Commissioning of a liquid fuel boiler house. The act was drawn up by a state inspector _____________________________________________

In practice, very often the subject of civil transactions is various equipment. Equipment is rented, purchased, donated, etc. An integral part of such contracts is the act of putting equipment into operation. The legislation does not contain rules that regulate the process of drawing up an act of commissioning equipment. But it contains some rules that regulate the procedure for accepting goods or services (for example, Art., Civil Code of the Russian Federation). These standards also apply to the act of putting equipment into operation. How and when to draw up this document and what features it has.

Features of drawing up a receipt

When the act is drawn up

In accordance with current legislation, drawing up an equipment commissioning certificate is not mandatory. But in practice, this document is always drawn up. This is primarily done in order to avoid further problems associated with equipment defects.

Important: if equipment is sold or transferred to a third party on the basis of other civil transactions, then it is necessary to draw up an act of putting the equipment into operation. Also, this document must be drawn up in cases where the operation of the equipment was stopped for the purpose of repair and resumed some time later: the commissioning certificate is drawn up when the equipment is resumed.

Drawing up such a document is an additional guarantee for both parties. This document is drawn up after the transfer of equipment and after its installation. In some cases, the act is also drawn up directly at the time of concluding the contract.

Parties to the act

Many people are interested in the question of who should sign the equipment commissioning certificate. Since this document is an integral part of the relevant agreement, it must be signed by the parties to the transaction or their authorized persons.

Important: very often a special commission is created to check the operation of equipment. In these cases, the act of commissioning the equipment must be signed by all members of the commission.

Moreover, if the opinion of one of the commission members differs from the opinion of others, a corresponding entry is made about this in the document.

What needs to be included in the act

The legislation does not provide for a mandatory form of commissioning act. Accordingly, the parties may provide any information they consider necessary. The content of the act largely depends on the specifics and features of the equipment that is transferred on the basis of the transaction. Of course, there is no single form for the commissioning act, but the following information must be indicated in the text:

  • brand, year of manufacture and name of equipment;
  • date of equipment inspection;
  • place of inspection and location of the equipment (if the equipment was tested in another place and is located in another);
  • description of the conditions for using the equipment;
  • other information and special conditions.

What is being checked

When drawing up the act, the following is checked:

  • serviceability of equipment;
  • his work;
  • accommodation conditions;
  • compliance of this equipment and its operating conditions with established technical safety standards and other regulations.

If during the inspection any malfunctions or any non-compliance with established standards and legal requirements were discovered, then a corresponding entry is made in the text of the drawn-up report.

Please note: If during the inspection violations or malfunctions were discovered that make the operation of the equipment impossible, then in this case the equipment cannot be used: a corresponding entry is made about this in the text of the equipment commissioning act.

If the above faults are detected, they must be eliminated: the equipment can be used only after the detected faults have been eliminated. The owner of the equipment is responsible for troubleshooting, unless otherwise provided by the relevant agreement.

Important: after troubleshooting, the equipment must be re-tested: in this case, a new act of putting the equipment into operation is drawn up. If, based on the results of the secondary inspection, no malfunctions were found, a corresponding entry is made about this in the text of the report, and operation of the equipment is permitted.

Completed sample document

ACT No. ___
commissioning of equipment

G. ______________ "___" ________ ____ g.

Commission consisting of:


Members of the commission:

appointed by order (instruction) of the head No.___ dated "___"_______ _____, having read __________________________________________________________

mounted at the address: ________________________________________________,
having reviewed the technical documentation provided by _________________________________________________________________________
(name of the developer (manufacturer))

and the results of performance tests carried out in accordance with
(name and designation of the test program and methodology)

in the period from "___"________ ____ to "___"____________ _____, established that:

1. _______________________________________________________________________
(name of equipment, brand, type, serial and inventory number)

complies with labor protection requirements taking into account the following comments (if any): __________________________________________________________

2. The equipment is placed in accordance with project documentation, technological design standards (developed for specific organizations, production facilities and workshops);

3. When placing the equipment, the convenience and safety of its maintenance and the safety of evacuation of workers in the event of an emergency are ensured. emergency situations, the impact of harmful and (or) hazardous production factors on other workers is excluded (reduced).

4. Installation, installation (rearrangement) of equipment was carried out in accordance with the design documentation.

5. ______________________________________________________________ withstood
(name of equipment, brand, type, serial and inventory number)

tested and can be put into operation (or: only after
eliminating the shortcomings noted in the Statement of Comments and Suggestions and
preventing commissioning)

1. ___________________________________________________________________
(name of equipment, brand, type, serial and inventory number)

put into operation at the address: ___________________________________ from "___"_________ ____ (or: after eliminating the deficiencies noted in the List of Comments and Suggestions that impede the commissioning of the equipment).
2. Carry out warranty service in accordance with the technical documentation for the equipment.


1. Protocol of commissioning works from "___"______ ____, No. ______.

2. List of comments and suggestions from "___"________ ____, No. ______.

Chairman of the commission ________________________________________________________________

Members of the commission ______________________________________________________________
(position, personal signature Last name initials)

ACT No. 08 - from___________ g .

approval for operation of a boiler installation (boiler room) with a working steam pressure of up to 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/cm 2) and (or) with a water temperature of up to 115°C

Entrance. No. ____ dated___________

The act is drawn up government inspector ________________________________________

in the presence of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boiler installation (boiler room) _________________tel._________ that the technical documentation has been checked and the technical condition of the boiler installation (main and auxiliary heating equipment of the boiler room) has been assessed in order to obtain a temporary permit for admission to operation.

Name of the boiler installation (boiler room): _____________________________________

Address of the area where the boiler house is being installed: _________________________________________________

Registration No. ______________________________________________________________

Purpose of the boiler installation (boiler room): ________________________________________

1. Results of checking technical documentation and inspection of the boiler room.

1.1. Composition and characteristics of boiler room equipment .


Unit of measurement

Magnitude (Quantity)


Installed power

Gcal/hour (MW/hour)

Gcal/hour (MW/hour)

Primary/backup fuel

Gas/fuel oil/coal/diesel








m 3

Heaters (network, DHW)

Fuel oil tank (diesel reserve tank)

m 3

1.2. Characteristics of installed boilers

Pore ​​No.

Boiler type

Plant No.


Carries heat. Water/steam)

Installed power, (Gcal/hour)

Steam (water) pressure, (MPa)

Steam (water) temperature, °C

Efficiency when operating on main fuel, %

Efficiency when operating on reserve fuel, %

1.3. Characteristics of the coolant supplied to heating networks or heat consuming installations:

Name of coolant

Available pressure, MPa

Temperature graph, °C

Coolant quality

P 1

R 2


T 1

T 2


Hardness IR (mg-eq/dm 3)

Oxygen O 2 (mg/dm 3)




Condensate return

Pressure, MPa:

Temperature, °C:

1.4. Technical documentation

1.4.1. Permit for the construction of a heat supply source, issued by KEIIO No. ______

from ____________

1.4.2. The design of the boiler plant (boiler room) was developed by _____________________________,

reg. No. _______________ valid until _______________________

By Technical specifications, issued by __________________ No. ____ dated ______________.

for installed capacity _____________________________________________________ Gcal/hour.

1.4.3. The design of the boiler installation (boiler room) was reviewed by: the organization that issued the technical specifications: conclusion No. ________________ dated ________________________.

The examination was carried out: conclusion No. ___________________ dated _____________________.

1.4.4. Fuel regime issued: No. _________________________ dated _____________________

1.4.5. Installation work completed _________ License ___________ per. No.___________,

Valid until _________________________

1.4.6. Adjustment work completed _________ License ___________ per. No.___________,

Valid until _________________________

Report on the commissioning work dated _______________________, No. ____________________.

1.4.7. List of main and auxiliary equipment, allowed for permanent operation, approved. technical manager (according to Appendix No. 1 to this act).

1.4.8. Equipment acceptance certificates after individual tests and comprehensive testing of boiler installation (boiler room) equipment

dated ____________________, No. __________________

1.4.9. Certificate of approval for electrical installations of the boiler room, issued by the Office of Rostekhnadzor in St. Petersburg, dated _______________, No. _____________.

1.4.10. Acceptance certificate for fuel metering devices: fuel supply organization that issued technical specifications No. _________ dated _____________ and coolant No. ________ dated ________________.

1.4.11. Permission from the Gas Supervision Office of Rostechnadzor in St. Petersburg to start gas from _______________.

1.4.12 The temperature schedule for heat supply from the boiler room was approved from _____________.

1.4.13. The act of delimiting balance sheet and operational responsibility between the enterprise, the owner of the boiler house (between production divisions and services, between those responsible for the thermal power plant) and the consumer of thermal energy:

No. _______________________ dated _____________________

1.4.14. Certificate of acceptance of the completed construction site by the acceptance committee (according to the form of Appendix G TSN 12-316-2002 St. Petersburg “Acceptance and commissioning of completed real estate projects”).

1.5. Organization of operation

1.5.1. The operation of the boiler room is carried out by the personnel of the organization ________________,

License___________per. No. __________from _____________Agreement No. __________________

1.5.2. Responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the main and auxiliary equipment of the boiler installation (boiler room) and intra-boiler heating networks:

from the customer __________________________________________________________________,

appointed by order No. ______________________ dated ___________________________________,

who passed the test of knowledge of PTE TE and PTB for E TMO (protocol dated _______, No. ____

from the contractor _________________________________________________________________ ,

appointed by order No. _______________________ dated _________________________________,

who passed the knowledge test of PTE TE and PTB for E TMO (protocol dated ______, No. ____

1.5.3. The number and qualifications of heating technical personnel, in accordance with the approved regulation No. ___________________ dated ________________________ on energy service:

State:________________________________ Fact: _____________________________________.

1.5.4. State of protective equipment, their sufficiency:_________________________________


1.5.5. Availability of operational and technical documentation (yes, no and assessment of the quality of maintenance):

The list of necessary instructions, schemes of provisions was approved from __________________,

presented in Appendix No. 2,

Approved thermal circuit diagram: according to the list/fact ____________________,

Job descriptions: according to the list/fact ________________________________________________,

Instructionsfor the operation of the main and auxiliary equipment of the boiler room: for

list/fact __________________________;

Fire safety instructions, instructions on health and safety: according to the list/fact ______________;

Lists of persons entitled to issue orders approved by order (instruction)

No._________________ approved from ____________________________

The list of works carried out according to orders was approved by Order No. _____ dated ________,

Work permit forms: _______________________________________________________.

Lists of persons entitled to prompt switches, approved by order (instruction) No. ___________________ dated __________________________.

1.5.6. Availability of journals (registration No. ______ dated __________ or not; assessment of the quality of maintenance):



Personnel briefings:_______________________________________________________________,

Knowledge tests:______________________________________________________________,

Accounting for protective equipment: ________________________________________________________________,

Accounting for defects and problems with boiler room equipment:___________________________,

Accounting for work according to orders and instructions: __________________________________________,

Applications for equipment removal from operation: __________________________________________,

Accounting for emergency and fire training: _________________,

Logbook for the status of instrumentation and automation:________________________________________________,

Logbook for quality control of feed, make-up, network water, steam and condensate:_____,


Journal of accounting of thermal energy and coolant in water (steam) heat consumption systems:_______________________________________________________________.

1.6. Technical condition equipment submitted for approval (Compliance with the requirements of the Rules and Standards).

The main equipment of the boiler room according to specification No. ________________ (complies/does not correspond),

Auxiliary equipment of the boiler room according to specification No. __________ (complies/does not comply).

2. Violations identified during the inspection


Name of the violation.

Clause requirement NTD

3. Conclusion on permission to operate .

Boiler plant (boiler room), main and auxiliary heating equipment, boiler room ________________________________________________ at the address:

Allowed for use.

Appendix 1 . List of acts of individual testing of the main and auxiliary equipment of the boiler room (requirement of clause 11 of Appendix G TSN 12-316-2002 St. Petersburg “Acceptance and commissioning of completed real estate projects”).

Appendix 2 . A list of necessary instructions, diagrams and other operational documents, approved by the technical manager of the organization (requirement of clause 2.8.2 of the PTE).

State inspector _____________________signature ____________________ (full name)

Head of the organization (owner) __________signature ____________________ (full name)

Or technical head of the organization,

entrusted with

operational responsibility or

responsibility for the good condition and

safe operation of the boiler installation:_______ signature________________ (full name)


organization (owner) of the boiler house