Specialty"Технологические машины и оборудование": кем работать? Технологические машины и оборудование — бакалавриат (15.03.02) 15.03 02 технологические машины и оборудование!}


Having chosen this profile, future bachelors will study the features of equipment and machines in a variety of complexes and engineering industries. The result of the training will be the production of qualified specialists who can:

  • maintain electric, pneumatic and hydraulic drives and technological equipment;
  • master equipment and technical processes when carrying out preparatory activities for the production of new products;
  • monitor compliance with rules and requirements during the production process;
  • metrologically ensure technological processes, use basic methods to control product quality;
  • monitor the implementation of measures aimed at ensuring and observing environmental safety;
  • carry out experimental testing of machines, systems, complexes, equipment and software;
  • check technical condition facilities for production of products;
  • analyze the funds and resources spent to ensure the required quality of products;
  • develop operational work plans for production departments;
  • study technical and scientific information related to the selected profile;
  • ensure the safety of trade secrets, organizing the protection of intellectual property;
  • calculate and design parts on mechanical engineering structures, based on the requirements technical assignments and using standard design automation tools.

Who to work with

The profession of an operator operator is an interesting and complex one, which requires deep knowledge in the field of chemistry and physics. Applying for such a position will be a good start for a young specialist. Some graduates work as engineers and design engineers at large industrial enterprises. These include automobile concerns, enterprises involved in the processing and processing of metals and others. The manufacturing industry requires equipment maintenance specialists, for which graduates can apply. In this case, the work book will contain the entry “mechanic of technological machines and equipment.”

All professions are important, all professions are needed. This saying reflects the fundamental reality of the world order. But who should you work with and how to make this difficult choice? Who should you go to study? For this, there are a lot of courses on career guidance and, of course, the Internet, where the features of specialties included in the discipline courses, exams, and subsequent areas of work are described in detail. So in this article we look at the specialty “Technological Machinery and Equipment” - what it is, what you can become after completing your studies. And also which educational institutions offer their students to master this profession.

"Technological machines and equipment" - what is it?

What is all production, all plants, factories based on? Everything that is created, packaged, cut, turned, etc. is produced using various machines, machines and equipment. These funds do not appear out of nowhere. They are created, designed, assembled, technical serviceability, safety of use and the result of their work are monitored. All this is done by masters with appropriate education.

Just the specialized education that such a master, specialist, or worker needs. This education is necessary in many industries. At first glance, it seems that this is work of an exclusively physical nature. The imagination pictures a worker in a uniform, who methodically grinds identical spare parts for some equipment from eight in the morning until five in the evening, with a short break for lunch. The essence of the profession is very far from the painted image. Of course, you can go to a factory specifically for the purpose of finding a similar job, but there are other tempting prospects for graduates with such qualifications.

Entrance exams and training periods

Technical, and depending on the field and industry, it can also be associated with highly complex technology, with internal systems programmed through a computer language. Therefore, results on the Unified State Exam are required in the following subjects: Russian language, mathematics (specialized), physics or computer science. The passing score in Russia ranges from 31 to 68. The duration of training varies depending on the form in which the student decided to study. Based on eleven classes, full-time education will take four years, and part-time, evening and mixed education will take five years.

Graduate qualifications

Depending on the university where the applicant decides to study, the following types of qualifications may be assigned: operator operator, engineer, design engineer, technologist, mechanic of technological machines and equipment. In higher education institutions with a narrow focus, a specific qualification can be assigned to the main qualification. For example, a design engineer of technological machines and equipment in the oil refining or logging industry. Specific areas can also be assigned by type of production: packaging, filling machines, equipment for the production of food or technical spare parts, and so on.

What will students be taught?

Very large number Every year students receive the specialty "Technological machines and equipment". Where will graduates work after graduation, what skills will they need to successfully build a future career in this industry? First of all, it is necessary to consider the list of skills that they will receive in the process of mastering their specialization.

  • Graduates will learn to service electric drives, hydraulic drives and pneumatic drives.
  • They will learn to master, maintain and use various machines, systems and complexes.
  • They will learn how to set up production complexes for the production of new products.
  • They will monitor compliance with safety regulations and control the production of defective products.
  • They will master the preparation of technical documentation and reporting on the quality management of machines and equipment under their control and newly created equipment and devices.
  • Environmental safety is also their future responsibility.
  • Mathematical modeling, experimental design of machines and technical tools, their testing and documentation of results.
  • Graduates will have to conduct tests and draw up documentation on design and economic solutions.
  • Preventative inspections of existing equipment, installation and commissioning of new machines, as well as the introduction of programs for the manufacture of new products.

All this and much more is the result of training in the specialty “Technological Machinery and Equipment”. Based on this list, it becomes quite clear who to work with. The technical professions of designers are waiting for their specialists.

Profile disciplines

Each individual specialty has its own specialized subjects, the knowledge of which cannot be neglected if a person really plans to connect his life with this profession. The specialty "Technological machines and equipment" is no exception. Where to work after graduating from a higher education institution if you don’t know the foundation of your specialization? Let us list especially important items for students of this specialization.

The first is life safety. If you do not know the safety rules when working with complex technical systems, you can easily get injured. Moreover, sometimes such an injury can cost one’s life.

Students will need engineering graphics to design new machines, modernize old ones, install, and set up a production line.

The next subject is metrology, standardization, certification - all engineering students should be familiar with this.

Mechanics of liquid and gas, fundamentals of design, fundamentals of mechanical engineering technology, technical mechanics, technology construction materials, electronics and electrical engineering - all this should be known to a person studying in the field of "Technological machines and equipment". What is the job of an engineer who does not know the laws of physics, how different substances react when in various ways impact, and so on? Without these disciplines there simply cannot be a normal engineer.

Which educational institutions offer this specialty?

In Moscow higher educational institutions, this specialty is often complemented by the mathematics and natural science departments (“Technological machines and equipment”). It will be much easier to decide where to work after graduating from the capital’s university. Although attractive prospects await not only Moscow graduates.

So first thing educational institution- Moscow Technological University. Twenty are allocated for training at this faculty. budget places. Those who are not included in the list of state employees will have to pay for their education in the amount of 155 thousand rubles per year.

The second educational institution is the National Research Technological University MISiS. It has 25 budget places at its disposal. The cost of a year of training is 125 thousand rubles.

Third University - Moscow state university printing them. Ivan Fedorov. There are 25 budget places available. A year of study here costs much less - only 66 thousand rubles.

The fourth institute is G.V. Plekhanov (13 budget places and 180 thousand rubles per year).

The fifth representative with the corresponding faculty is Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman. There are 18 budget places and 166 thousand per year for training on a commercial basis.


In Izhevsk technical university The direction “Technological machines and equipment” (specialty) is quite prestigious. IZhSTU attracts a fairly large number of students. Izhevsky M.T. Kalashnikova also conducts specialized training for these specialists. This specialty belongs to the faculty of "Mathematics and natural sciences". Training profile - "Machinery and equipment of oil and gas fields."


Moscow State Forestry University also trains students in the specialty "Technological machines and equipment". Who to work with? MSUL determines the following specifics for graduates professional activity: providing the forestry and forestry complex with high-tech equipment, its configuration, modernization, development. Graduates have the knowledge and abilities of a researcher, designer and operating mechanic.

Where to work after receiving education

One of the main questions of potential applicants for the specialty “Technological Machinery and Equipment” (hydraulics): who to work with? Here is a list of available professions today: engineers of various categories, machine operators, operators of complex machines and systems, safety engineer, quality control engineer in production, designer, installer industrial equipment, designer, mechanic, mechanic, technologist and so on. Many technical jobs are suitable for further work with this education.

Any industrial production cannot function without machines and equipment - machines, manipulators and other complex equipment. The specialty “Technological machines and equipment” trains people who will work with these mechanisms. Vocational training includes the full production cycle: design, production, commissioning, maintenance and repair. What exactly the graduate will do depends on the specialization received. But there are also general subjects, for example, materials science, fundamentals of design and computer graphics, strength of materials, theoretical mechanics, engineering graphics, fundamentals of mechanical engineering technology, etc. In addition to commissioning and servicing machines, graduates must monitor production and environmental safety, draw up technical documentation , analyze costs and make recommendations for increasing economic efficiency production. *

* Kit academic disciplines and learning bias