Ammi flower cultivation. Medicinal plant - ammi. Care of sowing and harvesting

Ammi visnaga– another name – Ammi tooth. This is a biennial plant of the Umbelliferae family. The stem of Ammi visnaga is erect and highly branched, reaching a height of up to 1 m. The leaves of Ammi visnaga are alternate, twice or thrice dissected in the form of feathers into thin thread-like segments.

The flowers have a somewhat unpleasant odor, they are very small, with a five-toothed calyx, as well as a corolla white, five stamens and a pistil, are collected in very dense multi-flowered inflorescences - in the form of umbrellas, reaching a diameter of up to 10 cm. The fruits of Ammi visnaga are oblong greenish-brown two-seeds 2 mm long with five thread-like ribs.

When cultivated in Russia, it blooms from June to August, and the fruits themselves ripen in early autumn. The homeland of Ammi visnaga is Southern Europe, North Africa, and the Caucasus. For pharmaceutical needs, Ammi visnaga was introduced into cultivation in the middle of this century. The fruits of Ammi visnaga are used as medicinal raw materials. From them, the furano-chromone derivative kellin, which has antispasmodic activity, is factory-produced. It is prescribed for whooping cough, coronary insufficiency, bronchial asthma, as well as for stomach cramps and renal colic.

Ammi visnaga – care:


Ammi visnaga develops only in very bright sunlight.


Ammi visnaga is a plant known as a weed; it does not fade in the sun and is resistant to temperature changes.


Ammi visnaga is a drought-resistant plant, but requires abundant watering.


Ammi visnaga is a moisture-loving plant that prefers moderate moisture. Excessive air humidity during the flowering period leads to a significant reduction in the yield of Ammi visnaga.


Ammi visnaga is a plant that is undemanding to soil and grows well in a variety of soils with little nutrients.


Ammi visnaga does not require replanting; it is easier to sow this plant from seeds.


Ammi visnaga is propagated by seeds.

Some features:

Ammi visnaga can be grown in almost any soil. Ammi visnaga crops can be placed on any relief elements, with the exception of low-lying areas that are often flooded with water. In soil that is too waterlogged, plants grow well and often die.
The delicate white inflorescences of Ammi visnaga are slightly reminiscent of dill umbrellas, although the leaves and stems of dill look very different. This is one of the most common plants that are used to add splendor to various bouquets of cut flowers. Ammi visnaga creates the same effect in the flower garden - the composition will be voluminous and airy.

Ammi visnaga - diseases and pests:

Ammi visnaga is very resistant to pests, drought and disease.

Ammi Bolshoi is a native of the southern regions of Europe and the Mediterranean. Ammi is a plant with delicate openwork inflorescences that resemble dill umbrellas, although the stems and leaves are completely different. It is one of the best plants, used in bouquets to give them splendor and a finished shape. Ammi also use a similar effect when placing it in a flower garden - the flower ensemble in the flower bed will always look voluminous and airy.

Plant development occurs very slowly - almost four months pass from sowing to flowering. Ammi acquires its first umbrellas at the end of July, but they remain against the background of green foliage patterns until frost. Before the blossoming umbrellas appear, the plant looks rather boring, however, many gardeners consider its leaves to be quite decorative. Ammi Bolshoy in adulthood reaches a meter in height and is very bushy. When planting, you need to take this into account and leave enough space for it.

To speed up the flowering time, the plant can be sown as seedlings in March-April, followed by planting in open ground in May. These specimens will begin flowering much earlier, but the formation of inflorescences will also occur until autumn. For good development, ammi needs bright sunlight and abundant watering. The plant has decorative flowers not only but also fruits - yellow-green seeds. Therefore, there is no need to delete them.

Ammi Viznaga

Ammi Viznaga was considered a weed in European countries. It grew in wastelands and weeded cultivated crops. In the Middle East it was used for medicinal purposes.

Ammi of all types are similar to dill, but for Viznaga this is perhaps most true. In spring, dense clumps of finely cut leaves form on the plants. They differ from dill foliage only in size. In garden conditions, the Viznaga ammi reaches 80 cm in height.

Flowering begins in July. Young flowers are greenish-white in color, and before fading they acquire a golden and green hue. This type of ammi is not inferior in beauty to the Big ammi; it is used in border plantings and for cutting. Compared to the previous plant, it takes up less space and is less demanding on soil moisture.

Ammi Silver Tent

Plant height is from 80 cm to a meter. For early flowering, it is recommended to grow using seedlings. Seeds are sown immediately in separate containers of 2 pieces. followed by removal of the weaker plant. The soil is prepared at the rate of: 1 part humus, 1 part peat and 1 part turf or garden soil. Ash is not added to the soil for sowing.

Sowing and caring for seedlings

Before sowing, ammi seeds are poured into a glass hot water(60 degrees) to rinse essential oils, preventing germination. For speedy germination, an agro-technical technique such as soaking is also used: seeds intended for sowing are laid out on a damp cloth in a saucer, covered with the same damp cloth and left for a day, adding water as they dry. Then the seeds are planted to a depth of 2 cm, watered and covered with glass or plastic film and put in a warm place until shoots appear. After their appearance, the shelter is removed and the seedling containers are placed on a sunny windowsill or on a closed veranda. At night, the temperature is reduced to 12-15 degrees so that the seedlings do not stretch. For the same reason, there should be enough light during the day.

When growing seedlings, ammi can be fed twice, since the plant is large and nutrients consumes in fairly large quantities. Feed with a solution of complete mineral fertilizer (azophoska, nitrophoska, etc.).

Planting seedlings in open ground

When the threat of frost has passed, the ammi plant is planted in a permanent place in the garden. Before planting, humus is added to the soil (half a bucket per 1 sq. m.). The place should be sunny so that large caps of flowers please the eye for as long as possible. And the openwork foliage looks more interesting in the sun’s rays.


Hello everyone who looked at my review. I want to start with a small but nice gift) This summer bouquet of flowers is for you! My little bouquet of flowers and dried flowers from my garden)

I love unusual plants, so when I saw a pack of Ammi Vulcan seeds I bought it without hesitation. But I'll be honest didn't expect it! I didn't expect such beauty) This beauty cannot be expressed in words, nor can it be described with a pen))) A gigantic white “dill” that continuously springs from the slightest breeze. Snow-white lush hemispheres are very unusual and beautiful, both in a flower garden and in a bouquet.

Ammi is a spicy, medicinal and ornamental culture. Decoctions and infusions of seeds and herbs are used for skin diseases (psoriasis, vitiligo and mycosis).

I grow it only as an ornamental among gladioli.

Which I really regret, Ammi deserves more best place. Height 80-120 cm, allows it to blend in with garden plants. White air umbrellas are very decorative. The flower is biennial, so next year he will show himself in all his glory)

I didn’t bother with planting; at the end of May I sowed it directly into the ground among the gladioli.

Germination is 100%, no maintenance or watering required. As they say, set it and forget it) I purchased the seeds at a local garden store, the cost was 14 rubles. Inexpensive for such beauty)

I really like Ammi in flower bouquets, an airy cloud) And very decorative! By cutting off large umbrellas for a bouquet of flowers, the plant gradually ripens new ones. So the decor is always ready)

Botanical characteristics

Ammi majus is an annual or biennial herbaceous plant, which belongs to the celery family, there is another name for it - this is Kandyan cumin. Its hollow stem is straight, grooved and branched, it reaches a height of up to 150 centimeters.

The leaves are three times, doubly pinnate with rather wide lanceolate lobes. The inflorescences of the plant are represented by complex umbrellas, reaching up to ten centimeters in diameter, they are located on long peduncles.

The flowers of Kandyan cumin are very small with white petals. The fruit is called vislocarp, it is smooth and laterally compressed, and ripens in September. This plant blooms from the end of June, and this process continues until the first month of autumn.


In the wild, large ammi is found quite rarely in the Crimea and on the Mediterranean coast. The plant is cultivated for industrial purposes on specialized plantations in the southern regions.

Growing and Reproduction

This plant grows well in any soil; it prefers sunny or partial shade, but in low-lying areas, when water stagnates, ammi often dies. Kandyan cumin is propagated by sowing seeds into seedlings or directly into open ground; this procedure is usually carried out from April to May. A warm and long summer is necessary for ripening. Read more about.

Part used, chemical composition

The part used includes the fruit of the plant. They contain furocoumarins from the psoralen group, for example, isopimpinellin, bergapten, isoemperatorin, marmesin, marmesinin, xanthotoxin, and angelicin. The grass contains the same compounds, but only in much smaller quantities.

The fruits are viscocarps, which easily split into two small semi-fruits; their color varies from gray-green to red-brown. The raw material serves as a source for the production of ammifurin.

Pharmacological properties

As I already said, furocoumarins are considered the main active ingredients of this plant. They stimulate the formation of melanin pigment in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

Furocoumarins have a strengthening effect on blood vessels, have some sedative and choleretic effects, and to a small extent tone the walls of the uterus and all parts of the intestine.


Ammi makes a big one medicine, which contains furocoumarins, and is called ammifurin. IN ancient Egypt They took crushed ammi seeds and then exposed the skin to ultraviolet irradiation to prevent the reappearance of white spots.

In the 13th century, it was used by Arab doctors; they used the seeds of the plant to treat leukoderma, combining therapy with solar irradiation.

The photochemistry method again became relevant in the middle of the last century, when low-toxic photosensitizing drugs were obtained, and the procedure for dosed ultraviolet irradiation became quite accessible.

Treatment with galenic preparations from Kandyan cumin was undertaken a long time ago in Czechoslovakia. In one of the dermatovenerological clinics, a tincture was prepared from these seeds, mixed with an emulsion and used to treat patients with vitiligo. The results were considered satisfactory, and no complications were observed.

In 1960, ammifurin was obtained, which included a mixture of three furocoumarins - isopimpinellin, xanthotoxin and bergapten. The medicine is available in tablets and in the form of a solution, which is rubbed into the affected areas of the skin, followed by ultraviolet irradiation.

Ammifurin is prescribed to patients with vitiligo, alopecia areata or total alopecia, psoriasis, as well as neurodermatitis and lichen planus. For extensive skin lesions, these areas are lubricated, followed by UV irradiation, and this medicine is also taken orally in the form of tablets.

For minor processes, they are limited only to the external use of ammifurin. Maximum therapy is designed for five courses, each of which contains up to 28 procedures. The duration of treatment can last a whole year.

Usually the tablets are taken two hours before UV irradiation. It should start from one minute, and subsequently the session is extended by 60 seconds each time, the maximum dose should not exceed 12 minutes.

In this case, the distance from the source itself ultraviolet radiation must be at least a meter. A course of therapy requires one hundred rubbings, respectively, with the same number of irradiation procedures.

Under the influence of the drug ammifurin, the symptoms of the disease in psoriasis subside, namely: itching stops, the number of rashes decreases, and the degree of infiltration of the skin in places where painful plaques form is significantly reduced.

During the process of photochemistry, patches of pigment begin to appear in patients with vitiligo, and therefore the white spots disappear. During ammifurin therapy, you must wear sunglasses, and also avoid hitting direct sun rays.

You may sometimes feel nauseated while taking this drug. headache, palpitations, but all these symptoms disappear after stopping the medicine.


Before you start taking ammifurin, mandatory Consult a doctor, otherwise you may harm your health.

Initially, it is believed that ammi appeared in the southern regions of Europe and the Mediterranean coast of Africa and Asia.

The inflorescences of the Ammi plant themselves are very delicate and resemble in shape something lacy along with something from the inflorescences of dill and its umbrellas. At the same time, the stems and leaves of ammi are fundamentally different from the same stems and leaves of dill. This is one of the best plants that are commonly used to give bouquets the fullness and richness of cut flowers. A similar effect is generated by ammi in the process of growing in a flower garden - the composition will absolutely always be both airy and voluminous at the same time. Plants evolve extremely slowly—up to four months can pass from the time a plant’s seeds are sown to the time of flowering. The first umbrellas against the general background of patterned greenery usually appear at the end of the month of July, but they can last for a very long time - almost until September. Before the flowers themselves appear, the ammi plant looks very unattractive, although, according to many florists, its leaves are very decorative. When planting this annual plant, it is very important to remember that its bushes can grow up to a length of one meter and form many different shoots. As a result, to plant this plant, the gardener will need a fairly large space where this plant could continue to develop.

In order for the moment of flowering to finally come faster, ammi should and is recommended to be sown indoors in winter or, in extreme cases, at the very beginning of spring (March). In May, young plants need to be planted in a more permanent place, without damaging the roots. To do this, it is necessary to remove the seedlings from the pots simultaneously with the entire root ball. Even though these units will bloom much earlier than those that were sown with seeds in uncovered soil, they will also establish inflorescences before the onset of autumn. Ammi has everything decorative. Both the flowers and its fruits, therefore, umbrellas with green-yellow seeds do not need to be removed from the plants. Ammi large can develop normally only when there is a lot of sun and when it has abundant watering.

Ammi viznaga- (encyclopedic name Ammi visnaga)

Ammi Viznaga in Southern Europe, as well Western Europe was better known as a weed plant growing in fields around crops and in desert areas, and in the countries of the Middle East its use was limited to medical purposes.

All types of the ammi plant are more like dill, but for the viznaga ammi this is especially immanent. During spring, plants of this species form a thick clump of very finely chopped leaves, which differ from the notorious dill in that only their width is slightly larger. However, in the garden these plants can be up to eighty centimeters in length. They bloom in the month of July. This ornamental plant no less popular than ammi major and is widely used for decorative purposes. Only, unlike the big ammi, it is less demanding.