Organic fertilizer: do it yourself. Do-it-yourself organic fertilizer - recipe for the reader Homemade fertilizers

Fertilizers are simply necessary for plant life. After all, they enrich the soil with numerous useful substances. Plants that receive such nutrition grow, develop much better and gain the ability to withstand various diseases. The necessary compositions are easy to find in the store. But you can make your own excellent fertilizer for indoor plants at home. Let's consider the most effective means.

Rules for fertilizing plants

Before you figure out how to create fertilizer for indoor plants and flowers at home, you need to familiarize yourself with some recommendations.

So, the basic rules for feeding plants:

  1. Excessive amounts of fertilizer harm them.
  2. Less fertilizer is used if the plant does not receive full sufficiency sunlight. This is explained by the fact that useful substances are not used in full, which leads to salinization of the earth.
  3. Young plants need little fertilizer. After all, many domestic crops are very sensitive to salts.
  4. In hot weather, you should not fertilize the plants. Also try to avoid getting the composition on the leaves and stems.
  5. You cannot use additional fertilizing for plants that are in a diseased state or are not sufficiently rooted in the new territory.
  6. It is better to “feed” crops based on periods. For example, at the beginning of the growing season they need fertilizers that contain nitrogen. As for the period of bud development, the compositions must contain phosphorus and potassium elements.
  7. Top dressing is added at intervals of a week or a month. The frequency depends on the season, type and size of plants. For example, not flowering plants It is better to fertilize in winter, at intervals of 1 time per month. If the flowers are actively developing, then they need to be fertilized once every 2 weeks.
  8. Plants that develop slowly need feeding once a month. Fast growing plants“feed” once a week.
  9. Also, before fertilizing, a few hours before the event, the flower must be thoroughly watered.

Now let’s look at how to create an excellent fertilizer for indoor plants at home.

We use ash

This component can be an excellent food for home flowers. Woody for indoor plants perfectly protects the crop from fungal diseases. In addition, it helps enrich the soil with microelements.

To prepare such fertilizer, you need to acquire branches of deciduous trees.

Fertilizer creation progress:

  1. Dry the branches in the oven. After this, they need to be broken into small pieces.
  2. A regular bucket should be lined with foil. For this, an iron bucket is selected.
  3. After everything is ready, move your raw materials (broken twigs) into the bucket and set it on fire.
  4. Do not pour out all the branches at once, otherwise you are guaranteed a big flame. It is better to put them in several pieces.
  5. After the coals of the wood remain, they must be allowed to cool. Do not use them hot. The cooled coals are finely crushed.

Wood ash as a fertilizer for indoor plants serves as an excellent fertilizer for flowers.

Composition based on banana peels (compost)

Peelings, which are often thrown into the trash, can become a wonderful fertilizer for home crops. Fertilizer for indoor plants and flowers is an excellent source of nitrogen and potassium. Such compositions according to their characteristics are suitable for any crops. They can even be used for field seedlings.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Dry the banana peel. To do this, you can leave it in the air or put it on the battery.
  2. It is recommended to store the dried peel in a paper bag.

Directions for use:

  • grind or finely chop the skins;
  • pour raw materials into the soil;
  • You must try to get the fertilizer deep enough into the soil, otherwise mold may appear on the surface.

Demonstrates how to make such fertilizer for indoor plants at home, photo.

Chicken droppings

A very common modern fertilizer. However, most people who use this method of feeding plants for the first time refuse to continue to repeat such procedures. This is because following the wrong technologies can lead to the opposite result.

You can use ammonia dissolved in water. The composition comes in two types: with an ammonia share of 20-25% and 16-20%.

It is very important to consider individual conditions, in which culture grows. The size of the plant is also important.

Ammonia: protection and fertilization of plants

Active gardeners should take a closer look at this component. Ammonia, as a fertilizer for indoor plants, has an excellent effect on the condition of such pets as geraniums and lilies.

To prepare, you need to dilute 50 milliliters of ammonia with 4 liters of water. This will be enough to give your plants a healthy and noble appearance. Watering your pets with this solution will contribute to the rapid healing and strengthening of stems and leaves.

It is also very important that such a mixture does not leave unpleasant “odors”. The smell may only appear during the procedure. However, such inconveniences are short-lived.

Yeast for plants

One of the most effective ways fertilizing crops. Yeast fertilizer for indoor plants at home will be an effective and inexpensive way to feed flowers with the necessary substances.

Cooking method:

  1. A liter of water is diluted with a few tablespoons of sugar and 10 grams of dry yeast.
  2. After which this mixture should sit for 2 hours.
  3. The output will be a concentrated solution, which must be diluted with five liters of water before use. The ratio should be 1 to 5.

Yeast is used to feed plants. They contain large number vitamins and minerals. Such components stimulate active cell growth. The positive effect of such fertilizer has long been proven by experts.

Using sugar to fertilize plants

A similar component is found in every home. Do you know what an excellent fertilizer this is for indoor plants at home? It suits many cultures. Cacti especially love sugar.

Nutrition is provided in several ways.

  1. Before watering the plant, the surface of the soil should be sprinkled with sugar. One spoon of white substance is enough for this.
  2. Watering with sweet water. For this you can use half a spoon of sugar. This amount should be diluted in a glass of water.

Sugar can be used to produce carbon dioxide. However, the dosage should not be exceeded, as this may negatively affect the condition of the plant.

The water that remains after washing the cereals

This liquid contains a large number of useful components.

She is rich:

  • phosphorus,
  • magnesium,
  • iron,
  • silicon.

This method is called liquid feeding.

Aspirin plant nutrition

A solution based on Aspirin tablets can improve plant immunity. That is why such fertilizer is useful for sick flowers. It can also be used as a disease prevention.

You need to add a crushed Aspirin tablet to 1 liter of water.

What do flower growers think?

Lovers of indoor plants claim that feeding plants is as necessary for crops as vitamins are for humans. However, purchasing fertilizers is not cheap. Especially when you consider that each flower needs a certain composition.

This is why most people create fertilizer for indoor plants at home. Reviews from such gardeners indicate that crops receive all the necessary nutrition from such substances. This affects appearance flowers.

Sugar feeding is very popular. After all, this method is quite effective and simple. Coffee grounds are considered an excellent growth stimulant. In addition, this component perfectly loosens the soil. No less popular is banana peel fertilizer for indoor plants. Reviews indicate that after such feeding the flowers simply grow stronger and bloom before our eyes.

However, do not forget that you should not overfertilize your plants. There must be moderation in everything.

According to statistics, about 15-20% of all summer residents have tried to prepare fertilizers with their own hands. This makes it possible not only to make the necessary reserves of fertilizers and apply them systematically to improve the soil, but also to save money on purchasing fertilizers.

Organic and mineral fertilizers are necessary for plants to grow and develop, and each of us understands this. Not a single crop will produce a proper harvest if left alone with nature and depleted soil. Therefore, we often talk about how to do it yourself, how to replace some mineral additives with green manure and what else you can come up with to enrich the soil for summer cottage. Today we decided to continue this topic, as we talked with some experts and acquired new knowledge. Do-it-yourself fertilizers for the garden are no longer a problem!

At the stage of writing the material, we had not yet had time to try fertilizers from improvised means on our own plots, and therefore we ask you to perceive the information as experimental. Naturally, the organic additives that we prepare cannot cause any harm to the plants, except if we begin to thoughtlessly and unregulatedly add them to the soil!

Benefits of homemade fertilizers

The number of advantages in preparing such fertilizers is simply enormous, but we will only point out the main ones, which direct us away from garden supermarkets to our own plot, where there is everything necessary for preparing fertilizers.

  • So, first of all, this is pure cost savings, since we have everything at the dacha to lay down and prepare a certain composition. These are weeds that we simply dry and burn, and more useful plants, which can be used in the recipe, and the same one, which is one of the best suppliers of nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, boron, zinc and other elements.
  • Next, we will say that such fertilizers are always fresh, and you monitor their quality yourself. It is not necessary to prepare fertilizers for the future; you can always infuse them a week and a half in advance for fertilizing, so that the composition does not deteriorate and brings greatest benefit.
  • And finally, these are environmentally friendly fertilizers that do not contain any chemicals that can have a negative effect on garden plants. Agree, you take all the materials for preparing fertilizers from your own plot, where you do not use harmful chemicals to grow plants or animals.

Perhaps this is enough motivation to try your hand at preparing miracle remedies for growing garden and garden crops on the site!

Nettle supplements

The first recipe we offer is based on nettles. You can use fresh nettle harvested in spring or summer, the main thing is to make sure that there are no seeds on the plant. If the moment is missed, prepare the nettles, dry them, remove the seeds, and then follow the same recipe.

To prepare nettle fertilizer, place it in a plastic container at the very bottom. This should be a good kilogram of greens or a jar or two of dry grass. Afterwards, pour 6-8 liters of rain or settled water into the nettles and leave this mixture in the sun. Every day, stirring the future fertilizer several times, infuse the nettle for 6-10 days. Be prepared for the fact that the infusion will foam, ferment, and increase in volume, and therefore it is better to immediately choose a slightly larger container. Also, a specific smell will appear, which is not very pleasant; you will have to endure it in order to fertilize the plants. In this regard, move the preparation and settling away from the buildings, closer to the farm yard.

The finished infusion should be used at the end of the fermentation process. To water with infusion, use the following recipe for preparing fertilizing - 1 part of infusion to 9 parts of water, watering at the root. If you decide to spray with fresh organic matter, then the recipe slightly reduces the concentration - 1 part infusion to 19 parts water.

Wood ash fertilizer

We often use wood ash for processing beds in the country, but it can be used to make even more effective remedy, if you follow the right recipe.

Wood ash contains many vitamins and beneficial microelements, so let's try to deliver them directly to the plants in need. To do this, we recommend preparing high-quality liquid fertilizer from ash. You only need 150 g of ash and 10 liters of water, quick mixing and infusion for 15 minutes. If the question arises about where to get that ash, then the material after frying meat on a fire or after burning tree trimmings is perfect for the process.

After preparation, this product can be used to water the most different plants. So, for example, under mature trees it is enough to pour 1 bucket of ash solution, but under cabbage, cucumbers and tomatoes, the norm would be 500 ml of solution per bush.

Do-it-yourself fertilizer from rotten grass

It would seem that there is nothing more useless than mowed grass. However, it can be a wonderful feed for berry bushes. It is most effective for gooseberries and currants.

Interesting fact is that you don’t have to prepare anything, you just need to scatter the grass in an area with plants, put it under the bushes, and wait for the positive effect. Bacteria that live in rotten grass do a good job of suppressing many garden diseases!

Naturally, there are other recipes for preparing fertilizers in the country, but it is simply unrealistic to list them all. In this case, we decided to just remind you of one of the previous materials, in which we talked about eggshells, coffee grounds and other products. It is quite possible that reading the article will help you choose high-quality fertilizer for plants in flowerpots and pots.

How to make liquid fertilizer with your own hands (video)

We cannot claim that homemade fertilizers from grass and ash are much more effective than organic matter and can completely replace them, but we are simply giving you food for thought and testing. It may well be that your beds will like the nettle infusion or rotted grass more than the classic remedies, and if not, you can always return to them. If you wish, you can always supplement the article with your comments, for which we will only be grateful to you! For those who throw away plant waste, this material will be useful.

Reviews and comments

(5 ratings, average: 4,50 out of 5)

Lena 06/10/2014

Excellent methods are described in the article, almost all are used by my grandmother and mother :) Chemical fertilizers are evil. I don’t understand why people deliberately poison themselves when they can do it on their own and at the same time contribute to their health. Another option for preparing your own fertilizer: you need to collect food waste over the winter, such as tea, coffee, orange peels; this mass should be stored in a tight bag somewhere on the balcony. In the spring it is all buried in the ground. Works great:) Nina 06/28/2014

I have only had my dacha for five years and I decided to grow only organic vegetables on it. Therefore, I never fertilized plants and soil with chemicals. I always use only these proven ones folk remedies- ash, nettle infusion, manure, chicken droppings. But the latter, it seems to me, should be used with caution - you can burn the plants.

Natasha 09/07/2015

We constantly use our own fertilizers, compost, nettles, ash, and use mowed grass from the lawn both as top dressing and as mulch. and even closer to autumn we sow mustard in the vacant beds, it sprouts quickly and quickly, and late in the fall we dig it up and the bed is ready for a new harvest

Julia 06/08/2019

Be careful when using such fertilizers. The composition contains a large number of microelements. It is important to know what components the soil lacks and add the appropriate ones.

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Do-it-yourself fertilizer for the garden is a guarantee of obtaining an environmentally friendly harvest. In addition, there are financial benefits when you don’t have to spend money on expensive supplements. It will be enough to collect waste from horticultural and livestock activities as it accumulates. Any vegetation is used, as well as droppings from domestic animals.

Benefits of homemade fertilizers

It is vital for any crop to receive organic and mineral supplements. Without this, it is impossible to get the proper harvest. In order to save money, gardeners are looking for an alternative replacement for purchased options.

Source: Depositphotos

Do-it-yourself fertilizer is no worse than ready-made compounds

Homemade fertilizers have many benefits. They are always fresh and of high quality: prepared as needed. Do not prepare large volumes for future use so that the fertilizer does not spoil.

All necessary raw materials for production are always at hand. Even weeds that are usually destroyed are suitable. If you have chickens, droppings will be the best source of minerals: potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen, boron, iodine. The main thing is the complete absence of chemistry in the composition.

How to make fertilizer for the garden

Select the material for fertilizer taking into account its composition and the needs of the crops being grown. Homemade fertilizer recipes:

  • Made from wood ash - a complete replacement mineral compositions. Increases soil looseness, reduces acidity and replenishes missing nutrients. A product obtained by burning plant waste. Dissolve 150 g of powder in 10 liters of water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Water or treat with this solution on top. It is permissible to mix flour with peat, humus and leaf compost. Do not combine with bird droppings - this leads to significant loss of nitrogen.
  • On rotted grass, place the cut grass at the base of shrub plants: raspberries, gooseberries, currants, sea buckthorn. In addition to replenishment, it will serve as mulching protection for the winter.
  • From nettle - suitable for flowering representatives. For 7-8 liters of water, take 1 kg of grass and leave it in the sun for at least 10 days. Stir several times a day. Dilute the finished infusion in clean water, water or spray the plantings. IN pure form You can use nettle to cover the root space to insulate it from winter frosts.

Such manipulations will not take much time and effort, but will make a significant contribution to the successful development and growth of vegetation.

Regularly scatter all unnecessary grass around the garden until autumn. This will not only enrich the soil, but will also prevent many diseases.

Regular feeding ornamental plants, especially indoor ones, are the basis of their successful cultivation. Such plants have limited space to grow. In addition, the volume of soil is also small, and over time its nutrient reserves are depleted. Therefore, it is so important to replenish microelements using mineral supplements.

In specialized stores there is a large selection of ready-made ones, but if desired, nutritional mixtures and solutions can be prepared with your own hands. In terms of quality and principle of action, they are no different from store-bought fertilizers, because the main components are purchased there.

The main condition when making mineral fertilizers with your own hands is to adhere to the exact dosage so as not to harm the plants.

Nutrient solution for flowering plants

During flowering, window sill pets especially need additional nutrition. During this period they need it most phosphorus fertilizers.

To prepare the fertilizer you will need:

  • – 1.5 g;
  • ammonium sulfate – 1 g;
  • potassium salt – 1 g.

Combine all ingredients with 1 liter of water and mix well. Use for watering flowering plants at the root once every 7 days.

Mineral mixture for decorative flowers

For root feeding of deciduous crops, once every 7-10 days it is good to use the following ratio of microelements per liter of water:

  • superphosphate – 0.5 g;
  • – 0.4 g;
  • potassium nitrate – 0.1 g.

Mineral fertilizers from improvised means

Liquid can also be made using improvised means, for example, from wood ash, which is left over after a holiday bonfire for barbecuing or cleaning the garden. This fertilizer contains many microelements, but a very small amount of nitrogen, and is recommended for application during the flowering period of plants. It is very simple to prepare a liquid infusion: stir 75 g of ash in 5 liters of water and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Strain.

The prepared solution should be used immediately; it cannot be stored.

To compensate for the deficiency of individual elements in flowers, you can make the following fertilizers:

Ten popular do-it-yourself flower fertilizers - video

We all dream of growing our own personal plot a good harvest of vegetables and fruits without nitrates and all kinds of “chemicals”. That is why it is better to feed cultivated plants with fertilizers made by yourself. This type of feeding is very popular among experienced summer residents. For these purposes, they use almost everything that grows in the country. Homemade fertilizers have many benefits.

The most important advantage of their use is cost savings. After all, you can prepare them from available ingredients. You may find various garden plants useful, even weeds, which should be dried and then burned. If you are breeding poultry, you can use its droppings as fertilizer. It is rich in nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and other important elements.

There is no need to stock up on homemade fertilizer for future use. You can do as much as you need to fertilize a specific area. So you always get fresh, high-quality composition, which will only bring benefits. In addition, by making fertilizers yourself, you can always be sure of their naturalness. As is known, chemistry causes significant harm to both the life of plants and human health. This is why homemade fertilizers are much better than those sold in the supermarket.

There are several recipes for making homemade fertilizers.

Wood ash fertilizer

Many experienced summer residents use wood ash to fertilize their plots. It is a product obtained after burning various plant materials. This could be tops, dry grass or tree branches.
Ash significantly improves the composition of the soil and does not contaminate it with toxic substances. Containing organic substances, it can be an alternative to mineral fertilizers. In addition, ash can reduce the acidity of the soil and also make it looser.

To prepare liquid fertilizer from wood ash, you need to take 150 grams of it and mix it with 10 liters of water, and then leave for 15 minutes. This product can be used to water trees, cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage. For greater efficiency, wood ash can be mixed with compost, humus or peat. But to combine it with bird droppings and nitrogen fertilizers This is highly undesirable, since this results in the loss of most of the nitrogen.

Fertilizer based on rotted grass

Who said that grass clippings are useless? It turns out that it's quite the opposite. It can be used to feed various shrub plants: gooseberries, currants, raspberries. To do this, simply spread the mowed grass on the site, paying attention special attention the base of the bushes. Experienced summer residents recommend doing this for the winter. This way you will protect the plants from winter cold and you can prevent the occurrence of certain plant diseases.

Nettle fertilizer

If you want to feed flowering plants, then ordinary nettle, which grows in almost any area, is useful for these purposes. It is better to mow it before the seeds appear. One kilogram of grass is placed in a plastic container and filled with settled water in the amount of 6-8 liters. The mixture should be infused in the sun for 10 days. To make the infusion better, it needs to be stirred periodically. It is advisable to do this several times a day. The herbal mixture will expand, ferment and foam. In addition, an unpleasant odor may appear. This must be taken into account when making such fertilizer. The finished infusion is diluted with water and used for root feeding or for spraying plants. The ratio of water and infusion is selected taking into account the procedure being performed.
Nettle is also used in its pure form. If you mulch the beds with it, this will significantly improve the growth and development of cultivated plants, and will also repel some pests.

Of course, such fertilizers are not highly effective and cannot replace organic and mineral analogues. But it’s still better to start with natural substances, and if necessary, switch to chemistry.