Arrangement of a vegetable garden according to Feng Shui: planting and zoning. Feng Shui of a private house plot: harmony of man and nature Garden according to Feng Shui

Good day, dear reader!

In this article you will find all the materials on garden arrangement.

The “magic square”, which is the basis of the art of Feng Shui, is a picture of the universe. Its parts represent to us the symbolic interaction of all natural phenomena and life forms.

Feng Shui for the garden

The garden gives us a unique opportunity to be closer to nature, tuning into its life-giving wave. If you properly organize the garden space, a person feels on equal terms with trees, flowers, birds, water, wind and light, the result of the interaction of which is earthly beauty.

In cities, not everyone has the opportunity to create their own garden, and there are front gardens nearby apartment buildings It is very difficult to create the garden of your dreams. But you can still try. If you have a rural house or a summer cottage, you can try to create a corner there for yourself in which you would gain strength while relaxing there. Where you can dream alone or relax with friends.

If you approach the creation of a house intelligently, following the principles of Feng Shui, this does not mean that you will end up with a Chinese or Japanese garden. Plants that grow in other latitudes and meridians will create a completely different, but let’s say, very beneficial atmosphere of peace and beauty.

What should a Chinese garden be like?

The aesthetics of the Chinese garden goes back to ancient times, when wise rulers with philosophical knowledge tried to achieve perfection in combining earthly and heavenly beauty.

Feng Shui considers the garden and the house as one whole. A person, a house and a garden, which give him the opportunity to observe the whole world in miniature - hence the river meanders, creeks, and slides in the Chinese garden. If there were no such natural beauties in the garden, they were created by arranging waterfalls and making mounds.

In the evening, lights were lit in the garden and music was played. The Sun Dynasty fell because the emperor was busy with rocks for his garden, which were delivered from distant provinces, and ruined the state.

Chinese architecture has created a distinctive approach in the section landscape design. The center was free, and construction was carried out on three sides (according to the Center, the center should be empty).

In the west, the courtyard was filled with even rows of rectangular beds with medicinal plants (for example, in monasteries) or fragrant flowers; the followers of Taoists left the center empty - but not deserted, but fraught with great opportunities.

According to this philosophy (which is also aesthetics), man has no right to dictate to nature what form it should take; everything should develop naturally, without human violence.

In a Chinese garden there are no geometrically correct hedges and trimmed bushes; there, all the bushes have their own form given to them by nature. Even the landscape, which was created artificially, had to look as if nature had created it.

B agua for the garden

The symbolism of the “magic square” can be understood in the context of modern knowledge about natural phenomena. We look at the “magic square”. The designations “LAKE” and “THUNDERSTORM” are located on opposite sides of the octagon. Their interaction leads to the generation of a wave.

When “SUN (FIRE)” and “MOON (WATER)” interact, we get photosynthesis. This serves as the basis of life on Earth. “EARTH” and “MOUNTAIN” create a solid foundation for life. “WIND” and “SKY”, here are another pair of opposite symbols, as a result of the interaction of which we receive moisture.

Real Chinese gardens, laid out according to all the canons, were arranged so that people could admire the change of seasons. The paths in these gardens were made winding so that a person walking could observe the phenomena occurring in the garden from different sides. The variety of topography in the garden was simply mesmerizing.

Special viewing platforms were also made on elevated surfaces, and low walkways were built at the edge of the reservoir so that everything could be seen in detail.

The Chinese garden is characterized by a large rounded hole in the stone wall used for passage, the so-called “moon gate”, they seem to invite you to look into the eternal world of nature.

Yin and yang in plants

The Chinese landscape is presented as a symbiosis of the two elements yin and yang. On one side there are rocks, hills, boulders (yang), and on the other there are deep waters of ponds (yin). Their juxtaposition makes it possible to see their unique beauty. Growing alone against the backdrop of a bare rock, the flower looks extremely beautiful.

According to Feng Shui, plants are divided into “Yang” and “Yin”. The “yang” ones include willow, bamboo, cherry, chrysanthemum, orchid, peony, and the “yin” ones include rose, peach, rhododendron, magnolia, apricot, jasmine.

Not all of these plants take root in Russia, but you can still plant some of them. The Chinese garden is calm and quiet, but it has movement and rhythm that is unique to it. The sounds of water rushing over stones, the rustling of leaves.

Flow of qi energy

There is a flow of qi energy through all living and inanimate objects. The human desire for longevity is evident in the way people create a garden. Everything they do is done in the garden for the purpose of long-term service. Let's take ponds and rocks, perennial trees and shrubs that live a long time.

Anything created in this way makes the flow of chi energy that animates the landscape strong and constant.

Stone slides were poured in the northern and western parts of the garden (they symbolized mountains), and all this served as a shelter, but the ponds that were used for contrast, the place of which were usually in the south and east, were where good energy came from. garden.

Water is the supplier of qi energy to the garden. The mirror surface of the pond reflects the ever-changing sky, bringing energy from the sun, clouds, stars and moon. The water, murmuring over the stones, creates whirlpools.

Previously, there were no fountains in Chinese gardens. If a stream or river flowed into a quiet pond from the eastern side, this was especially favorable, and the water imperceptibly flowed out of the pond and quietly continued its path. Silver and gold fish were bred in ponds, which symbolized money.

Paths and bridges. All the paths in Chinese gardens have this feature; they all wind. Those that go from east to west are slightly curved (so that nothing interferes with the flow of good qi energy), and those that go from west to east are tried to be tangled in order to slow down the unfavorable flow of qi energy from the west.

Bridges always had semicircular arches; reflected in the water, they drew a circle - a symbol of Heaven. It is important that the number of bends on the bridge is odd, this represents yin energy, and the bridge offers “yang” views of buildings, rocks and boulders.

Pagodas were located in the northeast and southwest to protect the garden from evil forces that supposedly came with the strong winds of these directions.

Garden furniture. The main thing in a Chinese garden is stones and plants, and of course there are benches.

Five elements

The five elements of the universe, the five elements, all of them serve as conductors of qi energy, and personify certain feelings, colors and shapes. The goal pursued by the creator of the Chinese garden is that all the elements are represented in the garden, and they are in harmony with each other, that is, the energies of yin and yang are in balance.

Such balance can be achieved if you lay out the garden systematically and consciously, using all decorations according to the rules of Feng Shui. The presence of all the elements does not make the garden colorful. Variety is unacceptable in a Chinese garden; the main thing is to find a balance between shape and color.

This is a special art. A flight of fancy is possible here, bring something of your own. It could be anything. In the table you will find symbols for the expression of the five elements.

Five elements in the garden

Tree Fire Earth Metal Water
Color Green Red, purple Yellow, brown White, silver Dark blue, black
Represent: Columns









Flat surfaces

Stones and rocks










Wood Element in pure form can be presented in the form of a columnar tree or a hedge with straight supports. All plants also belong to the element of Wood, but in a small way, the shape and color of plants and the place we give them in the garden bring other elements into them.


Pyramids and triangles, symbolizing the element of Fire, can be used as support for creeping plants. Fire is a very powerful element; sometimes one red spot is enough. Fire is represented by plants with sharp leaves. These plants need to be planted very carefully.


The surface of the garden is densely planted with plants, so the element of the Earth in its pure form is not shown in the garden. The element of Earth is represented by the materials with which the paths and flat stone railings with supports are covered.


Metal is symbolized by round shapes and domes. Coniferous trees planted in a row with an oval shape give an unpleasant feeling when you walk between them, but if you plant several of these trees in the shape of “balls” away from each other, it will give a fun look.


The curved lines of paths and plants symbolize the element of Water. By planting flowers that have shades of the same color and alternating different varieties of the same plant, we will achieve a flow of color or structure of the plants, which will resemble a stream.

Garden shape

The shape of the site on which you plan to build a house and plant a garden is very important. It’s better if the area has the correct geometric shape - it’s good.

When we studied how to use the Bagua compass for an apartment, we looked at how important it is that all zones are present in the home. This is also a mandatory condition for the garden; not a single place in the garden should be empty, since they are energetically vital.

But if your garden is of irregular shape, then try using hedges and all sorts of tricks to divide it into sections of the correct shape. Trees and shrubs will help hide planning defects from view. You need to be a little imaginative.

To divide the space, you don’t need to build a fence in the middle of the garden. You can install trellises made of wooden slats, entwined with wild grapes or hops. Please note that there are no old dried trees around the house; they need to be disposed of quickly.

If the house is located in the middle of the site, make sure that the trees create a “protective environment” around it. Let's remember the symbolic animals guarding the house: this is the Black Turtle, guarding the house from the back, the Green Dragon (on the right) and the White Tiger (on the left), if you look from the house to the street from the facade, and the Red Phoenix (guarding the house from the facade).

Following the rules of ancient Chinese geomancers, the power associated with the animal guarding the house at the back should exceed the other powers, and the Dragon should be higher than the Tiger.

What if you have a triangular plot? This form is extremely unfortunate in geomancy. In the corners, the qi energy will stagnate, and the corners of the site will have a bad effect on the surrounding landscape. But this situation can be corrected.

We make a trapezoid out of the triangle, planting the far corner with shrubs and fruit trees. If the trees are large, then there will be a beautiful background behind the house (the place corresponding to the Black Turtle). Trees and bushes should also be planted in the corners, and the paths should be winding.

If the area is rectangular, that's good. But if there is an appendage on the side of the plot and the plot resembles the letter “L” - this shape is extremely unfavorable, then the entire area must be divided into two rectangles using a green fence and other means.

The round shape of the site is also considered unfavorable. In a space where there are no corners, qi energy is difficult to contain and will gain momentum. In this case, shady corners and unusual outlines of the garden inside the outer contour will help. Here you can use your imagination and figure out what to put in the garden to slow down the movement of qi energy.

Garden furniture

Benches, chairs, tables that we place in the garden to work or relax must meet the requirements of Feng Shui. What are these requirements?

It would be nice if the shape of the garden chair symbolically represented the location of the four symbolic animals. The back is a Turtle, the armrests are a Dragon and a Tiger.

Garden furniture is made of either wood or metal (aluminum tubes). In the old days, garden benches were made of cast iron. This material is quite hard, so you need to pay attention to the design so that your legs don’t get numb from sitting on such chairs.

As for the garden table, it all depends on its use. Let's say you want to put a dining table and chairs. The octagonal bagua-shaped tables are preferable.

If you cannot get such a table, let's talk about the features of other tables.

A rectangular table (the edges must be rounded to avoid “poison arrows”) is suitable for feasts.

A round table is good for negotiations, but you can’t sit at it alone: ​​it’s too strong energy charge, which creates a circle.

A square table is not suitable for lively conversations, but is good for eating. If you have such a table, turn it into something like a coffee table, placing a cozy chair next to it. You can keep handicrafts or a book on the table.

Garden buildings

Gazebos, in addition to their practical use, are also a decoration of the landscape. According to Feng Shui, it is important in which part of the garden the gazebo is located. The whole harmony of the garden is connected with it.

Material from which they are made garden buildings, is chosen very carefully so that it blends in with nearby buildings. The shape and color of the buildings must be combined with the surrounding area of ​​the garden in such a way that the balance of the energies of yin and yang and the five elements is not disturbed.

It is especially important to carefully design the four sectors of the garden: corresponding to such cardinal directions as northeast, northwest, southeast and southwest. When designing these areas of the garden, garden furniture plays a very important role. garden sculptures, garden buildings, fountains and so on.

In the table below you can see which colors and shapes are suitable for garden buildings in each specific sector of the garden. Using these recommendations, you can achieve a balance of all the elements in your area.

Directions Form Color
Southeast Rectangle, cube Brown,green
Southwest Triangle, cone Brown,red,violet
Northwest Circle, hemisphere Brown,silver,white
Northeast Wavy outline Brown,blue,blue

If you want to build a work pavilion instead of a gazebo, it is very important to position it in the most favorable direction. We have already talked about how important the direction in which a person doing a particular job looks is. For work, it is also important to orient the table and chair in a direction favorable to you.

An important factor is that while working, a person sees a gate. If this is not possible, then you need to place the table so that no one can sneak up on you from behind.

If the garden is small, then you can hang an Aeolian harp at the entrance. Mirrors are not appropriate here, as they blind the eyes.

According to Eastern ideas, it is undesirable to place round gazebos with columns in the garden. Europeans are accustomed to such gazebos, but the person who is inside such a gazebo is open to all winds (such a gazebo resembles the shape of an Aeolian harp) and, therefore, he is not protected.

But let’s say we fence such a gazebo on three sides with greenery, leaving the entrance in a favorable direction, then it will become a good place for privacy. Having made the gazebo in the same way and oriented it to the east, you can have breakfast in it in the morning.

If the gazebo faces west, then in the evenings you can drink tea there and admire the sunset.

When arranging garden buildings, you need to remember about “poisoned arrows” and, if they appear somewhere, they must be urgently covered with climbing plants.

Decorative elements in the garden

Very often, beautiful flower arrangements are placed in clay pots. Large clay vases with flowers look very beautiful in a small area of ​​the garden.

Nowadays there is a very large selection of all kinds of pots of different shapes and colors. In this case, you need to be guided by the balance of the five elements and select the necessary decorative elements accordingly.

Naturally, the color of the pot should not be flashy against the background of dark trunks and bright greenery. It is not very good when it blends into the background of a concrete or brick wall.

It is advisable to place a decorative garden pot on a hill so that a person, looking at a beautiful spot, does not rush into the ground. With the onset of cold weather, the pots can be left to overwinter outside (if, of course, they are evergreen trees).

The soil in the pot must be dry enough to allow these plants to overwinter (for this, drainage is laid at the bottom of the pot in the spring). If there is water in the pot, then with the onset of frost, the water, turning into ice, can tear the pot. True, it can also be torn apart by external pressure if the pot is buried quite deeply in the ground. To eliminate this phenomenon, it is necessary to place the pot on a raised platform made of wood, stone or brick.

Brightly colored pots are suitable for establishments where you need to attract people passing by. To do this, choose very large flower pots or large flowerpots. If the garden is small, then large flower pots are not suitable.

You can use an old cast iron pot, painted in a suitable color, as a flowerpot.

Decorative elements include: sculptures, a gnomon (place it in a sunny clearing), sundials, gratings, figurines made of different materials. In some countries, animal figures are placed in front gardens, and since they are made of plastic, this is the element of Fire, and it is not desirable there.

It is necessary to carefully select the figures so that they are as similar as possible. Let's say you place the cat on a hill, and the turtle can be placed near a pond.

The following table will tell you what colors you need for your garden decorative elements.

Garden sculptures and all kinds of objects need to be placed so that they are not immediately visible, but during the walk they seem to gradually appear in the field of view. Therefore, do not display all your beauties in a row; let your guests walking around the garden discover them and appreciate them.

Garden in the city yard

Many city houses have a courtyard bounded on one side by a wall and on the other by a firewall. Very often such places do not look very cozy, but with some effort you can turn them into a wonderful place to relax.

You can enliven such a place in the following way: cover a brick wall with wild grapes, ivy or other climbing plants.

To add greenery to the area, it is not necessary to create flower beds and dig up the soil. Place several unpretentious flowers in pots nearby, or even better, annual flowers with shrubs, and everything will immediately be transformed.

If there is a table with chairs or a bench in the yard, you can make a canopy of wild grapes or hops over them.

To make the patio seem more spacious, place the pots at different heights using bricks, barrels, and benches as stands.

Some peeling corner of the house can be covered with a lattice of wooden slats, painted in a pleasant color, and over time covered with ivy. Better yet, plant perennial flowers that will delight you from spring to late autumn.

Below is an example of matching materials that can be used to decorate a patio.

Gravel and wood

Granite and shingles

Moss and stone

Paving stones and bricks

Smalt and concrete

The most important thing to remember when landscaping the living space of a garden according to Feng Shui: everything should look natural. No flashy colors, no deliberately strict shapes and lines. Only in this case will harmony be achieved.

Sincerely, Stolbunets Lydia

The veneration of nature and the perception of it as part of man himself was previously manifested in pagan religions. But in Slavic countries, pre-Christian religions have long since died out. But the Chinese still believe that any tree, blade of grass or stream can influence a person’s destiny, giving him positive energy or, conversely, taking away part of his vitality. The harmony between people and nature is called geomancy, and Tibetan monks live by its laws. In the West, only one branch of geomancy is known - Feng Shui. This direction deals with the arrangement of a person’s personal space - his home, plot and even wardrobe. It is believed that a feng shui garden helps a person live in happiness and attracts the necessary energies (love, fame, etc.). And the more carefully you arrange every corner of the space, the faster you will achieve your goals.

Your own garden can influence the owner’s inner world, even if he is simply watching it from the window. It nourishes the owners with vital energy, different depending on the season: in winter - calmness, in spring - energy, in summer - joy, in autumn - prosperity.

According to Feng Shui, the best garden is one whose shape resembles a rectangle or square and has a flat surface. Hills, depressions, holes and uneven shapes interfere with the direct movement of vital energy, delaying it and isolating it from its owners. If your garden does not fall under the definition of “ideal,” all the shortcomings can be corrected with the help of properly planted plants, small architectural forms, waterfalls, etc.

The Chinese consider a garden plot to be a single organism that functions correctly only when it contains all life systems and they are interconnected. There should be 9 zones in the garden.

The site, divided into zones according to Feng Shui, consists of nine sectors of the same size, the total area of ​​which corresponds to the size of the site

To divide the space of the site into these zones, you need to stand right at the entrance to the garden so that it is completely before your eyes. The first stripe of zones that a person will face are the zones of Reliable Friends, Career and Wisdom. The second lane includes Children, Tai Qi and Family. And on the opposite side of the site there is space for zones of Glory, Wealth and Relationships with people. Each of them must be arranged correctly in order to retain its energy in the garden.

The easiest way is to plan the filling of each sector first on paper. To do this, you need to take a sheet of paper and cut out a shape that matches the parameters of your site. For example, your land is 70 m long and 50 m wide, so cut out such a rectangle, taking millimeters as the unit of measurement. Now divide it into 9 even parts, three in a row. And label each resulting sector with its name.

There are also areas with uneven shapes and curvatures. Then you will have to draw the real shape of the garden on one sheet of paper, and on transparent paper or film - an ideal rectangle drawn into sectors and put it on top. This way you will see which sectors are completely filled and where there is not enough land. It is the missing zones that should be developed first, because their influence is very weak.

The Wisdom Zone is located in the very corner of your garden. This is the calmest and most balanced sector in which you should rest alone and be closed from prying eyes.

The more closed the Zone of Wisdom is from prying eyes, the more favorable it influences its owners, setting them up for smart thoughts

All arrangement of the sector should be subject to the idea of ​​privacy. Create as much silence and beauty as possible. To do this, plant a hedge or a row of trees with a dense crown on the neighbors’ side. Create a kind of “cave” inside the area: place a single bench or hang a hammock, and surround the area on all sides with climbing plants or shrubs that will create an enclosed space. Let the only exit from this space lead into the house. For the Wisdom zone, choose colors in the solar range (yellow, orange, pink, red). Let it be flowers of this color, tiles, coloring of a rocking chair or hammock, etc.

Career Zone: first row in the center

In order for your career to constantly go up, you need to create a kind of oasis in this zone, in which the main attention is paid to water. Create a fountain or stream in which the water will be constantly moving so that the flow of your life will be exactly like this.

All water in the Career area should flow towards the house so that its energy is retained within the area and does not go out

Don't dig a pond. Standing water will stop career growth. Winding paths, flower beds with smooth uneven shapes, pots and mounds are added to the water feature. But select plants carefully - only in silver-blue and golden-white tones. There should not be a sunny gamma, because it reduces career success.

Trusted Friends Zone: lower right corner

The purpose of this sector is communication. Therefore, a platform is being created here where noisy groups with reliable friends will gather. You can make a patio, you can make a gazebo.

It is advisable that the gate to the site be located precisely in the zone of Reliable Friends, because in this way you open the way for their energy

Be sure to place a round lantern-lamp at the corner of the area, which will attract friends into your home with light. The Reliable Friends sector is the best place for parking. Firstly, this is the beginning of the site, so transport will not have to go through the entire garden, and secondly, the parking lot (or shed) will attract other cars to the house, which means your friends will come more often.

Family Zone: left square in the center stripe

Relationships within the family and between relatives will depend on the arrangement of this zone.

The family zone should become a common gathering place for all relatives, so that it unites them and gives them the opportunity to get to know each other more deeply

It is best to allocate this sector to the so-called summer living room. Let there be a table with chairs where the whole family can have tea in the evenings. If this sector just happens to be on the terrace, great. Set it up for relaxation. If the house is completely on the other side of the site, then create a separate terrace or at least pave the area to place furniture on it. But since this zone turns out to be on the side of the site, isolate the side that faces the neighbors with green plantings.

Let no one interfere with your family vacation with their glances. It would be nice if a pond or other water feature was created near the recreation area. It encourages a smooth flow of thoughts and smooth communication.

Tai Qi Zone: center of the area

The central square in the garden is the zone of your health and vitality. It is she who accumulates all the energy coming into the garden from the outside and gives it to the owners. The more open the space, the better it is visible from all sides of the site, the healthier the family will be. There should be no buildings here that interfere with the movement of energy.

The Center Zone accumulates the vital forces of the owners and their health, so there should be no barriers in it that prevent the penetration of energy

The best option is a flat lawn with a spiral-shaped flowerbed in the center and a mirror ball on the leg, which greatly enhances the influence of the Tai Chi zone. It is necessary to move away from the lawn to other sectors. It is through them that life-giving forces will flow into the center.

Children's Zone: right side in the center row

This is the wildest area in the entire garden. It should be filled with fun, excitement and laughter. If there are small children in the family, create a playground for them. Install slides, sandboxes, swings.

The more daily activity there is in the Children’s area, the more cheerful and energetic the owners of the site will be, so the site must be equipped to the maximum

If the children have grown up, their place can be taken by pets or flower beds with an abundance of interesting, fragrant flowers. Let butterflies circle above them and bees hover. Their movement will bring fresh energy of cheerfulness and enthusiasm into your life. Yes, you yourself will be able to potter around in the flower beds all day long, caring for the plants.

Wealth Zone: far left

Everything tall is located in the Wealth zone: columnar trees, tall sculptures, garden lanterns on high legs. They must catch the energy of money and leave it on the site. By the way, a compost heap is considered a symbol of future wealth, because fertilizer ripens in it! But it must be fully decorated and have an aesthetic appearance, because money is treated with respect.

Water in the Wealth zone attracts cash flows, so in the absence of streams or fountains, bowls and other containers with water are placed

Attracts wealth and running water. If there are no water features in this part of the garden, you can simply place containers of water along the back side of the area. At the same time, the plants will have something to water.

Glory Zone: center of the back lane

Glory is subject to the forces of fire, so it’s a good idea to organize a barbecue in this area, put up a barbecue, or at least make a fire pit.

Fire is an indispensable attribute of the Glory zone, so they create a barbecue on it, set up a barbecue or grill, or simply set up a fire pit

All shades of red should help this zone: noble red roses, barberries, wine grapes, etc. Do not place clay accessories in the Glory zone. They are connected with the energy of the earth and restrain the gusts of fire.

Area of ​​Relationships with People: back right corner

This is a very responsible sector. If plants do not take root in it and often get sick, it means that you are in conflict with others and do not know how to get along with neighbors and acquaintances.

The more pergolas, arches and other vertical structures in the Relationship zone, the healthier the owners’ relationships with others will be.

In this area it is best to install pergolas and gazebos. After all, the back entrance to the garden is often located in this corner. So let people pass through arches and tunnels of climbing plants, trellises woven with vines. And below you need to put a carved bench or gazebo where you can communicate with those who come.

So that you always have like-minded people, plant a pair of identical plants, place two lanterns, etc. Pair symbolism removes conflicts and balances male and female energies.

When the foundations of a Feng Shui garden have been laid, begin to select accessories and plants for each sector in more detail.

When you are completely focused on the interior design of your home, it can be easy to forget about the garden area. Perhaps you don't have enough time, or maybe you just don't feel like gardening. Applying Feng Shui to your garden opens up new and exciting perspectives and can sometimes lead to unexpected results.

As general rule(and this is hardly surprising): the garden plot should harmoniously complement the residential building. However, these are just general words. Houses, no matter how hard we try to refine their interiors, are usually angular structures and consist of many straight lines and sharp corners. The garden area provides an opportunity to balance these extremes with fluid shapes and smooth, curved lines. If you have enough space, paths, flower beds, lawns and ponds can be used to improve the feng shui of your garden.

So, we found out that clear forms should be avoided in the garden plot, therefore the plan shown in Fig. 54 does not inspire much enthusiasm. It follows the most common pattern: flower beds, beds and lawns are rectangular in shape and separated by paths. In a garden plot you can often see symmetry with a central path and identical elements on either side of it.

In China, there is a tradition of giving preference to winding paths, round flower beds and irregularly shaped lawns whenever possible. There are also special elements that can be half-hidden, so a person walking through the garden may be greeted with a pleasant surprise when it suddenly opens up before them. new perspective. This could be a small fountain, a garden bench partially hidden by a trellis of climbing plants, or a gazebo in a quiet corner. There are truly ample opportunities for improvisation here.

In Fig. Figure 55 shows one of the possible ways to reorganize a garden plot based on the general plan presented in the previous figure.

As you can see, significant changes affect almost the entire area of ​​the garden plot. Gone are the strict rectangular shapes of lawns and flower beds. All the components remained more or less in place, but there were many curved lines, and at the far end of the garden there was a fountain and a small pond lined with stones. The beneficial effect of the presence of water affects the surrounding area, and at the same time a pleasant view opens from the garden bench. The paved area next to the house was preserved, but its outlines were softened with the help of ornamental shrubs in small tubs and trellises with flowers and climbing plants. The placement of trellises improves the feng shui of that side of the garden in two ways. Firstly, it cuts off the back wall of the garage, which is hardly an attractive sight, and secondly, it creates a cozy enclosed corner where you can put an outdoor table and chairs. From here it opens nice view to the rest of the garden, and on the other hand, the nearest corner of the house remains closed, which creates a feeling of peace and privacy.

In this new configuration, the small vegetable garden located at the far end of the plot opposite the house disappears completely, although there remains a small garden bed next to the house that can also be used as a flower bed. However, nothing prevents you from allocating significantly more space for vegetables. The vegetable garden area can be partially isolated from the rest of the garden using a hedge and making a passage in the form of a flowering arch - for example, using clematis or honeysuckle.

It is worth noting that we are talking about a relatively large garden plot. Many modern houses are designed in such a way that there is much less space for the site, and some have only a small yard. Even so, much can be achieved through the correct application of Feng Shui techniques.

In Fig. 56 shows the back garden of a terraced house: a long and narrow area divided by a tunnel-like passage from the street. The door leading to the kitchen is also the back door of the house.

Although due to space constraints the choice of edge-tie is limited, in fig. Figure 57 shows one possible alternative. The new site looks more attractive, and if desired, you can achieve even better results.

Driveways and garden paths

Many garden areas are located to the front of the house and therefore include a driveway leading to the front entrance. In accordance with the general principle of smooth outlines and sinuous lines in the garden area, the same should apply to the driveway. There are a number of factors that negatively affect the flow of qi, for example, when the path leads directly to the front door or narrows towards it. Straight lines accelerate the movement of energy, and narrowing space creates a channel for sha qi.

As a general rule, the path or driveway should be of dimensions proportional to the size of the house and garden area. Of course, much depends on the direction of the energy flow; The most favorable is considered to be the south and southeast (direction of development and support).

It is much better if the driveway or path has a curved shape with a slight slope (see Fig. 58). You should avoid paths that run along the house at a considerable distance, since in this case the flow of qi may bypass your home altogether.

Garden paths in front of the house or in the backyard should meander smoothly, allowing the chi energy to be evenly distributed throughout the area. Try to avoid large flat areas if possible: small ascents and descents dissipate the negative effects of sha qi and give the garden a unique identity.

Water near the house and in the garden

Water is one of the key elements of feng shui, and in the garden it plays a particularly important role, nourishing the plants and helping the chi energy move around unhindered. Therefore, garden areas planned in accordance with the principles of Feng Shui have a fountain and/or pond, if free space allows. Fortunately, it is sometimes possible to install a fountain even in a small garden at a relatively low cost.

Water flow patterns

One of the ancient books on the art of Feng Shui discusses various configurations of water flows in relation to housing. The direction and speed of flowing water is important.

Water flowing towards a house can have both positive and negative effects, depending on the angle of approach. If the flow of water is directed towards the house (see Fig. 59) and turns right in front of it, then this is equivalent to the direct influence of sha qi on the inhabitants of the house. However, if the water flows tangentially to the house, this arrangement is quite favorable and is believed to contribute to the well-being of the residents.

When water flows past a house, it takes everything bad with it; This is especially good if the river or stream disappears from view after it passes your site. Another favorable arrangement occurs when water flows in front of the house and then turns to the side. There are two options depending on the direction of the flow and the orientation of the house (see Fig. 61 and 62).

And finally, the location of the house at the confluence of two branches of the river is considered especially successful, since in this case the qi of both streams unites and acquires greater power. The opposite situation, when the house is located in front of the division of the river into two branches, is not nearly as favorable, because the qi of one river is divided into two and its energy weakens.

If you are installing a pond in your garden, give preference to natural shapes that blend well with the smooth lines of the garden. Oval and sinuous shapes, especially if they curve towards the house, are very favorable. If the pond's bank curves away from the house, increase the lighting in the garden near the far bank to redirect the energy toward the house. Resist the temptation to dig a pond that is too large compared to the proportions of the garden, otherwise a large mass of water will dramatically increase the influence of yin and create an atmosphere of despondency and depression. If the existing pond seems too large for you, increase the lighting power around it and arrange a “rock garden” or dig a few picturesque boulders near the shore.

Trees in the garden

In most cases, preference should be given to trees with a rounded crown that is in harmony with the rest of the garden elements. Tall cone-shaped spruce and cypress trees - not very good idea, unless you live in a mountainous area. For the middle zone, linden, maple, elm and fruit trees, such as apple and cherry.
If you have purchased a plot for your home where trees are already growing, it is recommended that you leave the older and more mature specimens alone if possible. Cutting down such a tree is not good from a feng shui point of view. Of course, there may be exceptions - for example, when a tree or large bush dries out or is affected by disease.

Ornamental plants and hedges

Plants with succulent (fleshy) or semi-succulent leaves that hold large reserves of moisture create very favorable Feng Shui in the garden.

The bamboo bush symbolizes good health and longevity for the inhabitants of the house. Dwarf pines and evergreen shrubs also serve as a symbol of longevity; many varieties have excellent shapes and a variety of colors, which should be taken into account when planning your garden plot.

An abundance of cacti or other thorny plants is undesirable, as they can create an atmosphere of tension and aggressiveness. You can place cacti in pots on both sides of the entrance to the house - then they will be symbolic “guardians”, driving away evil spirits and protecting from thieves.

Hedges are very useful for garden planning. They help isolate specific areas without the harsh lines created by stone walls or wooden fences. Choose a hedge that looks natural (such as beech) rather than regularly trimming your privet hedge into a rigid rectangular shape. Following the general principle, hedges should not follow straight lines, but smooth curves.

Use creeping plants to soften the sharp corners of buildings and prevent the negative effects of sha qi. Clematis and honeysuckle are especially good in this regard. But do not allow them to grow too much and block the sunlight in the windows: plants should not be allowed to entwine the house from all sides, as this confuses and suffocates its internal energy and can lead to illness and misfortune of its inhabitants.


Flowers, especially those with a pleasant scent, are good anywhere and at any time of the year - be it in the garden or inside the house. The scents of flowers are very important for Feng Shui: they improve the quality of qi and fill your garden with vital energy. In traditional feng shui, honeysuckle, lilac and jasmine were most often used due to their scent. In addition, certain flowers were considered stimulants of chi energy, especially lotus, lavender, lilies and sweet peas.

Use elemental cycles as a guide when choosing colors for specific areas of your garden. Red flowers in the southern sector will stimulate emotional energy and contribute to your social life. If you want to give your career a boost, plant blue flowers in the northern sector, but liven them up and complement them with white flowers. Enhance your romance with white flowers in the west, or realize your plans with different shades of green in the east.

Symbolic meaning of flowers

In China, as in many other cultures, different colors were assigned their own special meaning and significance. Everyone is familiar with the red rose - a symbol of romantic love. This short list, which is by no means exhaustive, shows the meanings of different colors in the modern art of Feng Shui.

Table 6


Semantic meaning

Secret love




Love and tenderness


"Be careful"



Bouquet of dried flowers

Rejected love





Red – charm

White – innocence

Yellow - refusal

Pink - “I will never forget you”


Red - love

White is true




Narcissus yellow

Respect, "you're the only one"


Purity of intentions


Happiness and devotion


True love



Recognition of sincerity

Heather white

The joy of fulfilling desires


Happiness at home

Yellow – jealousy

Scarlet – remorse and regret

Blue - constancy



Faith and hope, promise for the future

Friendship and affection

White - purity

Yellow - gratitude

Submission, humility




Overcoming difficulties, attachment

Perfection, sophisticated beauty


Compassion, empathy

Anger and bitterness

White – oblivion or consolation

Yellow – success

Red - pleasure

"I need you"


Caution, prudence

Red – love and romance

White – purity

Yellow - jealousy

Maroon - grief or condolences

Without thorns - love at first sight


Deceit, deceit

Love Ties

Sweet pea

Leaving with gratitude

Red – luck

Yellow - wish for love

Loyalty and Virtue


Loyalty, especially in difficult times

Spices and medicinal herbs

Spicy and medicinal plants add a variety of flavors, shapes and colors to your garden. They can always come in handy in the kitchen and in a home medicine cabinet. As part of dishes and herbal teas, they serve to promote health and prevent various diseases. You can find many books on this subject in your library or bookstore.
As well as planting herbs and medicinal plants in the garden, feng shui also has applications for spicy scents inside the home. If you want to give it a try, always purchase pure essential oils for best results. The label is usually not complete, so when you buy a bottle, make sure it contains the plant extract and not diluted with filler. A few drops of this oil in a censer or a drop on the corner of a pillow can create a pleasant, lasting aroma in the room.

Basil prefers to grow separately from other herbs. According to Chinese tradition, it strengthens character and brings good luck in personal affairs. Plant it in the northern part of the garden to strengthen your career. It is not recommended to consume basil during pregnancy.

Bergamot suppresses appetite and provides cheerfulness. Plant it in the southern part of the garden to improve your position among friends or colleagues.

Plant chamomile in the western or southwestern part of the garden for good family relationships. A vase of freshly picked eastern daisies or a decoction of chamomile tea will help calm people who have nerve problems.

Dill is believed to promote sound sleep. It is better to plant it in the north.

Jasmine lifts the mood during depression and promotes good relationships between spouses. It can be planted in any part of the garden that needs stimulation: in the east for the health of family members, in the southwest to improve family relationships, in the southeast for good luck in financial matters.

Plant juniper under your bedroom windows for happiness in your married life. Juniper berries are not recommended for consumption during pregnancy.

Lavender has many positive qualities. This is an excellent sedative that promotes healthy and sound sleep. Lavender can also be used to treat sunburns, sunburns, and skin irritations. This plant can be planted anywhere in the garden.

Mint strengthens memory and has an overall refreshing effect. A good place for it can be found in the north-eastern part of the garden, where it will contribute to your search for knowledge or spiritual enlightenment.

Thyme should be planted in the south-eastern part of the garden for wealth and prosperity in the family. In the home, it can be used to reduce symptoms of depression.

Rosemary is believed to improve memory and sharpen mental abilities.

Plant it on the northwest side of the garden so as not to forget about old friends or helpers.

Lighting in the garden

As well as providing extra comfort and improving energy circulation, garden lighting can contribute to your well-being, especially if you hang lanterns in the corners of your garden. A light on the south side of the garden, turned on in the evening hours, will stimulate the fire zone and bring good luck to the family. For a strong and happy family relationship, hang a lantern in the southwest corner. To add romance to your relationship, choose the Western sector.

Garden furniture and decorations

By nature, gardens mainly consist of the element of wood. Try to stimulate other elements in the garden to achieve greater harmony. A square glass table on a metal base will add elements of earth, water and metal. A white ceramic pot will symbolize metal and earth. The blue wooden chair combines the elements of water and wood. This way you can experiment with all the elements.

If you have decorative statues, urns, garden furniture or flower pots, consider the qualities of the element they are made of before placing them in the appropriate area of ​​the garden. Ceramic vases or flower pots will bring more benefits if they are located in the earth influence zones (in the southwest or northeast) or in the metal influence zones (in the west or northwest). Wooden garden furniture looks best in the east, south or southwest. By the way, this means that she is more likely to be in the sun at the most appropriate times. Metal objects look best in the north, west and northwest.

Large boulders and rock gardens create a feeling of stability and balance. Place them in the earth's influence zones (southwest or northeast) if you feel like your life is lacking a solid foundation. To strengthen the sense of purpose, boulders can be placed in the west and northwest. Stones dramatically increase the influence of yang in the surrounding area, so carefully monitor their number so as not to upset the balance.

Barbecue grills and barbecue grills stimulate the element, so they need to be placed in the appropriate sectors: in the south, southwest and northeast.

Paved areas

Areas paved with cobblestones or stone tiles of varying sizes can be very attractive, but on the other hand, they can look dull and lifeless. Therefore, it is important to think about where such a site can be arranged and especially what masonry method should be used. It is preferable to have a paved area closer to the house, and if there are two of them, then at different ends of the garden. In Fig. 55 the second paved area is located at the bottom left, next to the fountain. It can be surrounded by bushes and creeping plants on decorative grille to create some kind of garden gazebo.

As with many other aspects of feng shui, it is best to avoid orderly and symmetrical arrangements of individual elements, so if, for example, you are using 50x50cm square slabs, try to lay them staggered to avoid monotonous repetition. Smaller tiles allow for spiral and sinuous designs. In addition to the main pattern, you can lay out “braids” of bricks. Flagstone is ideal for paved areas as it has a natural look that blends well with plants and the tiles have an irregular outline.

In addition to the shape and placement of the stone, other circumstances should be taken into account - for example, what shrubs can be used, whether they will stand in tubs or grow in the openings between the tiles. This creates a lot of possibilities and eliminates the negative influence of sha qi, which is formed due to sharp angles and straight lines.


Some people like to have a patio in the backyard of their country house where they can sit and enjoy the beauty of the garden, using it to relax and recuperate. Apply the principles outlined in this and previous chapters to your patio space. Treat it like a separate room. For example, the balance between yin and yang should be shifted in favor of yin if you are not prone to noisy entertainment. Since the patio is often paved, enhance the quality of the ying with dim lighting and plants with large, rounded leaves. Avoid arrow-shaped, jagged and pointed shapes. Arrange your garden furniture in the most favorable directions. Use different colors to enhance the qualities of one or another of the five elements.

Work plan for a garden plot

Favorable directions

Actions to Eliminate Sha Qi

Actions to Eliminate Si Qi

Actions for yin/yang balance

Actions to balance the five elements

Areas for activation of special energy

Water features in the garden

Required actions

Construction of the patio

Required actions

Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching that considers man and nature as a single whole, helping to manage natural energy flows and thereby bring a person to harmony with the world around him.

The garden is the place where we find ourselves most often when we want to take a break from work, from the hustle and bustle, to please the eye with beautiful flowers or the quiet surface of water in a decorative pond. It is he who most needs comfortable energy for a person to find within him.

Qi energy and the details that attract and hold it.

The flow of positive vital energy in Feng Shui is called “Qi”, literally “Breath of Life of the Great Spirit”. A person who knows how to control Qi is successful and harmonious.

Feng Shui considers the garden as a single whole healthy organism. Everything should be arranged in a general stylistic solution and not break out of the overall harmony.

Water is the main attraction factor for Qi in the garden. It doesn’t matter whether it is standing water (pond) or running water (stream), the main thing is that it is clean and transparent.

Light enhances the flow of Qi energy. Take care of soft lighting of the area at night.

Soda paths should be winding; Qi does not tolerate straight roads that cut up space.

The view from the windows of the house should be pleasant and pleasing to the eye.

Negative Sha energy and areas in need of change.

Opposite positive energy Qi is the negative energy of Sha.

Sha is formed at the sharp edges and corners of various objects. Therefore, if the buildings adjacent to your site have sharp edges of roofs and walls directed towards you, you may be under the influence of Sha. It is also not very good if your own plot has a shape with sharp corners, especially triangular. The corners of the area must be smoothed. It is necessary to protect yourself from external corners (by plantings, winding paths).

In an area with a steep slope, the Qi energy rolls down the slope. If the plot has just been purchased and there are no plantings on it yet, you need to try to level it. If this is not possible, try to retain Qi using large garden accessories (stones, statues).

Negative energy also collects in lowlands, in swampy areas.

The chair principle and animal protectors.

The four protective animals worshiped by the ancient Chinese symbolize the four sides of the house and the area on which it is located. Defenders contain positive energy and prevent negative energy from entering the place they protect.

The turtle protects the house with its strong shell from behind. On the left side is the Dragon, on the right is the Tiger. And henceforth the Phoenix bird gazes, flying high and looking far away.

Look at the picture, this protection resembles a warm, cozy chair. And we really feel most comfortable where we are behind reliable protection(tall trees, a “blind” fence), softer and more flexible cover on the sides (hedges, small trees, shrubs), and the gaze freely, without interference, rushes forward.

Look at your site, can you find any protective animals on it?

The Bagua Grid and the Nine Aspects of Life.

According to Feng Shui, everything that happens in our lives can be divided into nine main aspects. Combined together in a certain order, they form a Bagua grid (it is shown in the picture). By superimposing this grid on your site plan, you can understand which part of the garden needs changes. Each zone has its own place and colors that are favorable for its location in this place.

Career(north side of the garden)

— this sector determines success in professional activities. To attract Qi to this sector, you should give it dynamism by planting interesting and unusual plants. In addition, this is where the entrance to the site should be located. Favorable colors: black, dark blue.

Communication, relationshipswith people(southwest)

- this is a particularly sensitive area, sometimes it can warn you: if plants here begin to wither, changes in relationships with others may be needed. Colors: brown, orange, yellow.


- this zone is connected with your ancestors, parents. Strengthening this zone promotes favorable relationships with loved ones and improved health. An excellent place for flower beds and small shrubs. Place a bench here where you can sit with a loved one. Color: green.


- zone of mental and material well-being. An ideal place for a pond. Colors: green, blue.

Center (Tai Chi)

- The center represents your vitality and health. This is where all the energy gathers. It is best to leave an open area here.

Helpers, friends(northwest)

is a zone of support, assistance and protection. A great place to set up a recreation area for gatherings with neighbors and friends. Colors: silver, golden, white.

Children (west)

— this area of ​​the garden is the most active. Also in some sources it is called the creativity zone. Place a children's playground here or install decorative sculptures. Colors: silver, golden, white.


- a zone of knowledge and self-improvement. Only the most necessary elements of the garden should be located here. Colors: yellow, orange, blue


— in this zone your inner maturity manifests itself. Place something you're proud of here. Colors: red, purple.

The Five Elements and Their Interaction

Surely you noticed in the diagram in each sector the presence of one of the five elements of matter:

Earth- a symbol of energy flowing flatly to the sides and down.

Tree- upward energy.

Water represents energy that is distributed unevenly.

Fire- energy rising in a cone

Metal condenses and twists energy within itself.

Elements can mutually influence each other, both positively and negatively.

Wood helps Fire by feeding it and helps Earth. The Earth stores Metals. Metal helps Water by guiding it. Water nourishes the Tree.

When arranging a site, it is important that in each part there is the correct ratio of elements that help each other, so that this feeds a harmonious flow of energy.
But elements can also interfere with each other.
Wood weakens the Earth. The Earth interferes with the free flow of Water. Water extinguishes Fire. Fire weakens Metal, melting it. Metal cuts Wood.

The interaction of elements is indicated in the figure.
The correct arrangement of elements in the bagua zones will ensure harmony in the garden. For example, try placing wooden accessories in the family area or increasing the lighting in the glory area.

Well, we have looked at the basic principles of garden arrangement, according to the teachings of Feng Shui. Now the creation of an energetically harmonious space is in your hands.

K category: Landscape design

Feng Shui in the garden

From the Feng Shui system, which is very difficult for the average European to understand, several recommendations for planning and arranging a garden can be extracted. So, translating the statements of Lao Tzu and other worthy people into the language of modern pragmatists, we find out that the ideal option would be a house located in the center of the site or slightly shifted to the northeast, the facade of which faces south. It is desirable that a flat, beautiful area stretches out in front of him without other buildings that offend the eye. But, it seems, the Chinese themselves neglected this additional condition - there were too many of them living in the fertile Yellow River valley. It’s just wonderful if a river flows in the east, a road runs on the west side, and from the north, from the entrance, your home is protected by a mountain or hill. If you happen to live in a house whose façade faces west, be sure to give the building additional stability by cutting a large window on the south side. If the house is not protected by water on the east side, this is especially important; if there is a road there, then wastefulness and subsequent poverty may creep up on the owners. The close proximity of someone else's house on the western side can block the road to success in worldly affairs and, accordingly, wealth and prosperity. A river or stream in the north will gradually undermine the body's strength, which can be expressed in low business activity and sleep disturbances. But if it just so happens that a treacherous river flows in the north, you can weaken its evil influence by protecting yourself with a hedge. The Chinese attached great importance to hedges and even made them of different heights: from the east and north it should be a high impenetrable wall, and from the south and west - neatly trimmed bushes that reach up to the navel of an adult man. Ancient and modern Chinese respect round shapes. In their opinion, most elements of the garden should be devoid of sharp angles, clear symmetry and geometric order, because such forms lead to the loss of positive creative energy and the accumulation of fears and laziness. So it is better to tie flower beds, ponds and pools, even paths to a circle and place them in some randomness. But this is only the beginning of arranging a home of happiness. It is very important which plants and objects we place in the garden. The ancient Chinese took into account every little detail; they reduced all our conscious and subconscious needs to eight main flows of Qi. Therefore, the Ba Gua matrix consists of eight sectors with allegorical names. Each sector symbolizes one of the five elements of the Wu Xing concept. These are Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal.

Water symbolizes the Qi of winter. This fluid element obediently takes the shape of any vessel, but has colossal potential energy. No wonder there is a saying that water wears away stones. In Taoism, Water symbolizes wisdom and knowledge. Water talismans, in other words, objects that activate positive Water Qi, are glass vessels containing water, fountains, mirrors, aquariums and images of water. Color: all shades of blue.

The tree represents awakening and dynamic growth. This is spring Qi, which awakens the thirst for creativity and the desire for change. Awakened Wood Chi will give you the strength to adequately meet the difficulties that are inevitable on the path to perfection. Tree Talismans - trees and indoor plants, household items of cylindrical and rectangular shapes, made of wood or paper. Color - all shades of green.

Fire is a symbol of summer Qi. This is a symbol of creation and destruction, personifies purification, readiness for sacrifice, and sexual attractiveness. Fire Qi will give you the ability to enjoy and cheerfulness, making you an attractive person. The main talisman of Fire is open fire - candles, lamps, braziers, fireplaces, etc., as well as products made from bird feathers, leather and wool, having a pyramidal or needle shape. Color - all shades of red, orange, yellow.

Metal represents the Qi of generous autumn. It is inextricably linked with the divine path and the utmost concentration of energy to achieve the goal. Friendship with Metal guarantees success in love affairs, abundance and financial well-being. Metal talismans are round-shaped products made of bronze, gold, steel and silver. Accordingly, the colors are silver, white and gold.

The earth represents creative Qi. This primary element is not tied to the time of year. Earth is the connecting component of all Qi and symbolizes strength and confidence. Earth talismans are square-shaped stone and clay products. Color - all shades of brown, terracotta.

Rice. 1. Bagua Matrix

Here is an image of this matrix, which we combine with our site plan to obtain more complete landscaping recommendations.
Let's start from the gate. In the north we have the Water sector. This is a symbol of the border, or rather, a roadblock between the riot of life in society and calm, contemplative rest in one’s fortress. By activating Qi in the sign of Water, we find success in external affairs. On the other hand, it is the water mirror that will take away from us that negative Qi that will accumulate in abundance by the evening of the working day. The main symbol of the sign of Water is, as you might guess, the primary element

Water. But not water flowing in a stormy stream, but the wise mirror of a pond or well or a cheerful fountain. For more successful stimulation of Qi, you need to place appropriate plants in the Water sector. These are plants that are adjacent to water and would be appropriate near a garden pond: reeds, cattails, marsh calamus, flowering aquatic plants. A hedge of thorns or rose hips symbolizes the perseverance and prudence of the inhabitants of the house. The entrance should be made in the form of an arch, braided with some flowering vine, for example bougainvillea or any representative of bindweed, preferably with blue or dark blue flowers. The presence of blue color in the Water sector activates Qi.

A few juniper bushes will help maintain sanity during family conflicts related to the distribution of material wealth.
Further, in the northeast is the Mountain sector. It represents our desire to become wiser, acquire knowledge and overcome our weaknesses. But the Mountain also symbolizes the need for partnerships. After all, those who want to climb a high mountain are more likely to reach the top with a reliable companion. In other words, this is a direct hint that you should not forget about the needs of your family and should always be friendly and attentive to them. The defining primary elements of the Mountain are Earth and Metal. The symbol of the Mountain, awakening Qi, will be an alpine slide or simply a beautiful boulder of the appropriate shape; you can build a pyramid or ziggurat from small stones and beautifully surround it with coniferous trees, the aromas of which will help relieve tension and quickly restore spent energy. We place ferns around the stones, which, with proper care, grow well in the shade. This sector must contain yellow color. In the European tradition, it symbolizes separation and decay, but among peoples professing Buddhism, this color represents the generous sun, greatness and respect. So choose yellow flowers of your choice, such as pansies, daffodils or tulips, and make small round beds lined with square pebbles. And if there is a vegetable garden in this sector, be sure to find a place for a pumpkin patch. The symbolizing primary elements are Earth and Metal, so it is not a sin to place beautiful Chinese lanterns made of metal or clay or a beautiful sculpture in this sector.

We are moving east. The Thunder sector is located here. It symbolizes our need to assert ourselves, to oppose our Self to imposed stereotypes. The defining primary elements of this sector are Water and Wood. To activate the spring Thunder Qi, you need to turn this sector into a green corner. Reko-. The recommended trees are birches or several willows near a small pond. The flowers are modest, but with a delicate aroma, such as lilies of the valley.

The Wind sector is located in the southeast and symbolizes our need for rest, solitude and restoration of energy after communicating with the outside world. The defining primary elements are Wood and Fire. In Chinese tradition, the Wind is the Giver. He brings news and change. The Chinese advise planting trees with red fruits, such as cherries or mountain ash; strawberries or wild strawberries will also bring harmony. The flowers are also red: peonies, dahlias, hibiscus, etc.

Further, in the south is the Fire sector. This is a powerful, ruthless element that helps a person realize himself, but can release his base passions/To “suck up” to Fire, we can place a barbecue or fire pit in this sector, and also plant flowers of fiery shades. One of Fire's favorite flowers is the red rose, and we can make several arches entwined with roses or physalis.

The most comfortable and protected corner of the garden is located in the southwest. This is a sector of the Earth. It helps us realize our needs for subtle feelings, such as sympathy, warmth, intimacy. The defining primary elements are Earth and Fire. In order to realize as fully as possible the natural desire for every person to love and be loved, you need to plant in this sector orange flowers that are pleasant to the eye - marigolds, daisies, maybe carnations, as well as trees that generously bear fruit - apple trees, plums, peaches and apricots.

The Western sector of the Sea is one of the sectors of communication. It symbolizes a person’s sociality, his ability to fit harmoniously into any structure, while maintaining his individuality. This is the energy of our desires and intentions, which mystically affects our future. Therefore, intentions must be pure, like a white flower, which must be in this sector. The defining primary elements are not the expected Water, but Metal and Earth. Therefore, here you can place a sundial, or a small square flower bed with chrysanthemums. You can also place a dovecote, because in the Chinese tradition the dove is one of the symbols of the Sea. Among the trees recommended are beech and ginkgo biloba, and the beneficial effects of laurel and ivy are also especially emphasized.

And the northwestern sector of Heaven closes the circle. It personifies our desire for beauty, for integrity and harmony. This Yang sector is extremely important for separating good and evil and making the right decisions. The defining primary elements are Metal and Water. This sector is intended for striking and fragrant shrubs and fruit-bearing bushes, such as elderberry, viburnum, and hazel. Lilac or mock orange bushes would be appropriate.

- Feng Shui in the garden