Requirements for the premises of a gaseous fuel boiler room. Requirements for the premises of a gas boiler room

It may pose an increased danger, therefore special requirements must be placed on the room where it will be installed. A complete list of requirements for the premises of a gas boiler room can be found on the Rostechnadzor website by referring to the relevant building codes and regulations - SNiP “Boiler Installations” and “Gas Supply”.

Below we present the most essential requirements that make it possible to assess the organization’s prospects gas heating on a specific object. When designing or installation work the engineer must be guided by complete SNiP.

To accommodate a gas boiler with a power of up to 60 kW

There is no need to allocate a separate room; installation in the kitchen is acceptable. Almost all wall-mounted boilers and some floor-standing boilers fall into this category. The kitchen room must have the following characteristics: ceiling height of at least 2.5 m, volume more than 15 mᶟ + 0.2 mᶟ for each kW of boiler power. Supply and exhaust ventilation should provide three times the air exchange in the room per hour + the influx of air volume necessary for fuel combustion. A necessary condition is the presence of a window.

Gas boiler house with power up to 150 kW

can be located in a separate room on any floor of the house or in the basement. The room must be provided with natural light, and its walls, common with other rooms of the building, must have a minimum fire resistance of 0.75 hours. The minimum ceiling height is 2.5 m, and the minimum volume is 15 m². Ventilation should provide 3 times air exchange in 1 hour + air necessary for the fuel combustion process.

For a boiler room with a capacity of up to 350 kW

suitable room on the first or ground floor or in the basement. The ceiling height must be at least 2.5 meters, and there must be natural light in the room. The fire resistance of walls common with adjacent rooms must be more than 0.75 hours. The dimensions of the room must provide convenient access for maintenance equipment. Supply and exhaust ventilation must be designed to provide triple air exchange in 1 hour + air supply for gas combustion.
If the gas boiler room is located on the first or ground floor, as well as in the basement, it must have a separate exit to the street. The door leading from the boiler room to the interior of the house must be fireproof.

In some cases, for example, to provide heating to an already built private house, the best solution may be to add a separate room for a gas boiler room. The attached premises have their own requirements, we list them (boiler power up to 350 kW):

  • the distance along the plane of the wall of the main building from the extension to the window or door openings must be more than 1 meter;
  • the extension wall should not be structurally connected to the wall of the main building;
  • requirements for room dimensions, ventilation, lighting, etc. correspond to the requirements for premises of built-in boiler rooms of the appropriate power.

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6.9. Requirements for boiler house buildings

6.9.1. To supply heat to production facilities, it is allowed to install free-standing, attached, built-in and roof-top boiler houses.

For heat supply to residential buildings (class F1), the installation of free-standing, attached and roof-top boiler houses is allowed.

For heat supply of public, administrative and domestic buildings, it is allowed to design free-standing, built-in, attached and roof-top boiler houses.

6.9.2. Separate boiler house buildings in terms of fire resistance, structural fire hazard class, building height and floor area within the fire compartment are accepted in accordance with the requirements for industrial buildings.

6.9.3. Built-in, attached and roof boiler rooms must meet the fire safety requirements of those buildings and structures for which they are intended to supply heat.

Buildings of free-standing, attached and built-in boiler rooms should be made of I and II degrees of fire resistance of fire hazard class C0, III degree of fire resistance of fire hazard classes C0 and C1.

Buildings of free-standing boiler houses, which belong to the second category in terms of reliability of heat supply to consumers, can also be made of IV degree of fire resistance of fire hazard class C0, C1.

6.9.4. Roof boiler house structures must have a fire resistance rating of at least III and belong to fire hazard class C0.

6.9.5. Roof-top boiler rooms can be installed in buildings, usually up to 26.5 m in height, and upon approval - in buildings of greater height, equipped with elevators for fire departments and an automatic fire alarm system with signal output to the fire station.

6.9.6. Roof boiler rooms should be one-story. The roof covering under the roof boiler room and at a distance of 2 m from its walls must be made of materials from the NG group or protected from fire by a concrete screed with a thickness of at least 20 mm.

6.9.7. It is not allowed to place roof boiler rooms directly on the ceilings of residential premises, as well as adjacent to residential premises.

6.9.8. It is not allowed to place roof boiler rooms above production and storage facilities of categories A and B for explosion and fire hazards.

6.9.9. Boiler rooms attached to industrial buildings must be located near walls where the horizontal distance from the boiler room wall to the nearest opening must be at least 2 m, and the vertical distance from the boiler room ceiling to the nearest opening must be at least 8 m.

6.9.10. Boiler rooms attached to residential buildings should not be located on the side of entrance entrances and sections of walls with window openings, where the horizontal distance from the external wall of the boiler room to the nearest residential window is less than 4 m, and the vertical distance from the boiler room ceiling to the nearest window is less than 8 m. m.

6.9.11. It is not allowed to design roof-mounted and attached boiler houses to buildings of children's preschool and school institutions, to medical and dormitory buildings of hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums and recreational facilities.

6.9.12. The design of boiler houses attached to warehouses for combustible materials, flammable and combustible liquids is not allowed, with the exception of fuel warehouses for boiler houses.

6.9.13. When blocking a boiler room with a closed warehouse solid fuel the latter must be separated by a type 1 fire wall with a fire resistance rating of at least REI 150.

6.9.14. Boiler rooms attached to public, administrative and domestic buildings should not be located on the side of the main facade of the building. The distance from the wall of the boiler room building to the nearest window must be at least 4 m horizontally, and from the boiler room cover to the nearest window vertically - at least 8 m. Such boiler rooms are also not allowed to be placed adjacent, under or above rooms with simultaneous stay of more than 50 people.

6.9.15. Attached boiler rooms must be separated from the main building by a type 2 fire wall. The boiler room ceiling must be made from materials from the NG group.

6.9.16. Built-in and roof boiler rooms must be separated from adjacent rooms and the attic by type 2 fire walls or type 1 fire partitions or type 3 fire ceilings.

6.9.17. Rooms for service personnel built into the boiler room building should be separated from production premises fire-resistant partitions of the 1st type and fire-resistant ceilings of the 3rd type.

6.9.18. Above-bunker fuel supply galleries must be separated from the boiler rooms by partitions (without openings) of the 2nd type with a fire resistance limit of at least EI 15. It is allowed, as an exception, to install a doorway in the specified partition as an emergency exit through the boiler room. In this case, the connection between the bunker gallery and the boiler room must be made through the vestibule. The fire resistance limit of the vestibule enclosing structures must be no less than REI 45, and the fire resistance limit of doors in the partition and vestibule must be no less than EI 30.

6.9.19. In boiler rooms (but not above boilers or economizers) of separate boiler rooms, it is allowed to install closed supply tanks liquid fuel with a capacity of no more than 5 cubic meters. m for fuel oil and 1 cubic. m for light petroleum fuel.

6.9.20. For built-in and attached individual boiler rooms, the total capacity of supply tanks installed in the boiler room premises should not exceed 0.8 cubic meters. m.

6.9.21. When installing these tanks in boiler rooms, you should be guided by the requirements of section 6.4.

6.9.22. It is allowed to provide for the installation of fuel tanks in rooms attached to boiler buildings. In this case, the total capacity of fuel tanks should be no more than 150 cubic meters. m for fuel oil and 50 cubic meters. m for light petroleum fuel.

6.9.23. The laying of fuel lines should be above ground. Underground installation in non-passable channels with removable ceilings with minimal deepening of the channels without backfilling is allowed. At the junction of the channels with external wall Canal buildings must be covered with sand or have diaphragms made of materials from the NG group.

6.9.24. Fuel pipelines must be laid with a slope of at least 0.003. It is prohibited to lay fuel lines directly through gas ducts, air ducts and ventilation shafts.

6.9.25. For built-in, attached and roof-top boiler rooms, a supply should be provided natural gas pressure up to 5 kPa. In this case, open sections of the gas pipeline must be laid along the outer wall of buildings along a partition at least 1.5 m wide.

6.9.26. When using liquid and gaseous fuel in the boiler room, easily removable enclosing structures should be provided, the area of ​​which is determined by calculation.

There are certain established requirements for boiler house buildings.

The boiler room can be built-in or roof-mounted, a separate building, an extension if it serves an industrial facility, public, domestic or administrative building. For residential buildings, a built-in boiler room is not permitted. Roof and attached boiler rooms cannot be designed in buildings of preschool and school institutions, in medical and dormitory buildings of hospitals, clinics, sanatoriums and recreational facilities. It is prohibited to locate a boiler room in the annex of a warehouse for combustible materials, flammable and combustible liquids, it is not allowed, with the exception of fuel warehouses for boiler houses.

The requirements for fire resistance, structural and fire safety, height and area of ​​free-standing boiler rooms coincide with the requirements for industrial buildings. They can carry IV degrees of fire resistance of fire hazard class C0, C1. Fire safety requirements for other types of boiler houses coincide with the requirements for the buildings in which they are located. They must comply with I and II degrees of fire resistance of fire hazard class C0, III degree of fire resistance of fire hazard classes C0 and C1.

As for the design of roof boiler rooms, they must have a fire resistance degree of at least III and belong to fire hazard class C0. They can be located in buildings up to 26.5 m high, equipped with elevators and an AUPS system that outputs a signal to the fire station. Roof boiler rooms must be one-story. The roof covering under the roof boiler room and at a distance of 2 m from its walls must be made of materials from the NG group or protected from fire by a concrete screed with a thickness of at least 20 mm. Roof-top boiler rooms must not be placed directly on the floors of residential premises, or adjacent to residential premises, above production and storage premises of categories A and B for explosion and fire hazards.

The distance from the wall of the boiler room attached to the industrial building to the nearest opening horizontally must be at least 2 m, and the distance from the ceiling of the boiler room to the nearest opening vertically must be at least 8 m.

If the boiler room is attached to residential building, it should not be located on the side of entrance entrances and sections of walls with window openings, where the horizontal distance from the external wall of the boiler room to the nearest window of the living room is less than 4 m, and the vertical distance from the boiler room ceiling to the nearest window is less than 8 m. The wall separating the boiler room from a solid fuel warehouse must have a fire resistance limit of at least REI 150. The attached boiler room cannot be located on the side of the main facade of the building. The distance from the wall of the boiler room building to the nearest window must be at least 4 m horizontally, and from the boiler room cover to the nearest window vertically - at least 8 m. Such boiler rooms are also not allowed to be placed adjacent, under or above rooms with simultaneous stay of more than 50 people. The wall between the boiler room and the main building must be fire-resistant type 2, the ceilings must be made of materials from the NG group.

Built-in and roof-mounted boiler rooms must be separated from adjacent rooms and the attic by type 2 fire walls or type 1 fire partitions or type 3 fire ceilings. The premises of the boiler room maintenance personnel must be separated from the production premises by fire-resistant partitions of the 1st type and fire-resistant ceilings of the 3rd type.

In free-standing boiler rooms you can install closed tanks liquid fuel with a volume of no more than 5 cubic meters. m. for fuel oil and 1 cubic. m. for light oil fuel, and in built-in and attached boiler rooms tanks up to 0.8 cubic meters. m. In extensions to boiler rooms, the total capacity of fuel tanks should be no more than 150 m3 for fuel oil and 50 m3 for light oil fuel.

Fuel pipelines should be built above the ground with a slope of at least 0.003, not combined with air ducts and ventilation shafts. Underground installation is possible in non-passable channels with removable ceilings with minimal deepening of the channels without backfilling. In places where channels adjoin the outer wall of buildings, the channels must be filled with sand or have diaphragms made of materials from the NG group.

Boiler houses supply heat to residential, administrative buildings and industrial facilities. There is a centralized (several objects from one source) and independent heating. Boiler houses are located in separate buildings or built into a complex of structures (central, autonomous, roof).

Requirements for buildings and equipment

The purpose of a set of fire safety measures is to ensure the safety and health of people who serve boiler equipment. These measures must cover all areas of the boiler room’s activities, requirements for the building must be met, building materials, equipment, fuel storage, operation and repair work.

Fire safety requirements for the boiler house building are indicated in terms of reference for construction. Before the construction of the building, the project is approved by the territorial department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The degree of fire resistance of walls, ceilings, floors, internal partitions The boiler room must comply. Materials are used that do not burn, do not support combustion, and do not emit toxic substances in the event of a fire.

The doors at the exit from the boiler room open outward. Window openings are structures that can be easily dropped in the event of an explosion of a gas-air mixture; they must correspond to the design area and design.

The distance in front of the boiler front should ensure the safety of the operator when igniting the burner, and provide the opportunity to avoid uncontrolled flame emission.

The gas pipeline at the entrance to the boiler room is equipped with an electromagnetic shut-off valve, which shuts off the fuel supply when the gas analyzer is triggered or the electricity is turned off.

The power supply to the boiler room is carried out in accordance with explosion and fire safety requirements. Protection eliminates the risk of fire when short circuit or network congestion. A device is provided in the boiler room emergency lighting, lightning protection and grounding (oil or gas pipelines, including).

Boiler houses are classified as high fire hazard production facilities and are equipped. A fire cabinet (wall-mounted, built-in or attached) is installed next to the fire hydrants and sealed. On the cabinet door there is an explanatory letter, tap number and fire department telephone number. The location of fire hydrants must provide access to two jets (with a given pressure and flow rate) to each point in the room.

Operational safety

The chief engineer organizes the work and monitors compliance with the approved “Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation” at the enterprise. Responsible for fire safety the facility is obliged to conduct introductory, primary, repeated, targeted and unscheduled briefings at the workplace with employees.

Classes on fire safety standards are regularly organized for boiler house workers. Planned fire drills are carried out once a year to develop skills and coordinated actions of workers.

The company's regulations prescribe the actions of workers in the event of a fire. The evacuation plan, signs with emergency call numbers for fire services and instructions for personnel actions in case of fire are posted in prominent places.

When operating the boiler room, it is prohibited:

  • allow personnel to work without special training and qualification certificates;
  • operate equipment with faulty burners and fuel supply systems (gas, fuel oil);
  • work with switched off or faulty instrumentation automation (monitoring, adjustment);
  • supply fuel (gas, fuel oil) to the firebox when the burner is extinguished;
  • start the boiler without purging;
  • use the surfaces of boilers and steam pipelines for drying things (working clothes);
  • store gas cylinders (propane, oxygen), gasoline and other flammable liquids;
  • smoking in the workplace;
  • carry out temporary hot work without complying with regulations (work permit);
  • work in oil-soaked overalls.

The boiler room is equipped and designated as a permitted smoking area.

Passages in the boiler room provide access to process equipment. Do not store flammable or other materials in aisles, blocking escape routes in case of fire.

Clean and used rags are stored in specially designated areas, in closed containers. Used cleaning material is removed from the boiler room at the end of the shift and disposed of.

The chimneys of boiler houses that burn coal or wood are equipped with spark arresters. Highly flammable combustion residues are cleaned to prevent chimney fires. Soot from the surfaces of the economizer pipes is removed by steam blowing.

Alarm placement

A fire alarm system is installed in boiler rooms for timely detection of a fire, warning of danger, shutting down equipment and extinguishing a fire. Modular boiler rooms are equipped with an autonomous fire alarm system at the production stage. The choice of the type of autonomous fire alarm for stationary industrial boiler houses depends on the type of fuel used in them.

Sensors (smoke, heat, light, ionized, manual and combined) transmit a signal via a loop to the control panel or junction box. The detectors are located on the ceiling, away from air conditioners and ventilation. When the device is triggered, an alarm sound signal is generated.

Fire alarm devices in the boiler room have an uninterrupted power supply (220V network and backup power supplies).

Using Inventory

The procedure for using fire-fighting equipment depends on the type of fire. For example, powder and carbon dioxide fire extinguishers can be used to extinguish class E fires. Burning fuel oil is thrown with sand, moving from the edge to the center.

The locations of primary fire extinguishing equipment are indicated. Fire extinguishers (powder, foam, carbon dioxide) are located near technological equipment boiler room Required quantity and the type of fire extinguishers is determined according to the requirements specified in the technical documentation for the equipment. Each fire extinguisher is issued a passport and assigned a serial number.

Maintenance and recharging are carried out by organizations licensed for this type of activity. The shut-off valve of the fire extinguisher is sealed. , felt, felt are stored in metal cases in places where it is necessary to protect equipment from sparks and open flames in case of fire.