Standard height of a corrugated fence. When do you need a high fence? What should be the height of a corrugated sheet for a fence?

The height of the fence is not only and not so much a construction issue. The question of what the height of a fence made of corrugated sheets should be smoothly shifts the topic of our conversation from the construction field to the legal field. Because most often disputes about the height of the fence arise when the fence between neighboring areas is discussed.

A fence made of corrugated sheets is a solid fence. As a result of its construction, neighbors may have complaints that your fence prevents people from entering their property. sunlight and blocks their view from the windows. The higher the fence, the greater the likelihood of conflicts of this kind, ranging from verbal arguments to litigation civil claims in court.

Spending time in court corridors is not part of our plans. Therefore, we will try to find out in advance what height for a fence made of corrugated board is considered optimal. And in what cases may you be required to demolish your fence, indicating that by law it exceeds the permissible dimensions of corrugated board.

We build according to the law

The Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation does not contain information about the permissible height of fences, because the fence does not apply to capital construction projects. Therefore the source useful information for us there will be:

  • Sanitary Standards and Rules (hereinafter referred to as SNiP);
  • Rules of Land Use and Development, that is, PZZ;
  • development standards adopted by the local Administration;
  • Charter of a gardening partnership (if we are talking about a dacha).

Let’s say right away: if you have a firm decision to erect a blank fence made of corrugated sheets of non-standard height on your territory, say, 6 meters or higher, then it would be wise to consult a lawyer on land relations.

The standard height of a corrugated fence is considered to be from 1.8 to 2 m. In this case, as a rule, no questions arise for the developer. However, if the fence is installed in a holiday village, read the relevant clause in the Charter of your gardening partnership. In a standard situation, the permissible fence height between summer cottages is 1.5 m. In this case, the construction of blind structures is prohibited. But there are also exceptions.

IN regulations local Administrations also meet various options. In some regions, for example, Volgograd region, the height of the fence between neighboring areas is 2.2 m. However, only a third of this height can be blind, that is, 0.75 meters. The result is approximately the same design as in the photo. Contact the architectural department of your Administration and you will be given accurate information regarding the standard and maximum permissible sizes of fences.

A fence facing a noisy and dusty roadway can and should be higher. In this case, a solid fence made of corrugated board would be an ideal option. It would be a good idea to complement it with a noise-proof visor, such as in the photo. The thickness of the profiled sheet used in this case is chosen to be 0.55-0.6 mm, with an increased wave height. The optimal fence height in this case will be 2.9 meters.

In some municipalities In order to improve the appearance of the city (village), local regulations regulate the appearance of fences facing the street. For example, in Krasnodar, all fences throughout the block must be “kept in the same style.” However, their height should not exceed 2.2 meters. Fences on both sides of the streets, according to strict Krasnodar rules, must be the same in height and style.

To find out what the minimum distance between the house and the fence should be, refer to SNiP 30-02-97. This document regulates the above parameters in detail. The permissible height of the fence between neighbors is also indicated in it. This SNiP was approved by the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation in 1997 and is still relevant today.

We build according to the laws... of physics

Having secured ourselves from the legal side, reached an agreement with the neighbors, and even taken their consent in writing (and this is what lawyers recommend doing), we move on to the purely construction side of the matter.

Here we are guided by the well-known laws of physics. The greater the height of the fence, the stronger its windage, that is, the wind creates torque. And our super-high fence can “twist” out of the soil along with the foundation. Especially if the soils are light sandy, or vice versa, swampy. Therefore - than larger sizes vertical fence, the more powerful the foundation you will need, the higher your costs will be. Find an economically reasonable compromise, the online fence calculator will help you with this.

The thickness of the corrugated sheet also matters. Corrugated sheeting of increased thickness, and even with an increased height of the fence, is difficult to install on logs. Additional labor will be required, and possibly a more powerful drill. Experience in constructing fences from corrugated sheets shows that the optimal thickness of the steel sheet is within 0.5 mm, maximum 0.6. Choosing thicker corrugated sheets will only increase the cost of the object without bringing any practical benefit.

It should be noted that if the planned height of your fence is greater than the standard, then you should not choose too thin corrugated sheeting (for example, budget C8). It will undergo deformation due to the same windage. For high fences, choose corrugated board with a wave of at least 21 mm and a thickness of at least 0.5 mm. The optimal choice in this case is C21 in various designs.

Nobody canceled the design. To the above, it should be added that a fence made of corrugated sheets, whatever its height, should still serve as a decoration for your estate. Therefore, we bring to your attention a selection of photos of fences made of corrugated sheets of increased height, but successfully and beautifully designed.

High fences made of corrugated sheets are designed to enclose areas that require careful comprehensive protection from the entry of unwanted visitors, from prying eyes and noise. Such fences are a complex structure that is erected using technology and taking into account precise calculations, since the height of a corrugated fence requires a strong foundation and the overall strength of the fence. The landscape also plays an important role for a high fence, for example, height differences - in this case, you will have to change the design of the fence using additional mounting elements. All these features are taken into account when constructing high fences from corrugated sheets. The construction of a fence, the height of which reaches three meters, is rare.

Often, 3-meter corrugated fences become the choice of customers who, first of all, want to achieve the following goals:

Hide as much of your site as possible from prying eyes;
- make the site fencing as secure as possible from unauthorized entry;
- isolate yourself from passing cars, street dust and noise.

Corrugated sheeting for a high fence
For the construction of high fences, various grades of corrugated sheeting are used, which differ in the thickness of the steel, protective and decorative coatings, as well as the shape and height of the profile. Traditional wall corrugated sheeting of the C8, C10, and MP20 grades is mainly used, which differ only in the profile height. You can also add to them figured corrugated sheeting “Wave” and “Pike”, the upper edge of which has a decorative shape in the form of a repeating pattern of waves or peaks.

Wall and shaped corrugated sheets are made from sheets of profiled steel 0.5 mm thick, protected from precipitation and corrosion by hot galvanizing and polymer coating. The polymer coating also performs a decorative function - its color is chosen in accordance with the customer’s wishes, which allows you to build a fence that will harmoniously fit into the exterior of the site. Special attention should be paid to corrugated sheeting with a pattern, the polymer coating of which imitates the pattern of natural building materials: brick, stone, wood, etc.

Features of installing a fence made of corrugated sheets 3 meters high
There are several ways to install pillars: concreting, driving into the ground, installing pillars on a strip foundation, backfilling with sand and crushed stone.Taking into account the fairly large windage of a three-meter fence, the posts must be fastened in the ground as firmly and reliably as possible, so driving and backfilling the posts in the ground is no longer necessary. To construct a 3-meter corrugated fence, the technology of concreting pillars in the ground is most often used. This installation method guarantees maximum stability and durability of the fence. To do this, holes with a depth of more than 1.2 m are drilled in the ground. The wells are compacted with sand and gravel, after which the fence posts are poured into them with concrete mortar.

The most reliable way to install a fence made of corrugated sheets 3 meters high is strip foundation. This type of installation is suitable for customers whose site is located on heaving soil. To do this, a shallow monolithic concrete strip is laid under the base of the fence, in which the pillars are concreted to a depth of more than 1.2 m, and the foundation is buried to 0.5 m.

An alternative way to install a fence on heaving soils is to install fence posts using TISE technology. In this case, it is built columnar foundation cone-shaped, with an expansion in its lower part.A three-meter fence made of corrugated sheets also requires a strong frame onto which profiled sheets are attached.

Transverse logs are installed in three or four rows, no less. At the same time, they do not need to be welded to the fence posts, but use innovative fastening elements: holders for joists and X-brackets, which will increase the durability of the fence.If the height of the corrugated fence is three meters, the gate should be the same height. This is necessary so that, if necessary, a vehicle of any size (truck crane, drilling rig or dump truck with cargo) can enter the site. If construction work is planned on the site, then in this case the ideal option may be sliding (sliding) gates, which do not require an upper horizontal beam, which could interfere with the passage of special equipment into the territory. The gate can have a height of 2-2.5 meters; it can be used to complement the gate design.

The company site installs soundproofing fences and high fences in Moscow and the Moscow region. You can order a high fence by calling:

What can be the height of the fence according to SNIP? What materials can a fence be built from? Are there any restrictions or recommendations for planning? garden plot, placement of the house and outbuildings? Let's try to figure it out.

High or low

What exactly is the fuss about? What's wrong with a low fence?

The key motive for building an insurmountable barrier is, in the vast majority of cases, the banal desire to achieve at least relative solitude. The population density in cities has long since exceeded the limits of comfort; When a person goes out into nature, he wants to be alone with it as much as possible.

Of course, there are other prerequisites for the construction of fortifications:

  • Intrusive attention from neighbors. Not everyone is lucky with them and not always.
  • Safety. A high fence may well become the barrier that will stop intruders.

It’s curious: fences made of corrugated sheets, despite their apparent fragility, are very difficult to overcome. The small thickness of the sheet and, as a result, sharp edges do not allow you to lean on the top of the fence, and the outer surface without a single support makes it additionally difficult to cross.

  • Protecting your garden from being eaten by neighboring animals. In rural areas this reason is more than relevant.

The benefits are obvious. Why then are high fences relatively rare?

  • The first and most obvious reason is high cost of construction. It is clear that a three-meter fence of material will take more material than a one and a half meter fence.
  • As the height increases, it increases. We have to pay much more serious attention to the strength of the pillars and foundation, which again means increased costs.
  • Finally, high fencing may disturb your neighbors: shade their area, preventing plant growth; cast shadows on the windows, making the room dark. Unfortunately or fortunately, a number regulatory documents regulates the construction of fences and, in general, the construction of any structures on sites for various purposes - in gardening partnerships and intended for individual housing construction.

It is about legal restrictions that we will talk about. So, how high should a fence be without causing legal complaints from your neighbors? How can you place a house and utility buildings on your property?

Laws and regulations

Individual housing construction

Let's start our debriefing with the requirements for fencing.

  • When constructing fences on main highways in cities and villages, their material must be agreed upon with local authorities. Alas.

Please note: in practice, this point is almost always ignored, and building a fence does not cause any problems if other standards are observed.

  • The height of the fence on the street side and in general public areas should not exceed 2.2 meters. The requirement is related to the organization of normal lighting of streets, driveways, sidewalks, etc.
  • The material must not be potentially hazardous. A passerby who accidentally comes into contact with your fence should not be pricked, cut or splintered. For example, barbed wire or unplaned boards cannot be used for a fence separating your site from the sidewalk.

The photo shows an opaque and absolutely safe fence

  • If the fence separates you from the sidewalk by less than one and a half meters, the gate should open inward. The reason is obvious: when leaving, you should not interfere with normal traffic.
  • The fence separating neighboring areas should also not exceed 2.2 meters; however, there are certain limitations:
  1. It is permissible to use the so-called plantings of raspberries, blackberries, bindweed, etc. But with a height of no more than one and a half meters and by mutual consent of the neighbors.
  2. It is recommended to install non-solid fencing: lattice fences made of boards with a clear area of ​​at least 50%, various nets and gratings.
  3. The height of a blind fence of any type (masonry, prefabricated or monolithic reinforced concrete, DSP or corrugated sheet) cannot exceed 0.75 meters without the written consent of the neighbors. If the consent of all interested parties is obtained, it is stored in at least one copy for each of the neighbors and presented in case of any conflict situations.
  4. Without any approvals, it is possible to increase a blind fence with a height of 0.75 meters to a maximum of 2.2 meters through the use of translucent structures.
  5. If the thickness of the fence is more than five centimeters, it can only be built within your own area without the written consent of your neighbors. If you want to place it exactly on the boundary, get the consent of the interested parties.
  6. Finally, you will have to organize drainage. If, after the wall is erected, the neighbor’s property begins to be flooded by rain or melt water, they will have completely legal grounds to demand the demolition or modification of the structure you have erected.

Also, if you are installing a fence yourself, the instructions are simple: use common sense. If it shades the neighbors' windows most of the day, rattles loose steel sheets at night, or otherwise disturbs the neighbors, you are guaranteed a complaint.

What about the location of buildings?

It is regulated by a set of rules SP 30-102-99 and is associated with the implementation sanitary standards and fire safety rules.

  • The distance from the house to the red line of streets must be at least 5 meters, to the red line of passages - 3. Outbuildings are built no closer than five meters from the driveway or street.
  • Minimum distance from a residential building to the border neighboring plot must be at least three meters.
  • The distance to neighbors from pens and buildings for keeping poultry and livestock must be at least 4 meters; but a bathhouse or garage can be placed just a meter from the border of the plots.
  • In addition, the location of trees and shrubs on your site is regulated: tall - 3 meters from the border, medium height - 2 meters, shrubs - a meter. Believe me, this requirement is not a whim of officials: it is related to the need to prevent the spread of fires.
  • Buildings for poultry and livestock can be attached to residential buildings provided that residential premises are separated from them by at least three utility rooms. The entrances to the house and, for example, the chicken coop are separated by at least 7 meters.
  • The distance from the windows of a residential building to any buildings on a neighbor’s property must be at least six meters. And here the purpose of the requirement is clear and obvious - to ensure normal insolation of the room.

Garden plots

For gardening partnerships, slightly different planning standards are used. The distance from the house to the red line of the street or driveway remains the same as in the case of individual housing construction; in this case:

  1. Fire distances between buildings within the same area are not standardized.
  2. Buildings on two adjacent plots with a single-row building and four plots with a double-row building can be grouped.
  3. Between the outermost buildings or groups of buildings on adjacent plots, the minimum distance is determined by the material from which they are built:
  • Non-flammable (brick, concrete, limestone, aerated concrete) - 6 meters.
  • The same, but with wooden floors and finished with flame retardant materials - 8 meters.
  • Wood and other flammable materials - 10 meters.

Please note: wooden fences must be separated from buildings by the same distance as other flammable structures. Yes, in typical garden plots this creates planning problems; That is why it is allowed to group the buildings of neighbors.

A wooden fence is a full-fledged structure made of flammable material, the distance to which is regulated by fire regulations

Sanitary requirements also leave their mark on the layout:

  • The distance from the restroom to the garden house or food storage cellar should be 12 meters or more.
  • From the well to the latrine and compost pit- at least 8 meters.
  • From a well to a poultry house, a cattle pen, a shower or a bathhouse - 12 meters or more.

In this case, the distances, of course, are valid for structures not only within the same area, but also between neighboring buildings.

What is the optimal fence height?

  • A fence separating an area from a driveway or street can reach two meters. She may well be deaf; but only by decision of the general meeting of the garden partnership.
  • They are built no more than one and a half meters high and strictly lattice-like, capable of transmitting at least 50 percent of the light incident at an oblique angle. The requirement is related to the same minimum shading of the ground for normal growth of crops.

What to build a fence from on the street side depends solely on your aesthetic preferences. Sites are most often separated by simple wooden fences, simply because the price of the lumber required for their construction is low. You can often find chain-link fences on pipes or concrete pillars driven into the ground.

On the side of the driveway there is a solid fence made of boards. Between the plots there is a mesh fence that does not shade the plants.

Useful little things

There are a few more nuances that are useful to know at the time of construction.

  • SNiP only prescribes standards that are recommended for implementation. Local laws may strictly regulate the height of fencing and the placement of buildings.

A caveat: fire safety rules must be followed. The administration of the gardening partnership may well oblige you to demolish the shed if it could cause a fire to spread.

  • At the same time, regional standards regarding the same height of fences may differ from those recommended by SNiP. They are, among other things, related to the angle of elevation of the sun above the horizon and the prevailing wind speed throughout the year. For example, a high fence made of corrugated sheets on wooden poles in a windy area can pose a threat to the lives of passers-by.
  • If the fence has already been built by your neighbors and is in your way, in order to demolish or move it, in most conflict situations you will have to prove that it causes you any damage.
  • It is not always limited by the rules maximum height fencing. For example, in kindergarten the fence must be at least 1.6 meters high; in addition, the territory preschool often additionally fenced with a strip of green space.


The video in this article will offer you additional information on what the legal height of a fence must be. We hope that in our materials you will find all the answers you need.

When calculating fences made of corrugated sheets, you should take into account not only the perimeter, but also the height of the fence. Choosing the optimal height of a fence is not a trivial question, because, on the one hand, you want the area to be reliably hidden from prying eyes, and on the other hand, a fence that is too high may turn out to be unprofitable and cumbersome.

In this article we will try to figure out what fence height is best to choose in order to satisfy your security needs to the maximum without sacrificing aesthetics. appearance and economic feasibility.

Height for the site according to the law

Like all other types construction work, the construction of a fence made of corrugated sheets is regulated by federal regulations. Fences made of corrugated sheets qualify as blind-type fencing and are regulated by Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 66-FZ (as amended on January 31, 2016) and current building codes and regulations SNiP No. 30-02-97.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the maximum permissible height of blind fences for a garden plot is 1.5 m (to prevent shading of the neighboring plot), and the maximum height of a fence for a residential building is 2 m. On the side of the roadway, the owner of the garden plot has the right to install a fence made of corrugated board not exceeding 2.2 m in height.

Important! If for some reason the legal requirements do not suit you, you have the right to install a higher fence, but before doing this, do not forget to obtain the written consent of your neighbors to prevent subsequent proceedings.

There are many practical benefits to meeting state fence height standards. Firstly, the length of a measured sheet of corrugated sheets is often just about 2 meters, and you can simply purchase the required number of sheets of material based on the length of the perimeter of the site (minus the gate), without thinking about their height. Secondly, corrugated sheeting 1.5-2.5 meters long is quite easy to work with, and the finished fence has a low windage and does not make a heavy, “pressing” impression on others.

As for the comfort of staying behind a fence made of corrugated sheets of the height recommended by law, it has been proven that a two-meter fence is enough to provide noise reduction by 40%, and when using brick support pillars - by 70%.

On the other hand, it is reasonable to limit the range of permissible height of the fence and from below, because not everyone likes the annoying attention of neighbors, and, in addition, we should not forget about the main function of any fence - protection from intruders and attacks from neighboring animals.

Corrugated sheeting is just the material that allows you to not limit your imagination in any way and get a fence that is not similar to any of your neighbors. After watching the following video, you will understand how different corrugated fences can be, even despite restrictions on their height:

When is a high fence needed?

By high fences made of corrugated sheeting, it is customary to understand fences with a height of 3 to 6 meters, while three-meter and slightly higher fences, as a rule, are made of solid profiled sheets, then for the construction of six-meter fences, ordinary thin corrugated sheeting is not enough, and they are represented by more practical sandwiches -panels.

Fences about 6 meters high are more appropriate than anywhere else along busy highways (such as the Moscow Ring Road and the Moscow Third Transport Ring), as well as near railway tracks, large industries, ventilation systems, power supplies, and generally in close proximity to objects that emit loud noise.

If the construction site is located near dangerous, potentially harmful production, a high fence made of corrugated sheets will protect people living or working in the building not only from noise, but also from the negative effects of dust particles, heavy metals and other harmful substances.

Fences made of corrugated sheets 3-4 meters high can often be found around construction sites, and also as fencing for the territory of cottage villages. In any case, it should be understood that a fence made of corrugated sheets more than 2.5 meters long is no longer a light and easy-to-install welded structure, but a serious, full-fledged engineering structure that requires an integrated approach and the most careful calculations before construction.

That is why, and also due to legal restrictions, fences whose height exceeds 3 meters are rare in individual construction and, first of all, are typical for industrial buildings.

When is a low fence built?

If minimizing costs is of decisive importance for you in the construction of a fence for a garden plot, you can save on the size of the corrugated sheeting for the fence, namely, on the height of the fence. Low fences made of corrugated sheets less than 1.5 meters in height are an excellent solution when the fence of a garden plot is primarily of a symbolic nature and is intended to simply mark the boundary of the owner’s property.

Also, a low fence made of inexpensive corrugated sheets will be a very suitable temporary fence, which can subsequently be easily dismantled and replaced with a more serious enclosing structure.

If, when buying a garden plot, you are lucky with your neighbors, you can stop at all on an internal fence a little over a meter high, because such dimensions of the fence will allow you not only to discuss with a fellow gardener how to get rid of the Colorado potato beetle, but also to easily share the harvest and gardening equipment.

You can learn about the features of installing high and low fences made of corrugated sheets by watching this video:

Construction of high fences or rather erection of high fences requires the construction organization to have special technical equipment. For erection of high fences may be required: aerial platform, truck-mounted drilling rig, truck crane, concrete mixer. VISTAS-SERVICE LLC has a full range of necessary equipment and specialists for construction of high fences.

If you have already made your choice and decided to entrust building high fences our company, welcome to the order page. There you can do it. If your choice has not yet been finalized, read this page in more detail. If after reading you still have questions, call us at 8 - 499 - 6195857 and 8 - 499 - 6195630, we will be happy to answer all your questions.

Types of high fences

A high fence is considered to be three to six meters high.. Six meter fences- this is basically noise-proof fences made of sandwich panels. Fences three meters high or a little higher - this is basically solid fences made of profiled sheets. High fences First of all, they are designed to reliably hide your territory from prying eyes, outside penetration or strong noise. Six meter fences usually built along busy highways, examples of such fences can be seen along the Moscow Ring Road and the Third Transport Ring in Moscow, along the Kyiv highway in the Moscow region. Lower three - four meter fences are widely used, for example, for fencing for cottage villages in the Moscow region. High fence This is no longer a light welded structure, it is a serious engineering structure that requires an integrated approach and careful calculations.