Where do copywriters get information for articles? Nine sources. Three sources of topics for writing articles Where to get material for articles

When choosing a copywriter, one of the most important steps is assessing his portfolio. That is, you need to evaluate examples of copywriting texts that he wrote for other sites. This will help you understand how literate the author is, what his style is, how he presents texts, and has he previously written on the topics you need? But how to evaluate copywriters based on article examples? What should a high-quality text be like, what should you pay attention to? Having analyzed the work of popular copywriters, we can conclude that high-quality articles are distinguished by the following characteristic features.


Users spend less than a minute reading an article on the Internet. Therefore, the text should be read “diagonally”, for which it will need a good structure. Must have:.
  • subheadings, dividing the text into semantic blocks;
  • lists: numbered or marked;
  • allocation italic or bold (moderate).

This article can be considered as an example of the work of a copywriter with a good structure. After reading the previous paragraph, you probably remembered the three words marked in bold in the list. These are the main points that the author wanted to focus on in the current block.

Agree, structured text is perceived better than, say:

“A successful article always has a good structure, as a result of which it is read diagonally. To make your text this way, use subheadings before each meaningful block, bulleted or numbered lists, and bold or italicize points that seem important to you, but do not overdo it with such formatting.

Would you catch it? main idea, would you remember anything from the explanation outlined in the last copywriter text example? And most importantly, how much time would you spend studying even the simplest material presented in the form of such a continuous “sheet”?

Information content

Users come to the site with specific questions that the text must answer, otherwise it is useless. In a good article:

  • minimum water;
  • maximum specificity.

In addition to actually helping the user (answering his question), informative texts with specific facts inspire confidence in the site on which they are posted and help increase loyalty to the company.

Check out the following examples of copywriting articles:

1. “Floor scales-analyzer allow you to monitor body weight, percentage bone tissue, muscle mass, level of water, fat (regular and visceral). Thanks to this, you can monitor the condition of your body, the effectiveness of your training, detect problems in time (for example, dehydration) and take appropriate measures.”

2. “Our analyzer scales are a revolutionary solution in the field of monitoring body weight and the functioning of the entire body. By purchasing this device, you will always know what is happening in your body, train more effectively, and take timely measures if any disorders or disorders are detected.”

Which of the companies that posted the above texts will you buy an analyzer scale from?

People oriented

You can study many examples of articles on SEO copywriting and see that authors often forget about one important rule: write, first of all, for people. Therefore, the text should be understandable and close to people, and not to search engines. This means the article should contain:
  • no spam. Avoid using keywords and/or cognates too often;
  • natural occurrence of keys. Transform the phrase so that the words in it have a natural order.
For example, use the key “buy nails Moscow price” in the form “buy nails in Moscow at the price...”.

Matching the style to the theme

In copywriting there are many techniques on how best to present information, how to push the reader to buy, etc. The texts themselves can be dry (journalistic), artistic, motivating, etc. It is important that the style and techniques you use correspond to the theme. Let's analyze the following examples of copywriters' work:

1. “This amazing hairspray will hold the shape of your amazing curls for a long time. You will enjoy the elasticity of your curls and their mesmerizing shine.”

2. “This excellent wallpaper adhesive will keep your wallpaper on your walls for a long time. It is distributed so evenly on the surface that you will enjoy every minute of working with it.”

In which example of copywriting is an artistic style more appropriate, and in which would a drier style be better?


When choosing a copywriter for your website, take the time to look at at least 2-3 articles from his portfolio. And if you liked some example of the text in terms of style, structure and content, you can also indicate: “I need an article like in your portfolio.”

Examples of work can be seen directly on their profile, in the “Portfolio” tab.

Register on the eTXT Exchange and choose “your” copywriter.

Hello friends. Where do copywriters get information for articles? This is exactly the question many beginning webwriters ask themselves. Below I will give a list of 9 main sources where I personally get information:

  1. Thematic sites in Runet. Suitable if you work for copywriting exchanges for a small fee. Feature: do not rewrite material from only one site. Take information from at least several sites. To do this, you need to quickly read, find valuable information, and take the most interesting piece from each article. Over time, you will develop the skill of quickly searching for information. For beginners this is quite enough.
  2. Thematic sites on the English-language Internet. Personally, I take from them information about a product that is poorly described on the RuNet. For example, I got information about electric bicycles from there. It is advisable to know English here. If you don’t know, it doesn’t matter. You can use Google translator.
  3. Video reviews inYouTube. A very valuable source of information. In this case, they not only tell, but also show. What you saw can then be colorfully described in your own words. For example, if you are writing about renovating a room, then in the video you can see nuances that are not described in other articles.
  4. Discussions on forums. Many people share information free of charge on thematic forums. It is there that you can find information about goods and services that is not available on the official website. However, it should be borne in mind that the information there is purely subjective and may not always correspond to the truth.
  5. Books. Unfortunately, not all books are digitized and posted online. But even among this small part you can find simply a sea of ​​information. You don't have to read books. Interesting and useful information can be found in the instructions. From a set of boring technical characteristics can be done .
  6. Keyword selection. The search engine, along with the search word, displays the results of those search queries that are searched for along with this word. Therefore, it is easier to understand what needs to be written and what points to focus on. For example, if you, you may notice that the phrase “ free consultation lawyer." Therefore, play up this moment in the text - and the chances that the article will be read to the end will increase by several orders of magnitude.
  7. Competitors' websites. Of course, you don't need to write like them. But after reading them, it will be easier to understand how to differentiate yourself from your competitors. They write about a powerful processor - you praise a powerful video card.
  8. Reviews from friends. Of course, calling a plumber you know so that he can tell you something on the topic is too much. But talking with friends about the topics of the articles that you have already written is very useful. They will definitely suggest a couple useful facts, or they will ask a couple of questions that you did not consider in this article. It will be useful for the future.
  9. Personal experience. People will immediately recognize information copied from another source. But everyone has their own personal experience, the experience of friends and acquaintances about this product/service. This is exactly the same valuable piece of information that people are looking for.

What is the difference between rewriting and copyright?

Spherical rewriting in a vacuum is the rewriting of one text in your own words while preserving the meaning, so that the anti-plagiarism program recognizes the text as unique, unlike others. Copyright, in this context, is a description of something in your own words.

But in practice, there is essentially no difference between rewriting and copyright. Simply, rewriters rewrite from one source, copywriters read several sources and compile the most valuable thoughts in their article. In this case, on text exchanges, the word rewriting means inexpensive orders for beginning copywriters.

Features of information search for articles

You need to not only look for information directly on the topic, but also on related topics. For example, if you are writing about plastic windows, read separately about double-glazed windows, locks and profiles. Perhaps some of the information will be useful to make the article longer and more informative.

The most important thing is that the information must be unique not only in anti-plagiarism programs, but also in fact. The reader should learn something new from it. It is clear that a beginner does not really want to try and go out of his way for a small fee. But this is precisely the surest path to the opportunity to increase the price for your services. Good luck in your endeavors!

Who is a copywriter? More precisely, who can become a copywriter? Initially, a copywriter was considered a person who practiced writing selling texts to order e-art.com.ua. Any person who knows a lot about formulating his ideas is a master of words. This type of earnings is becoming increasingly popular online, as it promises good profits. However, if you do not have a degree as a journalist or philologist, you need to gain experience before you really start making a decent income.

Where to start? Figure out what interests you most, what you are good at. It may be advisable to link your writing to your favorite hobby or professional activity. Then you can write articles on selected topics and put them up for sale.

Among the orders provided on the exchange, topics such as tourism, construction, personal services, Internet technologies, family relationships, gender relations. In fact, so much various topics It is provided to copywriters that you can always find something for yourself. But don't take on a topic that you don't have the slightest idea about. After all, truly valuable information is important; customers do not like “water” - a lot of words and no concrete thoughts. It's worth remembering this, because positive feedback will be your guarantee for future customers.

In order to write an intelligent article, think about what the essence of the main idea is. Determine what components the main topic has and what audience the article is intended for. There is no need to use terms whose meanings you only vaguely understand. Texts are written primarily for people, which means the vocabulary should be understandable to the majority of the audience.

In order to write texts effectively, try to learn how to properly distribute your work time. The deadlines for the completion of work are strictly defined and this must not be forgotten. Efficiency is valued no less than the ability to write quality articles. And don’t despair if you don’t feel confident at first; what’s important here is experience that simply can’t come right away. Read more articles by authoritative authors, follow the best and become the best.
It is, of course, easier for a girl to write about trends in fashion, makeup, cosmetics, for men - about technical equipment, motor transport, finance, business. True, there are exceptions, it is important to try yourself different topics, if they are close and interesting to you.

So, a copywriter is a word guru who can create unique content on seemingly long-described topics, highlight something unique, and create his own writing style. He does not seek to imitate other authors, but listens to authorities and based on large quantity information, write something fundamentally fresh and not hackneyed. And this is exactly what is necessary to fill websites with information - uniqueness, literacy and your own style. He who does not take risks will never achieve anything!

About the author

What to write about to a copywriter

After reading the information on how to write articles for a website, many people, even schoolchildren, try to work as a copywriter on the Internet. Copywriting is used as a temporary hobby, an additional part-time job. It’s rare that someone becomes a famous author who is known on the Internet, whose name is on everyone’s lips.

It doesn’t matter whether a copywriter is famous or not, his task is to know how to do it for a website and be able to do it.

Writing articles to order is not as easy as it seems from the outside

  • people who want to make quick money,
  • customers who themselves do not want to waste time and effort, but seek to use the work of others, paying for services at a minimum on content exchanges.

How to write an article

Let's look at an example of how a beginner can write an article for a website. Select the first order you like from the feed. We write because the topic is in demand, the text can be sold through the store if the customer prefers another artist.

If the copywriter does not know what fractional rejuvenation is, you should read the articles returned by the search engine.

The first three sites make it clear that we are talking about skin rejuvenation. After reading them, we can conclude that the topic is fertile; it is easy to write several articles for sale with different headings, focusing on the purpose, types, and other nuances of the process.

The customer needs a small note of 1000 characters - there’s not much room for creativity. For example, let’s make a completely different rewrite of the first article from the search. Rewriting - what is it? Rewriting someone else's text in a new way. This is the original article and will be revised.

For the title, use one of two suitable keys from the specification.

Safe fractional rejuvenation

The process of fractional facial rejuvenation with a laser beam is designed to help people with skin problems:

  • wrinkles are the number 1 scourge that appears with age and worsens appearance;
  • pigmentation - a hereditary or age-related disease that causes trouble;
  • enlarged pores with blackheads, giving the skin an unhealthy appearance;
  • Postakie - a complex of persistent secondary skin changes that appear during a long course of inflammatory processes.

Problems of aging and fading will be eliminated by fractional rf lifting- an absolutely painless process that lasts no more than an hour. Before and after cosmetic surgery, cream is applied to the skin: before the process- anesthetic, after treatment - sedative.

Skin care after the fractional rejuvenation process is important. Rehabilitation lasts about two weeks. Patient's task— help the skin by using moisturizing products that enhance the effectiveness of the procedure. In the summer, it is necessary to intensively protect yourself from sun exposure throughout the month.

Fractional rf lifting procedureperformed by highly qualified specialists. Cosmetologists conduct preliminary conversations with patients and select optimal, gentle ways to eliminate skin problems.

The price of fractional facial rejuvenation services ranges from 10 to 20 thousand rubles, depending on the lesions.

The rewriting work is completed, all the keys have been entered, the volume of text corresponds to the technical specifications, we proceed to verification. Uniqueness according to Advego 98%. The customer set out the requirement in the technical specification - uniqueness of at least 90%. You can calm down, but a good performer will try to increase anti-plagiarism by changing the highlighted phrases.

Checking on TEXT.ru showed: 100% uniqueness, 9% water, 45% spam.

Is this rewriting? The text is practically not similar to the original from which it was written. The structure remained a little similar: a bulleted list at the beginning of the article, only transformed and expanded. The text contains concise information about the procedure and meets all customer requirements. It contains keys in the optimal quantity; it fully complies with the task “SEO copywriting, women’s topics.”

An example of bad rewriting

An example of how not to write articles for a website is a primitive transformation of a paragraph from a numbered list, which is visible in the screenshot with the source text.

Okay, you've decided to become a copywriter. Congratulations. Do you already know where to start? I didn't know. I would have really needed a guide like this when I was starting out. In this article I will give advice to beginning copywriters: where to go, what to learn, who to be friends with, where to get orders. Let's go.

Add the article to your bookmarks and share it with your friends who want to become copywriters.

Who is this gentleman who teaches me life?

If this is your first time on my blog, let's get acquainted. My name is Pavel, I am a copywriter and editor. A couple of years ago I started working on content exchanges, writing dull articles for 50 rubles apiece.

Now my texts cost more than 15,000 rubles. I do advertising, write for popular blogs, edit articles for other authors, and run a content marketing agency. I think my experience will be useful to you.

Let's start with the very basics.

I don't know anything. Where to start?

This section is for those who have decided to become a copywriter from scratch and do not understand what to do at all. So, you have never written to order. Essays don't count in school. Let me give you a brief introduction.

The copywriter writes the text. Without experience, you will not be trusted to do advertising or write for online publications. At first, you will be engaged in SEO copywriting. The gist is this:

  • You are writing the text
  • Be sure to use certain words and phrases in it - they are called keys
  • The text is posted on the website
  • Thanks to the entered words, people can find the site in Google or Yandex

Not clear? Look at the example.

The client owns an online smartphone store. He asks you to describe the seventh iPhone and be sure to use the words “buy”, “order” and “iPhone 7”. The text is placed on the product page. When someone enters “buy iPhone 7” into Google, your text will appear in the results.

Hurray, you brought value and brought a potential client to the store.

You will write SEO texts using technical specifications. Abbreviated as TK. These are the customer’s requirements for the article: what words need to be used, how much text is needed, what is worth mentioning in it, and so on.

This is what a technical assignment for a copywriter looks like

Okay, I'll do this SEO copywriting. Where can I get orders?

In fact, everywhere. Any website needs copywriters. They are searched for on social networks, on forums and message boards. But without experience and a portfolio they won’t give you anything. Therefore, I advise you to go to a special website - the exchange.

It's kind of like a bulletin board. The site owner or manager talks about the task, and copywriters leave requests. If the customer likes you, he will choose you and give you the project to work on.

There are a lot of orders on exchanges, so even a copywriter without experience can overwhelm himself with work. Alas, newcomers there are paid a little better than nothing. I started with 30-50 rubles per text. Many of my colleagues took even less - 10-15 rubles.

Now yours main task- gain some experience and make a portfolio. Think of low-cost jobs as an internship. There will definitely be income, but a little later.

By the way, we at the agency recently launched a free one. There, in 8 lessons, we tell you how to write texts for which clients are willing to pay well. We teach you to determine the goal and useful action, collect information, think through the structure, and defend the idea to the customer.

Okay, I'll go to the stock exchange. Which one to choose?

What's next? What are my prospects?

Glad you're thinking about the future. There are many prospects, and they are all cool. It is unlikely that you will want to write SEO texts all your life. And they don’t pay very much for them. You can become:

  • Copywriter-advertiser. Write advertisements, slogans, help businesses sell goods and services.
  • Copywriter-textist. Make newsletters, write blogs, create guides.
  • Editor. Steer the entire process - assign tasks to copywriters, designers, illustrators - or do it all yourself.
  • Content marketer. This is a new and very cool direction of internet marketing, tied to high-quality content: text, video, illustrations.
  • The leader. Take other specialists into your team and open a studio.
  • Information businessman. Teach aspiring copywriters and editors, write books, conduct trainings, become a coach.

Regular vacancy for an experienced copywriter

Many good copywriters move into related professions - social media marketing, setting up advertising campaigns, SEO. Or they open their own business - they have already learned how to do advertising.

Remind me of the action plan just in case?

Okay, let's take it step by step. How to become a copywriter from scratch:

Step 1. Read the Webwriter's Handbook. Understand what keys are and why they are needed.

Let me remind you: the key is the word and phrase that needs to be mentioned in the text. This is necessary in order to search engines provided the website according to the client's needs.

Step 2. Register on the copywriting exchange and place several cheap orders - 20-30 rubles per 1000 characters.

I recommend going to Etxt. It is the most popular and has the most orders.

Step 3. Subscribe to thematic communities on VKontakte or Facebook. Ask questions to more experienced colleagues.

Step 4. In principle, you can already be considered a copywriter. Work for a month or two, improve your rating, collect your work in a portfolio. Increase your prices gradually.

Step 5. Learn theory: read books, watch webinars, attend conferences. Don't forget about practice - take on work that seems difficult to you. Learn to do something new.