Fire safety rules in the boiler room. Occupational safety instructions for boiler room personnel

Director of MUP "Teploenergo" _____________ S.I. Ivanov "__"_____________2014

Instructions for fire safety in a coal boiler room

1. General requirements.

1.1. Boiler rooms must be accessible to maintenance personnel and comply with the design.

Warehousing, storage of materials and equipment, foreign objects;

Finding unauthorized persons;

Use of open fire, smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages.

1.3. Welding and other flammable work in the boiler room, if the boilers are in operation, must be carried out in accordance with the permit.

1.4. Boiler room premises must be equipped with initial fire extinguishing equipment:

Box with sand;

Fire shield with the necessary set of tools;

Fire extinguishers.

2. Requirements for service personnel.

2.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination, training and certification are allowed to service boilers.

2.2.Staff must know job descriptions and strictly implement them.

2.3. Personnel must be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment.

2.4. The fireman has no right to leave the boiler unattended if there is a fire in the firebox.

3.Safety requirements when servicing boilers.

3.1. Ignition and shutdown of boilers is carried out according to technological maps.

3.2. It is prohibited to use flammable substances (gasoline, kerosene, etc.) to light the boiler.

3.3. The boiler must operate according to the temperature schedule.

4. Actions of personnel during a fire.

4.1. If there is a threat of a fire in the boiler room, the fireman must close the blast and extinguish the fire in the furnace, turn off everything technological equipment from electric current boiler room switch.

4.2. If a fire occurs in a boiler room or a threatening boiler room, the fireman is obliged to:

Disconnect all technological equipment from electric current and extinguish the boiler;

Call the fire department by calling 01 or 010 from your cell phone;

Report the fire to higher authorities;

Take measures to remove people (if any) from the danger zone;

Take measures to extinguish the fire on your own using primary fire extinguishing means;

When the fire brigade arrives, take part in extinguishing the fire.

The instructions were developed by a master heating engineer____________ Agreed.

These labor safety instructions have been developed specifically for boiler room personnel.


1.1. This instruction regulates the basic safety requirements when working in boiler rooms.
1.2. TO independent work Persons over 18 years of age who have no contraindications for health reasons, who have completed the introductory and initial instruction at the workplace, instructions on labor protection, trained in safe work methods and having the appropriate certificate, having passed the test of knowledge of labor protection requirements.
1.3. Boiler room personnel (driver, fireman, operator) must undergo repeated training on labor protection at least once every 6 months, and at least once a year - another test of knowledge of labor protection requirements and a periodic medical examination.
1.4. Boiler room personnel are obliged to comply with the internal labor regulations adopted by the enterprise.
1.5. The working hours of a boiler room operator should not exceed 40 hours per week.
The duration of daily work (shift) is determined by the internal labor regulations or the shift schedule approved by the employer.
1.6. During work, boiler room personnel may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful factors:
— steam – can cause burns;
— equipment (boilers) – if used incorrectly, pressure may increase and an explosion may occur, which may result in injuries (burns);
— harmful gases and dust are released during the combustion of fuel in boilers (especially coal and peat). The main harmful gases are: carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, sulfur oxides, etc., as well as coal dust. When gases enter the human body along with inhaled air, they can lead to poisoning, and dust particles can damage the upper respiratory tract.
1.7. Boiler room personnel must use the tools and devices that they have been trained and instructed to use.
1.8. Boiler room personnel must work in special clothing and use other means personal protection.
1.9. In accordance with the Standard Industry Standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, boiler room workers are issued:
when operating a boiler room using solid mineral fuel:
with mechanical loading:
- cotton suit;
— combined mittens;
— safety glasses;
for manual loading:
— cotton suit with fire retardant impregnation;
- leather boots;
— combined mittens;
— safety glasses;
when working with wood and other types of fuel:
- cotton suit;
- combined mittens.
1.10. Boiler room personnel must comply with fire safety rules and be able to use fire extinguishing equipment.
Smoking is allowed only in specially designated and equipped areas.
1.11. Boiler room workers are prohibited from leaving a running boiler unattended while working.
1.12. The boiler room worker must immediately report malfunctions of equipment, devices and tools, as well as personal protective equipment and other violations of safety requirements to his immediate supervisor and not begin work until they are eliminated.
1.13. Boiler room personnel must observe personal hygiene rules. Before eating, smoking and after finishing work, you must wash your hands with soap.
1.14. For failure to comply with the requirements of the instructions, boiler room personnel are responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


2.1. Before starting work, boiler room personnel must:
- take duty;
— wear personal protective equipment;
— check the serviceability of the serviced boilers and equipment, availability and serviceability emergency lighting and alarms, instrument readings and make an entry about this in the duty check-in log.


3.1. When preparing the boiler for lighting, the boiler room worker must check:
— serviceability of the firebox and flues, shut-off and control devices;
— serviceability of instrumentation, fittings, power supply devices, fans, as well as the presence of natural draft;
— serviceability of fuel combustion equipment;
— filling the boiler with water;
— is the water level in the boiler maintained and is there any water leakage through connections, flanges, hatches and fittings;
— are there any plugs before and after safety valves, on steam, fuel oil and gas pipelines, on the feed drain and purge lines;
Before lighting the boiler, ventilate the firebox for 10-15 minutes.
3.2. In preparation for lighting a boiler operating on gas fuel, additionally:
— check the serviceability of the gas pipeline and the taps and valves installed on it (all shut-off valves on gas pipelines must be closed, and the valves on purge gas pipelines must be open);
— blow the gas pipeline through the purge candle, gradually opening the valve on the branch of the gas pipeline to the boiler, make sure that there is no explosive mixture in the gas pipeline (with a gas analyzer), then close the candle;
— make sure there is no gas leakage from the gas pipeline and gas equipment and fittings by washing them. It is prohibited to use open fire for this purpose;
— check the gas pressure using a pressure gauge;
— adjust the draft of the boiler being heated, setting the vacuum in the firebox to 2-3 mm of water column.
3.3. Ignite the gas in the burner with the igniter, slowly open the valve, start the air supply, then increase the gas and air supply.
If the pilot light goes out before igniting the burner, you must immediately turn off the gas supply, remove the pilot light, ventilate the firebox and flues for 10-15 minutes, and only then begin re-igniting the burner.
If the lit burner goes out during ignition, you must also turn off the gas supply, ventilate the firebox and flues for 10-15 minutes, and then proceed to re-ignite the burner.
3.4. Before lighting a boiler operating on liquid fuel, the fuel temperature must be brought to the value specified in the instructions.
3.5. A boiler room worker is prohibited from igniting extinguished gas in the firebox without first ventilating the firebox and flues.
3.6. When igniting a boiler operating on liquid fuel, the boiler room worker must:
— when spraying liquid fuel with steam, insert a lit pilot torch into the firebox, then supply steam to the nozzle, and then fuel;
— when mechanically spraying fuel oil, insert a lit pilot torch, turn on the automatic ignition, slowly opening the valve, feed fuel oil into the furnace;
— after igniting the fuel oil, adjust the combustion; the ignition torch should be removed from the firebox only when the combustion becomes stable;
— close the safety valve or air valve and open the purge valve if steam comes out of the open safety valve or valve.
3.7. Before putting the boiler into operation, the boiler room worker must:
— checking the proper operation of safety valves, water indicating devices, pressure gauges and feeding devices;
— checking the readings of reduced water level indicators using direct-acting water level indicators;
— checking and turning on automatic safety systems, alarms and automatic boiler control equipment;
- boiler purging.
3.8. While the boiler is operating, the employee must:
- maintain a normal water level in the boiler, but do not allow the water level to fall below the permissible lower level or rise above the permissible upper level;
— maintain normal steam pressure;
- support normal temperature superheated steam, as well as feed water;
— maintain normal operation of burners (nozzles);
— at least once a shift, check the serviceability of the pressure gauge by purging using a three-way valve;
— check by blowing the serviceability of water indicating devices and safety valves within the time limits specified in the boiler operating instructions;
— keep the boiler doors closed;
- stop blowing the boiler if gases escape through the hatches during it.
3.9. The employee is prohibited from:
- jam or additionally load safety valves;
— continue to operate the boiler with faulty or unadjusted safety valves;
— blow off the boiler when faults are detected in the blower fittings and the boiler;
— open and close the fittings with blows of a hammer or other objects;
— use flammable liquids to light a solid fuel boiler;
— when the boiler is operating, tap seams, weld boiler elements, etc.;
— be near the slag gates when they open;
- stand against the boiler doors when blowing it;
- leave the boiler running, even for a short time, without supervision and allow unauthorized persons into the boiler room;
- clutter the boiler room with foreign materials and objects.
3.10. Stopping the boiler in all cases, except for an emergency stop, should be carried out only after receiving an order to do so from the enterprise administration.
3.11. When stopping the boiler, the employee must:
— maintain the water level in the boiler above the average operating position;
— stop supplying fuel to the firebox;
— disconnect the boiler from the steam lines after combustion in the furnace has completely stopped; if there is a superheater, open the purge; if after turning off the boiler the pressure in the boiler increases, the blowdown should be increased;
— cool the boiler elements to +25 0C or lower and drain the water.
3.12. When stopping a boiler operating on solid fuel, the employee must:
— burn out the remaining fuel with reduced blast and thrust;
- stop blowing and reduce cravings;
— clean the firebox and bunker;
- stop the draft by closing the smoke damper, combustion and ash doors.
3.13. When stopping a boiler operating on gas fuel, the employee must:
- reduce and then completely stop the supply of gas to the burners, and then air (with injection burners, first air and then gas);
— open the purge plug on the outlet and ventilate the firebox and flues.
3.14. When stopping a boiler operating on liquid fuel, the employee must:
— close the fuel supply to the injector;
— stop the supply of steam or air;
— ventilate the firebox and flues, then close the blast and draft.
3.15. Work related to the presence of people inside the boiler can only be carried out with written permission (according to a work permit) from the head of the boiler room or the person entrusted with the responsibility for the safe operation of the boilers, with the necessary safety measures taken and an entry in the duty log.


4.1. Boiler room personnel must immediately stop the boiler (emergency) and inform the employer about this if:
— more than 50% of safety valves or their replacement devices have ceased to function;
— the pressure in the boiler has increased by more than 10% against the permissible limit and continues to increase, despite the cessation of fuel supply, reduction of draft and blast, and increased supply of water;
— there was a water leak from the boiler; refilling the boiler with water is prohibited;
— the water level is rapidly decreasing, despite the increased supply of water to the boiler;
— the water level has risen above the permissible level and it is not possible to reduce it by blowing the boiler;
— all nutritional devices have been discontinued;
— all water indicating devices have been discontinued;
— cracks, swelling, and gaps in welds, breaks of two or more nearby connections;
— gas contamination of a gas-fired boiler room was detected;
— there was an explosion of the gas-air mixture in the boiler furnace or flues;
— power supply is interrupted during artificial draft;
— a fire broke out in the boiler room.
4.2. At emergency stop boiler personnel must:
— stop the supply of fuel and air, sharply weaken the thrust;
- quickly remove the burning fuel from the firebox; in exceptional cases, if this is impossible, pour the burning solid fuel with water, making sure that the stream of water does not hit the walls of the boiler and the lining;
— after the combustion stops, open the smoke damper and combustion doors;
— disconnect the boiler from the steam line;
— release steam through raised safety valves or an emergency valve.
4.3. If a fire occurs in the boiler room, personnel must:
- immediately call the fire department by calling 101, inform the employer about this and take measures to extinguish the fires;
- immediately turn off the gas pipeline of the gas boiler room using a valve installed outside the premises;
- if a fire in the boiler room cannot be quickly extinguished, stop the boilers in an emergency, intensively feeding them with water and releasing steam;
- when the boiler stops due to soot fire or fuel carryover, immediately stop the supply of fuel and air to the furnace, shut off the draft, stopping the smoke exhausters and fans and completely close the air and gas dampers.
4.4. The boiler room worker must immediately inform the employer about every accident that he witnessed, and provide first aid to the victim, if necessary, call an ambulance by calling 103 or help transport the victim to a medical facility. If possible, the situation should be maintained if doing so will not result in an accident or injury to others.
4.5. If an accident occurs with the boiler room worker himself, he should, if possible, call an ambulance by calling 103, report the incident to the employer, or ask someone around him to do this.


5.1. Upon completion of work, the boiler room personnel are obliged to:
— pass duty in the boiler room, making a note in the log;
- remove personal protective equipment and put it in the place intended for it. Promptly submit special clothing and other personal protective equipment for dry cleaning (washing) and repair;
- Wash your face and hands with soap or take a shower.
5.2. Notify your immediate supervisor of any deficiencies discovered during work.

1.1. This instruction establishes requirements aimed at ensuring the safety of people in case of fire.

1.2. The person responsible for fire safety is determined by the head of the enterprise.

1.3. Maintenance personnel should be allowed to work only after undergoing fire safety training.

    Preventive measures to prevent fire

2.1. In the premises of gas-using equipment, signs indicating the telephone number for calling the fire department must be posted in visible places.

2.2. The area adjacent to the facility must be promptly cleared of flammable waste, garbage, containers, fallen leaves, dry grass, etc. Combustible waste, garbage, etc. should be collected at specially designated areas in containers or boxes and then removed.

2.3. Roads, driveways and entrances to the facility and water sources used for fire extinguishing purposes must always be free for fire equipment to pass through, kept in good condition, and in winter cleared of snow and ice. The closure of roads or passages for repairs or for other reasons that impede the passage of fire trucks must be immediately reported to the fire department. During the period of road closures, detour direction signs should be installed in appropriate places or crossings should be arranged through areas under repair and approaches to water sources.

2.4. Smoking is not permitted on the premises or in the premises where gas-using equipment is located. Making fires, burning waste and containers is not permitted within the limits established by the design standards for fire breaks, but not closer than 50 m to the building where gas-using equipment is located. Burning of waste and containers in places specially designated for these purposes must be carried out under the supervision of operating personnel.

2.5. The area adjacent to the facility must have external lighting in the dark to quickly locate fire hydrants, external fire escapes and locations for fire equipment, as well as access to the entrance to the boiler room building. Locations of fire safety equipment and specially equipped smoking areas must be marked with fire safety signs, including the “Do not obstruct” fire safety sign. Signal colors and fire safety signs must comply with the requirements of fire safety regulations.

2.6. No flammable waste dumps are allowed on the premises.

2.7. Standard safety signs (signs, signs) should be posted near equipment that has an increased fire hazard.

2.8. Fire protection systems and boiler room installations must be kept in good working order at all times.

2.9. In the room where gas-using equipment is located, the following is prohibited:

Storage and use in basements and basements of flammable liquids and combustible liquids, explosives and other explosive and fire hazardous substances and materials, except for cases specified in current regulatory documents;

Use technical premises for organizing production areas, as well as storing products, equipment and other items;

Carry out redevelopment of space-planning solutions for evacuation routes and exits, as a result of which access to fire extinguishers, fire hydrants and other fire safety equipment is limited or the coverage area of ​​automatic fire protection systems is reduced;

Block doors, passages and exits to external evacuation staircases with furniture, equipment and other objects;

Clean premises and wash clothes using gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids and combustible liquids, as well as warm frozen pipes with blowtorches and other methods using open fire;

Leave oily cleaning material uncleaned;

Install blind bars on windows, except for cases specifically stipulated in the norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner;

Store things, furniture and other flammable materials under flights of stairs and on landings.

2.10. Used cleaning materials should be collected in containers made of non-flammable material with a closing lid. The frequency of collection of used cleaning materials should prevent their accumulation in workplaces. At the end of the work shift, the contents of these containers must be removed outside the buildings.

2.11. Doors on escape routes must open freely and in the direction of exit from the premises.

2.12. When operating evacuation routes and exits, it is prohibited:

Block emergency routes and exits with various equipment, garbage and other objects, as well as block the doors of emergency exits;

Arrange wardrobes in exit vestibules, as well as store equipment and materials;

Install thresholds on evacuation routes (with the exception of thresholds in doorways), sliding and up-and-down doors and gates, revolving doors, as well as other devices that prevent the free evacuation of people;

Use flammable materials for finishing walls and ceilings.

2.13. Before the start of the heating season, the facility must be inspected and repaired. Faulty equipment is not allowed to be used.

2.14. It is necessary to clean soot from chimneys before the start, as well as throughout the entire heating season, at least once every three months.

2.15. When operating gas-using equipment, it is not permitted to:

Allow to work persons who have not undergone special training and have not received the appropriate qualification certificates;

Store liquid fuel in the room where gas-using equipment is located;


Supply fuel when the burners are extinguished;

Fire up installations without first purging them;

Work with faulty or disconnected control and regulation devices, as well as in their absence;

Dry any flammable materials on boilers and steam lines.

2.16. It is prohibited to use faulty gas appliances, as well as to install (place) furniture and other flammable objects and materials at a distance from gas appliances of less than 0.2 m horizontally and less than 0.7 m vertically (when these objects and materials hang over household gas appliances ).

2.17. Fire automatics installations must be in good condition and in constant readiness, and comply with design documentation. Converting settings from automatic to manual start is not allowed.

2.18. In the room where gas-using equipment is located, one fire-fighting panel must be equipped, equipped with primary fire extinguishing means: carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers - at least 2 pieces; sand box; - shovel - 1 pc.; asbestos fabric (felt) or felt - 2m x 2m.

2.19. In a gasified room there must be two hydrants for connecting fire hoses.

Safety instructions for the boiler room are developed based on paragraph 2 of Chapter I of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation. and in accordance with the provisions of Article 18 of the RF PPR and form the basis of the mandatory package of documents on industrial safety

"In relation to each object (with the exception of individual residential buildings) the head (*** other authorized official) organizationii (individual entrepreneur), in whose use the objects are located on the right of ownership or on another legal basis (hereinafter - the head of the organization), instructions on fire safety measures are approved in accordance with the requirements established section XVIIIof these Rules, including separately for each fire-hazardous and fire-hazardous premises for production and storage purposes." ( *** category B1)

*** Supplemented by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated February 17, 2014 N 113 “On amendments to the Fire Regulations in Russian Federation".


Is the instruction a fire safety document?

Instructions are internal regulatory documents containing fire safety requirements (Federal Law of December 21, 1994 N 69-FZ, “On Fire Safety” (as amended on March 8, 2015)

Fire safety training program for employees of boiler companies (individual entrepreneurs)

It is developed in accordance with the NPB “Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations” (Project of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 645), taking into account the requirements of standards, rules, norms and relevant instructions on fire safety.


Is it possible to use universal safety instructions in the boiler room, suitable for any enterprise?

There are no such instructions, and this is very important.

Since the entry into force of the new Fire regulations in the Russian Federation , faceless (that is, instructions without indicating the features of the facility, the type of activity of the organization, the equipment used in the operation, including heat generating equipment, which is typical for boiler houses, etc.), so-called universal, instructions are considered not to comply with the rules and should not be used in organizations and individuals entrepreneurs.

What points must be indicated in the boiler room fire safety instructions according to the new fire regulations in the Russian Federation

The fire safety instructions for the boiler room detail the points specified in the chapter XVIII "Requirements for instructions on fire safety measures " Fire regulations . In particular, the specifics of the fire hazard are indicated.

By regulatory documents and taking this data into account, instructions are being developed that approved by order of the head, defines fire safety rules when working with heat-generating equipment and rules of conduct for workers in the event of a fire in the boiler room premises and in the surrounding area.

A brief overview of the order and basic instructions on fire safety for the boiler room.

(name of legal entity or individual entrepreneur)
from 2017

№ ______

On the appointment of a person in charge
and approval of fire safety documents
in the boiler room _______________

In order to comply with the fire regulations of the Russian Federation in the boiler room


1. Since 2017 appoint I.I. Ivanov responsible for fire safety in the boiler room.
2. Responsible for fire safety Ivanov I.I.
A. Conduct briefings for boiler house workers in accordance with the schedule for repeated briefings in 2017.
b. In accordance with the requirements of the PPR in the Russian Federation, check the primary fire extinguishing equipment, fire hydrants, fire shields, safety signs, emergency exits with the preparation of the necessary acts and registration in inspection logs.
Report any necessary repairs or replacement of primary fire extinguishing equipment.
3. Approve fire safety instructions in the boiler room.
4. Approve the program for conducting introductory, initial, and repeated briefings
5. Approve the schedule for repeated briefings with employees in 2017.

I reserve control over the execution of the order.

Manager/IP (Signature Initials, surname)

1. Instructions for fire safety in the boiler room.
2. Instructions “On fire safety, actions in case of fire during the day and night, evacuation in case of fire in the boiler room.”
3. Program for conducting introductory, initial, and repeated briefings with boiler house workers
4. Schedule of repeated briefings for employees in 2017.

Chapters and paragraphs of fire safety instructions for the boiler room

Appendix No.___ to the order
“On the appointment of responsible
and approval of documents on
fire safety
in the boiler room____________"


About fire safety measures in the boiler room _________________
at: _______________________________


1. General provisions
Checking boiler installations:
When operating boiler installations, it is prohibited:
The boiler immediately stops and is switched off by personnel in the following cases:

2. Permissible (maximum) number of people who can be in the boiler room.

3. Characteristics of the boiler room and specific fire hazards.

4. Those responsible for fire safety, first aid in the boiler room and their responsibilities.
The person responsible for fire safety is obliged to:
The person responsible for fire safety in the boiler room ensures:

5. Responsibilities of boiler room workers to comply with fire safety rules.
In terms of compliance with fire safety rules, boiler room workers are obliged to:

6. Fire safety in boiler rooms during the operation of electrical equipment.
Before work, electrical equipment must be checked by external inspection for:
When operating electrical equipment in the boiler room, the following is prohibited:

7. The procedure for maintaining the adjacent territory of the boiler room.
On the territory of the boiler room it is prohibited:

8. Maintenance of the building, boiler rooms and evacuation routes.
Maintenance of buildings and premises
The head of the boiler house provides with his powers:
Evacuation routes in the boiler room and their maintenance.
IN production premises prohibited:
When operating evacuation routes, evacuation and emergency exits, it is prohibited:

9. The procedure for using open fire, carrying out fire or other fire hazardous work in temporary areas.
When carrying out hot work in temporary places it is necessary:

10. Rules for maintaining passages for vehicles in the area adjacent to the boiler room.

11. Storage and use solid fuel
To prevent spontaneous combustion coal not allowed:

12. Slag removal.

13. The procedure and frequency of removal of flammable waste and dust, storage of workwear

14. Permissible quantity of materials located in the premises at one time.

15. Responsibilities and actions in case of fire, fire, including when the alarm system is activated.
In the event of violations of operating conditions, damage to equipment, as well as in the event of a fire, workers immediately take measures to restore normal operation and eliminate the emergency situation, prevent the development of a fire, and also report the incident to the relevant operational dispatch and management personnel, specialists on the approved list.
If you catch fire at work:

16. Responsibilities of the manager in case of fire
In the event of a fire, the manager is obliged to:

17. Power outage in the boiler room during a fire

18. Procedure for placing and using fire extinguishers. Safety measures when working with them.
Rules for using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher.
Safety requirements when using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher:
General recommendations for extinguishing fire extinguishers:
Rules for using powder fire extinguishers:

19. The procedure for using a fire hydrant and safety measures when working with it.
To activate a fire hydrant you must:

I have read the instructions:

Ready solution on fire safety. Taking into account changes in the Fire Regulations of the Russian Federation.

Register of documents included in the 2017 industrial safety package for the boiler room.

Documents in electronic form, edited in word to insert the full names of those responsible for fire safety, names, addresses of the boiler room.


Order on the appointment of a person responsible for fire safety in the boiler room and approval of documents in 2017. (Requirement clause 2, clause 4 of Chapter 1 of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation)

Order on conducting fire safety briefings with boiler house workers in 2017, approving the schedule and training program.

Fire safety instructions in the boiler room

Instructions "On fire safety measures in the boiler room" 2017 20 pages
(Requirement of clause 2 of Chapter 1 of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation)

Instructions for placement in premises "On fire safety, actions in case of fire during the day, night time and evacuation in case of fire in the boiler room" 2017 Colored A3 format.
(Requirement of clause 9, clause 12 of Chapter 1 of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation)

Fire safety briefings with boiler room workers

Repeat schedule fire safety briefings with boiler room workers in 2017

Program of introductory, primary, repeated fire safety briefings for boiler house workers 2017.
(Requirement of the NPB “Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations”)

Magazines and signs on fire safety in the boiler room.

Color. You can fill it out yourself in the standard Word office program and print it on any color printer
(Requirement of clause Fire regulations in the Russian Federation)

For color boiler rooms, you can fill it out yourself in the standard office program Word and print it on any color printer.
(Requirement of clause 20 of Chapter 1 of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation)

Boiler room primary fire extinguishing equipment log book.
(Requirements of clause 478 of Chapter 19 of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation. Clause 4.3 SP 9.13130.2009 Fire equipment. Fire extinguishers. Operation requirements)

Logbook for registration of safety briefings for boiler house workers.
(Requirement of clause 3 of Chapter 1 of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation. clause 10. NPB "Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations"

Instructions - Poster for placement in places where fire extinguishers are installed or on stands "Rules for the use of fire extinguishers" A4 size for printing on any color printers.
(Recommendations of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation on fire prevention. Federal Law No. 69-FZ “On Fire Safety” Art. 25)

1.1. This instruction establishes requirements aimed at ensuring the safety of people in case of fire.

1.2. The person responsible for fire safety is determined by the head of the enterprise.

1.3. Maintenance personnel should be allowed to work only after undergoing fire safety training.

    Preventive measures to prevent fire

2.1. In the premises of gas-using equipment, signs indicating the telephone number for calling the fire department must be posted in visible places.

2.2. The area adjacent to the facility must be promptly cleared of flammable waste, garbage, containers, fallen leaves, dry grass, etc. Combustible waste, garbage, etc. should be collected at specially designated areas in containers or boxes and then removed.

2.3. Roads, driveways and entrances to the facility and water sources used for fire extinguishing purposes must always be free for fire equipment to pass through, kept in good condition, and in winter cleared of snow and ice. The closure of roads or passages for repairs or for other reasons that impede the passage of fire trucks must be immediately reported to the fire department. During the period of road closures, detour direction signs should be installed in appropriate places or crossings should be arranged through areas under repair and approaches to water sources.

2.4. Smoking is not permitted on the premises or in the premises where gas-using equipment is located. Making fires, burning waste and containers is not permitted within the limits established by the design standards for fire breaks, but not closer than 50 m to the building where gas-using equipment is located. Burning of waste and containers in places specially designated for these purposes must be carried out under the supervision of operating personnel.

2.5. The area adjacent to the facility must have external lighting in the dark to quickly locate fire hydrants, external fire escapes and locations for fire equipment, as well as access to the entrance to the boiler room building. Locations of fire safety equipment and specially equipped smoking areas must be marked with fire safety signs, including the “Do not obstruct” fire safety sign. Signal colors and fire safety signs must comply with the requirements of fire safety regulations.

2.6. No flammable waste dumps are allowed on the premises.

2.7. Standard safety signs (signs, signs) should be posted near equipment that has an increased fire hazard.

2.8. Fire protection systems and boiler room installations must be kept in good working order at all times.

2.9. In the room where gas-using equipment is located, the following is prohibited:

Storage and use in basements and basements of flammable liquids and combustible liquids, explosives and other explosive and fire hazardous substances and materials, except for cases specified in current regulatory documents;

Use technical premises for organizing production areas, as well as storing products, equipment and other items;

Carry out redevelopment of space-planning solutions for evacuation routes and exits, as a result of which access to fire extinguishers, fire hydrants and other fire safety equipment is limited or the coverage area of ​​automatic fire protection systems is reduced;

Block doors, passages and exits to external evacuation staircases with furniture, equipment and other objects;

Clean premises and wash clothes using gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids and combustible liquids, as well as warm frozen pipes with blowtorches and other methods using open fire;

Leave oily cleaning material uncleaned;

Install blind bars on windows, except for cases specifically stipulated in the norms and rules approved in the prescribed manner;

Store things, furniture and other flammable materials under flights of stairs and on landings.

2.10. Used cleaning materials should be collected in containers made of non-flammable material with a closing lid. The frequency of collection of used cleaning materials should prevent their accumulation in workplaces. At the end of the work shift, the contents of these containers must be removed outside the buildings.

2.11. Doors on escape routes must open freely and in the direction of exit from the premises.

2.12. When operating evacuation routes and exits, it is prohibited:

Block emergency routes and exits with various equipment, garbage and other objects, as well as block the doors of emergency exits;

Arrange wardrobes in exit vestibules, as well as store equipment and materials;

Install thresholds on evacuation routes (with the exception of thresholds in doorways), sliding and up-and-down doors and gates, revolving doors, as well as other devices that prevent the free evacuation of people;

Use flammable materials for finishing walls and ceilings.

2.13. Before the start of the heating season, the facility must be inspected and repaired. Faulty equipment is not allowed to be used.

2.14. It is necessary to clean soot from chimneys before the start, as well as throughout the entire heating season, at least once every three months.

2.15. When operating gas-using equipment, it is not permitted to:

Allow to work persons who have not undergone special training and have not received the appropriate qualification certificates;

Store liquid fuel in the room where gas-using equipment is located;


Supply fuel when the burners are extinguished;

Fire up installations without first purging them;

Work with faulty or disconnected control and regulation devices, as well as in their absence;

Dry any flammable materials on boilers and steam lines.

2.16. It is prohibited to use faulty gas appliances, as well as to install (place) furniture and other flammable objects and materials at a distance from gas appliances of less than 0.2 m horizontally and less than 0.7 m vertically (when these objects and materials hang over household gas appliances ).

2.17. Fire automatics installations must be in good condition and in constant readiness, and comply with design documentation. Converting settings from automatic to manual start is not allowed.

2.18. In the room where gas-using equipment is located, one fire-fighting panel must be equipped, equipped with primary fire extinguishing means: carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers - at least 2 pieces; sand box; - shovel - 1 pc.; asbestos fabric (felt) or felt - 2m x 2m.

2.19. In a gasified room there must be two hydrants for connecting fire hoses.