Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov age. Tatyana Navka - about Dmitry Peskov’s income: “He is happy, glad and satisfied. Three destroyed families

Tatyana Navka is an amazingly beautiful woman who married a worthy man. Among Tatyana’s advantages, it is worth noting that she is not only an incredibly talented figure skater, but also an excellent mother and simply a gorgeous girl.

She earned the title of Olympic champion and all her medals through backbreaking work. According to Tatyana herself, there are only two important things in her life - love and profession. She lives only for them.

Many admirers around the world admire Navka, and most of them want to know all the possible facts about the figure skater. Among the main ones are her height, west, age. She herself does not hide how old Tatyana Navka is. Despite the fact that she is already 42 years old, the woman still looks luxurious. And the sports profession contributes to this in many ways.

The figure skater's height is relatively high - 170 centimeters. At the same time, she has a luxurious figure. The woman's weight is 55 kilograms. By nationality, Tatyana is Jewish. And I must say that she treats this very carefully. When Navka performed in the Ice Age program, one of her numbers was dedicated to the tragedy of the Holocaust.

Biography 👉 of Tatiana Navka

Tatyana Navka was born on April 13, 1975, in Dnieper. Father - Alexander Navka - works as an engineer, and mother - Raisa Navka - works as an economist. Tanya also has a younger sister, Natasha, who, unlike Tanya, is not public.

Interest in figure skating began in childhood, when Tanya saw Elena Vodozerova perform. The girl started figure skating at the age of five, and subsequently won the title of national champion in the children's league. Due to the fact that figure skating became Tanya’s main priority, she went from an excellent student at school to a good student.

When the girl was old enough, she was sent for an internship to America, where Samvel Gezalyan became the young figure skater’s companion. The biography of Tatyana Navka took a new turn during this period.

Navka lived in America for fifteen years, after which she returned to the USSR, where she subsequently joined the Soviet national team. He and Samvel won victories at world competitions more than once. In addition to the Soviet national team, they also competed in the Belarusian national team, and represented the country many times at Olympic competitions.

Since the late nineties, Tanya performed with figure skater Roman Kostomarov, but he very soon left for Anna Semenovich. With the beginning of the 2000s, Navka left performing for a while. The girl was surprised by Kostomarov’s return. The man repented, and they began to go out on the ice together again.

In 2006, the couple became favorites at the Olympic Games, but later publicly announced the end of their joint career. Over the next eight years, Tatyana participated in the Ice Age entertainment program.

A year later, Navka performed as Carmen, directed by Ilya Averbukh. The fans received it with great enthusiasm.

Several documentary film adaptations have been made about this talented woman. She was the host of various celebrations, participated in competitions as a jury member, and was even the host of her own television show.

Tatiana Navka and Dmitry Peskov wedding photo July 17, 2015 - one of the brightest and important points in the life of an athlete. It is noteworthy that these two are complete opposites, but their strong marriage can only be envied.

Personal life 👉 Tatiana Navka

First of all, it is worth noting that during her school years Tatyana was not particularly popular with guys, and as she grew older she was in no hurry to start a relationship.

However, Tatyana Navka’s personal life is full interesting details. For a long time she loved Alexander Zhulin, who was her idol. But the feelings were unrequited. In addition, the man was already married.

After the figure skater took part in the Ice Age program, fans matched the girl with Marat Basharov, who was her performance partner. But the couple tirelessly denied these rumors. In addition, it was rumored that Basharov’s mother was also against their potential relationship. Tatyana was also credited with a relationship with Alexei Vorobyov, who became her partner in performances in the Ice and Fire program. But these assumptions, among other things, turned out to be groundless.

Her personal life has now finally found the long-awaited stability. She is absolutely happily married and adores her husband.

In addition to figure skating, Navka is very fond of horses and skiing. She enjoys cooking and listening to music. Among other things, the woman tried her hand at singing and advertises the Oriflame cosmetics brand. Tatyana also doesn’t mind testing herself as an actress.

Family 👉 Tatiana Navka

It is known that Tatyana’s parents have nothing to do with professional sports, however, at one time, both the figure skater’s father and mother went to sports clubs. But in the end they preferred more stable professions to provide for their children. At the same time, the parents happily supported their daughter’s desire and contributed to the development of her talent. Tatyana’s sister is also married now, but she doesn’t have her own children yet. Since childhood, the sisters have maintained a warm relationship.

Currently, Tatyana Navka’s family consists of her beloved husband, Dmitry Peskov, and two beautiful daughters, albeit from different men.

Children 👉 Tatiana Navka

Tatyana Navka's children were born from different husbands figure skaters. Note that there is quite a significant age difference between the sisters - 14 years. Tatyana's first daughter loves her sister very much and enjoys spending time with her. Teaches singing and even teaches figure skating.

The baby also loves her older sister very much and even, in a sense, perceives her as her mentor. Girls often go on trips with their parents and share great photos on social networks. In turn, Tatyana has repeatedly said that she is not against having another child. Perhaps sooner or later this will actually happen.

Daughter 👉 of Tatyana Navka - Alexandra Zhulina

Tatyana Navka’s daughter, Alexandra Zhulina, was born in 2000, in the capital of America. Her father is the athlete’s first husband, Alexander Zhulin. It is noteworthy that the girl is officially an American citizen, but lives in Russia. Although she played tennis since childhood and won numerous awards in competitions, Alexandra decided not to follow in her mother’s footsteps and become a singer instead of an athlete. Which she does very successfully.

The girl performs under the pseudonym Alexia, and has already released her debut song. She also tries herself in the modeling business. Sasha no longer plays sports.

Daughter 👉 of Tatiana Navka - Nadezhda Peskova

Tatyana Navka’s daughter, Nadezhda Peskova, was born only three years ago, and is an illegitimate daughter. Tatyana did not reveal the name of her dad to her fans for quite some time, but as a result it became known that he was a very famous man. The girl's father was politician Dmitry Peskov.

For quite a long time Tatyana did not publish photographs of her little daughter online. Despite her young age, the baby is already seriously interested in sports. She practices figure skating like her mother and loves tennis like her older sister. In addition, the girl goes to kindergarten where they study English language. In appearance, Nadya is an almost complete copy of her famous mother. She can rarely sit still, but at the same time she is very responsible.

Ex-husband 👉 of Tatyana Navka - Alexander Zhulin

Tatyana Navka's ex-husband, Alexander Zhulin, is a former famous athlete and famous figure skating coach. The man met Navka in 1994. Alexander was already married then, but he noticed the girl immediately.

He trained the figure skater for five years, after which they moved to the USA. There their daughter Alexandra was born. For the most part, Tatyana owes her success and fame to her husband’s training. It was thanks to his mentoring that the athlete was able to achieve such phenomenal success.

They did not divorce even after rumors appeared about Tatyana’s relationship with Marat Basharov, who was already mentioned above. They separated after fourteen years together. The reason for the breakup was Alexander’s betrayal with his next protégé, Natalya Mikhailova.

Husband 👉 of Tatiana Navka - Dmitry Peskov

Tatyana Navka’s husband, Dmitry Peskov, met his future wife shortly after Tatyana’s breakup with her first husband. They met at their mutual friend's birthday party. They went on a few more dates before the couple realized they shouldn't be apart anymore. Even the noticeable age difference did not stop them. The romance was actively developing, but both kept it a closely guarded secret from the press.

Navka was not stopped even by the fact that her lover already has a wife and four children. In turn, the man also learned about the firugista’s daughter.

Ultimately, Peskov divorced his wife, and after a while he and Tatyana had a daughter, Nadya, who, however, was born before the couple’s official marriage. The politician's four children also get along well with Tatyana.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Tatiana Navka

Instagram and Wikipedia of Tatyana Navka are very popular among admirers of the figure skater. After all, it is there that you can find the most reliable data regarding both the biography of a woman, her personal life, and plans for the future. The athlete’s Instagram profile has more than half a million subscribers.

Tatyana often shares with them photographs and videos from her personal archive. Subscribers like and comment on materials with pleasure and admiration. In particular, they like photographs and videos in which Navka is captured with her daughters.

On August 21, Nadezhda Peskova, the daughter of 43-year-old figure skater Tatyana Navka and 50-year-old press secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov, turned four years old. On the eve of the holiday, the Olympic champion touchingly congratulated girl and wrote that a surprise awaits her. “The best thing I have found in these 10 years! Happy birthday, my angel!” — Tatyana signed the photo with her daughter.


The girls celebrated their fourth birthday not at home: Navka was on tour at that time with the show “Ruslan and Lyudmila” and decided to take her daughter with her. The Olympic champion congratulated her daughter in front of a large audience of the performance, and the birthday girl made a wish and blew out the candles on the birthday cake.


Despite the fact that Nadezhda was a little sick, this did not stop her from going out on the ice and skating with her mother and Pyotr Chernyshev, her colleague on the show. “Nadya celebrated her birthday as befits a real figure skater - on the ice of the Bolshoi Sports Palace. And, unexpectedly for me, I wasn’t scared at all, I wasn’t shy! My girl, I'm proud of you! My breed" shared Navka on Instagram.


Let us remember that Dmitry Peskov and Tatyana Navka met eight years ago, and in 2015 they got married in Sochi in the circle of celebrity guests. This is not the first marriage for both spouses.

Navka's first husband was figure skater and coach Alexander Zhulin, whom she met at the age of 18. In 2000, Tatyana had her first daughter, Alexandra. Despite the common cause, the figure skaters’ marriage was quite tense: the spouses worked regularly, there was little time for each other, and in 2010 the couple announced their divorce after ten years of marriage. Rumors began to appear in the press about Tatyana’s affair with her colleague on the show “Ice Age,” actor Marat Basharov, but the couple denied this information.


Dmitry Peskov’s marriage to Navka was his third, and during this time the press secretary had five children. Dmitry's first wife was Anastasia Budennaya, the granddaughter of the famous military leader Soviet Union Budyonny seeds. They got married in 1988, and two years later the couple had a son, Nikolai. Peskov’s second wife was 18-year-old Ekaterina Solotsinskaya, who gave him three children: daughter Elizaveta, and sons Denis and Mika.

44 year old Tatiana Navka not only a famous Russian figure skater, but also a happy wife and caring mother of two daughters, 19 Alexandra, born in the marriage of Tatiana and a figure skater Alexandra Zhulina and 5 year old Hopes from his current marriage to the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov. In addition, in April last year, Tatyana said that there was an addition to their friendly family - Tatyana’s younger sister, Natalia, for the first time became the mother of a charming girl, who was named Dasha. At the beginning of December, the baby’s sacrament of baptism took place and Tatyana announced on her personal blog that she had become Dasha’s godmother.

Instagram @tatiana_navka

Natalya is a non-public person and little is known about her private life. She got married in 2012. Her chosen one's name is Evgeniy Egorov, and he has nothing to do with the world of show business. The sisters are very friendly with each other and often appear together at social events, and also often spend vacations together.

Instagram @navkanatalia

Just the other day, Tatyana took a break from her busy work schedule and gathered all the women of her family to enjoy a joint family vacation by the sea. Tatyana's mother went on vacation, Raisa Anatolyevna, sister Natalya with her daughter and daughters Navka, Alexandra and Nadezhda.

Let's go for a week-long reboot! You've done a good job, now you need to have a good rest and recharge your batteries for everything before the work that still lies ahead!! - she wrote on her personal blog.

Instagram @tatiana_navka

And this weekend, the star mom delighted fans by publishing a touching portrait of Tatyana’s three daughters.

A little sunshine for your feed!! Solid Girls! - Tatyana signed the photo.

Instagram @tatiana_navka

Fans leave admiring compliments to the celebrity’s charming daughters and note that the eldest daughter is very similar to her mother, but the youngest is her father’s copy.

Wonderful photo! They are all such beauties, you can’t take your eyes off them)) Nadenka looks just like her dad)

What wonderful girls you have, good luck to you all!

When I saw the photo, I thought it was you, and not your eldest daughter) you look very similar) incredible beauties!

You are all so cute!!! Have a nice holiday!

By the way, not so long ago the ex-skater admitted that she dreams of becoming a mother of many children and really wants to give birth to a son.

You know, I really like the expression: “A daughter is a compliment to a woman from God, which means she is worthy of repetition!” This may be immodest, but I am happy that I have two wonderful daughters! P.s. They say: "Son is eternal love women!" Therefore, I also dream about a son! — she admitted in her personal blog.

Navka dissolves in love for children and gives them the right to be themselves. For example, the eldest daughter of an athlete Alexandra Zhulina- a rare guest in his mother’s news feed. Most likely, this is due to the girl’s busy schedule: she studies at the Faculty of International Economic Relations at MGIMO, and in her free time she is building a career as a singer. Since 2016, Alexandra Zhulina began recording songs, filming videos and performing while still on small venues. The aspiring artist performs under the pseudonym Alexia and shares her work on social networks.

Instagram @sashazhulina

And the youngest Nadya has been seriously involved in figure skating for several years now, and this summer her first sports competition took place. The star heiress did not let her mother down and took first place. Nadezhda sparklingly performed to a Russian folk song and received a storm of applause. In addition, despite her young age, the girl performs with her mother in the popular ice show “Sleeping Beauty.”

Our goal is for our daughter to be a harmonious and happy person and to find herself. Therefore, from an early age we guide and develop them comprehensively. Nadya says: “When I become an adult, I will perform on stage.” True, she hasn’t yet specified which one,” Tatyana says with a smile about her daughter.

43-year-old figure skater Tatyana Navka is often called the destroyer of women's destinies. And this is not just like that. She really destroyed three families. Many believe that the “boomerang effect” is now beginning to take effect. Tatyana is not feeling well, and outwardly she looks very tired and sick.

Three broken families

How did all this happen? The first family broken by Tatyana Navka was the family of coach Alexander Zhulin. Alexander lived with his wife Maya Usova in marriage for about 8 years. But he left her without regret and went to his subordinate. The newlywed couple had a daughter, Alexandra. However, the 14-year marriage broke up.

And all because of Tatyana’s betrayal with Marat Basharov, an actor with whom she took part in the “Ice Age” project. Navka stole him from Elizaveta Krutsko. The former spouses left behind a 6-year-old daughter. Marat Basharov abused alcohol. Because of this, Tatyana left him.

A worthy replacement for Basharov was the famous political figure Dmitry Peskov. For the sake of the athlete, he left his wife and three children. A few years later, he and Tatyana had a common daughter, Nadezhda.

Household problems

Tatyana Navka is the third wife of diplomat Dmitry Peskov. Together Tatyana and Dmitry are already enough long term. More than 6 years. Dmitry Sergeevich divorced his second wife because he fell madly in love with a beautiful figure skater. Their daughter Nadenka is already 4 years old.

However, so that everything goes smoothly and without problems... Does that really happen? It’s just more difficult for some, easier for others.

Tatyana always remembers the everyday problems that accompanied them at the beginning of their life together. The lovers quarreled over every little thing. Tanya wanted constant change. For example, buy new things for the interior or rearrange. In short, she created chaos. Today there are no such problems anymore. Probably because the couple completely furnished the entire house.

On this occasion, Navka also recalls a relatively recent incident. A couple of years ago a woman decided to change her curtains. And she changed it. But Dmitry didn’t like them at all. He gave his wife a day to get rid of them. She took it off. But two years later she hung herself again. In general, I achieved my goal.

Problems with children

With difficulty, the couple managed to establish relationships with children from different marriages. Dmitry has an eldest son, Nikolai, from his first marriage (Peskov’s first wife is Anastasia, the granddaughter of commander Budyonny). From his second marriage - sons Denis and Mika, daughter Lisa.

Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov stopped hiding their relationship at the end of 2014. Doubts about who the father of the famous figure skater’s youngest child was immediately disappeared.

Navka’s eldest daughter and her stepfather initially could not find mutual understanding at all. However, over time, everything got better. Now the family is trying to spend as much time as possible together. If possible.

Tanya claims that Alexandra was going through a very difficult period at that time. Adolescence. She could snort and say something unnecessary. But now everything is in the past. Tatyana also loves her husband’s own children very much. Although sometimes you have to scold.

Tatyana calls the younger Nadya a real sunshine. It unites the whole family at once. Everyone adores her, just like she does everyone. Always running to kiss and hug.

As for Dmitry, the skater claims that she found ideal man. That's why I'm absolutely happy.

Payback with health?

But envious users, as mentioned above, are sure that Tatyana Navka’s most important problems have just begun. They concern her health. The figure skater pays with herself for the married men whose families she destroyed. The woman does not talk much about her illnesses. But no one knows how bad she really is, and what all this can lead to.

Some subscribers emphasized on the Internet that Tatyana tried to build her own happiness on someone else’s misfortune. But it seems it didn't work. What is this? Envy? Or curses after a beautiful and happy woman?

Tatyana Navka told how Dmitry Peskov views the fact that he earns less than his wife. The Olympic champion answered the question: does her husband feel disadvantaged due to too large a difference in income. As the wife of a government official, the athlete is required to disclose her earnings, and, according to data for 2018, her income amounted to 218.604 million rubles. Dmitry Peskov received 12.795 million rubles last year.

No, my husband does not feel disadvantaged with such and such a wife! He is happy, glad and satisfied. He lives in harmony with himself, he has a wonderful job, which he loves very much, a wonderful family, wife, home. “Everything is fine with us,” Tatyana said in an interview with the St. Petersburg publication.

According to the Olympic champion, her husband is a romantic, but Tatyana did not specify what kind of romantic advances he makes and what gifts he gives. But she shared that after the wedding, Dmitry Peskov began to play sports much more. The press secretary of the Russian president is an excellent skater and loves hockey.

During the interview, Navka was reminded of the photo shoot in which she starred in 2005 for the men's magazine Maxim. The athlete confirmed that she does not regret the photographs taken then:

Of course not. Why regret it? Beautiful photos. When I’m old, I’ll look at them. When I did this photo shoot, I was married, my husband (first husband Alexander Zhulin - Ed.) was present at the photo shoot at that time.

Tatyana admits that she is often asked why she has not yet gone into politics. And he assures that he does not feel inclined to make a career in the political field.

I also often get asked the question: “Why aren’t you in politics? You could create a women's movement! Yes, because it's not mine. “My passion is creativity and working with children,” says Tatyana.

The main thing in Navka’s life now is her ice shows, which she stages as a producer. On November 1, the premiere of the new ice performance “Ruslan and Lyudmila” was successfully held in St. Petersburg. Tatyana said that her daughter Nadya will also take part in ice shows from time to time. Nadezhda Peskova She has been skating since she was two years old and is already an excellent skater. But the athlete doesn’t want to let her out on the ice every day; after all, constant performances are too heavy a load for a five-year-old girl.

She's still little. Honestly, I'm still thinking about it too. Probably not in every show. It’s really difficult,” said Tatyana. - There will be some replacements. But again, I can’t say yet which ones and when. These are children, you can never be sure of anything. God grant that she has enough strength and desire to perform in all the shows, but we'll see.

Journalists of the publication cited methods of education as an example Yana Rudkovskaya– a belt and a dark room in which the producer periodically locks his son Sasha Plushenko. And they asked Tatyana: does she apply strict measures to her daughter for educational purposes?

In a dark room it’s quite tough. Maybe, if only not in the dark. And so I also hit Nadyusha’s butt a couple of times and locked her in the room, saying: think about your behavior, and when you think about it, come and we’ll discuss it,” Navka said. – Everyone has their own methods of education. When my daughter began to take up figure skating, they began to write to me that there was no need to mock Nadyusha like Rudkovskaya did her son. Yes, I'm proud of my daughter! I'm proud that she trains twice a day and always gets up in the morning, no matter how sleepy she is. Since childhood, she knows what a schedule and overcoming is. Also, when I was a child, my parents were told that they were monsters and abused their own daughter. Well, let them talk. Life will put everything in its place.

Let us remember that Tatyana Navka and Dmitry Peskov began dating in 2010, and in 2014 their daughter Nadezhda was born. The couple got married in 2015. From a previous marriage to a coach Alexander Zhulin Tatiana has 19-year-old daughter Sasha.