Zecharia Sitchin’s version of the origin of modern man from the experiments of the Anunnaki aliens. Zecharia Sitchin: an “inconvenient” real scientist Mythology as ancient journalism

Zecharia Sitchin's theory.

The famous researcher Zecharia Sitchin, the author of sensational theories of paleocontact, finds new convincing evidence that the Earth in ancient times was visited by aliens from outer space, who created the human race in their own image and likeness through genetic engineering.
Irrefutable evidence of this is ancient written sources, sometimes incorrectly interpreted and translated by traditionalist scientists. An indirect confirmation of Sitchin’s theory is also the lack of a clear answer to the question: why does the human genome contain 223 genes that have no predecessors at the lower stages of evolution? This scientifically proven fact still does not fit into any modern evolutionary theory.
Based on his detailed studies Scripture and documents of the Egyptian and Sumerian-Akkadian civilizations, Sitchin reconstructs the nuclear disaster that occurred more than two thousand years ago, which arose during the war between the “gods,” and also recreates all the stages of the emergence of Homo sapiens.
Read the book: Space Code

12th Planet - Zecharia Sitchin version
. He who tirelessly Crosses the core of Tiamat, Let his name be "Crossing" - the name of the one who is in the middle. Epic of Sumer
There is widespread hostility in the scientific community towards the very idea of ​​"gods", but in reality this is simply a matter of terminology and religious convention (A striking example). In 1976, Zecharia Sitchin's book The 12th Planet was published, which generated a lot of controversy. The primary source for the Bible verses quoted in The 12th Planet is the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament. Zecharia Sitchin attempted to compare the verses quoted in The Twelfth Planet with available translations and the original text, as well as with the texts of parallel Sumerian and Akkadian myths/tales, in order to come to the most correct interpretation of them.

However, before starting the story about Zecharia Sitchin’s version, I recommend that you read the notes on Ancient Sumer in order to understand the initial premises of Sitchin’s work, which, it must be said, are quite controversial, at least with regard to the presence of “God’s hand” that resettled the Sumerians in Mesopotamia. After all, traces of human settlements were found in Mesopotamia in much earlier times.


Unfortunately, not a single Sumerian myth about the creation of the world has reached us, and Zecharia Sitchin relies on the later Akkadian myth “Enuma Elish”. It should be noted that the course of events presented in Enuma Elish, according to researchers, does not correspond to the concept of the Sumerians, despite the fact that most of the gods and plots in it are borrowed from Sumerian beliefs.

The content of this mythological epic, of course with large abbreviations, can be stated as follows. In the beginning, only water existed and chaos reigned. From this terrible chaos the first gods were born. Over the centuries, some gods decided to establish order in the world. This angered the god Abzu and his wife Tiamat, the monstrous goddess of chaos. The rebels united under the leadership of the wise god Ea and killed Abzu. Tiamat, depicted as a dragon, decided to avenge her husband's death. Then the gods of order, under the leadership of Marduk, killed Tiamat in a bloody battle, and her gigantic body was cut into two parts, one of which became the earth, and the other the sky. And the blood of Abzu was mixed with clay, and from this mixture the first man arose.

Now let’s take a look at Sitchin’s reading of “Enuma Elish”:

A wandering planet, in the Akkadian version Madruk, fell into the Solar System. The fact that the trajectory of its movement ran first past Neptune and then Uranus indicates that it moved clockwise, in the direction opposite to the direction of movement of the other planets around the Sun. The combined effect of the attraction of all the other planets pulled Marduk into the very heart of the newly formed solar system - leading to a collision with the planet Tiamat, located in orbit between Mars and Jupiter. Marduk's moons crashed into the planet Tiamat, and split it apart. Upper part liquid Tiamat (her “top of the head”) was captured by a large satellite of Marduk and moved to another orbit, forming the Earth-Moon system. The final act of creation of the Universe took place at the moment of the second return of Marduk to the site of the heavenly battle. This time, Marduk merged with the rest of Tiamat, becoming Nibiru - the planet of intersection, and the scattered fragments collected in the asteroid belt. or became comets By the way, the asteroid belt is not visible from Earth with the naked eye

Here an analogy with the Days of Creation from the Book of Genesis (First and Second) and the sura of the Koran directly suggests itself: “Do the infidels know that the sky and the Earth were previously one continuous whole, and we tore it apart and created all living things from water?” Modern astrophysical data tells us about an ancient catastrophe, but after reading the primary sources, doubt begins to arise (Read My Comment).

However, what do we care about hoary antiquity? Yes, the most direct. The fact is that, according to the Schummer worldview, the god-planet Nibiru was destined to eternally return to the site of the cosmic battle, where it crossed the path of Tiamat; scientifically speaking, the perihelion of Nibiru’s orbit should lie in the region of the asteroid belt, which is far enough to exert a significant electromagnetic and gravitational influence to Earth. In any case, Mars and Venus are closer - and nothing bad happens.

But why aren't we seeing Nibiru now? Zecharia Sitchin believes that this is due to the fact that its orbit has a significant eccentricity and inclination to the ecliptic plane. And Nibiru is now quite far away, having a long orbital period. Why did he decide this? The fact is that the Sumerians usually associated the supreme god with Nibiru - Anu, calling him SAR - “Supreme Ruler”. But at the same time, SAR means both a completed cycle and the number 3600 (In some places they indicate a different value of 2160). and Sitchin came to the conclusion that the duration of Nibiru’s orbit is 3600 earthly years.

But that's not all. There was a civilization on Nibiru - the Sumerian Gods:
The Sumerians called their gods Anunnaki. These were tall creatures 3.5-5m tall. How can one not recall the biblical giants-children of God - the Nephelims. Surprisingly, the Anunnaki were not immortal, although they life cycle was about 360 thousand earthly years. In general, the relations of the Gods resembled those of Humans. At its head was the supreme ruler, An, and his children, the Anunnaki, ruled everything.

About 450 thousand years ago, a problem arose with the air of Nibiru and a lot of gold was needed to solve it. By this time, the Anunnaki (children of An) were already able to make small space flights, and 400 thousand years ago, when the orbits of Nibiru and the Earth became closer, the Anunnaki arrived on Earth. The main goal was the extraction of Gold. (All dates are taken from royal lists naming the time of the mythical reign of the gods)

The first project expedition was led by the “god of wisdom and the sea” Enki. But when, several thousand years later, new expeditions arrived on Earth, general leadership passed to the “god of air” Enlil, and Enki was left with the sea and Africa (Totenwelt “world of the dead”) - or, according to Sitchin’s views, African mines and the sea transport. Every 3600 years, when Nibiru approached, the mined gold was sent to its home planet. A transhipment base was established in the lower reaches of the Euphrates (present-day Iraq). However, after 100-150 thousand years, the gold-mining gods grumbled and Man was Created to help them.

And here doubt begins to torment me again. Why separate production, transshipment base and recreation area. Rift Valley in Ethiopia, where, according to Sitchin, Gold was mined and Man was created, is no worse than Mesopotamia. (Comment). In the course of history, the gods managed to fight among themselves and Zecharia Sitchin believes that in al-Hadida we see traces of a nuclear strike (alas - the Wabar crater is only a trace of a meteorite (details in the article about the Kaaba). But I will not dwell on the vicissitudes of the relationship of the Gods, the origin Egyptian pyramids, and nuclear war - although this version may explain the scattered infrastructure, but I will move on to the event that left a more noticeable mark on human history, the “World Flood”.

About 13 thousand years ago, the need for further gold mining disappeared and it was decided to destroy humanity. A particularly close passage of Nibiru should have caused a change in the Earth's rotation axis, accompanied by a giant tidal wave. And the gods decided not to save people.

Nevertheless, humanity survived, whether Enki was responsible for this or not, we can probably debate endlessly, but all the myths agree on one thing. After the flood, human life expectancy decreased sharply. Has the experiment of the gods moved into a new direction, and humanity has become fruit flies for the experiments of the gods? Many mysteries of the formation of civilization point to this version. Why destroy if you can benefit? So it began new stage development of humanity.

I already gave detailed analysis"The Flood" therefore on this page I will give only the main conclusions: About 13,000 years ago there was a strong climate change. However, the theory of a tidal wave from gravitational interaction with Nibiru, consistent with traces of tectonic activity, does not explain all the consequences of the cataclysm of that period, namely uneven climate change. The meteorite hypothesis explains everything, and calculations show that a meteorite about 50 km in size was sufficient to obtain the effect observed 12,000 years ago. More details >>> . Although the fall of a meteorite could also be “God’s providence.”

Finally, a small note

One of the oldest Sumerian cities, Nippur, the city of Enlil, was actually called in Sumerian NIBRU.KI, which means "Nibiru's Place on Earth." The Sumerians called this place DUR.AN.KI - "Connection of Heaven and Earth." The purpose of Nippur was revealed by the mention in Sumerian inscriptions of a “high column reaching to the sky”, as well as the pictographic designation of the god Enlil - “Lord of Orders” - this pictogram depicts a tower (possibly a radar installation).

There is no doubt that the planets of the Solar System bear traces of ancient catastrophes and in the history of mankind there are many dark spots. Yes, and the Traces of the Gods are present. However, I got the impression that Zecharia Sitchin’s interpretation of myths proceeded from the opposite (the conclusions were primary and the text was attached to them). Zecharia Sitchin.

Zecharia Sitchin was born in the USSR, then moved with his family to Palestine, where he studied ancient Semitic and modern European languages, as well as the Old Testament, history and archeology of the Middle East. After graduating from the London School of Economics, he worked for many years as a leading correspondent in Israel. Currently living in the United States, he is a recognized expert and researcher of antiquities.

Read books: Lost Kingdoms / Zecharia Sitchin
Armageddon is postponed / Zecharia Sitchin
The Twelfth Planet / Zecharia Sitchin
Wars of Gods and Men / Zecharia Sitchin
Stairway to Heaven. In search of immortality / Zecharia Sitchin

BLACK SEA – Black Sea, MEDITERRANEAN SEA – Mediterranean Sea,

CASPIAN SEA – Caspian Sea, RED SEA – Red Sea,

PERSIAN GULF - Persian Gulf, Dead Sea - Dead Sea,

Tigris R. – p. Tiger, Euphrates R. – p. Euphrates, Nile River – p. Nile,

Mt. Ararat - Ararat, Asia Minor - Asia Minor,

Mesopotamia - Mesopotamia, Tauros mountains - Taypyc mountains,

Zagros mountains - Zagros Mountains, CRETE - Crete, CYPRUS - Cyprus,

NAGL (Hittite) LAND - Land of the Hittites, ASSYRIA - Assyria, SUMER - Sumer,

ELAM - Elam, LEBANON - Lebanon, CANAAN - CANAAN, SINAI - Sinai,

EGYPT – Egypt, Hattusha -Xammyuia, Harran – Harran,

Carchemish - Karshemish, Man - Mapu, Nineveh - Nineveh, Ashur - Ashur,

Babylon - Babylon, Agade - Agade, Nippur - Hunnyp, Erech - Erech,

Ur – ypt Eridu – Eridu, Susa – Susa, Kadesh – Cadet, Baalbek – Baalbek,

Damascus - Damascus, Jeriho - Jericho, Jerusalem - Jerusalem,

Heliopolis - Heliopolis, Giza - Giza, Memphis -Memphis,

el Fayum - El Fakt, Dendera - Dendera, Thebes - Thebes,

Karnak - Karnak, Edfu - Edfu, Syene (Aswan) - Siena (Aswan)


The encounter with the divine is the culmination human experience, the maximum possible during life, like Moses' meeting with the Lord on Mount Sinai, as well as the final and life-ending test, like the posthumous journey of the Egyptian pharaohs to the afterlife, where they join the gods in their heavenly abode.

The stories of man's encounters with the divine, recorded in the sacred books and ancient texts of the Middle East, are a most amazing and fascinating saga. It is an intense drama unfolding on earth and in heaven, involving worship and prayer, eternity and spirituality, love and sex, jealousy and murder, and ascension to heaven and descent to the underworld. Characters In this drama, gods and goddesses, angels and demigods, human beings and androids appear, and the encounters with the divine themselves take the form of prophecies and visions, dreams, oracles and revelations. These are stories about a man separated from the Creator and striving to restore the primary connection and thereby reach the stars.

An encounter with the divine can be considered the most important event in human life also because it is the very first human knowledge, because man saw the Lord immediately after the Lord created him. From the Book of Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament, we learn how the first man on earth, Adam, was created:

And God said:

Let us make man in our image, after our likeness...

And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him.

One can only assume that at the moment of his birth, a person hardly understood the essence and significance of this first meeting with the divine. Adam did not suspect anything even on the eve of the next fateful meeting, when the Lord decided to create a wife for him:

And the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and when he fell asleep, he took one of his ribs and covered that place with flesh. And the Lord God created a wife from a rib taken from a man...

The first man was immersed in a deep sleep and therefore was not aware of this meeting, during which the Lord showed the extraordinary talent of a surgeon. But soon Adam found out what had happened, because the Lord took the hand of the woman created from the rib “and brought her to the man.” The Bible then explains in a few words why man and woman became “one flesh,” and concludes this short story with the phrase: “And Adam and his wife were both naked, and were not ashamed.” It seems that this circumstance did not bother the “first matchmaker” at all, but why does the Bible hint to the contrary? If all the other creatures in Eden, "the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air," wore no clothes, why should Adam and Eve be (or shouldn't be) ashamed of their nakedness? Maybe the one in whose image and likeness Adam was created wore clothes himself? This is an important point that we must keep in mind and is the key to understanding the personality of the Lord.

Adam and Eve were the first people on Earth, and only they experienced their first encounters with the divine. But what happened in those distant times in the Garden of Eden has become the object of passionate desire for man today. Even the prophets chosen by the Lord dreamed of such mercy, because it was in the Garden of Eden that the Lord spoke to human beings and instructed them, allowing them to eat all the fruits, with the exception of the fruit of the tree of knowledge.

The chain of events that led to Adam and Eve's expulsion from paradise leaves one important question unanswered: how did Adam and Eve hear the Lord? How did the Lord communicate with human beings during these and other encounters? What did people see - the figure of the Lord or only a divine message? And how was this message conveyed? Through a personal meeting? Telepathically? Like holographic vision? Or in a dream?

The answer to all these questions can be given by analysis of ancient texts. The biblical text suggests the physical presence of the Lord during the events in the Garden of Eden. The garden was not a human dwelling, the garden was a divine abode. The Lord “planted” a garden in “Eden in the east,” and then placed a man there “to cultivate it and keep it.”

It was in this garden that Adam and Eve, through the intervention of the serpent, discovered their sexuality by eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which “gives knowledge.” Having eaten the forbidden fruit, “they realized that they were naked, and they sewed together fig leaves and made aprons for themselves.”

At this moment the Lord (Jehovah Elohim in the Hebrew Bible) appears on the scene:

The Lord was physically present in the Garden of Eden, and people could hear the sound of his footsteps. But could they see God? The Bible says nothing about this, but the Lord himself could see people - or in this case, he expected to see them, but could not, because they hid. Then he called them: “And the Lord God called to Adam and said to him where are you?”

What follows is a dialogue with the Lord (or more precisely, a conversation between three persons). This story allows us to draw several important conclusions. First, Adam had speech from the very beginning. True, in this case the question inevitably arises: in what language did the Lord communicate with man? Let us return, however, to the biblical story. Adam explains that he hid when he heard the Lord's footsteps because he was naked, an explanation that prompts further questioning. Ultimately, it turns out that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit - people confess their sin, but place all the blame on the serpent. Then the Lord God announces the punishment: the woman will give birth to children in pain, and the man will have to earn food by the sweat of his brow.

Now the personal nature of the meeting with the Lord is no longer in doubt - God not only made “clothes of skin” for Adam and Eve, but also clothed the first people with his own hands. Although the story clearly emphasizes the “divine” origin of clothing, which serves as the main difference between man and animal, it cannot be considered symbolic. It is quite obvious that at the beginning of time, when Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden, people were granted a personal meeting with the Creator.

But suddenly the Lord God became worried. Addressing unnamed colleagues, he expresses his concern in these words: “... behold, Adam has become like one of Us, knowing good and evil; and now, lest he stretch out his hand, and also take from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever.”

This transition occurs so unexpectedly that its meaning is difficult to grasp. Talking about man - about his creation, his abode and misdeeds - the Bible suddenly turns to the fears of the Lord God, while once again emphasizing the almost divine origin of man. First, the decision was made to create Adam in the image and likeness of the divine creators. The resulting being - the result of Elohim's efforts - is externally and internally similar to God. Now, having tasted the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, man became like God in another important aspect. From God's point of view, "Adam became like one of Us" - except for immortality. Therefore, all of Jehovah's unnamed colleagues agreed with the decision to expel Adam and Eve from Eden and place a "Cherubim and a flaming sword" at the entrance to Eden so that people could not return.

Thus, the Creator himself declared that man is mortal. Nevertheless, this did not stop people, and they strive to achieve immortality through meetings with the divine.

What is this passionate desire based on - memories of real events or myths? What is true and what is fiction in the Bible stories?

The different versions of the creation of man, as well as the alternating use of the singular (Jehovah) and plural (Elohim) when referring to the Creator, indicate that the creators of the Old Testament were using several older texts. So, for example, chapter 5 of the Book of Genesis begins with a reference to the “genealogy of Adam” (beginning with the day “when God created man, in the likeness of God created he him”), in stanza 14 of chapter 21 of the Book of Numbers the “book of the warfare of the Lord” is mentioned. . Joshua (10:13) refers the listener for details to the “book of the righteous,” which is also mentioned in 2 Samuel. These are just a few references to a much larger corpus of ancient texts.

  • Philosophers and scientists who reflect on the structure of the universe and propose modern cosmogonic theories inevitably encounter the concept of time. Is time the only true measurement of the universe? Does time flow in one direction or can it be reversed? Is the present a continuation of the past or the beginning of the future? And one of the most important issues– did time have a beginning? The ancient Sumerians believed in the beginning of all things, and therefore in its end: The moment of the beginning of earthly time forms the basis of the ancient cosmogony, so clearly depicted in the Sumerian texts. The famous historian and linguist Zecharia Sitchin, using his deep knowledge of ancient languages, developed an original and unexpected approach to the study of the Sumerian heritage and determined the time of the Beginning of the Beginning and the Beginning of the End:
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    • Series:
    • Genre:
    • The famous researcher Zecharia Sitchin, the author of the sensational paleocontact hypotheses, has long and fruitfully developed the version that the Earth was visited in ancient times by aliens from outer space. The inhabitants of the planet Nibiru created the human race through genetic engineering in their own image and likeness, laid the foundations of the most ancient earthly civilization and left numerous traces in the cosmogonic mythologies of humanity. They became gods for people. In his new book, Sitchin draws attention to the strict connection of large-scale events that took place in ancient times to centuries-old historical cycles and movements of celestial bodies. Carefully analyzing and comparing sacred texts, he comes to sensational conclusions: celestial astral mechanics had a much greater influence on earthly affairs than was previously believed. Moreover, it continues to work to this day, inexorably counting down the time of the next historical cycle, which may well end in the same way as the previous era - a global nuclear and climate catastrophe. Biblical prophecies are coming true with frightening accuracy, there is very little time left...
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    • Series:
    • Genre:
    • The famous researcher Zecharia Sitchin, the author of sensational theories of paleocontact, has long and fruitfully developed the theory that the Earth was visited in ancient times by aliens from outer space. The inhabitants of the planet Nibiru created the human race through genetic engineering in their own image and likeness, laid the foundations of the most ancient earthly civilization and left numerous traces in the cosmogonic mythologies of humanity. The Annunaki became gods for people. However, where did they themselves come from? Continuing to carefully analyze and compare ancient sacred texts, Sitchin comes to sensational conclusions. In his new book, he claims and convincingly proves that the aliens from the planet Nibiru were themselves artificially bred living organisms, for which there is a lot of evidence in the Bible and ancient Sumerian texts. The Anunnaki progenitor deity Ab-reshit later became known on Earth under the name Jehovah. According to Zecharia Sitchin, it was the transition from the worship of alien representatives to a religion based on faith in their wise creator that became a tremendous impetus for the rapid progress of humanity.
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    • Series:
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    • Long before people went to war against people, the gods were already fighting among themselves. It was the Wars of the Gods that preceded the wars of people. Often in battles, the inhabitants used weapons and equipment that were in many ways superior to modern ones. The famous researcher of the paleocontact theory, Zecharia Sitchin, convincingly proves: highly developed creatures that lived on Earth many millennia ago possessed advanced technologies that allowed them to conduct large-scale military operations using the most fantastic weapons. From the voices of the battles of the gods came to us in the Iliad, in the Theogony and Mahabharata - in myths and epic tales into which real events turned, passing through the millstones of the shocked human imagination. Moreover, a comparison of ancient sacred texts, archaeological finds and legends allowed the author of this book to reconstruct and trace all stages of the great wars, which he called the First and Second Pyramid Wars, which took place between the gods more than ten thousand years ago and had a decisive influence on further development human civilization.
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    • Series:
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    • Ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, Babylonian texts hide amazing knowledge that can easily be deciphered today. The cosmological ideas of our distant ancestors explain the emergence of the Earth and other planets of the solar system much more consistently and more convincingly than modern science. This knowledge could only be obtained one way - from space... In his book, the famous “classifier of the unknown” Zecharia Sitchin, based on studies of religious primary sources and a careful study of archaeological finds, convincingly proves that the basis of all ancient religions is the knowledge of the existence in our solar system the twelfth celestial body - the planet Nibiru, whose inhabitants, visiting the Earth from time to time, laid the foundations of the most ancient earthly civilization and left numerous traces in the cosmogonic mythologies of mankind.
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    • Series:
    • Genre:
    • The famous researcher and talented American scientist Zecharia Sitchin continues to reveal the amazing secrets of ancient civilizations. He seeks not to debunk the myths and legends that have been accumulated by mankind for thousands of years, but to find a source of confirmation of the facts that served as the basis for these legends, and evidence that the incredible events described in ancient texts actually happened in the distant past. To this end, he and a group of colleagues and like-minded people undertook a series of scientific expeditions to the most remote corners of the planet to see with their own eyes the “cradles of ancient civilizations.” After analyzing the results of the research, Zecharia Sitchin made conclusions that contradict the mainstream trends of modern historical science.
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    Recently, while studying the flight trajectory of the American spacecraft Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11, John Anderson, an employee of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in Pasadena, came to the conclusion that, apparently, there is still and the tenth planet "X" (we will call it the 12th planet).

    The 12th planet is already visible to the human eye, although in order to notice it, you need to know the location of the stars. Planet 12 now has a brightness of approximately +2.0 magnitude and is the same size as a star visible to the naked eye. It does not shine with the intensity of most stars, but emits a dull, diffused light and has an even glow. Although the 12th planet is 4 times larger than Earth and therefore larger than Mars or Pluto, it is now at a much greater distance and thus its visibility is not comparable to that of Mars or Pluto.

    The accuracy of planetary approach predictions will be better determined in last year according to the Earth's reaction. This is a question that cannot be predicted accurately, as there are too many variables influencing this process, her approach, but the Earth's core is already responding, and this is reflected in the rise in temperature of the oceans around the world. The next sign to note is the increase in volcanic activity, larger and more frequent earthquakes around the world...

    Oddly enough, the drawings and records of astronomers of the Sumerian civilization that have survived to this day clearly state that, according to the legend of the ancients, the solar system consisted of 12 celestial bodies, including the Sun, Moon and 10 planets. Exactly 10, and not 9, currently known.
    At intervals of 3,600 years, it flies in its orbit near the Earth, causing floods, earthquakes and other disasters that each time change the course of civilization.

    “Nubiru is like a ghost from ancient predictions,” says Muscovite Yulia Sumik, a researcher of this planet. – The Mayan priests, the ancient Sumerians, and the astrologers of the Egyptian pharaohs wrote about it. But for modern astronomers, Nubiru became a discovery; they began to study it only recently...

    While scientists equipped with the most modern technology are collecting information about the unknown guest, Nubiru is inexorably moving towards Earth.
    American scientist and writer Alan Alford claims that a highly developed civilization has existed on the planet Nibiru for 300 thousand years. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, who visited the moon, also states: “Aliens exist.”
    “I believe that there is life outside our planet, and I ask the government to declassify all information collected in this regard,” he said in an interview with a journalist from “Life.”

    Scientists suggest that the influence of the “devil’s planet” will be unkind: on February 14, 2013, when the Earth passes between Nibiru and the Sun, a global cataclysm is possible. The magnetic poles will shift and the tilt of our planet will change! Strong earthquakes and powerful tsunamis will bring disaster to many continents, and above all America. But after July 1, 2014, Nibiru will move away from the Earth in its orbit.
    Powerful telescopes recorded the planet Nibiru for the first time in 1983. Then American scientists Thomas Van Flanderns and Richard Harrington stated that the planet has a highly elongated elliptical orbit. Its mass ranges from 2 to 5 Earth masses, its distance from the Sun is about 14 billion kilometers.


    It turned out that this mystical space object was known thousands of years ago. In ancient legends, the planet that brings misfortune to the Earth is described as a “second Sun” - “luminous”, “brilliant”, “with a shining crown”. Our ancestors considered Nibiru “the ship on which the Gods live.” The motion parameters of the planet Nibiru are so amazing that many astronomers are inclined to consider it to be artificially created and controlled by a giant spacecraft.


    “The Earth is experiencing the end of the era of the “fifth Sun,” explains Yulia Sumik. – According to the Mayan calendar, the end of the “fifth Sun” dates back to 2012. According to Mayan astrological charts, the “first Sun” lasted 4008 years and was destroyed by earthquakes. The “Second Sun” lasted 4010 years and was destroyed by hurricanes. The “Third Sun” lasted 4081 years and fell under the fiery rain that poured out of the craters of huge volcanoes. The "Fourth Sun" lasted 5,026 years, and then the flood happened. We are now living on the eve of the fifth era of creation, or the “fifth Sun,” also known as the “Solar Movement.” The Mayans believed that at the end of the 5126 year cycle there would be some movement of the Earth, which would entail a change in civilization.

    This Mayan legend is defended not only by observations of the heavens, but also by much more “mundane” evidence - objects found by archaeologists.
    The Sumerians not only have written texts confirming the existence of Nibiru, but also numerous images of a round disk with two large wings. This symbol - the winged disk - was revered by the Assyrians, Babylonians, Egyptians and many other peoples for thousands of years. The ancient sages believed that it was from such a device that the inhabitants of Nubiru first arrived on Earth 450,000 years ago.

    Ancients about Nubiru

    According to the texts of the ancient Sumerians, there is another planet in the solar system. Her name is Nubiru, and she is three to four times larger than the Earth. Nubiru has a very elongated orbit, as a result of which it completes one revolution around the Sun in 3600 years. At its farthest point in its orbit, it is three times farther from the Sun than Pluto at its aphelion. Nubiru appears near the Sun once every four thousand years. The appearance of such a large mass among the terrestrial planets causes significant gravitational disturbances.

    On Nibiru, according to American scientist Alan Alford, a highly developed technogenic civilization has existed for 300 thousand years. 272,183 years have passed since aliens from this planet, taking advantage of its approach to the Sun, first landed on our Earth. Most likely, they were interested in the earth's mineral resources.

    In 1976, Zecharia Sitchin’s book “The 12th Planet” was published, which gave rise to a lot of controversy. The primary source for the Bible verses quoted in The 12th Planet is the original Hebrew text of the Old Testament. Zecharia Sitchin made an attempt to compare the verses quoted in his book with the available translations and the text of the original source, as well as with the texts of parallel Sumerian and Akkadian myths and tales in order to come to the most correct interpretation of them.

    Days of creation

    Unfortunately, not a single Sumerian myth about the creation of the world has reached us, and Zecharia Sitchin relies on the later Akkadian myth Enuma Elish. However, the course of events presented in Enuma Elish, according to researchers, does not fully correspond to the traditional concept of the Sumerians, despite the fact that most of the mythological subjects in it are borrowed from Sumerian beliefs.

    The content of the epic itself, of course, with large abbreviations, can be stated as follows. In the beginning, only water existed and chaos reigned. From this terrible chaos the first gods were born. Over the centuries, some of them decided to establish order in the world. This angered the god Abzu and his wife Tiamat, the monstrous goddess of chaos. The rebels united under the leadership of the wise god Ea and killed Abzu. Tiamat, depicted as a dragon, decided to avenge her husband's death. Then the gods of order, led by Marduk, killed Tiamat in a bloody battle, and her gigantic body was cut into two parts, one of which became the earth, and the other the sky. And the blood of Abzu was mixed with clay, and from this mixture the first man arose.

    How did Sitchin read the Enuma Elish?

    The wandering planet Marduk (in the Akkadian version - Madru) fell into the solar system. The fact that the trajectory of its movement ran first past Neptune and then Uranus indicates that it moved clockwise in the direction opposite to the direction of movement of the other planets around the Sun. The combined effect of the attraction of all the other planets drew Marduk into the very heart of the newly formed solar system, leading to a collision with the planet Tiamat, located in orbit between Mars and Jupiter (in the later Greek version - Phaethon). Marduk's moons crashed into the planet Tiamat and split it apart. The upper part of liquid Tiamat - her “top” - was captured by the large satellite of Marduk and moved to another orbit, forming the Earth-Moon system. The final act of creation of the Universe took place at the moment of the second return of Marduk to the site of the heavenly battle. This time, Marduk merged with the rest of Tiamat, becoming Nubiru - the planet of intersection, and the scattered fragments collected in the asteroid belt or became comets.

    Modern astrophysical data

    The data tells us about an ancient catastrophe, so that earthly “creation” could take the form of cosmic global destruction:
    Let's try to figure it out. According to the Sumerian worldview, the god-planet Nubir was destined to eternally return to the site of the cosmic battle-catastrophe, where she crossed the path of Tiamat. Scientifically speaking, the perihelion of Nubiru's orbit should lie in the region of the asteroid belt, which is far enough to exert a significant electromagnetic and gravitational influence on the Earth. In any case, Mars and Venus are closer - and nothing bad happens.

    But why aren't we seeing Nubira now? Zecharia Sitchin believes this is due to the fact that its orbit has a significant eccentricity and inclination to the ecliptic plane. And Nubiru is now located quite far away, having a long circulation period. Today it is known that the Sumerians associated the supreme god Anu with Nubiru, calling him SAR - “Supreme Ruler”. But at the same time, SAR means both a completed cycle and the number 3600 - although in some places they also indicate another meaning for this number: 2160. Sitchin came to the conclusion that the duration of Nibiru’s orbit is 3600 Earth years.

    There was a civilization on Nubiru - the gods of the Sumerians

    The Sumerians called their gods the Anunnaki. These were tall creatures, 3.5-5 m tall. How can one not recall the biblical giants-children of God - the Nephilim! Surprisingly, the Anunnaki were not immortal, although their life cycle was about 360 thousand Earth years. In general, the relationship between the gods was completely human. It was headed by the supreme ruler, An, and everything was controlled by his children, the Anunnaki.

    According to Sitchin, about 450 thousand years ago a problem arose with the “air” of Nibiru, and it took a lot of gold to solve it. It should be noted right away that the discussion, apparently, was about the technological use of gold to maintain a living functional space on the planet Nubiru. In this sense, the Earth was simply colossally lucky! In all historical times, gold simply rained down on her from the sky! After all, it is dissolved in cosmic dust, which falls to Earth annually in the amount of several hundred tons. The historical geophysics of the Earth retains and infiltrates gold into a real planetary ligature, the purpose of which has only recently become of interest to scientists. It seems that the planet's gold banding is not at all accidental.

    At this time, the Anunnaki were already able to make small space flights, and 400 thousand years ago, when the orbits of Nubiru and the Earth once again approached each other, the Anunnaki arrived on Earth. The main goal was gold mining. (The dates given here are taken from the royal lists indicating the time of the mythical reign of the gods.)
    The first project expedition was led by the “god of wisdom and the sea” Enki. But when, several thousand years later, new expeditions arrived on Earth, general leadership passed to the “god of air” Enlil, and Enki was left with the sea and Africa (Totenwelt - “world of the dead”) - or, according to Sitchin’s views, African mines and sea transport . (Stop! But it was in Africa that the legendary mines of the Jewish king Solomon were later located! - V.Sh.)

    Every 3600 years, with the next approach of Nibiru, the mined gold was sent to its home planet. A transshipment base was created in the lower reaches of the Euphrates (present-day Iraq). However, after 100-150 thousand years, the gold-mining gods complained, and man was created to help them.

    In the Rift Valley, in Ethiopia, where, according to Sitchin, gold was mined and man was created, gold and ore miners are no worse than Mesopotamia. But over the course of history, the gods managed to fight among themselves, and Zecharia Sitchin believes that in al-Hadida we see traces of a nuclear strike, although according to existing information, the Wabar crater is only a trace of a meteorite.

    About 13 thousand years ago, there was no longer a need for further gold mining, and it was decided to destroy humanity. A particularly close passage of Nubiru should have caused a change in the Earth's rotation axis, accompanied by a giant tidal wave. And the gods decided not to save people. Nevertheless, humanity survived.
    As already mentioned, the planet Nubiru approaches Earth once every 3600 years.

    This rapprochement does not pass without a trace for our mother. According to A. Alford, in 10983 BC, when Nubiru found itself between Venus and Earth at a distance of just over 12 million kilometers, the Great Flood began on Earth. The gravity of the giant planet lifted huge masses of water into the atmosphere, which then collapsed onto the surface of the Earth. Earthly civilization and most of the flora and fauna ceased to exist.

    The newcomers knew in advance about the inevitability of the flood and took measures ahead of time to preserve the most valuable - remember Noah's Ark described in the Bible. However, people occupied them to the extent that they multiplied countlessly on Earth, and they were not always respectful towards the “gods”.

    Elford's concept, many gods of antiquity - Enlil ( supreme god), Thoth (god of wisdom), Ptah (skilled demiurge engineer), Inanna (Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Astarte), Marduk and others were aliens from the planet Nubiru. They really existed, ruled earthly cities and kingdoms, and often fought fiercely with each other.

    Second half of the 15th century BC. grandiose population migrations begin, the emergence of new cultures and states. Guests (or maybe hosts?) from the planet Nibiru stayed on our Earth for about 1300 years.
    Around 200 BC Nubiru was again near the Sun. It was then that, for reasons unknown to us, the aliens left the Earth completely.

    Many thoughtful readers may have a legitimate question - what kind of stories are these and who invented them? The answer is simple: the storerooms and archives of many museums around the world (especially British) contain a great variety of cuneiform tablets, ancient manuscripts, papyri and other artifacts. Some of them have been decrypted, and it is from them that this information is extracted. However, the vast majority of manuscripts remain a mystery.

    After the Flood, human life expectancy decreased sharply. Didn't the experiment of the gods go in a new direction after the flood? There has been severe climate change. However, the theory of a tidal wave from gravitational interaction with Nibiru, consistent with traces of tectonic activity, does not explain all the consequences of the cataclysm of that period, namely uneven climate change. The meteorite hypothesis explains everything, and calculations show that a meteorite about 50 km in size was sufficient to obtain the effect observed 12,000 years ago. Although the fall of a meteorite could also be “God’s providence”, but in fact a precise engineering calculation:

    I would like to add that one of the oldest Sumerian cities - Nippur, the city of Enlil, was actually called NIBRU in Sumerian. KI, which means "Nibiru's Place on Earth". The Sumerians called the location of the city DUR. AN. KI - "Connection of Heaven and Earth." The purpose of Nippur became clear thanks to the mention in Sumerian inscriptions of a “high column reaching the sky,” as well as the pictographic designation of the god Enlil - “Lord of Orders” - this pictogram depicts a tower (possibly a radar or other installation connecting the worlds).


    So what prompted Sitchin to identify the ancient gods of the “mythical” Universe with the Solar System? This is an Akkadian cylinder seal from the 3rd millennium BC, which is now on display in State Museum in Berlin. This seal shows eleven circles arranged around a large circle with six rays - clearly representing the Sun. If you start examining the spheres from the upper right sector and move counterclockwise, you will find in the figure an undeniable similarity with the diagram of the Solar System, both in size and in the position of the planets. With the exception of Pluto, which is depicted in its original position as a satellite of Saturn, this ancient drawing shows the planets as they existed after Nibiru's collision with Tiamat. But between Mars and Jupiter there is a large circle, about three times the size of the Earth, which does not correspond to any of the currently known planets. It cannot be just an accident that the Enuma Elish describes the position of this planet or “god” very accurately.

    There is no doubt that during the formation of the solar system, some planets experienced strong impacts. Suffice it to say that the current “recumbent” position of Uranus, whose axis of rotation is inclined to the ecliptic by 980, apparently is the result of a collision with a fairly large body. The anomalous rotation of Venus and the orbit of Pluto can also be explained only by the hypothesis of “external” interaction. The discovery of Pluto's satellite, Charon, made it possible to accurately determine the mass of Pluto, and it turned out that it was much smaller than expected. Thanks to this, it was possible to mathematically, with a high degree of accuracy, check the deviations in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune.

    In this regard, two astronomers from the US Naval Observatory in Washington again revived the idea of ​​​​Planet X. But these two astronomers - Robert Harrington and Tom van Flandern - went much further - using mathematical models they showed that Planet X pushed Pluto and Charon out of their former position as satellites of Neptune. They also suggested that the invading planet was 3-4 times larger than Earth, and that it was likely captured in an orbit around the Sun, an orbit that would be highly eccentric, highly inclined to the plane of rotation around the Sun, and its rotation period around the Sun is very large. It was as if the scientists used excerpts from the Enuma Elish for their report!

    The Creation of Man

    In 1915, Stephen Langdon published a text entitled The Sumerian Epic of Paradise, Flood and the Fall of Man. This event became the starting point for targeted research, and now much is known about how, according to the Sumerians, the gods created man.

    Ethyne creatures are called LU.LU in Sumerian texts, which literally means "mixed". Zecharia Sitchin believes that the above words about clay taken from Earth, which the “young, knowledgeable gods” bring to the required condition, may mean that man was created as a hybrid of a god and a primitive ape. So many facts point to the inconsistency of Homo Sapiens with the accepted theory of evolution.

    Famous explorer Zecharia Sitchin, author of sensational paleocontact theories finds new convincing evidence that the Earth was visited in ancient times by aliens from outer space, who created the human race in their own image and likeness through genetic engineering.

    Irrefutable evidence of this is ancient written sources, sometimes incorrectly interpreted and translated by traditionalist scientists.

    An indirect confirmation of Sitchin’s theory is also the absence of a clear answer to the question: why the human genome contains 223 genes that have no predecessors at the lower stages of evolution?

    This scientifically proven fact still does not fit into any modern evolutionary theory.
    Based on the Holy Scriptures and documents of the Egyptian and Sumerian-Akkadian civilizations he studied in detail, Sitchin reconstructs the nuclear disaster that occurred more than two thousand years ago, which arose during the war between the “gods,” and also recreates all the stages of the emergence of Homo sapiens.


    12th planet

    Ancient Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, Babylonian texts hide amazing knowledge that can easily be deciphered today. The cosmological ideas of our distant ancestors explain the emergence of the Earth and other planets of the solar system much more consistently and convincingly than modern science. This knowledge could only be obtained in one way - from space...
    In his book, the famous “classifier of the unknown” Zecharia Sitchin, based on all ancient religions, lies the knowledge of the existence of a twelfth celestial body in our solar system - the planet Nibiru, whose inhabitants, visiting the Earth from time to time, laid the foundations of the most ancient earthly civilization and left numerous traces in cosmogonic mythologies of humanity.

    Stairway to Heaven. In search of immortality

    For thousands of years, people believed in the supernatural nature of the gods, attributing to them the ability to live forever, and they themselves sought to achieve divine immortality.
    The Sumerian king Gilgamesh wandered in search of the flower of eternal life, the legendary conqueror Alexander the Great looked for a stream of living water, the navigators Christopher Columbus and Ponsa de Leon showed miracles of courage while trying to discover it in the Western Hemisphere. Little by little, immortality turned into a myth. However, the famous researcher Zecharia Sitchin, the author of several scandalous works on alternative history, in his next book undertakes to prove that in ancient times, people could become like gods and live tens of times longer than their fellow tribesmen.
    Many archaeological finds, ancient texts and legends that have survived to this day, the images and symbols of which have become possible to decipher only in modern stage developments in science and technology are indisputably evidenced by: man was originally created by immortal beings for eternal life.

    Wars of Gods and Men

    The books united in the “Chronicles of the Earth” series are based on the hypothesis that mythology is not just entertaining reading, but a genuine repository of ancient knowledge; that the Bible must be read literally, as a real historical document; and that ancient civilizations arose thanks to knowledge brought to our planet Annunaki- “those who arrived on Earth from heaven.”
    "Wars of Gods and Men" is the third book in this series. Long before people went to war against people, the gods were at enmity with each other. It was the Wars of the Gods that laid the foundation for the Wars of Men. The wars of the Gods for dominance on Earth began on their home planet. So first human civilization was on the verge of a nuclear disaster.

    Annunaki In Sumerian-Akkadian mythology, deities of the earth and the underworld. The number of Anunnaki is not precisely established: according to various sources, there are from seven to six hundred of them. The main duty of the Anunnaki is to determine human destinies, because... they are patron gods. Along with the Anunnaki, Sumerian-Akkadian mythology knows igigov- deities of the sky.

    Lost Realms

    The history of the discovery of the New World is inextricably linked with the legend of Eldorado and the tireless pursuit of gold. But the greedy conquistadors did not even suspect that they were only repeating the path trodden many centuries before them.
    The famous historian and linguist, a brilliant researcher of ancient civilizations Zecharia Sitchin provides indisputable material evidence that all the cultural, scientific and architectural achievements of the Old World, which Europeans were so proud of, had already existed many centuries before among the ancient Aztecs and Mayans. And humanity was only rediscovering the past...

    Armageddon is postponed

    Philosophers and scientists who reflect on the structure of the universe and propose modern cosmogonic theories inevitably encounter the concept of time. Is time the only true measurement of the universe? Does time flow in one direction or can it be reversed? Is the present a continuation of the past or the beginning of the future? And one of the most important questions is: did time have a beginning?
    The ancient Sumerians believed in the beginning of all things, and therefore in its end.. The moment of the beginning of earthly time forms the basis of ancient cosmogony, so vividly depicted in Sumerian texts. The famous historian and linguist Zecharia Sitchin, using his deep knowledge of ancient languages, developed an original and unexpected approach to the study of the Sumerian heritage and determined the time of the Beginning of the Beginnings and the Beginning of the End...

    Space code. Genetic engineering of the gods

    The famous researcher Zecharia Sitchin finds new convincing evidence that the Earth was visited in ancient times by aliens from outer space who created the human race in their own image through genetic engineering.
    Irrefutable evidence of this is ancient written sources, sometimes incorrectly interpreted and translated by traditionalist scientists.
    An indirect confirmation of Sitchin’s theory is also the lack of a clear answer to the question: why does the human genome contain 223 genes that have no predecessors at the lower stages of evolution? This scientifically proven fact still does not fit into any modern evolutionary theory.
    Based on the Holy Scriptures and documents of the Egyptian and Sumerian-Akkadian civilizations he studied in detail, Sitchin reconstructs the nuclear disaster that occurred more than two thousand years ago, which arose during the war between the “gods,” and also recreates all the stages of the emergence of Homo sapiens.

    Deity of the 12th planet

    Zecharia Sitchin, the author of sensational theories of paleocontact, has long and fruitfully developed the theory that the Earth was visited in ancient times by aliens from outer space. The inhabitants of the planet Nibiru created the human race through genetic engineering in their own image and likeness, laid the foundations of the most ancient earthly civilization and left numerous traces in the cosmogonic mythologies of humanity. The Annunaki became gods for people. However, where did they themselves come from?
    Continuing to carefully analyze and compare ancient sacred texts, Sitchin comes to sensational conclusions. In his new book, he claims and convincingly proves that the aliens from the planet Nibiru were themselves artificially bred living organisms, for which there is a lot of evidence in the Bible and ancient Sumerian texts. The Anunnaki progenitor deity Ab-reshit later became known on Earth as Jehovah (God).
    According to Zecharia Sitchin, it was the transition from the worship of alien representatives to a religion based on faith in their wise creator that became a tremendous impetus for the rapid progress of humanity.