Sour cream buns recipe in the oven. Delicious buns with sour cream: cooking features, recipes and reviews. Technique for preparing yeast dough

As a basis for yeast dough You can use almost any liquid - water, milk, whey. But they turn out the most delicious, juicy and very milky if you add sour cream to the dough. Yeast dough with sugar and sour cream is perfect for buns and pies with different fillings. The only thing you need to take into account is that you need to use liquid sour cream or dilute it with water, otherwise the sour cream dough may turn out “clogged” and rise poorly.

By the way, the rise of such yeast dough with sour cream takes a little longer. Since it is rich and contains sugar and fat, you will need at least 2-2.5 hours to proof. Today we will learn how to properly prepare butter products with sour cream in a fragrant sweet filling according to a simple recipe.

According to the recipe, the dough will require the following components:

  • 1 kg of premium white wheat flour;
  • 280 grams of water or whey (not milk);
  • 15 grams of dry yeast (2 sachets);
  • 1 teaspoon regular salt;
  • 150 grams of sugar;
  • 150 grams of butter (quality margarine);
  • 200 grams of 25-30 percent sour cream.

Milk filling will perfectly emphasize the taste of these sour cream products, complement it and make them softer and more aromatic. So, for filling we need the following set of components:

  • 100 milliliters of milk;
  • 1 packet of vanilla;
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon orange zest;
  • a little ground ginger or cloves.
  • 1 yolk for lubricating the surface of the products;
  • parchment;
  • a little melted butter to grease the parchment paper;
  • + 100 grams of flour for rolling out buns.

According to our recipe, sour cream buns are baked without filling in the shape of a snail in a round springform pan. They come out like a pie, but can be cut apart without a knife and served as individual treats. However, you can use jam, jam, jam as a filling, fresh fruit or poppy seeds, nuts, condensed milk.

Cooking process

We will prepare the dough with sour cream in the classic sponge way - this will give it the opportunity to rise well, rise, and in the end the finished buns will turn out really tender and airy, even with filling.

So, using a simple recipe, let's get started:

  1. Heat the water to a temperature of about 35-40 degrees, pour it into a deep bowl, you can use a plastic one.
  2. Yeast, if it is dry packaged, immediately pour into water and knead until all grains are completely dissolved. Instead of dry ones, you can also use fresh pressed ones; for this recipe you will need at least 50-70 grams. Crumble the pressed yeast in your hands, pour into water, stirring, dissolve or mash with a fork.
  3. Add about 200 grams of flour. The dough should have the consistency of thick oatmeal, that is, it should not run off a spoon, but it should not be thick either. Remember: the flour must be sifted into the dough in the same way as into the rest of the sour cream dough. Stir, cover with a lid, napkin, towel.
  4. Place the bowl with the dough in a warm place for fermentation. It is optimal to turn on the oven and place the container with the yeast on top of the burners. Create the optimal temperature for rising the dough.
  5. It’s easy to check the readiness of the dough - first it will “grow”, then large bubbles will appear on the surface, which will burst and form a film. After this, the dough “sits” and falls down. At this moment it is ready, and we can start kneading the sour cream dough according to our recipe.

Let's start preparing the dough:

  1. Sift the remaining portion of flour according to the recipe into a deep container.
  2. In a separate bowl, to make it easier to knead, combine sour cream, sugar and salt. Stir well, you can even beat it a little with a blender/mixer to enrich it with oxygen.
  3. Soften the butter, chop it as finely as possible with a knife, add these pieces to the flour, and pour in the sour cream mixture with sugar.
  4. Now you need to grind this mass into crumbs with your hands. Just like when creating shortcrust pastry try to do everything quickly so that the butter does not melt too much in your hands - this way the dough will be juicier and rise better.
  5. Mix the dough prepared according to the recipe with the crumbs. Now you need to check the consistency of the finished dough - if there are lumps of dry, unimpregnated flour left here and there, add a little water, and if the dough is a little runny, gradually add flour, knead, check the structure.
  6. Now do not knead the dough with your hands right away, but leave it in a warm place covered with a towel for half an hour. During this time, the flour will completely absorb all the liquid that is in the recipe and form gluten. It will be much easier to knead it, it will become pliable and plastic.
  7. Then knead the dough for at least 10 minutes until it becomes homogeneous, non-sticky, light, and soft. Knead intensively, periodically folding the dough layer like an envelope, folding the edges towards the center.
  8. Now the dough should stand well and rise to a height of 2-3 times its original height. It is optimal if the temperature at the place where the dough rises is at least 30 degrees. You can also use a multicooker for these purposes: set the temperature to 35-40 degrees in the “Multicook” mode, after 50-60 minutes the dough will be ready.
  9. Don’t forget to cover the bowl with the dough with a napkin, otherwise the top layer will have to be thrown away later - it will dry out and become tasteless and dark.

While the buns are rising, let’s make a fragrant milk filling according to our recipe:

  1. Heat the milk, but do not boil. Pour vanilla and sugar into it, stir well until all the crystals dissolve.
  2. Now wash the orange. Grate about half of its zest on a track, without using the white pulp (it is bitter).
  3. Pour 1 teaspoon of zest into the milk mixture and stir again.
  4. For flavor and a beautiful golden crust, add spices according to the recipe - ground ginger, cloves, cinnamon, and so on.

You can also immediately prepare one yolk, which will be used to grease the buns with sour cream on top. Break the yolk into a bowl, whisk with 1 teaspoon of milk or strong brewed black tea. Place this mixture in the refrigerator or cover with a plate for now.

Now the buns themselves:

  1. Place the dough on the table, lightly dusted with flour. By this point it should become very fluffy, full of air bubbles. Gently knead it on the table, then divide it into small balls of about 50 grams. As a result, you should have at least 30 small sour cream buns.
  2. If you plan to use any filling, flatten each ball or roll it out a little with a rolling pin, place 1 teaspoon or dessert spoon of filling in the center, pinch the edges tightly on top, then form the ball again.
  3. If you don't use filling, just make a lot of equal-sized balls.
  4. Now line a round pie pan with parchment, grease it a little, place the buns tightly together, pour in half a portion of the milk filling.
  5. Brush the surface of the buns with yolk using a pastry brush.
  6. Preheat the oven 20 minutes before baking. Set the temperature in it to no lower than 190 degrees. Place a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes. Once the surface of the buns begins to brown slightly, pour the second half of the filling over them (the first portion should have evaporated by this time).
  7. Bake for about 5-7 minutes more.

Don't rush to pull out finished products. Open the oven slightly and let them cool in it. Then place the buns on a wire rack so that the bottom that was in the filling does not become wet. Before serving, sprinkle the surface of the products with powdered sugar and, if desired, orange zest.

Exists large number options for preparing this pastry. Any, both sweet and simple buns can be baked in the oven using yeast or non-yeast dough, kefir, milk, etc. The principle of preparing buns in the oven is very simple: after the yeast dough has risen, and the regular dough has been sufficiently infused in the refrigerator, you need to form blanks for the buns. The buns can be of any shape. The dough can be used to make balls, envelopes, bagels, etc. For sweet buns, a filling is also prepared, which can be anything: raisins with sugar, honey with nuts, jam, fruits, berries, etc. Yeast buns in the oven turn out more airy and tender. Children especially love buns made from yeast dough in the oven, because... They always turn out soft, appetizing and tasty. Preparing bun dough in the oven is as easy as shelling pears; you should definitely master this simple science. Delicious buns in the oven will delight you and your family on any day, on holidays and on weekdays, for breakfast with kefir or for dinner with aromatic tea. And it doesn’t matter what they are - sweet buns in the oven or simple buns. In the oven they acquire an original attractive appearance and an intoxicating aroma.

The recipe for buns in the oven is easy to follow even for novice cooks; it largely depends on the dough used. The recipe for yeast buns in the oven requires care in dosing ingredients and following the sequence of cooking steps. But, despite this, yeast dough is more often used for buns in the oven. Many people consider the recipe to be more complicated, but the main thing here is proper adherence to the entire process.

And to master the intricacies of baking this treat, it is advisable to use recipes with photographs of finished products. Buns in the oven, the recipe with photos of which you like more, most likely will turn out better for you.

For high-quality production of any buns, be they buns with sugar in the oven, yeast or plain, butter or kefir, our recommendations will help you:

When making buns from sweet dough, the filling should not be too sweet;

Before preparing the buns, you must carefully measure the required amount of ingredients;

For this type of baking, the flour should be sifted and the milk should be heated;

The filling should not be too liquid, because... it may leak during baking;

It is recommended to leave the prepared sweet buns from yeast dough for some time in a warm place without drafts, the dough will acquire the correct consistency and structure;

It is advisable to let products made with yeast dough rise several times;

To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, add a little vegetable oil to it;

If the dough is difficult to roll out, you can use a glass bottle with cold water- the dough will roll out much easier;

To prevent the buns from burning while baking in the oven, it is recommended to pour a little salt under the pan. If the buns start to burn, you can cover them with damp paper.

They occupy the highest rating of all the baked goods that exist. Unfortunately, I don't have the opportunity to cook delicious pastries every day, so I'm looking forward to the weekend to please my favorite tasters.
Today I have for you a heart-warming recipe for sour cream buns with apple jam made from yeast dough. According to this recipe, the buns turn out delicious, airy, melting in your mouth, so no matter how much you bake them, it will still not be enough. Friends, if you have a jar of sour cream lying around, then this is a great way to use it in a tasty and appetizing way. I recommend it 100 percent.

To prepare you will need:

  • Flour -600 gr.
  • Raw pressed yeast -30 gr.
  • Sour cream -200 gr. (any fat content)
  • Milk - 1 glass.
  • Sugar -3 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs. (2 pieces for the dough, 1 for greasing the buns)
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon.
  • Vegetable oil -2 tablespoons.
  • Jam -100 gr.

Dissolve the yeast in warm milk, break the eggs into it, add salt, sugar and sour cream.
Mix everything, sift the flour through a sieve, add vegetable oil.
Mix the dough. The dough should be quite elastic and soft, like an earlobe. Do not stick to your hands. We transfer the dough into a bag and forget about it for an hour and a half.

After the time has passed, take out the dough and divide it into portioned balls.
Roll each bun into a thin cake, make cuts,
Place jam on one edge of the cake as in the photo.
We roll the dough into a roll, you get such a beautiful half-roll.

We coat our half rolls with whipped yolk,
Place everything on a baking sheet or baking dish and let the buns rise a little for another 20 minutes. During this time, turn on the oven and heat it thoroughly.
When working with yeast dough or sponge cake, under no circumstances should future baked goods be placed in a cold oven.

Bake the buns for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.

Butter buns with sour cream and apple jam made from yeast dough based on raw pressed yeast ready.

Enjoy the taste. Enjoy your tea.

Baking with sour cream - the simplest way please your loved ones with delicious homemade treats. Fermented milk-based products always turn out fluffy and almost any recipe can be adapted to a sour cream product, partially or completely replacing kefir or milk with it.

What can you bake with sour cream?

Baking with sour cream, the recipes of which are not complicated, always turns out successful: fluffy, aromatic and stored for a long time without becoming stale. If you decide to create something interesting, just follow the generally accepted rules for working with any test.

  1. Before adding to the dough for pancakes, donuts or pies, sour cream should be at room temperature, so the baking soda or baking powder will dissipate faster.
  2. Yeast dough with sour cream for a pie or other baked goods should be made using the sponge method. In this case, yeast is diluted in a small amount of milk, and the baked goods are mixed with sour cream.
  3. Baking made with sour cream always comes out softer, so if you want to make crispy cookies, make the base from frozen butter or margarine, and stir in the sour cream cold too.

The simplest thing you can make from quick dough is. The treat is so easy to prepare that you won’t even notice how your sweet tooth is already eating them. The basic dough from the available ingredients is simply kneaded, does not require long proofing, and the crumpets are baked for only 20 minutes, so the delicacy can be created in the morning for breakfast.


  • sour cream 20% - 250 ml;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • baking powder, vanilla;
  • flour – 400 g;
  • salt – 1 pinch.


  1. Grind the butter with sugar and vanilla.
  2. Beat eggs, add sour cream, salt, baking powder.
  3. Add flour, kneading into a soft but firm dough.
  4. Roll the sausage, cut into segments, and make round cakes.
  5. Prick the top with a fork and spread on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Zebra recipe with sour cream

Traditionally prepared with sour cream. The dough turns out to be tender, soft and dense, which is why you get clear and beautiful stripes in the cut. You will need two containers for light and dark dough, a 25 cm baking dish and enough delicacies for 8 people. These sour cream baked goods are prepared especially quickly, you won’t even have time to get your hands dirty.


  • sour cream – 150 g;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • sugar – 180 g;
  • flour – 300 g;
  • baking powder;
  • cocoa – 3 tbsp. l.


  1. Grind butter and sugar, beat in eggs, add sour cream, mix.
  2. Add flour and baking powder, mix well.
  3. Divide the dough in half, add cocoa to one portion, mix.
  4. Place spoonfuls of dough into the greased pan, alternating layers.
  5. Bake for 45 minutes at 190 degrees.

Delicious ones can be made small “for one bite” and filled with any filling or simply sprinkled with sugar inside. The delicacy will be crumbly and the above ingredients will yield a lot of sweets that will transform a boring home tea party. To make these sour cream baked goods crispy, the products used must be cold.


  • sour cream – 150 ml;
  • margarine – 150 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • baking powder;
  • flour – 450 g;
  • any thick jam – 100 g.


  1. Grate frozen margarine, mix with flour and baking powder, you should get crumbs.
  2. Beat the egg, add sugar and pour in cold sour cream.
  3. Stir, knead into a stiff dough and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
  4. Roll out the dough into a thin layer, cut into triangles, add a spoonful of jam and roll into rolls.
  5. Bake until golden brown at 180 degrees.

Baking charlotte with sour cream is no different from traditional. The result is the same - a lush cake, with a juicy fruit layer and a sugar crust on the surface. As in classic version, you need to thoroughly beat the whites to stable peaks and carefully mix them into the base, this is the only way to get the perfect charlotte with sour cream.


  • sour cream – 150 g;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • baking powder;
  • apples – 2 pcs.


  1. Mix sour cream with yolks and sugar.
  2. Beat the chilled egg whites until foamy and gently fold into the base.
  3. Add flour and baking powder, stirring gently.
  4. Place apple slices on the bottom of the oiled pan, pour in the dough and place in a hot oven for 30 minutes.
  5. Bake at 180 degrees without opening the appliance.

Just prepare a pie with sour cream on a quick fix. Make the base dough for a cupcake, fill it with nuts, chocolate and a delicious treat for a large company will be ready in half an hour. For the specified amount of ingredients you will need a round baking dish with a diameter of 20 cm or a rectangular one with a diameter of 14 cm.


  • sour cream – 250 ml;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • flour – 450 g;
  • baking powder, vanilla;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • raisins – ½ tbsp.;
  • crushed nuts – ½ tbsp.


  1. Beat the eggs, adding sugar and vanilla.
  2. Add sour cream, baking powder and add flour.
  3. Throw in the nuts and raisins and pour the dough into a greased pan.
  4. Bake for 45 minutes at 190 degrees.

Sour cream cookie dough is made with cold ingredients if you want a crispy and crumbly result. If you need to prepare soft sweets, add sour cream at room temperature, so the products will come out fluffier. From the specified amount of products you will get approximately 25-30 small cookies.


  • frozen butter – 150 g;
  • cold sour cream – 100 ml;
  • flour – 400-500 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder, vanilla;
  • sugar – 150 g + 100 g for sprinkling.


  1. Rub the butter on a grater and mix with flour.
  2. Beat in the eggs, add vanilla, baking powder, sour cream, knead into a thick, non-sticky dough, adding flour if necessary.
  3. Roll out a thin layer, sprinkle with sugar and cut into segments.
  4. Bake for 20 minutes at 190 degrees.

It turns out tasty and tender. You can supplement the simple recipe with nuts and cocoa, creating an incredibly sweet treat. To make the dough softer, you need to soak the cereal in advance, just pour sour cream on it and leave for half an hour. The baking process is not fast, but the result is worth all the wait.


  • semolina – 350 g;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • sour cream – 250 ml;
  • dark chocolate – 100 g;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • baking powder, vanilla;
  • cocoa – 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Pour sour cream over the semolina and leave for 30-40 minutes.
  2. Mix butter, eggs, sugar, vanilla, baking powder and cocoa.
  3. Add melted chocolate, add sour cream and semolina mixture, stir.
  4. Pour the dough into the mold and bake for 1 hour at 180.

Quickly baked goods with sour cream are a salvation for working housewives who want to pamper their loved ones with homemade sweets. In just half an hour you will have 12 original cakes. You can decorate them with a creamy “cap” or simply pour chocolate over them and an original holiday treat will be ready.


  • sour cream – 150 ml;
  • sugar – 150 g;
  • flour – 400 g;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • baking powder, vanilla;
  • cocoa – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • butter – 150 g;
  • dark chocolate bar.


  1. Beat soft butter with sugar and vanilla.
  2. Beat the eggs, add baking powder, cocoa and add flour.
  3. Distribute the dough into the molds and bake the cupcakes with sour cream for 25 minutes at 190 degrees.
  4. Cover the finished cakes with melted chocolate on top.

Yeast dough with sour cream turns out no worse than traditional dough, but it needs a little more time to rise. To improve the result, use the sponge kneading method, and the sour cream should be warm, like other products. The dough is pliable, which allows you to make buns of various shapes.

We dilute the yeast in warm milk and sugar and let it sit until a “cap” forms. Add melted butter and cooled to room temperature.

Sift the flour into a large bowl, add salt. Gradually add flour to milk mixture. Knead into a homogeneous, soft, smooth dough (add a couple extra tablespoons of flour if necessary).

Place the dough in a bowl, cover and let stand in a warm place for 30-40 minutes - during this time the dough should double in volume.

Knead the finished dough and divide into 8 parts. From each we form a ball and press it with the palm of our hand. Place on a baking sheet.

Let the buns rest for another 40 minutes, covered with a towel. Place a glass in the center of each bun and press down to create a hole for the filling.

Brush the bun with beaten egg.

For the filling, mix sour cream with starch and sugar.

Put 1 tbsp. into the cavity of the bun.

Place in an oven preheated to 220 degrees and bake for 18-20 minutes until done.

Cool and serve.

Bon appetit!