Overview of typical solutions"1С". Обзор типовых решений "1С" Поддержка и сервис!}

We can say that the 1C program is the most common program for accounting and management accounting in all CIS countries. What makes it popular is the wide range of possibilities in program settings, as well as large number ready-made configurations, which makes it easier to adapt the standard list of tools to the needs of organizations. These same settings will be discussed.

Standard configurations help to facilitate the solution of issues related to bringing standard accounting and enterprise management tasks to an automated form. Such configurations, which the 1C company has developed, take into account its extensive experience, partners and modern international management techniques.

The advantage of using such configurations is that it does not require much time and labor resources to adapt the program itself to the accounting and management needs of the enterprise.

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By type of accounting, standard configurations are divided into accounting, production, operational, warehouse and others.

Today the most popular 1C configurations are:

Industry standard solutions 1C

Another type of configuration is industry-specific - these are certified solutions that are specially developed, optimized and functionally tailored to the characteristics of a certain field of activity of the enterprise. Usually you can start working immediately after installing this 1C configuration.

In principle, this is a ready-made template that needs to be slightly modified in order to effectively use the chosen platform. The price of such a configuration will be much lower in contrast to the option of creating a new standard solution.

We can say that industry solutions already include the experience of the 1C developer company and enterprises operating in specific areas. Such configurations allow high-quality automation of management and accounting, and will also allow you not to waste the time that is necessary to configure a standard solution for a specific area of ​​activity of the enterprise.

Industry 1C configurations are also called “boxed”. This is due to the fact that they are provided in full and, as a rule, include:

  • circulation configuration of the 1C program, which is developed taking into account the characteristics of a particular industry;
  • the 1C technology platform required for such a configuration;
  • package of necessary accompanying documentation.

Companies that develop industry configurations often offer their clients additional services that relate to the successful installation and configuration of such a solution, for example:

  • installation of an industry solution on enterprise computers;
  • training staff to work on such a platform;
  • technical support;
  • consultations on configuration operation.


The effective benefits of automation are visible within just a few days. Software is ready-made solution, which goes into operation very quickly, and when changing the scale of the business, approaches to organizing and managing work, it can be reconfigured without spending much money and time!”

Thanks to one program, you can replace dozens of tables, reports and documents on your computer and on your desk - all this information is registered and stored in a unified information database. On the site you can save everything - contracts, obligations, orders, discounts, prices and each customer! This 1c program implements everything you need for planning, analysis, control and accounting in an enterprise. website The software is not overloaded with unnecessary functions; it is easily customizable to the peculiarities of accounting and management organization in the company, which ensures the possibility of a “quick start” and convenience of daily activities.

Standard 1C solutions are easy to use, compact and comply with Russian principles of management and accounting methodology. Standard solutions include the truly necessary functions for a significant part of enterprises, which makes it possible to: Ensure that standard solutions comply with the specifics of the business and the peculiarities of legislation, as well as in terms of management general activities enterprises, and part of the accounting methodology;

Make such solutions quite simple and compact to use; Ensure their effective development and support; By standardizing application solutions, you can simplify technical updating and support, training users, and facilitate the creation of new individual and specialized application solutions based on standard 1C solutions.

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Many people are well aware that there are many types of 1C programs. The average user is likely to name three of them:

  • 1C:Accounting
  • 1C: Salaries and personnel management
  • 1C: Trade Management

In fact, 1C has developed and implemented more than a thousand different user applications. All these programs are called configurations or applied solutions 1C. This article will help you figure out how to choose the 1C configuration that best suits the needs of your company.

1C configurations (1C application solutions) are programs designed to automate the activities of various organizations and individuals.

The configuration in 1C starts only if the computer has technological platform 1C:Enterprise.

The 1C:Enterprise technological platform is a special environment or shell in which 1C application solutions are launched and function.

When purchasing 1C, the user purchases a software package consisting of the 1C:Enterprise platform and one or more 1C configurations. Such a “set” (configuring a platform and work bases with software management tools) is usually called 1C software product.

The software product also includes consulting and technological support. For example, access to a help system is provided Information technology support (1C:ITS).

Examples of software products based on platform version 8.3:

  • Software product = platform 1C: Enterprise 8.3 + 1C: Accounting 8.3 + 1C: Salary and personnel management 8.3 (for maintaining accounting and tax records of a manufacturing enterprise and calculating salaries for employees in a separate program).
  • Software product = platform 1C: Enterprise 8.3 + 1C: Accounting 8.3 + 1C: Trade management 8.3 + 1C: Salary and personnel management 8.3(for maintaining accounting, tax, warehouse records of a trading organization and calculating salaries for employees in a separate program).

All 1C configurations have a similar interface, the same configuration objects (directories, documents, information registers, etc.) and general principles work. Thus, a user who has mastered the basic actions in one of the 1C configurations can easily work in others.

Some of the same type of operations available in all 1C application solutions:

  • Filling out reference books. Creating elements and groups in directories;
  • Deleting, copying, moving, editing elements and groups of directories;
  • Entering incoming balances;
  • Entering documents in the program, incl. creating documents by copying and entering based on;
  • Work in document journals;
  • Generating reports based on work results.

The 1C:Enterprise technology platform was developed by 1C. It is constantly evolving, taking into account user needs, legislative updates, and market innovations. As a result, new versions (for example, 7.7, 8.2, 8.3) and releases (current updates) of the 1C platform are constantly being released.

In addition, the platform contains a built-in programming language that allows you to make changes to the finished configuration based on the customer’s wishes. Sometimes, if necessary, completely new configurations for 1C are written “from scratch” based on the technology platform.

1C application programs are created both by 1C itself and by other developers and partner companies. 1C configurations released directly by 1C are called typical.

Thus, depending on the developer, 1C configurations come in two types: standard and non-standard (also called industry and specialized solutions).

Typical 1C configurations

Most of the users in software product purchase standard 1C solutions.


  • Standard 1C solutions are universal, i.e. Suitable for accounting in various fields of activity. For example, accountants from manufacturing enterprises, the service sector, and trade organizations can work in 1C: Accounting. The configuration also allows you to keep records in various tax regimes (OSN, simplified tax system, UTII).
  • Standard 1C configurations are constantly being improved by 1C, which monitors customer wishes and takes into account the experience of a wide range of users. Such application solutions are carefully “debugged” and are more reliable in use and maintenance.


  • The consumer uses only the part of the capabilities of the standard solution that he needs, while purchasing all the functionality of the program.
  • A typical 1C configuration requires careful customization for a specific organization, and sometimes “refinement” by programmers.

For Russian enterprises, 1C offers the following standard configurations

The full functionality of the 1C:Enterprise program system is implemented in the 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 8.3 program.

Some standard configurations are available in several versions with different sets of functionality. For example, 1C: Accounting 8 is available in three versions: basic, CORP and PROF.

Basic version

An affordable price and the absence of security keys are undoubtedly among the advantages of the basic version. However, the basic version has the least amount of functionality.

Basic version of 1C:Accounting 8

  • Does not support multi-user mode (intended for the work of one accountant);
  • From a technical point of view, it does not involve changes to the configuration;
  • Does not support accounting for several organizations in one information base;
  • Accounting is not maintained by separate divisions (in terms of distribution of income tax among divisions and consolidation of VAT reporting).

There are also specialized deliveries of the basic version, configured for special tax regimes:

  • 1C: Simplified 8
  • 1C:Entrepreneur 8

PROF version

The most popular of all versions of 1C: Accounting 8.

  • Supports multi-user accounting;
  • Multi-company accounting is possible;
  • Allows the administrator to make configuration changes;
  • It is possible to work in a “cloud” service. In this case, the program is located on the 1C server, and access to it is carried out via the Internet;
  • The program can be accessed via mobile devices.

CORP version

The CORP version of the 1C: Accounting 8 program is intended for large corporations, because has the widest functionality. It has all the advantages of the PROF version. In addition, this version allows you to maintain separate accounting of income and expenses for separate divisions of the organization.

Scheme for comparing the functionality of different versions of the standard configuration 1C: Accounting 8

Non-standard 1C configurations

The implementation of 1C software products is carried out by partner companies. They interact directly with customers, installing 1C programs, configuring and adapting them, focusing on the characteristics of a particular enterprise and the wishes of the customer.

To do this, IT specialists:

  • Typical 1C configurations are “modified” using a special programming language. For example, the application solution “1C: Sawmill 8” is a modified standard configuration of 1C: Management manufacturing enterprise.
  • Create new configurations based on the 1C:Enterprise platform.

Application solutions developed by 1C partner companies are not standard. To implement such configurations, it is necessary to undergo certification at 1C and obtain the right to a special logo “1C: Compatible”. Atypical configurations, as a rule, are “written” for a specific type of activity, for a specific industry. Therefore they are also called industry and specialized 1C solutions.

Advantages of non-standard configurations

  • They allow you to reduce costs for consumers when implementing a software product due to the fact that they are supplied as ready-made solutions.
  • They contain highly specialized solutions that take into account the specifics of a particular company.
  • Allows you to avoid complex configuration settings.

Examples of industry configurations: 1C: Public catering, 1C: Agricultural enterprise management, 1C: Construction organization management.

Suppose you need to select a software product for maintaining accounting and tax records at a food industry enterprise. For this purpose, as shown in the diagram, you can install and adapt a standard 1C: Accounting configuration or choose one of the ready-made industry solutions, saving time and money.

As you can see, the 1C company presents a wide range of 1C software products that meet the needs and tastes of a wide variety of consumers.

The article continues the series “First steps in 1C development.” It provides an introduction to typical application support options. After studying the article, you will learn:

  • How does the configuration support mechanism work?
  • How to enable the ability to make changes to a supported configuration?
  • How to set up configuration support rules?
  • What is the difference between main configuration, database configuration, and provider configuration?
  • In what cases should a standard configuration be removed from support?
  • How do I revert a configuration that has editability enabled to support without editability?


The material presented in the article is relevant for current versions of the platform.

Mechanism for supporting standard application solutions

This article discusses the basics of working with the mechanism for supporting standard application solutions from the 1C company, included in the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform.

Typical application solutions include configurations produced by 1C. Main typical application solutions:

  • “1C:Accounting 8”
  • “1C: Managing a small company 8”
  • “1C: Trade Management 8”
  • “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8”
  • “1C: Integrated Automation 8”
  • “1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management 8”

The 1C company regularly makes changes to standard application solutions. As a rule, this is due to changes in legislation, the addition of new functionality, as well as the correction of errors identified during operation.

Versions of standard application solutions are updated using the configuration support mechanism.

If the user's configuration is supported, then when a new release is released, the user can perform the update independently, since in this case the update is carried out automatically.

Typical application solutions are designed to solve standard accounting problems that arise in most enterprises. To solve non-standard problems it is necessary to make changes to standard solutions.

A large number of changes can make it difficult to install new releases. To perform an update in this situation, you need a higher qualification of a specialist than the qualifications of a “standard” user. To speed up the update procedure, you should strive to make minimal changes into standard solutions.

Any problem coming from the user should be attempted to be solved using standard means of a standard solution.

If you need to make changes to the typical configuration, use the following script.

Enable the ability to make changes to the configuration. To do this, in the configurator mode, execute the main menu command ConfigurationSupportSetting up support(Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. “Support Setup” form

This will open the form Setting up support. Click the button in the form . Answer Yes to the system's question about the impossibility of performing automatic updates. In the opened form Setting up support rules The default switches are set to Supplier object not edited. Press the button OK(Fig. 2). After this, you can open access to those configuration objects to which changes need to be made.

Rice. 2. Setting up the ability to change the configuration

To enable the ability to add new objects to a standard configuration, you must use the form Setting up support rules select the root configuration node and set a support rule for it Supplier object edited while maintaining support. Flag Set for subordinate objects do not install (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Setting up a support rule

The information base of a standard solution is a collection of user data and several configurations. These configurations include: Provider Configuration, Database Configuration, and Core Configuration.

Users work with the database configuration. Vendor configuration – the initial configuration of the standard solution vendor. When the standard solution is fully supported without the possibility of change, the two configurations are equal.

The provider configuration can be opened from the support setup form Configuration – Support – Support Setup. In the Support Settings form, click the button Open(Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Button to open supplier configuration

After executing the command Enable edit option in the form Setting up support The main configuration is created in the infobase. The developer works with this configuration. The main configuration can be modified, but the provider configuration and database configuration are read-only.

The database configuration can be opened for viewing using the main menu command of the configurator Configuration – Database configuration – Open database configuration. When you change and save the main configuration, differences from the database configuration occur. This is indicated by the symbol in the header of the configuration window (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Sign of differences between the database configuration and the main configuration

If changes are made to the main configuration, then using the main menu command of the configurator Configuration – Update Configuration database, these changes are transferred to the database configuration.

The provider configuration changes only if a new update from the provider is installed.

If the ability to make changes is enabled in a typical configuration, the option to remove the configuration from support becomes available. Novice developers often confuse these two modes. To remove a configuration from support, you need to use the form Setting up support press the button Remove from support(Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Removing the configuration from support

After executing this command, the vendor configuration is automatically deleted from the infobase. This feature should be used only in cases where the standard solution is used as the basis for its own development and its further updating is not planned.

Sometimes it is necessary to return a configuration that has been enabled for modification to support without modification.

This problem may arise in the following cases:

  • An error was detected in the standard solution. The error was corrected by the programmer in the customer's configuration. To achieve this, the ability to change the configuration has been enabled. After a new vendor release with a fixed bug is released, the configuration must be returned to support without the possibility of change.
  • The configuration was inadvertently or accidentally enabled for modification and the ability to automatically update was lost.

The problem is solved in the following way. The first step is to back up the database. For example, by downloading the information base Administration – Upload infobase.

The second step is to obtain the initial configuration of the provider. This can be done from the support settings form Support - Support Setup. In shape Setting up support press the button Save to file(Fig. 4). After that, in the support settings form, click the button Remove from support(Fig. 6).

Load a previously uploaded vendor configuration from a file Configuration – Load configuration from file. Agree with the system warning that a full configuration download will be performed.

Update database configuration Configuration – Update database configuration. The configuration will be put on support without the possibility of making changes. Previously made changes will be deleted.

In this case Data loss is possible if new objects are added to the main configuration.

This article examined the basics of working with the configuration support mechanism contained in the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform. From the presented examples it follows that the configuration support mechanism allows you to quickly solve various problems associated with supporting standard application solutions.

In conclusion, let us remind you that this article is already the 12th in our series “First steps in 1C development”. As you have already noticed, basically all the work was carried out in the configurator, and this is logical, because This is where the program code is written. But development on the 1C:Enterprise platform is not only about directly writing program code, but also about developing a configuration interface that end users will work with. And in the next article we will begin our acquaintance with this interesting topic.

In addition to using industry-specific construction solutions in automation projects, the 1C: Accounting and Trade (BIT) company sometimes uses standard 1C solutions, such as 1C: Accounting 8, 1C: Salary and HR Management 8 and others. The fact is that these software products, although they do not take into account the industry specifics of construction enterprises, solve basic automation problems, such as automation of regulated accounting, payroll, and warehouse accounting.

1C: Accounting 8

A universal solution for automating accounting and tax accounting, including the preparation of mandatory reporting. The software product is suitable for most Russian companies, including construction companies. One program supports various systems taxation: general, simplified taxation system in the form of a single tax on imputed income.

It is worth noting that when applying this standard solution in construction organizations, difficulties arise in maintaining object-by-object accounting, and there are also no auxiliary tools, such as industry forms (KS-2, KS-3, etc.), accounting according to PBU 2/2008 and other industry specifics.
Based on 1C:Accounting 8, several solutions have been developed that take into account the specifics of construction companies.

  • Accounting for a construction company.

1C: Salary and Personnel Management 8

This standard solution allows you to automate the calculation of personnel wages and the process of managing the company's personnel policy. It should be noted that when using this software product in construction companies There are limitations: without special settings, the system does not allow you to take into account the work of employees at different sites during the month.

1C: Trade Management 8

The solution can be used to automate the OMTS service and maintain inventory records at on-site warehouses with receiving all the necessary reports, for example, a material report from a foreman. At the same time, it will be difficult to obtain one of the main forms - the M-29 form - without additional customization. The system also allows for data exchange with configurations for accounting, therefore it is extremely convenient for end-to-end control of the use of materials, reducing the labor intensity of accounting and increasing the efficiency of providing information from construction sites.

1C: Integrated automation 8