What to draw when there is no inspiration. Tips for aspiring writers: what to do if there is no inspiration. Causes and manifestations of creative decline

My first blog is dedicated to a topic familiar to every musician. Perhaps when you started writing electronic music, you had success at first... You are talented and you know that you have musical abilities, imagination and, of course, hearing. Whatever style you tried to try yourself in, everything turned out very easily and successfully. Then you decided to take one direction and improve in it. You created grandiose compositions in your opinion, but in the opinion of others they were crude and uninteresting... You continued to do what you loved, despite the fact that those around you did not support your idea... Here you stopped. We thought about quitting our favorite hobby and devoting time to more important things... Time passed. Hands are reaching out to play on any VST plugin.... A new image of the musical picture is drawn in my head. But then a wall suddenly appears in front of your eyes, blocking your view of your future track... and you are in despair. You are once again convinced that this is not your path... Where to get inspiration... How to achieve professionalism in something that is close to you and what you like so much? Questions that concern me... With each new level of your growth, with each new track, you must grow professionally. It would seem that the new tracks should be of better quality. Otherwise, the next level is too tough for you. How to pull yourself together and make your brain and all your abilities work at 100%? Where can I get the emotional strength to take such a decisive step??? ...

I wrote the first track in 2012... I didn't even know what real trance was. Didn't know what house was? What is Progressive and what is Melodic. I had no idea what Ambient and Chillout were. I just wrote what I heard in my head.. What was inside me. My emotions pushed me to write music. Always. I was successful for my first level... With every new track I brought something new. But there came a time when I thought that I would never be able to reach a professional level. At least at the level of DJs at the radio station. After all, when you listen to modern electronic tracks, it seems that everything is not so complicated. And you don’t need musical education to write such a simple melody.. And I thought - I’ll try too.... In reality, everything turned out to be completely different. Tracks are complex from the point of view that a lot of time is invested in them for proper processing (equalization, compression, mixing and mastering). Also, the sounds themselves in ordinary VSTs are not of very high quality, so the pros specially create the sound they need (with the necessary echo, delay, chorus, and cut)... How cool it is to be able to do this! How difficult it turns out to be to write a quality bass without it overpowering an equally important kick drum. There is no simple design in life! Even ballpen and it’s not easy to set up! So....

I stopped. Now I feel that I am far from cool musicians... "When there is no inspiration".... Don't give up and stand strong on your feet! Success is not universal popularity and worldwide fame. Success is not measured by means of bank card! Success is an internal feeling of confidence, balanced and correct belief in yourself and your strengths! People can provide support and help! But until you believe in yourself, you will not feel true confidence! And I decided to do it! I want to reach the next level! And the next one and beyond.

"When there is no inspiration, when you don't believe in yourself,

What to do if you have no inspiration:

Advice one. It’s very good if you are an optimist and everything beautiful in this world does not escape your gaze. But more often it happens that you walk down the street and see a gray, familiar area, a crowded garbage dump, a broken road and unsmiling people hurrying somewhere. And you will acquire the habit of looking at the world with interest! Remember the little kids! What do they see when they walk hand in hand with their mother? They see grass, flowers, birds, an interesting woman in a bright sweater, a bug on the path, a fast car, elongated shadows on the asphalt, and they never cease to be surprised step by step. Every walk is a whole journey for them. The road to the store, a five-minute walk away, takes half an hour for kids. With age, unfortunately, we stop noticing all the beauty around us. Turn your shopping trip into an exciting game where you will find as many interesting things as possible along the way. Firstly, the road will not be boring, and secondly, cheer yourself up. Pay attention to everything. To the sky, to the sun, to the trees, to the animals.

Tip two. Not many people like to walk. Just walking around the house in the evening seems like a waste of time. If you are one of these people, it's time to reconsider your position. A walk is fresh air sunlight and relaxation. While walking, disconnect from negative thoughts, do not let them into your head. You will certainly feel a surge of vitality. It doesn't matter whether you walk while walking or just sit on a bench. Take at least 30 minutes a day for a walk. When a person stops rushing, the thoughts in his head begin to be organized, i.e. space is freed up for fantasies, positive emotions, and this is inspiration.

Tip three. Throughout the day we are faced with a lot of information. Having seen something unusual and interesting, we soon forget about it. And in the absence of inspiration, this something unusual and interesting could be of great use to us, inspire ideas, stir up imagination. Let's get a box in which we will put what pleases the eye, what is connected with any memorable event, which on a subconscious level gives optimism. Don't want a box? Then you can have a folder on your computer desktop with wonderful, mesmerizing, perfect pictures. What it will be is up to you to decide. Patterns, textures, animals, nature, or maybe just photographs. Look there during creative crises and catch inspiration.

Tip four. Carry a camera with you. You don’t have to be a photographer, and you don’t have to have a professional camera. Take pictures of everything that you like, that pleases the eye. Let bright events and interesting details remain in your memory for a long time. You'll know where to look for positive thoughts, returning to the pictures whenever you want.

Tip five. Imagine your muse. Describe her, what she looks like, what she thinks. Imagine that she is next to you. Mentally ask her for advice, tell her everything that worries you, everything you think about. Contact her more often, ask her to evaluate your creativity objectively from the outside. This perfectly develops fantasy and imagination.

Tip six. This last tip includes several ways that we won't go into in more detail. Use them when the above methods turn out to be hopeless, or simply if you don’t like them. Outdoor meditation; music that creates the right mood; drawing with a pen on a piece of paper under the dictation of your subconscious; drinking tea in a relaxed atmosphere; meeting a friend who has a positive influence on you; embroidery, knitting, sewing; poetry reading; good sleep; relaxation in the sauna, spa; swimming in the pool; alcohol in moderate doses and with great caution (or better still, don’t); Love; children; animals; aquarium; flowers; watching movies; shopping, dancing. And nothing inspires you more further work, How

Hi all! Olya Saushkina is in touch again, and today we will touch on such an unpleasant topic as loss of enthusiasm and a period of stagnation in your work. Loss of inspiration can be expressed in the form of stupor, the “blank slate” effect, loss of strength and procrastination, and a clear reluctance to do something. The request for how to overcome this stage is one of the most popular in RuNet. All creative people, from crafters to bloggers, musicians to engineers, experience writer's block from time to time. The question “what to do” worries millions, so take a breath: you are not alone and, fortunately, this stage will end sooner or later. Do you want to get out of it with minimal losses? Make good use of it? Do everything to make it end faster? Then my based on personal experience the advice will be useful to you. By the way, I am writing this article just after another crisis of ideas and loss of strength. Sit back, make yourself some coffee or tea, and let's figure it out together.

Causes and manifestations of creative decline

Everyone faces a similar situation, but with different frequency and wording. Someone may have many ideas, but “give up” only at a hint of their implementation; another, on the contrary, has not a single thought or starting point in his head. Someone is in complete stupor and despondency on all two points. Of course, the topic will not be related to the fact that some of us have a great tendency to generate new topics and ideas, while others are brilliant and thoughtful performers who will not forget a single detail, will reveal the topic completely, will bring the matter to an end, and will bring the project to fruition. success. Each of us is talented in our own way, and now we are not talking about what you can do better, but what is better to entrust to a like-minded person. We are talking specifically about the loss of inspiration in the field of activity that you are engaged in.

There can be many reasons for this, and I am sure that with a calm, thoughtful analysis of your condition, you can easily find the factor that influenced you. And even several. I am sure that each of us is intuitively able to choose the solution that is most suitable for him at the moment. So, without further ado, let’s begin listing ways that will help us literally “catch the capricious bird of creative happiness by the tail” and bring it back for further cooperation.

10 ways to get your inspiration back

  1. Don't be afraid or worry. One of the most common reasons for loss of strength and inspiration is simple fear. Sometimes it’s difficult and scary to start a new business and even continue to do what you love and what you’re good at. Fear of the new and fear of evaluation is in each of us. In addition, we are usually afraid of “lowering the bar” in what we are strong at. And the last point applies not only to perfectionists. In addition to all of the above, you may be overcome by a lot of different fears. So, if you have “identified the enemy” and it turns out to be fear, first of all, take it for granted. Yes, you are afraid, but only because you want the best result. First, breathe deeply and calmly, try to throw away all unnecessary thoughts, focus on your breathing and listen to it. Also try to “make friends” with your fear and redirect it into a rational and active direction. The best remedy To do this, give yourself the right to make mistakes. Remember that “he who does nothing makes no mistakes”? But you are not going to sit idly by! View your fear as a desire to do "everything in at its best”, as a tool and a guarantor that the work will be done well with your attitude. Consider your business as an opportunity to gain valuable experience that will stay with you no matter what. Learn to enjoy the process. And one more thing: if the reasons turned out to be precisely fears of new things, activities and assessments, and they are not accompanied (!) by other factors from our list, do not delay. Remember the situations (yours and those of your friends) formulated as “I was afraid, I was afraid, but as soon as I started, there was no stopping me.” Yes, often you just have to start by overcoming fear. The longer you wait and delay the start of an activity, the more you “twist yourself”, and the stronger and more confusing your fear becomes. Just start moving towards your goal and the process will take over you.

In addition, with experience, you develop skills and hone your mastery in any matter.

  1. Move. In addition to information articles, I have been writing poetry and literary texts for a long time and with pleasure. When writing long text of any type, I usually give myself a break and walk the dog in the park. This is when the brightest ideas and metaphors come to me and/or when I break a creative block. Why is this happening? Movement, firstly, triggers dormant processes in your body, and secondly, in itself, together with the accompanying “pleasant pictures” and new impressions, “switches” your thinking. You return refreshed, with new strength, ideas and the desire to create. As a bonus, you also strengthen your health - the most valuable thing you have.

Moreover, the movement one of the methods to relieve stress, the basis of body-oriented psychotherapy.

  1. Give yourself time. How often do you want to “do everything at once, quickly” and get the maximum result as soon as possible. Sound familiar? If yes, then you have probably encountered the “other side of the coin”: rapid burnout, anger at yourself, overwork and other “delights”. Achieving financial success, for example, as a blogger, will also not happen quickly. Thoughts that you “will not be able to do something in time” in general and in particular drive you into a neurotic state. There is only one way out: allow yourself to create at a comfortable pace, don’t demand much, take breaks. Violent, continuous activity leads to loss of concentration, decreased attention and mistakes. Are you afraid of forgetting something? Make a plan, at least in free form, in the form of main thoughts and theses. Then the most brilliant ideas will not leave you and will instantly be remembered when you look at it. And you will relieve your consciousness from the oppressive fear of “forgetting.”

This advice is not about "flow state"- a process of active creativity with inspiration already caught by the wings, seize the moment - all you have to do is create. But still don’t forget about breaks.

  1. Switch. Do something else. Go for a walk, call a friend, if you can’t write, draw. Etc. Do whatever you want at the moment. If you don’t want anything, then remember what. Sometimes it is useful to change an activity to something unrelated to the previous one, in other cases it helps to change, for example, only the topic or object of effort. Most often it is useful to switch to a radically opposite type of activity. This way you will get new emotions and break the vicious circle of anxiety about “nothing works out”. You will return with new strength and perhaps even new perspectives to the old task.

For example, If I’m tired and don’t want to work fully, I still don’t sit idle on the Internet. This is a good part-time job and an opportunity to learn something new.

  1. Communicate. Advice similar to and related to the previous one. Meeting with friends, in addition to the fact that it will allow you to switch, you can unexpectedly find new ideas even in conversations on topics different from what you are doing. I even strongly advise you to talk about something else. Of course, you can complain about failures, get support from friends (which is priceless!) and change the topic. Try to get new positive emotions, and they will serve as a source of inspiration for you. At the same time, you will relax and spend your time usefully. It often helps, even in the face of one’s own reluctance, to drag oneself out to meet like-minded people. If you don't have them, start searching. Nowadays the Internet helps a lot with this. But don't forget about personal safety.
  2. Look for inspirational images. Even from another sphere. For example, I am often inspired by photographs and stories of users on Instagram. Look for inspiring pictures on the Internet, listen to your favorite music. Dance and sing (see point 2 of this article - movement). Do whatever your heart desires. Within the framework of the criminal code, of course. (Just kidding.) From experience, anything can bring you back into a flow state, even the most unexpected things .
  3. Relax. Besides the fact that letting go of a situation is almost always useful, the very reason for the loss of the Muse may lie in banal fatigue. You could either work on a project for a long time and continuously, or become tired of household chores, mentally from a difficult conversation or anything at all. Give yourself a break. Take a bath, meditate. Just get some sleep. Sometimes this is the only thing that helps you “get back on track.”
  4. Accumulate positive energy. Even if inspiration doesn't return for quite a long period, don't panic or get irritated. This will only postpone your long-awaited meeting with the Muse indefinitely. And on the contrary, the more positive you are towards yourself, others and life, the more imperceptibly and quickly it will visit you again.
  5. Enjoy nature. Take photos. In addition to walks and short trips, it is very useful to communicate with pets. Even if you don't have one, visit friends and neighbors who, for example, have a dog. Have you already guessed that this way you will combine several ways to return inspiration from our article? Animal-assisted therapy works wonders, gives positive emotions, switches, relieves stress.
  6. Change your field of activity. If the problem of loss of inspiration has become chronic, you constantly “procrastinate”, feel irritated at the mere thought of an upcoming activity, perhaps you are doing something you don’t like or is not suitable for you. It is worth seriously thinking about changing the area of ​​effort to another. Don't be afraid to try new things! I will definitely write another article about why it is so important to do what you like. Also, such signs may signal that you are faced with strong fears from the first point.

Let's sum it up

To ensure that the need for activity leaves you as rarely as possible, alternate your work and rest schedules, your chosen activities, accumulate positive emotions, and enlist the support of friends. Don’t forget to praise yourself, make a list of what you love and yours best qualities, this will help you in other difficult moments, not only when looking for inspiration. And finally, advice for “idea generators”. Accept that you won’t be able to put each of them down on paper. The good news is that the most brilliant thoughts are returning. Give the desire to create time and it will not keep you waiting. I would be glad if you share your methods of returning it. Good luck in the never-ending creative process!


Lately I’ve been hearing this question more and more often: how to get inspiration back? Creative people ask it in different ways: some openly, some casually, some veiled with other questions. Whether this is due to spring fatigue, or, on the contrary, with spring revival - I don’t know.

This question has always seemed strange to me, because there seems to be enough material for a solution.

But still, I decided to look - are there many articles on this topic on the Internet?

The search made me sit back and whistle: there were not just a lot of articles, but a lot. Methods are offered by writers, psychologists, sociologists, artists and musicians, designers and filmmakers, artists and politicians.

Do people who are interested in these methods really not read the articles?

I decided to look into this problem, researched and analyzed a bunch of material, and this is what I realized:

Firstly, many creative people confuse two things - care inspiration And creative crisis . Of course, they are interconnected, but there are still significant differences, as well as different methods.

Secondly, the methods and techniques are not systematized and most often represent a chaotic set that is difficult to understand.

Thirdly, often a method or technique is simply named, but no one explains exactly how to use it.

Fourthly, in my opinion, almost nothing is written about three important things that are necessary to solve the problem.

We’ll talk about how to overcome creative crisis later, but for now we’ll devote time return of inspiration .

To begin with, I tried to collect ways and techniques to bring inspiration back together. I'm sure I missed something, but at least this table will help you see their synthesis, the pros and cons of the techniques.

Then I gave my comment to each method and asked my friend Tin to do the same. For what - I will tell you later.

For now, just check out the table of ways to “How to get your inspiration back.”

Methods and techniques Pros Cons My comments Comments Tina
Sport Health improves, the brain works better, blood vessels are strengthened, blood circulation improves, willpower and perseverance are developed Exercising takes a lot of time In my opinion, constant exercise is also an area of ​​activity that requires effort and time, but the author’s is different. However, a small charge after an hour of sitting at the computer is useful I personally don’t see a direct connection between sports and inspiration. Well, except that sport invigorates and helps establish a routine
Extreme sports, tourism Adrenaline, energy release, brain release Need time for recovery and relaxation I don’t know, it doesn’t help me, on the contrary, it devastates me Generally “turns you off” from creativity
Dream Sleep is necessary, the head works better in the morning Sleep requires a routine; if you oversleep, don’t rely on energy I don’t know, I’m constantly “lack of sleep” It doesn't depend at all. Rather, inspiration can cut a little more sleep to its advantage
Short sleep A short nap during the day helps you relax and get back to work During this time you can forget all your ideas It helps me personally, well, when there is such an opportunity Just for overall performance, sometimes you need to sleep. I didn’t notice any influence on inspiration
Shower, bath, pool Water restores vigor and energy The bath is relaxing, after it, like swimming in the pool, you need rest Very good, in my opinion, especially if the water is cool I love. It is in the soul that some things and ideas are sometimes well thought out. Here's the bath - boring
Climate Fresh indoor air, pleasant coolness or warmth promote efficient brain function A habit of a certain climate develops and the ability to work in any conditions is lost. I love the cool. In the room where I work, even in the bitter cold, the balcony and window are open Doesn't depend. Even if it’s cold or the weather is nasty, you can be inspired!
Proper nutrition Energy, vitamins, performance Need knowledge about proper nutrition Here I give up, I don’t have enough knowledge) I don’t know about the “correct” one (I don’t understand), but new experiences - including food - are useful in the mosaic of worldview. Food can appear spontaneously in creativity, as a detail, but it does not directly cause inspiration.
Material "pathogens"
Listening to music, reading, watching a movie, etc. All this affects the activity of the brain: it either gives inspiration, sharpens memory, awakens emotions, or helps to relax. Music can be a background for creativity You need to know exactly what gives you energy and inspiration. Personally, I can’t write and listen to music at the same time. But reading invariably gives rise to new thoughts, and accordingly gives inspiration. For films - when and how I can't stand the noise when I write. Music, some kind of rhythm, sounds of repairs. Talking is generally murder. I almost never watch films, but, without a doubt, good things enrich my mind with scenes, angles, and palette. Quotes and thoughts from books you are thinking about are a good source of thoughts for creativity.
Alcohol A small amount of cognac, for example, stimulates the brain Can develop into a habit of constant “feeding” I'm neutral about this I don't take it seriously. Rather, it interferes, disperses
A variety of pathogens: coffee, tea, apples, chocolate, cigarettes, etc. A habit is developed - a signal to start work, continue or finish Habit can be harmful to health I like to chew nuts and smoke while doing it, but I don’t think this is suitable for everyone) No, I don’t get distracted when I write. During the breaks I can slowly eat something, but it’s not important and passes away as a necessity. Inspiration can be affected by a poor understanding that you are hungry and need to drop everything and go eat
Flows of information: news, gossip, conversations, etc. They excite, focus attention on something, lift the mood, provide an opportunity to escape They take thoughts into other areas All this distracts me You can’t get rid of this, although it’s incredibly annoying. Especially if it’s “in process” and someone comes to talk. You have to either directly send or depict Buddha
Actions that inspire
New letter If you are used to writing in Word, write with a pen, and vice versa. Change the editor or paper type. Novelty inspires, so does a blank slate. Sometimes you have to rewrite from one medium to another Since I often write on scraps, it irritates me that I have to transfer everything into files later. Not inspiring I don’t know what it is and how...
Look at blue or green Two colors that calm and inspire. This is associated with nature: blue is the color of reflection, purpose, height, flight, and green is the color of rebirth, growth, path. Both colors have a signaling effect on the brain These colors need to fit into the interior somehow I have paintings that depict the sea, nature in general. I noticed that, while thinking, I involuntarily looked for them with my eyes. So it helps I like to look out the window where the blue sky and golden houses are. The gaze “rests” on the landscapes, “drowns” in them. But specifically blue and green... No, there is no such thing
Change your scenery A change of scenery gives a boost to the imagination. You can write in your office, or in the kitchen, work at home or in the country, write in a queue, for example, or in public transport. It is no coincidence that for those who worked a lot while sitting, they invented a “desk” so that they could stand, etc. This is not always possible I'm getting very used to the place, so it doesn't help me. I love mine workplace, at home too No, a workplace, familiar things at hand, your own computer with internals that you organized yourself... Otherwise, it’s like running around in uncomfortable clothes
Create an environment Some people need silence, some need background noise, some need a clean apartment, and some need creative chaos. All this creates the atmosphere you need to work Sometimes it is difficult to achieve what you need due to various circumstances Hmm... Silence definitely gives me the opportunity to work, just like a tidy apartment Here, the situation is important. Choosing a quiet time of day, cleaning up the mess, taking a shower, turning off communications, putting yourself in the right state - it helps a lot
Start doing what you love Even in creativity there is his favorite part and his least favorite. For example, during a period of lack of inspiration, you need to start writing, but not edit the text, even if necessary. If you need to write, but want to sing or draw, do just that You still have to do the “least favorite” part When I don’t have inspiration, on the contrary, I do the “unloved” things,” for example, I edit the text, and this suddenly gives me inspiration And I just love inspiration... Doing pleasant things when you know that you need to return inspiration is, on the contrary, escape and sublimation
Get distracted by other things It is other things that help shift attention, provide an opportunity for analysis or just rest. This could be anything from cleaning the computer desktop and sorting files to washing the dishes As a rule, other things are necessary, and you don’t want to do them either I don't think other things help bring back inspiration. For me, it’s just to keep myself busy during his absence. Changing activities can help reframe your thoughts. If inspiration has stalled, sometimes physical labor helps, but so that you can rush to the computer and find out some details for yourself
Change of labor Changing intellectual work to physical work gives the brain the opportunity to rest and at the same time reflect in a calm environment. Switching activities refreshes your thinking processes There is a risk of leaving both unfinished Doesn't help me. It's hard for me to switch Change activities without finishing the previous one? What's the point? It doesn’t matter what kind of work you do when you think hard
Change the house to the street, take a walk Walk from work to home, walk the dog, sit on a park bench, visit a cafe, theater, exhibition, go to the store, etc. - this will help you relax and gain strength. You need to find time for this I don’t know, for me it’s all somehow not connected with the absence or presence of inspiration When I’m tired and a tangle of thoughts drowns out inspiration, the easiest way for me to “clear” my head is outside. Better - deserted and even dark, to distance yourself. Wandering helps)
Travel Any trip - be it a new way home or a trip to nature, visiting new places, including new cities and countries, activates innovative and creative thinking Need time and money This helps me personally a lot. Sometimes on a business trip, for example, I can't wait to get home and start writing. For the last few years, when I’ve been writing, I’ve hardly been traveling. On business trips I hardly think about creativity, except to take photos))) Therefore, I don’t know whether it influences me or not
Surrounding people
Be interested in other people's opinions Someone else's opinion - random or well-founded - gives a new vision, alternatives, gives birth to your new ideas Someone else's opinion is not always as competent as yours It happens differently for me: sometimes someone else’s opinion really inspires. And sometimes it just kills my idea No, no way. My inspiration is only mine, even if sometimes someone’s words spur it on. But opinion - no)
Advice, help Advice and help are a kind of impetus for inspiration, because they solve something that you yourself could not solve Not all people are ready to help I ask, it helps, but still this is a special circle of people Almost never
Criticism Criticism (if it is not provocative or meaningless) should be treated as “feeding” inspiration, because they are interested in your work! It can be difficult to track how competent the critic himself is I love criticism, and it always inspires me, no matter what it is))) I’m probably one of the majority) Criticism demotivates me) I try to convert criticism into advice, but I have to overcome this stage when I’m disappointed)
Conversations, communication with friends Getting new impressions, ideas, joint creativity, emotions is always inspiring Conversation and chatter are not the same thing, sometimes communication takes time I’m a sociable person, but I’ve noticed that there’s less and less time for meaningful communication. various reasons(not just mine). However, it has always been and is a platform for inspiration Strange as it may seem to some, I don’t like to communicate, I prefer isolation. Well, it happens that the need arises to “go out in public”, but this, rather, occurs in between inspirations and does not affect them in any way
Don't tell your family and friends about your loss of inspiration The anxiety of family and friends can aggravate the crisis, take up time, and you will play the main role in the play about yourself Who should I tell then? Don't know. Strange advice. I’m the opposite – I always share, and it helps me regain inspiration. Probably, it all depends on what kind of family and friends they are. No, I usually don’t tell you. This is a personal matter, and if I haven’t regained my inspiration (and there are ways) - then this is just my problem
Emotions that inspire
Laughter, good mood It is believed that laughter and positivity influence the activity of the prefrontal cortex of the brain, as a result of which you experience special emotions and are capable of new decisions. Including creative ones Laughter for no reason, as you know... This doesn’t always help me, although it does encourage creativity. But if I write something sad, I’m hardly in a positive mood They inspire, but rather not in themselves, but rather the flow of thoughts when you are in the middle of a joke. Then it inspires naughty ideas, which then grow
Tears, sadness, suffering Oddly enough, these things also give rise to special emotions and inspiration, sublimation is inevitable Constantly is harmful I agree, here inspiration sometimes comes to the rescue on its own to make it possible to “translate” such a state into something creative No, when I'm sad, I can't create at all. I don’t understand how people draw strength from this... To me, on the contrary, suffering devastates a sector of the galaxy like a black hole
Love Love gives a feeling of fullness of life, energy, self-confidence, warmth, happiness, a feeling of wings and, of course, inspiration. No cons Hmm... here, I think, we are talking not only about love for another person, but in general - for life, for the world. If it exists, then it helps, of course. Helps) Revives, gives colors and motivation to create something, create, delight
Fear of failure This encourages you to start creating to avoid negative assessments. Because of fear, a person may not do anything at all. Well, in work - yes, sometimes fear inspires, but in creativity - not Rather, it forces you to do painstaking work more carefully and accurately, to give your best. But this is not inspiration...
Praise, attention Always inspiring, this is a very important motivational signal Do not confuse with sycophancy and hypocrisy Always necessary - like air))) Necessary) This is a canvas on which a new canvas will definitely appear
Self praise You are cool, good, talented and so on. A reminder to yourself about your positive features character, about creative achievements - inspires Self-admiration in public Of course, you can’t praise yourself, as they say... But seriously, such self-esteem helps a lot, including bringing back inspiration I don’t know... Praising oneself is perceived to be subjective and only helps “in the process” of creativity, even before evaluating others. That is, it helps, but for a short time

Everyone can create such a table of methods for themselves and constantly supplement it. But... in itself it means nothing if you don’t understand how to use it to return inspiration.

Here's what you can do:

– next to our comments – give yours;

– highlight in red what really helps you. Blue – what helps partially;

– the more “red” matches, the more efficient way;

– it is better to resort to “blue” techniques secondarily;

– you can also determine the degree of effectiveness of each method by trying it on yourself, and if you lose inspiration, you will know what to do first;

– fill out the table and test the methods on yourself, gradually you will definitely identify those that always help you personally.

Tin and I have identified only four ways that really always help both me and him: a shower (water), creating an environment, love and praise (attention). If a dozen more people join our opinion, perhaps they are universal.

In any case, you need to experiment, try, search. No one will give you back your inspiration except yourself. You can, of course, rely on chance, but you can act purposefully. In my opinion, laziness is the worst enemy of inspiration.

Does it ever happen that nothing helps at all?

It happens, especially when it comes about creative crisis.