Light sensor with remote control. Switches and sockets with remote control. Switches with remote control

Modern level development electronics industry allows you to complement your life with the most various devices, which are installed to replace traditional ones. Nowadays, not a single TV is produced without a device remote control. Many household devices can also be controlled remotely. Remote lighting control switches are no exception.

Non-contact lighting switching devices can be with automatic or manual control. The first includes all kinds of sensors:

  • optical;
  • thermal;
  • radio wave;
  • sound;
  • ultrasonic.

There are motion sensors various types. Such devices do not have wide household use; they are more often used in factories, various enterprises, and offices.

Types of remote switches

Light switches equipped with a remote control deserve a more detailed consideration. Nowadays you can find a variety of switches on sale, the operation of which is based on different principles of transmitting control signals:

  • infrared;
  • radio controlled;
  • radio controlled via Bluetooth protocol;
  • radio controlled via Wi-Fi protocol.

Infrared switches

Technologically the simplest are infrared switches. They were the ones that appeared in free use. Nowadays, the functionality of infrared control systems has been significantly expanded, but their market share is gradually declining. This is primarily due to fundamental limitations in operation - the need for the transmitter and receiver to be in direct line of sight to each other and have a short range. Also, such devices are characterized by unstable operation in conditions of extraneous exposure to sunlight. Modern models switches with infrared control can be operated from the TV remote control. To do this, when you turn it on for the first time, the switch is programmed so that it is activated when you press a certain button on the TV remote control.

Radio controlled switches

There are no such restrictions radio controlled switches. The range of such systems is limited only by the power of the transmitter in the remote control and the sensitivity of the receiver in the actuator; it can reach hundreds of meters. Since radio waves can be reflected from objects and bend around them, the presence of walls and ceilings only reduces the maximum range, but is not an obstacle to certain limits.

The operating principle of radio-controlled devices is to transmit a high-frequency signal modulated by control pulses. Since pulse shapers are built on digital microcontrollers, it is possible to program remote controls and switches. Each remote control has its own individual digital code, which is transmitted along with the control signal. Thus, different remote controls do not create mutual interference, even when operating at the same frequency.

This is what a switch with radio control key fobs might look like:

Switch with Bluetooth control

Wireless communication based on communication protocol Bluetooth allows you to control devices at distances of up to 100 m. A smartphone, tablet or any other gadget with the appropriate program, as well as a remote control designed to control switches, can be used as a lighting control panel.

Switch with Wi-Fi

The most advanced devices work using the protocol WiFi. Developed for computer networks, this data exchange protocol allows the concept of a “Smart Home” to be implemented. In a smart home, all household devices are connected into a common network and allow control from anywhere, both through wireless devices and via the Internet.

At the moment, only one drawback of such devices prevents their widespread use - high cost. However, there is a tendency that over a certain period of time, more and more complex devices appear with a simultaneous decrease in their cost.

Installation methods and device functionality

A remote-controlled switch, in addition to the simplest on-off function, allows you to control various groups lighting fixtures, adjust their brightness and program the operating algorithm for a certain time. For example, you can program the lights to turn off at a certain hour in the morning, then the lighting will be guaranteed to be turned off while the owners are away from home.

Regardless of the principle of operation, all models of remote switches differ in the method of installation and installation. Some devices are mounted in the lamp or in close proximity to it. There are remote control devices on sale that screw into the place of the lighting lamp and have one or more sockets for connecting the lamps.

A switch for mounting on a lamp may look like this:

A switch with a lamp socket may look like this:

Some models are designed to be installed in place of standard switches. This installation method is preferable because it does not require any additional work for changing electrical wiring. It is enough to dismantle the old switch and install a remote control receiver in its place using the existing wiring. These models are especially attractive in the case of an inconvenient apartment layout, when the existing switches are located in inconvenient places.

Typically built-in models have additional features, allowing you to control lighting without a remote control directly from the receiver. For this purpose, the receiving module is equipped with an additional switch of a standard type or with touch control.

A combination switch might look like this:

Sometimes you can find a remote controlled light switch equipped with feedback to find a lost remote control. This function is organized by installing an additional transmitting module in the switch and a receiving module in the remote control. Naturally, such an addition affects the cost of the kit.

Advantages and disadvantages of various types of power circuits

The control receiver forms the external part of the device. The power of the connected load is determined by the power section. To switch lighting devices, electromagnetic relays or semiconductor devices - triacs or transistors - are usually used. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages.

The relay circuit has low contact resistance, does not create interference and allows you to control any type of lighting fixtures, for example, incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps or LEDs. The main thing is complete galvanic isolation between the control circuit and the switched load. The most significant drawback is the burning of contacts when switching a powerful load and, as a result, failure of the relay. This is what the relay looks like:

The triac circuit has no mechanical contacts, so no sparks occur during operation. But since semiconductor elements are susceptible to failure if a current exceeding the rated value passes through them, that is, they require additional protection and filtering circuits. Also, to implement galvanic isolation, additional elements are required, such as optosimistors. The complexity of using triacs is made up by the absence of restrictions on the maximum number of switchings, in contrast to relays, for which such a limitation can be 10,000–100,000, and the quietness of their operation.

This is what a triac looks like:


Unfortunately, light switches with a remote control are often found on sale, manufactured by little-known garage-type enterprises. Their main goal is to increase sales of goods by reducing prices at the expense of quality, targeting an inexperienced consumer. Such products may have the following disadvantages:

  • There is no redundant control, that is, the switch operates exclusively from the remote control.
  • Inoperability with some types of lamps.
  • Discrepancy between declared technical characteristics real. This mainly concerns range and switching power.
  • Susceptibility to failures due to voltage surges.
  • High current consumption by the remote control circuit, which leads to frequent changes of the power battery.
  • The radio range of the remote control transmitter does not comply with frequency surveillance requirements. This may cause interference with other devices.
  • Lack of individual coding, which leads to the operation of several switches from one remote control.
  • Low quality of the element base, especially power elements - relays or triacs.
  • Low production standards, leading to device failure within a short period of time.

There is only one advantage of such products - low cost. But what will the savings lead to if, in the absence of the owners, the lights in the house are constantly on or, even worse, contacts short out inside the power unit?

When purchasing, you should make sure that the light switch with a remote control is designed to work with the lighting devices that you plan to switch.

Since electrical appliances should be characterized by increased reliability, then the choice should be made on products from well-known and proven brands. If you have insufficient experience working with electrical networks It is better to entrust the installation of switches to professionals.

In the era technical progress You don’t have to get up from the sofa or bed to turn the lighting on/off. A remote light switch with a remote control makes it possible to do this anywhere in the room.

  • Operating principle
  • Additional features
  • Switch connection diagram
  • Instructions for use

Operating principle

The process of controlling the switch is carried out using a remote control, the radius of which indoors is approximately 20 m, outdoors - up to 100 m, they come in 2 types:

  1. Equipped with a motion sensor. The device has an infrared port, so the lighting turns on only when there is someone in the room.
  2. Remote switch that senses sound. The device responds to a specific sound or word.

The operating principle is quite simple. There is a steel core inside the coil. It triggers a contact mechanism that connects and opens the power circuit.

After the button is pressed, electric current reaches the power coil. The magnet, in turn, actuates the steel core. Then the mechanism of the device begins its work, which initiates an electrical contact.

Additional features

The most basic function of the switch is, of course, lighting control. You can turn the light on or off manually or remotely. In the latter case, the control panel is used to turn it on. The remote control for a TV, air conditioner or any other household appliance can be used as a control panel.

The remote switch also allows you to adjust the brightness. This function makes it possible to extend the service life of 2 types of lamps - halogen and incandescent.

The remote control mechanism will help you out when you forget to turn off the lights and you go to another city for a week. After 12 hours, the lighting will automatically turn off.

The remote light switch supports simulation function. After a certain period of time, the lighting fixture in the room will turn on and off. This good opportunity deceive unexpected guests.

Switch connection diagram

To save time, a light switch with a remote control can be mounted in the same place where a regular switch was installed.

Before you start changing devices, first turn off the machine on the panel. Next, remove the button of the old light switch and unscrew the spacer screws. After this, disconnect the mechanism from electrical wires and from the socket box.

In the next step you will see 2 wires:

  1. phase, the “route” of which runs from the panel to the distribution box;
  2. the phase that goes to the lamp through the same junction box.

Before directly installing the light switch, be sure to remove the sensor from it. It is fixed to the frame using 2 side latches. The frame is connected by 2 wires to the touch key. And the wires that are located on the side of the frame must be connected to the terminal clamps by soldering.

To save on electricity bills, our readers recommend the Electricity Saving Box. Monthly payments will be 30-50% less than they were before using the saver. It removes the reactive component from the network, resulting in a reduction in load and, as a consequence, current consumption. Electrical appliances consume less electricity, the costs of paying for it are reduced.

At the next stage, the phase from the apartment panel must be connected to the “phase” terminal, and the phase going to the lamp to the “zero” terminal.

For those who have installed a modern type socket box, we advise you to secure the frame with mounting screws.

Now all that remains is to insert the sensor into the frame and turn on the machine on the dashboard. At this point, the light switch is ready for use.

Remote models that are designed to work with LED or energy saving lamps, connect a little differently. Such devices should be installed closer to the lighting source. In addition, the safe operation of these switches is impossible without the presence of phase and zero.

Some owners prefer to install lighting mechanisms with remote control under plasterboard or suspended ceilings. As a rule, the mechanism is mounted between the installed and the main wall.

For lighting in yards, radio-controlled remote models are most often used. They can turn on/off not one, but several lighting sources at once. Remote control is possible up to 100 m.

If you are planning to install a voice control mechanism, we warn you that it should be mounted near lighting sources. The installation can also be done in place of the old device, but there must be an additional power cable there.

Instructions for use

You can manage devices in 2 ways:

  1. in manual mode;
  2. Remote control mode.

In the first case, the user needs to touch the sensor button with the entire palm, and not with 2-3 fingers. To turn on the lighting, the user must apply minimal effort.

To increase or decrease the brightness, you need to hold your palm on the switch. The brightness of the light will slowly increase and then decrease. Then everything is repeated in a circle.

Almost any remote control can be used for remote control. Before use, make sure the batteries have sufficient charge for use.

To turn on the lighting in the room, press a button on the remote control and hold it until you hear a sound. This way you will enter the mode remote control. After pressing any of the buttons again, you will turn on the lights in the room. To turn off the lights in remote control mode, you need to press a button again.

The brightness control process is carried out in the same way. First, the user holds down any key on the remote control to access the remote control. When he hears the sound, he presses the button and holds it. The brightness will slowly increase and then decrease. After turning off, the brightness level remains at the same level.

To switch to simulation mode, press any button on the remote control several times in a row (usually 9). Exiting this mode is carried out in a similar way.


Remote control of lighting refers to switching circuits for lighting devices in which the switches are operated contactlessly using wireless technologies.

Remote control systems have been used for quite a long time to switch both external street and indoor lighting, as well as indoor lighting. There is a fairly wide range of devices of this kind.

Based on the type of technology used, remote controlled switches can be classified into one of the following types:

  • acoustic, responding to sound vibrations;
  • optical, triggered by light radiation;
  • radio-controlled, in which the control signal is transmitted via radio waves;
  • light switches equipped with motion sensors;
  • smart switches that can recognize voice commands.

The operating principle of an acoustic lighting switch with remote control is based on the use of an electronic acoustic relay that is triggered and turns on the light when a sound signal of a certain power is detected. A miniature microphone is used as a sensor.

The relay is equipped with a sensitivity regulator that ensures operation at a certain, set sound level. Non-contact electronic devices or conventional electromagnetic relays with mechanical contacts can be used as relay actuators that directly switch lighting devices.

The lighting lamps are switched off when a repeated sound pulse is received. Alternatively, the device can be equipped with a time relay that turns off the light after a period of time set on a special scale. In this design, the device can be used to illuminate public spaces (corridors, entrances, etc.).

The use of acoustic relays is limited by the inconvenience of their use, due to the ability to operate in the presence of any extraneous noise (low selectivity).

Optical systems for turning on and off lighting can be classified into one of two categories:

  • switches that operate when exposed to visible light radiation;
  • remote switching systems for light and other loads using infrared (IR) radiation.

Switches of the first type are completely automatic devices. They are used to turn street lights on and off in cities. The basis of the device is a photo relay that responds to sunlight. The light intensity sensor is a photodiode built into the relay.

At dusk, when the illumination threshold drops below the set limit, the relay is activated, turning on electromagnetic starters outdoor lighting. When the sun rises and a certain intensity threshold is reached daylight, the relay returns, turning off the street lights.


Infrared light switches with a remote control are used mainly for switching lighting inside the apartment. Such a system includes two devices: a transmitter and a receiver.

Most often, the receiver is located in place of a traditional key light switch, and the IR signal transmitter is a remote control for lighting devices. The prevalence of this particular configuration is explained by the fact that an IR lighting remote control kit is usually installed to replace a previously existing wired circuit.

A system configuration using infrared rays is also used, in which both the signal receiver and transmitter are located in the same housing in place of the key light switch. To turn on the light in this case, you need to bring your hand or some object to the switch. In this case, the receiver is triggered, perceiving the reflected signal from the transmitter.

The disadvantage of systems using infrared rays is the small range of the transmitter, which is limited to just a few meters for a conventional remote control.

In addition, for successful operation, the receiver and transmitter must be located in the line of sight, since infrared rays do not bend well around obstacles.

Radio-controlled systems for remotely turning on and off lighting also contain a receiver and transmitter, but the carrier of the control action here is radio wave radiation.

As with infrared systems, the radio transmitter is usually located in the remote control, and the receiver is located in the place of the key switch.

Other placement methods are also common, when the receiver is mounted directly in the chandelier.

The transmitter can be made not only in the form of a remote control, but also in the form factor of a regular key switch. Such a device is attached to any convenient location, on the wall or on furniture.

The receiver unit included in the remote light control kit also includes a controller with actuators (often conventional electromechanical relays). Often, controllers have several channels, which allows you to turn on the light from a remote control, switching each chandelier lamp separately.

With proper wiring, you can switch multiple light sources using one remote control. Moreover, radio-controlled kits can be used to open and close window blinds equipped with an electric drive, operate electrified gate openers, doors and gates, fans, air conditioners and other electrical appliances.

The advantages of remote switches using radio waves include the following:

  • significant range of remote controls, reaching 100 meters;
  • the ability of radio waves to bend around obstacles and pass through walls.

Another type of automatic lighting control is the use of motion sensors, similar to those used in alarm systems. The sensors themselves can be different in principle of operation:

  • ultrasonic;
  • infrared;
  • radio frequency.

As in the case of using photo relays, the light control process here is carried out completely automatically. Devices of this type have a fairly narrow scope of application - lighting rooms or areas of the territory while people are present there. Such systems are very effective for turning on and off lights in hallways, on staircases, and lighting at the entrance to the house.

A few words about the most intelligent systems, which will likely become the basis of the smart home of the future. We are talking about devices capable of recognizing and executing various commands given by the owner’s voice.

Systems of this type contain human speech analyzers. Various commands are pre-recorded into the device's memory and stored as a spectrum of audio frequencies. In this case, the individual characteristics of the voice, its timbre, and intonation play a role. During the operation of the system, the received voice command is analyzed, its spectrum of audio frequencies is identified with the commands stored in memory, and if it matches one of them, a certain action is performed.


As an example, consider a typical set designed for remote control of light from a remote control. The Uniel UCH-P001 kit contains the following components:

  • radio signal receiver combined with a controller and executive relays;
  • remote control light with built-in transmitter;
  • a special remote control holder that can be secured in a convenient place with double-sided tape or screws;
  • battery for the remote control;
  • installation and operating instructions.

1. This remote control switch has the following specifications:

2. It has two control channels, that is, it is possible to independently control two electrical appliances, or groups of electrical appliances, using the remote control.

How to make remote lighting control

The maximum load of each channel is 1000 Watts, the maximum total load is 2000 Watts.

4. The range of the remote control is 30 meters.

5. Dimensions of the receiver unit, controller and executive relays – 90x45x22 mm. The compact dimensions of the block make it easy to hide it behind decorative elements interior decoration or place inside a chandelier.

6. The remote control is equipped with three buttons – “1”, “2” and “3”. Using buttons “1” and “2” you turn on and off electrical appliances of the 1st and 2nd channels, respectively, button “3” of the remote control switches both channels simultaneously.

Descriptions of several more light control modules can be found here.




Electricity consumption for lighting a house, street, or industrial facility can be reduced by 30-40% if the operation of lighting devices is optimized. Accurate recording of the presence and intensity of daylight and the presence of people in the room is achieved through the implementation of a wireless lighting control system (LCS).

Such a system combines maximum comfort for users with the possibility of significant energy savings and may include the following functions:

  • control using motion sensors (activation occurs when motion is detected);
  • control of all light sources according to a pre-created algorithm (for example, when turning on the TV);
  • control via infrared or radio remote control;
  • turning on/off lamps using a timer (according to a schedule);
  • imitation of the presence of the owners, i.e. creating the effect of the presence of people in the house;
  • long-distance control via GSM channel using a computer or phone.


Remote control and adjustment of lighting in a house or apartment is usually provided in one of two ways:

1. Using radio or infrared (IR) remote controls (RC), as well as by voice (sound) control when indoors or in close proximity to it.

Radio remotes.

The lighting source in the house can be controlled from any point by installing one radio remote control near the door and another, for example, near the bed. Radio remote controls, depending on their technical characteristics, differ in functionality, appearance and range (10-100 m).

The simplest single-channel remote controls turn on and off a single lamp. Multichannel operate in several zones and are configured separately for each power unit. When placing the receiver and transmitter in different rooms, it should be taken into account that the power of the radio signal decreases as it passes through ceilings and walls; to avoid this, repeaters are used.

Infrared remote control used in small spaces.

This is due to its main disadvantages - the need to accurately point the device at the signal receiver, since it only works within the line of sight of the light source, and has a short range of the beam.

One of the main advantages of a system with an infrared remote control is that it can be used to control not only the lighting of a smart home, but also a TV, home theater, ventilation, heating, etc.

The main advantage here is the ease of control and the absence of the need to keep track of where the remote control is located, since it is not provided in this system. The downside is that often any noise can turn the lights on or off.

Therefore, to prevent accidental operation, most modern voice switches are equipped with a tonal signal differentiation system. However, such switches require careful and competent configuration.

Another disadvantage of such devices is that they can only be used with lamps that plug into an outlet, so they are convenient for turning on/off floor lamps, table lamps, etc.

2. Control via GSM channel over long distances.

The ability of a lighting control system to perceive commands from any distance is the main purpose of GSM control. Installation of such a system allows you to create a “dialogue” between the home owner and the “smart” equipment (GSM module). The principle of operation is that a GSM module and an electronic board are built into the lamps, which has a connector for a SIM card.

Information is transferred through short calls or SMS messages. Installing just such a system is relevant for those who often forget to turn off the lights in the house, even when leaving for a long time.


Street lighting control is largely relevant for public utilities and for owners of private (country) houses. The main management methods are implemented:

Using motion sensors.

The main function of motion sensors is remote control of street lighting, namely, automatic switching on/off of lights when movement occurs. According to the method of detecting movement, devices are divided into:

  • infrared;
  • ultrasonic;
  • microwave;
  • combined.

The principle of their operation is quite simple.

Controlling light from a remote control in an apartment

When a moving object appears in the sensitivity zone of the device, it additionally determines the level of illumination and, if it is low (the parameters are set during installation), the sensor is triggered and turns on the lighting device. The corresponding control signal can be transmitted via a radio channel.

Using a photo relay.

The device turns the lights on and off in response to changes in natural light. In theory, the control system in which the photo relay is used should clearly respond to weather conditions, for example, triggering earlier on cloudy days.

But practice shows that there are many third-party factors: a significant change in air temperature, contamination of the sensor, etc., which have a negative impact on the functioning of the device. Therefore, its operation may be incorrect.

Using remote controls.

If desired, you can additionally connect motion sensors, security lighting, etc. to such a remote control. In controlling a radio remote control, the main functions are performed by two elements: the remote control - a command device and an RGB controller or a power unit (radio dimmer, radio relay) - an actuator.

More complex systems operate via WiFi technology and are equipped with a timer, additional sensors, and photocells.

Control using a radio channel occurs by sending a signal from the remote control to the controller. The advantage of a radio-channel remote control is that there is no mandatory requirement that the lighting device be within visibility. However, this equipment has a serious drawback - significant cost compared to IR control.


The following OMS kits are the most popular:

  • Belarusian system NooLite;
  • Polish Zamel.

The range of the equipment allows you to transmit signals to light sources at a distance of up to 300 meters.

Radio controlled equipment NooLite.

NooLite equipment is used to create a remote control system for smart home lighting. The system includes a set of devices, such as remote controls, power units and a switch that allows you to control the lighting without a remote control.

The kit may also include:

  • PM111 motion sensor;
  • humidity and temperature sensor PT111;
  • Ethernet gateway PR1132.

The PR1132 gateway can be connected to a switch or wireless router, which allows you to turn the device on/off using your phone or computer. The advantage of NooLite is the ability to expand the kit.

Zamel control system for lighting a “smart” home.

The set of the popular type of Zamel equipment includes: a push-button 4-channel radio transmitter RNK-04 and a built-in 2-channel radio receiver model ROP-02.

Such a receiver can be wall-mounted or hidden, and can also be placed directly into the lamp body.

ROP-02 is capable of operating in 5 modes: off, on, monostable, bistable and time modes.

Functional features of the Zamel wireless system:

  • the ability to control lighting equipment, as well as other receivers;
  • presence of 2 output relays (potential-free contact at 230 V);
  • range up to 200 m with the possibility of increasing it when installing the RTN-01 retransmitter;
  • presence of optical signaling;
  • low power consumption.

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Remote light switch

We are all accustomed to ordinary switches that operate by pressing a button. But in addition to these traditional devices, there are other, more modern and progressive ones on sale today. These are switches such as touch switches, as well as those equipped with an indicator, dimmer or light controller. And one of the most convenient is a light switch with remote control. Let's look at its main characteristics.

Features of the remote light switch

Such a device has a large range (up to 100 m), allowing you to turn it on from almost anywhere in your apartment.

There are three types of such switches:

  1. Equipped with a motion sensor, they usually use an infrared port. Such switches “turn on” the light when there is any movement in the room.
  2. Acoustic (with sound perception) - turn on in response to a programmed sound (clap, loudly spoken word, etc.).

    Remote control of lighting from the remote control

    Consumers note these models as very practical.

  3. With a remote control – it works thanks to a radio signal that is transmitted from the remote control to a special receiver.

The most advanced models combine all three of these types, and also respond to a wave of the hand directly in front of the switch.

Advantages of remote switches

The convenience of using such a switch is as follows:

  • using the remote control or voice control, you can turn off the lights without getting up from the couch;
  • installation is quite simple, since most often remote switches are installed in place of the previous ones, without changing the wiring;
  • remote switches, as a rule, allow you to adjust the level of illumination, thereby significantly extending the life of the lamps;
  • and finally, the timer is very useful feature. It makes it possible to program the lights in the apartment to turn on and off at a given time, which can be used as an alarm clock or to create a “presence effect” (the lights turn on and off even if you are away).

In short, the remote switch not only performs its main function, but also has many other, additional ones, which makes its operation as comfortable as possible.

As for the features of connecting a remote light switch, it depends on which lamps the device will interact with. If these are ordinary incandescent lamps, then connecting the device will be similar to how ordinary electrical switches are connected. Energy saving and LED lamps there are some differences - for example, they should be installed as close as possible to the lighting device itself.

Remote light switches allow you to adjust the level of lighting in the house or on the street using , which is very convenient for both large buildings and large areas.

Today there are many types of light switches. Let's consider the main ones:

Remote switches are considered the most convenient because: firstly, they can be controlled from anywhere in the house; secondly, to install them you do not need to lay a new cable, because they are easily mounted in place of the old switch.

Remote switches allow you to control the lighting in a room from a distance, using the remote control for this. Depending on the principle of operation, there are two types of remote devices:

  • With– such devices are equipped with an infrared port, and turn on independently only when there is someone in the room;
  • with sound perception– react to sounds (a certain word, cotton, click, etc.).

The device mechanism consists of a steel core located inside the coil. It activates a contact device, which is responsible for opening and connecting the power circuit.

The control circuit starts working after pressing the power button, due to which the coil receives power. The magnet sets the steel core in motion, after which the device mechanism that implements the electrical contact begins to operate. Now the operation of the device does not depend on start button, a mechanical device reliably maintains power to the circuit.

Many manufacturers offer customers various options remote electrical switches however, they all have special differences. Let's look at the most popular brands of similar products among Russian consumers:

The principle of connecting a remote switch differs depending on the type with which it works. If the model interacts with incandescent lamps, then the installation of such a device is similar to the rules for connecting a conventional electrical switch.

Most remote models provide for work with energy-saving lamps or LEDs; the principle of connecting such devices is somewhat different. For correct and safe operation of the device, proper power supply is required - the mandatory presence of zero and phase. is carried out as close as possible to the lighting device.

It is convenient to install such switches complete with a suspended ceiling - they can be hidden behind canvas, plasterboard structures - the device is placed in the voids between the main and installed walls, etc.

And yards often use radio-controlled remote models, since they allow you to adjust the lighting at a distance of up to 100 meters. Depending on internal device such switches can control one or more light sources. Radio-controlled switches are suitable for working with the most different lamps. To control the LEDs in the controller, the output stages are made using semiconductor transistors.

Remote devices have numerous beneficial properties, therefore they have many advantages over other lighting controllers.

  • Ease of use– the remote switch can be controlled using any remote control, which greatly simplifies and speeds up turning the light on and off if necessary.
  • Easy to install– installation of a new switch is not required; it can be installed in place of the old device.
  • Ability to adjust lighting level, which allows you to extend the life of the lamps and give rest to your eyes.
  • Presence function is to turn the lights on and off at a given frequency, this will allow you to fearlessly leave the house for a long time.

Remote lighting control allows you to create more comfortable conditions. For example, when entering an area where an automatic light control system is installed, there is no need to look for switches in the dark. Also, from the lighting control panel, you can turn on lamps in any room or even abandon switches with an automatic system for turning on devices.

Remote activation

Switching on from a distance can be carried out using various methods, mainly via a remote control. Before you decide to install lighting control from a remote control, you need to understand that there is not always a need to purchase the appropriate equipment. In small apartments there is no need to use a remote control, since a certain lamp turns on only when visiting specific rooms. That is why you should consider whether you need such a system.

Remote switching on of lights from a remote control will be effective for apartments with several tiered lamps. For example, if the room has a chandelier, several ceiling and wall lamps, then it is convenient to launch via remote control. In addition to the main remote control, small key fobs with limited functionality can be used, turning on the light directly at the gate or above front door. You can install a special one on your computer software to control lights throughout the house.

Remote light control has a number of advantages, in particular:

  • allows you to use electricity more economically;
  • makes the process of starting/switching off lighting devices comfortable;
  • helps protect your home from thieves due to the effect of presence.

An easy option is to install a wall controller. Such devices make it possible to turn on the light in specified rooms with adjustable intensity.

Remote control of home lighting can be done in various ways. A common option is to install a shield. For example, if you don’t need light in a bathhouse or other extension, you can turn it off without leaving the house. Enabling and disabling can be hardware, or a special controller can be used. Some homeowners install and configure equipment in such a way that they can be controlled while sitting at their home computer.

Automatic systems are characterized by increased convenience, since motion sensors are connected to them, allowing you to abandon conventional switches. Once a person enters the room, the light will turn on automatically.

Motion sensors will turn off the lamp even after you leave the room. Photocells will turn on lanterns near the entrance to the house at night, as well as illumination of the entire area. At dawn they will turn off. Also set timers regulating lighting. This move will be useful provided that the person returns home at the same time.

Blocks and controllers

To turn devices on and off while at a distance, several devices are installed and connected. Some of them will be controlled by a person, others will run sensors and other devices.

The automatic control unit is activated by groups of lighting fixtures. It is connected to a specific group of products, and pressing a button signals that power needs to be supplied. There are blocks through which units can be turned on and off using the remote control. Each button of such a device programmable to perform a specific action.

The controller is needed to remotely start the light bulbs. Installation should only be trusted by experienced professionals, otherwise the system will not be effective and will become dangerous for residents.

Sensors and switches

Specialist control sensors are divided into two types:

  • motion sensors;
  • devices for determining the level of illumination.

The equipment operates in automatic mode. Sensors detect thermal radiation, which triggers the lamps. The sensors operate using infrared radiation, which does not pass through various types of obstacles.

Often, homeowners purchase products that are triggered by remote controls that send out infrared radiation. A special remote control starts the lamps. Such switches have the following strengths:

  • control the light from anywhere in your home;
  • there is software that allows you to control devices via a smartphone;
  • the ability to connect adapters that convert infrared rays into radio frequency ones.

Remote switches can be supplied as motion-sensing sensors or sound-sensing products. The former trigger the light as soon as a person enters the room, and the latter react to individual sounds, for example, clicks or voices. You can forget about searching for the switch and walking across the room to it to turn off the electricity.