Is it possible to eat fresh vegetables in winter? What fruits are healthy in winter

IN winter time Our body needs vitamins more than ever, but the choice of fresh vegetables and fruits that actually bring benefits is very limited. The question arises: what to eat in winter, because most of them are greenhouse-grown, brought from afar, which implies excessive use of fertilizers, early harvesting of fruits and treatment with various chemicals.

What should we do in this case?

Doctors advise choosing ripe and juicy vegetables and fruits, giving preference to domestic seasonal products, and from imported ones you should choose the one whose route from the place of growth to the store was as short as possible. This guarantees minimal use of preservative gas, thanks to which grapes, apricots, etc. are stored for up to six months, and fruits with hard skins are stored for a year. Goods brought from countries such as Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, as a rule, is not treated with chemicals.

In general, all vegetables and fruits must be thoroughly washed before consumption, and to get rid of accumulated nitrates and chemicals, soak them in boiled water for half an hour.

And now we present to your attention list of winter products, from which you can and should extract maximum benefit.

Fruits and vegetables to eat in winter:


It is not for nothing that this fruit is called the fruit of health, since it contains a large amount of vitamins such as C, B1, B2, E, as well as iron, potassium and manganese. The beneficial properties of apples remain until the end of winter, so they are good remedy for the prevention of vitamin deficiency and colds. A variety such as Antonovka retains up to 90% of vitamin C until spring. Thanks to fiber, apples satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time, and the pectin they contain improves complexion and prolongs youth.


Pears are a good source of nutrients such as fiber, glucose, carotene, folic acid, iron, iodine, manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc and phosphorus. The fruits also contain a lot of vitamins C, E, vitamins B, P. The antibiotic arbutin effectively fights microbes, and pectin has a positive effect on intestinal function and helps remove unwanted substances from the body.

Important: Pears should not be eaten with heavy food and washed down with raw water. You should not eat this fruit on an empty stomach.

Daily intake of pears: 2 fruits.


It is well known that oranges, tangerines, and kiwis are an excellent source of vitamin C, sufficient consumption of which is especially important in winter. In addition, they contain folic acid (without which the normal functioning of the nervous and reproductive systems of the human body is impossible), potassium (lowers blood pressure) and flavonoids (have anticancer, antibacterial, anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory properties).

Important: For people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, citrus fruits are contraindicated.

In winter, you should eat 2 oranges, 1 grapefruit or 4-5 tangerines and 2 kiwis per day.


This storehouse of useful substances contains large quantities of potassium, magnesium and β-carotene, which are considered an excellent anti-cancer agent. Persimmon also contains iodine, iron, cobalt, sodium, copper, calcium, glucose and fructose, and is not inferior to green tea in terms of antioxidant content.

Important: persimmon should not be consumed by people who have recently undergone surgery, or those suffering from diabetes mellitus and adhesive bowel disease.

Daily intake: 2-3 medium sized fruits.


This versatile product contains all the essential amino acids (histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan and valine) necessary for the healthy functioning of our body. Monounsaturated fats in its composition help fight bad cholesterol, and vitamin E protects cells from the destructive attack of viruses. Eating this fruit in winter helps improve memory, restore the nervous system and relieve fatigue, drowsiness and irritability.


In winter, this fruit supplies our body with essential vitamins and minerals such as A, B1, B2, B6, E, iodine, iron, calcium, potassium, chromium, manganese and copper. One pomegranate contains 40% daily value vitamin C. Thanks to the antioxidants contained in the fruit, it is a good antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory agent. Consumption of pomegranate is recommended for reduced level hemoglobin.

Important: pomegranate juice should be diluted with water in proportions 1:3

Eat enough per day 1 fruit.


Due to the high content of organic acids, this berry is rightfully considered a leader among products whose consumption is necessary for vitamin deficiency. Particularly in winter.

Cranberries are rich in vitamins C, K, E, A, and also contain a lot of potassium, calcium, iodine, iron, phosphorus and manganese. The antioxidants contained in the berry help remove radionuclides from the body, lower cholesterol levels, and also heal wounds and prevent the formation of malignant tumors.

Fun fact: Cranberries have a long shelf life thanks to benzoic acid, a natural preservative it contains.

Onions and garlic

Regular consumption of onions and garlic helps boost immunity and win the fight against colds. These products are simply a living source of nutrients during the off-season. From them you can get vitamins C, E, carotene, thiamine, folic and nicotinic acids.

Important: for diseases of the liver and gall bladder, as well as for peptic ulcer It is not recommended to get too carried away with eating these vegetables.

White cabbage

Another indispensable vegetable in winter. Contains anti-ulcer vitamin U and tartine acid, which prevents carbohydrates from turning into fats. A rich source of vitamins A, C, K, B, as well as fiber, carotene and rutin - a flavonoid that strengthens blood vessels.

To get maximum benefits, it is best to eat cabbage fresh or pickled, since heat treatment destroys some of the vitamins.

Sauerkraut is an excellent source of vitamin C in winter. In fermented form, it contains beneficial cultures of lactic acid bacteria, which promote proper intestinal function and resist inflammation and the growth of harmful bacteria.

Important: Excessive consumption of cabbage is not recommended for kidney diseases and exacerbations of peptic ulcers.

Daily intake of cabbage: 300 g.


In winter, this vegetable helps strengthen the immune system and restore energy. Having strong cleansing properties, beets help improve blood condition and remove harmful uric acid from the body. In addition to glucose, fiber, potassium, iron, iodine, phosphorus and pantothenic acid, it contains cesium and rubidium, which inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Fun fact: the substances contained in beets are not destroyed during heat treatment.

Important: People with diabetes, as well as urolithiasis and a predisposition to osteoporosis should avoid eating this vegetable.

Everyone else can eat 250 g of beets every day.


In winter, from this vegetable we can get vitamins such as C, B1, B2, PP. And also, like all orange fruits and vegetables, pumpkin is rich in carotene (vitamin A). It contains a lot of iron, calcium, zinc, copper, potassium and magnesium, as well as phosphoric acid, which is responsible for metabolism in the body.

Pumpkin juice is also useful, as it helps restore strength after a hard day at work.

Interesting fact: Due to its high zinc content, pumpkin is the best natural remedy for enhancing male potency.

The daily dose of pumpkin consumption is 250 g of pulp or 2 glasses of juice.


This natural antibiotic is rich in antimicrobial substances that help increase the body's resistance to infections. Radish is a storehouse of vitamin C, retinol, potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium, essential oils and phytoncides. It is simply irreplaceable in the treatment of vitamin deficiency. And if you grate radishes and carrots and season sunflower oil, then it will be an excellent remedy for combating winter loss of strength.

Important: The bitterness contained in the vegetable is contraindicated in case of kidney stones and inflammation of the stomach.

According to experts, in order for nutrition to be complete and enough vitamins to enter the body, our diet must contain vegetables and fruits in an amount of at least 5 servings, each of which is 80-100 g.

text: Karna Kruchina

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It is clear that the most healthy vegetables and fruits - fresh, fresh from the garden or taken from the tree. And it is desirable that they grow up in Russia, since all nutrition experts unanimously say that the healthiest thing is what was grown in the region where you live. But what ends up on the shelves in winter was either brought from afar (and some fruits simply cannot be local), or was stored in a warehouse for a long time. In both cases, you cannot do without special chemical treatment - pesticides and preservatives. Therefore, the usefulness of such gifts of nature is questionable.

But if, for example, bananas ripen only in distant countries, then how can they be transported to Russia? Ripe fruit will spoil within a few days, so according to generally accepted technology, the fruits are picked green. From this vitamins (in particular, vitamin C, the most unstable to external influences) they contain an order of magnitude less than their relatives, which are harvested when mature. Before being exported, fruits and vegetables are treated with methyl bromide to kill pests and with sulfur dioxide or fungicides to protect against mold. When making dried fruits, they are again treated with sulfur dioxide or a solution of sulfurous acid - without this, dried apricots, for example, are not orange, as usual in the store, but dark, almost brown.
In order for apples to have an appetizing glossy shine, they are treated with a thin layer of paraffin (by the way, a petroleum product). Oranges are processed in the same way. sweet pepper. This allows them to be stored for almost two years. It is impossible to wash off this plaque by simply rinsing a fruit or vegetable with warm tap water. It is necessary to brush them for at least a few minutes with a brush under hot water or peel them.
In addition, citrus fruits are usually treated with preservatives that are colorless, odorless, and tasteless to prevent them from rotting. However, some people often do not wash citrus fruits before peeling them. Preservatives remain on our fingers, and we safely eat them along with dessert.
Unfortunately, it's anyone's guess whether pesticides were used to grow the fruit or vegetable you're holding in your hands. Manufacturers are silent about this. To minimize harm from chemicals, it is necessary to comply simple rules.
✽ Try to buy products from nearby regions. When fruits and vegetables make a short journey to the counter, there is no need to process them.
✽ Choose medium-sized fruits.
✽ Pay attention to the country of origin. Chinese vegetables and fruits are simply overflowing with various agricultural chemicals. But products from the countries of the so-called third world are, as a rule, pure: due to the low standard of living there, there is simply no money for fertilizers.
✽ Before consumption, be sure to thoroughly wash all purchased vegetables and fruits, if possible with soap.
✽ You need to peel not only potatoes, but also imported apples, cucumbers, and pears. Most harmful substances contained in the peel (although by peeling it, we lose most of the vitamins). Remove the top leaves from the cabbage and remove the stalk.
✽ If possible, soak vegetables in water for 30–60 minutes before eating.
✽ When buying dried fruits, remember that they need to be stored in a cool (not higher than +10 °C), dark and dry place. High humidity and excess heat lead to the appearance of poison in them - aflatoxin, produced by microscopic mold fungi. It is impossible to get rid of it, even by boiling dried fruits.
✽ If you don’t want to buy dried fruits with preservatives, choose those that are brown and chewy when broken in half.
✽ Be sure to thoroughly rinse all dried fruits with hot water and soak for several minutes in warm water.
Organic products
Many manufacturers quickly realized that the environmental friendliness of products is good way increase profits. Therefore, now in some supermarkets you can find fruits and vegetables labeled “organic” or “organic food”. These are so-called organic products, during the cultivation of which, according to manufacturers, only natural fertilizers (humus and compost) were used, and they were not treated with anything during storage. The qualitative difference between such products and their “pesticide” counterparts is also that the soil, which is treated with pesticides and only mineral fertilizers, is quickly depleted, and what grows on it is also poor in vitamins. Organic fruits and vegetables are really healthy and rich in vitamins. In appearance, they are no different from the others with one exception - they are never too large and “glossy”, and, as a rule, cost more. Unfortunately, the market for organic products in Russia is completely undeveloped. Therefore, you can only buy organic fruits and vegetables in large metropolitan supermarkets.
Greenhouse or ground?
The domestically produced tomatoes and cucumbers that we buy in stores in winter are grown in a greenhouse. And many people have a question: are greenhouse vegetables as tasty and healthy as compared to ground vegetables (grown outdoors)? As for nitrates, there are approximately the same amounts of them in both. However, greenhouse vegetables often taste, as they say, “plastic.” Since chemical composition artificial greenhouse soil is poor; vegetables grown on it contain less substances and vitamins that affect the taste than soil. In appearance, ground vegetables supplied to markets in winter and early spring usually differ from their greenhouse counterparts in being brighter in color.
What happens - in winter and spring, when all the fruits and vegetables on the shelves are imported, should we give them up? Not at all. The body still needs vitamins that are found in vegetables and fruits (although there are fewer of them in winter than in summer). For example, ascorbic acid or vitamin C, the most common sources of which are oranges, lemons and kiwis. Fruits with thick skins, such as apples, pears, and tangerines, retain vitamins best. Among the vegetables that are most full of vitamins at the end of winter, white cabbage, carrots, and beets. We have compiled a table showing the ripening times of various vegetables and fruits. Having studied it, you will know exactly which fruits grow in Russia and which only abroad, which have been on the counter since the summer, and which have recently ripened. After all, some fruits, for example tangerines, ripen just in winter.

Today we will talk about vegetables and how to keep your figure in winter.

I received a large number of questions about what vegetables I use, in what composition, as well as questions about "winter vegetables", about their uselessness and lack of vitamins.

I agree that some vegetables in winter are more reminiscent of papier-mâché and are not at all suitable for food. Their taste seems artificial.

Therefore, today I will tell you about what vegetables I use it in winter, which manufacturers. Vegetables are absolutely necessary in winter for health and maintenance. slim figure. And they should be consumed exclusively in raw form. If you stew, you get a stew product in which all beneficial properties. Stewed vegetables lack properties that promote weight loss.

I give first place to cabbage - white cabbage, Chinese cabbage and kohlrabi.

White cabbage

- It has low calorie content, a large amount of fiber, which helps remove toxins and cholesterol from the body.

— What is very important, cabbage contains tartranic acid, which prevents carbohydrates from turning into fats and therefore prevents extra pounds.

But during heat treatment, this acid is destroyed, so you should only eat cabbage raw. Scientists have also proven that cabbage contains easily digestible protein, which is in no way inferior to a chicken egg.

- Vitamin C, which is found in cabbage, does not deteriorate at all during storage. Fresh white cabbage contains as much vitamin C as oranges or lemons. And to satisfy daily requirement 200 grams of fresh cabbage is enough for vitamin C.

Chinese (Beijing) cabbage

Winter is time Chinese (Beijing) cabbage In the summer there is simply no time for it, since a huge number of other leaf salads are sold. And in winter you can use Chinese cabbage as the basis for all salads. Unlike regular cabbage, it is easy to cut. She's tall nutritional value and at the same time very low calorie content. An indispensable product for slimming people.

The leaves are light green and sometimes yellowish. It is better to choose cabbage with green leaves and I’m not stale. Chinese cabbage instantly restores its elasticity. Be sure to wash it after purchasing and wrap it in a bag, it will become elastic and juicy. Absorbs moisture very quickly.

Contains a large amount of vitamins A, C, E, K, P, PP, as well as B1, B2 and B6, and mineral composition In general, iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, iodine, sulfur, manganese, chromium, copper, zirconium are impressive.

This cabbage contains a large amount of fiber, which helps improve digestion and cleanse the intestines. Contains many vitamins and amino acids, therefore it increases immunity and improves metabolic processes. Very low calorie content - 16 Kcal per 100 grams.

Also, due to the presence of coarse fibers, it helps reduce cholesterol in the blood.

An excellent product for winter. With such nutritional and cleansing value, cabbage has very low and affordable price– 30-40 rubles per kg.

The taste is very similar to the stalk of regular white cabbage. But only much juicier, more tender and more pleasant to the taste.

This vegetable is rarely consumed, but in vain. Kohlrabi contains a lot of vitamin C, A and B, many mineral salts, calcium and potassium, and iron. Perfectly normalizes metabolic processes, therefore irreplaceable for those who want not only to lose weight, but also to maintain normal weight for a long time. It is very easy to digest and does not cause any discomfort in the intestines. Good for dietary nutrition, and also for children. You can grate it, or better yet, cut it into thin slices and chew it longer. Chewing thoroughly helps you lose weight.

Daikon – Japanese radish or white radish. Very useful product. For anyone who hasn't tried it, I RECOMMEND it!

— Daikon has a juicy and crispy texture. There are 3 vegetables that can cleanse the kidneys and liver and at the same time dissolve stones: radish, horseradish and daikon. But in radish and horseradish great content mustard oils, which makes the taste spicy, and some people do not like spicy. And there are practically no mustard oils in daikon. And its taste is very mild.

— Daikon contains vitamin C, calcium, a lot of fiber, and an enzyme that helps digest starchy foods. Due to this, intestinal function improves and toxins are removed.

— Daikon contains a lot of phytoncides that protect against microbes. They help disinfect the oral cavity and intestines.

— Daikon has a lot of potassium, so it works as a diuretic.

- Due to coarse fibers, it reduces cholesterol.

— Unlike other root vegetables, daikon practically does not accumulate heavy metal salts.

— Daikon has a low calorie content, but at the same time a large amount of fiber, so it is not a substitute for those who are losing weight or maintaining weight. This is simply a super product in the diet of those losing weight.

Daikon needs to be washed well. If the root is not damaged, then it is not necessary to cut off the top layer. It is better to store on a damp cloth, in a container and in the refrigerator. It definitely needs moisture and cold. The price in Moscow is about 80 rubles per kg.

In winter I only use cherry tomatoes, since they are much sweeter than ordinary tomatoes and tastier, they have a bright and rich taste.

It is very difficult to live without tomatoes in winter; they decorate any vegetable salad, and their bright color improves mood.

Cherry tomatoes contain 90% water, but they also contain a lot of useful nutrients and vitamins, as well as antioxidants. The calorie content of cherry tomatoes is lower than that of regular tomatoes.

It is very important that their shelf life is longer; they are brought to us from Morocco, where there is no winter, in special plastic containers.

It is better to choose bright and round cherry tomatoes on a branch in winter. Pale tomatoes have sour taste and a weak aroma and, probably, grown in our greenhouses.

We are talking about stem celery. The root can also be consumed, but it is not suitable for those losing weight. Celery has a specific smell and aroma. They call it natural fat burner, so to digest it the body spends more calories than is contained in the celery itself. Be sure to include this vegetable in your diet in winter. We all get fat in the winter, and celery will help maintain weight.

Rich in fiber. Contains amino acids, boron, calcium, chlorine, fatty acids, folates, inositol, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sulfur, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, E, K.

  • Celery also reduces the level of stress hormones in the blood;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Regulates fluid in the body;
  • Acts as an antioxidant.

Excellent fresh celery comes from Israel.

Radishes contain a lot of vitamin C and B, as well as potassium and iron. Large amount of protein. Radishes have low calorie content - 14 calories per 100 grams.

A lot of fiber, which cleanses, removes waste and toxins, stimulates intestinal function, improves appetite, removes cholesterol, heavy metals and radionuclides.

But radishes should be taken with caution by those who have stomach problems due to the pungent mustard oils they contain. The best supplier of radishes in winter is Israel.

You can also eat green radish in winter.

It improves appetite, metabolic processes, stimulates the digestive glands, promotes the dissolution of stones, and improves intestinal motility.

But it should be used carefully if you have stomach problems due to the pungent mustard oils.

Don't forget about carrot. If you are watching your weight, then use it ONLY raw form and in the morning. Carrots contain a lot of minerals: iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, iodine, zinc, fluorine. And you all know how necessary vitamin A is.

It can be added grated to any salads. Goes well with any cabbage, radish, daikon.

I also buy cucumbers, where would we be without them, colored peppers and iceberg lettuce and greens.

I wash all the vegetables in advance, dry them a little, put them in containers and store them in the refrigerator. It takes 2-3 minutes to prepare any vegetable combination. Very easy and fast. Green, Chinese cabbage, it is better to wrap the daikon in a damp cloth and tie it in a plastic bag. They definitely need moisture.

Why do I always talk about how to become slim and lose weight. For me, a slim body is first and foremost health. Excess fat always indicates some kind of problem, physical or psychological.

Slim body can rejuvenate and beautify any woman. And vegetables are the best helpers in this matter. Already tested by many. should be on your table not as an addition, but as the main dish for lunch and dinner, plus light animal proteins. I'll post it soon fish recipe , so as not to miss out, subscribe to the newsletter.

Tatyana Dzutseva

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Ten of the healthiest fruits and vegetables.

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What foods should you eat in winter to get vitamins?


Winter is a period of cold weather, snow and vitamin deficiency. Laziness, apathy, lethargy, bad skin and hair - all this is due to a lack of vitamins.

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Most people immediately associate the word “vitamins” with a pharmacy. Because at the slightest ailment, people run to pharmacists. But what if the necessary vitamin complex can be obtained by simply eating certain foods? It's much easier and more pleasant than swallowing medications. After all, when the body lacks something, the first thing it suffers is appearance human: hair becomes dull, nails break, complexion deteriorates, teeth crumble and much more. If you don’t replenish the vitamin deficiency in time, it won’t lead to anything good.



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The orange color of its flesh indicates a large amount of beta-carotene. This substance, a derivative of vitamin A, strengthens vision and stimulates the renewal of cells in the lungs and bronchi.


A milkshake with persimmons will help soften a cough (beat half a liter of milk with two peeled ripe fruits in a blender).


Persimmons also contain a lot of nicotinic acid (vitamin PP), which helps fight fatigue and is involved in the production of the hormone serotonin - our natural antidepressant.


But the main feature of persimmons is vegetable sugars, which are good for the heart and do not harm the figure. Scientists from the University of Munich have found that persimmon helps normalize blood pressure in the early stages of hypertension without the use of medications.

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On a cold morning, the body will wake up faster if you drink tea infused with Antonovka slices. When baked, apples improve stomach function. Apple juice stimulates metabolism.


Sweet and sour green apples contain a lot of iron. This trace element is very important for the blood, fights fatigue and anemia


The seeds of “winter” apples, for example, Antonovka, contain a lot of iodine: 5-6 apple seeds cover the daily requirement. Iodine helps overcome increased sensitivity to cold.


Antonovka has been used for a long time as a remedy for winter vitamin deficiency: by spring it retains up to 90% of vitamin C, while in other fruits its content drops to 40-30%!


You need to eat 2 large apples or 3-4 smaller ones a day.

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Eating one pomegranate or drinking a glass of pomegranate juice a day is a great way to “cleanse” the blood after colds and flu. It contains enzymes that help produce red blood cells - red blood cells.


Pomegranate contains four essential vitamins: C - strengthens the immune system, P - blood vessels, B6 - nervous system, and B12 improves blood count.


Pomegranate astringents help relieve painful coughs due to bronchitis, and also stimulate the pancreas. But with increased acidity of the stomach, pomegranate juice in pure form contraindicated - it is better to dilute it with carrots.


But heart patients should not drink this juice in concentrated form - it increases blood clotting and can cause harm if they are prone to thrombosis.


You can eat one ripe pomegranate or drink a glass of pomegranate juice a day.

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Grapefruit juice helps to gently lower blood pressure. For hypertension, it is recommended to take 1/4 cup of grapefruit juice 20-30 minutes before meals. This fruit also contains the substance bromelain, which enhances lipid metabolism, in other words, helps “burn” fats.


Orange juice reduces cholesterol levels in the body.


Are you suffocating on the subway? Buy a bottle of essential oil grapefruit - it relieves attacks of lightheadedness and dizziness.


Oranges, tangerines and grapefruits contain: beta-carotene or vitamin A, important for skin and digestion, B6, which fights derpesia, ascorbic acid, and also a lot folic acid, important for hormonal metabolism.


Immunologists advise in winter to eat half a grapefruit or two oranges a day to prevent colds.

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Scientists call it " snow queen"among the berries. Of course: if it is hit by frost, the amount of vitamin C in the marsh berry only increases!


So when frozen, it does not lose any of its beneficial properties.


Cranberries contain acids that act as real antibiotics. Cranberry juice helps fight kidney inflammation and recover faster from the flu and ARVI.


Cranberry juice is useful for preventing the formation of kidney stones. And pickled cranberries ease fever and quickly relieve fever. So be sure to keep a bag of frozen cranberries in the refrigerator in case of winter colds.


In addition to ascorbic acid, it contains a lot of potassium, important for the heart, vitamin H, necessary for immunity, and phosphorus, which gives muscle tone and strength to bones and teeth.


It is advisable to drink half a liter a day cranberry juice, prepared from


a couple of glasses of fresh or frozen cranberries.

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Cabbage pickled for 2-3 days, which is most often sold in stores, is not very healthy. But real sauerkraut has the most vitamin C and antioxidants among winter preparations. It is better to eat sauerkraut no earlier than 10 days after pickling (during this time, harmful compounds - nitrites - break down in it). Sauerkraut contains more vitamin C than fresh cabbage!


Scientists also call white cabbage“minus-calorie” product. This means that the body spends more energy on its processing than it receives calories from it!


Also, cabbage (both regular cabbage and broccoli) contains a lot of unique vitamin K, which helps our immune system protect against cancer. But this vitamin is fat-soluble, that is, it is absorbed by the body only with fats. So it’s best to season cabbage salad with vegetable oil.


To get your daily requirement of vitamin K, you need to eat about 250 grams of fresh or sauerkraut per day.

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Its freshly squeezed juice is good for metabolic disorders and diabetes. A glass of juice drunk on an empty stomach will help get rid of cardiac or renal edema. Pumpkin contains a lot of zinc salts, and they increase male potency (so treat your beloved with pumpkin pancakes more often). Vitamin E smoothes and moisturizes the skin.


Pumpkin seeds are a recognized choleretic agent. Helps the liver if you overeat or drink too much. In addition, pumpkin pulp contains a lot of vitamin D, which is especially valuable during short daylight hours. It is needed for the strength of bones and teeth and is produced by the body only under the influence of sunlight.


Eat up to 250 grams of pumpkin pulp per day or drink 2 glasses of pumpkin juice.

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Tomatoes and tomato juice


Best source of the antioxidant lycopene. Moreover, it is better absorbed not from fresh fruits, but from stewed, baked, and also from tomato paste. The daily preventive dose of lycopene is 10-15 mg. It can be obtained from: 200 g of tomatoes per own juice, 2 glasses of tomato juice, or 3-4 tablespoons of natural tomato sauce.


Tomatoes in all types are very rich in potassium, and this is good for heart patients (the daily requirement of potassium is contained in a glass of tomato juice).


Tomato juice gently reduces blood and intracranial pressure; it is useful to drink for hypertension and glaucoma.


But tomatoes have a lot of fiber and acids. Therefore, you should not eat a lot of tomato dishes if you have gastritis with increased acidity and inflammation of the gallbladder.


Drink a glass of tomato juice a day or eat two or three tomatoes in their own juice.

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Our natural “antibiotic” - it is rich in antimicrobial substances. The bitterness contained in it has an anti-sclerotic effect, that is, it participates in the breakdown of “bad” cholesterol. Radish is well stored and holds the title of champion among vegetables in terms of preserving vitamin C over the winter. It also has diuretic properties, which is useful for vascular edema and high blood pressure.


Grated radish with honey is one of best recipes for cough. A salad of green radish (daikon) with sunflower oil and carrots will help cope with winter asthenia (loss of strength).


But due to its bitterness, radish is contraindicated for inflammation of the stomach, pancreas and kidney stones.


To support immunity during the vitamin deficiency season, it is enough to eat 150 grams of radish salad per day or take two tablespoons of radish juice with honey.

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Green peas


In addition to magnesium, zinc, proteins (by the way, it contains more of them than potatoes), nicotinic acid PP, which is important for heart function, green peas contain a lot of two important B vitamins.


B1 (thiamine) strengthens the nervous system and is involved in the production of the stress hormone - adrenaline.


B2 (riboflavin) supplies cells with energy. This is important for maintaining normal thermoregulation, including our response to cold. Its lack causes chilliness and a feeling of lack of air.


These vitamins are lost when long-term storage, but are preserved during conservation. So if you are cold and come home from work with nerves, open a jar of your favorite peas from Soviet times and have a glass. This is where your soul gets warmer.

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Ten foods you shouldn't eat in winter

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During the winter holidays, we all finally allow ourselves to relax and eat to our heart's content, and that is why, after the holidays are over, we want to cleanse our body by including in our diet foods that we think are just right for the winter period. But, according to experts, many of these products are not only a waste of money, but also a complete lack of benefit and even harm - after all, many out-of-season products can cause decreased immunity and colds.



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Dairy products


Milk, cottage cheese and yogurt are not best option for winter food. Firstly, in winter, larger quantities of so-called reconstituted milk, which contains minimum quantity nutrients needed by the body. And secondly, according to Eastern medicine, many dairy products have a cooling effect, which means they can aggravate a number of classic winter diseases: sore throats, bronchitis, inflammation of internal organs.

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Oddly enough, it’s better to forget about salmon until the end of winter. Its fishing is allowed from February to August, which means that all the fish that is sold the rest of the time under the guise of wild salmon comes to market counters smuggled and caught from an unknown location. Of course, this does not apply to farmed salmon - you can buy it all year round.

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In January, bright and elastic tomatoes, although they seem outwardly appetizing and juicy, are unlikely to taste the same. In addition, vitamins winter tomatoes negligible. So save your money and use homemade tomato juice or canned tomatoes as an alternative - you can eat them plain or make sauces and gravies based on them.



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It is tempting to buy a couple of peaches to treat yourself or your loved ones. But don’t rush to do this: since winter is not the season for these fruits, they may well turn out to be tasteless and crumbly. So it’s better to wait until summer, and in the meantime, buy winter apples - they are affordable, tasty and very healthy.

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If you see strawberries at the market or in a store in winter, then with almost one hundred percent probability they came to us from afar, for example, from Israel. However, soft berries spoil very quickly and can become wrinkled during transportation, so there is a risk that under beautiful and apparently intact strawberries you will find fairly wrinkled and stale ones. So, either be extremely careful when purchasing, or wait until the summer when local strawberries appear on the shelves.

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In cold weather, you want to warm up with sweet hot tea or a cup of cocoa. And of course, we don’t skimp on sugar for these drinks. However, doctors say that increased sugar consumption reduces immunity, which is why people with a sweet tooth get sick more often. Try replacing your usual refined sugar with honey - it’s both tastier and healthier.



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Now buying a watermelon in winter, as well as other fruits and berries, is no longer a problem. But is it necessary? The striped berries brought from hot countries have a different taste and aroma, and they cost almost as much as an airplane. But hunting is worse than captivity, and if you still decide to buy a watermelon, then take note: the best watermelons in winter are brought to us from Costa Rica.

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Green beans


Green beans have a very delicate taste and a lot of useful properties. However, in the frozen form in which it is sold in winter, it is quite tough and fibrous. In addition, according to Eastern medicine, beans, like other legumes, belong to the category of cooling products, so it is better to refrain from consuming them in winter.

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Cayenne pepper


It will help clear your stuffy nose, but it will cause a storm in your stomach. Avoid cayenne pepper if you have a cold or flu - it irritates the inflamed mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and increases their swelling. Ginger is a good alternative to cayenne pepper in winter: it relieves nausea and calms the stomach, and warm ginger tea warms you up in the January frosts.



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In winter, fresh corn is extremely difficult to find. But if you do come across it, most likely it is the defrosted remains of last season - such corn is hard, tasteless and there are practically no useful substances left in it. Try replacing the corn with Brussels sprouts - you can fry them or bake them in the oven.


In summer and autumn we have the widest selection of fresh vegetables. So, starting in June, we happily eat fresh salads with cucumbers and tomatoes, stews with zucchini and eggplants, vegetable caviar, and light soups for children - whoever likes it. In winter, we often choose meat dishes and heavy salads. Many people deliberately avoid vegetable dishes - they say that winter tomatoes don’t taste the same, and cabbage becomes more expensive at this time of year.

Meanwhile, winter is not at all a reason to give up vegetables. After all, there are a lot of vegetables that retain their taste and are affordable during the cold months. We are talking about canned and frozen vegetables.

Nutritionists note that, according to world research, frozen vegetables are similar in their nutritional value with fresh ones and are almost as good as them in benefits. What gives you the right to say so?

Firstly, during storage and transportation fresh vegetables may be exposed to conditions that cause changes in nutrient content and quality. Agree by purchasing fresh cucumber, you are unlikely to be able to know exactly how long and thorny the path it went through before getting into your bag. Meanwhile, frozen vegetables are usually harvested at the peak of their ripeness. And they are frozen immediately after harvest using blast freezing technology. Thus, nutrients they find themselves blocked. In addition, some valuable substances, for example, vitamin A, are better preserved in frozen foods, since during storage they are not exposed to sunlight.

The same goes for canned vegetables. They are also very close in composition to fresh vegetables, since the industrial canning process literally “locks” nutrients and flavor into the food. For example, it has been scientifically proven that in canned beans up to 70% of vitamins and 80% of minerals are retained. However, we are, of course, talking about beans without sauce. Moreover, canning can even increase the beneficial properties of vegetables - for example, tomatoes from a can have more lycopene than fresh ones. But lycopene helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Choosing canned and frozen vegetables in the store, be sure to read the label. Ideally, the composition of canned food should look like this: vegetables (beans, peas, corn, etc.), water, seasonings (sugar, salt, herbs). As for freezing, there should only be chopped vegetables. And most importantly, in both cases, pay attention to the date of manufacture. In order for vegetables to retain all their beneficial substances, the product must be produced in summer or autumn.

In addition, there is another important bonus of using frozen or canned vegetables - they save time. They do not need to be washed, peeled or cut, and they take much less time to cook than fresh ones.


  • Place half a teaspoon of oil in a wok (or deep frying pan). Add one finely chopped onion, chopped garlic and 450 g of meat, cut into thin strips. Fry, stirring, until the meat is cooked. Add 500 g of frozen vegetables and a couple of tablespoons of water. Cook in the pan for another 5 minutes (or until the vegetables are tender). Add some soy sauce or teriyaki sauce and serve.
  • Prepare a cup of canned vegetables - green peas and beans without sauce in any convenient way (boil in a saucepan, cook in a double boiler or simmer in the microwave). Then mix the prepared vegetables with chopped fresh mint, add a teaspoon of olive oil and lemon juice. Crumble feta cheese on top and serve.
  • Heat one tablespoon of olive oil in a frying pan. Fry thin strips of lean bacon until golden brown. Add 2 chopped onions (you can use shallots) and continue to fry for another minute, stirring. Meanwhile, steam the frozen Brussels sprouts (you can also steam them in a steamer or microwave). When soft, cut into quarters and throw into the pan. After 1-2 minutes the dish is ready.
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Place a bag of frozen mixed vegetables (such as carrots, cauliflower, broccoli or mixture with potatoes). Drizzle with olive oil and season with pepper and thyme. Bake until golden brown.
  • Boil frozen green peas. Grind it in a blender, add a pinch of salt and pepper. It makes an excellent sauce – for example, for meat or potatoes.


Since ancient times, the northern peoples of Russia have eaten frozen foods. Old-timers in the Arctic and travelers in northern latitudes did not suffer from scurvy and osteoporosis. The secret of this miracle prevention was the use of fresh frozen fish, which retained the full amount of vitamin D and healthy fats - high-density lipoproteins.

Lyceum friend A.S. Pushkin Admiral F.F. Matyushkin wrote in 1820: “I admit that frozen fish is much tastier than boiled and fried…”.

Current deep-freezing technology uses modern method fluidization. With this technology, prepared vegetables, fruits, berries, mushrooms, and herbs are placed on a special horizontal surface, onto which a powerful flow of cold air is directed. Thanks to this freezing technique, products do not lose moisture and retain vitamins and pectins. And when used as food, in addition to useful qualities, they have a delicate structure.

Now frozen vegetables, fruits, and herbs are widely used in everyday life and in medicinal food rations - including children, pregnant women, nursing mothers, elderly and weakened patients, patients with diabetes mellitus, obesity, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.