Learning how to sign beautifully: simple recommendations for a beautiful signature. How to come up with a signature: beautiful options for a unique autograph How to sign

Sometimes you want to start life from scratch... Or maybe start with the simplest thing - for example, try to solve a simple problem: how to come up with a signature. Did you know that handwriting can say a lot about a person, just like a signature can significantly influence his destiny. Sometimes just change the painting, and life will immediately begin to change for the better. Or maybe you don’t yet have your own signature, the one that you would like to write boldly on your passport or capture in someone’s notebook if (or when) you become famous? Then, read this material. We will teach you how to sign and tell you how to become the owner of the most stylish and original signature.

In order to learn how to sign beautifully, you need to carefully prepare. It won't take much time, but the result will definitely please you.

  1. Analyze your previous signature (if you had one). Look at what you don’t like, perhaps you changed your handwriting and writing style, you got some kind of “trick” of your own, or you simply changed your last name. In this case, think about which elements of your previous painting you would like to keep, and which ones you would like to improve and decorate.

  2. A signature isn't just a cute little squiggle. This is information about you, your business card. Therefore, you need to think about what information would you like to include in it?. Name? Last name? Or maybe all together, and even the middle name? Highlight the first letters of the first and middle names (initials), practice writing them together with the last name. Try different options: write the first letters of the name beautifully, sweepingly, use various kinds of curls.

  3. Once you have decided which part of your first and last name you will use in your signature, select the symbols that will serve to connect the letters. Remember first grade: hooks, sticks, curls - all this will be useful to you. And also calligraphy. This wonderful art not only relaxes and relieves stress, but also helps to bring your own painting closer to the ideal.

  4. To broaden your horizons and gain inspiration, study examples of signatures of famous writers, artists, artists and ministers of art. This will help you make your personal signature even brighter and better.

How to come up with a nickname?

In addition to the real signature, there is also a virtual signature. We all live in times of the Internet, in which there is an incredible amount of Vasya, Kolya and Sing. And I want to emphasize my identity, so that even in social network you are not confused with anyone. All you have to do is imagine a little - how to come up with a nickname, and you will definitely have some kind of original idea.

  • Of course, if you have a rare and memorable surname, then you don’t need to come up with anything. For example, if your last name is Shchiborshch or Eybogin, then you will have difficulty meeting your double online.
  • Instead of a nickname, you can use the first or last name of your favorite literary character, actor or singer. However, this is not a very reliable method.
  • Remember what nickname they gave you at school? your classmates. Perhaps this is not an offensive tease at all, but your unique nickname. You were in school for Pancake or Cupcake - that’s great! People with such nicknames on the Internet are so needed!
  • Just read your last name backwards - you may come across unusual combination sounds, which will become your individual business card.
  • Come up with a nickname that reflects your hobby or your character traits - Positive, Dancing in the Sky, Brave, Predator.
  • Come up with some absurd adjective word for your name. For example, Pelmen Boris, Lyudmila Good Evening, Tolya Zhelezyaka. Of course, you can show off your knowledge foreign languages and write something in Latin or Hindi after the name. The main thing is not to get into trouble.

If you have already figured out which letters you will use to create a signature, you can work out possible options registration of your future autograph.

Sooner or later, each of us thinks about how to come up with a beautiful signature so that it becomes a reflection of his style, character and profession. What if you become some famous or important person, you will leave your signature on the things of your fans, books, but for you it is an ordinary, ordinary squiggle, invented in a hurry at the time and then used out of habit! You can change your usual squiggle for an effective and original signature at any age, but it’s better to do it only once, otherwise you will create a lot of problems for yourself related to important papers.

A beautiful signature is a unique image of a person, his statement about himself, an important factor of success, a formula for expressing essence and character. That is why her choice should be approached with all seriousness.

Dot, dot, comma - the painting came out... Oh, crooked!

When choosing a signature, pay attention to the following nuances:

Learning to create an effective signature

Write your last name, first name, patronymic on a piece of paper and look closely at them - try to see something new in them. Perhaps, after sitting on this activity for two hours, you will come up with an original idea. If inspiration has left you, we suggest you turn to our advice.

  • One of the most common options is to use the first three letters of the surname or capital letters of the initials. Such paintings are found all the time and can hardly claim to be unique and original.
  • Try writing the letters on top of each other. This is not the simplest option, but it is quite serious and laconic. Owners of initials starting with the letters “O”, “C”, “E”, “U” will get a beautiful signature.
  • Experiment with a beautiful combination of letters in the signature so that they smoothly transition into one another - the painting will turn out dense, incomprehensible and mysterious.
  • You can make two in the painting - first name and patronymic, if you do not want to focus on your last name.
  • Another interesting option- use of Latin hieroglyphs and Cyrillic alphabet in the signature. For example, half of the facsimile is made in Cyrillic, and the whole is supplemented with a hieroglyph. The signature will look luxurious and unique.
  • As for the curls that usually end a signature, it all depends on your imagination - it can be an ordinary circle, a broken line, a “cardiogram”, or a sine wave. The main thing is not to overdo it with curls, otherwise the signature will turn out tawdry and flashy.

If you have doubts about how to make a beautiful signature and whether it will be effective, turn to the help of special programs or graphic studios that will introduce you to examples of beautiful signatures and help you create a similar one.

Signing in a passport: this is serious

So, the solemn moment has come to receive your passport, and you have not yet figured out how you will sign for it. After all, you cannot change the autograph left on this most important document, and, besides, it is desirable that the signature is beautiful and you like it.

When drawing up important documents, such as a purchase and sale agreement, the signature on them must be identical to the signature in the passport. Therefore, it is better to start creating a signature in advance in order to get used to it and learn to reproduce it even with your eyes closed.

In order for you to get a decent and beautiful signature on your passport, use the above tips. Remember that a man's signature is more serious and laconic, in contrast to a woman's, for which frivolous curls and roundings are acceptable.

signature author

Each person has a certain handwriting.

However, when writing words, he obeys the spelling rules instilled in school and tries to write evenly and accurately, which makes it difficult to determine his character and temperament. The same cannot be said about the signature, which suggests a flight of fancy, giving a complete picture of the author’s inner world. With a signature, a person seems to show his essence, paints his psychological portrait.

Stroke direction

A signature going down indicates the opposite temperament. The person is depressed, pessimistic, prone to frequent illnesses, unsure of himself and angry at others.

A straight and even beautiful signature tells about a person of the “golden mean”. He is both a pessimist and an optimist, has a balanced character, is used to doing everything accurately, accurately and correctly.

Signature length

A long signature is created by people who are accustomed to approaching everything with seriousness and pedantry.

These are people for whom other people's opinions are fundamental, they are incredibly stubborn and persistent.

The short facsimile belongs to people who are impatient, quick and a little superficial. They do not like slowness, are inattentive and fickle.

A person’s signature can tell a lot about him, his values, worldview, character, being a mirror of his inner world. Take your time when choosing a facsimile, practice constantly to memorize it and give it your own personal touches. After all, a beautiful signature will be a kind of advertising of your inner self throughout your life.

The first time a person thinks about creating a beautiful mural is when he receives his passport. It should be noted that once the autograph is displayed in the passport, it is no longer possible to change it, so the owner must like the signature. Our article will tell you how to correctly name an autograph in a passport (signature or signature). Also, as part of the article, we will demonstrate images with beautiful captions and talk about the influence of the chosen autograph on human destiny.

Signature or painting, which is correct?

Painting is an important attribute in all documents, but people often confuse semantic meaning words. How do we actually certify business papers: signature or signature?

Two words, signature and painting, are often perceived by people as synonyms, but in fact they have different semantic meanings. Asking the question “which is more correct: painting or signature?” When preparing important documentation, consult a dictionary. There you can find out what origin these two words have and what they mean.

A signature is the handwritten name of a person confirming his agreement with the contents of certain documentation. This word is derived from the verb “to sign”, that is, to put a note under the text of the document. But the word “painting” is derived from another verb – “to paint”, which refers to artistic ornamental painting. Painting is a term that is more suitable for the category of architectural structures. The verb “to list” and the word “list” can also be used to denote any list (for example, listing construction costs, listing the sequence of work).

Thus, the expression “put a signature under the document” is incorrect. We put a signature in a passport or other business documentation, confirming our first and last name.

Paintings of people - variants of paintings. Photo.

Each person’s signature is strictly individual, reflecting the character and main personality traits of its owner. Let's look at several options for beautiful signatures belonging to famous personalities and cultural figures.

As we can see in the image, the signature Russian President is of great length, which characterizes Putin as a thoughtful person who always carefully delves into the essence of the matter. The sweeping letter indicates that Vladimir Vladimirovich has systemic and global thinking. At the same time, the autograph is written illegibly, the initials V.V. are barely visible in it, and the surname is not visible at all. This indicates a certain amount of selfishness in the character. The symmetrical elements of the President’s signature indicate that Putin values ​​reliability more than anything else in life. The second letter “B” in the autograph is of particular importance. As you can see, it has a large tail that returns the signature to the previously written element (the first letter " IN"). This is a sign that Putin often does not receive satisfaction from what he has done in his life. This person constantly strives to go back to improve and adjust his actions.

2. What does Boris Pasternak’s signature say?

The signature of the poet Pasternak is written in smooth handwriting. The first letter of the stroke is “B”(displays the creator’s name) is immediately connected to the first letter of the surname “P”. It should be noted that Pasternak did not put a dividing point between the two letters. The fact is that the dot between the letter of the first name and last name indicates that the person is not used to starting his business from scratch. Pasternak's signature indicates that this man could start something new without relying on the past, but using only his own abilities and talent. The slightly inclined first letter of the surname, “P,” as if rushing forward, also testifies to the poet’s desire for something new. Distinctive feature Pasternak's signature is a gradual decrease in letters. You should also pay attention to the letters “p” and “e” in the poet’s signature. They are connected to each other by a loop, and “e” is strongly inclined to the side. This is evidence that Pasternak often lacked the strength to protect his integrity. The creative nature and great talent of Boris Pasternak is evidenced by the rounded stroke at the end of the signature, rushing up and to the left.

3. Characteristics of Leonid Brezhnev’s signature

All letters in Leonid Brezhnev's signature are round and do not contain angular elements. This characterizes him as a friendly and open person. Brezhnev really had many friends, and this later had a bad effect on him political career. Friendliness gradually developed into nepotism and excessive connivance. Separate writing of letters and a large distance between them speaks of the politician’s excessive vanity and his desire to draw attention to his own person. The height and direction of the letters in this autograph changes, which indicates Brezhnev’s lack of perseverance and attentiveness.

This signature is very long, including the writer's first name, continuously connected to the last name. The bottom line of the letters in the signature is very uneven and indicates Koltsov’s strong temperament. Special attention should be paid to connecting the letters in the signature. The rounded connecting arches speak of Mikhail’s high attentiveness and his desire to delve well into everything new. The observational ability of this person is evidenced by the complete coherence of the letters with each other.

The first letter of the name, "M", depicted in a zigzag shape. Graphology says the following about this: the letter “M” symbolizes the wealth and skill of a person. Judging by the writing of the letter, Koltsov very early determined his future creative path, however, at the early stage of his creativity he was overcome by doubts.

The two letters “o” in the surname are written by Koltsov with a break at the top. This suggests that the writer was striving for the future. Neat and equal-sized letters “i” and “ts” indicate the writer’s good organizational skills. Let us also pay attention to the style of writing the soft sign. Koltsov’s letter is very similar to the letter “b”. The small upper ponytail ends in a wave, which characterizes the owner of the signature as a risk-averse person.

In this signature, what immediately catches your eye is the presence of two dots and the writing of the letter “Ш” with a dash at the bottom. A couple of points characterize Marshak as a cautious and prudent person. But the second dot looks a little like a comma. This is evidence of a person’s curiosity, his desire to get acquainted with something new. The angular oval of the letters “a” in combination with a high final stroke suggests that the poet was an ambitious person and preferred to play it safe in risky situations. The letters of different sizes and that same line under the letter “Ш” allow us to say that Marshak was a spontaneous, creative person and constantly strived for self-education.

The first letter of the signature is depicted large and clearly, has a slight slant to the left and a small hook, separated from the surname by a dot. Such writing speaks of excellent literary abilities, a love of art, and the ability to correctly and clearly express all one’s thoughts. The decreasing width of the letters may indicate a difficult period in the writer’s life, when he had to save a lot. The letter “u” also looks unusual in Paustovsky’s signature. Its long process ends in a small hook, which indicates the good intuition of the owner of the signature. In general, one can say about the stroke that it was written with great pressure, which indicates Paustovsky’s stubbornness and strong desire to achieve his goals.

In Stalin's signature, the letters gradually become smaller, and the second letter is noticeably larger than the first. This is a sign of pessimism. Despite the fact that Joseph Stalin had great fighting qualities, strong blows of fate were an insurmountable obstacle for him. Pessimistic sentiments are visible in the writing of all letters. The first letters of the signature (“I”, “S”, “t”) tilted to the right, as if falling. But the letter “a” shoots up sharply. All other letters are written illegibly and tend downwards. Such writing of letters is a sign of sudden mood swings in the owner of the signature.

The rigidity of Stalin's character is evidenced by the short connections between the letters. The first letter “I” is written with great emphasis, has a large width and sharp elements. This suggests that Joseph Stalin was accustomed from his youth to being in the spotlight and striving for leadership.

A large distance between the first and second letters of the signature indicates that a person knows how to win people over and always strives to stand out from the crowd. The letter “a” in the signature is characterized by angular shapes and sharp outlines. This characterizes Stalin as a pragmatic person who knows how to concentrate on important goals and does not look for easy ways to achieve them. The tail in this letter is unusual. Strong pressure and separation from the lower part of the oval speaks of high self-esteem and the power of Stalin. The last letters of the signature are depicted condensed and are not entirely legible. This is evidence of the strong distrust of the ruler, who over the years has become simply manic.

Such a flourish testifies to the high pride and energy of its owner. Tendencies towards stubbornness and ambition are clearly visible in him, and first capital letter "B" speaks of good artistry. From this stroke we can say that Matvienko is a decisive person, but subject to emotions. Valentina Matvienko is a sociable person, knows how to work in a team and constantly strives for leadership.

Something unusual is immediately noticeable in this signature. writing the letter "G" and different display of two small letters “r” (in the first and last name). The letter “r” in the name is written with pressure and tends downwards. This suggests that in early years Gaidar followed the path of compromise and economy. In general, all the letters of the stroke are written with great emphasis, which speaks of the writer’s courage and determination. Almost all letters of the stroke are written with an inclination right side. This indicates a person’s attentiveness to the people around him. The last letter “r” is written ornately, looking like a dagger-shaped loop. This design speaks of good fighting qualities, an instant reaction to the most difficult situation and good ability to correctly express one’s thoughts.

10. What does Vladimir Zhirinovsky’s signature tell us?

Such a signature belongs to a decisive person who is not accustomed to routine affairs. He is prone to excessive emotionality, a rather contradictory personality with a well-developed spirit of competition. He is impatient with decision-makers and is very aggressive by nature. Zhirinovsky has excellent artistry, sometimes bordering on vulgarity. Zhirinovsky knows how to correctly express his thoughts, which in some cases may look like a provocation. Zhirinovsky is an excellent speaker and politician, but deep down in his soul he is a vulnerable and shy person. His aggression may be a kind of defensive reaction.

How does a signature affect a person’s life and destiny?

When choosing a beautiful painting for a passport, you must take into account that it leaves an imprint on the fate of its owner. Stroke plays a huge role in human behavior and the formation of personality. The data contained in the autograph influences a person’s life in a certain way.

Sometimes there comes a certain moment in life when a person wants to change his signature. Such situations are associated with turning points in fate, new life stages, and some changes in character.

The influence of a signature on fate is inextricably linked with numerological laws. Each autograph performs corrective tasks and can change our lives both for the better and for the worse. The signature belongs to the factors that clearly reflect the inner world of its owner. If a person experiences any problems, this is reflected in his strokes (he becomes careless, sloppy).

Experienced specialists in the field of numerology recommend choosing a signature in accordance with your personal numerological portrait. This will make it possible to strengthen positive character traits and smooth out his perceived shortcomings.

In general, a signature has always been considered a reflection of a person’s character. A good graphologist knows that too large capital letters in an autograph indicate the capriciousness of its owner, small signatures belong to tacticians, and sweeping ones belong to strategists. Emphasizing the autograph at the bottom speaks of high pride and a desire to attract attention. The presence of a dot at the end of the signature characterizes a person as obligatory and always completing things he starts. Interestingly, the signature affects not only the spiritual aspects of life, but also the physical. An incorrect stroke leads to the development of various diseases in its owner.

Each person should approach the choice of signature carefully and thoughtfully. This attribute should combine as many as possible positive qualities personality, professionalism and serious attitude to work.

Video on how to make a beautiful signature?

It doesn't matter whether you're planning to become a famous person or just to pass the time - experimenting with your signature can be quite a fun activity. Use our tips and tricks to create a memorable signature.


Part 1

Analyze the current signature

    Take a look at your current signature. Think about what you like about it and what you would like to change. Take the letters that make up your name and think about how best to emphasize them: consider interesting (with curls, dots and intersections - Y, X or B) and simple letters (especially those that look the same in upper and lower case - C or O ). Look for something that can become the centerpiece of your signature.

    Think about what information you want to include in your signature. A simple and uncomplicated signature is easier to read, but a more complex signature can be your highlight. The more sweeping your signature is, the more colorful you will seem. Think about how much time you spend signing. Busy doctors tend to have hasty and unreadable signatures, while... famous writers can spend more time on all sorts of calligraphic delights.

    • Signatures that include only your initials are generally considered more formal and businesslike than signatures that include your full name.
    • If it is important that the signature cannot be forged, then make it longer and more readable. Place your first and last name in it. Write clearly and legibly. It is much easier to forge unsightly signatures than to imitate all the nuances of a well-developed and clearly written autograph.
  1. What parts of the name would you like to include in the signature? Some people like to write their full name, while others just use their first or last name. Still others use only initials. If you are known by name (like Beyoncé), then only your name will be enough in the caption. If you are a professor who is addressed by first name, patronymic or last name, then use the option with last name.

    Get inspiration from other people's captions. Study celebrity signatures and think maybe you should come up with something similar. Kurt Vonnegut, Walt Disney, Salvador Dali, Picasso and John Hancock (and many others) are known for their unique signatures, among other things. Don't be afraid to borrow catchy elements and incorporate them into your signature.

    Part 2

    Experiment with your signature
    1. Experiment. Take a piece of paper and put a lot of signatures on it - try it various options. Relax and give free rein to your imagination, try it various styles and curls. The signature should be easy to write, organically combined with your name, and easily repeated by you many times. Use comfortable writing instruments. You can work with a pencil to erase the signature and make corrections.

      Highlight some letters. You can make the letter larger so that it stands out among others, or vice versa - make it smaller. This will make your signature brighter without increasing the time spent. Try using a large first letter of your first name or the first letters of your first and last names.

      • If your signature is illegible or curly, then you can highlight one letter, making it clear and readable. Conversely, you can make one letter look sloppy or odd to make it stand out in a neat, legible signature.
    2. Emphasize with underlining. This is a classic way to add extra flair to your signature. The underline may take longer to produce, so consider its practicality.

      Use a retro font. Double the horizontal crossings and finish the twisted letters with curves and curls. Use a fountain pen whenever possible. Get inspired by calligraphy, ancient signatures and gothic fonts. This way you can decorate even the simplest signature.

      Add some flair to your signature. Sweeping - great option make your signature more unique. Choose letters that fit unusual curves and try to print them in an unusual way. Consider the following options:

      • Repeating elements. The three large ovals in the signature will create an echo effect and tie the rest of the design together.
      • Capital letters can surround lowercase letters. This way you can add brightness to the signature if the name does not have letters with lower tails (U, L, X and others).
      • Outline your signature with swirls. This will give her a very official, royal look.
      • Make the bottom of the letters larger. This is one of the simple and common ways to decorate a signature.
    3. Add numbers or symbols to your signature. Such symbols could include a team jersey number, a simple sketch, or graduation year. If you associate a specific number or symbol with your identity (for example, if you are an important member of a sports team), then this good way stand out among your namesakes. If you want to go this route, it's best to keep the rest of your signature simple to save time. Large quantity characters can overload the signature and take a long time to display all elements.

    Part 3

    Choose the best option

      Combine your favorite elements into a caption. Put together all the details you like. Determine which ones are extra and which ones go well with your personality. As you perfect your signature, make small changes until you feel like you've found the right combination.

      Determine the best option. Don't choose a signature just because it looks cool. It should be not only stylistically verified, but also practical.

      • You should be able to easily reproduce your signature. You should not have any difficulties writing it, and the process itself should take no more than a few seconds.
      • Your signature should be consistent with your personality and goals. If you want to seem special, then use an artsy signature. If you want to appear before people as an elegant and neat person, then reflect this in your signature.
      • The signature must be recognizable. It doesn't need to look like a scribble (unless it's a well-recognized scribble), but it should always be the same. Make your signature unique and as recognizable as possible.
    1. Practice your new signature until writing it is no longer difficult. Don't forget that you can always make changes to it. If you use one signature in all legal documents (licence, passport, bank card), then changing the signature may cause inconvenience. In some cases, you may be identified by your signature, and if it changes, you may arouse suspicion because the signatures on the documents will no longer match.

      Make sure you can easily repeat the new signature. The most beautiful and original signature in the world will be useless if you can't quickly put it on the required document. When practicing your signature, do not forget about practicality: you need to be able to sign quickly, you need to decide on the accessories (what you will use to sign), and in all cases it should look the same. If you're having trouble repeating your signature, it's best to simplify your design.


    • Don't change your signature very often. You may have trouble verifying your identity if the new signature doesn't match your passport, license, bank records, or even your library card.
    • It's best to keep the official signature fairly simple. You'll quickly get tired of having to write a complex and time-consuming design every time you pay with a card at the grocery store.
    • Think twice before you come up with an illegible signature. No one argues that going beyond the limits is sometimes fun and funny, but think carefully about whether you need a hard-to-read signature.

A beautiful signature is a kind of art that many would like to learn. Not everyone is naturally gifted with beautiful handwriting and painting, but it is quite possible to learn. So, today we will talk about how to learn how to sign beautifully and get beautiful handwriting.

Learn to write beautifully

First, we learn to write letters, and then we move on to writing individual words and entire sentences. So it is with a signature: it is impossible to learn how to sign beautifully without learning how to write beautifully (see).

Do you think it’s possible to learn beautiful handwriting? It is believed that handwriting is an innate quality of a person, such as kindness or patience, for example. Since our handwriting is given to us from above, it turns out that it is impossible to influence it in any way, and we will have to continue to write in ugly squiggles?

Think back to elementary school. Remember how, as a first-grader, you carefully wrote out symbols in the copybook, then learned to write (see) from dictation, carefully writing out each letter, trying to ensure that it turned out beautifully and at the same time legibly? If handwriting is inherent in us by nature, then what was the purpose of these events? Did the teachers just want to keep the kids occupied so they wouldn't turn the class upside down? It turns out that you can influence your handwriting, you can learn to write beautifully.

There is an interesting theory based on the fact that a person who paints must certainly have beautiful handwriting. As practice shows, most artists have disgusting handwriting.

Why does this happen?

When a person draws with inspiration (see), the work for him is a real inspiration. Consequently, he is more than comfortable, which means his hands are relaxed. And how beautifully he will write depends only on him: if the result of his “work” is important to a person, he will try to write beautifully, writing out each letter; if a person does not pursue aesthetics, in reality ugly squiggles will appear.

It turns out that in order to learn to write beautifully, you need to love the process itself, your own handwriting, and, of course, make certain efforts to develop it. And you can develop it with daily training. Remember your penmanship lessons in first grade. Time was allocated for each letter to learn how to write it properly, to learn how to write it beautifully.

And one more thing. The handwriting has interesting property“write off” and “deteriorate.” How many unique handwritings were ruined in student classrooms due to elementary “stagnation”, when a person (see) did not write by hand for a long time, giving preference to modern computer technology. So you can completely forget how to write (just kidding!)! The conclusion suggests itself: if you want to write beautiful handwriting, practice and practice again! Without diligence, perseverance and patience, nothing will work out for you.

How to learn to sign beautifully?

Some famous people the artistic negligence caused by the high speed of signing autographs is sometimes simply baffling. But, as they say, it’s one thing to sign pieces of paper, posters and T-shirts for your fans, and quite another to sign multi-million dollar contracts. How to learn to sign beautifully?

  1. You can take your surname or some part of it as the basis for the future painting. Here you need to try several options. To begin, draw the first few letters of your last name on paper. The most common way is to include the first three letters of the surname in the signature. If you like this option, continue.
  2. Now you can consider a combination of initials in combination with your last name. Try placing them in different options, for example, placing one letter inside another or making a kind of flow of one letter into another. If we come up with a particularly interesting option, we leave it and move on.
  3. If, in general, you like what you do, you can add some zest to the autograph in the form of some interesting curl in the letters “b”, “p” and “c” or a loop. The letters “d” and “u” are especially fond of such decorations. You can try crossing out the signature using a “tape” or even two or three. In general, there are actually a lot of options on how to make your signature unique and interesting. As they say - just choose.
  4. If you don’t have enough of your own imagination, you can “borrow” someone else’s idea, of course, modifying it and making it unique with the help of squiggles, curls and ribbons.

A beautiful signature is a kind of art that many would like to learn. Not everyone is naturally gifted with beautiful handwriting and painting, but it is quite possible to learn this (see). So, today we will talk about how to learn how to sign beautifully and get beautiful handwriting.

Now you know how to learn how to sign beautifully, and you are ready to sign your first multi-million dollar contract.

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