Swing gates on the site: installation and operating principle of automation. How to make automatic gates: choosing a drive Where to open gates and wickets

If you want to achieve harmony, then when decorating landscape design and determining the location of its main elements, take into account the Feng Shui of the site.

The arrangement of the site should begin with its purchase, and this step is considered the most important, since the terrain and surrounding terrain directly influence all buildings.

There are several things to consider when choosing a suitable site: important points:

  • The area should be well-groomed. Pay attention to the surrounding houses: there should not be any abandoned or burnt ones among them; their energy will be considered dead and have a negative impact on your property.
  • Study the terrain. The site itself should be as flat as possible, but on one of its sides a hill is allowed and even encouraged, for example, a hill, a forest plantation or a mountain. This will create the effect reliable protection and support, and also prevent the leakage of vital energy.
  • There should be no depressions in the terrain: holes, ditches or ravines. They lead to stagnation of energy and interfere with its normal movement, and sometimes accumulate negativity.
  • You should not purchase a plot that is surrounded by houses or other buildings on all sides; there should be open free space around it.
  • Form. It should be as regular as possible, that is, square or rectangular. Cut corners, oblique or broken lines are not allowed.
  • It is advisable to choose a place protected from the winds, since air currents, although they provide constant movement, can cause harm. In addition, a windy area will be uncomfortable for residents, and unpleasant emotions will disrupt harmony and change the atmosphere for the worse. So you can choose a place located on a slope or protected by buildings (but not on all sides, free space is necessary).
  • The house should not be located at the dead end of some road.
  • Evaluate your feelings. Take a trip to the area you choose and like and try to stay there as long as possible to explore the area and study the terrain. If you feel a surge of strength and joy, then the place is right for you. If your emotional or physical condition has worsened, then you should continue your search.

If you are purchasing a plot for construction, you must determine the most suitable one. You should not place it next to an external fence; it is advisable to remove it from the entrance so that vital energy does not leak away. And behind there should be some kind of protection, the role of which could be played by a neighboring house or hill. But some recommend moving the main building closer to the center in order to create some kind of foundation, as well as in the future to be able to expand the property.


Plants carry positive energy, so they must be present on the site. And the more there are, the better, but you shouldn’t plant the entire space, the landscape should be moderately spacious and not overloaded.

Must be present at the site fruit trees, for example, apple trees, pears, peaches, cherries and so on. Shrub plants are also welcome, but preferably without thorns (they carry negative, destructive and aggressive energy). They can be placed along the perimeter of the site, that is, along the fence, so that they provide additional protection.

Be sure to organize several flower beds. Moreover, it is advisable to give preference to actively flowering ones, but having buds of not too bright and aggressive shades. Although red and orange flowers are also allowed and even welcomed, especially if the area is not densely populated and lively, such plants will enliven the atmosphere and ensure the movement of energy.


Water is vital energy, a guarantee of prosperity and fertility. And that is why there must be a body of water next to the site or right on it. If there is no lake, river or pond nearby, then create a water source with your own hands. This could be a small man-made pond, waterfall or fountain. And it is advisable to place the reservoir in front of the facade of the house, and not behind it. Then you will not miss the opportunities provided to you by fate and will be able to manage them correctly.

The optimal options are oval, round, or as close to round as possible, for example, slightly curved in length and as if framing the house. It is also extremely important that the water always remains clean, so do not allow it to stagnate and change it regularly when it becomes dirty.

Tip: frame a man-made pond with plants to enhance the flow of energy and direct it in the right direction.

Fence, gate, wicket

The area must be surrounded by a fence. But, firstly, it should not be too high so that energy flows can move normally across the area, and the effect of a closed space should not be created. Secondly, the height along the entire perimeter should be the same, this will achieve harmony.

Where should the entrance be located? It is advisable to place both the gate and the car gate on one side, even if there are two free ones. Moreover, the gate should be located as close to the house as possible, and the gate, on the contrary, should be removed from it.

Tip: the doors should open inward, not outward. If they swing outward, then you will seem to push away the surrounding energy, and this can lead to stagnation.


In the teachings of Feng Shui, attention is also paid to paths, as they are associated with life paths and the movement of energy. And that is why it is not recommended to cross the terrain with straight or broken paths, they can interfere with the movement of energy flows. It is best to make them meandering and place them closer to the edges of the area so that the middle remains free (then vitality will be concentrated in it).

Tip: Don't make the paths too narrow. Firstly, it is simply inconvenient, and sometimes even dangerous. Secondly, you will limit the movement of energy.


The area should be well lit, so it is advisable to place lights or other devices around its perimeter. Moreover, the rays should be directed towards the center, and not away from it. You can also place street lamps along paths and in recreation areas (on the veranda or in the gazebo).

You should not place sheds and other similar buildings next to the house, as their energy is completely different, and this can lead to disharmony. It is better to remove them to the far part of the fence, then they will provide additional protection, and the space will be orderly and as free as possible.

Site care

Feng Shui of a site involves not only its zoning and landscape design, but also constant full care. It includes several important rules:

  1. Keep order! Do not litter the land; collect any garbage immediately and take it away. And consumables or materials that are not needed at the moment, which may be useful in the future, should be stored not in open spaces, but in utility rooms(for example, in a barn).
  2. Take care of your plants. To make them grow, bloom, bear fruit, please the eye and increase the flow of vital energy, water and fertilize them regularly. And prevent excessive growth: shape the crowns of trees or bushes and cut off long or dried branches and weak shoots.
  3. To improve the area and saturate it with positive energy, use various sound devices, for example, pendants called “dream catchers.” They can be placed in a variety of places, including at the entrance. Moreover, it is important to choose those accessories that will produce sounds that are pleasant for all residents, and not excessively loud, frightening or unpleasant.
  4. Don't try to fill the corners like many people do. Firstly, unnecessary things stored in them will clutter up the space, spoiling the overall atmosphere and disrupting harmony. Secondly, you will complicate the movement of energy flows. Don't be afraid of empty spaces.

Whether to follow the rules of Feng Shui or not is your personal decision. But it would be useful to take them into account, because they are based on the experience of our ancestors. Plus, you won't lose anything either way.

A beautiful gate is good, but a beautiful automatic gate is even better. There are a considerable number of companies that will make gates and install automation, but as usual, you want to save money: their services are not cheap. Many companies sell automation kits, but you can install and connect it yourself. You'll save several thousand. But in this case, you need to clarify whether the warranty is still valid (it happens, but rarely), and if so, what is a warranty case and what is not, and what to do in the event of a breakdown (it is often necessary to remove the drives for testing and take them to the company). So, do-it-yourself automatic gates may not be so profitable. Decide for yourself. To be fair, it must be said that if you built the fence yourself, and the gate automation is installed by the company, many faults will be attributed to an incorrect foundation, installation of beams, etc. So in this case, warranty repairs are rare.

Automation for swing gates: types of drives

Automatic swing gates are operated by two types of mechanisms: linear and lever. Any of them can open the leaf both inward and outward: the direction of opening depends on the installation. But in some cases there are certain restrictions that force the use of a certain type of mechanism when opening the gate inward.

Linear actuator

The mechanism is very simple and reliable. Outwardly it looks like an oblong case. Inside is a worm gear—a long screw—that is driven by a gearbox mounted at the rear of the housing. When the gearbox is turned on, the worm gear pushes or pulls the sash.

Linear automatic drive for swing gates

The linear drive housing for automatic swing gates is made of metal and coated with powder paint. They can be installed on gates of any type and weight. How larger sizes, weight and windage, the more powerful motors and massive transmission are required.

Place it on a pole opposite one of the horizontal beams - optional. But the most best option- approximately in the middle of the canvas height.

Lever drive

The second type of automation for swing gates is lever. It consists of a gearbox hidden in the body and two movably connected levers that resemble a protruding elbow.

The block with the gearbox is mounted on a pole, the lever is attached to the sash. This device allows you to open the gate inward, even if the pillars are very wide.

One type of lever mechanism is underground drives. Often they are separated into a separate group. In this case, the gearbox is hidden in a metal box, which is concreted near the pole. Only the lever remains outside.

Which type to choose

Externally, many people prefer a linear drive - it is more compact. But on wide pillars, when the doors open inwards, it cannot be installed, in any case, without modifying the pillar. If you really don’t want to install a lever, on required height make a niche in the column by removing part of the masonry or concrete.

When the sash is opened inward, the rear part of the drive is attached to the surface of the post facing the yard using a special bracket. If the distance from this surface to the place where the sash is attached is more than 8 cm (in the figure the distance is indicated by the letter “C”), then it will not be possible to install a linear drive - it simply will not reach the sash. There are, however, some models that can be installed at C = 12 cm, but there are not many of them.

If the gate opens outward - to the street, then the drive is mounted on the surface of the post, which faces towards the opening. At the same time, it protrudes by about 20 cm. Since there are two drives for double-leaf gates, they will narrow the opening by 40 cm. This also needs to be kept in mind, especially if it is a garage door. In this case, it is worth installing the drive so that it is higher than the machine and does not interfere with maneuvers.

Additional equipment

The standard set for any type of automation includes two drives - right and left, and a control unit for them. Some companies include two control panels and a code receiver in the basic kit, but in some these devices are available as an option and are purchased separately. When comparing models and prices, carefully study the completeness of the basic package.

In addition to remote controls, it is possible to use programmable key fobs - if more than two people can operate the gate. A useful option is the installation of photocells. When opening/closing doors, they react to objects in the field of action (cats, dogs, elderly people or children who did not have time to pass within a given period of time) and stops the movement of the door until the object disappears.

A useful addition would be a warning light. It is relevant if the gate opens onto a busy part of the street, warning passers-by.

What you will need when purchasing

When selecting a model, you should definitely ask what size the gate is, what it is made of, or what the weight of the door is. You will need the parameters of the pillars, the distance from the edge to the hinges. To make it easier to explain, draw a plan of the gate indicating all dimensions. Photos may be needed to make the selection correct. We need a general plan and close up loops and method of fastening them.

Automation for sliding gates

All drives for installation on sliding gates have the same design: there is a drive with a drive gear and a rack attached to the gate leaf. The rotating motor moves the rack, together with the gate. All this is controlled from the control panel located on the side. Almost all models allow you to open/close gates using remote controls remote control. To receive their signals, you need to install an antenna and configure the remote controls (program them).

When choosing this type of automation, you need to pay attention to the technical parameters and additional functions.

Some subtleties internal structure drives for sliding automatic gates, see the video.

Now comments to the video. The power comparison in this video is not entirely correct. Eat different models for gates of different sizes and weights. The minimum threshold is 400 kg, the maximum in households is up to 1200 kg, in industrial applications more than 2000 kg. When comparing capacities, the first copy is taken from the “lightest” category - up to 400 kg, the rest are for gates of greater weight. Therefore, such a comparison is biased. Although no one says that among the little-known brands there are, and therefore cost less, there are good quality ones. Perhaps those shown in the video are like that...

About the same picture regarding gears. All drives are divided into three classes: household, semi-industrial and industrial. In household ones, the resource is the lowest and the intensity of use is the lowest - the motor will work continuously for approximately 30-40% of the total time, otherwise it will overheat and be turned off automatically (if any). This class is the cheapest, which is why the cheapest components are installed there - plastic and silumin. Not all manufacturers and not in all lines, but this is rather the rule, and in low-power household-class drives it is difficult to find gears made of steel, and especially brass. However, under normal operating conditions for this type, they work normally - they exhaust their resource, but that’s all. For this reason, you need to be thoughtful when choosing a class and monitor the service life declared by the manufacturers (available in the technical specifications).

What to indicate when purchasing

Having decided on the functions and parameters that you consider necessary, you need to look for suitable model. When choosing in a store, sellers will ask for the following information:

  1. Type of supporting system (cantilever, on rail, on top beam).
  2. Dimensions and weight (at least approximate) of the canvas.
  3. Intensity of use: how many people and how often can use the device.

The seller must require all this data from you: otherwise he cannot determine the required power. equipment. If , You may need such parameters as the distance between the roller supports, the parameters of the foundation and the distance from it to the door leaf. All this is necessary to correctly select the physical parameters of the drive.

About control panels (key fobs) and encoding types

All remote controls can be divided into two main groups:

How do key fobs with a fixed code work?

These devices record their own signal (frequency or combination of frequencies) for a specific action. When they receive a certain signal, they begin to perform the corresponding action. Is this good or bad? More likely - bad. Here's why. Around us large number electronics controlled from remote controls. They can easily give such a signal. For example, a neighbor, by changing the parameters of his lamp, can open or close your gate. This is because the signal is similar and your gate control unit is within range. The same situation can happen with any other radio-controlled device. Therefore, owners of remote controls with fixed frequencies often do not understand why the gate opens by itself. Even worse, there were situations when, upon arriving at their dacha or home, they saw an open gate. It’s just that one of the closest neighbors used some kind of remote control for their equipment, or it was done by a thief. You can solve the problem by reprogramming the remote controls, setting other buttons/frequencies, but this is not a guarantee that the motor will work only from your remote control: the frequency range is limited.

The second negative point is that the fixed code is easy to read (recorded on a special device, and then reproduced if necessary). This is a boon for attackers. Because automatic drives They act as a lock - you can’t open them from the outside without a remote control, but having the necessary frequencies it’s easy to get inside.

Which coding system to choose for the control panel...

Operating principle of rolling code remotes

Key fobs of the second type have a certain number of codes written in memory. The figure is large—several hundred thousand or millions. After each use, the code changes to the next one in the chain. When accepted by the control device, it is analyzed. If the received signal is the next one in the chain, the action is performed; if it is different, there is no reaction.

This algorithm solves two problems at once: the ability to control your gate through your neighbor’s remote control, and the ability to write down codes. No, you can write them down, but in order for the gate to work, you need to have all the codes written down in the correct sequence.

It is clear that the control equipment when using floating code is more complex and, therefore, more expensive, but security is more expensive... No?

Most companies offer both encoding systems for any drive, so the choice is yours.

Homemade drives: video

For those for whom “do-it-yourself automatic gates” means not only installing a ready-made automation kit, but also assembling it completely, video reports on how and from what they have already been made will be useful. For example, from a drill...

The drive is made from the washing machine engine.


Homemade automation for swing gates

It was made on this drive.

Car alarm connection diagram.

Dear Semenych! Our gate opens into the yard. We are constantly faced with the impossibility of getting to our dacha in winter because it is covered in snow. Maybe you can tell me something? If you make it open to the street, then how? The road is above the level of the yard, i.e. slope towards the yard. Thank you.

Anna Alexandrovna, Moscow.

Hello, Anna Alexandrovna from Moscow!

The simplest solution that suggests itself in your case is to open the gate outward.

How exactly? First of all, start by inspecting the hinges. If they are universal, that is, they open both inward and outward, then there will be no special problems. If the existing hinges allow the gate to be opened only inward, then they should be replaced with ones that can open to the outside of the area. Or install universal hinges. Which can open both inward and outward.

Since the ground level outside the site is high, something will have to be changed so that the bottom of the gate does not cling to the surface of the ground. To do this, either the level is lowered by removing the soil, or the bottom of the gate is cut off in such a way that it cannot touch the ground surface in the maximum open (open) position.

At the same time, there is a danger that the gap under the gate will increase to “indecent” sizes, even to the point of local dogs crawling into it, but you will have to put up with this or make improvements as the complexity of the design increases.

When reducing the height of the gate (cutting off its bottom), the possibility of moving the lower loop of the gate slightly upward cannot be ruled out. Which is determined in advance and locally.

There are other options, but they are much more complicated in their implementation.

For example, according to the principle of operation of blinds, when the gate is similar to garage (or window-showcase) blinds. Then the height of the gate posts increases, a box is mounted on top of them, into which the strips of blinds are rolled up. It is unlikely that you will be able to make such a gate-blind yourself; you will have to order it from a specialized workshop.

But in any case, the snow next to the gate will have to be removed from the outside, as it will interfere with its opening, including with louvres. Since the lock is installed on the bottom of the device.

/In old remote villages, an interesting type of wicket and gate is sometimes used to this day. They are usually made from lightweight poles and are simply removed from the four loops with a slight upward lift. The hinges are installed two pieces on each side of the gate. Well, so that the jokers don’t steal them, it’s mandatory/.

So there is nothing particularly new in this wicketkeeping business.

Other questions on the topic of installing fences, gates, gates.

The question of which direction entrance doors should open is solved differently in different traditions.

Since ancient times in Russian villages they only opened inside the hut. Heavy snowfalls and blizzards often occur in winter. The entrance may be blocked by a huge snowdrift. If the door opens outwards, then it is simply impossible to leave the house. If you go inside, you can simply open it and blaze a path in the right direction. In many villages this rule is still observed, born out of experience and common sense.

Feng Shui and proper door installation

The philosophy of Feng Shui is completely in agreement with Russian traditions. According to this doctrine, through the entrance doors one enters the home positive energy good luck qi. The correct opening of the front door is towards the inside of the building. This way it will not block the path to the flow of qi. Swinging the door outward changes their direction, driving away good luck and prosperity.

For the free flow of qi energy, it is also important that secret vertical “arrows” are not directed at the entrance: spiers of neighboring buildings, lamp posts, gutters, sharp corners. They worsen the feng shui of the home. To accumulate good energy, you can hang a lantern in front of the entrance of the house (it is important that the place is well lit). People living on upper floors, Feng Shui experts advise hanging a small round mirror above the front door. It will reflect the flow of bad energy.

Where should the front door open according to Vastu Shastra?

Hindu philosophy Vastu Shastra advises installing the main door in the house so that it opens inward and only clockwise. This will attract good luck and health. The best directions for entry equipment are east and north. From the east, the powerful energy of the rising Sun penetrates into the house. She brings health, fulfillment of desires, fame and clarity of mind. Streams of energy from the north bring fertility and luck in all matters.

The southern and western directions are extremely undesirable. South according to Vastu is the zone of influence of Yama. In Hinduism this is the name of the god of death. Energy coming from the south brings disease, destruction and death. West and southwest are under the strong influence of Rahu. This is a shadow planet with negative energy. It hinders all good endeavors and brings illness and poverty.

Like feng shui, Vastu focuses on ensuring that there are no large obstacles (trees, lamp posts, etc.) in front of the main entrance. They slow down good energy flows.

Convenience and fire safety rules

According to the norms fire safety, front door must open onto the landing. In the event of a fire, it will not block the entrance or become an obstacle to the movement of panicked people. If there are several doors on a small landing at once, they are all installed so as not to interfere with each other (i.e., opening inward).

If all neighboring doors swing outward, they will interfere with each other and not all residents will be able to quickly evacuate from the burning house. For arranging a private mansion, the rules are not so strict. In it, the front door can open in any direction.

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