What are installation supervision works. Installation supervision work Carrying out installation supervision work

There is no definition in the law of “installation supervision work”. This situation leads to the fact that there are no standards regarding the determination of the quality of work performed. At the moment, there is only one explanation, which implies performing installation actions of such a plan, connecting, and setting up equipment. They are carried out by the customer's personnel, under the supervision and direction of the supplier's personnel.

Often, installation supervision works mean a certain set of tasks that are performed according to the agreement, among them:

  1. Consultations regarding the selection and purchase of equipment.
  2. Monitoring the condition of goods during transportation.
  3. Technological control of the installation.
  4. Preliminary.
  5. Setup and adjustment during the first start-up of equipment.

Domestic actions include:

  • Correction of defects that arose during the production process.
  • Preparation work before installation.
  • Dismantling of old equipment.
  • Transportation to the installation site, storage if necessary.

Important! When concluding installation supervision deals, all even the smallest aspects that may affect the installation process are discussed.

Essence of services

The essence of installation supervision is that specialists in their field will carry out all the necessary manipulations in order for the equipment manufactured by them to work as needed. Moreover, the customer chooses the workers to perform such tasks, at least he has every right to do so. Although in this case the customer himself is responsible for the quality of installation manipulations.

Supervised installation is a guarantee of the correct choice of equipment, its installation, and the elimination of minor defects that were not noticeable during the production process. Often, such specific services are underestimated primarily by manufacturers, because incorrect installation, and especially the first start-up of equipment, is dangerous for subsequent problems in operation, which means applying for warranty service.

Contract and work plan

  • acceptance of equipment that arrived from the factory to the customer’s site, consideration and elimination of comments on the configuration and quality of delivery
  • technical consultations and support (supervision) of work performed by installation specialists or customer operating personnel
  • quality control of completed installation
  • checking the operation of mechanical interlocks (if necessary, local adjustment)
  • checking the operation of switching devices

In addition, chief engineers provide training for the customer's operating personnel - they familiarize them with the structure and operating features of the new equipment.

Works on installation supervision occupy about 50% of the total volume of work performed by specialists from the engineering department. Installation supervision work is formalized either in the form of an additional clause in the supply contract, with the cost of the service included in the total amount of the contract, or in the form of a separate contract for installation supervision work.

High-quality installation supervision allows you to radically reduce the risk of errors during installation and commissioning of equipment, identify possible problems even before putting the equipment into operation, which ultimately helps to increase the reliability of the electrical installation. Supervised installation eliminates many organizational and technical difficulties that inevitably arise when installing new equipment that is unfamiliar to personnel.

When working with most customers, RZVA specialists strongly recommend that installation supervision be carried out by the engineering department. The exception is for regular customers and partners, whose specialists are well familiar with equipment produced by RZVA, long term they serve him and have also undergone special training.

Tasks of the chief engineer at the site:

1. Checking the availability of documentation

2. Checking the completeness of the equipment using the packing lists

3. Checking the completeness of spare parts according to the documentation

4. Checking components, hardware, mounting elements and materials

5. Checking the integrity of the delivered equipment

6. Suitability of the foundation (floor) for the installation of cells

7. Control of installation of cells on the foundation (floor)

8. Quality control of installation during assembly, elimination of errors on all RZVA equipment as a whole

9. Visual inspection of assembly and inspection of equipment in general

10. Checking the serviceability of mechanical interlocks in the cells

11. Checking the rolling in and out of withdrawable elements

12. Checking the gaps in the contacts of the main circuits

13. Checking the assembly quality of the rigid busbar

14. Checking switches (VO operations) when supplying operating current or from an external source.

15. Training of operating personnel in the specifics of equipment operation and maintenance

16. Technical consulting of the customer’s personnel in the process of execution installation work.

The legislation does not yet provide a clear definition of the concept of “installation supervision”. By supervising installation, we mean the participation of a service engineer from our company in work at the Customer’s site in order to solve the tasks described below. Supervision of installation does not always mean large objects (plants, factories); carrying out supervision of installation will also be appropriate when performing installation work of simple things, for example, carpentry equipment.
Supervision of installation in the supply of woodworking equipment is the participation of a representative of the equipment supplier or a representative authorized by him in installation and commissioning work. Supervised installation includes the following set of activities:

  • acceptance of equipment at the customer’s site in order to check the configuration and identify possible comments;
  • consulting assistance in equipment installation;
  • participation in commissioning works;
  • training the Customer's personnel in the specifics of working on the equipment being launched;
  • training the Customer's personnel in timely maintenance equipment and its minor repairs;
  • Preparation of the necessary accompanying documentation during installation supervision and subsequent operation of the equipment.

Carrying out installation supervision is beneficial for both parties, both the equipment supplier and the customer (buyer).
To the supplier this provides guarantees that the equipment supplied by him will be installed in compliance with all the requirements of the equipment manufacturer, as a result of which it will not fail prematurely. For the buyer installation supervision of equipment is insurance in case of disputes regarding the quality of the supplied equipment; the fact that installation supervision was carried out by the supplier’s specialists is a serious argument for both parties.
Unfortunately, many enterprise managers do not always realize the need for installation supervision, classifying it as an unreasonable expense. Often, such carelessness ends in failure: the equipment breaks down after a while, or the customer is forced to conduct long negotiations with the manufacturer or work performers, which, as a rule, lead to nothing - after all, the installation and operating instructions were violated, and, accordingly, This cannot be considered a warranty case.
Please note that in the event of installation supervision of the equipment purchased by you, it will be carried out by our service engineers.


You can submit a request to calculate the cost of installation supervision of your equipment in any way convenient for you:
- use the shortcut: “Send us a message” located with right side website;
- voice over the phone hotline: 8 985-421-59-11;
- fill out the application:

Agreement No. ____ dated ___.___.201__

for the chief - installation work


Hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”, represented by __________________________________, acting on the basis of the charter on the one hand, and AP LLC Service Center", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by the General Director, acting on the basis of the Charter of the other party, have entered into this Agreement as follows:


1.1. Under this agreement, the Contractor undertakes, within the time period established by this agreement, to carry out, on the instructions of the Customer, the following installation works at the facility at the address _________________________________________________________________________________:

· List of Equipment

· List of Equipment

and the Customer accepts their result and pays the cost stipulated by this agreement.


2.1. It is agreed between the Contractor and the Customer that the total cost of the work performed under this contract is ________________ rubles, including VAT 18% - _______________ rubles. The calculation of all types of work under this contract is given in Appendix A.

2.2. If the Contractor discovers during the installation supervision work that is not taken into account in the contract, but necessary additional work, the implementation of which will entail an increase in the agreed contract price, the Contractor undertakes to immediately notify the Customer about this.

2.3. The contractor has the right to refuse to perform additional work only in cases where they are not within the scope professional activities the Contractor, or cannot be performed by the Contractor due to reasons beyond his control.

2.4. The agreed price of this contract can be changed only if an Additional Agreement to the contract is drawn up, signed by both parties.

2.5 Payment for additional work under the contract is made by the Customer in the amount and on time stipulated Additional agreement to this agreement.

2.6 Payment for the work in full is made in Russian rubles by transferring funds to the Contractor’s bank account specified in this agreement within 3 banking days after signing the Certificates of Installation Supervision and the invoice.

2.7 The Contractor undertakes:

2.7.1. Carry out the installation supervision works provided for in this Agreement, the list of works is given in Appendix B.

2.7.2 Timely deliver to the Customer properly completed work in the manner prescribed by this agreement.

2.7.3. Provide the customer with documents confirming the quality of the installation supervision work performed; the list of documents is given in Appendix B.

2.7.4. Upon completion of the work provided for in the List to this contract (Appendix B), the Contractor hands over to the Customer the completed and signed “Certificate of Installation Supervision” for execution and signing by the Customer.

2.8 The Customer undertakes:

2.8.1. On our own and at our own expense, ensure that the facility is fully ready for work under the contract.

2.8.2. Pay the Contractor for the installation supervision work under this agreement within 3 banking days after signing the Work Completion Certificates and invoices.

2.10 The work agreed upon by the parties at the time of signing this contract, the cost of which is determined by clause 2.1 of this contract, the Contractor undertakes to carry out within _____ days from the moment the specialists arrive at the production site. The Customer is obliged to notify the Contractor in writing about the readiness of the production site. In this case, the Customer sends the Contractor a completed questionnaire about readiness to carry out installation supervision work. Within ___ days after receiving written notification of the readiness of the production site, the Contractor shall send specialists.

2.11 Additional work discovered during the execution of the contract, the cost of which is determined by the Additional Agreement, the Contractor undertakes to complete within the time period agreed upon by the parties. At the same time, for the period of this period, the deadline for completing the main work under clause 2.10 of the contract is shifted.


3.1 The parties are released from liability for failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement in the event of force majeure circumstances (force majeure). Certificates issued by the relevant authorities are sufficient confirmation of the presence and duration of force majeure.

3.2. If the work under the contract was carried out by the Contractor with deviations from the terms of this contract, which worsened the result of the work, or with other shortcomings that prevent or complicate the use of the work object for its intended purpose, the Customer has the right to demand in writing that the Contractor eliminate the defects free of charge within the period agreed upon by the parties.

3.3 Disputes arising during the implementation of this agreement are resolved through negotiations, and if no agreement is reached, they are considered in the arbitration court of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner.

3.4. When executing this agreement, the parties are guided by Civil Code Russian Federation, current legislation, regulations on issues of capital construction, this agreement.


4.1. The agreement comes into force from the moment it is signed by both parties and is valid until ___.___.201__.

If disagreements arise between the parties when drawing up the Agreement, as a rule, these disagreements are resolved by signing the “Protocol of Disagreements” by the parties, which is an integral part of the Agreement being signed. The Agreement is considered concluded from the moment the parties agree on all disagreements under this Agreement.


5.1 The parties acknowledge that this Agreement, the Protocols of Disputes and Addendums to it are valid when transmitted by fax signed by authorized persons and are full-fledged legal documents that have a simple written form with the exchange of originals of these documents. The party that initiated the preparation of any of these documents is obliged to send the original to the other party by mail within 10 days from the date of signing it by fax or hand it over by courier.

5.2. When executing this agreement, the parties are guided by the Civil Code Russian Federation, current legislation, regulations on capital construction issues, this agreement.

5.3 This agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one copy for each of the parties.



Appendix "A"

Calculation of work performed

Total labor costs amount to ____ man-hours, the total cost of the work performed is _____________ (_________________________________________) rubles. ____ kop., including VAT 18% _______________ (________________________________) rub. ____ kop.

Appendix "B"

to Agreement No. ____ dated ___.___.201__

List of documents transferred to the Customer by the Contractor:

1.Work log- is an official document signed
authorized persons of each Party. The work log is filled out
representative of the Contractor indicating the volume of work performed and the time it took
carried out at the Customer's Site.

2. Certificate of execution of installation supervision works- a document confirming the fact that the Contractor has completed the installation supervision work, signed by representatives of the Parties.



OST 108.002.128-80

Group E08




Date of introduction 1981-01-01

APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by the order of the Ministry of Energy Engineering dated 03.03.80 N YUK-002/1654. By order of the Minister of Energy and Electrification of the USSR dated May 27, 1980 N 197, it was extended to enterprises (organizations) of the USSR Ministry of Energy

CONTRACTOR - NPO CKTI: V.V.Sapelov, N.D.Markozov, Yu.G.Vasiliev, R.I.Oksman, Z.P.Shulyatyeva, B.M.Beilinson

AMENDED Change No. 1, approved and put into effect by the order of the Ministry of Power Engineering dated 02/18/86 N SCH-002/1781 from 07/01/86

Change No. 1 was made by the database manufacturer

This industry standard applies to the supervision of installation of head and serial equipment and supervision of commissioning* of head power thermal and hydromechanical equipment carried out in the USSR, manufactured by enterprises of the Ministry of Power Engineering (Minenergomash).
* This standard deals with the supervision of commissioning of power equipment that is part of a complex, the commissioning of which is carried out after final installation at the customer’s site.

The provisions of this standard also apply to supervision repairs during medium and major repairs of the above equipment at the customer’s (consumer’s) sites.

This standard can be extended to other types of equipment for which manufacturing enterprises of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation carry out supervision of installation and commissioning.

The standard establishes the procedure for the relationship between enterprises - manufacturers of energy equipment of the Ministry of Energy and customers when carrying out supervision of installation and supervision at energy facilities of the USSR and defines the rights, duties and responsibilities of supervisory personnel, introduces standard contracts for supervision of installation and supervision. The standard is mandatory for all enterprises and organizations involved in the supervision of installation and commissioning of power equipment.

By order of the Minister of Energy and Electrification of the USSR dated May 27, 1980 N 197 was extended to enterprises (organizations) of the USSR Ministry of Energy.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



1.1. The terms used in this standard are given in Reference Appendix 1.

1.2. The purpose of installation supervision is to ensure compliance with the requirements of the technical documentation of the manufacturer during installation, storage of equipment at the customer’s site during installation supervision, start-up and comprehensive testing of equipment through technical guidance and control by the manufacturer’s supervisory staff, as well as qualified and prompt resolution of issues that arise during equipment installation.

1.3. Supervision of installation must be carried out by the external installation division (bureau, department) of the manufacturer, which belongs to the industrial-production or design-technological group and reports to the chief engineer or chief designer, respectively. The number of this unit must be sufficient to carry out installation supervision at all facilities under construction for which the manufacturer supplies power equipment.

1.4. The scope of installation supervision work is assigned within the scope of supply of the manufacturer (see recommended Appendix 2)*.

Supervised installation of equipment at the customer’s site is carried out from the beginning of installation work until the end of comprehensive testing.

1.5. The purpose of commissioning supervision is to ensure that the equipment’s performance indicators are achieved technical specifications or technical specification standards for this equipment.

1.6. The scope of commissioning work is determined by mutual agreement between the manufacturer and the customer (see recommended Appendix 3)* within the scope of supply of the manufacturer.
* The lists specified in Appendices 2 and 3 are taken as a basis by the manufacturer when selecting specific works included in contracts for installation supervision and commissioning for each type of power equipment, and can be supplemented at its discretion.

1.7. Supervised commissioning is mandatory for head equipment*. Supervised adjustment is carried out by the manufacturer, as a rule, by its adjustment department, subordinate to the chief designer; if necessary, the manufacturer, on a contractual basis, can involve third-party specialized organizations in the supervision of commissioning of its equipment, but in all cases, the manufacturer is responsible for the commissioning.
* If necessary, the manufacturer, by agreement with the customer, can carry out supervision of commissioning of serial samples of some types of power equipment, as well as equipment that has undergone major or medium repairs, on which supervision is carried out.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.8. Supervision begins with the stage of preparatory and pre-commissioning work. At this time, the commissioning personnel, together with the head commissioning organization, develops programs for carrying out the planned volume of commissioning, finishing work and testing of equipment within the scope of delivery of the manufacturer.

Commissioning personnel are involved in the acceptance of equipment in order to check its initial condition before commissioning and testing.

The commissioning supervision ends with the issuance of a conclusion jointly with the head commissioning organization on the compliance of the actual indicators of the head power equipment with the warranty ones and the adjustment, together with the commissioning organization, of the operating instructions for the equipment based on the obtained test and commissioning results. The manufacturer provides the customer with a report on the commissioning of the equipment within the agreed time frame.

1.9. Installation supervision and commissioning supervision are carried out under separate contracts concluded by the customer with the manufacturer.

The cost of installation supervision and adjustment supervision is included by the manufacturer in the sales volume (these costs are not included in the cost of equipment).

1.10. The external installation and commissioning departments of the manufacturer are required to:

provide supervision of installation supervision and commissioning work;

resolve production and financial issues, if necessary, involving the relevant divisions of the manufacturer;

carry out technical training of supervisors and be responsible for their qualifications;

participate in bench tests of head equipment at the manufacturer;

control the activities of supervisors at customer sites;

seek from the management of the manufacturer to take (at the request of the heads of the supervisory teams) timely and effective measures to eliminate identified defects in the equipment, to complete it with missing or requiring replacement parts and products within the scope of supply of the manufacturer;

require the customer to comply technical requirements manufacturer to the conditions of storage, installation, commissioning and maintenance of equipment;

report immediately in the prescribed manner to the Technical Department of the Ministry of Energy about facts of non-compliance with the requirements of the supervisory staff regarding the rules for conducting installation work and operating equipment, as well as about major defects and failures of equipment;

submit quarterly reports to the Technical Department of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation on the progress of installation, adjustment and fine-tuning of the main samples of power equipment.

The activities of external installation and commissioning departments must be determined by the regulations on these departments, approved by the management of the manufacturer.

1.11. The number of supervisory personnel at the customer's site must ensure that the entire scope of work under contracts is completed within the planned time frame in accordance with the installation work schedule.

1.12. In their work, supervisors must be guided by:

this standard;

contracts (plans-orders) for installation supervision and commissioning supervision;

design, installation, operational and other technical documentation of the manufacturer for the supplied equipment;

orders and instructions of the Ministry of Energy, instructions of the manufacturer;

job descriptions;

state and industry standards;

guiding technical materials and technical specifications;

rules of the USSR State Mining and Technical Supervision;

construction norms and rules of the USSR State Construction Committee;

rules of technical operation of power plants and networks of the USSR Ministry of Energy (PTE);

standard regulations on the procedure for testing pilot industrial and prototype samples of new types of equipment, approved by the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology;

other current directive materials mandatory for the Ministry of Energy and the customer ministry;

legislation in force in the USSR.

1.13. During the period of adjustment and development of the head equipment, production, research and production associations, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Energy and the corresponding enterprises of the customer ministry carry out a complex of scientific research (R&D) and experimental work to assess the effectiveness of new technical solutions embedded in the head equipment, and also develop measures to further improve the technical and economic level and quality of power equipment.

The volume of research and experimental work according to the agreed coordination plan, the implementation of measures to improve the technical and economic level of equipment, as well as the sources of their financing are determined by joint decisions of the interested ministries and departments.

The relationship between the manufacturer's supervisory team and the teams conducting research and other work on the equipment of the main power units must be regulated by regulations approved in the prescribed manner by the Ministry of Energy and the customer ministry.

1.14. Financing of adjustment work and testing of head equipment carried out by the manufacturer, customer and specialized organizations is carried out by the customer.


2.1. The customer, no later than 6 months before the start of installation (commissioning) of the equipment, must send the manufacturer a proposal to conclude a contract and inform the approved dates for the start and end of installation of equipment and commissioning work, no later than 2 months - send a schedule of construction, installation and commissioning works

The manufacturer, within one month after receiving the customer’s proposal, must send a draft contract for installation supervision and (or) adjustment supervision (standard contracts for installation supervision and adjustment supervision are given in mandatory appendices 4 and 5).

2.2. The customer must draw up contracts for installation supervision and (or) commissioning supervision and send them to the manufacturer and the financing bank.

In case of disagreement with the draft contract, the customer must send to the manufacturer a justification of the reasons for the impossibility of fulfilling certain points. The manufacturer must consider the customer's complaints and provide him with its decision. Pre-contractual disputes between the customer and the manufacturer must be resolved in the prescribed manner and within the time limits provided for by the regulations approved by the Council of Ministers of the USSR on the procedure for filing and considering claims by enterprises, organizations and institutions and resolving disagreements under commercial contracts.

2.3. After concluding contracts for installation supervision and commissioning supervision and agreeing on the start date of work in accordance with the customer’s application, the manufacturer, upon receipt of written notification from the customer about the preparation of the work and the creation of material and technical conditions for its implementation, including the readiness of the construction part (see Appendix 1), must send supervisory personnel to the customer’s site within the time limits stipulated by the contract; Supervising personnel are required to arrive at the site no later than a week before the start of work. Before the start of installation supervision, the customer must submit to the responsible representative of the manufacturer a certificate of readiness of the construction part for installation of equipment*.
* Supervision of installation of the enlarged assembly of equipment into mounting blocks by a joint decision of the customer and the manufacturer can begin before receiving a certificate of readiness for the construction part.

2.4. The quantitative composition of the supervisory staff is determined by the manufacturer depending on the type of equipment, while the manufacturer, if necessary, has the right to change the number and composition of seconded specialists without prejudice to the fulfillment of contractual obligations and notify the customer; at the same time, the terms and cost of the work specified in the contract remain unchanged.

2.5. From among the seconded supervisory personnel, the manufacturer must appoint responsible persons under contracts for installation supervision and (or) commissioning supervision, who must supervise these works and must be authorized to sign all the necessary documentation at the work site. In all cases, the authority to represent the manufacturer at the customer's site must be vested in one person, whose name must be communicated to the customer in writing.

2.6. To ensure uninterrupted installation and commissioning work and prompt resolution of all issues with organizations involved in the installation (commissioning) of equipment, the customer must allocate its responsible representatives.

The relationship between the supervisory staff of the manufacturer, on the one hand, and installation, commissioning organizations and operating personnel, on the other hand, is regulated by the customer.

2.7. The customer and his contractors must exercise organizational, technical and economic management of installation and commissioning work and be responsible for the safety of equipment, the quality of work and its timing, for ensuring safe working conditions, strict adherence technical requirements of the manufacturer and instructions from the supervisory staff in accordance with the requirements of the documents listed in clause 1.12.

Responsibility for ensuring fire safety measures, occupational health and safety, radiation safety (for nuclear power plants), industrial sanitation and the rules of the State Technical Supervision Authority of the USSR rests with the customer, whose responsibility is to conduct briefings for the supervisory personnel and formalize them in accordance with the rules.

2.8. During the period of commissioning and acceptance tests, which should be carried out only after signing the necessary documentation confirming readiness for start-up, the equipment is serviced by the customer’s operating personnel, who are responsible for the correctness of the service. During the period of acceptance tests, supervisory personnel must monitor the operation of the equipment, and, if necessary, must give instructions that are mandatory for the customer’s personnel, unless these instructions contradict the rules technical operation electrical stations and networks, safety regulations, rules of the USSR State Mining and Technical Supervision.

2.9. The manufacturer guarantees the correctness and proper quality of installation supervision (adjustment supervision) in accordance with the requirements of technical documentation.

The responsibility of the manufacturer for the unsatisfactory quality of installation supervision and commissioning supervision is determined by the current legislation and regulatory documents on the financial responsibility of enterprises and organizations for the fulfillment of tasks and obligations.

2.10. The manufacturer does not bear legal or financial responsibility for the consequences that may arise as a result of the customer’s failure to comply with the requirements of the manufacturer or the instructions of the supervisory staff.

In this case, the manufacturer’s guarantees, with appropriate justification, can be withdrawn in whole or in part.

2.11. Warnings, requirements and instructions, as well as claims for the fulfillment of obligations under the contract for installation supervision and commissioning must be drawn up in writing.

2.12. Supervisory personnel must facilitate the implementation of installation and commissioning schedules at the customer’s site.

Programs and schedules for pre-commissioning and commissioning work for the commissioned power unit (facility) are drawn up with the participation of the supervisory personnel and are coordinated with them.

2.13. The customer does not have the right to use supervisory personnel for work not provided for in the contract for installation supervision (adjustment supervision).


* If for a certain type of work the category of the supervisory staff performing it is not indicated in brackets, then the work is common to all supervisory personnel.

3.1. The duties of the chief staff include:

checking the readiness of equipment and construction structures for the start of installation work in order to prevent installation of equipment on unprepared construction sites, on poorly executed foundations, in conditions that contradict the technical requirements and instructions for installation of equipment from the manufacturer (carried out by installation supervisors);

consideration of all issues related to the manufacturer regarding the supplied power equipment and decision-making;

checking the storage conditions of equipment in warehouses and open areas of the customer during the installation supervision period in accordance with the technical requirements of the manufacturer (carried out by installation supervisors);

Carrying out installation supervision and commissioning supervision in accordance with clauses 1.4 and 1.6 (the responsibility of the installation supervisors and supervisors according to the scope of the work);

control over compliance with the technology and conditions of installation and commissioning works to the full extent provided for in the technical documentation;

participation in the inspection of equipment and signing of certificates for all basic installation, pre-commissioning and start-up operations and hidden work performed by the customer (his installation organization) on the manufacturer’s equipment;

participation in the preparation and signing of other documentation for completed installation, pre-commissioning, commissioning and commissioning work provided by the manufacturer and customer: logs, forms, passports, protocols, technical solutions, regime cards, financial acts under the contract for installation supervision and commissioning supervision, etc.;

participation in all audits and measurement control of equipment;

technical supervision of fitting work provided for in the equipment installation documentation, and signing of the relevant acts and forms (the responsibility of the installation supervisors);

participation in the preparation and signing of acts recording the detection of defects in the supplied equipment, its conservation and packaging (the responsibility of the installation supervisors); the reports must indicate reliably established or probable causes and nature of defects (factory, as a result of improper storage, transportation or operation, etc.), estimated labor costs, as well as technical instructions for correcting defects;

drawing up bilateral acts recording the failure of the customer (its installation or commissioning organization) to comply with the technical requirements of the manufacturer and the instructions of the supervisory staff;

written notification to the management and responsible persons of the customer about all cases of failure to comply with the instructions of the supervisory personnel by contract construction and installation, commissioning organizations or customer personnel (the responsibility of the responsible representative of the manufacturer);

control over the implementation of the full scope of pre-launch work, over the commissioning of standard instrumentation, automation and technological protection devices provided for in the technical documentation, additional control circuit devices for testing and researching equipment in accordance with the technical documentation of the manufacturer;

drawing up and sending to the manufacturer a monthly report on the progress of work and all documents provided for by job descriptions (the responsibility of the responsible representative of the manufacturer);

timely execution of documents and information from the manufacturer about cases of downtime and delays in work both due to the fault of the customer and the fault of the manufacturer, about cases of failure by the customer to comply with the terms of the contract for installation supervision or commissioning, as well as about claims of the customer to the manufacturer (obligation responsible representative of the manufacturer);

drawing up a technical report on all the work done by the supervisory staff and submitting it to the management of the manufacturer for approval (the responsibility of the person responsible for the commissioning supervision);

strict adherence by each member of the crew to safety regulations, industrial sanitation, fire safety, rules of the State Mining and Technical Supervision of the USSR, radiation safety rules (for nuclear power plants), undergoing training conducted by the customer *.
* Monitoring the safe conduct of installation and commissioning work is not the responsibility of the supervisory staff.

3.2. The responsibilities of the manager and individual members of the crew must be determined by job descriptions approved by the management of the manufacturer and drawn up taking into account the requirements of this standard.

3.3. The chief staff is responsible for:

for the correctness and completeness of the instructions he issued to the customer (its contractor installation and commissioning organizations), for the timely resolution of emerging issues in the scope of installation supervision and equipment supervision;

for failure to fulfill their duties and failure to use their rights, including for failure to submit requirements to eliminate violations of storage conditions, installation of equipment, requirements of programs and test methods and instructions for equipment maintenance;

for failure to comply with safety regulations, industrial sanitation, fire safety, radiation safety (for nuclear power plants), and the rules of the USSR State Mining and Technical Supervision (each member of the chief team personally).

3.4. The chief staff has the right:

require from the customer, his construction, installation and commissioning organizations to comply with state and industry standards, norms and rules for the relevant types of work, as well as fulfill all terms of contracts for installation supervision and commissioning of equipment, all technical requirements of the manufacturer for the supplied equipment and the requirements of this standard;

prohibit installation and commissioning work, require the customer to stop testing or operating equipment to eliminate identified violations and deviations in the conduct of these works, and, if necessary, also inspect the equipment, up to opening the largest assembly units, cutting pipes, manifolds and other work , if the identified violations entail the risk of damage to the equipment or a reduction in its warranty indicators;

if necessary, require the customer to ensure the protection of equipment during periods of critical installation and commissioning work;

require the customer to repeat the required mode during commissioning and testing, if this test (or part of it) was carried out with a deviation from the test program and methodology or with unrepresentative measurements of parameters;

directly supervise the actions of the customer’s personnel, installation and commissioning organizations when performing certain of the most critical technological, pre-commissioning and start-up operations; a list of the most critical technological, pre-start and start-up operations is established by the responsible representative of the manufacturer, depending on the specifics of the equipment and the nature of the work performed, and is signed by the customer*;

use materials from commissioning, development and research work at all stages of their implementation;

contact the management of the manufacturer to resolve issues that arise during installation supervision and adjustment supervision, for permission to terminate installation supervision (adjustment supervision) and travel to the manufacturer (without such permission and notifying the customer about this, the responsible representative of the manufacturer is prohibited from leaving the customer’s site);

call specialists from the manufacturer to the site of installation (commissioning) work to promptly resolve issues that are not within the competence and functions of the supervisory staff (elimination of deficiencies, reconstruction, special testing of supplied equipment, etc.);

record your technical instructions and requirements in the installation organization’s journal, in the operational journal and in the journal of orders to the customer’s duty personnel;

enjoy free access to the control panel room and other work areas to monitor the operation of the equipment and resolve emerging issues regarding the installation and operation of the manufacturer’s equipment.
* The list may include hidden work, testing and testing of equipment, and other special technological operations, the correct implementation of which requires the personal participation of supervisors.


4.1. The supervisory staff is subject to the internal regulations of the customer's enterprise.

4.2. Based on the functions of the supervisory personnel and the duration of installation and commissioning work, the customer is obliged to provide the supervisory personnel with working and living conditions in accordance with standard contracts for installation supervision and commissioning supervision (see Appendices 4 and 5).

4.3. At enterprises with hazardous working conditions, including nuclear power plants, as well as at enterprises where regional or other wage coefficients have been introduced, the supervisory staff should be entitled to all the benefits enjoyed by the customer’s personnel, and the cost of a man-day for the supervisory staff should increase accordingly. and the amount of the contract.

4.4. When the customer ministry prepares provisions for economic incentives for employees of its ministry for the commissioning and development of new energy capacities, it should be provided for their extension to the supervisory staff of manufacturing enterprises.

4.5. Bonuses for the chief staff of manufacturing enterprises and teams of production associations (enterprises) and research institutes of the Ministry of Energy, carrying out work on installation, adjustment and fine-tuning of head power equipment and research work related to the fine-tuning of this equipment at the facilities, must be carried out in accordance with the current provisions on bonuses for specified categories of work.

4.6. Regulations on working conditions for supervisory personnel should also apply to specialists from research institutes, associations, enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Energy and the customer ministry conducting research and development work at energy facilities.


5.1. The contract for installation supervision (adjustment supervision) is the main legal document that defines the mutual obligations and relationships between the customer and the manufacturer.

5.2. Contract forms are printed by the manufacturer on the basis of the attached standard contracts (see appendices 4 and 5), taking into account the specifics of a particular type of equipment and work conditions.

5.3. Payments to the customer for work performed must be made according to bilateral acts in accordance with the cost of installation supervision (adjustment supervision) according to the current price lists for installation (adjustment) of equipment or according to the prices of the manufacturer’s planned calculation.

The cost of installation supervision (adjustment supervision) is determined based on the duration of installation supervision (adjustment supervision) of this type of equipment, the composition of installation supervision (adjustment supervision) personnel and the cost of a man-day of supervision personnel approved by the Ministry of Energy and agreed with the customer ministry, calculated according to the existing methodology of the USSR State Construction Committee.

The duration of installation supervision is determined:

regulatory deadlines for installation of equipment of the customer ministry;

duration of equipment assembly into enlarged blocks (40% of the standard installation duration);

duration of stay of the chief staff at preparatory and commissioning works, as well as when preparing technical documentation (20% of the standard duration).

The cost of a man-day of supervisory personnel is determined on the basis of the salary levels of supervisory personnel existing at the time of concluding the contract, general factory overhead costs, the amount of social insurance contributions and savings.

An example of an estimate for installation supervision is given in the recommended Appendix 6. An estimate for installation supervision is drawn up similarly to that specified in Appendix 6, taking into account the specifics of adjustment work.

5.4. The basis for calculations are the invoices of the manufacturer with the attachment of bilateral certificates of completion of work.

The forms of the interim and final acts for the performance of work under the contract, as well as the act for the performance of work by the supervisory staff on a one-time (not provided for in the contract) call from the customer are given in recommended appendices 7 and 8.

5.5 Payment for repeated calls to the supervisory staff, as well as for days of downtime and delays not due to the fault of the manufacturer and its supervisory staff, must be made according to the manufacturer’s planned costing rates.

5.6. The basis for financial documents is the time sheet of the chief staff or technical acts(interim for completed work, completion of installation or commissioning of equipment), which are compiled in any form depending on the specifics of the equipment.

5.7. If it is necessary to extend the period of installation supervision and commissioning supervision, the contracting parties may enter into an additional agreement for the continuation of work, under which the customer pays the contractor expenses in excess of the amount provided for in the contract. The additional agreement comes into force after its acceptance by the relevant financial authority.

5.8. Payment of the manufacturer's invoices must be made by way of acceptance within the time limits specified in the current regulatory documents Ministry of Finance of the USSR.


6.1. The procedure for resolving mutual claims of the parties regarding the execution of contracts for installation supervision and commissioning supervision, provided for by current legislation, is specified in Appendices 4 and 5.

6.2. Sanctions for non-fulfillment (delay) of contractual obligations of each party are determined by the agreement (see appendices 4 and 5) on the basis of current legislation.

APPENDIX 1 (for reference). TERMS





An enterprise (organization) that enters into contracts for installation supervision and commissioning of equipment


An enterprise (production association) that manufactures and supplies equipment to the customer and which (within the framework of the relationship under this standard) in accordance with the contract undertakes the obligation to carry out supervision of installation (supervision) of the equipment supplied to it

Installation organization

A specialized organization (customer's contractor) carrying out installation work

Commissioning organization

A specialized organization (contractor) performing work on setting up and testing equipment

Installation work

Equipment installation work (including preliminary assembly of parts and assembly units at the installation site), as well as pre-start operations (washing, purging, equipment testing)

Commissioning work

Work ensuring the preparation and commissioning of installed equipment

Material and technical conditions

Availability of a project for the production of installation work, completed, agreed upon and approved in accordance with the requirements of the building codes and regulations of the USSR State Construction Committee (CHiP), part III;

Availability of complete documentation for the work;

Availability of qualified labor for uninterrupted installation work;

Readiness of warehouses and equipment storage areas;

Readiness of the construction part of the facility to begin installation of equipment in accordance with the requirements of the work organization project (WOP);

Readiness of living and working premises for supervisors

Readiness of the construction part

The combination of the following conditions:

Readiness of buildings or structures for work in accordance with the requirements of SNiP, part III and the work organization project;

Readiness of foundations and bases for installation of main and auxiliary equipment;

Readiness of floors, platforms, fences, stairs provided for by the POR;

The readiness of lifting mechanisms, documented by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor or by the customer's inspector in accordance with the requirements of the "Rules for the design and safe operation of lifting cranes" approved by the USSR Gosgortekhnadzor;

Readiness of lifting roads and mechanisms for delivery of equipment from the unloading point (warehouse) to the installation site;

Readiness of the premises required to accommodate technical and maintenance personnel, for storing technical documentation, tools and auxiliary materials;

Preparedness of the workshop, as well as premises for monitoring incoming instruments, automation and control equipment;

Readiness of the power and lighting electrical networks (illumination of equipment installation sites, corridors and passages for personnel must comply with SN 81-70 "Guidelines for the design of electric lighting construction sites Gosstroy of the USSR"), compressed air supply systems at a pressure of at least 6 kgf/cm, technological and drinking water, as well as communication systems

Equipment supplied (scope of delivery)

Equipment supplied to the customer directly from the manufacturer in accordance with specifications or specification standards

Supervised installation

Technical guidance and supervision carried out at all stages of installation work, monitoring compliance with the requirements of the manufacturer, as well as resolving all technical issues that arise during the work on equipment within the scope of supply of the manufacturer, with the preparation of the relevant technical documentation


Technical management of a set of works to ensure the operability of equipment within the scope of delivery of the manufacturer, its fine-tuning and adjustment in order to confirm the guaranteed technical and economic indicators in accordance with the standards of technical conditions or technical specifications, as well as supervision of pre-start and start-up operations, testing of equipment and its development at the customer’s site in accordance with the manufacturer’s documentation

Chief staff

Manufacturer's specialists sent to the customer's site to carry out installation supervision and commissioning

Control carried out by the developer or manufacturer over the correct execution of work regulated by technical documentation, as well as issuing the necessary explanations to organizations (enterprises) that carry out the specified work, resolving technical issues at the work site, making necessary adjustments to the technical documentation

Technical Guide

Issuance of qualified technical instructions for installation, commissioning, commissioning and operation of equipment in accordance with the requirements of the technical documentation of the organization (enterprise) that developed this documentation, monitoring their implementation and compliance with the methods and sequence of work

Serial equipment

Equipment manufactured under mass production conditions in periodically repeating series according to design documentation, specified based on the results of manufacturing and testing of the prototype


Technical consulting, designer's supervision and resolution of technical issues in the process of performing medium and major repairs on equipment supplied by the manufacturer with the preparation of relevant technical documentation

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



1.1. Familiarization with the project of organization and production of work.

1.2. Assisting the customer in completing technical documentation for the supplied equipment from the manufacturer.

1 3. Monitoring the storage of equipment by the customer, checking its condition before installation.

1.4. Monitoring the installation of anchor parts, supporting and load-bearing structures, checking the readiness of foundations and building structures for installation of equipment.


2.1. Installation of steam turbine condensers

2 1.1. Monitoring the assembly and welding of capacitor housings.

2.1.2. Supervision of installation and rolling of condensate pipes.

2.1.3. Supervision of the connection of condensers to the exhaust pipes of the LPC, the installation of atmospheric valves, the connection of turbine and station pipelines to the condenser.

2.2. Installation of steam and gas turbine cylinders, turbochargers and superchargers

2.2.1. Supervision of the installation of foundation frames and their filling with concrete.

2.2.2. Control over the enlargement of turbine unit assembly units (from delivery units).

2.2.3. Monitoring the installation and alignment of cylinders and bearing housings.

2.2.4. Technical supervision of all fitting work.

2.2.5. Technical guidance for installing diaphragms and seal rings.

2.2.6. Technical guidance for the installation and alignment of turbine and turbocharger rotors, supercharger (for gas turbines and gas pumping units), checking the clearances of the flow part, checking the alignment of the turbine with the generator (drive machine).

2.2.7. Technical guidance for the assembly and closing of cylinders and bearings, installation of the turning device.

2.2.8. Technical guidance for the installation of stop and control valves, shut-off valves (dampers), bypass pipes and receivers.

2.2.9. Monitoring the installation of gas turbine combustion chambers.

2.2.10. Monitoring the connection to the turbine unit of steam extraction and reheating lines of steam turbines, piping of gas turbines and superchargers, including the air intake device.

2.2.11. Supervision of the application of thermal insulation, installation of sheathing and implementation of noise reduction measures.

2.2.12. Supervision of preservation and re-preservation of assembly units and parts of a turbine unit.

2.3. Installation of the control system

2.3.1. Supervision of oil pump installation.

2.3.2. Technical guidance for the installation of regulators and servomotors.

2.3.3. Monitoring the installation of turbine protection.

2.3.4. Technical guidance for the inspection of stop, control and shut-off valves.

2.3.5. Supervision of installation of devices within the scope of supply of the manufacturer.

2.4. Installation of the oil system and hydraulic lifting of the rotors

2.4.1. Monitoring the installation of equipment (tanks, pumps, oil coolers).

2.4.2. Control over the manufacture and installation of oil pipelines.

2.4.3. Participation in hydrotesting, cleaning and pumping of oil pipelines.

2.5. Installation of other auxiliary systems of steam turbines

2.5.1. Supervision of the installation of regeneration system equipment (HPH, HDPE, condensate coolers), as well as deaerators, network water heaters, electric generator gas cooling water coolers.

2.5.2. Monitoring the installation of ejectors and pipelines of the vacuum system, heating systems flange connections and seals of the turbine unit.

2.5.3. Supervision of the installation of separators-steam superheaters, condensate and separator collectors, pipelines of the steam reheating system (for nuclear power plant turbines).

2.6. Installation of auxiliary systems of gas turbines, turbochargers, superchargers

2.6.1. Supervision of installation of fuel treatment and fuel supply systems for gas turbines.

2.6.2. Supervision of the installation of air coolers for turbochargers and gas coolers for pumping units.

2.6.3. Supervision of installation of gas injector sealing system.

2.7. Setup and testing

2.7.1. Supervision and technical management of flushing (pumping) and purging of pipelines and overflow pipes.

2.7.2. Technical guidance on steam turbine vacuum system tightness testing and vacuum testing.

2.7.3. Technical guidance for setting up a steam turbine condensing unit.

2.7.4. Technical guidance for setting up and turning on the turning device.

2.7.5. Technical guidance for setting up the oil system and hydraulic lifting of the rotors and monitoring the quality of the oil.

2.7.6. Technical guidance for setting up and testing the steam, gas, fuel distribution control system for turbine protection, axial shift relay.

2.7.7. Supervision of the adjustment of the regeneration system and steam reheat system (for nuclear power plant turbines).

2.7.8. Inspection of the air supply tract of a gas turbine before its start-up.

2.7.9. Technical guidance for setting up non-standard instrumentation and automation.

2.7.10. Adjustment of nozzles of combustion chambers of gas turbines.

2.7.11. Technical supervision of testing the turbine unit at idle and under load, checking and adjusting vibration to PTE standards, participation in checking the noise level.

2.7.12. Technical supervision of turbine testing during the 72-hour comprehensive unit testing.


3.1. Preparatory work

3.1.1. Control over the installation and concreting of foundation and embedded parts.

3.1.2. Impeller assembly.

3.2. Turbine installation

3.2.1. Monitoring the installation and concreting of the spiral chamber and impeller chamber.

3.2.2. Monitoring the assembly of the guide vane and installation of the impeller.

3.2.3. Technical guidance for fitting work.

3.2.4. Monitoring the installation of the oil pressure unit and control system.

3.2.5. Installation control protective devices, automation and instrumentation.

3.2.6. Monitoring the installation of turbine valves, water pipelines and other auxiliary equipment.

3.3. Commissioning work

3.3.1. Technical guidance for setting up and testing the oil pressure unit, as well as control and protection systems.

3.3.2. Technical management of the setup and testing of all auxiliary mechanisms and automation equipment.

3.3.3. Technical guidance for turbine trial runs.

3.3.4. Checking load shedding, adjusting the synchronous compensator mode.

3.3.5. Determination and adjustment of the optimal combinatorial characteristics of rotary-blade turbines.

3.3.6. Monitoring the operation of the hydraulic turbine during a 72-hour comprehensive testing.

3.3.7. Checking the condition (inspection) of individual assembly units and parts of the turbine, flow path, and auxiliary equipment.


4.1. Installation of boiler units

4.1.1. Technical guidance and control over the enlarged assembly into mounting blocks.

4.1.2. Technical guidance and control over the installation of a screen system with burner devices and stiffening belts.

4.1.3. Technical guidance and control over the installation of screen heating surfaces, ceiling screens, transition flue surfaces.

4.1.4. Technical guidance and control over the installation of convective heating surfaces and suspension systems.

4.1.5. Technical guidance and control over the installation of air heaters, bypass boxes and seals.

4.1.6. Technical guidance and control over the installation of drums and the assembly of intra-drum devices.

4.1.7. Technical guidance and control over the installation of pipelines within the boiler unit, including the ignition unit.

4.1.8. Technical guidance for the installation of pulse safety devices of the boiler unit.

4.1.9. Technical guidance and control over the installation of the bypass system.

4.1.10. Technical guidance for the installation and monitoring of steam superheat temperature control devices.

4.1.11. Technical guidance and control over the installation of fittings, cleaning devices for heating surfaces and air heaters, ash collection and slag removal devices.

4.1.12. Control over the connection to the boiler unit of steam, water, gas-air, fuel, purge, drainage and other communications installed according to the design of the general designer of the unit.

4.1.13. Technical guidance and control over the installation of the frame and metal structures of the boiler unit and regenerative air heater.

4.1.14. Monitoring the installation of stairs and platforms for the boiler unit and RVP.

4.1.15. Monitoring the implementation of bricklaying and insulation work.

4.2. Features of installation of high-pressure steam generators CCGT

4.2.1. Control over the assembly of HSV from supplied blocks and installation of the drum.

4.2.2. Monitoring the installation of HSV piping and connecting recirculation pumps.

4.3. Installation of draft machines (smoke exhausters, fans, blowers)

4.3.1. Monitoring the installation of anchor parts and support frame.

4.3.2. Monitoring the installation of the housing.

4.3.3. Monitoring the assembly and installation of the rotor.

4.3.4. Monitoring the alignment of the rotor of a machine with an electric motor (or drive turbine).

4.3.5. Control of bearing assembly.

4.3.6. Monitoring the installation of the oil system and cooling water system.

4.3.7. Supervision of the application of heat and sound insulation.

4.3.8. Adjustment of regulation (guide vane).

4.3.9. Monitoring test runs and operation of the draft machine during a 72-hour comprehensive testing of the unit, participation in checking vibration and noise levels.

4.4. Installation of coal grinding equipment (mills, fan mills, etc.)

4.4.1. Monitoring the installation of anchor parts and supporting structures.

4.4.2. Monitoring the installation and assembly of the main elements of the coal grinding plant (electric motor, gearbox, the mill itself, bearing blocks, separators), and the alignment of the rotors.

4.4.3. Checking the operation of the coal grinding plant according to the following criteria: coal grinding fineness, power consumption, productivity of coal and drying agent, noise and vibration levels, metal consumption of wear elements per ton of ground coal.

Checking repair operations to replace wear elements (on head samples).

4.4.4. Supervision of the installation of raw coal feeders and other equipment for dust preparation systems supplied by enterprises of the Ministry of Energy.

4.5. Testing the boiler unit (steam generator)

4.5.1. Participation in trial and inspection hydrotesting of the boiler unit.

4.5.2. Participation in post-installation washing of pipe elements of the boiler unit (steam generator) and monitoring its quality.

4.5.3. Technical guidance for checking gas density and test runs of the boiler unit (steam generator), adjusting pulse safety devices. Control of temperature expansion of boiler (steam generator) elements.

4.5.4. Technical management of RVP trial runs and monitoring them, participation in the adjustment of its seals.

4.5.5. Monitoring the operation of the boiler unit (steam generator) during a 72-hour comprehensive testing of the unit and participation in its commissioning.


5.1. Work on the reactor shaft volume

5.1.1. Technical guidance and control over the installation of embedded and supporting parts of the mine volume.

5.1.2. Technical guidance and supervision of the assembly, welding and installation of the reactor support metal structure.

5.1.3. Technical guidance and control over the installation of thermal insulation of the lower part of the reactor.

5.1.4. Technical guidance and control over the installation of channels and drives of ionization chambers (IC).

5.2. Installation of the reactor vessel and internals

5.2.1. Participation in the inspection of the reactor vessel before its installation and supervision of its installation.

5.2.2. Technical guidance and control over the welding of pipes and internal parts to the reactor vessel.

5.2.3. Technical guidance and control over the installation of biological protection and thermal insulation of the pipe area.

5.2.4. Technical guidance and control over the installation of internals, checking the straightness of the channels of the reactor control and protection system (CPS).

5.3. Installation of the upper block and control rod drives

5.3.1. Participation in the inspection and testing of CPS drives on a special slipway.

5.3.2. Technical guidance and control over the installation of the upper block, checking the straightness of the control rod channels.

5.3.3. Technical guidance for the installation of control rod drives and position sensors, connection of the drive cooling system, installation of a temperature control system and monitoring them.

5.3.4. Technical guidance and control over the installation of thermal insulation of the upper block and pressure ring.

5.4. Commissioning work on the reactor

5.4.1. Technical supervision of the reactor main connector seal and monitoring of equipment operation during circulation flushing, hydrotesting and hot running of the primary circuit.

5.4.2. Participation in equipment audits.

5.4.3. Monitoring the operation of equipment during physical and power startups of the reactor.

5.5. Installation of equipment for reactor refueling, fresh fuel preparation and spent fuel holding

5.5.1. Technical management of the installation of nests in the inspection shaft of internals and the upper block, in the spent fuel pool, control installation of equipment in these nests and monitoring them.

5.5.2. Technical guidance and control over the installation of grids for storing spent fuel in the spent fuel pool.

5.6. Installation of steam generators (SG) and volume compensators (CV)

5.6.1. Technical guidance and control over the installation of embedded parts of SG and KO supports.

5.6.2. Technical guidance and control over the installation of SG, CO.

5.6.3. Technical guidance and control over the welding of pipelines to SG and KO, electric motor blocks to KO.

5.6.4. Participation in internal inspections and hydrotests of SG and CO, in special leak testing welds SG heating surfaces.

5.6.5. Technical guidance and control over the installation of thermal insulation and cladding of the area of ​​KO electric heater blocks.


* See clause 1.7 of this standard.

(steam turbines for thermal and nuclear power plants, gas turbines and hydraulic turbines)

1.1. Author's supervision of the temperature state of steam intake elements, turbine housings and bearings, the relative expansion of rotors and cylinders of steam and gas turbines, and the vibration state of all types of turbines.

1.5. Participation in testing new elements, mechanisms and non-standard devices.

1.6. Debugging, static and dynamic testing of control systems for all types of turbines.

1.7. Adjustment (together with the commissioning organization) of the turbine operating instructions and its start-up and shutdown schedules (based on the results of commissioning and testing of the prototype), linking them with the operating conditions of the turbine as part of the unit.


2.1. Participation in setting up the combustion regime and drawing up temporary regime maps.

2.2. Participation in checking the temperature state of heating surfaces (radiative and convective).

2.3. Participation in checking the hydraulic stability of once-through boilers or the reliability of circulation in the circuits of drum boilers.

2.4. Technical guidance for setting up and testing devices for cleaning heating surfaces.

2.5. Participation in testing the start and stop modes of the boiler unit.

2.7. Technical guidance for setting up RVP.

2.8. Participation in determining the actual resistance of the gas-air path of the boiler unit.

2.9. Participation in setting up and testing of head coal grinding equipment.

2.10. Participation in setting up and testing separation devices of drum boilers.

2.11. Adjustment (together with the commissioning organization) of the operating instructions for the boiler unit (steam generator) and its start-up and shutdown schedules (based on the results of commissioning and testing), linking them with the operating conditions of the boiler as part of the unit.


3.1. Technical management of the control assembly of the reactor at the customer's site.

3.2. Technical management of testing of control rod drives at the customer's stand and checking their performance at the reactor.

3.3. Technical guidance for testing the functionality of the movement mechanisms of ionization chambers.

3.4. Technical management of ensuring operability: in-reactor control systems; a wrench for sealing the main connector of the reactor; volume compensators; tanks of the emergency cooling system of the reactor core; filters of the primary circuit bypass cleaning system.

3.5. Technical assistance in setting up electrical equipment: reactor, wrench for sealing the main connector, universal traverse, electric heaters of the volume compensator.

3.6. Technical assistance in setting up and testing steam generators.

3.7. Participation in the consideration of the results of audit and control of metals of reactor plant equipment.

3.8. Strain and thermometering of the vessel and other elements of the reactor.

3.9. Technical assistance in conducting hydrotests and circulation flushing of the primary circuit.

3.10. Technical assistance in conducting the first audit of the reactor.

3.11. Technical guidance in preparing the reactor for cold and hot run-in of the primary circuit, technical assistance in carrying out the run-in.
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