Kanai's Cube Diablo 3 new recipes. Diablo III Kanai's Cube recipes. Basic Kanai's Cube recipes

Kanai's Cube was added in patch 2.3 and returns to Diablo 2's Horadric Cube, giving players the ability to convert or break Legendary items and gain bonuses from their special properties.
The cube is obtained from Kanai's throne located in the "Oldest Shrine" in Secheron Ruins in Act Three. This area was added to the game in Patch 2.3 along with the cube and can only be found in Adventure Mode. Players do not have to complete a quest or reward to receive the Cube; just find the area (which requires some exploration since it's not marked on the map and the Ruins are large).

Kuba Kanai Recipes

Tal Rashi Archive is Kanai's Cube recipe, which extracts legendary power from a legendary item and allows it to be used through the Cube. This recipe only works on legendary and established items with a legendary affix (orange text), and it destroys the item when extracting energy.

Kull's Law is a recipe for a Kanai cube that recreates a legendary (unspecified) item. This recipe is the most essential of the expensive cube recipes and is intended to provide long-term financial assistance for players to work towards translating a near-perfect example of their favorite legendary item.

Deckard Cain's Hope is a Kanai Cube recipe that upgrades a rare item to a legendary or specified item of the same type. The element type is key; for example, players who want to Obtain the Crucible must use a rare Two-Handed Mace, which will evolve into one of the randomly selected Legendary Two-Handed Maces.

Nilfur Mastery is a Kuba Kanai recipe that transforms a given item into another item from the same set. The roll is completely random, in terms of which another element in the set is created, and the statistics for that element are always different. The same item will never be repeated twice in a row, and this recipe only works on sets with three or more items.

Proceedings of Catan- A Kuba Kanai recipe that completely removes the level requirement from any item. The item is not destroyed or altered, just changed so as not to require a level, so it can even be equipped with level 1.

Darkness of Radament is a Kuba Kanai recipe that transforms gems from one type to another. This is useful for turning unwanted types of gems into the ones you need, either for socketing in your equipment or spending on enchanting. This recipe changes 9 gems at a time to the same quality of any other type gemstone, determined by the type of Gem Essence you are using in the cube.

Delight, Regret, Fury by Iben Fahd is a recipe that converts materials from one type to another. Using this recipe, players can switch between their Reusable Parts (white material), Arcane Dust (blue material), or Veiled Crystal (yellow material) among themselves. Only these three materials. Forgotten Souls and Death Breaths cannot be used as input or output in this recipe.

Kaldesanna's Despair– Use Legendary Gems to raise an Ancient or Legendary item with a bonus. This recipe allows players to use Legendary Gems to raise the bonus on an Ancient or Legendary item.

Using the cube

To use the Cube, players must first obtain it from Secheron Ruins in Adventure Mode. Just find it there and click on the cube and it will automatically be added to your account. The cube is not a physical item that you see in your inventory, and the only way to access it is by clicking the cube or the Zoltan Kull standing next to it in the city.

The ingredients for the Recipe cube must be placed inside the cube (drag or right click);
All ingredients must be correct; recipes won't work if they are short on ingredients. Additional ingredients will be left in the cube and then returned to you when the UI window is closed.
The stack amounts don't matter; players do not need to insert exactly 50 or 100 stacks. Large stacks are fine, and the recipe subtracts the amount called for from the total stack cubed.
The cube's usability wasn't great when it started testing on the PTR, and players often complained that they had to run to their wallet and pull out necessary materials, run on the cube, insert them, etc.

Extracting Legendary Power

This recipe destroys a legendary item and adds its legendary affix to the cube, allowing the character to activate that power through the cube and enjoy it without equipping the item. This can be done on any legendary or given element with a legendary affix (shown in orange text). Only this orange texture is retrieved, not any other properties of the element, and the cube always conveys the property in the highest possible equivalent.

Tal Rashi Archive

  • 1 Legendary item with a legendary affix.
  • 1 Handar rune
  • 1 Caldean Nightcrawler
  • 1 Arreatian Battle Ornament
  • 1 Flesh of the Fallen Angel
  • 1 Holy water from Westmarch
  • 5 Breath of Death

Reforge a Legendary Item

This recipe will remake any legendary item, completely resetting all stats as if the item had just dropped for the first time. The chances of getting Ancient Items are 1/10.

Kull's Law

  • 1 Legendary item
  • 5 Handar rune
  • 5 Caldean Nochnitsa
  • 5 Arreatian Battle Ornament
  • 5 Flesh of the Fallen Angel
  • 5 Holy water from Westmarch
  • 50 Forgotten Souls

Upgrade a rare item

This recipe allows the player to transform any level 70 rare item into a random legendary or specified item of the same type. You can use items purchased from vendors or Kadala. It's best to use items that are worth gambling on, such as amulets, or hunt for certain legendary weapons, such as two-handed maces, to try to create a Crucible.

Nadezhda Kaina

1 Rare item (level 70)
25 Breath of Death
50 Spare Parts (White Material)
50 Arcane Dust (blue material)
50 Clouded Crystal (yellow material)

Convert complete item

This recipe changes a given element to another random element from the same set. Designed to help players get that 5th or 6th item to complete a set when they keep finding other items in the set but not the one they want.

This recipe was suppressed when the recipe went live, with very low material costs of only 10 Death Tremor and 10 Forgotten Soul. The simplest exploit was to use it on two-item sets like focus/containment rings, where the item would simply swap one for the other, making it very easy to roll around until the perfect item was created. Blizzard promised to change the recipe to stop such simple re-polling on the first day that PTR testing began, and in the first PTR patch they changed this recipe to only work on sets of three or more items. Products made from this recipe will never be ancient.

Nilfur Mastery

1 Complete Item
10 Breath of Death
10 Forgotten Souls

Remove level requirements

This recipe allows players to completely remove the level requirement from any item. There's little benefit for Normal players, but it makes it even easier for Heroic players, who can put a powerful sixth item, at level 1, and play the entire game on Torment 10, starting from 1-70 in just a few minutes.

Proceedings of Catan

1 Item (any type)
1 Gem of Lightness, rank 25 or higher.

Transformation Gems

This recipe allows the player to convert 9 gems into any other gem type. It can be used at any gem level, but only in quantities of 9. Gem emblems are purchased from the Merchant in Act 2 for 500,000 gold each.

Darkness of Radar

9x any gem (same type/quality)
1 Essence of the gem (the type of gem you want)
5 Breath of Death

Converting Supplies

This recipe allows players to convert 100 of any crafting materials (white, blue or yellow, but not Death Breath or Forgotten Souls) into 100 white/blue/yellow materials. This is useful for compensating for imbalances in material quantity, such as a player who still has a lot of Clouded Crystals (yellow) and wants to convert them into blue or white materials to create targets.

To create, insert at least 100 stacks of materials you want to change and 1 item (white, blue or yellow) from which you want to change 100 materials. For example, 100 Clouded Crystals + 1 magic item = 100 Arcane Dust (blue).

Fury of Ibn Fahd

100 stacks of white, blue or yellow material
1 quality element (white, blue or yellow) with which you want to change materials.
1 Breath of Death

Portal: to the cow level

An undocumented recipe, it opens a portal to the cow level, a bonus area first introduced for the third anniversary.

1 Cow Berdysh (legendary item)

Portal: Shelter

An undocumented recipe, it opens a golden portal to Goblin Valley, a bonus area where fabulous golden riches await.

Only one Vault portal can be opened per game, so if it was accidentally found by a Goblin, this recipe cannot be used in that game. (Presumably, using this recipe means that no random Goblin in the world will open it, although this is difficult to verify).

1 Ring Puzzle (legendary ring)

Everyone remembers the Horadric Cube from the second part of Diablo. "Kanai's Cube" has become an evolution of this device, which all players who downloaded update 2.3 are simply obliged to receive. What is this? How to use it? Today we will answer these questions and provide you with detailed instructions.


The first and most important feature of Kanai's Cube is that it can provide a passive bonus to the character's skills. You don't have to carry it with you and take up space in your inventory. Moreover, you yourself choose the effect you get. However, in this case you will have to destroy the legendary item that this bonus contains.

This is the most important aspect that most players need. However, this function is not limited to this. There are several recipes that will help you improve your equipment. Moreover, unlike the owners of the Horadric Cube, you will be able to control this process more subtly.

But how to get the "Kanai's Cube"? This is the question most players ask when they learn about its existence.


It's actually very simple. The only valid condition is an open third act. It is also desirable that it be passed. This way you will have a better chance of defeating opponents who are not of a higher level than you.

So, how to get Kanai's Cube? Open the menu and go to adventure mode. We are interested in only one non-player character, namely Zoltun Kull. Talk to him in the first city, and then move to the third act.

After update 2.3, a new location and teleport to the “Ruins of Secheron” will be waiting for you there. If you think that this is just the beginning of an arduous journey for a rare artifact, then you will be disappointed. Once in the ruins, you will just have to run around looking for the “Cube”. Yes, there will be enemies here, but they won’t be called particularly strong or dangerous. In total you have to run through two stages. You don't even have to fight.

Before you get the Kanai Cube, you will have to run around the entire location in search of the transition to the second level - the Sanctuary of the Elders. To make this easier, run along one of the edges of the map and you will probably quickly reach your goal.

At the second stage, nothing will change. You will still be running through the maze. But here one nuance appears. You won't be able to miss the Kanai Cube: the object is bright orange and will lie on a pedestal in the center of the room. However, you can take it only when you kill the guards and “leave the battle.”


Even if you have obtained the Kanai Cube, which we will tell you how to use a little further, your work is not over. Now you will need large number reagents for its functioning. The main catch is that you can only get them from the "Treasures of Horadrim". They can be obtained in adventures by completing quests issued by Tyrael.

In total, the game has five acts and, accordingly, five materials - one for each act. Let's arrange them in descending order.

  • Holy water from Westmarch.
  • Flesh of a fallen angel.
  • Arreatian martial ornament.
  • Caldean bat.
  • Handar rune.

Thus, after completing the entire game, you will receive one material each. But to use Cuba Kanai you will need much more. In addition to act reagents, you will also need some loot from monsters - breath of death, forgotten souls, spare parts, arcane dust and clouded crystals.

In addition, you will have to purchase some reagents from merchants, but more on that a little later.


There are a total of seven recipes that the player can use. All of them require quite a lot of resources. They can be divided into groups, according to the operations that “Cube” performs with them. So now you know how to get Kanai's Cube, but one problem remains - the recipes.

  • "Tal Rashi Archive". This recipe allows you to extract one property from a legendary item and add it to the “memory” of the cube. Please note that only legendary quality is also extracted. After this operation, the item itself is destroyed. All “equipment” in the cube is divided into three types - weapons, rings and armor. Therefore, you can only select three properties at a time - one from each category.

In order to carry out this operation, you will need one act reagent and five “breaths of death”. And, of course, the legendary item itself. Perhaps this is the most useful of the recipes, where the Kanai Cube fully fulfills its function.


The following recipes are aimed at changing existing things. Simply put, the “Kanai Cube”, how to use it is clear at first glance, begins to play the role of that same “Horadrical Cube”.

  • "Kull's Law". Allows you to completely change the properties of a legendary item. Using 5 act reagents and 50 souls, you will create a completely new item, which may even become ancient. However, be careful, it is possible reverse effect- an ancient one can become a regular legendary one.
  • "The Hope of Descartes Cain." Another very interesting recipe. Allows you to turn a rare (yellow) item into a legendary item for the same slot. The only limitation is the level of the item - it must be 70. To activate the transformation procedure, you will need 50 units of all types of resources and 25 breaths of death.
  • "Mastery of Nilfur" Perhaps one of the most controversial recipes. Allows you to transform a legendary item from one set into another from the same set. Very useful when you have a lot of the same “junk” accumulated, but there are not enough individual items to complete the set.

In principle, this is all that Kanai's Cube is capable of. The recipes that we will indicate below are too situational and are not always worth the money and materials that are spent on them.


So, "Kanai's Cube". The recipes presented here most likely affect the properties of the item as a whole, rather than specific characteristics.

  • "Proceedings of Catan". By using any item in the cube together with a lightness gem of legendary quality, you will completely remove the level requirements for this equipment. The only limitation is that the gem must be above level 25.
  • "Darkness of Radament". Allows you to transform 9 gems of one color into another. To do this, put a special essence in their cube, which can be bought from merchants for 500,000 coins. As you can see, it is quite expensive, so there is no point in carrying out this operation with low-level items.
  • "The Wrath of Ibn Fahd." Allows you to convert 100 materials of one quality to another. To do this, simply add 1 breath of death and an item of the required quality to them.

With the release of expansion 2.3, Diablo 3 introduced a so-called crafter called Kanai's Cube. Most gamers familiar with the previous parts of the game are already familiar with the Kanai Cube and its capabilities. But compared to its predecessors, the Cube received completely new features, for example, a slot for three legendary properties, which do not need to be added to items, just place the cube on a pedestal in the city. They can also transform various magical objects immediately after their appearance. Although this item has such powerful properties, it is quite difficult to get it, and in this article we will try to describe the place where to find the Kanai Cube in Diablo 3.

Ruins of Secheron

Along with the cube, a mini location, the Ruins of Secheron, will appear in update 2.3. You can get there in the third act of the adventure mode by taking a task from Zoltun Kull. After passing through the ruins and killing the crazed defenders of the once great civilization, Kanai's Cube will open to you. You can find it on a pedestal in the city market square.

Now you know where to find Kanai's Cube in Diablo 3. It is immediately worth noting that the ruins of Secheron are the only place where you can find Kanai's Cube. Also, for any actions with the cube, you will need materials, for example, to extract magical properties from the subject. To do this you will need 5 units of breath of death.

On August 25, 2015, a major update was installed on the Diablo 3 servers for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It brought many bug fixes and new content: Ruins of Secheron and .

Fans of the series will remember the powerful Horadrim Artifact from Diablo 2, but it's just a toy compared to Kanai's Cube. So says Zoltun Kul, who is in charge of a powerful artifact and makes sarcastic statements.

Lost and forgotten

The precursor to the Horadric Cube, the Kanai Cube is a powerful artifact with nearly limitless ability to alter items. Initially, the Horadrim needed a powerful magical artifact to hunt the three great embodiments of Evil. For a long time, the magic cube served the order, but in the end its members considered the artifact too dangerous and decided to hide it. To replace the first device, a less powerful horadric cube was created. The old artifact was given for safekeeping to a mysterious group of barbarians who lived on Mount Arreat. They regularly protected the cube from outsiders, including members of their own clan who were not privy to the secrets. When the Horadrim decided to hide the cube, only one member of the order was against it: Zoltun Kull.

For many years, barbarians guarded the cube, protecting it from the prying eyes of those who would want to use the power of the artifact for evil. The last guardian of the cube was Elder Kanai. He died when the demon lord Baal destroyed Secheron during the events of the Diablo II: Lord of Destruction expansion. By ancient tradition barbarians and warriors were always buried on the slopes of Mount Arreat. But after the destruction of the stone of the universe and the mountain peak itself, in the depths of which it was kept, Kanai’s spirit could not find peace. Now the deceased ruler carries out eternal watch over the ruins of his homeland and guards the greatest treasure of the world. He is waiting for a powerful and noble hero to whom he can transfer the artifact entrusted to him.

One vile creature has once again managed to penetrate the mortal world, and he is not averse to laying his intangible raking hands on the treasure that his order abandoned long ago. Of course, the spirit knows only one candidate who can impress Kanai...

What can you do with the Kanai Cube?

According to the creators (whether Horadrim or Blizzard) anything. No, you can’t use it to get legendary angel wings or increase your level to 9000, but you can easily improve items, open portals or pick up a legendary property.

Functions of Kuba Kanai

  • Retrieve the property of a legendary item. Do you like the bonus that legendary armor provides, but it's too weak? Now this is not a problem. With the help of the cube you will destroy the legendary item, but you will take its property into the cube and use it! In total, you can extract three types: weapons, armor and jewelry. Only 1 property in one category can be used at a time.

  • Reforge a legendary item. If you received a legendary item, but it was not best quality or with the wrong bonuses, then you can reforge it. The item's affixes will be determined randomly, as if you found it in battle. A regular legendary item can become an ancient item and vice versa, so be careful.

  • Upgrading a rare item. Essentially, you can make a rare item legendary with new properties. The item you receive from the upgrade will be of the same type as the original, but it is impossible to predict which Legendary item you will receive.

  • Transformation of a complete item. Very useful feature. If on the battlefield you received two pairs of boots from one set, for example Blacktron Spurs, then you can try to exchange 1 pair for another item from THIS SAME set. There is a chance that you will receive the same boots only with different properties.

  • Remove level requirement. Very useful if you want to fully equip your level 1 nephalem straight into the level 70 gear set.

  • Transformation of gems. Converts 9 gems of one type into 9 gems of another type, while the quality remains the same.

  • Conversion of materials. Converts 100 units of one type of material into 100 units of another, but you will not receive legendary material.

  • Strengthen an ancient item. This recipe became available after update 2.4. You can upgrade your existing Ancient Legendary item. To do this, you need to have the following ingredients: a legendary gem from level 30 and 3 flawless royal gems of the desired color (ruby - strength, emerald - agility, topaz - intelligence).

Secret recipes of Cuba Kanai

If the Horadrim cube from the second part of Diablo had secret recipes, then it simply must be here.
  • Portal to the NOT cow level. To get to it you must find a Cow Berdysh.

  • Portal to the treasury. To get into the den of greed you will only need a puzzle ring. You can only open one portal in the game.
  • How to get Kanai's Cube?

    Very simple. Select adventure mode from the game menu. Go to the third act and you can immediately teleport to new location ruins of Secheron. After a long battle with enemies, you will find a hall where this cube is simply lying on a pedestal.

    Update 2.3 brought many changes to the game, but one of the most important innovations is definitely Kanai's Cube.

    Kanai's Cube is a new crafter with numerous abilities. At the moment there are 7 main recipes and several secret ones in the game.

    To use the craft, you need act reagents, which can be found in boxes for completing assignments. There are a total of 5 reagents in the game, each of which is tied to a specific act.

    List of materials







    Kuba Kanai Recipes

    Tal Rashi Archive (extract legendary property)

    When using the recipe, the legendary will disappear forever, and its property will be added to Kanai's Cube, which the hero can choose as an additional bonus. Requires 1 act ingredient + 5 breath of death + an item with a legendary property.

    In total, you can choose 3 properties: from weapons, from armor and from accessories.

    Kull's Law (reforge a legendary item)

    Redistributes all the characteristics of the legendary. Requires 5 act ingredients of each type + 50 forgotten souls + legendary.

    Deckard Cain's Hope (upgrade a rare item)

    Transforms a rare item into a legendary item of the same type. For example, if you put a rare helmet inside, it will turn into a random legendary helmet. Requires Rare Item + 25 Breath of Death + 50 Spare Parts + 50 Arcane Dust + 50 Clouded Crystals.

    Nilfur Mastery (Convert Set Item)

    Using this recipe, you can turn an unnecessary item from a set into any other item from the same set. Requires set item + 10 Breath of Death + 10 Forgotten Souls.

    It is impossible to obtain an ancient item.

    Proceedings of Katan (remove level requirements)

    After use, the item can be worn by a character of any level. Requires essential item + level 25 lightness gem.

    Darkness of Radament (transform gems)

    The player can turn 9 gems of one color into 9 gems of another color by using the appropriate essence. The essence can be purchased from the Reseller Jumper in Act 2.

    Wrath of Ibn Fahd (convert materials)

    Converts 100 resources of one type into 100 resources of another type (except Forgotten Souls). The type of resource will depend on the color of the item you put in Kanai's Cube. For example, if you put 100 spare parts + any blue item + 1 breath of death, you will get 100 arcane dust and some change.

    Kaldesann's Despair (Enhance Ancient Item)

    Required: an ancient legendary item, a gem from level 30 and 3 flawless royal gems of the corresponding color (ruby - strength, emerald - agility, topaz - intelligence).

    An additional line will appear in the ancient item, increasing the hero’s main stat (depending on the color of the gem) by 5 units for each level of the pumped up gem.

    Secret recipes

    Kanai's cube has several secret recipes:

    • A cow berdysh will open a portal to the Non-Cow Level
    • The puzzle ring will open a portal to the Treasury

    How to get Kanai's Cube?

    In the city, Zoltun Kull will be waiting for the player, who will say that in some ruins of Secheron an ancient artifact guarded by a ghost is hidden. You can look at the ruins of Secheron only in adventure mode by selecting the 3rd act.

    In addition to new monsters and quests, you can find Kanai's Cube in the location.


    Question: If I choose Crucible as an additional bonus, and my hero is equipped with a one-handed weapon, will the effect still work?

    Answer: The effect of Crucible will work since the ability itself does not require carrying a two-handed weapon.