(!LANG:Uzbek flatbread recipe. Uzbek flatbread in the oven

Do you want to cook a delicious fragrant Uzbek cake, the same as in a tandoor oven? Then this recipe is exactly what you need. Now you can pamper your household with a freshly baked delicious and fragrant cake.


  • flour - 1 kilogram;
  • salt - 1 tablespoon;
  • dry yeast - 2 teaspoons;
  • milk - half a liter;
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • sesame - for decoration;
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons.

Uzbek bread in the oven. Step by step recipe

To begin with, to prepare our cakes, you need to sift the flour. Milk must be warm. So, let's start cooking our cakes.

  1. Pour milk into a deep plate, add salt, sugar, yeast and vegetable oil.
  2. Mix everything, gradually add flour.
  3. Knead the dough, put it in a warm place.
  4. Wait until the dough has increased in size several times, only after that we start cooking.
  5. Divide the dough into two parts, knead lightly and leave again in a warm place, covering it with a towel.
  6. When the dough is suitable, with the help of hands we form a cake: the middle should be slightly crushed, and the edges should protrude in the form of a hoop.
  7. Usually the middle of the cake is pierced with a chekich. But you can use a regular plug. This is done so that the middle does not rise.
  8. Sprinkle with sesame seeds and send to the oven
  9. Since we will bake not in the oven, but in the oven, in order to achieve the desired result, we need to preheat the baking sheet. Then we put our cake and cover with a domed cap. This is done so that our cake is well baked and does not burn on top. 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the cap and let our cake brown.
  10. We cook at a temperature of 200 degrees for 45 minutes.

Bon appetit! Before putting the cake in the oven, grease it with milk. Also grease the baking sheet vegetable oil or line with parchment paper. "I love to cook" wishes you bon appetit! And next time we will tell you how to cook a Chinese onion cake or a real Uzbek cake in the oven. And next time we will tell you how to cook

UZBEK BAKE: WHAT IS ITS MAIN MYSTERY? If you have been to Uzbekistan, then, of course, you have tried the flatbread and, of course, fell in love with this extraordinary bread. You will not forget its taste and smell! Uzbek bread, due to its rounded shape and bright yellow color, looks like the sun. And this comparison is not accidental. The sun is an ideal star that not only shines, but also warms, bears fruit for all people. Only a few usually pay attention to the stars. Songs are composed about the sun, poems are written, writers and wise men speak about the sun. “We are all in the same swamp, but some of us look at the stars” (O. Wilde). "Why do the stars shine? Probably, then, so that everyone can find their own ... ”(Exupery). Let's return to Uzbek bread. Mehmon-non, obi-non, sutli-non, patyr - these are the names of these bread treasures. The dough for them is prepared in different ways: for the holidays they are baked in butter and sour cream, lamb cracklings and raw onions are added to other cakes. And everything happens, as in an oriental fairy tale. Bread baking is started as a sacrament. Yeast dough is kneaded at dawn after the morning prayer. The starter for the dough is stored in a clean place, hidden from prying eyes. When the dough is suitable, it is cut by hand on a canvas reserved only for bread. The dough is divided into balls, flat cakes are formed, the middle is pricked, sprinkled with cumin, sesame or poppy seeds and sent to a special oven - tandoor. Tandoor is an oriental miracle made by craftsmen from special clay, horse hair and quartz sand. The wood of fruit trees is used to kindle the tandoor. The cake is baked for about 8 minutes, and then it is taken from the oven with a scoop. If the baked cake falls into the ashes, it is given to the closest people. Such bread is considered sacred. A cake taken from the hands of a kind person brings warmth and uplifts the mood. After all, people so lack love, lack tolerance for each other and simplicity. The smell of steaming bread is unforgettable, indescribable! The only desire of even a well-fed person is to break off a piece and enjoy the taste! Any meal, feast begins with the ritual of distribution of bread. The eldest picks up a cake, breaks it into pieces and gives it to everyone who is sitting at the table. The cake cannot be cut with a knife, it should be broken with your hands, you need to put it on the table “face” up. And they always take a cake on the road, not only as a treat ... It is believed that with a cake, any path will be easy and successful. In the East special role is given to bread in creating warm relations between people. Traditionally, those who eat bread together become friends. This is the main secret of the Uzbek flatbread - appetizing, beautiful, fragrant, uniting and reconciling!

Cakes. Recipes

Source: http://uzb.ucoz.ru/index/lepjoshki/0-96

Fragrant, crispy, well-baked tortillas are so delicious that they simply cannot be compared with the loaves of bread sold in the store. This is not surprising. Cakes are baked in the old way - in the tandoor. It is impossible to bake such a cake in the oven of a gas stove - that's all taste qualities will be lost.

There is a scientific basis for this. The metal from which ovens are made bakery products, emits waves a few hundred micrometers long, but of low density. And tandoors are stoves made of baked clay, in other words, ceramics. In ceramics, unlike metal, the opposite is true with radiated waves - their length is ten times smaller, and the density is very high. It is this density that contributes to the fact that the smallest particle of dough is baked relatively quickly. And the short length does not allow burning nutrients. So it turns out the cake is so tasty and fragrant that it can be eaten at dinner as a main course.
Most types of Uzbek flatbread are baked in tandoors for 4 to 8 minutes. Sometimes during the baking process, the cake falls off the wall and falls into the ashes. Such bread is considered sacred.

Flatbread "Lochira" for 3-4 servings
Wheat flour - 1500 g, flour for sprinkling - 50 g, mutton fat or margarine - 40 g, milk - 170 ml, salt - 10 g, vegetable oil for greasing dishes - 10 ml.

Recipe Dissolve salt in milk. Add mutton fat or melted margarine, flour and knead the dough. Let stand for 30-40 minutes. Divide the dough into 230 g pieces, roll into “balls” and let rest for another 20-25 minutes. Roll out the "balls" into a cake 3-5 mm thick, apply patterns with chakich. Bake in an electric or gas tandoor.

Homemade tortillas with milk for 3-4 servings
Wheat flour - 1 kg, yeast - 30 g, milk - 4 cups, vegetable oil - 300 ml, salt.

Recipe Dissolve yeast in warm water. Add vegetable oil, flour. Mix everything thoroughly, add milk, salt, knead the dough and put it in a warm place for fermentation. Divide the finished dough into pieces weighing 150-200 g, form “balls” and roll out cakes with a thickness of 2 cm along the edges, and 0.5 cm in the middle. Lubricate the back side of the cake with water and bake in a tandoor or gas oven.

Patir for 3-4 servings
Wheat flour - 1 kg, mutton fat - 100 g, yeast - 12 g, salt.

Recipe Make a dough of yeast and sugar. Add lamb fat to flour. salt, dough and knead the dough, let it rest for 1 hour. Divide the dough into pieces, form "balls", roll out thinly. Draw patterns around the edges of the cake with a knife, give patterns in the middle of the cake with cakich. Bake in a tandoor, brushing with calcined lamb fat. Sprinkle the finished cakes with water.

Homemade tortillas for 3-4 servings

Wheat flour - 1 kg, cottonseed oil - 30 ml, sesame - 25 g, yeast - 20 g, salt - 10 g.
Recipe. Dissolve yeast in warm water, add a little flour and put in a warm place. Using dough and flour, knead the dough, put in a warm place. Divide the finished dough into pieces weighing 230 g. Form “balls”, then cover with a towel and let stand. Roll out the “balls” into cakes, decorate the middle with patterns with the help of chakich and grease with cottonseed oil, in which sesame is soaked. Bake cakes in a gas or electric oven.

Flatbreads with meat for 3-4 servings
Wheat flour - 1.8 kg, yeast - 20 g, onion - 120 g, egg - 1 piece, lamb - 500 g, salt.

Dissolve yeast in warm water with sugar. After mixing the dough with flour, water and salt, knead the dough. Then put it in a warm place for fermentation. Then pour flour, knead the dough, put in a warm place. Mix finely chopped meat and onion. Roll out the finished dough, put the minced meat in an even layer, then roll it up. With both hands, take the roll by the ends, turn it right hand towards you, with your left hand away from you. Tear off pieces weighing 150-200 g from one end of the roll. Give each piece the shape of a cake. These cakes are larger and thicker than regular cakes. Grease the cakes with egg yolk. Bake in a tandoor or gas oven. Sprinkle the finished cakes with water.

Homemade cakes, simple (Obi non).

OBI NON - simple homemade cakes. cook simple yeast dough, leave in a basin, cover with a napkin and a mattress, put in a warm place for fermentation. After raising the dough, put it on a table or on a cutting board and divide into pieces of about 250-300g each. Each piece, rolling between the palms, give the shape of a ball, leave and cover with a napkin. Make cakes so that the raw material has a thickness of 0.5 cm in the middle, 2 cm along the edges. In the center of the cakes with the help of a tool - chekich - make pins. The pins are made so that the product does not bulge or deform during the baking process, and also has a beautiful patterned appearance when ready. Cover the molded raw material with a napkin: airing also spoils the look of the finished product. After shaping the whole dough, start heating the tandoor until the oven heats up for 15-20 minutes, the molded raw material will stand apart, which will ensure the splendor of the cakes. Before baking, collect the heat and hot ashes to the middle of the tandoor with a slide, put on a mitten or rapid, put raw materials on it with the reverse side up, lightly moisten with salt water and carefully stick to the hot wall of the working chamber. To open the heat from under the ashes and to form steam, sprinkle the planted cakes with water. When the cakes are browned, take them out of the tandoor, let them cool slightly in the air, too hot cakes are not recommended to be served on the table. For the dough: 1 kg of flour, 2 cups of water, 1 teaspoon of salt, 25-40 g of yeast (at a relatively cold air temperature, the amount of yeast added to the dough increases).

Cakes with sesame seeds and nigella (Kunzhutli va sedali non).
Such cakes are prepared for sale in the bazaar (market), therefore their other name is "bozor noni", or for the wedding table - "tui noni". Knead the dough to a liquid consistency. After rising, the dough is divided into pieces of 200 g, sometimes weighed on a scale. Each piece must be rolled into a ball, laid in rows, covered with a tablecloth, laid the second row of dough balls and covered with another tablecloth, so stand for 25-30 minutes. Be careful not to let the dough dry out. During this time, the dough will rise well and will continue to ferment and release carbon dioxide abundantly, forming larger bubbles. Then proceed to molding, while the thickness of the rim should be 2 cm, the middle 0.5 cm, prick with a check. Before planting in the tandoor, sprinkle individual sections of the front side of the raw material with sesame seeds and nigella soaked in warm water. Cakes are baked in a melted tandoor coal. The temperature in the working chamber should be more than 300 degrees For the dough: 1 kg of flour, 2 cups of water, 30 g of yeast, 1 tsp of salt, 10 g of sesame seeds and nigella.

Tortillas with cracklings (Jizzali non).
Prepare a simple yeast dough, leave in a bowl, cover with a napkin and a mattress, put in a warm place for fermentation. After rising into the dough, add greaves from lamb fat. To do this, put the dough on a floured board, pressing it down with your palms, flatten it into a large juicy 1.5-2 cm thick, put cracklings evenly on the dough and roll it up, then, taking the ends with both hands, throw it over, turning your right hand towards you, and to the left from you, while the cracklings mix well with the dough. Tearing from one end of the dough, divide into pieces of 150-200g. Give each piece of dough the shape of a cake, the thickness of which should be 2 cm at the edges and 0.5 cm in the middle. Often chop with chekich and bake in a tandoor or oven. First, burn the oven empty to heat up to 300 degrees, then put the cakes on greased baking sheets. Readiness is determined by the resulting golden crust For the dough: 1 kg of flour, 2 cups of water, 1 teaspoon of salt, 25 g of yeast, 300 g of cracklings.

I think there is no need to tell that flat cakes are a special kind of bread that you need to grow up with in order to love it the way Uzbeks do. Do not count the existing varieties of cakes, their molding and sourdough methods. And they are all good and tasty in their own way. I wanted to try to cook something similar to the Samarkand flatbread, the recipe of which is kept secret. Therefore, I did not dare to cook a lot at once, but I liked the result. The dough is kneaded dense and almost does not rise during proofing, but the cake turns out to be soft at the exit and with a special cake smell. I think that it is the presence of lamb fat that gives that taste and smell to tortilla pastries.

To prepare Uzbek flatbread at home (in the oven), we need such products.

Dissolve the yeast in a couple of tablespoons of warm water with a pinch of sugar and let it react. Then combine the rest of the ingredients for the test. First, add all the liquid ingredients to the bowl, and then add the flour. Stir with a spoon until it can be kneaded with your hands.

Knead the dough on the table until smooth. It doesn't stick to your hands at all. Cover the dough with a towel and place in a warm, draft-free place to rise.

After an hour, the dough will rise slightly and become more friable. It should be kneaded and left to rise again for an hour. Since little yeast is used, and the dough is dense, it will take more time than for ordinary bread.

After an hour, form one large cake from the dough. Put the cake on a baking sheet with parchment. It turns out really big - for the whole baking sheet. Prick the middle with a check.

You can make cuts or tucks along the edge of the cake.

Lubricate it with vegetable oil or yolk and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Bake the tortilla at the highest temperature of your oven, preheating it to the limit. This will take 10 to 20 minutes. My oven temperature was 230 degrees and it baked for 17 minutes.

Grease a hot cake with vegetable oil and let it cool. The oil is immediately absorbed. Cooled cakes are usually oiled again - for a beautiful shine.

Uzbek flatbread, cooked in the oven at home, is ready!

Serve the cake with tea or any other dishes, just like bread. It does not get stale for a very long time and remains the same fragrant. But it is better to store it in a bag.