An example of calculating an estimate for the construction of a highway. Drawing up a local estimate for the installation of road pavement Where to make an estimate

The estimate for road repair is the main document that precedes the repair (major or cosmetic) of any road surface.

Only this document clearly indicates the scope of work, the materials used (in the case of using materials different quality and prices - the difference in budget can be 2-3 times), attracted personnel and equipment.

If you start repairing the road surface without an estimate, you cannot have an accurate idea of ​​the cost of the upcoming work and may not complete the repair as a result of a lack of financial resources. Therefore, you cannot trust the development of an estimate for repairs to non-specialists - it is not enough to simply indicate the main expense items, it is important to work out the estimate in detail so that there are no “blank spots” in it.

Estimates for road repairs are developed by companies that carry out road repairs and construction. They have one or more estimators on their staff who are responsible for drawing up estimate documentation for the production of markings, installation of road signs, installation of sidewalks and other work required for the construction and maintenance of roads.

It is worth noting that maintaining a full-time counter for a company nowadays is quite expensive: in addition to social contributions and the basic salary, the company also incurs the costs of maintaining an updated state of the markup databases used for correct compilation.

Full use of office equipment and software and intensive workload reduce the weight of maintenance costs software and estimator per estimate, which allows the company to keep prices for estimate services at a relatively low estimate level.

Unfortunately, there are practically no free programs for preparing estimates for road repairs, and everyone who claims such a proud title, in practice, turns out to be unsuitable for developing estimates, since they do not contain prices and valid estimate bases. Thus, a full-time estimator should be supplied with an estimating software package. The estimator doesn’t want to work without it, or rather, he can’t.

If the monthly turnover is construction company small, then accordingly she will not need many estimates, and then maintaining an estimator or even an estimate department will become unprofitable. Such companies most often turn to various estimate bureaus, where road construction specialists also work. This situation is typical for both regional and metropolitan markets.

When drawing up estimates for road construction, you need to pay attention special attention complicating conditions and features of the work, which will be reflected in the calculation by additional coefficients.

It is worth noting that our sample is posted for informational purposes only, that is, as an example. Its use for other purposes is not recommended, since each estimate must be drawn up taking into account individual conditions road works and features of the construction site.

The development of estimates for highways is usually carried out by companies directly involved in the construction and repair of road surfaces. For this purpose, their staff employs one or more estimators, whose responsibilities include drawing up estimate documentation for the installation of road signs, production of markings, installation of sidewalks and other work, the production of which is necessary for the construction and maintenance of highways. Let us note that maintaining a full-time estimator for an organization is now quite expensive: in addition to the basic salary and social contributions, the company additionally incurs the costs of maintaining an updated price base used for the correct preparation of estimates. Free programs Today there are almost no tools for preparing estimates for roads and others, and those that claim this proud title, in fact, turn out to be not entirely suitable for developing estimates due to the lack of valid estimate bases and prices. Thus, a modern estimating software package must be included with a full-time estimator. For some reason, the estimator doesn’t want to work without it, or rather, he can’t. If the monthly turnover of a construction company is small, then it does not need a lot of estimates, and then maintaining an estimator, and, even more so, an estimate department may become impractical (unprofitable). Various estimate bureaus, which also employ road construction specialists, offer their services to the attention of such companies. Thanks to intensive workload and full use of software and equipment, bureaus reduce specific gravity costs of maintaining an estimator and software per estimate, which gives the company the opportunity to keep prices for the proposed estimate services at a relatively low level. This situation is typical for both capital and regional markets, in particular, the Krasnodar Territory. Krasnodar is considered a city with a relatively high quality of road surfaces, which is largely due to the efforts of numerous companies carrying out repair work on its streets.

Preparation of estimates for road works As a rule, it is carried out according to the 27th part of the collections of unit prices of the FER or territorial prices of the Krasnodar Territory or another region. The development of road estimates in elemental prices (GESN) is also common due to its capacity and information content. Let's consider an example of drawing up an estimate for the construction of sidewalks in the Territory of the Krasnodar Territory in base prices ah with translation into current ones as of Q2. 2013.

An example of preparing an estimate for road work using the basis-index method

Price Name Qty Article PP, rub. Basic salary, rub. Cars, rub. ZPM, rub. Materials, rub.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
TER Krasnodar 27-03-004-02 Construction of a leveling layer of asphalt concrete mixture: without the use of asphalt pavers 100 t mixture 54526,02 480,49 2126,86 229,54 51918,67
TTS-410-0034 Krasnodar -101 t 0 0 0 0 512,08
TTS-410-0023 Krasnodar 101 t 0 0 0 0 525,19
TER Krasnodar 27-07-001-04 Construction of two-layer asphalt concrete pavements for paths and sidewalks: the top layer is made of sandy asphalt concrete mixture 3 cm thick 100 m2 of coverage 5198,59 78,82 12,58 0,21 5107.19
TTS-410-0034 Krasnodar Road asphalt concrete mixtures cold (asphalt concrete and airfield) grade 2 Bx -7.14 t 0 0 0 0 512,08
TTS-410-0008 Krasnodar Warm and hot asphalt concrete road mixtures for highly porous asphalt concrete (crushed stone, gravel) grade I 7.14 t 0 0 0 0 525,19

When preparing construction estimates highway it is necessary to pay attention to the features and complicating conditions of work, which can be reflected in the calculation by additional coefficients. When replacing materials as shown in the example of an estimate for repairing sidewalks, prices for replaced and added resources are taken from collections of average (base) prices when calculating in unit prices, and collections of current prices - for road estimates in GESN. The use of indices in estimates for the construction and repair of road surfaces is regulated by estimate and regulatory documentation similar to other types of work.

Please note that this sample posted for informational purposes as an example of replacing materials used in road construction. Using this example for other purposes is not recommended, since each estimate is drawn up taking into account the individual characteristics of the construction site and the conditions of road work.

For reference:

According to 2013 data, the duration of regional and federal public roads in Krasnodar region is about 9 thousand km. Highways connect Krasnodar with all the main regional settlements; they carry freight and passenger transportation, serving the needs of residents of the region. Of the total number of regional highways, more than 80% have asphalt concrete pavement. At the same time, in the Krasnodar region there is a noticeable lack of a sufficient number of expressways, especially in large centers such as Krasnodar, and coastal resorts such as Novorossiysk, Anapa and Sochi. Road construction and repair are of strategic importance for the development of infrastructure and trade relations Krasnodar region.

Thousands of kilometers of roads daily connect the most remote cities and objects, allowing us to move freely between them. Even the most reliable road surface eventually needs major or current repairs. In order to take into account all the factors and features, not to overpay significantly and to accurately determine the timing, estimates for repair work are drawn up.

Regulatory basis

Before you begin drawing up an estimate for road repairs, you need to decide from what sources the upcoming repairs will be financed. If from commercial sources, then the regulatory framework is agreed directly with the customer and it is quite possible that commercial prices will be used. Government customers are strictly limited by the scope of allocated budget funds, therefore, you should use the correct construction markups and price increase indices according to different regulatory bases:

  • Federal collections FER. They contain basic general prices for construction and repair work, based on the prices of the 1st base region (Moscow region).
  • Territorial collections TER. They are based on federal ones, but are adjusted taking into account the cost of materials, wage levels, costs of using equipment, and climatic conditions in the region.
  • Territorial regulatory collections of Moscow TSN-2001.

It is necessary to determine which of the collections to use in each specific case based on the resolutions of the State Construction Committee, taking into account the type of budget financing and price increase indices by region. It is necessary to consider the interests of both parties – the customer and the contractor – on an individual basis. If Moscow repairmen carry out work in the region, then when calculating the estimate, the corresponding TEP is taken as the basis. When performing work regional organization in Moscow, with a federal source of funding, it is necessary to take into account the price increase indices developed for the city of Moscow.

What to consider when drawing up an estimate for road repairs

First of all, it is necessary to diagnose the road that is going to be repaired. Define it clearly technical condition, the intensity of traffic on it. If possible, determine the cause of its destruction in order to prevent its recurrence in the future. The road repair estimate includes:

  • The direct cost of materials that will be spent. Depends on what type of coating will be used. The degree of intensity of operation will determine the thickness and number of layers of the main coating and the substrate material for the base of the roadway.
  • Costs for complete or partial dismantling of the old road surface. Not only its cutting, but also the costs of loading and removing garbage. It will determine whether road side stones, storm drains, and drain manholes need to be removed.
  • Expenses for workers' salaries and the direct cost of repair work performed. Depends on the desired timing, time of year, volume.
  • Costs of equipment that will be used to perform repairs. Rental cost, operating time.
  • The material and condition of the adjacent sidewalk or local area. Laying out lawns or installing garden side stones.
  • Subsequent road markings, arrangement of pedestrian crossings, installation of road signs and indicators.
  • A set of measures to ensure safe repair work. Coordination of timing based on traffic intensity and additional use of the detour. Placement of warning signs and fencing of the work area.
  • The cost of geodetic control, issuance of documents confirming the guaranteed quality of the coating.

It is important to clearly define the deadlines for completing the work from the very beginning. Sometimes estimates are drawn up for stage-by-stage implementation, but in this case the repair may take a long time and it is difficult to estimate its final timing and cost. A fully compiled estimate, taking into account force majeure circumstances, and specified deadlines for each stage of work, will allow you to reduce costs as much as possible.

Asphalting of roads and territory

Asphalt pavement continues to be the most popular and reliable in road construction and repair. There are many brands of asphalt, which are characterized by varying degrees of wear during operation, the amount of moisture absorbed, and composition. When drawing up an estimate, you need to decide on the purpose of the future road, because different types of asphalt are used for different roads and different coating thicknesses are needed. The ratio of sand, crushed stone, gravel and bitumen in the asphalt grade is different for the asphalt surface of the local area, at a pedestrian crossing and for roads with a high traffic load, especially heavy vehicles.

Asphalting is carried out in two main ways - hot and cold. The first requires cool, dry weather. The second allows you to extend the time of repair work and carry it out in a short time. If it is necessary to remove old asphalt, a special milling machine is used. It is capable of cutting off old coating even in hard-to-reach places near the curb, regardless of the road terrain, and simultaneously loading the cut material into trucks. This should be taken into account in the estimate to avoid cost discrepancies.

The laying of asphalt must also take into account the terrain, so that puddles and potholes do not form on the roads. The need to strengthen and compact soft areas of soil should be considered. When paving large three-lane roads, powerful pavers are required.

Pothole repair is very popular. Contrary to popular misconception, it does not contribute to the destruction of road surfaces. It is carried out in accordance with GOST by hot pouring asphalt using special grades. It is important to consider that you need to start it at the first cracks on the road, then the quality of the repair is guaranteed. A separate estimate is also drawn up for this type of repair.

When applying asphalt to adjacent areas, special inexpensive grades of asphalt are used. You need to familiarize yourself with the layout, decide on the location of the lawns and planted trees. Do you need a parking lot, an area for drying clothes, a children's and adult recreation area? Additional removal or installation of side stones may be required. Changing the layout or cutting down trees requires special permits.

The cost of asphalt paving is based on the price per 1 m2. It consists of the total area and the amount of material used. All this should be reflected in the estimate for asphalting roads along with general estimates for the construction and repair of road surfaces, associated and adjacent areas.

Where to make an estimate

Most large companies engaged in road construction and repair have one or more estimators on their staff for a large volume of work. It should be understood that the base of markups and costs of materials is constantly updated, which requires new programs and data. Otherwise, the compiled estimate is unlikely to be relevant. Smaller companies and private customers prefer to use the services of estimate bureaus.

You should not save on drawing up a full estimate for road repairs or asphalting areas. The money saved will result in large material and time costs during the implementation of the project and will affect the quality of the work performed. A correctly drawn up estimate will become a reliable legal document in the event of unforeseen situations with repair companies and contractors.

An example of an estimate for asphalt paving, repair and construction of a road

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1 LOCAL ESTIMATED CALCULATION (local estimate) for the repair of the highway on the street. Sanatorium in the village of Yugo-Kamsky Basis: Estimated cost construction work rub. Funds for wages rub. Estimated labor intensity, man-hour Compiled in current (forecast) prices as of the quarter (name of work and costs, name of object) p p Justification Name Unit. change Col. Total Unit cost, rub. Including Basic Salary/p Ek.Mash Salaried/Mech Total Total cost, rub. Including 7 7 Section. Repair of abysses and preparatory work FER7--- Dismantling of coverings and bases: asphalt concrete m structures, 7,7,7, 7,7, FER7--- FER7--- Dismantling of coverings and bases: crushed stone Dismantling of coverings and bases: cobblestone pavement m structures m structures Main.Z/p Ek.Mash Z/pM ex T/z main. work unit T/s main slave. All about T/z fur. per unit, 7,7,7, 7, T/z fur. All in all, 7,

2 FER7--- FER--- FSSTSpg FSSTSpg-- - FER7--- FSSTS-- Dismantling of side stones: on a crushed stone base Development of soil with loading onto dump trucks using excavators with a bucket capacity: (-,) m, group of soils Loading work at road transport: other materials, parts (using a loader) Transportation of goods by dump trucks with a carrying capacity of tons, operating outside the quarry, at a distance of up to km Class I of cargo Arrangement of underlying and leveling layers of bases: from a sand-gravel mixture, gruss Natural sand-gravel mixture m, 7 7, m of soil, 7.7, 7.7.7 t of cargo, 7, 7, t of cargo, m of base material (in a dense body), *,/ m 7.7 7 7.7 *,7, 7, 7, 7,

3 FER7--- FER7--7- Construction of bases with a thickness of cm from crushed stone of the -7 mm fraction when rolling stone materials with a compressive strength of over, up to, MPa (over 7 to kgf/cm): single-layer For every cm of change in layer thickness add or exclude 7--7-, 7--7-, COEF to the prices. TO POSITION: PZ= (OZP=; EM= to consumption; ZPM=; MAT= to consumption; TZ=; TZM=) m of base m of base, *, /, *, /, 7.7 Total direct costs for section in prices. Total direct costs for the section, taking into account coefficients for the results Overhead costs 7 Estimated profit 7 Results for the section Repair of abysses and preparatory work: Highways 7, 7, 7, 7, Earthworks performed by mechanized methods, 7,7 Loading and unloading operations 7,

4 Transportation of goods by motor transport 7 Total 7 Including: Materials Machinery and mechanisms 7 Payroll Overhead costs 7 Estimated profit 7 Total for the section Repair of deeps and preparatory work 7 FER7--- FER7--- FER7--- Section. Repair of the roadway Pouring of binding materials Installation of a coating, cm thick, from hot asphalt concrete mixtures of dense, fine-grained type ABC, density of stone materials:, -, t/m, =, -, x, For every cm change in the thickness of the coating, add or exclude: to t, *, *,/ m covering m covering, *, /, *, / 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,7,

5 FSSC-- price 7---, = 7, -, x, COEF. TO POSITION: PZ= (OZP=; EM= to consumption; ZPM=; MAT= to consumption; TZ=; TZM=) Asphalt concrete mixtures for road, airfield and asphalt concrete (hot and warm for dense asphalt concrete, fine and coarse-grained, sand) , brand II, type B t 7, Total direct costs for the section in prices. Total direct costs for the section taking into account the coefficients for the results (Inflation index for the 7th quarter of the year general construction work WFP=,; EM=,7; ZPM= ,7; MAT=,7 (Pos. 7, -,)) Overhead costs Estimated profit Totals for the section Roadway repairs: Highways 7 Total 7 Including: Materials Machinery and mechanisms Payroll Overhead costs 7, 7, 7, 7 ,

6 Estimated profit Total for the section Repair of the roadway 7 7 FER7--- FSSC-- FER7-7-- FER7-7-- FER7--- FSSC- ​​Section. Repair of sidewalks Construction of underlying and leveling layers of bases: from sand-gravel mixture, gruss Natural sand-gravel mixture Construction of cm-thick bases for sidewalks made of brick or crushed limestone Construction of single-layer asphalt concrete pavements of paths and sidewalks from cast fine-grained asphalt concrete mixture cm thick Installation of side stones of concrete BR. . m base material (in a dense body), *, *,/ m, *, m paths and sidewalks m covering m side stone, /, / 7,7, 7,7,7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7.7, 7.7, 7, 7 Side stones m, 7, 7 7 7.7

7 FER7--- Installation of side stones of concrete BR.., =, -, x.7 m side stone, 7, FSTS-- Side stones m, 7 FSSC-- Heavy concrete, class m, 7.7 7 V (M ) 7,*, Total direct costs for the section in prices g, Total direct costs for the section taking into account the coefficients for the results (Inflation Index for the quarter at 7, general construction work WFP=,; EM=,7; ZPM=,7; MAT =,7 (Pos., -,)) Overhead costs Estimated profit Totals for the section Pavement repair: Highways Total Including: Materials Machinery and mechanisms,7,

8 Payroll 7 Overhead costs Estimated profit Total for section Sidewalk repair FER--7- FER7--- Section. Roadside repairs Space planning: manually, group of soils Strengthening roadsides by embedding crushed stone 7, =, + 7 x, m of planned area m of strip and roadside coverage, ** / 7, 7 7, Total direct costs for the section in city prices, Total direct costs for the section taking into account coefficients to the results (Inflation index for the quarter by 7, general construction work OZP=,; EM=,7; ZPM=,7; MAT=,7 (Pos.,)) Overhead costs Estimated profit Results for the section Repair of roadsides: Earthen work performed for other types of work (preparatory, related, 7, strengthening) Highways, Total, Including: Materials Machinery and mechanisms Payroll 7 Overhead costs Estimated profit,

9 Total for the section Repair of roadsides RESULTS BY ESTIMATED: Total direct costs according to the estimate in prices. 7 Total direct costs according to the estimate taking into account coefficients for the results 7 Including, for reference: Inflation index sq. for general construction work OZP=,; EM=.7; ZPM=.7; MAT=,7 (Pos. -, 7, -, 7, -, -, -) 7 7 7, 7, Inflation index sq. for loading and unloading operations PZ=, (OZP=,; EM=,; ZPM=,; MAT=,) (Pos.) Inflation index q.g. for the transportation of soil and construction waste PZ=, (OZP=,; EM=,; MAT=,) (Pos.) Overhead costs Including, for reference: %*, payroll (from) (Pos.) %*, payroll ( from) (Pos.) %*, payroll (from) (Pos. -, 7, -, 7, -, -,) Estimated profit 7 Including, for reference: %*(,*,) payroll (from) ( Pos.) %*(,*,) PHOT (from) (Pos.) %*(,*,) PHOT (from) (Pos. -, 7, -, 7, -, -,) 7 7 Totals according to the estimate : Highways 7, Excavation work carried out by mechanization, 7,7 Loading and unloading operations 7 Transportation of goods by road 7,

10 Excavation work carried out for other types of work (preparatory, related, 7, strengthening) Total 7 7, Including: Materials Machinery and mechanisms Payroll Overhead costs Estimated profit 7 VAT % TOTAL on the estimate,

LOCAL ESTIMATED CALCULATION (local estimate) For the repair of the section of the Perm Ekaterinburg - Neftyanik highway (name of work and costs, name of the object) Basis: Estimated

Appendix 1. LOCAL ESTIMATE CALCULATION (local estimate) Carrying out repair work on sections of the New Lyady-Troitsa highway (name of work and costs, name of the object) Basis: Estimated

Appendix 1. LOCAL ESTIMATE CALCULATION (local estimate) Work on the project: “Repair of sections of the Koyanovo-South highway” Basis: The estimated cost of construction work is 5,716,840 rubles. Means

AGREED: I APPROVED: Appendix 2 " " 25 " " 25 Construction of a sports ground and parking spaces on the territory of the Krasava Municipal Physical Culture and Sports Complex of the Perm Municipal District of the Perm Territory (name

Appendix 1 to the auction documentation in electronic form LOCAL ESTIMATE CALCULATION 1 (local estimate) For work on the project: “Repair of sections of asphalt concrete pavement of the highway

Appendix 1 to the auction documentation in electronic form. LOCAL ESTIMATE CALCULATION 32016 (local estimate) for work on the project: “Repair of sections of asphalt concrete pavement of the highway

AGREED: I APPROVED: " " 2017 " " 2017 Kudymkar (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATE (local estimate) for the repair of public roads of local importance in the city

AGREED: APPROVED by: Director of MKU "Customer Service Head of the Administration of the Eastern Eastern Administrative District of Tyumen" of the administrative district of the Tyumen City Administration K.R. Kalimullin V.G. Cherkashin " " 2016 " " 2016

Repair of the entrance to the agricultural town in the village of Kister, Pogarsky district (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATE 1 (local estimate) for Road pavement, Repair of the entrance to the agricultural town in the village of Kister, Pogarsky

AGREED: I APPROVED: " " 20 " " 20 (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATE (local estimate) for sidewalks and landscaping (name of work and costs, name of object) Basis:

AGREED: I APPROVED: " " 2011 " " 2011 (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATED CALCULATION (local estimate) for loopback water supply 300 mm on the street. Frunze-Nedelina (name of work and costs,

LOCAL ESTIMATED CALCULATION (local estimate) for the repair of sections of the Rozhdestvenskoye - Stashkovo highway (name of work and costs, name of the object) Basis: Estimated

I CONFIRM: Nytvensky region, Nytvensky municipal district, Nytvensky urban settlement 2017 (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATE CALCULATION LS 02-01-01 (local estimate) for automobile repair

“AGREED” “APPROVED” Estimate for the amount: RUB 585,063. Estimate for the amount: 585,063 rubles. / / / / 20 20 Object: LOCAL ESTIMATE 1 (Local estimate) for improvement of the local area, basic

AGREED: I APPROVED: " " 2017 " " 2017 Residential building on Kirova street 50 (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATED CALCULATION 2/2017 (local estimate) for Improvement of the local area (minimum) (name

“AGREED” “APPROVED” Estimate for the amount: RUB 1,022,026.00. Estimate for the amount: RUB 1,022,026.00. / / / / 20 20 Construction: Chelyabinsk, st. Truda, 30 Object: Chelyabinsk, st. Truda, 30 LOCAL

Leningrad region(edition 2009) 2nd zone pp Justification Name Unit cost, rub. Total cost, rub. Including Including Total Basic Salary Ec.Mash. SalaryMech Total Main Salary Ec.Machine. S/pMech

AGREED: I APPROVED: 2019 Carpets. JSC "Zid" First industrial site (name of construction) LOCAL RESOURCE ESTIMATE CALCULATION 496-19 (local estimate) for repair of road asphalt concrete pavement

I APPROVED: 2017 Ermsky region, Nytvensky municipal district, Nytvensky urban settlement (name of construction) 2017 LOCAL ESTIMATE CALCULATION (local estimate) for improvement of the courtyard area

AGREED: Appendix 2 APPROVED: " " 2014 " " 2014 Major renovation Municipal educational institution Baibolovskaya secondary school (development of a sports ground) (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATE CALCULATION (local estimate)

MOUDOD YOUTH 5, Zavodskaya St., 34 (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATED CALCULATION (local estimate) for the repair of the facade MOUDOD YouSSH 5, Zavodskaya St., 34 (name of work and costs, name of the object) Basis:

Grand ESTIMATED: Achinsk, microdistrict 8. building 2 The house is maintained by LLC Management Company "Zhilkommunkhoz" 2018. Preliminary calculation without taking into account hidden work APPROVED BY: OTHER General Director of LLC Management Company "Zhilkommunkhoz"

AGREED: 20 I APPROVED: 20 (name of construction) PP Code and position number of the standard LOCAL ESTIMATED CALCULATION (name of work and costs, name of object) Basis: Estimated cost of construction

Appendix 1 LOCAL ESTIMATE CALCULATION (local estimate) For work on the project: “Repair of roads to land plots provided to large families in the territory of the village of Bolshaya Mos,

AGREED: I APPROVED: " " 2013 " " 2013 Repair of the heating main from TK34 to TK34-3 on the street. Babushkina (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATE CALCULATION (local estimate) for Teplomagistral 6. Technical

AGREED: I APPROVED: " " 20 " " 20 (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATED CALCULATION (local estimate) for landscaping (name of work and costs, name of object) Basis: Estimated cost

AGREED: I APPROVED: " " 20 " " 20 (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATED CALCULATION (local estimate) for introducing water supply into the building (name of work and costs, name of object) Basis:

AGREED: I APPROVED: " " 22 " " 22 Cable power supply network of residential building 2 on the street. Frunze (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATE (local estimate) Estimated cost 2,315.278 thousand.

Repair of the heating main from TK 14-11-1 to TK 14-11-3A of the hotel rows (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATED CALCULATION (local estimate) for Repair of the heating main from TK-11-1 to TK-14-11-3A of the guest rows

Municipal budget educational institution Abanskaya average secondary school 3 (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATE CALCULATION of the cost of construction of a multi-purpose sports ground

AGREED: I APPROVED: " " 200_ " " 200_ Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School 78 (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATED CALCULATION (local estimate) for the repair of facade seams and blind areas (name of work and costs, name

Agreed: engineering" Approved by: Mr. TsYu"Ls Head of Kondra^kogo S/P /Egorova Y.S./ /Kostarev A.V/ Territory improvement project at the address: v\ I? "-J" f! G.. village Kondratovo, st. Kultury, 3 arrangement

AGREED: I APPROVED: " " 200_ " " 200_ (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATED CALCULATION (local estimate) for external sewerage networks (name of work and costs, name of object) Basis:

AGREED: I APPROVED: 2019 Carpets. OJSC "ZiD" Building site "110" (name of construction) LOCAL RESOURCE ESTIMATE CALCULATION 497-19 (local estimate) for repair of road asphalt concrete pavement

AGREED: I APPROVED: " " 2016 " " 2016 (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATED CALCULATION (local estimate) for Repair of a section of the water supply network of the boiler house (water supply8) using the pipe-in-pipe method. Basis:

#### "AGREED" "APPROVED" Form 1 " " 200 " " 200 (Name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATE (local estimate) for improvement of the plant territory (name of work and costs, name

According to the Grand Estimate I APPROVED: "2017 Perm region, Nytvensky municipal district, Nytvensky urban settlement (name of construction) 2017 LOCAL ESTIMATE CALCULATION (local estimate) for Improvement

LOCAL ESTIMATED CALCULATION (local estimate) for the installation of missing road signs on the roads of the Perm region (name of work and costs, name of the object) Basis:

Sogl, Grand-ESTIMATED: "MSKII region, Nytvensky municipal district, Nytvensky urban settlement (name of construction) 2017 LOCAL ESTIMATE CALCULATION (local estimate) for the improvement of the courtyard

AGREED: I APPROVED: " " 2014 " " 2014 Technical re-equipment of heating main 2 from TK-14-16-8 to TK-14-16-11 from 2Du100mm to 2Du300mm on Sovetskaya street (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATED

AGREED* Replace; department of municipal services /E.P. Burmistrov By the decision of the general "meeting of owners of premises of a residential building 1^21^sgul. Mayakovsky protocol dated" "201 Repair of the courtyard area

(name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATED CALCULATION 07-27-01 (local estimate) for PASSAGES AND SITES (name of work and costs, name of object) Basis: drawings 01-01-05 Estimated cost 2416.063

AGREED 201 Yaroslavl region p. Big village st. Surikova (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATE 01:0026 (local estimate) for repair of asphalt concrete pavement of sidewalks st. Surikov, (name

“AGREED” “APPROVED” Estimate for the amount: RUB 2,865,807. Estimate for the amount: RUB 2,865,807. / / / / 20 20 Construction: Object: LOCAL ESTIMATE 1 (Local estimate) for main work base price

AGREED: I APPROVED: " " 2011 " " 2011 MBOUDO "Youth and Youth Center named after A.P. Chekhov JV "Olympic" (name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATED CALCULATION (local estimate) for Foundation waterproofing device (name

(name of construction) LOCAL ESTIMATE 07-01-02 (local estimate) for Driveways and sites. Landscaping (name of work and costs, name of object) Basis: Estimated cost of construction

LOCAL ESTIMATE 2017-22 (Local estimate calculation) for Major repairs of the basement apartment building at the address: Pronsky district, Novomichurinsk, Energetikov Ave., 12 Compiled in basic prices for