Larisa Seklitova, Lyudmila Strelnikova What awaits humanity in the future? The higher mind about the man of the sixth race, aliens, disappeared civilizations and indigo children. Predictions and prophecies that threaten humanity in the near future What awaits humanity

The first two prophecies were published by Catholic clergy only in 1942. In them, the Virgin Mary tried to warn humanity about the coming World War II. The reasons why these prophecies were not disclosed to the inhabitants of the USSR and other peoples for such a long time are quite understandable. Since they were given by that Divine world, in which the revolutionaries did not believe, this prophecy was kept in the strictest confidence for the time being.

Like many other predictions, the prophecies of the Virgin Mary gave people the opportunity to influence the course of history and make some adjustments to future events. If humanity had promptly accepted the first prophecy of the Virgin Mary, guided by common sense and taking such super-authoritative predictions on faith, World War II with all its troubles would certainly have been avoided.

What did the Virgin Mary want to warn humanity about in her third prophecy? In 1957, the Vatican received a letter from the last surviving witness of the appearance of the Virgin Mary, a nun of the Portuguese monastery in Coimbra, Sister Lucia. In it she revealed the secret of the third prophecy. But it was never made public.

Only in 1974, after reading a letter from Sister Lucia, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger reported that the third prophecy of the Virgin Mary concerned “the danger looming over the Earth and Christianity.” Pope John Paul II, in 1980, speaking with German prelates, partially lifted the veil of secrecy. He said: “If you read about the oceans that will drown entire continents, about the millions of people that will die, then you would understand why we are not divulging the third part of the message...”

It was no coincidence that John Paul II expressed confidence in the truth of the third secret of Fatima, because it was the bright image of the Virgin Mary that saved his life during the assassination attempt on May 13, 1981. Just a moment before the assassin pulled the trigger twice, Papa leaned toward a girl in the crowd to examine the medallion hanging around her neck. As a result, the bullets passed over his head. On the medallion was an image of the Virgin Mary of Fatima!

Fatima's third secret remained undiscovered until the end of April 1999, when a rather unusual event occurred. The famous Cardinal Carrado Balducci came to the national conference of Italian ufologists. In a private conversation with ufologists, he outlined summary third secret: “It talks about the Third World War, which should break out before the beginning of the third millennium. It will use nuclear weapons. Millions will die, and the survivors will envy the dead. But if people abandon their aggressive intentions and make peace with each other and with God, war can be avoided. In addition, the third secret predicts a crisis catholic church and the special fate of Russia. I can't tell you more."

It remains unclear why the Church does not reveal to humanity the full content of the third prophecy of the Virgin Mary, since she is not the only one who predicts the onset of the last world war. So, Vanga said:

“When the wildflower ceases to smell, when a person loses the ability to sympathize, when the river water becomes dangerous... then a general destructive war will break out”; “War will be everywhere, between all peoples...”; “The truth about the end of the world should be sought in old books”; “What is written in the Bible will come to pass. The Apocalypse is coming! Not you, but your children will then live!”; “Humanity is destined for many more cataclysms and turbulent events. People's consciousness will also change. Hard times are coming, people will be divided by their faith. The most ancient teaching will come to the world. They ask me when this will happen, will it be soon? No, not soon. Syria has not fallen yet...”

Do these predictions need any comments? As unfortunate as it may seem, faith has been the root cause of some of the bloodiest wars in human history, and this one is likely to be no exception.

The soothsayer Mitar Tarabić, who lived in the 19th century in Serbia, in the city of Kremny, also spoke about the war:

“A fierce war will begin, and it will be hard for the army that flies into the sky, but luck will accompany those who fight on land and on water. Military leaders will force their scientists to come up with different shells for guns, which, instead of killing people, will explode and plunge them into unconsciousness. Sleepy, they will not be able to fight, and then consciousness will return to them... But when this will happen, I don’t know - I’m not allowed to see it!”

“Pray that God will spare the man, for he has gone mad in his hatred of his neighbor”; “Be kinder so as not to suffer more, man is born for good deeds. The bad ones do not go unpunished. The most severe punishment awaits not the one who caused the evil, but his descendants. It hurts even more."

Our Lady of Fatima and many others, there is very little time left before the outbreak of a large-scale final war or the turning point to war or peace. Vanga, for example, believed that events in the near future would develop according to the second option:

“After 2000 there will be no disasters or floods. A thousand years of peace and prosperity await us. Mere mortals will fly to other worlds at ten times the speed of light. But this will not happen before 2050.”

What do these words mean? Maybe representatives of the powers that be have already begun to realize or will soon realize the suicidality of their chosen path? Maybe they will have time to make the sensible decisions that they have been talking about for so long? Moreover, they still have time for this. The first and most serious steps on the path to peace should be the targeted destruction of all nuclear, chemical and bacteriological weapons, as well as the renunciation of the creation of new types of weapons of mass destruction. Only in this case will the optimistic predictions of numerous soothsayers come true. Otherwise, humanity will continue its movement towards the abyss, and then the irreparable will happen.

Khvorostukhina Svetlana Alexandrovna

What worries the entire civilization of the Earth and each person individually? Our future and the future of our children. So what awaits us, what surprises does the future have in store? Some of the potentially big problems tomorrow The BBC TV channel put together a short list of ten points.
Human genetic modification
Ridding humanity of terrible genetic abnormalities and terrible diseases, such as cancer, sounds very tempting. However, this very attractive medal also has a downside.
Will DNA editing lead to a race for “designer babies” in which vain (and rich) parents will want to invest all their unfulfilled ambitions? Doesn’t this remind you of eugenics, selection “ the right people” with given intellectual and physical qualities? Scientists are already arguing about the ethical side of the issue.
Increasing proportion of elderly population
The world's population is growing rapidly and aging even faster. According to demographers, by 2100 the number of people reaching their century will increase more than 50 times - from today's 500 thousand to more than 26 million.
In the next few decades, we will have to deal with the issues of proper care for the elderly (in Japan, robots are already planned for this).
Disappearing cities
Climate change, rising sea levels, natural and man-made disasters are causing some cities to gradually disappear. If current trends continue, the infrastructure of large cities and the economies of those countries where flows of people will flow will face serious problems and, possibly, a real crisis.
The evolution of social networks
Internet and social media, of course, make life a lot easier, but on the other hand, they have given rise to many new problems, previously unknown to mankind, that will only get worse in the future. For example, lack of the right to privacy. This problem is already being felt. Social networks also give us such phenomena as cyberbullying (Internet bullying) and information diet (fake news). And it’s hard to even imagine what kind of Internet problems we will face in 30 years.
New geopolitical tensions
North Korea launches missiles. Thousands of refugees are crossing borders. Hackers are interfering with elections in other countries. Nationalist sentiments are growing all over the world. Britain's exit from the EU calls into question the future of this union. Political stability in the world in the next 30 years is a big question.
Transport safety
The population of the Earth is growing, and the amount of transport used by people is also increasing. Despite new developments in this area (high-speed bullet trains, fantastic Hyperloop technology and drones), there will be more cars on the roads in the next 20-30 years. And this turns into a big problem in terms of environment and infrastructure.
Dwindling natural resources
Natural resources are being depleted at an alarming rate. It is estimated, for example, that in China, where 90% of rare earth metals are mined, their reserves will run out in 20 years. And it will be extremely difficult to find an equivalent replacement.
Colonization of other planets
Currently, only government aerospace agencies and billionaires are able to fly into space. However, over time, their availability will increase, and with it new problems will arise - space logistics, space security and space diplomacy.
Expanding the capabilities of our brain
This point is simply based on the film “Areas of Darkness”. Magic pills that can activate the brain are already being developed in laboratories around the world. The question arises: what about those of us who cannot afford to buy these “enhancers”? Will this deepen the inequality gap by allowing the rich to get richer? But there are also legal and ethical aspects of the issue.
And finally: the growing influence of artificial intelligence
It’s not just Elon Musk who calls for extreme caution in the development of AI technologies. Many futurists and science fiction writers made disappointing predictions, for example, about how artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence and begin to develop on its own at a monstrous speed, reaching the so-called singularity (the point in time from which machines begin to improve themselves, without the help of anyone ).
Not everyone agrees with such predictions, but it is foolish to deny that artificial intelligence will develop further and further, invading more and more new areas of human activity - from healthcare to finance.
As with editing human DNA, we need to understand what ethical and social implications this may have.

Despite its novelty and innovative methods, synthetic biology belongs to the most popular and promising areas of genetic engineering. The pace of development of this field of knowledge allows us to talk about the creation of a completely artificial organism in the near future.

It will have the behavioral patterns and biological functions of a human being, including the ability to reproduce naturally. These bacteria will be widely used to make medicines and produce modern biofuels.

A huge DNA bank will help bring your grandiose ideas to life, which will become a habitat for thousands of fragments of DNA chains. The genetic material will give scientists the opportunity to assemble the cell code using the principle of a designer. The problem is that when someone creates code, there are always those who want to break it. A clear confirmation of this is computer technology.

The development of synthetic biology will entail the development of biohacking. Wanting to harm any member of humanity, a hacker will create bacteria that can take over the control functions of the human brain and transfer them to a biohacker. This is a typical problem in the computer world that we no longer pay attention to. special attention. In the case of biological hacking, technology will be a powerful weapon in the wrong hands.

It is too early to say that the pace of development of synthetic biology is comparable to the rapid introduction of computer science and cybernetics into our lives. However, already in May 2010, it was announced the creation of the first synthetic cell, the design of which was carried out on a computer using a digital code. Its creator was the American Craig Venter, who dubbed the living invention the first biological successor of a computer with the ability to reproduce itself.

The Japanese want to green the deserts

The result of the joint work of Panasonic Corporation and Kyoto University was a grandiose project to transform lifeless tons of sand into luxurious blooming oases. The developed technology for landscaping deserts consists of spraying a special reagent that helps the soil retain up to 70% of the moisture that enters it. It is important that this spraying in no way interferes with free entry air into the soil and its normal circulation.

A number of countries have already expressed their interest in the project, for which the fight against desert territory is on the list of priority tasks. These are states located in Africa, the Middle East and Central Asia. In the context of the level of development of these countries, a significant advantage of landscaping technology is its relatively low cost. It costs only $100 to produce one ton of spraying agent. The technology is expected to gain popularity by 2016.

Mammoths are back!

Did you think that mammoths ceased to exist many centuries ago? Technological progress will force you to reconsider your attitude to the past-modern-future paradigm. Scientific experiments today not only the invention of ideal functional gadgets, the study of outer space or the search for mechanisms for protecting the environment are aimed at.

Some bright minds of humanity are “burning with the idea” of bringing extinct animals back to life, the method of which should be cloning.

The first attempts to clone mammoths were made in the 1990s. Then scientists tried to revive an animal that had disappeared from the face of the planet using its muscle tissue preserved in permafrost. The experiment was not successful. The viability of cells that had lain for so long in sub-zero temperatures was zero.

However, in 2008, researchers were able to clone a mouse using genetic material from an animal that had been frozen for 16 years. The experiment was conducted at the Center for Developmental Biology by Dr. Teruhiko Wakayama. Today, Akira Iritani, who works as a professor at Kyoto University, is trying to improve the technique. His efforts are aimed at cloning an organism that has been preserved for 5 thousand years.

  1. To begin with, the professor plans to go to Siberia to find a suitable fragment of muscle tissue. Its dimensions must be at least 3 square centimeters. If the independent search for the sample is not successful, Iritani plans to turn to Russian colleagues for help.
  2. The next step in the researcher's plan is to isolate the nucleus from the cells of an extinct animal. From these, relatively healthy nuclei will be selected and placed into the eggs of female African elephants. It is assumed that this animal will become an almost ideal surrogate mother.
  3. Conceiving the fetus will take approximately 2 years of work, and gestation will be equivalent to approximately 600 days.

Iritani claims that the experiment has a considerable chance of success, and results can be expected within 4-5 years.

"Armageddon" as a prototype of NASA research

The film "Armageddon", released in 1999, attracted masses of fans of science fiction films in cinemas. They admired, marveled and were in awe of the sign of “his majesty of the future” with exciting space travel and noble missions to save mankind. And who would have thought then that landing people on an object of celestial origin is not a whimsical invention of screenwriters, but the reality of tomorrow.

In 2015, NASA employees plan to send an expedition to the meteor. Its members will have to collect the necessary information, as well as take samples from space objects in order to test their suitability for the extraction of various minerals. The curator of the mission is Dr. Abel. He focuses on the fact that despite the grandeur of the mission, its implementation will be much less dynamic and dramatic than in the film “Armageddon”.

The expedition promises many difficulties and dangers, but the number of people willing to take a place on the research team is increasing every day. At the moment, NASA is not selecting candidates, limiting itself to statements that high level The complexity of the qualifying tests will allow us to weed out the majority of those interested.

The main problem is landing astronauts on the surface of the asteroid. Self-landing of the ship on celestial body impossible due to the very weak gravitational force of the asteroid. Since its speed is from 54 to 900 thousand kilometers per hour, spacecraft must reach the same speed so that the team can move from the ship to the asteroid. After carrying out the necessary tests, the astronauts will return to the ship in the same way.

Collapse of the traditional education system

During the Interra-2013 forum, which took place in Novosibirsk, a statement was made about the imminent collapse of school and university education. The idea was voiced by Pavel Luksha, head of corporate educational programs Moscow School of Management "Skolkovo". The specialist assumes that developed countries of the world will abandon the traditional approach to education in 25 years.

Non-systemic education will begin with “digital universities”, where everyone will be able to choose the necessary quality materials. Text will no longer be the basic means of transmitting information, and documents about the level of education such as a diploma will become a thing of the past in 10 years.

Overpopulation of the planet threatens food shortages

American scientists have calculated that the world's population will be replenished with 2.5 billion new lives in 40 years, which will allow it to reach 9.6 billion people. At the same time, food supplies will be too small to meet the needs of the majority of the planet's inhabitants. The first victims of food shortages are expected to be China and India.

The food crisis could be overcome by cutting down forests and planting grain crops in the resulting areas. However, this measure will have the consequence of another environmental problem. If trees do not absorb carbon dioxide, this threatens to increase the greenhouse effect.

Thus, the only way to combat the food crisis is to grow more crops. Doubling existing crops will not be sufficient for the world's population in 40 years. To prevent possible famine, humanity must develop schemes to increase crop yields and also abandon biofuels. It will be very useful to improve fertilizers, reduce the proportion of meat in the human diet, and also reduce the amount of food waste.

The African continent will become the most populated continent in the world

La Repubblica suggests that in the near future, African countries will unite into one huge power. Experts say that the continental state will become the place of residence for the majority of the planet's population. According to preliminary estimates, Africa will become the most populated continent by 2050.

The trend is obvious, because most countries in the world are experiencing a slowdown in population growth, while the African continent consistently demonstrates dynamic growth in indicators.

Experts from the Institute of Demographic Research (France) believe that by the middle of the century Africa will be the homeland for every third child.

Top discoveries of the next hundred years: BBC version

Authoritative news agency UK BBC has published a list of the most anticipated discoveries. The plan for their implementation is designed for 100 years, and the final place of each of them is determined based on a survey of Internet users.

Year 2012. Underwater farms

The world's population recently surpassed 7 billion people. Large numbers of people not only mean more variation in labor choices, but also greater needs in terms of satisfying hunger. Scientists are actively working to create a kind of “food reserves” on the ocean floor, where they will grow fish, shellfish and algae. As of today, it has been partially implemented.

Year 2012. Climate control systems

The development of such devices began a long time ago. Today's level of technological development allows us to witness considerable success. It is unlikely that we, as city dwellers, will be able to order the weather we want, however, these systems will be used by the authorities to maximize the efficiency of agricultural work, as well as to prevent natural disasters. As of today, it has been partially implemented.

Year 2012-2015. Changing the US Map

The fears of the ruling elite are related to the state of California. The bohemians of this region understand that their standard of living is much higher than the country's average, and do not hide their desire to secede. However, California may disappear from the list of US states for another reason, namely its location in a seismic zone.

Year 2050-2075. The emergence of a new race of people

Information will be seamlessly delivered directly to the human brain and back. Artificial organisms will be created, placing one’s brain in which will enable a person to modify himself and extend his functionality. Consumption large quantity food will be replaced by recharging.

Year 2100. Brain network

The network will add significant functionality when it is freed from wires and the need for localization. It will be in a person's head, providing the ability to send messages and talk to people from other cities using just the power of thought.

Scientists assure that in some 15-20 years a person will literally live in a fantasy world.

1. In the near future, cars with automatic pilots and flying cars may be created. Presumably, by 2020, there will be about 10 million driverless cars in the world, which will significantly reduce the number of deaths in road accidents.

2. According to forecasts, in 2020 anyone will be able to go to space. It is expected that admiring the Earth from outer space will become public entertainment, and super-tall buildings will serve as spaceports.

3. By 2050, more than 80% of the world's population will live inside urban centers. Vertical (tower) farms, which are already being successfully implemented, will help solve the problem of providing them with food. With widespread population growth and rising land prices, the vertical cultivation of food crops is the only way out. In addition, gravity will allow you to cover the entire farm area in one watering, saving both water and energy.

4. By 2045, buildings made from super-strong materials made from carbon could appear. The height of the buildings will reach 30-40 kilometers.

5. Currently, architects from the Japanese construction concern Shimizu are working on the Ocean Spiral project. This small autonomous underwater city in the form of a sphere will be able to recycle sea ​​water and provide yourself with energy. The walls of the sphere will be transparent, which will make it possible to receive light from the sea and transmit it deep into the structure. Such a structure will be able to accommodate more than 5 thousand people who will live and work in it. The Japanese are going to build this city in five years and have already allocated 23 billion euros for construction.

6. Considering the difficulties of moving across the terrain, Norway decided to work on the creation of underwater bridges. At a depth of 30 m, it is planned to build the world's first underwater floating bridges - in the form of large pipes designed for two lanes of traffic. The project, which has already cost $25 billion, will be completed in 2035.

7. Research that will significantly extend human life is in full swing. Cambridge gerontologist Aubrey de Gray believes that if technology continues to develop at the same rate, it is quite possible that a person has already emerged who will live to be 1,000 years old. A researcher is working on a therapy that will kill cells that have lost their ability to divide, allowing healthy cells to multiply and repair themselves. With this therapy, 60-year-olds can stay that way for another 30 years until they reach 90. According to Gray, this method may become available in 6-8 years.

8. Experts say that in 7 years, implantable mobile devices will be available to society, i.e. Most of the planet's population will become cyborgs. The devices will be located on the palms or on the head. And the problem of lost mobile phones will simply cease to be relevant.

9. Currently, about 420 million people in the world have diabetes. And they all need (from once a month to 5 times a day - depending on the severity of the disease) to prick their fingers to check their blood sugar levels. Special lenses will read the information contained in the lacrimal fluid of the eye and transmit it to the computer. The procedure will take place without patient intervention and is absolutely bloodless. Google and Novartis are confident that such lenses will appear within a few years.

10. With digital contact lenses, a person will only need to open their eyes to watch a movie or read a book. These lenses, equipped with built-in lasers and micromirrors that project a 3D image directly onto the retina, look no different from ordinary ones. Sony and Samsung have already patented several smart technologies with which contact lenses can record video simply by blinking an eye. The Magic Leap company is also working on a similar idea, but it was based on a regular headset.

11. By 2033, people will wear exoskeletons to protect themselves - something like shells, like beetles or crabs, to protect their insides from physical damage. The artificial muscles of exoskeletons will be five times stronger than human muscles.

12. In 2012, the Nobel Prize in Medicine went to the Japanese scientist Shinya Yamanaka for his project on organ regeneration. In his opinion, human body, like a car, can work as long as you like. The main thing is to change “worn parts” in a timely manner. To do this, you just need to introduce its own cells into the organ, only new ones. Shinya Yamanaka learned to reprogram a certain type of cell at the genetic level. If necessary, these cells are capable of restoring even the heart or the iris of the eye. The main thing is to submit the biomaterial for storage in a cell bank in advance. There are already 2 banks operating in Singapore and Dubai - there for 47,000 euros you can preserve your cells until the moment when regenerative medicine finally learns to use them.

13. The bladder and female genital organs are already being grown in laboratory conditions. But even greater possibilities are opened by 3D printing, which is capable of creating any human organs. Martin Birchall, a professor and surgeon at a London university, claims that humanity will be able to test printed organs and tissues in surgery in less than 10 years. And a team of biotechnology experts believes that the first artificial liver for transplantation will be created using a 3D printer as early as 2024.

14. Robots will be your best friends in the future. They will write emails or make appointments for the person. The assistant robot will be so smart that it will be able to understand its owner and respond to him. The first voice assistant was Siri, released by Apple back in 2010. Late last year, existing artificial intelligence robots passed a test developed by Chinese scientists. It turned out that the smartest of them - Google AI - scored 47.28 points. This result is still at the level of a 6-year-old child. But everything is ahead...

15. According to artificial intelligence expert David Levy, by 2050 a person will be able to start a family with a robot. In Japan you can already buy a robot that has emotions and speaks.

16. By 2033, humanity will most likely acquire military robots. Of course, homing missiles and Korean security robots already exist, but in this case we are talking about autonomous robots that can operate outside of human control.

17. In 2030, people will be able to post videos of their interesting dreams on social networks - in 2008, a group of Japanese scientists already created a device that can transform dreams into simple images. This was made possible by recording the electrical signals sent by the human brain. Dreams will be recorded by a “smart pillow” stuffed with electronics.

...Unfortunately, a wonderful future will not be available to everyone. According to studies, due to the spread of robots and automation, at least 375 million people around the world will lose their jobs by 2030.

Used publications from the sites,

And in fact, what awaits humanity in the future? Now many predictors, astrologers, clairvoyants, futurologists, as well as simply various “experts” are asking the same question. But today I want to introduce you to a kind of “forecast” regarding the near future of humanity, which was made by the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov on the pages of his book “The Fate of Those Who Think They Are Gods.”

And this is what he writes there: "As you know, the future is always multivariate. Therefore, to the question “What awaits humanityin the future? difficult to answer. Perhaps, if everything remains the same, the species Homo sapiens sapiens expects degeneration and, as a consequence, death. But if Americans and Europeans ready to continue adapting to the conditions dictated to them by the scoundrels fromsupranational financial international, then the Russian people with the helpthe state coercive machine on which the liberals have relied cannot be driven crazy it will succeed.

At one time, Allen Dulles called the Russians “the most rebellious people on Earth,” and he was right. By virtue of our mentality, we are such. Russians throughout their entire lifecenturies-old history, they have never been conquered by anyone. They lost battles, but notwars, and the new type of war that was unleashed against us is no exception. Just inRussia has not yet understood that our country was conquered without a war, and now itspuppets, or rather the government, are forced to act against their own people. But inSoon the Russians will understand what happened to them, and the conquerors’ “land will begin to burn.”under your feet." What will happen next is not difficult to imagine. Russia will find strength in itself, just likein good Stalinist times, completely neutralize the influence of the West - in factliberate your entire territory from the Biblical liberal-democratic project.

It seems that Germany and Scandinavia will do the same after Russia, because simple Germans and Scandinavians do not want to degenerate and die out. To their protest against dictatorshipnon-humans from transnational corporations and those above them will definitely joinThe famous rebels in Europe are the French. They will certainly be supported in Britain and America “raped” and cornered by their demonic rulers, the Anglo-Saxons.

Russia gave impetus to a wave that will soon reach the most remote corners of the planet, as a resultWhy, the Biblical project imposed on humanity along with its disgustingcontinuation - the liberal democratic idea, will sink into oblivion in agony and convulsions. Thisthe process is already underway: it is no secret that in Russia the liberal democrats are fighting for human soulslost. Neither billions of dollars in financial injections nor total bribery helped themRussian officials. When something is not accepted by the people, then money is useless. For their sakeNo one here will risk the future of their people. We are not Germans, and not Scandinavians, weothers, and it’s time for some people in the West to understand this.”