Sample rules for using the library of an educational institution of higher professional education (higher education institution). Sample rules for the work of a library of an educational institution Rules for using the library of a general education

Letter from the Ministry of General and vocational education Russian Federation
dated January 14, 1998 No. 06-51-2in/ 27-06

1. General provisions.
1.1. These recommendations for drawing up Model rules for using the library in general educational institution(hereinafter referred to as the Recommendations) were developed in accordance with the Model Regulations on the Library of a General Education Institution.
Using the Recommendations, library workers prepare rules for using a specific library, taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of readers, using the appropriate style of presentation of the document, especially in the version for primary schoolchildren and young teenagers. The library rules must be stamped “I approve” and signed by the director of the educational institution.
1.2. Rules for using the library - a document that records the relationship between the reader and the library and determines general order organization of reader services, procedures for access to library collections, rights and responsibilities of readers and libraries.
The individual order and technology of service is determined and regulated by each library, taking into account specific conditions.
1.3. Students and employees of educational institutions have the right to freely and freely use the library.
Given their capabilities, libraries can also serve parents of students and other categories of users; The possibilities and conditions of service are determined by the library.
1.4. Readers are provided with: a fund of educational, fiction, reference, and popular science literature for students; methodological, scientific and pedagogical, reference literature for teachers:
- books, newspapers, magazines, slides, video-magnetic recordings, microfiches, electronic databases, etc.;
- reference and bibliographic apparatus: catalogues, card indexes, reference and bibliographic collection, recommendation lists of literature;
- individual, group and mass forms of work with readers.
1.5. The library serves readers:
- on a subscription (delivery of printed works to individual readers at home);
- in the reading room (a division of the library with a special room where readers work, first of all, with publications and other documents that are not issued at home);
- at distribution points in classrooms for working with publications and other documents during school hours;
- by interlibrary loan (ILA) – obtaining literature for temporary use from other libraries.
1.6. The library's operating hours are the operating hours of the educational institution. To ensure a differentiated approach to serving readers, a library work schedule is drawn up with the allocation of certain days (hours) for visiting separate groups of students by grade, teachers, and parents.
2. Rights, duties and responsibilities of readers.
2.2. The reader has the right:
2.2.1. use the following free library and information services:
- have free access to library collections and information;
- receive printed publications and audiovisual documents for temporary use from the library’s collections;
- receive advisory and practical assistance in searching and selecting printed works and other sources of information;
- obtain books through interlibrary loan;
- extend the period of use of literature in the prescribed manner:
- use reference and bibliographic apparatus: catalogs and card files on traditional and machine-readable media;
- use reference, bibliographic and information services;
- obtain library, bibliographic and information knowledge, skills and abilities to independently use a library, book, information; library, book, information;
2.2.2. take part in events held by the library;
2.2.3. elect and be elected to the Library Council, provide practical assistance to the library;
2.2.4. to ensure the confidentiality of reader data and the list of materials read;
2.2.5. to appeal the actions of library workers that infringe on his rights to the director of a general education institution (contact phone number __________) or to the regional education authority (address ______________, contact phone number ________).
2.2.6. Use additional paid services. The list and cost of additional paid services is developed and determined by each individual library and approved by the director of the educational institution.
2.3. Readers (guarantors of minor readers) are obliged to:
- follow the rules for using the library;
- treat printed works and other media received from the library collection with care (do not make notes, underlines, tear out, fold pages, etc.);
- return books and other documents to the library within strictly established deadlines;
- do not remove books and other documents from the library premises if they are not written down in the reader’s form;
- use valuable and unique copies of books, reference publications, books received through interlibrary loan only on the library premises;
- when receiving printed publications and other documents from the library collection, the reader must view them in the library and, if defects are found, inform the library worker, who will make an appropriate note on them;
- sign the reader’s form for each publication received from the library (except for students in grades 1–2);
- in case of loss or unintentional damage to publications and other documents, replace them with the same ones or copies or publications recognized by the library as equivalent. If replacement is not possible, reimburse the actual market value of the publications. The cost of lost or damaged printed works is determined by the library worker at the prices indicated in the library’s accounting documents, using coefficients for the revaluation of library collections;
- do not violate the order of arrangement of literature in the open access fund;
- do not remove cards from catalogs and filing cabinets;
- annually at the beginning academic year undergo re-registration;
- upon leaving a general education institution, return the publications and other documents registered to them to the library;
- maintain silence and order in the library, do not bring large briefcases and bags into the library premises.
2.4. If the deadlines for using books and other documents are violated without good reason, administrative sanctions may be applied to readers in the prescribed manner (usually temporary deprivation of the right to use the library).
2.5. A personal file is issued to withdrawing students only after the literature borrowed from the library has been returned; Departing employees of a general education institution mark their worksheet in the library.
2.6. Deliberate damage and theft of books from the library provides for criminal liability or compensation for damage in monetary terms or equivalent replacement with printed works and other documents.
2.7. 3a parents or guarantors must bear responsibility for the loss of printed works from library collections by minor readers or the infliction of irreparable harm to them.
3. Responsibilities of the library.
3.1. The library is obliged:
- ensure free and easy access for readers to library collections and free lending of printed materials;
- provide prompt and high-quality service to readers, taking into account their requests and needs;
- promptly inform readers about all types of services provided;
- if there are no publications needed by readers, request them via interlibrary loan from other libraries;
- provide catalogs, card indexes for use, and carry out other forms of library information;
- study the needs of readers for educational information;
- conduct consulting work, provide assistance in searching and selecting the necessary publications;
- conduct classes on the basics of library, bibliographic and information knowledge;
- conduct oral and visual mass information work:
- organize literature exhibitions, bibliographic reviews, Information Days, literary evenings, games, holidays and other events;
- improve work with readers by introducing advanced computer technology;
- systematically monitor the timely return of issued printed works to the library;
- provide readers with the necessary literature in vacation time;
- conduct annual re-registration of readers at the beginning of the school year;
- ensure the safety and rational use of library collections, create necessary conditions for storing documents;
- carry out minor repairs and timely binding of books, involving library staff in this work;
- contribute to the formation of the library as a center for working with books and information;
- create and maintain comfortable working conditions for readers;
- ensure operating mode in accordance with needs educational institution;
- report on their activities in accordance with the library regulations.
4. Procedure for using the library.
4.1. Registration of readers is carried out at a subscription or other point of distribution of literature. Students register in the library individually according to the class list, employees and teachers - according to their passport.
4.2. For each reader, a reader's form of the established form is filled out as a document giving the right to use the library.
4.3. When registering, readers must familiarize themselves with the rules for using the library and confirm their obligation to comply with them by signing on the reader’s form.
4.4. Reader and book forms are documents certifying the fact and date of issue to the reader of printed and other sources of information and their return to the library.
4.5. The exchange of printed works is carried out according to the work schedule established by the library.
5. Procedure for using the subscription.
5.1. The period of use of literature and the number of publications issued on a subscription are determined differentially by the library itself and are fixed in the rules of use of the library.
5.2. The period of use can be extended if there is no demand for the publication from other readers, or shortened if the publication is in high demand or is available in a single copy. Rare, valuable and reference publications, literature received through interlibrary loan (ILA) are not subject to home loan.
5.3. Readers (with the exception of students in grades 1–2) sign the reader’s form for each copy of publications; The return of the publication is recorded with the signature of the librarian.
6. Procedure for using the reading room.(for libraries with reading rooms)
6.1. Literature intended for use in the reading room is not issued at home.
6.2. Encyclopedias, reference books, rare and valuable books, and publications received through interlibrary loan are issued only in the reading room.
The number of printed works and other documents issued in the reading room is, as a rule, not limited.


Director of MBOU "Aktanyshskaya secondary"

comprehensive school No. 1" (R.F. Gizdatullina)



1. General provisions.

1.1 These rules for using the library of a general education institution have been developed in accordance with the Model Regulations on the Library of a General Education Institution.

1.2.Rules for using the library - a document that records the relationship between the reader and the library and determines the general procedure for organizing services for readers, the procedure for accessing library funds, the rights and obligations of readers and the library.

1.3.B Students and employees of educational institutions have the right to freely and freely use the library. Libraries can also serve parents of students and other categories of users.

1.4. Readers are provided with: a fund of educational, fiction, reference, and popular science literature for students; methodological, scientific and pedagogical, reference literature for teachers; books, newspapers, magazines, slides, video magnetic recordings, microfiche, electronic databases, etc.;

Reference and bibliographic apparatus: catalogues, card indexes, reference and bibliographic collection, recommended literature lists;

Individual, group and mass forms of work with readers.

1.5. The library serves readers:

On a subscription basis (delivery of printed works to individual readers at home);

In the office for working with textbooks;

By interlibrary loan (ILA): obtaining literature for temporary use from other libraries.

1.6. The library's operating hours correspond to the operating hours of the educational institution.

2. Rights, duties and responsibilities of readers.

2.2. The reader has the right:

2.2.1. Use the following free library and information services:

Have free access to library collections and information;

Receive printed publications and other documents for temporary use from the library’s collections;

Receive consulting and practical assistance in searching and selecting printed works and other sources of information;

Get books through interlibrary loan;

Extend the period of use of literature in the prescribed manner;

Use reference and bibliographic apparatus: catalogs and card files on traditional and machine-readable media;

Use reference, bibliographic and information services;

Obtain library, bibliographic and information knowledge, skills and abilities to independently use a library, book, information

2.2.2. Take part in events held by the library.

2.2.3. Elect and be elected to the library council, provide practical assistance to the library.

2.2.4. To ensure the confidentiality of data about him and the list of materials he reads.

2.2.5. To appeal against the actions of library workers who infringe on his rights with the director of a general education institution (contact phone number 3-12-96)

2.2.6. Use additional paid services. Scroll

And the cost of additional service fees is developed and determined by the library and approved by the educational institution.

2.3. Readers (guarantors of minor readers) are obliged to:

Follow the rules for using the library;

Treat printed works and other media received from the library collection with care (do not make marks, underlines, tear out, fold pages, etc.)

Return books and other documents to the library within strictly established deadlines;

Do not remove books and other documents from the library premises if they are not written down in the reader’s form:

Use valuable and unique copies of books, reference publications, and books received through interlibrary loan only on the library premises;

When receiving printed publications and other documents from the library collection, the reader must view them in the library and, if defects are found, notify the library worker, who will make an appropriate note on them;

Sign in the reader's form for each publication received from the library (except for students in grades 1-2);

In the event of loss or unintentional damage to publications and other documents, replace them with the same ones or copies or publications recognized by the library as equivalent. If replacement is not possible, reimburse the real market value of the publications. The cost of lost or damaged printed works is determined by the library worker at the prices indicated in the library’s accounting documents, using coefficients for the revaluation of library collections;

Do not violate the order of arrangement of literature in the open access fund;

Do not remove cards from catalogs and filing cabinets;

Re-register annually at the beginning of the school year;

When leaving a general education institution, return the publications and other documents they own to the library;

Maintain silence and order in the library, do not bring large briefcases and bags into the library premises.

2.4. If the deadlines for using books and other documents are violated without good reason, administrative sanctions may be applied to readers in the prescribed manner (usually temporary deprivation of the right to use the library).

2.5. A personal file is issued to withdrawing students only after the return of literature borrowed from the library; Departing employees of a general education institution mark their worksheet in the library.

2.6. Deliberate damage and theft of books from the library provide for criminal liability or compensation for damage in monetary terms or equivalent replacement with printed works and other documents.

2.7. Parents or guarantors must bear responsibility for the loss of printed works from library collections by minor readers or the infliction of irreparable harm to them.

3.Responsibilities of the library.

3.1. The library is obliged:

Ensure free and easy access for readers to library collections and free lending of printed materials;

Provide prompt and high-quality service to readers, taking into account their requests and needs;

Timely inform readers about all types of services provided;

If there are no publications needed by readers, request them via interlibrary loan from other libraries;

Provide catalogs, card indexes, and other forms of library information for use;

Study the needs of readers for educational information;

Conduct consulting work, provide assistance in searching and selecting the necessary publications;

Conduct classes on the basics of library, bibliographic and information knowledge;

Conduct oral and visual mass information work;

Organize literature exhibitions, bibliographic reviews, information days, literary evenings, games, holidays and other events;

Improve work with readers by introducing advanced computer technologies;

Systematically monitor the timely return of issued printed works to the library;

Provide readers with the necessary literature during the holidays;

Conduct annual re-registration of readers at the beginning of the school year;

Ensure the safety and rational use of library collections, create the necessary conditions for storing documents;

Carry out minor repairs and timely binding of books, involving library staff in this work;

Contribute to the formation of the library as a center for working with books and information;

Create and maintain comfortable working conditions for readers;

Ensure operating hours in accordance with the needs of the educational institution;

Report on your activities in accordance with the library regulations.

4. Procedure for using the library.

4.1. Registration of readers is carried out at a subscription or other point of distribution of literature. Students register in the library individually according to the list, employees and teachers - according to their passport.

4.2. For each reader, a reader's form of the established form is filled out as a document giving the right to use the library.

4.3. When registering, readers must familiarize themselves with the rules for using the library and confirm their obligation to comply with them by signing on the reader’s form.

4.4. Reader and book forms are documents certifying the fact and date of issue to the reader of printed and other sources of information and their return to the library.

4.5. The exchange of printed works is carried out according to the work schedule. installed by the library.

Procedure for using the subscription.

5.1. The period of use of literature and the number of publications issued on a subscription are determined differentially by the library itself and are fixed in the rules of use of the library.

5.2. The period of use may be extended if there is no demand for the publication from other readers, or shortened if the publication is in high demand or is available in a single copy. Rare, valuable and reference publications, literature received through interlibrary loan are not subject to home loan.

5.3. Readers (with the exception of students in grades 1-2) sign the reader's form for each copy of publications; The return of the publication is recorded with the signature of the Librarian.

6. Procedure for using the reading room (for libraries with reading rooms).

6.1. Literature intended for use in the reading room is not issued at home.

6.2. Encyclopedia, reference works, rare and valuable books, publications received through interlibrary loan are issued only in the reading room.

6.3. The number of printed works and other documents issued in the reading room is, as a rule, not limited.

Rules for using a school library are a document that records the relationship between the reader and the library and determines the general procedure for organizing services for readers, the procedure for accessing library collections, the rights and responsibilities of readers and libraries.



Municipal state educational institution

"Anisimovskaya basic secondary school"

Boksitogorsky district Leningrad region

Terms of use

school library

Anisimovo village.

1. General provisions

1.1. These rules for using the school library of the MCOU "Anisimovskaya OOSH" were developed in accordance with the Federal Law on Librarianship adopted by the State. Duma 11.23.94, with the Regulations on the library of the MKOU "Anisimovskaya secondary school"

1.2. Rules for using a school library are a document that records the relationship between the reader and the library and determines the general procedure for organizing services for readers, the procedure for access to library funds, the rights and responsibilities of readers and libraries.

1.3. Students and employees of the Municipal Educational Institution “Anisimovskaya Secondary School” have the right to freely and freely use the library. Taking into account the capabilities of the library, parents of students and other categories of users can also be served; The possibilities and conditions of service are determined by the library.

1.4. Readers are provided with: a fund of educational, fiction, reference, popular science literature for students; methodological, scientific - pedagogical, reference literature for teachers:

* Books, newspapers, magazines

*Reference and bibliographic apparatus: catalogues, card indexes, reference and bibliographic collection, recommended literature lists;

  • Media library;

* Individual, group and mass forms of work with readers.

1.5. The library serves readers:

* On a subscription basis (delivery of printed works to individual readers at home);

* In the reading room (where readers work primarily with publications and other documents that are not issued at home);

* At distribution points in classrooms for working with publications and other documents during school hours.

2. Rights, duties and responsibilities of readers

2.1. The reader has the right:

2.1.1. Use the following free library and information services:

* Have free access to library collections and information;

* Receive printed publications and documents for temporary use from the fund;

* Receive consulting and practical assistance in searching and selecting printed works and other sources of information;

* Extend the period of use of literature in the prescribed manner;

* Use reference and bibliographic apparatus: catalogs and card files on traditional media;

* Use reference, bibliographic and information services;

* Obtain library, bibliographic and information knowledge, skills and abilities to independently use a library, book, information.

2.1.2. Take part in events held by the library;

2.1.3. Provide practical assistance to the library.

2.2 Readers (guarantors of minor readers) are obliged:

* Follow the rules for using the library;

* Treat printed works and other media received from the library collection with care (do not make notes, underlines, tear out, fold pages, etc.);

* Return books and other documents to the library within strictly established deadlines;

* Do not remove books and other documents from the library premises if they are not written down in the reader's form;

* When receiving printed publications and other documents from the library collection, the reader must view them in the library and, if defects are found, inform the library worker, who will make an appropriate note in them;

* Sign the reader's form for each publication received;

* In case of loss or unintentional damage to publications and other documents, replace them with the same one or with copies or publications recognized by the library as equivalent.

* Do not violate the order of arrangement of literature in the open access fund;

* Do not remove cards from catalogs and filing cabinets;

* Re-register annually at the beginning of the school year;

* When leaving the MCOU “Anisimovskaya OOSH”, return the publications and other documents registered to him to the library;

* Maintain silence and order in the library, do not bring large briefcases and bags into the library premises.

2.3. If the terms of use of a book and other documents are violated without good reason, administrative sanctions may be applied to readers in the prescribed manner (as a rule, temporary deprivation of the right to use the library).

2.4. A personal file is issued to departing students only after the return of literature borrowed from the library; Departing employees of the Municipal Public Institution "Anisimovskaya Secondary School" mark their worksheet in the library.

2.5. Deliberate damage and theft of books from the library provides for compensation for damage in monetary terms or equivalent replacement with printed works and other documents.

2.6. Parents or guarantors must bear responsibility for the loss of printed works from library collections by minor readers or the infliction of irreparable harm.

3. Responsibilities of the library

3.1 The library is obliged:

*Ensure free and easy access for readers to library collections and free issuance of printed materials for temporary use;

* Provide prompt and high-quality service to readers, taking into account their requests and needs;

* Timely inform readers about all types of services provided;

* Provide catalogs, card files, and other forms of library information for use;

* Conduct consulting work, provide assistance in searching and selecting the necessary publications;

* Conduct classes on the basics of library, bibliographic and information knowledge;

* Conduct oral and visual mass information work: organize literature exhibitions, bibliographic reviews, information days, literary evenings, games, holidays and other events;

* Systematically monitor the timely return of issued printed works to the library;

* Provide readers with the necessary literature during the holidays;

* Conduct annual re-registration of readers at the beginning of the school year;

* Ensure the safety and rational use of library collections, create the necessary conditions for storing documents;

* Carry out minor repairs and timely binding of books;

* Contribute to the formation of the library as a center for working with books and information;

* Create and maintain comfortable working conditions for readers;

* Ensure operating hours in accordance with the needs of the educational institution;

* Report on your activities in accordance with the Library Regulations;

  • Conduct a sanitary day once a month in the library collections.

4. Procedure for using the library

4.1. Registration of readers is carried out at a subscription or other point of distribution of literature. Students register in the library individually according to the class list, staff and teachers - according to their passport.

4.2. For each reader, a reader's form of the established form is filled out as a document giving the right to use the library.

4.3. When registering, readers must familiarize themselves with the rules for using the library and confirm their obligation to comply with them by signing on the reader’s form.

4.4. Reader and book forms are documents certifying the fact and date of issue to the reader of printed and other sources of information and their return to the library.

4.5. The exchange of printed works is carried out according to the work schedule established by the library.

5. Procedure for using the subscription

5.1. The period of use of literature and the number of publications issued on a subscription are determined, differentiated by the library itself and recorded in the rules of use of the library.

5.2. The period of use can be extended if there is no demand for the publication from other readers, or shortened if the publication is in high demand or is available in a single copy. Rare, valuable and reference publications, literature received through interlibrary loan (ILA) are not subject to home loan.

Maximum terms for using documents:

*textbooks, teaching aids– academic year;

* scientifically popular, educational, fiction– 14 days;

*periodicals, publications of high demand – 7 days.

5.3. Readers sign the reader's form for each copy of publications; The return of the publication is recorded with the signature of the librarian.

6. Procedure for using the reading room

6.1. Literature intended for use in the reading room is not issued at home.

6.2. Encyclopedias, reference books, rare and valuable books, andthose available in a single copy are issued only in the reading room.

6.3. The number of printed works and other documents issued in the reading room is not limited.

7. Procedure for working with a computer located in the school library

7.1. Work with the computer of participants in the general education process is carried out according to a schedule approved by the school director and in the presence of a library employee.

7.2. Allowed to work one at a time personal computer no more than two people at a time.

7.3. For all questions about searching for information on the Internet, the user should contact a library employee; It is prohibited to access Internet resources that require payment.

7.4. Work with the computer is carried out in accordance with approved sanitary and hygienic requirements.


1. General provisions

1.1. The rules for using the library of a general education institution (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) were developed in accordance with Federal Laws of December 29, 1994 No. 78-FZ “On Librarianship”, dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Order of the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation dated December 2, 1998 No. 590 “On approval of the “Instructions on accounting of library collections”, Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated August 24, 2000 No. 2488 “On accounting of library collections of libraries of educational institutions”, Letter of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Russian Federation dated January 14, 1998 No. 06-51-2in/27-06 "On the direction of approximate regulations on the library of a general education institution and recommendations for drawing up approximate rules for using the library of a general education institution."

1.2. These Rules fix the relationship between users and the library and determine the general procedure for organizing services for various categories and groups of users, the procedure for accessing the library’s collections, the rights, duties and responsibilities of the library and its users.

2. Library users

2.1. Users of the library of a general education institution (hereinafter - OU) are:

2.1.1. OU students mastering basic general education programs of primary, basic and secondary general education in accordance with federal state educational standards (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard);

2.1.2. students mastering academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules) outside the Federal State Educational Standard;

2.1.3. students and pupils of educational institutions receiving paid educational services;

2.1.4. pupils of educational institutions mastering the basic general education program of preschool education;

2.1.5. legal representatives of students and pupils of the educational institution;

2.1.6. employees of the educational institution;

2.1.7. third party individuals.

2.2. Library users are divided into the following groups:



· OU students mastering basic general education

programs of primary, basic and secondary general education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

· students mastering academic subjects, courses, disciplines (modules)

Outside the Federal State Educational Standard

· pupils of educational institutions mastering basic general education

preschool education program

· employees of educational institution


· students and pupils of educational institutions receiving paid educational services


· legal representatives of students and pupils of the educational institution

· third party individuals

2.3. Group users A the right of free access to the entire range of library, information and library services is provided.

2.4. Group users IN the right of access to the entire range of library, information and library services, the cost of which is included in the price of paid educational services provided.

2.5. Group users C the right of access to the complex of library, information and service services of the library is exercised on the basis of an agreement on the provision of paid library, information and service services.

3. Rights, duties and responsibilities of library users

3.1. Group users A have the right to use the following types of library, information and services free of charge:

· receive full information on the composition of the library’s collection and the availability of specific documents in it through the system of catalogs and bibliographic files and other forms of library information;

· receive reference, bibliographic and information services as traditional methods, and methods of telecommunication access;

· receive advice in searching and selecting printed works and other documents;

· receive from the library's collections for temporary use on subscriptions and in reading rooms any publications, unpublished documents or their copies and audiovisual documents;

· extend the period of use of literature in accordance with the established procedure;

· obtain library, bibliographic and information knowledge, skills and abilities to independently use a library, book, information;

· order printed works and other Documents through interlibrary loan (ILA).

3.2. Group users IN have the right to use all types of library, information and services listed in clause 3.1. of these Rules within the framework of an agreement for receiving paid educational services.

3.3. Group users WITH have the right to use all types of library, information and services listed in clause 3.1. of these Rules on the basis of an agreement for the provision of additional paid services.

3.4. Users of all groups have the right to use additional paid library, information and service services of the library.

3.5. Library users of all groups have equal rights:

· receive high-quality, prompt and comfortable service;

· take part in events held by the library;

· elect and be elected to the library council, provide practical assistance to the library;

· demand confidentiality of data about him;

· appeal against the actions of library employees that infringe their rights with the director of the educational institution

3.6. Library users of all groups are required to:

· comply with these Rules;

· treat the library collections with care (do not make notes, underlines, tear them out, do not fold pages, etc.), its property and equipment;

· return books and other documents to the library within strictly established deadlines;

· do not remove books and other documents from the library premises if they are not written down in the reader’s form;

· use valuable and only copies of books, reference publications, books received through interlibrary loan only on the library premises;

· when receiving printed publications and other documents from the library collection, carefully review them in the library and, if any defects are found, notify a library employee who will make an appropriate note on them, otherwise the user who last used the publication is responsible for damage to the books;

· annually, before June 1, submit to the library all literature borrowed in the past academic year. The exception is the documents necessary for the user to pass the final certification or to develop educational programs, educational, didactic and other material within the framework of ongoing educational programs and work plans;

· sign the reader's form for each publication received from the library (except for 1st grade students);

· do not violate the order of arrangement of literature in the open access fund;

· do not remove cards from catalogs and filing cabinets;

· re-register annually at the beginning of the school year;

· maintain silence and order in the library;

· do not bring large briefcases and bags into the library premises;

· don't enter the library outerwear and hats, do not use mobile phones.

3.7. Group Library Users A And IN upon leaving school, they are required to return the publications and other documents that belong to them to the library.

3.8. In case of loss or unintentional damage to publications and other materials from the library’s collection, users of all groups are obliged to replace them with the same ones or copies or publications recognized by library employees as equivalent. If replacement is not possible, group users WITH and legal representatives of group users A And IN are required to reimburse the market value of publications. The market value of lost or damaged printed works is determined by library employees at the time of compensation for the damage caused.

3.9. If the deadlines for using books and other documents are violated without good reason, group users WITH are deprived of the right to use the library.

3.10. Library users who have violated these Rules and caused damage to the library will compensate it in the amount established by these Rules, and also bear other liability in cases provided for by current legislation.

4. Rights, duties and responsibilities of library employees

4.1. Library employees have the right:

· determine the conditions and procedure for using funds;

· set deadlines for using literature and other documents;

· distribute educational and methodological literature between classes;

· do not extend the period of use of documents previously borrowed for a short period of time if there is unsatisfied demand for them from other users of groups A and B;

· control the work of users with electronic resources in order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation on copyright and to exclude unauthorized use of Internet resources;

· determine the types and amounts of compensation for damage caused by users to the library in accordance with these Rules;

· deprive users of the right to use the library in accordance with these Rules;

· provide additional paid library, information and service services in accordance with the List approved by the school director.

4.2. Library workers are required to:

· ensure user access to library collections and the issuance of literature and other materials for temporary use in accordance with these Rules;

· provide prompt and high-quality service to readers, taking into account their requests and needs;

· promptly inform users of all categories about all types of resources and services provided by the library;

· in the absence of publications needed by users, request them via interlibrary loan from other libraries;

· provide catalogs, card indexes, and other forms of library information for use;

· study the needs of users for educational information;

· create a fund of documents in accordance with needs educational activities schools and ensure its safety;

· conduct consulting work, provide assistance in searching and selecting the necessary publications;

· conduct classes on the basics of library, bibliographic and information knowledge;

· conduct oral and visual mass information work; organize literature exhibitions, bibliographic reviews, information days, literary evenings, games, holidays and other events;

· improve work with users through the introduction of information and communication technologies;

· systematically monitor the timely return of issued printed works to the library;

· provide user groups A And IN necessary literature during the holidays;

· conduct annual re-registration of users at the beginning of the school year;

· ensure the safety and rational use of library collections, create the necessary conditions for their storage;

· carry out minor repairs and timely binding of books, involving library staff in this work;

· contribute to the formation of the library as an information resource center;

· create and maintain comfortable working conditions for users;

· ensure operating hours in accordance with school operating hours.

4.3. Library employees are responsible for violations of the requirements of these Rules in accordance with current legislation, charter and other local regulations schools.

5. Procedure for using the library

5.1. Users register for the library using a subscription:

5.1.1. students and pupils according to the class (group) list on an individual basis;

5.1.2. employees based on the staffing table on an individual basis;

5.1.3. legal representatives of students (pupils) and third parties individuals on the basis of an agreement on the provision of paid library, information and service services.

5.2. For each user, a reader's form of the established form is filled out as a document giving the right to use the library.

5.3. When registering, readers are required to familiarize themselves with the rules for using the library and confirm their obligation to comply with them by signing on the reader’s form (their legal representatives sign for 1st grade students and preschool children).

5.4. Reader and book forms are documents certifying the fact and date of issue to the library user of printed and other sources of information and their return to the library.

5.5. The exchange of printed works is carried out according to the work schedule approved by the school director.

6. Procedure for using the subscription

6.1. The period of use of literature and the number of publications issued on a subscription basis are determined differentially by the head of the library and approved by the deputy director (educational work).

6.2. The period of use may be extended if there is no demand for the publication from other users. Rare, valuable and reference publications, literature received through interlibrary loan (ILA) are not subject to home loan.

6.3. Readers (with the exception of kindergarteners and 1st grade students) sign the reader’s form for each copy of publications; The return of the publication is recorded with the signature of the librarian.

7. Procedure for using the reading room

7.1. Literature intended for use in the reading room is not issued at home.

7.2. Encyclopedias, reference books, rare and valuable books, and publications received through interlibrary loan are issued only in the reading room.

7.3. The number of printed works and other documents issued in the reading room is, as a rule, not limited.

1. General provisions

1.1. The standard rules for using a school library regulate the general procedure for organizing services for school library readers, the rights and responsibilities of the library and the reader, and are the basis for the development and approval by the director of the educational institution of the Rules for using the library.

2. Reader rights

2.1. Students have the right to use the library teaching staff and other school employees, parents of school students.

2.2. Receive complete information about the composition of the library's collection, the procedure for accessing documents and advice in searching and selecting sources of information.

2.3. Receive any document from the library collection for temporary use.

2.4. Take part in events held by the library.

2.5. Elect and be elected to the library council and take part in its work.

2.6. Appeal, in accordance with the procedure established by law, illegal actions of library employees that infringe on the reader’s rights.

3. Procedure for using the library

3.1. School students enroll in the library individually in accordance with the class lists. School employees and parents - by passport or other identification document.

3.2. For each reader, a reader's form of the established form is filled out. The reader's form is a document certifying the fact and date of issue to the reader of documents from the fund and their acceptance by the library worker.

3.3. When enrolling in the library, the reader must be familiar with the Rules for Using the Library and confirm the obligation to comply with them by signing the reader’s form.

3.4. Documents are issued to readers at home for a period of 7 days. The number of copies issued at a time (not counting textbooks) should not exceed five.

Note. The period of use may be extended if there is no demand for this document from other readers.

3.5. Educational, methodological literature issued to readers for the duration of their studies in accordance with the program (with mandatory re-registration at the end of the academic year). Literary works, studied according to the program in lessons, are issued for a period in accordance with the study program.

3.6. The next issuance of documents from the library's collections to the reader is made only after the return of those previously taken by him, the period of use of which has expired.

3.7. Rare and valuable books, albums, and single copies of reference publications are not issued at home.

3.8. The number of documents from the collection issued for working with them within the library is not limited.

4. Responsibilities and responsibilities of readers

4.1. When registering in the library, the reader is required to provide the necessary information

to fill out registration documents accepted by the library.

4.2. When leaving school, the reader is obliged to return all documents in his possession from the collection to the library.

4.3. The reader is obliged:

Return the documents he took from the collection within the time limit established by the library;

Do not remove documents from the library premises without recording them in the accounting forms accepted by the library;

Treat the library collections with care (do not make notes or underlines in books, do not tear out or fold pages);

Maintain silence in the library, do not disturb the order of arrangement of books on shelves with open access to the collection;

When receiving documents from the collection, the reader is obliged to carefully review them and, if any defects are found, notify the librarian, who is obliged to make appropriate notes on them.

4.4. A reader who has lost a document from the library collection or damaged

irreparable damage to him, he is obliged to replace it with the same one (including a bound copy) or one recognized by the library as equivalent.

4.5. For the loss of a document from the library's collections or the infliction of irreparable damage to it by a minor reader, his parents or guardians, trustees, or children's institutions under whose supervision he is held are responsible.

4.6. Readers who violate the Rules for Using the Library may be deprived of the right to use for a period established by the library. For special violations provided for by current legislation, readers bear administrative, civil or criminal liability.

5. Responsibilities of the library to serve readers.

5.1. Serve readers in accordance with the Library Rules, which must be posted in an accessible place for review.

5.2. Create favorable conditions for readers to work in the library.

5.3. Do not use information about readers and their interests for purposes other than scientific and library production.

5.4. Provide complete information to readers about the availability of documents in the fund.

5.5. Assist readers in choosing the necessary literature.

5.6. Provide readers with the opportunity to use catalogues, card indexes, bibliographic and information materials.

5.7. Systematically inform readers about newly received documents.

5.8. Systematically monitor the timely return of documents from the library to the library and the compliance by readers with the Rules for Using the Library


1. Library users have the right:

1.1.Receive complete information about the composition of the library collection, information resources and services provided by the library;

1.2.Use the reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library;

1.3.Receive advice in searching and selecting sources of information;

1.4.Receive printed publications, audiovisual documents and other sources of information for use in the subscription and reading room, extend the period of use of documents;

1.5.Receive thematic, factual, clarifying and bibliographic references based on the library’s collections (exception: references of increased complexity);

1.6.Receive consulting assistance in working with information on non-traditional media;

Participate in events held by the library;

2.Library users are obliged to:

2.1.Comply with the Rules for Using the Library;

2.2. Treat printed works with care (do not tear out, do not bend pages, do not underline, mark, or copy in books), other documents on various media, equipment, inventory;

2.3. Maintain the order of arrangement of publications in the library’s open access, arrangement of cards in catalogs and card files;

2.4. Use valuable and reference publications only in the library premises (reading room);

2.5. When receiving printed works and other documents, the user must make sure that there are no defects, and if found, inform the library employee. 2.6. The user is responsible for any defects found in the books being handed over;

2.7. Sign the reader’s form for each book received (exception: students in grades 1-2);

2.8. Return books to the library within the established time limits;

2.9. Users responsible for the loss or damage of library books or their parents (legal representatives of the student) are obliged to replace them with equivalent ones, and if replacement is not possible, to reimburse the real market value of the books;

2.10. Upon expiration of the period of study or work at the school, users are required to pay the library in full. A student’s personal file and an employee’s worksheet will not be issued without the appropriate note from the library.

3.Order for using the library:

3.1. Enrollment of students in the library is carried out according to the class roster on an individual basis, teaching and other employees of the educational institution, parents (other legal representatives) of students - according to their passport;

3.2. The document confirming the right to use the library is the reader’s form.

3.3. The reader's form records the date of issue of printed publications from the library collection and their return to the library.
4. Procedure for using the subscription:

4.1.Users have the right to receive no more than two publications at home

4.2.Textbooks, teaching aids – academic year;

4.3. Popular science, educational, artistic - 15 days;

4.4. Rare and valuable publications are not issued at home;

4.5.Users can extend the period of use if there is no demand for them from other users.

5.Procedure for using the reading room

5.1.Books intended for use in the reading room are not issued at home;

5.2. Encyclopedias, reference books, rare and valuable publications are issued only for use in the reading room;

5.3. The number of publications with which the user works in the reading room is not limited.