay to a depth of 10-15 cm.
  • The rest of the space is densely covered with earth and spilled gradually so that there are no layers of air left. Now all that remains is to plant the strawberry bushes in the holes.

  • All further care consists of regular watering through a narrow pipe. Also, all fertilizers will be applied exclusively in liquid form.

Vertical bed made of flowerpots

A vertical bed of flower pots is perfect for growing low-growing or ampelous annual flowers. To create them you will need:

  • several flower pots;
  • timber or metal pipe for the frame;
  • soil and seedlings.

Stages of work

  • If heavy ceramic pots are used for the design, then they should be installed alternately, starting with the largest and ending with the smallest and lightest. Due to the large weight of the entire structure together with the ground, there is no need to install a frame.
  • When using lightweight plastic pots for a vertical bed, you will need to first fix a metal base onto which the flower pots will be placed through a drainage hole.

  • To provide plants with as much living space as possible, the pots should be placed in a checkerboard pattern.

Vertical bed made of plastic bag

You can even make such a compact vertical bed at home. For this you will need:

  • especially durable film, at least 0.2 mm thick;
  • sewing machine;
  • sharp knife;
  • soil and seedlings.

Stages of work

  • First, two rectangles are cut out to the size of the future vertical bed, but with an allowance of 1.5-2 cm on each side. The optimal diameter for growing herbs or strawberries is about 20 cm.
  • They are sewn together (or soldered with a special soldering iron). A strong handle is sewn onto them, which should withstand the weight of the bag of earth.
  • The resulting bag is tightly filled with nutrient-rich soil.
  • After that, cuts are made for planting seedlings (the distance between them should be 20 cm).
  • Seedlings are planted in them.
  • Further care consists of regular watering with the addition of fertilizers.

Creating a vertical bed in the form of a pyramid

To create one pyramidal bed you will need:

  • edged board 20x5x240 cm - 11 pcs.;
  • hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • screwdriver and screws;
  • tape measure, pencil;
  • soil and seedlings.

Stages of work

  • First of all, you need to make the base of the pyramid in the form of four support boards. To do this, take a two-meter board, cut off an acute angle on one side to make it convenient to attach them to each other.

Tip: for greater structural rigidity, an additional support pillar can be installed in the center of the pyramid.

  • Next, two two-meter boards with cut corners are placed on a horizontal surface and fastened together. The first rail is placed at their base to form the future bed and is also screwed on both sides. Its size is 5x5x40 cm.
  • The resulting side of the pyramid is installed vertically, and the second and third sides, made in the same way, are attached to it.
  • On a ready-made pyramid, use a tape measure to calculate the length of the slats to create the beds. They should be located along the height of the vertical bed at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other.

  • The angles of the slats prepared along the length are cut at 30 degrees so that the shelf in the structure is located at an angle.
  • The finished structure is filled with plenty of earth, which is compacted tightly. A pyramid-shaped vertical bed has enough soil to grow not only strawberries, but also larger vegetable crops.

Vertical bed made of drainpipes

This type of vertical bed is suitable for growing herbs or hanging annual flowers.

You will need:

  • drainpipes of the required length;
  • two plugs for each pipe;
  • wire;
  • fasteners.

Stages of work

  • First of all, plugs are put on the drainpipes on both sides, thereby creating a container in the form of a long flowerpot.
  • Next, metal holders are put on, with the help of which the suspension system of the structure will be attached.
  • Holes are made in the pipe on both sides in the area of ​​the metal fasteners, a strong cable is threaded through them and secured from below with fasteners.
  • The bed is filled with expanded clay and soil, after which plants are planted in it.

Tip: this structure does not have a rigid frame, so it should be placed in a place where there is no strong wind.

Vertical bed made of car tires

Due to the low environmental friendliness of tires, it is not recommended to grow berries or herbs in them. But for creating a vertical flower bed, this is an excellent option.

To work you will need:

  • several different tires;
  • chisel;
  • wooden block;
  • soil and plants.

Stages of work

  • Thanks to the metal cord in the tire rim, there is no need for carcass equipment.
  • First, holes are made for the plants using a chisel. The tire is placed on the block, and with a wide chisel, “windows” are made from the inside in several places.
  • After this, it is installed in a permanent place and covered with soil.
  • All subsequent tires are prepared in the same way and placed in the form of a pyramid to the required height. Here we must take into account that it will be inconvenient to water a vertical bed that is too high.
  • When the entire structure is installed and filled with soil, seedlings are planted and watered.

There is another way to create a vertical bed from tires. It will require:

  • several tires of different diameters;
  • soil and seedlings.

Stages of work

  • There is no need to make holes in car tires. They are simply arranged in a pyramid, starting with the largest diameter and ending with the smallest.
  • At the very top you can install a flower pot.
  • The soil must be filled in stages, after installing each of the tires.

Vertical beds made from old pallets

This good decision for landscaping a terrace or patio. To create it you will need:

  • pallet;
  • garden net (preferably rigid);
  • straw or non-woven material;
  • soil and seedlings.

Stages of work

  • First of all, the wooden pallet must be treated with a protective compound or painted with drying oil-based paint.
  • A mesh or non-woven fabric is nailed on the reverse side. In the first case, you will need to cover the cells with straw to prevent soil from spilling out.
  • The resulting container is filled with earth and plants are planted in it.

You can get even more ideas on creating vertical beds from the video below.

Vertical beds photo