Chitosan benefits and harms for the human body. Chitin and chitosan. What is it? See what it is"Хитозан" в других словарях!}

The drug chitosan belongs to biologically active additives. Its high efficiency in the treatment of certain diseases, powerful sorbent properties and the ability to get rid of extra pounds have made chitosan a popular drug.

What is chitosan made from?

The basis of the chitosan preparation is chitin, which is the main component of crustacean shells, the outer part of the insect skeleton (), the walls of fungi and yeast. Chitin is coated with an acyl carbon compound for strength. At the beginning of the 19th century, French scientists were able to separate chitin from acyl. The new substance was named chitosan.

Since then, research on chitosan has not stopped. Even Nobel laureates have conducted fundamental research in this area.

The first to notice medicinal properties Japanese chitin. They noticed that the chitinous shells of sea inhabitants have a positive effect on human health. Since then, the Japanese have traditionally consumed chitin along with food. Residents of Europe and America began to use chitosan as part of food supplements after its beneficial properties were proven.

Chitosan preparation: health benefits.

1. Cleansing the body. Chitosan is called a biological filter and is classified as an enterosorbent. This substance is capable of removing from the body such salts of heavy metals as lead, mercury, cadmium, any toxins, radionuclides, carcinogens and other toxic compounds that accumulate in our body over the years.

In addition, chitosan performs a preventive function, protecting the body from accumulation harmful substances. Chitosan acts like a filter in the body, preventing toxins from entering the intestines, blood and lymph.

In some armies' first aid kits, chitin tablets are included as standard in case of exposure to harmful radiation.

The benefits of enterosorption have been known for a long time. This procedure can itself improve the health of the body and help it fight existing diseases. However, almost all enterosorbents have a serious side effect: they remove not only harmful substances, but also useful ones: vitamins and minerals. In contrast, chitosan, on the contrary, saturates the body with easily digestible calcium.

Another important advantage of chitosan in cleansing the body is that this drug helps, which is difficult to cleanse in any other way.

2. Losing weight. Chitosan contains an amino group that can effectively attract fat cells and lipids, and then bind them and remove them from the body. That is, the drug acts on fats like a magnet. Chitosan is not absorbed by the body, and therefore all attracted fats and toxins are simply eliminated.

One molecule of chitosan can stick around itself with fat molecules so that the weight of the fat will be 8 times the weight of the molecule itself. In addition, the removal of fat is accompanied by an intensification of the process of energy release from remaining fat deposits. That is, it turns out that chitosan starts the process of losing weight.

Another advantage of the chitosan preparation is that the improvement in metabolism occurs gradually, comfortably for the person.

3. Prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Chitosan removes not only toxins and fats, but also harmful cholesterol and bile acid, due to which cholesterol enters the blood.

4. Improving the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. Cleansing the intestines of harmful substances helps restore healthy microflora, which leads to an improvement in almost all body functions. Chitosan helps improve metabolism in the liver and pancreas, optimizing their work.

In addition, chitosan has the ability to fight tumors and metastases.

6. Prevention diabetes mellitus. Japanese scientists claim that chitosan components help reduce blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity. In cases of predisposition to diabetes, chitosan helps reduce the risk of this disease.

7. Other properties: healing of wounds, improving joint mobility, preventing gout.

  • Chitosan supplements are taken with fatty foods;
  • the supplement is taken only for a certain time, as it can impair the absorption of vitamins and minerals over time;
  • If it is recommended to continue taking chitosan, then you should start taking fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E) and minerals (calcium, selenium and magnesium). However, these substances should be taken in different times with the intake of chitosan.

Please note that chitosan can cause individual intolerance, which is why it is not allowed for children and is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Chitosan preparation for cleansing and weight loss.

Chitosan is a substance with a wide range of properties that is gaining increasing popularity. There is evidence that it is able to block the deposition of adipose tissue, and therefore helps in weight loss. It can also be found quite often in many cosmetic products that are used in skin and hair care. But how do things really stand - does chitosan actually have all the qualities that are attributed to it?

General information

So, what kind of substance is chitosan? It is a polysaccharide, a type of insoluble fiber and a derivative of chitin. Its source is chitin, which is found in the shells of crustaceans and is present in some types of lower fungi.

Note! It is chitin that makes the shell of crustaceans hard!

Chitosan was first obtained in 1959 by scientist S. Roger. Today, 15 methods are known for obtaining chitin, and then chitosan itself, from large crustaceans, for example, from the shell of the Kamchatka crab. But such raw materials are quite expensive, so at the moment there is a search for new sources of this substance - the shells of small crustaceans and insects are being considered as an option. By the way, the latter, due to their rapid reproduction, are quite capable of providing a sufficient amount of biomass with the desired chitin in their composition.

Medical use and effectiveness

The following properties allow chitosan to be used in medicine:

  • excellent healing activity;
  • antithrombotic property;
  • hemostatic effect;
  • ability to remove cholesterol;
  • strengthens ligaments, cartilage and bone tissue;
  • normalizes blood pressure in hypertension;
  • being a source of collagen and elastin, chitosan promotes rapid healing;
  • binds toxins and salts of heavy metals, after which it promotes their removal from the body;
  • exhibits anti-inflammatory effect;
  • works to strengthen the immune system.

In addition, chitosan, which is sold in the form of dietary supplements, is quite actively advertised as an effective fat-burning agent and the description of its qualities is quite attractive. Plus, it is believed that it can help in the treatment of Crohn's disease, and also copes well with diseases of the gums and teeth. But how effective is it really in each specific case?

Proven effectiveness

Let's start with those conditions in which taking chitosan is completely justified. These include:

  • periodontitis – scientific research has proven that chitosan ascorbate, when applied directly to the affected gum, helps relieve the inflammatory process;
  • renal failure - when using dialysis on on an ongoing basis and oral administration of chitosan in patients with renal failure, a decrease in cholesterol levels, a gradual elimination of anemia, an increase in appetite, an improvement in the quality of sleep and physical strength are observed;
  • regeneration of damaged tissue - a number of studies have confirmed that N-carboxybutyl chitosan applied to a wound helps to quickly restore the integrity of the skin.

Unproven effectiveness

The following properties of chitosan have not yet been fully proven, or opinions about them are quite contradictory.

  • Crohn's disease. Research in this area has been carried out for quite a long time. They showed that the parallel intake of chitosan and ascorbic acid helps people with Crohn's disease. However, this data is considered outdated.
  • Caries. It has been proven that chitosan can reduce the number of pathogenic bacteria, the activity of which leads to the development of caries, and therefore this substance is often present in chewing gum and mouth rinses. But there is no evidence that chitosan itself prevents caries.
  • Plaque. As with Crohn's disease, data regarding the effectiveness of chitosan in controlling plaque is outdated.
  • Loss of body weight. The most controversial opinions are caused by the use of chitosan for weight loss. Some studies show that taking this substance helps to slightly reduce cholesterol levels in obese people. Other studies suggest that taking chitosan in combination with diet leads to slight weight loss, but if the number of calories consumed is not reduced, relying on chitosan alone, then no weight loss can be expected.

Note! The studies described above did not provide a clear answer regarding the effectiveness of chitosan for weight loss, which is due to their design flaws. If we talk about higher quality studies, they give the following result: using chitosan individually for 1-6 months leads to an average weight loss of about 0.5 kg!

Use as a care product

Due to the fact that chitosan has the ability to significantly reduce moisture loss, it is often used in cosmetology as a natural moisturizer. When applied to the skin or hair, products containing this substance help restore the natural moisturizing factor.

For skin

Chitosan helps our skin look fresh and youthful in the following ways:

  • forming a thin film on its surface, this substance functions as a kind of moisture-retaining coating, which, moreover, does not interfere with the normal breathing of the skin;
  • Possessing powerful absorbent properties, this film provides the skin with an additional portion of moisture, which it extracts from the environment;
  • protects covers from aggressive influences external factors and increases their resistance to UV radiation.

For these reasons, chitosan is often used in the manufacture of professional cosmetics.

At the same time, you can easily use this substance at home. Chitosan face masks are actually quite simple to prepare and use.

  1. Kaolin mask. Mix one capsule of chitosan with half a tablespoon of kaolin (you can take regular white clay), add a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice. If the mask turns out to be too thick, you can dilute it with slightly warm boiled water. Leave it on your face for a third of an hour. After removing, we do not apply anything to the face.
  2. For oily skin with acne. In a clay bowl, combine one coffee spoon of streptocide powder and baby powder with one chitosan capsule. Add a few drops of lemon juice and, if necessary, dilute the mixture with water. Apply to the skin with a brush and after a third of an hour, shake off with a bandage.

    Advice! It is better to do this mask in the evening and do not treat the skin with anything after removing it. This tool helps regulate the work sebaceous glands and at the same time heals inflamed areas! With regular use, the results will become stable!

  3. Whitening mask. Brew half a tablespoon oatmeal in a small amount of water. Mix the chitosan capsule with the resulting jelly-like mass and a teaspoon of lemon juice. While warm, apply the product to the skin and remove as soon as it is completely dry - after about half an hour.

For hair

Chitosan is also actively used to care for weakened hair. Here, both the moisturizing properties of this substance and its antistatic qualities play a huge role. After using products based on it, the hair becomes smooth, healthy shine returns, and combing is noticeably easier.

Preparing a hair mask with chitosan at home is somewhat more difficult than preparing skin care products. This is due to the special ingredients included in its composition. Most of them can be purchased at the pharmacy, the rest via the Internet. And if you manage to put everything together, the result is a fairly cheap but incredibly effective hair mask. It includes:

  • 2 g chitosan;
  • 13 g apple cider vinegar;
  • 3 g conditioning emulsifier;
  • 4 g emulsifier BTMS;
  • 64 g apple hydrolate;
  • 7 g prakaxi oil;
  • 5 g coconut oil;
  • 1 g lactic acid;
  • 0.5 g preservative Phenonip;
  • 0.5 g cosmetic fragrance “Apple”.

We moisten the chitosan a little with apple hydrolate, add vinegar and lactic acid. Mix thoroughly until a relatively homogeneous gel-like clot is obtained. Pour in half the portion of apple hydrolate and mix again. You should get a flowing gel. Let's set it aside.

In a separate bowl, combine prakaxi and coconut oils, add the indicated emulsifiers. Warm the mixture slightly in a water bath until the emulsifier flakes are completely dissolved in the oil base. In another container, heat the remaining portion of gyrolate and mix it with the oil-emulsifier mixture. Mix the ingredients using a mini mixer.

When the mixture has cooled sufficiently, add chitosan gel to it. Mix everything again with a mini mixer. Add preservative and fragrance.

Note! It is not necessary to use fragrance. It only helps eliminate the unpleasant odor that chitosan exudes!

Apply the finished mask to clean hair and wash off literally after 5-7 minutes.

Safe use

Despite the fact that chitosan can provide invaluable benefits to our body, in some cases, taking it can cause harm.

  1. Chitosan can interfere with the normal absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. These include vitamins A, D, E and K. In addition, scientists claim that this substance to a certain extent impairs the absorption of calcium.
  2. Taking chitosan for a long time without consulting a doctor is extremely undesirable, as side effects are possible, which manifest themselves in the form of changes in metabolism, mild stomach upset, constipation, increased gas formation and disruption of intestinal microflora.
  3. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, taking chitosan and its preparations is prohibited. This is due to the fact that at the moment there is no reliable information regarding its effect on the body during these periods of life.
  4. For most people, chitosan used in skin care is safe. However, to eliminate the risk of developing allergies, you should first do a test - apply the prepared mask to your wrist and see the result after a quarter of an hour.
  5. Contraindications for oral administration of chitosan and its preparations are: allergies to shellfish and individual intolerance to seafood.

Note! There is an opinion that in such cases individual intolerance may manifest itself or an allergy to chitosan may develop! This data is not confirmed, but experts still believe that it is worth paying attention to it and protecting yourself from negative consequences!

In addition, when taking chitosan as a dietary supplement, remember that it is just food additive, which is not able to independently solve absolutely all health problems. In addition to the fact that its use requires mandatory consultation with a specialist, it can only provide assistance as an adjuvant, being part of a complex therapy.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Chemical properties

The chemical structure of chitosan classifies it as a polysaccharide; the monomer of chitin is N-acetyl-1,4-b-D-glucopyranosamine.

Chitosan is capable of forming a large number of hydrogen bonds. Therefore, it can bind large amounts of organic water-soluble substances (bacterial toxins and toxins produced during digestion).

Chitosan is poorly soluble in water. This is due to the fact that the bonds between chitosan molecules are stronger than between chitosan molecules and water molecules. Moreover, it dissolves quite well in acetic, citric, oxalic and succinic acids. It can retain a solvent in its structure, as well as substances dissolved in it. In dissolved form, chitosan has a greater sorption effect than in undissolved form.

Due to the molecular sieve effect and hydrophobic interactions, chitosan can bind saturated hydrocarbons, fats and fat-soluble compounds.

Chitin and chitosan can be broken down into N-acetyl-D-glucosamine and D-glucosamine under the action of microbial enzymes such as chitinase and chitobiase. It is thanks to this that chitosan is completely biologically degradable, but does not pollute the environment.


Chitosan was first obtained in 1859 by Professor S. Roger.

The main source of chitosan is chitin. In its natural state, it is found in the shells of sea crabs, shrimp, krill, lobsters, lobsters, crayfish, and in the exoskeleton of zooplankton, including corals and jellyfish. Insects such as butterflies and ladybugs contain chitin in their wings. The cell walls of yeast, fungi and a variety of fungi also contain this natural substance.

Crustacean shells are known to be expensive. Therefore, despite the fact that there are 15 ways to obtain chitin from them, the question was raised about obtaining chitin and chitosan from other sources, including small crustaceans and insects.

Domesticated and breedable insects, due to their rapid reproduction, can provide large chitin-containing biomass.


Chitosan has many properties that make it possible to use it in a large number of industries. Thus, it is used as animal feed, for the production of food and cosmetics, used in biomedical products, and in agriculture.

A water-soluble derivative of chitin, it is mostly used in the production of weight loss products. Chitosan is able to bind to a certain extent to fat molecules in the digestive tract. Fat associated with chitosan is not digested and is excreted from the body. Chitosan is used as a means of promoting weight loss, as well as to improve cholesterol metabolism and intestinal motility. Studies have shown that the use of chitosan for obesity is not effective

Chitosan is characterized by mucoadhesive properties, that is, the ability to adhere to mucous membranes

In the mid-1970s, the first attempts were made to use chitins and chitosans to heal wounds, including burns. Chitosan has been found to have antimicrobial activity, the ability to absorb biological fluids and aid tissue regeneration. Self-absorbable surgical suture materials have been developed based on these fiber-forming abilities of chitin and chitosan. They are used as substitutes for blood vessels, catheters, and hoses.

Chitosan has also found application as a powerful hemostatic (hemostatic) agent. To date, it has been successfully tested in such services as ambulance and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and also tested in the army (Afghanistan, Iraq). The drug is well tolerated and has virtually no side effects. Instructions for use are extremely simple and do not require special medical knowledge.



In English

  • The Chitosanase Web Page - dedicated to the enzymatic hydrolysis of chitosan.
  • ScienCentral News “But now, scientists have created a bandage that is actually able to clot a bullet wound in less than a minute. The bandages are laced with a mixture of ground shrimp shells and vinegar, a concoction that has been found to clot blood instantly. The key ingredient in the shrimp shells is called chitosan.”
  • A Critical look on Chitosan A critical look on the claims how chitosan can be used for weight management

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.


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Instructions for use:

Chitosan is a biologically active food supplement with a general strengthening effect, helping to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and improve digestion.

Pharmacological action

Chitosan is an aminosaccharide obtained from crustacean shells and has a hypocholesterolemic and detoxifying effect. As an aminosaccharide, chitosan lowers the level of uric acid, cholesterol and glucose (against the background of diabetes) in the blood, improves the absorption of calcium from food, and also has antifungal and antibacterial properties.

One of the main properties of chitosan is the ability to bind and remove ions of various metals. This applies to both radioactive isotopes and toxic elements. By forming hydrogen bonds in large quantities, this aminosaccharide also binds organic water-soluble substances, including toxins formed during the digestion process, as well as bacterial toxins.

According to the instructions, chitosan is most effective as a sorbent dissolved in citric, acetic, succinic or oxalic acids.

Chitin, found in the shells of shrimp, lobsters, sea crabs, lobsters, krill, crayfish and the exoskeletons of zooplankton and jellyfish, is the main source of chitosan.

Having the ability to bind to fat molecules in the digestive tract, chitosan is used in the production of various weight loss products, as well as to improve intestinal function and cholesterol metabolism.

The use of Chitosan Evalar (thanks to its active components - chitosan, vitamin C, microcrystalline cellulose and citric acid) promotes:

Strengthening intestinal motility;

Preventing the absorption of fats and their accumulation in cells and tissues;

Normalization of intestinal microflora;

Accelerates the removal of toxins, dietary fats and waste from the body;

Feeling full.

Release form Chitosan Evalara

Chitosan Evalar is produced in the form of tablets of 0.5 g, 100 pieces per package. Each tablet contains:

0.125 g chitosan;

0.354 g microcrystalline cellulose;

0.01 g vitamin C;

Calcium stearate;

Silicon oxide;

Food flavoring;

Citric acid.

In addition, as an active component, chitosan is included in food supplements:

Chitosan Alga plus, in the form of capsules of 0.5 g, which also includes kelp and fucus;

Chitosan diet, in the form of capsules of 300 mg, which contain microcrystalline cellulose.

The closest analogues of Chitosan Evalar by mechanism of action are the following medicines and dietary supplements: Atheroclefit, Anticholesterol, Krusmarin, Bonactive, Carinate, Garcilin, Poseidonol, Cholestin, SitoPren, Atheroclefit Bio and others.

Indications for use of Chitosan Evalara

Gallstone disease;

Dyskinesia of the biliary tract or colon;


Intestinal atony;




Non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;

Oncological diseases;

Coronary heart disease.

In addition, according to reviews, Chitosan is effective:

To cleanse the body of toxins and waste caused by allergic diseases, intoxication or other reasons;

To reduce excess body weight.


According to the instructions, Chitosan Evalar should not be taken:

During pregnancy and lactation;

In case of hypersensitivity to the main or auxiliary components of Chitosan.

Directions for use and dosage

Chitosan is taken twice a day, 3-4 tablets. The duration of taking the drug as part of complex therapy, as a rule, does not exceed one month. The course can be repeated up to three times a year, following a diet corresponding to the underlying disease.

To lose weight, you usually take four tablets three times a day for three months.

In the future, to control body weight before each dose fatty foods should be taken one tablet at a time (while following a low-carbohydrate diet).

As a preventative measure, Chitosan is considered to be effective when taken over a long period of time, two tablets twice a day.

Drug interactions

According to the instructions, Chitosan Evalar is incompatible with oil forms of medications and vitamins taken orally, since they reduce its effectiveness.

Side effects of Chitosan Evalara

According to reviews, Chitosan Evalar, as a rule, does not cause side effects.

Storage conditions

Like other dietary supplements, Chitosan Evalar is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. The shelf life of the drug is no more than three years.

Chitosan is most often sold as a dietary supplement for weight loss, which interferes with the absorption of fats in the body. It is made from the shells of crustaceans (crabs and lobsters). Is this just a successful publicity stunt or real help for people suffering from excess weight?

First, the good stuff. This product compares favorably with a large number of other dietary products, some of which force the body to expend more energy, including on digesting food, while others cause rapid satiety.

Chitosan binds fat molecules in the gastrointestinal tract, reducing their absorption and facilitating their elimination from the body. From a chemical point of view, a dietary supplement like this should be a really great way to lose weight without requiring you to change your diet or lifestyle.

Compared to ephedra and other metabolic stimulants, chitosan seems safer. For example, phentermine and sibutramine have a negative effect on the central nervous system, fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine were completely discontinued due to a discovered relationship with cardiac pathologies, and the lipase inhibitor orlistat causes a lot of gastrointestinal complaints.

There are also a number of studies showing that chitosan lowers cholesterol, helps with anemia, gives strength and improves sleep. When applied topically, it is used for the treatment of periodontitis and enhanced tissue regeneration in plastic surgery.

Scientifically based doubts

A group of enthusiasts carefully studied the results of 15 clinical trials of chitosan, which included a total of 1,219 obese people. The report on this topic can be found in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews in electronic form.

At first glance, these people lost much more weight than those who took placebos during the experiments. Other positive effects have been seen, such as normalization of cholesterol and blood pressure levels.

Consequences of taking

It turns out that due to the lack of scientifically based data, nutritionists should not recommend taking chitosan for weight loss. But they do it.

Moreover, this dietary supplement may cause side effects:

  • constipation and stomach upsets;
  • decrease in absorption nutrients(calcium and vitamins A, D, E, and K);
  • allergic reactions in people with shellfish intolerance.

As you can see, in reality we receive very contradictory data, and their entire spectrum is based on the results scientific research. What to do and who to believe? Perhaps to your body. When taking dietary supplements, monitor your condition and, if you feel unwell, quit without regret.

Another food additive that the depths of the sea gave the world is carotenoid; be sure to read the article dedicated to its dietary properties.