Activities for the All-Russian lesson on life safety in secondary schools. Plan for conducting an All-Russian open lesson on life safety. accidents at chemical facilities

Open lesson “Basics of life safety”

“Rules of conduct in natural emergencies”

Lesson objectives:

Introduce students to types of natural emergencies;

Introduce students to general rules behavior in the event of an emergency;

Improve the skills of safe behavior and actions in the event of a natural emergency.


Federal Law “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies”;

Physical map of the world.

Lesson progress:

I. Organizational moment.

II. Studying a new topic.

1. Conversation with students.

What do you understand by natural disasters?

What natural disasters are possible in Russia?

What natural disasters are possible in our area?

(Discussion of student answers.)

Teacher. Natural disasters cause large-scale destruction that leads to large quantity affected. By creating unfavorable conditions for the life of the population, they contribute to the emergence of mass infectious diseases.

What is a natural emergency?

(A situation independent of human activity.)

Life is a great gift! You must fight for life! Life must be appreciated! If you don’t know how to behave in an emergency, do your chances of survival increase?

Let's remember what an emergency is?

( Emergency- this is a situation in a certain territory that has arisen as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may result or has resulted in human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of people’s living conditions) .

Which organization deals with emergencies? Ministry of Emergency Situations.

How does EMERCOM stand for?

Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry Russian Federation for civil defense, emergency situations and disaster relief

2. Familiarity with the content of the federal law of December 21, 1994 “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies.”

“Article 1. Basic concepts.

An emergency is a situation in a certain territory that has arisen as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may result or has resulted in human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of living conditions people."

What could you add or change?

Teacher. What do you think the concept of “prevention of emergency situations” includes?

Let's compare your answers with the definition set forth in federal law.

“Article 1. Basic concepts.

Emergency prevention is a set of measures carried out in advance and aimed at minimizing the risk of emergency situations as much as possible, as well as preserving people’s health, reducing the amount of damage to the environment and material losses if they occur.”

Article 3 defines the objectives of this federal law:

Prevention of the occurrence and development of emergencies;

Reducing damage and losses from emergencies;

Elimination of emergencies.

The teacher reads Chapter IV “Rights and responsibilities of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies and social protection of victims” (Article 18 “Rights of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies”; Article 19 “Responsibilities of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies").

Frontal conversation.

At the initial stage of development human society Emergencies were mainly of natural origin, associated with natural disasters that terrified people. So, the source of a natural emergency is a dangerous natural phenomenon. We have studied 6 groups of dangerous natural phenomena.

Let's remember the classification of dangerous natural phenomena.

(Hydrological, geophysical, meteorological, marine hydrological, geological, natural fires).

What dangerous natural phenomena are possible in the Tula region?

(Storms, hurricanes, forest and underground fires, floods).

Does a dangerous natural phenomenon always lead to an emergency?

(Not always; where there are no people and buildings, a dangerous natural phenomenon will not lead to an emergency).

Currently, the city has become no less dangerous than nature. Life in the city has placed people in conditions in which relationships between people can lead to dangerous consequences. Crowds, violence, terrorism are the scourges of modern society.

Name the main patterns and dangers characteristic of any crowd.

(Crush, injuries, panic, herd mentality).

List the rules of conduct in crowded places.

(When going to public events, dress appropriately; outline exit routes; do not try to be in the thick of the crowd; do not panic; try to stay on your feet; if you drop something, do not bend over under any circumstances; if you fall, try to get up as quickly as possible , do not lean on your hands; if you cannot rise, curl up in a ball, protect your head with your forearms, and cover the back of your head with your palms).

How to recognize a person prone to sexual crimes?

(They are unkempt, they have a repulsive appearance, tattoos on arms and body, specific speech, smell of alcohol, trying to touch the child).

What are the basic rules of conduct that must be followed to avoid being sexually harassed?

(Do not get into the car strangers; do not open the door for them; You should not leave your apartment if someone is at the door).

What to do if you find a suspicious item?

(Do not touch, inform an adult, do not use a mobile phone near a suspicious object, move to a safe distance).
How to behave when taken hostage?

(Stay in your place, comply with the terrorists’ demands, do not create conflict situations, ask permission for all actions).

Review of examples of natural emergencies. This:


Volcanic eruptions;






Large natural fires, etc.

The teacher turns to the physical map of the world, notes that each region has its own climatic and geographical abilities, therefore, emergency situations that may arise in our area have their own specifics.

Students draw conclusions together with the teacher about natural emergencies that are possible in our conditions:


Natural fires;

Droughts and hot winds.

An algorithm of actions in case of emergency is determined.

1. Receiving a signal.

2.Obtaining information

3.Knowledge of alarm signals

4.Seeking help

5. Manufacturing of the simplest means of protection and rescue

6. Self-rescue actions

7. Providing assistance to others.

Recommendations “Your actions in case of natural emergencies.”



1. When you learn that a storm is approaching, close and secure all doors and windows. Apply strips of plaster crosswise to the glass.

2. Prepare candles (the electricity may go out).

3.Disconnect electrical appliances and external TV antenna.

4.Do not leave anything outside that could be blown away by the wind.

5.If a hurricane is approaching, try to stay away from the seashore, rivers and lowlands: waves raised by the hurricane may overtake you there.

6.In a village house, move to the most spacious part of it, and best-in basement.

7.If a hurricane catches you on a hill and open place, crawl towards some kind of shelter (toward rocks, to a forest shelterbelt) that could dampen the force of the wind. But beware of falling twigs and branches, especially trees.

8. It happens that before entering the decisive stage, a hurricane subsides a little (the center of the hurricane goes up). Don't be fooled and don't stay where you are, because the wind will soon return, but from the other direction.



1. If an earthquake catches you indoors, try to leave it as soon as possible and be outside, preferably away from buildings. If it is impossible to get out of the house for some reason (the staircase has collapsed, the entrance is blocked, etc.), take cover under a sturdy table or under a bed, or in a doorway or in a corner formed by main walls.

2.Stay away from windows: they may not be able to withstand vibrations, and you may be injured by broken glass.

3.Under no circumstances should you use elevators, as they can break down at any time.

4. You cannot use matches, candles and lighters, as an explosion may occur due to gas leakage from destroyed or damaged communications.

5. If an earthquake finds you on the street, stay away from houses, power lines and, in general, from any fragile buildings that may collapse.

6.Do not take shelter in basements, underground passages and tunnels. Coverings may collapse and block the exit or crush you.

Remember:After the first shock, other shocks may follow. They usually occur within a few hours.



1.If a fire is just starting to flare up in front of you, try to knock out the flames with branches.

2. Move from the edge to the center of the burning place, so that the wind blows at your back, rake up the coals behind you.

3. If you realize that you cannot cope with the fire, retreat and go for help. At the same time, move to the leeward side so as not to find yourself in a ring of fire.

Remember that forest fires spread with great speed and easily cross wide rivers, lakes, and roads.

4. You should move away from the fire diagonally from its path in the direction of the river or road.

5. Relatively safe places are also a plowed field, a large wasteland or a rocky ridge.

6. Windbreaks should be avoided: dry trees and grass catch fire instantly.

7. You can dig a hole in soft ground and hide in it, covering yourself with a jacket or blanket to protect yourself from the heat.

8.When the front of the fire passes, go in the direction where the fire has already gone out.


Most often, avalanches occur during thaws and after snowfalls.



1. Be attentive to warnings about possible avalanches. Avoid crossing risky slopes. If this cannot be avoided, then go through them one at a time: the rest of the group will be able to help if the slope suddenly starts to slide.

2. Be attentive to the first signs of an avalanche - these are the sounds of cracking ice, white dust swirling higher up the mountain slope, snowballs rolling down, a distant dull rumble.

3.If you see yourself in the path of an avalanche, assess the situation before doing anything. Do not run downhill from an avalanche: it can reach speeds of up to 30 km/h.

4.Try to run out of its way or climb to a height (a tree, rock or large stone) to let the avalanche pass underneath you.

5.If an avalanche is close, get rid of your backpack, skis, and poles, as they will only get in the way when you find yourself under the snow.

6.If this does happen, cover your face and try not to breathe, otherwise snow will get into your mouth and you will suffocate.

7. While rolling in the snow, try to grab onto something, for example, a rock ledge. Even if the collapse covers you for a while, it can sweep further, leaving you behind, try to stay on its crest. Flounder as best you can, but move towards the edge, using your hands to shovel stones away from you.



1.Gather all your strength to get to the surface when the avalanche slows down. Then it will be much more difficult to do this, since the snow quickly hardens after the collapse stops.

2.Push the snow above your head with both hands to create breathing space.

3. Try to determine where to move; to do this, accumulate more saliva in your mouth and spit it out through your teeth. If it hits your nose, you'll know you're upside down.

4.If you cannot get out, then while waiting for rescuers, try to save oxygen: breathe and move as slowly as possible.



1. If you have time, then before leaving home, you should turn off the gas and electricity, collect with you the necessary documents, essentials and a small supply of food (for two or three days), medicines, and dressings.

2. If a flood finds you in an open place or in a forest, you must try to quickly get to an elevated place, climb a tree or try to cling to those objects that can hold a person on the water.

3.If there is a flooded river on your way, exercise maximum caution when crossing it.

4.First of all, look for a shallower place to cross.

5. Adjust your bag or backpack higher so as not to get it wet when crossing; Unfasten one of the backpack straps and hang the bag by one handle so that you can quickly free yourself from them if necessary.

6.Take a long stick to measure the depth.

7. Walk slightly at an angle against the current so that it does not carry you away and, most importantly, cannot knock you down; You should move sideways forward, lifting your leg from the bottom only after placing the other firmly.

8.When moving, do not intertwine your legs so as not to lose balance.

9. If you are crossing the river not alone, but in a group, let someone, taking one end of the rope, move to the shore with a safety net and secure it there, tying it to a tree or large stone; after this you can begin the crossing; you need to walk holding the rope with one hand and holding a stick in the other.

10. If you cross the river with a group, but you don’t have a rope, you can do without it, moving in single file and holding on to the shoulders of a comrade walking in front: you can walk at the same time, or one by one, but the main thing is that everyone must belay the person walking in front.

IV. Lesson summary.

Name ways to protect the population in natural emergencies.

Why was the united government system emergency prevention and response?

What does the law require from citizens in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies?

Homework:Develop options for the behavior of the population in the event of natural emergencies in our area.


1. Sliding displacement of rock masses down a slope under the influence of gravity (landslide).

2. The air shell of the Earth (atmosphere).

3. The collapse of a mass of snow on mountain slopes (avalanche).

4. Significant flooding of the area as a result of rising water in a river, lake or sea (flood).


5. One of the main tasks of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (rescue).

Summing up the lesson.

Remember guys, your safety is in your hands.

Your knowledge, skills and abilities are the key to confidence and effectiveness in dangerous situations!

Solid practical skills, the ability to anticipate danger, and provide first aid in emergency situations will preserve the health and life of you and your loved ones and prevent tragedy.

First medical care victims of emergency situations. Carrying out resuscitation measures

Sudden natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes can lead to a large number of injured people who will require urgent medical care.
Every person, even those who have nothing to do with medicine, must have the knowledge and skills to provide first aid to victims, because an accident or acute illness can occur at any time at home, on the street, at work, while playing sports, on vacation outside the city, in the country, etc. This is reflected in the Federal Law “On the protection of the population and territories from emergencies of a natural and man-made nature”, where in article 19 “Responsibilities of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergencies” it is stated that citizens of the Russian Federation are obliged to study methods of providing first aid helping victims and constantly improving their knowledge and skills.
The earlier it is provided, the greater the effectiveness of first aid. In case of severe bleeding, damage electric shock, drowning, cessation of cardiac activity and breathing, and in a number of other cases, first medical aid should be provided IMMEDIATELY!

General principles providing first aid to emergency victims

First medical aid is a set of urgent measures aimed at preserving the life and health of a victim in an emergency situation, carried out at the scene of an incident before the arrival of an ambulance and during his delivery to a medical facility. First aid includes three groups of measures:
1. Immediate cessation of exposure to external damaging factors (electric current, high or low temperature, pressure from heavy objects) and removal of the victim from the unfavorable conditions in which he found himself (extraction from water, removal from a burning room, from a room where toxic gases and etc.).
2. Providing emergency first aid to the victim, depending on the nature and type of injury, accident or sudden illness (temporarily stopping bleeding, applying a bandage to a wound or burn surface, artificial respiration, chest compressions, applying splints for fractures from improvised material).
3. Organization of the prompt delivery (transportation) of a sick or injured person to a medical institution. The activities of the first group are more likely to relate to first aid in general, rather than medical care. It is often provided in the form of mutual assistance.
The second group of measures constitutes first medical aid. As a rule, it is provided not by medical workers, but by persons trained in first aid (at school, university, in enterprises, etc.), who have studied the main signs of injury, special first aid techniques and who are close to the victim.
Of great importance in the complex of first aid measures is the rapid delivery of the victim to a medical institution, where he will be provided with qualified medical care. The victim should be transported not only quickly, but also correctly, i.e. in the position that is safest for the patient in accordance with the nature of the disease or type of injury.
The importance of first aid cannot be overestimated. Timely and correctly performed first aid sometimes not only saves the life of the victim, but also ensures further successful treatment of the disease or injury, prevents the development of a number of severe complications (shock, wound suppuration, general blood poisoning, etc.), reducing the duration of the disease, and loss of ability to work. .
Most often, the conditions for providing first aid to emergency victims turn out to be very inconvenient - there are no necessary medications, dressings, assistants, there are no means of transport immobilization, etc. Therefore, in such cases, the composure and activity of the first aid provider is of great importance so that, to the best of his abilities and capabilities, he is able to provide first aid - a set of the most appropriate measures available in the given conditions, aimed at saving the life of the victim in an emergency. Every person should be able to provide first aid based on knowledge of the signs of injury and disease. This requires knowledge of the principles of first aid.
All actions of the first aid provider must be expedient, deliberate, decisive, quick and calm.
1. First of all, you need to quickly assess the situation in which the victim finds himself and take measures to stop the impact of damaging moments.
2. Quickly and correctly assess the condition of the victim. This is facilitated by clarifying the circumstances under which the injury occurred, the time and place of its occurrence. This is especially important if the victim is unconscious. When examining the victim, it is determined whether he is alive or dead, the type and severity of the injury is determined, whether bleeding has occurred or continues.
3. Based on the examination of the victim, the method and sequence of first aid are determined.
4. Find out what means are needed to provide first aid, based on specific conditions, circumstances and capabilities.
5. Provide first aid and prepare the victim for transportation.
6. Organize transportation of the victim to a medical facility.
7. Before being sent to a medical facility, the victim must not be left alone unattended.
8. First aid to the maximum extent available should be provided not only at the scene of the incident, but also along the way to the medical institution.
In case of severe injury, electric shock, drowning, suffocation, poisoning, or a number of diseases, loss of consciousness may develop, i.e. a state when the victim lies motionless, does not answer questions, and does not react to his surroundings. It occurs as a result of disruption nervous system, mainly the brain. Disruption of brain activity can also occur due to direct brain injury, as a result of disruption of the blood supply to the brain, in a condition where the blood is not sufficiently saturated with oxygen, or in hypothermia or overheating of the brain. The person providing assistance must clearly and quickly distinguish between loss of consciousness and death. If minimal signs of life are detected, it is necessary to immediately begin providing first aid and, above all, revival.
There are signs of life.
1. Presence of heartbeat. The heartbeat is determined by hand or ear on the chest in the area of ​​the left nipple.
2. The presence of a pulse in the arteries. Most often, the pulse is determined in the neck (carotid artery), less often in the area of ​​the wrist joint (radial artery), in the groin (femoral artery).
3. Presence of breathing. Breathing is determined by movement chest and abdomen, by moistening a mirror applied to the victim’s nose or mouth, by moving a piece of bandage or cotton wool brought to the nasal openings.
4. Presence of pupillary reaction to light. If you illuminate the eye with a beam of light, a narrowing of the pupil is observed. At daylight this reaction can be checked this way: cover your eye with your hand for a while, then quickly move your hand to the side - this will cause a noticeable constriction of the pupil. The presence of at least minimal signs of life signals the need for immediate revitalization measures. It should be remembered that the absence of heartbeat, pulse, breathing and pupil reaction to light does not indicate that the victim is dead. A similar set of symptoms in a victim of an emergency can also be observed during clinical death, in which case it is necessary to immediately provide resuscitation assistance to the victim. Providing assistance is pointless only when obvious cadaveric signs appear. Some of them: clouding and drying of the cornea of ​​the eye, the presence of the “cat's eye” symptom - when the eye is compressed from the sides, the pupil is deformed into a vertical slit and resembles a cat's eye, coldness of the body, pale gray color of the skin and the appearance of blue-purple cadaveric spots on sloping parts of the body.
Having assessed the condition of the victim, they begin to provide first aid, the nature of which depends on the type of injury, the degree of damage and the condition of the victim.
When providing first aid, it is important not only to know the methods of assistance, but also to be able to properly handle the victim so as not to cause him additional injuries. To apply a bandage to a wound, especially with fractures or bleeding, you must be able to remove clothing correctly. You also need to know that with wounds, bone fractures, burns, any sudden movements, turning over, or moving the victim sharply intensify the pain, which can significantly worsen general condition, cause painful shock, cardiac and respiratory arrest. Therefore, the victim should be carried carefully, supporting the damaged parts of the body from below, and in case of fractures of the limbs only after applying a splint.
One of the most common first aid techniques is immobilization - creating immobility of the injured part of the body, the limbs. Immobilization is carried out using special objects, improvised material (sticks, boards, plywood, etc.), from which splints are made, attached to the limb with bandages, belts, straps, etc.
The most important task of first aid to a victim in an emergency is his prompt and correct transportation to a medical facility. Transportation of the victim must be fast, safe, and gentle. It must be remembered that causing pain during transportation contributes to the development of complications - disruption of the heart, shock. The choice of type and method of transportation depends on the conditions in which the victim is located, the condition of the victim, and the vehicles available. In the absence of any transport, victims should be carried to a medical facility on sanitary or improvised stretchers, or using a strap, or by hand.

All-Russian open lesson “Safety Fundamentals”vital activity»

(for 9th grade)

Teacher, Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 8"

Yugay O. M.

Dzhankoy, 2015

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All-Russian open lesson on “Fundamentals of Life Safety”

Teacher-organizer of life safety Lepyokhin V.A. MKOU "Panovskaya Secondary School"

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Relevance: The All-Russian open lesson on “Fundamentals of Life Safety” is held in order to develop unified approaches to the formation of state policy in the field of life safety, attract public attention to the problem of creating a life safety culture for the younger generation, and more effectively assimilate theoretical knowledge academic discipline“Fundamentals of life safety”, development of practical skills for action in various emergency situations, popularization of VDUOD -

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All-Russian children's and youth movement "Safety School", as well as increasing the prestige of the professions of firefighter and rescuer. Contents of the open lesson: a mass event bringing information to the younger generation, their parents and teachers about the need to develop students’ skills in recognizing and assessing dangerous and harmful factors in the human environment, finding ways to protect themselves from them, and safe behavior in extreme and emergency situations at home, street and in nature, developing the skills to protect one’s life and health, provide self- and mutual assistance.

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Goals and objectives of conducting an open lesson: 1. Promoting the social significance of the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”; 2. Promoting a culture of life safety among the younger generation; 3. Practical training of safe behavior skills by schoolchildren in various conditions; 4. Professional orientation of young people for further service (work) in the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, popularization of the professions of rescuer and firefighter; 5. Development of activities of the VDUOD “Safety School”; 6. Attracting new participants to VDUOD

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“Safety School” and increasing the coverage of those categories of adolescents who are not able to take part in active activities for health reasons; 7. Development among management staff and trainees educational institutions practical skills in the ability to manage measures to protect students and permanent staff in emergency situations. Venue: In the premises of a general education institution (recreation on the first floor, classrooms). Equipment and support for the event: - visual information materials;

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Handouts (books, magazines, newspapers; - samples of equipment, training equipment (PPE, “Maxim II-01”, packing a medical bag, medical stretcher); projector, personal computer. Progress of the event Introductory part Students are accommodated in the recreation area on the first floor. Speech by the school director: “Hello, our dear guests and dear children! Today we have gathered for a very important and interesting conversation. Modern world, nature and developing technologies increasingly challenge us in the form of natural disasters, man-made accidents and disasters.

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In our country there is a powerful structure - the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, which is ready to act in the complex environment of emergency situations of various types. And its strength lies not only in modern high-tech equipment, but also in human resources. The Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia employs trained employees who sincerely love their job. They are known and respected all over the world - our country does not ignore any emergency situation on the planet without attention and assistance. But not only adults can be real rescuers; each of you can try yourself in this difficult, but extremely interesting and useful task.

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For more than 15 years, the All-Russian Children and Youth Center has been working, expanding and living an active life in our country. social movement"Safety School" All teenagers can take part in it, and there is something for everyone. The “school of safety” can fully be called a school of life. Where else can you get to know your comrades and yourself from the true side? But, as they say, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Now we will watch a presentation that presents the regional “Safety School” competitions.

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Demonstration part After completing the presentation part, the presenters begin the demonstration part, during which they invite students to watch various rescue techniques. Director: And now the participants of the “Patriot” circle will show what they teach at the “Security School”. And this is only a small part - what can be shown indoors. And in real competitions, as you saw in the presentation, you can carry your comrades on stretchers out of the “kill zone,” cross ravines, and do much more.

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Demonstration of various techniques in the field of rescue (fire) topics: 1. Tying knots on a rescue rope. 2. Applying a bandage (“cap”). 3. Putting a gas mask on the victim. 4. Putting on protective equipment (PPE). 5. Demonstration of the operation of the Maxim II-01 simulator. After the demonstration part, group classes were held. - for the first age group, grades 1-4: quiz “Conditions for safe behavior of students.”

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For the second age group, grades 5-8: show practical lesson on first aid. - for the third age group, grades 9-11: an open lesson in grade 10 on the section “Fundamentals of preparation for military service» life safety course. Final part: Training in evacuating a school building. General construction. Director: Today you participated in events that introduced you to the “Security School”. I hope that you liked everything and that the experience you gained will be useful to you in life. Thank you everyone for participating in the event.

Goals and objectives:

    Promoting the social significance of the course “Fundamentals of Life Safety”, raising its prestige;

    Promoting a culture of life safety among the younger generation;

    Practical training of safe behavior skills by schoolchildren in various conditions;

    Professional orientation of youth for further service (work) in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

    Repeat with students the rules of behavior in extreme situations;

    To promote the formation of a serious attitude towards one’s own life and the safety of other people;

    Encourage compliance with the necessary safety rules at home, on the street, and in transport; develop self-confidence, the desire to come and help people.

Lesson Plan

    Opening remarks.

    Watching the films “Emergency Situations”, “How to Survive in an Extreme Situation?”

    Quiz: “Extreme situation”:



3. Summing up (reflection).

Lesson progress

"Safety for all occasions"

    Opening remarks

People consider it natural to constantly increase their standard of living, comfort and safety thanks to their work and the active work of society to transform the environment. The most general criteria for the progress of mankind are considered to be the degree of mastery by society of the elemental forces of nature and the degree of liberation of people from socio-political inequality and spiritual underdevelopment.

Transformative life activity, as a rule, brings with it the emergence of new dangers, and with the increase in the size of the transformations, the scale of the dangers grows. Life activity should be understood as the long-term activity of one person or the total activity of many people (society), if the result of this activity is a noticeable, purposeful transformation of the environment.

In recent decades, the situation on the planet has changed dramatically: dangers from human activity have suddenly acquired a completely unprecedented global character. At the same time, not only humanity is in danger, but also environment, nature. A new phase has arrived in the development of civilization, in which the first and main goal of people should no longer be to satisfy the continuously growing material needs, as has always been the case until now, but to comprehensively ensure the safety of their livelihoods.

Teacher. Every morning a person leaves home and finds himself in a huge world in which anything can happen, from a bruise to a terrorist attack. These troubles are called extreme situations. Extreme means difficult, complex. Extreme situations mean complex, difficult, unpleasant situations in which a person may find himself.

How to survive in this world, how to quickly and correctly make decisions, where to turn for help?(Points to the board where service telephone numbers are written.)

Students' answers.

But now another organization has appeared in Russia that will always come to the rescue. This is the Rescue Service! The rescue service is an organization that is always ready to help anyone free of charge. The Rescue Service employs brave, noble, strong people- rescuers.

But in the first minutes after the incident, each person can become his own rescue service.

And if he can save himself, he can help other people. This means he can become a rescuer.

Stage 1


1. What is the call number for firefighters and rescuers and how should an incident be reported?

/01- in this case, you must give the exact address, what happened, your last name, first name and patronymic/.

2*. Why should chimneys in the attic always be whitewashed?

/On the whitewashed surface of chimneys it is easier to detect cracks and crevices through which fire can penetrate into the attic; upon detection of such, it is necessary to repair the defects with clay, sand mortar and whitewash/.

3. What rules must be followed to prevent fires when firing stoves?

/You cannot melt wood in a stove with gasoline, kerosene and other flammable liquids, heat a stove with the firebox doors open, dry firewood and other flammable materials on or near stoves, heat faulty stoves, and most importantly, entrust the heating of stoves to young children/.

4. Is it possible to open windows and doors in a house or apartment during a fire?

/It’s not possible, because Oxygen will enter the room through open window and door openings, which will enhance combustion.

5. If there is a gas leak in the apartment, is it possible to turn on the lights?

/It is forbidden. When turning a switch or socket on or off, sparking may occur between the contacts and a gas explosion may occur.

6. Why in institutions are exits from premises arranged to open outward?

/So that in the event of a fire the doors do not become an obstacle to the evacuation of people/.

7. What are the rules? fire safety What should you observe when lighting a fire in the forest?

/Clear the fire pit from combustible objects and dig inher.

Before leaving the forest, the coals should be filled with water or covered with earth.

8. How to extinguish clothes that have caught fire on a person (on yourself)?

/Pull the person to the ground and cover him with a thick cloth, but not with his head./.

/Fall, roll on the ground (floor), tightly pressing burning parts of clothing to the ground/.

9*. What fire extinguishing means should each house or apartment be provided with?

/Each apartment must have a fire extinguisher and a specially equipped cabinet with a hose (15 m) for extinguishing a fire. Near a private house there must additionally be a container with water of at least 200 liters (in summer).

10. What needs to be done when leaving the apartment (house) to prevent a fire?

/Turn off electrical appliances, gas, lights, close windows, doors of adjacent rooms, remove matches from children/.

11*. What fire safety rules must be followed when setting up a Christmas tree?

/Cannot use candles sparklers, firecrackers. You cannot make suits from cotton wool, gauze, paper that is not impregnated with a fire retardant.

12. What measures should be taken to prevent a fire due to children playing pranks with fire?

/Make sure that children do not play with matches, do not turn on electrical appliances, or make fires/.

13. How to get out of a room filled with smoke?

/Crawling, covering your face with a wet handkerchief, crawl along the wall/.

14. What should you do if your TV catches fire?

/Notify the fire department. Unplug from the socket and extinguish with available means (powder or carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, felt felt or thick woolen blanket, sand, soil from a flower pot).

15. Name the main causes of fires in everyday life.

/Careless handling of fire, incl. when smoking, short circuit electrical wiring, electrical appliances left plugged in, malfunction stove heating, children's prank, arson/.

16*.What to do if the stairs are in multi-storey building smokey?

/It’s better to stay in the apartment, notify the fire and rescue service by calling “01” and wait for the firefighters to arrive. You should wet rags, towels, sheets, closing the doors tightly, try to plug the gaps between the door and the jamb as thoroughly as possible, you should also water the door itself front door. It is necessary to breathe in a smoky room through a wet cloth (handkerchief, gauze, multi-layer bandage). Go out onto the balcony and close the door tightly behind you.


Use the elevator, try to go down flights of stairs, ropes or sheets on your own.

Stage 2


1. What is the main Civil Defense warning signal?

/The main warning signal of the Civil Defense “Attention everyone!”/.

2. Name the procedure for giving the Civil Defense signal “Attention everyone!”

/Submitted to warn the population of an immediate threat of enemy attack or infection. The signal is conveyed to the population using sirens that sound continuously for 3 minutes, is repeated several times and is duplicated by beeps at enterprises and transport.

3. What should you do when you receive a Civil Defense signal “Attention everyone!”?

/Turn on radio and television receivers and listen to information/.

4. If evacuation is necessary, you should:

/Place documents, money, valuables, and essentials into a bag; prepare a supply of canned and dry foods, water; close the windows, turn off the gas, turn off the water, close the door behind you/.

5*. What are your actions if you find yourself hostage?

/The main thing is not to conflict, I will try to establish normal relations, I will limit my movements, I will ask permission for every action, I will try to remember as much information as possible about the invaders, I will use every opportunity for salvation, but only if I am confident of success/.

6*. What should you do in case of chemical skin burns?

/In case of damage by any aggressive liquid (acid, alkali, solvent, special fuel, oils, etc.) - it is necessary to rinse under running water cold water until the ambulance arrives.

7*. If you find a suspicious item?

/If you notice an explosive object, as well as suspicious objects, do not come close to them, call people and ask them to immediately report the find to the police/.

8. What natural safe shelters do you know on the street and relatively safe places in the house?

/On the street: ravine, hole, ditch, ditch, road ditch. Houses: wall niches, doorways, built-in wardrobes/.

9. During a hurricane, storm, tornado, you found yourself on the street...

/Stay away from buildings; find a natural shelter, lie down on the ground and snuggle, cover your head with your hands; wait for the gust of wind to decrease and quickly move to a more reliable shelter/.

/ You cannot come closer than 5 meters/.

Stage 3


1. How to avoid poisoning with household chemicals?

/Never use unfamiliar household chemicals;

do not drink liquids from unfamiliar bottles and cans, especially if they are on the floor or in a “secluded place”; do not use matches near jars or bottles with a strong odor, do not spray the contents of aerosol cans near an open fire, store chemicals in locked cabinets/.

2*. You broke a thermometer in the room. What can you do to prevent mercury from harming your health?

/I will open the windows and doors to ventilate the room. Using a rubber bulb, I will collect the mercury balls into a jar of water and close it with a tight lid. I will treat the surface with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate. I will hand over the mercury to the Civil Defense headquarters/.

3*. Why is mercury dangerous?

/Very toxic. Mercury vapor causes acute poisoning in people. The danger especially increases when the area of ​​evaporation increases (when it is rubbed over the surface or when many small droplets get clogged into cracks and other recesses).

Teacher . Thanks for the correct answers. Our lesson is coming to an end. I ask the “experts” to count whoever has the most chips will become our Rescue Service.

I read a poem, and you repeat:

If trouble comes to you,

We know how to always help. Yes!

Let's give them a clap!

Well, now the results of our competition. The word "experts".

The "expert" announces the results of the competition.

Teacher: So, today we had a difficult hour - an hour of extreme situations. And the winner receives a medal and the title - “Rescue Service”.

III . Summing up (reflection)

Teacher. Did you like our game? What moments of the competition gave you positive feelings and what moments did you not like?