Papillon dog care and maintenance. Healthy lifestyle of the Papillon dog breed. Papillon - breed standard

Papillon (Papillon) is an indoor and decorative breed of dog, a variety of continental toy spaniel, originally from France and Belgium.

Attractive appearance and friendliness make the Papillon the most suitable breed for a family.

Toy spaniels have been known since early XVI century. For several centuries having such a dog was considered a sign of good taste. Due to the fact that Papillons were not intended for hunting, they were kept as entertainment by representatives of secular society.

Some of the most famous fans of Papillons are the French monarchs Marie Antoinette, Henry III and Louis XIV.

Papillon butterfly dog ​​breed: the photo is full of tenderness and charm.

Description of the breed

FCI Standard No. 77 dated September 17, 1990 “Papillon, Continental Toy Spaniel.”
Group 9 “Toy and companion dogs.”
Section 9 “Continental Toy Spaniel and Russian Toy”.
The FCI standard states:
adult height - 28 cm;
minimum weight - 1.5 kg;
standard weight for males is 2.5-4.5 kg, for females - 2.5-5 kg.

Papillon is translated from French as “butterfly”. They owe this name to the breed due to the unusual shape of their ears.

Papillons, unlike another subspecies of toy spaniels, the Phalene, have erect ears and look like butterfly wings.

The dog's height is from 20 to 28 cm at the withers. The minimum weight of the dogs is 1.5 kg, the maximum is 5 kg. The hair on the head and muzzle is short and velvety to the touch. Characterized by a long wool that does not curl and falls beautifully in waves.

The Papillon butterfly dog ​​breed has black and large eyes. The nose is small and rounded. The bridge of the nose is straight, like many others. There is no undercoat. The thighs are covered with silky hair, forming “pants”. The tail is curved in an arc, the hair falls from it onto the pet’s back.

Color white, spots allowed different shades except blue. Let's say a tricolor, where the main color is white and the spots are black and red. The eyelids, lips and nose are pigmented.

Papillon dog: a description of the breed would be incomplete without mentioning the star-shaped white coat. It must be present on the head, regardless of the main color. Papillon dog breed: the photo clearly demonstrates this feature.

These decorative dogs belong to the category of long-livers, live on average 12-14 years. With proper care and proper nutrition, they can live up to 20 years. They rarely get sick. It is important to take a dog from a trusted kennel in order to avoid congenital defects and diseases that can affect the life of the pet and its duration.

Characteristics, abilities and skills

This is a cheerful, kind, playful dog. She is devoted to her owner and does not like to be left alone at home. She is distinguished by her good manners, not at all nervous, but vigilant - she greets strangers with a loud bark, becoming docile as she gets used to it. When raising a pet, this should be taken into account and controlled.

The dog loves walks and is usually calm around other animals. They pose no danger to small children at all; Papillons are incredibly friendly to them.

If raised incorrectly, dogs grow irritable and noisy; it is important to raise your pet correctly.

Papillons require attention to themselves, acutely feeling the lack of communication. If you are often away from home, we recommend purchasing a companion for your pet - a couple or a cat. The main thing is to do this while the pet is still a puppy, then it will be easier to get used to the friend. The French Papillon dog breed is ranked.

They are smart, easily learn the simplest tricks, and perform in circuses.

Care and maintenance

Due to their miniature size, dogs are well suited for living in an apartment: they do not feel the lack of space and feel comfortable even in a small room. An important condition for keeping such a dog is frequent and intensive communication with the owner. Papillons cannot live without affection and care.

It is recommended to adopt a dog only from a kennel, Having carefully examined it, believe me, a purebred and healthy puppy is worth it. You should also check the documents and the presence of a stamp. The price ranges from 35 to 40 thousand rubles.

While walking long distances, dogs get tired, but do not ask to go home and are ready to walk with their owner for a long time, joyfully jumping and running. In a reasonable amount, the pet can be easily trained to perform various tricks, Papillons are highly trainable. A walk can be combined with exercise.

To prevent the Papillon's jumping ability from resulting in limb injuries, it is advisable to limit the pet's excessive activity.

Dogs are unpretentious in nutrition. But it’s better not to feed them too much - this will lead to obesity and the development of heart disease. Like all decorative dogs, they should not be given fatty meat, liver, any milk, chocolate, or expired foods.

For food, natural food is recommended, not dry, so that there are no problems with teeth. It is recommended to give your pet a variety of cereals, lean meat, eggs in accordance with

Proper nutrition is one of the main conditions for the proper maintenance of a Papillon.

It is recommended to comb your pet daily, paying attention to any tangles that may arise. You need to wash your dog once every 1-2 weeks, using a special shampoo. selected according to the breed. After water treatments in the cold season, dry your pet with a hairdryer so that it does not catch a cold. In warm weather, make sure that the dog is not in a draft.

Paws are washed after every walk. It’s worth taking the time to brush your pet’s teeth. Claws are trimmed as often as possible: if you do not have the skill, it is better to use the help of a specialist.

Dimensions:Height: 20-28 cm. Weight: 1.5-5 kg
Character:Cheerful, cheerful, friendly
Where used:Decorative pet, companion dog
Lives:12-16 years old
Color:White with spots of any color

The Papillon dog got its name from its ears, which resemble the beautiful wings of a butterfly spread out. If you want to have a small dog in your apartment, the butterfly Papillon is an ideal option. At one time, she was an integral attribute of noble ladies at the French court. The article gives characteristics of the breed, history of origin, description of appearance, how to care for it, what to feed. A more visual representation of the Papillon and Phalene breeds is provided by the photo and video materials posted in the article.

Origin story

Papillons are a very ancient breed of decorative dogs; the first mention of the breed dates back to the 15th century. In those days, the dog was called the continental toy spaniel, but later it received the name papillon, which French translated as butterfly. The image of this dog can be seen in the hands of affectionate housewives. These dogs were the favorites of the ladies of the court.

The ancestor of the modern Papillon was the floppy-eared spaniel. In the seventeenth century, at the court of Louis 14, a puppy was obtained with erect ears resembling the open wings of a butterfly. Thus, the Papillon or Papillon breed was born. The butterfly dog ​​was for a very long time the most popular breed at the French court.

In the 20th century, English breeders crossed the Papillon with the Spitz. It was a successful mixture of breeds, the result of which was a significant improvement in the coat, it became thicker and shinier, the appearance became healthier and richer.

Breed characteristics

The Continental Toy Spaniel, called the Papillon, is a lively, decorative dog that is perfect for keeping at home, both in the house and in the apartment. If there are mice in the house, the dog will even help get rid of them, as it is an excellent rat catcher. Despite its small size, it is a fearless defender of its owner. He can serve as a devoted companion for a long time, since the life expectancy of Papillons is 12-16 years. Papillons, like all small dogs, need training and socialization.

Appearance and standard

The Papillon dog breed has a luxurious appearance. They have a naturally harmonious physique: the muzzle is small and graceful, the body structure appears fragile, but the bones are strong, developed muscles and strong joints. The head is round with a smooth transition from the forehead to the nose. The nose is rounded, slightly flattened, the pad is black. The eyes are low-set and almond-shaped. The ears can be erect, in the shape of butterfly wings, or drooping, respectively, the dogs are called Papillon and Phalene. The dog's muzzle emphasizes its intelligence.

Phalene and Papillon are toy spaniel breeds

The neck smoothly transitions to a wide chest. The Papillon's belly is tucked up. The long tail is covered with lush hair and curved upward. The paws are long, reminiscent of a hare, with black or light claws. Papillons are distinguished by their light, graceful gait and aristocratic demeanor. The height at the withers can be from 20 to 28 cm, the weight of mini Papillons is from 1.5 to 2.5 kg, the standard is from 2.5 to 5 kg. Males differ little in size from females.


Papillons have a shiny and wavy coat. According to the standard, no curls or curls are allowed. There is no undercoat, so the hair has a rigid structure. The hair on the face and head is short, a kind of collar is formed on the neck, fringe is formed on the ears, and lush “pants” are formed on the outer side of the thighs. On the tail, the longest one can reach a length of up to 15 cm. To make the coat look harmonious, hair on the paws between the toes is allowed, but it should not form “slippers”, but only visually lengthen the paw.

The video from Diana Smirnova talks about papillons and phalenes and gives their description.

Pets of the Papillon breed have colors that depend on the color of their spots. The main color of Papillons is white. It is considered ideal if white makes up more than 50% of the total color. The predominance of white on the face is not desirable. There is a raincoat color: the back and head are painted in some color, the rest of the fur on the body is white.

Characteristic colors for the breed:

  • white-sable: white and sable colors;
  • tricolor: a combination of white, black and red;
  • black and white.

Spots of any color are possible, but the pattern should not be blurry. A white stripe on the face is welcome.


The cheerful, cheerful and funny Papillon is simply created to be a pet and is capable of perfectly fulfilling the role of a companion. But despite their good-natured nature, dogs of this breed can be willful, so Papillon puppies require education and training from the first months. According to breeders, the Papillon plays well with children and pets.

They do not show aggression if they are raised correctly. To prevent a Papillon puppy from showing aggression when it becomes an adult dog, it must be socialized from puppyhood. As soon as the puppy is vaccinated, it needs to be taken out into society and taught to communicate with other societies. It is necessary to monitor the puppy’s communication with children and stop his attempts to bite the child while playing. Friendly nipping should not be ignored; the toy spaniel has a powerful bite and may well bite painfully.

These little pets are very devoted to their owner. They always catch the owner’s mood and try to adapt to it. They do not like to be left alone, this can even cause stress for the dog. Dogs are very vulnerable and will not tolerate rough treatment. Papillons are playful creatures and sometimes seem indifferent to others, but if you give the puppy more attention, he will grow up to be a self-sufficient and well-mannered dog.

Papillons are very active, so it is advisable to give them the opportunity to spend more time outside. They will not refuse to play outdoor games at home, so you should provide your pet with various toys.

Due to their character, Papillons have a positive vibe. They are always in good mood. If you want a fun show, he can give you that. The cheerful face will cheer up any sad owner by looking into his eyes.

The dwarf toy spaniel easily learns various tricks, even if the dog is not specifically trained to do so. He has a lively mind, excellent memory, and is able to independently learn commands. You can train your dog at home. The Papillon is perfect as a first pet for a child over 10 years old, as well as for people who do not have dog training skills.

Conditions for keeping at home

Due to its small size, keeping a dwarf continental toy spaniel in an apartment or house is easy. The main thing is to provide him with a place to rest and eat. Dogs of this breed are unpretentious and require minimal care. You can travel freely with them, they easily adapt and get used to a new environment if the owner is nearby.

According to owner reviews, Papillons love to sleep with their owner in bed, but this depends on the owner’s preferences. If you wish, you can allow your pet to sleep next to you. These are clean animals and, despite their hunting instincts, they do not have the habit of falling out in garbage or some kind of “incense”, like other dogs.

The dog can be trained to relieve itself in a diaper or in a litter tray. But at the same time, the Papillon needs to be taken outside for a walk, at least for half an hour, since it needs to be in the fresh air.


The Papillon butterfly's fur requires special care, because it is the pride of the breed and its distinctive feature. It needs to be combed daily with special brushes and mittens. Hygienic care consists of trimming the hair on the belly and trimming the hair around the pads and between the toes. In hot weather, it is better to cut your pet's hair. The owner chooses the hairstyle according to his taste. If the dog participates in exhibitions, then it is advisable to give it professional grooming.

You should bathe your dog when it gets dirty and there is a need for it. If you bathe more often, the protective layer is washed off from the animal’s fur and skin. For bathing you need to use a special dog shampoo; there are many different products for caring for long hair. To preserve the white color of their pets, some breeders bathe them with platinum blonde shampoos.

The condition of the coat can be used to judge the health of the dog. The coat should be clean, thick and shiny.

If the Papillon butterfly sheds heavily or the fur has become dull, the spine is split and has become thin, then the pet’s health is not all right. The standard shedding period for Papillons is 1 – 2 weeks; shedding occurs in spring and autumn. If your dog sheds at other times or has split ends, it should be checked by a veterinarian as soon as possible to determine the cause of this condition. In addition, you need to add vitamins to your dog’s diet. Adult dogs and Papillon puppies need different types and doses of vitamins. Hypervitaminosis is as dangerous as vitamin deficiency.

The animal's claws require regular care; they need to be trimmed as they grow. You should also keep your eyes and ears clean. Eyes can be wiped with cotton swabs moistened with chamomile solution or water. Ears should not be cleaned with cotton swabs; it is better to wipe them with a cotton swab dipped in oil. There should be no plaque on the ears.

Optimal diet

The appearance of the dog and its health depend on how to feed the pet. Nutrition should be balanced. Your dog's diet should contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. You should not feed your Papillon from the table. If you have decided to get a dog, then you do not need to skimp on its food, because its quality depends general condition dogs.

When feeding, you must avoid foods that can affect color (carrots, seaweed)!

A Papillon puppy needs foods containing calcium, since its skeleton and bones are just developing, and it can get injured during outdoor games. Papillons do not suffer from allergies, have strong teeth and a good digestive system, so you can feed them both natural food and ready-made industrial food.

Puppies are initially fed 5-6 times a day, gradually moving up to 2 or 3 times a day by 6 months of age. It is advisable to teach the dog discipline and routine, so you need to feed it at a certain time of day. The dog's menu should consist of plant foods and meat. The food must always be fresh. The dog must be provided with constant access to water. The Continental Toy Spaniel is prone to obesity, so you should monitor the dose of food so that he does not overeat.

Possible diseases

All small dogs are susceptible to viral diseases, so they must be vaccinated. The first vaccination for Papillon puppies is given when they are two months old, the next one a month later. In the future, vaccination should be performed once a year. Before vaccination, you need to drive away worms. Before vaccination, you should make sure that the dog does not get sick, since vaccination is prohibited during inflammatory processes.

There are many types of dogs. Some prefer large animals. But it is problematic to keep such four-legged animals in a city apartment. In this case, it is better to pay attention to decorative individuals. A funny little dog with big ears, the Papillon breed is known for its unusual bright appearance and the presence of many names. Thus, she is often called Butterfly, Dwarf Continental Toy Spaniel, French Flower. However, not everyone knows about her character and features. Therefore, the article will tell you what a Papillon is, how it appeared, what the breed standards are, and how to properly care for such a creature.

Small, short-haired dog breeds with ears like butterfly wings first appeared about 800 years ago. In what exact year such an interesting breed arose, scientists have not been able to determine. But there are 2 guesses. According to one of them, Butterflies formed in the 14th century during crusade 1099 During this period, Duke Gottfried brought an amusing dwarf moth dog from Lower Lorraine to Jerusalem. There were also Falens at that time. In appearance, these are the same Papillons, only they have drooping ears.

The funny breed was liked by the royal nobility. There is a legend according to which the French king Henry III was very fond of decorative butterfly dogs. He spent a huge fortune on their acquisition and maintenance. One day a monk came to the king. He wanted to assassinate Henry. The four-legged pet sensed that trouble might happen to its owner and started barking loudly. She was expelled from the king's chambers. And the assassination attempt took place.

What is special about the breed?

Today the Butterfly dog ​​breed is very popular. But to purchase a purebred pet, you need to be able to understand distinctive features Papillon. It is also important to know the character traits that are characteristic of this variety. Many people are also interested in the question of the animal’s life expectancy. More about all this.


The Papillon dog breed is distinguished by its miniature size; the height of an adult individual reaches 20-28 centimeters at the withers.

The weight of the animal ranges from 1.5 to 5 kilograms. There is fur on the face and head. It feels very pleasant and velvety to the touch. The body is covered with long hair. It flows beautifully in waves and does not curl.

The breed standards include the following:


It must be said that the Papillon dog breed is classified as a long-living breed. On average, representatives of the species live from 12 to 14 years. It's important here good care, compliance with all conditions of detention, competent selection of diet. With the right attitude, the animal can live up to 20 years. Butterflies get sick quite rarely. But this depends on the purebred of the breed. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase a puppy from a trusted nursery. This will allow you to avoid congenital diseases and pathologies that greatly affect the life expectancy of your pet.


The Papillon is a very graceful and cute animal in appearance, which is why it attracts many dog ​​breeders.

But does the appearance match the character? This question is asked by many people who are thinking about purchasing this breed. Therefore, it is worth considering what character traits are characteristic of the Butterfly.

So, the dogs of the Papillon variety differ:

It is important to socialize the puppy on time. After all, without proper and timely training, the dog will begin to show aggression as it grows up.

What nuances exist in feeding?

The health and longevity of your pet depends on how well the diet is prepared and how regular the meals are. In fact, feeding a Papillon is practically no different from feeding other breeds. The main thing when choosing a menu is to take into account age and health status. For example, if a dog is postpartum, it needs special nutrition so that it can recover faster.

It is easy to understand whether feeding is carried out correctly. If the animal begins to look worse, the fur has become dull and begins to fall out, the dog does not eat anything from the food offered by the owner, is weak and apathetic, then it has health problems, it is sick. In this case, you need to contact a veterinarian.
It may make sense to review your diet and replace some foods to make it more balanced and nutritious.

Most owners choose dry factory kits for feeding. It's much easier this way. Many veterinarians claim that ready-made food is more beneficial for a dog than food from the table. After all, they are completely balanced and contain essential minerals and vitamins. However, sometimes a dog refuses dry food and chooses home-cooked food. In this case, it is important to choose the right products in order to saturate the animal’s body with all the necessary elements.

Most often, Papillon owners encounter the following problems when feeding:

The Papillon is often affectionately called the graceful French flower. It is also customary to call it a butterfly, this is due to the fact that its ears are very similar to the beautiful wings of a butterfly when spread out. This is her most remarkable and distinctive feature. In general, this breed has many names: the very first one, which connects it with its roots, is the dwarf continental toy spaniel, but the main name that has found its place among all dog lovers and breeders is Papillon (or Papillon). But no matter what you call this dog, its main advantage has been and will be its bright, spectacular appearance and unsurpassed intelligence.

Photo: Papillon (Papillon). Continental Toy Spaniel

Guard qualities
Security qualities
Attitude towards children

The first dogs with erect ears, similar to butterfly wings, appeared about 800 years ago. Back then she was called a continental toy spaniel. But already in those days the modern name Papillon appeared. There are also phalenes. These are the same dwarf toy spaniels, but only with floppy ears. It is worth noting that scientists and experts still cannot come to a common opinion in what exact year this wonderful breed appeared. But of all the assumptions and conjectures, two main ones can be distinguished: the first - the Papillon was formed in the 14th century, the second version, which has evidence - during the next crusade in 1099, Duke Godfrey from Lower Lorraine brought a funny dwarf, a “moth” dog, to Jerusalem .

It is impossible to say with certainty about the time of its origin, but we can confidently speak about the close connection of Papillon with royal dynasties and mysterious palace stories. There is even a legend that the French king Henry III adored small butterfly dogs so much that he spent fabulous sums from the state treasury on their purchase and maintenance. And at that moment, when a monk came to visit the king, actually wanting to make an attempt on his life, Henry’s favorite barked so loudly, as if she sensed that trouble would soon happen to her master. The dog was immediately expelled from the royal chambers, and the attempt nevertheless took place.

After Henry, the love for Papillons was enthusiastically “picked up” by Louis 14, as well as Louis 15 and 16, the last queen of France, Marie Antoinette, and the most famous favorite of Louis 15, the Marquise de Pompadour. The breed has achieved resounding and lasting success. In those days, the Papillon bore the proud name “ lap dog queens and kings."

It is interesting that the modern appearance and some standards regarding the appearance of the Papillon are literally “copied” from the portrait painted by Titian, “Roberto Strozzi’s Daughter”. The painting was created in 1542, it depicts a lovely girl and an equally lovely dog ​​with characteristic erect ears, between which there was a groove in the area of ​​the head. It was this funny, but at the same time, elegant creature that became the model for establishing the standard for the appearance of Papillons in 1934.
At the beginning of the 20th century, English dog breeders decided to “mix” the Papillon with the Spitz. This was their most successful contribution that they made to the breed. As a result of this crossing, the spaniel's coat improved significantly, it became much richer and healthier, and appeared shiny and thick. In addition, the dog’s tail has now “moved” to its back. And from now on the main characteristic features The Papillon has well-furred ears, a tail and a magnificent base coat.

Papillon character

Before talking about her character traits, I would like to note the fact that the Papillon has not left the ranking of the “smartest” dogs on the planet for several decades. And she takes 8th place there! This place belongs to her by right. After all, this dog is the happy owner of exceptional and outstanding intelligence. Therefore, you should not underestimate it and think that since this is a “miniature” dog, it will happily become a hand toy.

The Papillon is an incredibly loyal, loyal and friendly animal. Due to their small size, they are very lively, active and playful. They can be called “eternal children.” But they will never sit in one place and indifferently watch what is happening around them, even in the warm hands of their owner. This is not about their character at all. They just love to frolic and tirelessly explore the world around us with its diversity. This also includes exciting hunting for small prey, such as mice or flying insects.

Despite all the fun and playfulness, these dogs really need timely and proper socialization. Otherwise, not a trace will remain of their friendly and welcoming appearance. They will quickly cross the line from play to aggression and may even bite. And it becomes a habit. It is necessary to start teaching all the rules of communication from puppyhood. If you do everything right, this shaggy little ball will become a wonderful and cheerful friend for you and your family.

Papillon is filled with optimism and eternal fun. He will be able to cheer up his owner even on the gloomiest day. Another feature of the “butterfly” dog is that it can predict and capture the mood of its owners. For example, if everyone wants peace and quiet time, then the Papillon will also tune in to this wave. She will also be happy to join in the game with children.

It should be noted that pets of this breed are very attached to their owners. Sometimes this attachment can be called “sick.” This is why it is not recommended to leave the Papillon alone. If his two-legged friend is not around for too long, he will become very sad, experience psychological discomfort and may even get sick. In this regard, the Papillon will never tolerate cruel treatment, rude intonation and physical punishment. They are so vulnerable that they can be offended by even a small curse or shout.

We can say that the Papillon has a human character. In addition to intelligence, nature rewarded her with an impeccable memory. They are touchy and open, playful and inquisitive. There is even such a “human” trait as jealousy. Yes, she may be jealous of you not only of other pets, but also of people, and even of family and friends. But what she definitely won’t do is bark for no reason. If a dog decides to bark at someone or something, then there will be the most compelling reasons for this.

Papillon breed standard

General appearance

The appearance of the Papillon “butterfly” can be safely called luxurious. This miniature spaniel was endowed by nature with a physique in which everything is in harmony with each other: the muzzle is thin and graceful, slightly shorter than the skull, the bones are very strong, but at the same time, visually fragile, and the dog’s movements are light and graceful, imbued with nobility and a certain aristocracy . Her body is short, but long. A great bonus was her rich, healthy coat, and of course her famous butterfly ears and bushy tail.

The Papillon's head differs from ordinary spaniels in its lightness and small size. But it corresponds to the size of the body. The skull cannot be called perfectly round. The transition line from the forehead to the muzzle is clearly defined.

The nose of this breed should be small, round in shape, and black in color. If you look from above, it may seem that it is a little flattened, but its back is smooth and straight. The muzzle is slightly pointed and very slightly turned up. The Papillon's lips are highly pigmented, close to the jaw, compressed and thin. By the way, the jaws of dogs of this breed are very strong, the grip is strong and powerful. The bite should be scissor bite. As for the tongue, it should be carefully hidden behind the teeth. If it sticks out and does not retract inside the oral cavity, then this is a serious defect.

The eyes should be well open, large and almond-shaped, but wide. It may seem that they are set too low, but the most important thing is that the eyes should not be bulging. The Papillon has a very expressive look, the eye color should be dark, the eyelid should also be pigmented.

Finally, the most important thing is the ears. They are large, but placed quite firmly. There are general standards for floppy and erect ears. For example, in both cases the tip of the ear should not end in hard cartilage. The ears should be set back slightly on the head. They should also be at such a distance from each other that the rounded shape of the dog’s skull can be clearly seen.

It should be noted that there are 2 varieties of miniature spaniels: Papillons and Phalenes. Their significant difference from each other is only that the Papillon has erect ears, while the Phalene has drooping ears. Now we are talking about a Papillon with standing ears, so there is a separate standard for it with its own nuances. The Papillon's ears should be set fairly high, and their shells should be open and turned to the sides. The outer side of the ear is well covered with hair, with the longest fur located closer to the edge.

As for the neck, it is not too long, and in the area of ​​the back of the head it takes on a slightly curved shape. The tail is well feathered, set fairly high on the line of the back. Visually, the Papillon tail resembles an amazing flowing fountain. When excited, the tail should be carried over the dog's back or hip. If the tail is curled into a ring or half-ring and lies flat on the back, this will be considered a serious deviation from the standard.

The legs of the Papillon butterfly are considered long in proportion to its body. They are even compared to “rabbit” feet. The claws should be thick, powerful and preferably black. If a dog of this breed has a predominant white color wool, then in this case claws painted white are allowed. The toes on all paws are mobile, with long hair between them. The Papillon is distinguished from other breeds by its smooth, unusually light, elegant and, at the same time, proud movements. Her gait is full of confidence and aristocracy.

Papillon care and maintenance

At first glance, it may seem that caring for and maintaining Papillons is a complex and tedious process. But this is not entirely true. Care can be called easy, but still, you will have to work a little for the benefit of the dog.

If we are talking about a puppy, then the most important thing here is attention and care. But no one has yet canceled the appropriate care. Butterfly puppies are very cute creatures, reminiscent of a furball that really needs warmth and care. Little toddlers are sensitive and vulnerable, so they will immediately feel the mood and attitude of their owner towards them.

Proper care of Papillon puppies includes several points:

  • cleanliness and neatness - the coat, ears, nose, eyes should always be clean and well-groomed;
  • daily walks in the fresh air - even if you are short on time, it is still worth giving your dog at least 20-30 minutes, this will be enough for the puppy to spend a little energy and remain happy. There should be at least 2 such walks per day;
  • regular, correct and healthy eating– for a growing organism this is the most necessary thing. There is a special diet for Papillon puppies, as well as feeding rules, so it is better to consult with veterinarians;

If we are talking about an adult pet, then care will also not pose any special problems and will not take much effort. The most important thing that the owner should pay attention to is the wool. The coat reflects the dog's health, so it should be thick, clean and shiny. If the fur suddenly becomes dull, then this is an alarming “bell” that indicates unfavorable changes in the dog’s body.

The Papillon's coat is its pride and distinctive feature, so it needs to be looked after every day. For combing, use special combs and mittens. As your pet gets dirty, you need to bathe it with dog shampoo.

It is worth noting that the process of caring for Papillon fur is more complex than in the case of other breeds. But it's not that difficult. It is necessary to comb it at least 2-3 times a week, and during the molting period (spring and autumn) - every day. Brushing will save not only you and your home from constantly flying hair that sticks to everything, but also your dog from discomfort. For hygiene purposes, veterinarians recommend trimming the hair around the pads on the paws, as well as on the belly.

You can bathe your dog with either regular human shampoo or special dog shampoo. But, nevertheless, it is recommended to use a special one. This will help maintain the natural healthy shine and shade of the coat.

In addition to the coat, care should be taken for the claws. Regular inspection, removal of growths and haircut. Papillons have a lot of long and thick hair between their claws, which needs to be trimmed periodically.

Raising a Papillon

The butterfly Papillon breed is often called one of the easiest breeds to train. They are very inquisitive, love everything new and are interested in almost everything. But there are certain characteristics of this breed, where we are talking about the Papillon's desire to dominate other animals and even people. Therefore, you should start raising and training immediately after the puppy appears in your home.

What does raising a Papillon involve? First of all, this is the development of basic behavioral skills. These skills need to be developed from the very first months of a puppy’s life, the sooner the better. Despite his age, the little one very quickly understands what they want from him.

As mentioned above, Papillons are among the top smartest dogs on the planet. It would seem that this dog has an eternally childish character, constantly wanting to frolic and “fool around”, but at serious competitions and exhibitions, Papillons show the best results, which few manage to surpass.

The owner must clearly and confidently let the pet know what he wants, what can be done and what cannot be done. To do this, you need to use commands and actions and react correctly. You need to let the dog know that it is in your house and the owner is alone here.

In general, Papillons are very amenable to training adjustments; often you don’t even need to command them, they will simply understand words. Like any other Papillon breed, it should be rewarded for every positive result, for each command executed. This could be a kind word, stroking or a treat. All dogs appreciate being treated kindly.

A dog of this breed can adapt to any situation. She will easily understand all your requirements and rules of behavior. No aggression or even a hint of dissatisfaction on her part. What you should always remember is jealousy. The arrival of guests can cause a storm of indignation and jealousy in the Papillon. Try to stop this.

If you do everything correctly, then raising a Papillon should give you nothing but pleasure and fill you with positivity. Despite the fact that the entire educational process takes place in game form, it is necessary to ensure that the Papillon learns all the lessons from this game. Do not give in to the dog under any circumstances, otherwise it will instantly “climb” onto your neck and “hang its paws.”

How and what to feed the Papillon

Feeding Papillons is not much different from feeding other breeds. No features or special nutrition rules. A dog should not eat from a human table. This should be a separate, balanced and healthy food. Its health and life expectancy depend on what the Papillon eats.

If we talk about puppyhood, then you need to feed the little one at least 5-6 times a day. The food can be either dry or standard, but the most important thing is that it is balanced. Use a feeding schedule. By eating at certain hours, the dog will quickly learn discipline. Later, the number of meals should be reduced, and by six months the dog should be switched to 2-3 meals a day.

The diet should contain both animal and plant foods. The puppy should eat only fresh food. This will normalize intestinal function. In addition to food, the dog must always have access to clean and fresh water.

The peculiarity of feeding Papillons is that they cannot be overfed. And after a hearty lunch, the dog needs to be allowed to rest. It is advisable to add vitamins and minerals to the food, which are so necessary for growth and health. But dry food, most often, already contains everything you need.

Like other dogs, Papillons should never be fed sweets, food with spices, onions, bones, or food from your table.

For a healthy and even posture, it is recommended to place your dog's bowl on an elevated position. To prevent the dog from bending over while eating or drinking. The Papillon should not be allowed to become obese. If the puppy should be slightly plump, then the ribs of an adult pet can be clearly felt.

Papillon training

If you decide to become the happy owner of a Papillon, and, moreover, he is well-mannered and loyal, then he must be trained.

Training, like upbringing, should only be fun. Be patient and proceed with confidence. You can train your dog both on the street and at home. The most important thing and the first thing you should teach your puppy is to know his place in the house.

Since “butterflies” are very sensitive and touchy animals, you should not shout at them. Although all commands must be pronounced clearly, clearly and confidently. Once your puppy has learned his place, it's time to toilet train him. At home, he should do his business in only one place.

You should also begin to accustom your puppy to a collar and leash in time. But this should not be intrusive and violent. You need to try to do this as gently as possible, without traumatizing the psyche of the little creature. If during a walk you notice that the puppy is very scared and trembling, then pick him up and find a place where there will be no large crowds of people and noise. There the little Papillon will be able to independently adapt to the outdoor environment.

When training a Papillon, you must understand and make it clear to him that you are the “leader” of the pack and the head of the house. You must become an authority for him, a teacher who will teach him everything and guide him where he needs to go.

The first thing a puppy must learn and remember is its name, as well as such basic commands as “lie down” and “sit.” After this, you can begin to study “voice”, “nearby” and “wait”. Don't be upset if it doesn't work out the first time. After all, a dog is not a watch or other mechanism that just needs to be wound, it is living creature and already a personality. Spend a little time and patience, and she will definitely understand what you want from her.

How to choose a Papillon puppy

First, ask yourself whether you really want to become the owner of a Papillon. If the answer is clear and confident, then you need to immediately go to the most reliable and trusted nursery. There are several tips and rules to help you make the right choice.

True, if we are talking about lovers of aesthetic beauty or those who simply decided to get a Papillon for their own pleasure, then there are no special criteria here. You can focus on appearance, some want a fluffier one, while others like a toddler with an attractive face. It’s another matter if you decide to take care of your pet professionally and take it to various exhibitions and competitions. There are numerous factors and criteria to consider:

  • the puppy’s parents must have a good pedigree, it is advisable that they have already won prizes in competitions or have awards and certificates;
  • full compliance with breed standards (color, ears, etc.);
  • appearance and physical characteristics must correspond to the puppy’s age and all standards;
  • proportionality of all parts of the body and head;
  • correct placement of the tail and limbs;
  • lack of aggression and nervousness;

If you need a reliable guard, and the Papillon can be that, then pay attention to the puppy’s temperament. He should not react to your provocations, be restrained and a little cold. It is from such a toddler that you can raise a brave dog who will become your protection.

Choose only trusted breeders. Nurseries must be well known and have positive reviews. The breeder must provide you with all the proper certificates and documents for the dog.

And most importantly, don’t rush into the selection stage. This is the most important and responsible moment. Spend a little more time, take a closer look at the puppy, watch his behavior and appetite. Only then will you be able to make the right choice.

Papillon puppy price

This is not a very common breed and therefore Papillon puppies cost from 500 dollars to 1200 dollars.

Photo of Papillon

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(from French "butterfly") - indoor - decorative breed, dwarf spaniel, without working tests, companion dog. A charming creature with moving, light, open ears like butterfly wings. Thanks to their mental abilities, they take 1st place among decorative breeds, and 9th place among breeds in the world. For such a baby, this is an excellent result.

History of the Papillon breed

No one knows exactly what country the breed came from, but its fame stretches back centuries. In appearance, it resembles the Royal Toy Spaniel, an ancient European breed whose ancestors lived in royal palaces and aristocratic homes in the 15th century. These cute little ones accompanied noble ladies everywhere; even the portrait of crowned heads was considered unfinished without their image.

He was always close to those who were surrounded by fame and power. The sweet and affectionate breed gained great popularity among the nobles of past centuries, including Henry III, Louis XIV, Madame de Pompadour, etc.

These noble babies were often given to noble people. The most famous owner of the breed was the Queen of France, Marie Antoinette. During her lifetime, the ladies-in-waiting looked after the pets, who lived in their own separate palace, called the “Butterfly Pavilion.” As the story goes, her most beloved dog accompanied her to the guillotine, and before execution she gave it to one of the executioners.

Despite its enormous popularity among European monarchs, the Papillon came to England only in 1905. A lot of time has passed, and now this royal court toy has turned into a working breed.

Interesting fact: Surprisingly, the Papillon is an excellent shepherd for sheep, he is fast and agile. Directing the flock into the pen is not difficult for him. The secret is that sheep don't know the difference between a big and a small dog. Whether in front of them is the best shepherd among dogs, a border collie or a baby papillon, they listen to them the same.

According to the standard, the Continental Toy Spaniel breed is divided into 2 types:

  1. Papillon or Papillon (from French. papillon- butterfly) breed with erect ears.
  2. Phalen (from French) phalene- moth) with floppy ears

They are also divided into 2 weight categories:

  1. Males and females - 1.5-2.5 kg
  2. Males - 2.5-4.5 kg; Bitches - 2.5-5 kg

Papillon photo of an adult dog

  1. Body type: harmonious.
  2. Backbone: strong.
  3. Movement: light, elegant, graceful, free.
  4. Head: small, skull rounded, furrow between eyes slightly visible.
  5. Bridge of the nose: the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is well defined. In large individuals it is hardly noticeable, in small ones it is pronounced.
  6. Nose: black, round in shape, slightly flattened at the top.
  7. Bridge of the nose: straight.
  8. Muzzle: slightly shorter than the skull, pointed.
  9. Lips: thin, close to the jaws, black.
  10. Teeth: regular scissor bite, strong jaws.
  11. Eyes: large, dark, almond-shaped, not protruding, low set, the inner corner of the eye is at the intersection of the line of the skull and the muzzle.
  12. Ears: Since the Papillon is a Spaniel, it is believed that the ears appeared in the 19th century when the Phalene was crossed with the Dwarf Spitz or Chihuahua.
  13. The ears are quite large, firmly set, slightly shifted back, distant from each other. It doesn’t matter how the ears are located, whether they are hanging or standing, their ends are rounded. The ear is covered with wool, with beautiful fringe hanging down at the ends. The movements of the ears resemble the flapping of the wings of a butterfly, so they are able to move independently of each other.

  • PHALENE: A type of spaniel with floppy ears. At rest, they are set high, noticeably above the eye line. The hanging part is long, mobile, covered with long hair.
  • Papillon: A type of spaniel with erect ears. Set high, the shells are well open and directed to the sides. The inner edge of the shell forms an angle of approximately 45°.

Advice for beginning breeders: If you want to maintain the purity of a particular species, never cross both varieties of spaniel. Such an experiment can lead to semi-erect ears that are folded at the top. Such a position is considered a serious vice.

Papillon photo of a formidable baby

  • Neck: Lean, set high, slightly arched at the back of the head.
  • Body: strong, straight.
  • Loin: strong, slightly arched.
  • Chest: wide, deep, slightly flat on the sides.
    • Volume chest, at the level of the last two ribs, is equal to the height at the withers. The ribs are curved.
    • Underline: the stomach is moderately tucked.
  • Tail: Set high, covered with hair that forms a fountain. When alert, the tail is thrown over the back or hip.
  • Forelegs: straight, short. When viewed from the front and rear, the stance of the limbs is parallel. The blade fits tightly to the body. Elbows are equal in length to the shoulder, well tucked. The pasterns are slightly inclined.
  • Hind limbs: strong with well-developed articulation angles. The paws are long, reminiscent of a hare's, and in relation to the pads are located at a right angle.
  • Claws: black. White claws are acceptable on individuals with white fur.
  • Toes: movable with durable pads, hair grows between them, extending beyond the foot, as if lengthening it.
  • Coat: dense, wavy, silky guard hair, without undercoat.
    • On the head, on the muzzle, on the outer side of the forelimbs, on the lower part of the hind limbs, the hair is short.
    • Fur on the body medium length, on the neck a beautiful collar smoothly descends to the chest.
    • The ears and the back of the front legs are covered with long fringe, and on the outside of the thighs the hair forms “pants.” In some individuals, the hair length reaches 7.5 cm on the back and 15 cm on the tail.
  • Males: Must have two testes fully descended into the scrotum.
  • Photo of Papillon color

    • White - sable (spots pale lemon, red-red, mahogany color)
    • Black and white
    • Tricolor (black and white with tan, color must be present on the ears and eyes)

    Spots of any color except blue are acceptable. Black and tan color is recognized. A completely snow-white color or white ears are not acceptable, but this color should always predominate in any color. There is a visible dent on the head and muzzle, the spots on the sides are symmetrical.

    Like spaniels and phalenes, they are characterized by “freckles” on their faces and paws.

    Papillon character

    By nature, the Papillon is an intelligent, cheerful, cheerful and affectionate breed. It combines elegance and beauty, it is truly a royal dog.

    Very loyal to the owner, ready to understand him at a glance. These lively, loving and restless little ones will give you happiness and a radiant dog smile. They love to be in the company of people and require a lot of attention from their owner. If there is another animal in the house, they tolerate loneliness well.

    Be sure to accustom your baby to different situations, and then, left at home alone, he will not play pranks. In any case, if you want to have a Papillon, you must approach this issue responsibly. Hide accessible small things in the house, put wires away, remote controls and slippers are favorite things for these big-eared little ones to play with.

    Papillon with a strict character

    Buy your Papillon his own toys, balls, squeakers, and perhaps you will distract him from yours.

    They respond well to training and education, but by their nature, they are very self-confident, and training only highlights this side of their character. Gets along well with children and other pets.

    The Papillon is not only great for keeping in a city apartment, but also perfectly adapts to living in country house, with a spacious yard and garden. When kept in a city apartment, he can be trained to wear a diaper, but this will not replace a full walk in the open air. It is necessary to walk twice a day, morning - evening, before feeding. If you are walking close to the road, keep him on a leash.

    Active and dexterous kid, shows excellent results in sports for, agility and obedience (training working together with the owner, under his control) as if created for him. The Papillon is a hardy jumper, with strong bones and strong legs. Sport also contributes to the development muscle mass, teaches obedience and clear execution of commands.

    Caring for Papillon and Phalene

    Papillon black and red colors are playing by the sea

    The Papillon is a long-haired breed that sheds, but there is no strong seasonal shedding due to the lack of undercoat. Males shed twice a year, females before estrus and after the birth of puppies, and it is more noticeable on them.

    It is enough to comb 2 times a week with a metal comb; during shedding, the frequency of combing can be increased. Regular hair care prevents the appearance of tangles, especially between the fingers; if they appear, carefully cut them off. Before combing, lightly moisten the surface with a spray bottle diluted with water conditioner.

    Haircut exists for hygienic purposes. The guard hair on the body is not cut; it grows throughout life. The hair between the paw pads is trimmed around the paws, the foot is given the appearance of “ hare's foot", around the anus and groin area.

    You can bathe once a week or when dirty. For bathing, you should choose a shampoo that matches the coat type and will not leave a yellow tint on the white coat. Breeders sometimes use shampoo for platinum blondes or gray hair, but remember the pH of dogs is different from that of humans and often such experiments end in the appearance of dandruff.

    Trim claws 1 - 2 times. per month with a nail clipper for small breeds, file the sharp ends to avoid burrs. Always keep an eye on the fifth dewclaw and don’t forget to trim the claw on it. It does not wear off when walking, often grows long and curled, thereby causing pain when walking. Trim claws that are too long in several steps. Carry out the procedure carefully so as not to touch the blood vessels; you can trim it by retreating 2-3 mm from the vessel.

    After walking, wipe your paws with a damp cloth or rinse them in the shower. Check the pads for cracks. To prevent cracks from appearing, rub vegetable oil into the pads. In winter, wash your paws especially well and make sure that your Papillon does not lick off the reagent after walks.

    Papillon puppy photo of a baby with a sly look

    Ears should be inspected regularly and it is recommended to ventilate the ears. The inside is wiped with a cotton pad soaked in warm water.

    Examine your teeth for inflammation or injury. Brush after 2-3 days with a special toothpaste for dogs using an appropriate size toothbrush, sponge or finger attachment. After each procedure, the dog must be praised.

    To prevent the appearance of tartar, include fresh tomatoes and solid foods in your diet. Rope toys and rawhide chips can help remove plaque mechanically. The toy should not fit entirely into the mouth or be bitten off in small pieces.

    Eyes: healthy Papillon eyes are shiny, without souring and excessive tearing. Once a week, wipe them with a soft damp cloth soaked in warm water or a weak chamomile tea. Wash each eye with a separate clean cloth.

    Causes of lacrimation in Papillons:

    • inflammation of the lacrimal sac
    • great content protein or carbohydrates in the diet
    • blockage of tear ducts
    • curling of eyelashes or eyelids
    • extra row of eyelashes
    • allergic reaction
    • too thick eyelashes in the corners of the eyes
    • entry of a foreign object

    In any case, if you notice excessive tearing, redness or pus, immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

    Tear tracks under the eyes are a favorable environment for bacteria; red-brown smudges or ulcers appear in places where moisture accumulates. Try to prevent this; for daily care, use eye care lotion, which contains chamomile extract and mallow.

    Ticks and fleas

    Treat with flea and tick repellent once a month. The product (Advantix, Frontline, or any others your veterinarian recommends) comes in the form of drops. They are applied to the withers closer to the neck, in a place where it is difficult to lick off, and do not bathe for 10 days. On the first day, do not allow children to iron.

    The product in the form of a spray is applied immediately before a walk in the forest or park, on clothing, and on its bed. Often the presence of fleas is a manifestation of allergies and scabies.

    But if you notice the following symptoms, immediately seek help from a veterinarian, there is a great chance of salvation:

    • The dog is lethargic, sleeps constantly, falls over on its hind legs when walking
    • Refuses to drink and eat
    • High temperature (more than 39 degrees)
    • Urine is red-brown

    Papillon (phalena) - nutrition

    Papillon photo on a rock

    For feeding the Papillon and Phalene, premium dry food or natural food is suitable. Buy high-quality drying, not cheap, but natural feeding with variety, and as much as possible useful to the body, that is, fully satisfy the needs, plus vitamins and minerals.

    • The advantages of dry food are that they do not need to be prepared, you can read the portion on the package, and are easy to take on the go. Minus - you need to make sure that the Papillon drinks water after drying, it is expensive.
    • Pros of natural feeding - you know what the food is made from, cons - you need to find time to prepare, it is not always cheap, it is difficult to store when traveling.

    When feeding, you should follow simple rules:

    1. Always feed fresh food
    2. The bowl of water should be in an accessible place
    3. The portion should be eaten quickly, wait up to 20 minutes, and put the bowl in the refrigerator until the next feeding
    4. Always feed after walks
    5. Food is given at room temperature, not cold and not too hot
    6. Give the meat boiled or scald with boiling water
    7. Bowls, wash with hot water

    There are a number of foods that are prohibited or beneficial for the Papillon. Remember poor nutrition reflected in the quality of coat, eyes and health. The more carefully you monitor your pet's nutrition, the healthier and happier he will be.

    Products useful for phalene:

    • Lean meat (turkey, lamb, chicken, beef, rabbit)
    • Seasonal vegetables and fruits (apples, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin)
    • Green
    • Porridge (rice, buckwheat)
    • Sea fish without bones (necessarily boiled)
    • Fermented milk products (kefir, low-fat cottage cheese)
    • By-products

    Products prohibited to Phalene:

    • Pork and any fatty meat
    • Chocolate
    • Sweets
    • Seasonings
    • Smoked products
    • river fish
    • Legumes
    • Fresh baked goods
    • Pasta
    • Spicy food
    • Nuts

    In the photo there is a Papillon with sad eyes

    • Entropy (turn of the century)
    • Cataract
    • Corneal dystrophy
    • Congenital deafness
    • Weak knee joint
    • Sensitive to anesthesia

    Photo of Papillon

    Papillon video