How the volume of electricity is measured. Measuring electrical energy. Receiving electrical energy. Units of measurement of electrical current. Exercise “measuring your energy” Ways to save electricity

Human energy is the reserve of vitality and energy that a particular person possesses. We can increase our energy with in various ways(they are discussed in detail in another article). But there are certain limitations - each person by nature has his own energy potential, which cannot change significantly. In this article we will tell you how energy is determined by date of birth.

When a person is sufficiently filled with vital energy, he feels confident in his abilities. This is a leader who does not worry about the opinions of others about himself. He generates various ideas and actively implements them. Such individuals are distinguished by natural behavior, direct expression of their feelings and emotions.

Extraordinary, creative people who act as sources of fresh ideas and are able to share their energy with others receive great energy potential from nature. These are wonderful storytellers, they always have plenty of fans, they easily establish connections with new people due to their politeness, charm and goodwill.

A strong energy field is also manifested by certain external signs:

  • characterized by thin lips;
  • massive chin;
  • thick eyebrows;
  • wide jaw;
  • in most cases such people are dark-haired;
  • people with dark color eyes have a very strong aura.

How date of birth affects energy

The day, month, year and even time of birth has a huge impact on a person’s entire subsequent life. The concept we are talking about now is also known as “bioenergy”. Today, even such a profession has appeared - bioenergetics. Experts in this field are able to trace the connection between a specific person, numbers, the Universe, and so on.

Bioenergetics (based on numerology) has established that the date of birth can shed light on a person’s energy potential. By resorting to simple mathematical calculations, it is possible to make a forecast of future events for a specific period of life. Also, this data is used to build a life curve and monitor changes in. The more energy a person has, the correspondingly higher the curve will be.

Bioenergy by date of birth: calculation

How it happens energy calculations

  1. Remember the date of your birth. For example, May 25, 1994.
  2. Write down the first number - the year of birth is 1994.
  3. The second number is formed by the ordinal number of the month of birth and the day - 0525.

Pay attention! If your birthday is formed by a single digit number (for example, nine), then write the second number this way - 809.

  1. Now multiply the first number by the second = 1994*0525=1,046,850.
  2. After this, we calculate the sum of all digits of the resulting number:

The resulting number represents a person’s bioenergetic potential (E) and demonstrates how much vitality (energy) he has.

Now comes the fun part - find out who you are:

  • energy vampire – E less than twenty;
  • a normal person - E values ​​will range from twenty to thirty;
  • energy donor – has an energy potential of thirty or more.

Regardless of our natural energy balance, we all have periods in our lives when we are in a weakened state and need additional energy replenishment. In this case, the person unconsciously begins to “vampire” those around him.

At the same time, normal people and donors begin to feel uncomfortable. But donors whose E exceeds the “thirty-three” mark are able to be recharged with cosmic energy or feed on energy from nature. They generously give vitality to those around them, people strive to be near them in order to be fed with energy.

Where is the energy lost?

Perhaps you are familiar with the state when your strength begins to leave, as if someone is “deflating” you like a balloon. You eat well, sleep enough hours, engage in physical activity, but inside you still feel tired. The symptoms described above describe a state of outflow of vital energy: you seem to be doing everything to replenish it, but it is becoming less and less.

Why is this happening? You need to analyze your behavior and lifestyle, because there is a reason for something, but we will now try to establish what it is.

So, it can cause severe loss of energy:

  1. Feelings of guilt. This is how your conscience speaks to you, representing our strictest judge throughout your life. Conscience causes serious psychological discomfort, due to which energy is wasted.

If you try to drown out the voice of conscience, you will be faced with the exact opposite result and an even greater deterioration of the situation. Outwardly, this will also manifest itself in the form of a deterioration in the financial situation. The most reasonable solution in this case is to find an internal compromise yourself.

  1. Grievances also lead to energy deficiency. The most popular option is grievances against parents, which probably last from childhood. If a person, even as an adult, cannot let go of the past and forgive his parents, this will greatly influence various aspects of his life.

What kind of relationships were in your parental family will have an impact on the model of your own family. And hidden long-term grievances have the most negative impact on people; they contribute to exhaustion, both emotional and energetic.

  1. Psychological discomfort, which provokes energy losses, can also be caused by other negative emotions: fear, fear of uncertainty, anxiety, disappointment and mental pain.
  2. Envy– causes a lot of controversy among experts regarding its effect on the human body. One part of experts identifies envy as a motivating emotion that can accelerate the achievement of success and set specific goals in life for a person.

We have listed the main internal causes of energy losses. And there are also external ones, which include communication with energy “bloodsuckers”, which are bores, whiners, slackers, losers, victims and patients, maniacs, as well as ideological fighters. By contacting them, you become energetically weaker.

Therefore, you should surround yourself with positively thinking people, try to always be in a good mood, finish what you start on time, not worry about your future (or rather, worry, but within reasonable limits), cleanse yourself of your internal negative emotions (resentment, anger, aggression, etc. ) and then your energy field will strengthen every day.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Having been involved in energy practices since 2001, I heard from all sides: “We need to gain energy” or “There is not enough energy.” In qigong they generally said that a person comes with a certain supply of energy received from his parents, and then lives “on it” all his life, or begins to accumulate his own.

At 19 years old, issues of energy accumulation or lack thereof are not as pressing as at 30, and even more so as they are for a woman after the birth of a child.

Brief background: in April 2015 I gave birth to a daughter, in February 2016 I began to revive the site and blog, slowly returned to professional activities within the framework of psychology and wellness, and I felt that the energy that I had was not enough. I didn’t immediately understand what was happening. At first it seemed to me that there was not enough time in the day, then that there was simply not enough time for rest, then that I had accumulated a lack of sleep... As a result, a simple thought-wish came: “If only I had more energy...”

And then my inquisitive mind got hooked: how to measure a person’s energy? Who measures it and with what? How much energy is enough for a day? How much is given at birth? How much is optimal to spend and is it possible to save energy?

Indeed, when we hear: “There is not enough energy,” we certainly understand what we are talking about, but it is not clear how much energy is enough. Let's draw the following parallel: money is often not enough and almost all people want to have more of it. Smart and rich people invest, and they also save money, invest, money works for them, giving them even more money. Is it really possible to do this with energy?

With money, each of us can say exactly or approximately how much he spends on life, how much he can live on, and what his expenses are. Can we say the same about our energy costs? Hardly.

Reflecting on this topic, I came to the conclusion that since I want to keep up with work and affairs with my daughter during the day, and also undergo one training on financial literacy, then approximately 2.5 times more energy is required than for a normal day earlier. So, one full reserve of strength for a day with my daughter, one reserve for business and 0.5 reserve for training and so that remains on top. In total, I calculated that I need energy per day for 2.5 days. Is it possible to achieve this?

Since I don’t know any units for measuring human energy, although I have been involved in energy practices for many years, I decided to do it simply and accept conventional values. For example, I equated all the energy that is needed for one full (ordinary) day to 1000 units of energy. So now I need 2500 units.

Then the question arose: where did I get these 1000 units? It is clear that you cannot live on reserves forever, and it is unreasonable from an investment point of view. It is necessary to create new assets, that is, to do something that constantly provides energy for basic needs and so that there is something to put off for later. Then how can you get 2500 units per day? Is it possible?

It turned out that it is possible. For example, earlier, by sleeping 8-10 hours, I received about 600-700 units of energy, but now with a small child I can’t sleep for more than 6 hours, and even then it’s sleep with interruptions and wake-ups. Therefore, 6 hours of sleep now gives me only 500 units of energy. Obviously, I can’t get more sleep right now. But I can do other things that will fill me with energy. That is, you need more time to sleep, but I needed investments that would require less time, and the return (energy) would be many times greater.

And I found such ways for myself to increase energy. How did I do this? Very simple. I intuitively and with the help of energy reading determined:

  • how much energy do I need;
  • what activities and actions can give me energy and how much;
  • I chose which actions I will do regularly to gain energy, which ones I will leave as additional options, in reserve.
For example, one of the things I changed was my diet. Previously, it gave me about 100-200 units, but now, thanks to the changes made, it gives me 600. I will say that after new actions to increase energy, the day began to pass many times easier, because now I was not tired, but had exactly as much energy as I needed it!

Calculate how much energy you need for a successful day. Calculate how and where you can get this necessary energy. If you need help in determining the required amount of energy for the day and how to get it for you personally, from March 19 to 23, I invite you to an online consultation via Skype. I will help you count your energy consumption for the day, determine how much energy you get from current affairs, how much energy you will have enough to do everything that you plan for yourself, and how you can get this energy.

Live life to the fullest with all the energy you need. Save a little for tomorrow, create an energy cushion for yourself. This is also possible as in finance. This “pillow” will be useful in an emergency situation, for starting new projects, when the business you started has been delayed and requires more effort and time.

Having realized that energy can and should be accumulated, and that more of it can be obtained by simply changing activities, I became calmer, happier, more satisfied with life, because now my strength is clearly calculated. Good luck to you, friends!

How to measure power consumption and check the meter

Knowing the power is required in many cases. For example: To calculate the required cross-sections of the electrical wiring cable.

To determine energy consumption (power consumption). Let's take a closer look at power consumption.

Power designation – english letter P. Unit of measurement – ​​Watt (W, W). 1000 W = Kilowatt

The unit of measurement for used electricity is kilowatt-hour. A kilowatt-hour is equal to the amount of energy consumed by a one-kilowatt device in one hour (power times time).

Nowadays there are a lot of household appliances. The table (published on the Internet, many of the data can be argued) shows approximate data on the power and number of household appliances for an average family. The approximate operating time in hours and monthly energy consumption are indicated.

approximate power data, number of household appliances, operating time in hours and monthly electricity consumption.

Of course, the data is averaged, you can create a similar table for your equipment. Calculate using new data. If the actual consumption and the approximate calculation differ significantly, there is a reason to check the meter.

How can you measure power at home? The most common method is using an electricity meter.

Using a modern electricity meter, you can find out not only electricity consumption. You can define several more types of information needed.

For an example photo of the scale of one modern meter:

counter scale

This meter shows readings in kilowatt hours according to tariffs: 1 - day, 2 - night, 3 (4) tariffs. There are 3 tariffs in Perm. In other cities there are a different number of tariffs (weekends, holidays etc.) There are meters that take into account a larger number of tariffs.

Shows power (P) in Watts.

E – kW*h readings, if the meter is used in an area where single-tariff metering is used. In multi-tariff accounting, this is the sum of the tariff readings. We currently see this indicator on the device display.

6400 imp/(kW*h) This is the transfer coefficient - the number of pulses (how many times the indicator lights up) in one Kilowatt*hour. Or the number of disk revolutions (indicator pulses) for which the meter will count one kilowatt hour. For this meter – 6400 pulses / kW * hour

Not all meters measure power. All must indicate:

how many revolutions will the disk make in one kW * hour (for electromechanical meters).

The number of pulses (how many times the indicator lights up) in one Kilowatt*hour (for electronic meters).

With this data and a stopwatch, the power can be determined.

Do you have a current clamp? Then you can compare the actual power and the power taken into account by the meter. This means that you can check the meter with an accuracy sufficient for home conditions.

We measure the current

There were doubts about the accuracy of the counter electrical energy? Are you confident in your abilities and have the skills to work with equipment? Then we proceed to measurements, calculations and checking the meter.

Measurements must be carried out with the active load turned on. For example, incandescent lamps (not energy-saving or LED). You can also turn on the iron, household heater or kettle, but they can get hot and turn off at the most inopportune moment for us. Reactive load (equipment with electric motors and transformers - refrigerator, vacuum cleaner, stabilizer...) will introduce additional errors.

We measure the current:

We measure current for calculations

Measurement data 1.3 A (I = 1.3 Ampere)

We measure the voltage:

We measure voltage for calculations

Measurement data 220 V (U = 220 Volts)

We consider the actual power: Pf = U*I / 1000 220 * 1.3 / 1000 = 0.286 KW (286W)

We count the power taken into account by the meter. Let's use the following formula:

Pу = (3600*N)/(A*T), = (3600*16) / (6400*30) = 0.3 KW (300 W)

where: T is the time during which N pulses (revolutions) occur, measured in seconds;

A – gear ratio of the meter, in our case 6400; N - in our case, 16 pulses in 30 seconds.

Let's check the deviations P = (Pу – Pф) / Pф = (0.3 – 0.286 / 0.286) * 100 = 1.4%

The result should not exceed 10%. Normal result.

We are certainly not a laboratory. In the laboratory, instruments are verified more accurately and on time. Our devices have an error, maybe even unacceptable. For “home use” we can conclude that the meter is normal, you need to check the wiring and electrical appliances.

It is better to call a specialist to check electrical appliances and wiring. There can be many reasons. Identifying and eliminating the root cause requires experience, equipment, knowledge and skill.

Osipenko Sergey Yakovlevich

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Calculation of power consumption of an electrical appliance

Since every home has many electrical appliances, you need to know their power consumption. This is useful for regulating your energy bills and to avoid overloading your power line. The question arises: how to calculate the power consumption of an electrical appliance? The maximum that a device can consume is called rated power. This indicator is indicated on the device itself or in its technical documents.

First way

In cases where the device does not use its maximum force, its load can be calculated independently. To do this you will need:

  1. Meter;
  2. Calipers;
  3. Tester.

Taking measurements

Before doing this, you need to study the device or its documents, as the rated voltage and power may be indicated there. When the device indicates that its power consumption is 200 W and the voltage is 220 V, then when connected to a regular 220 V network, the device consumption will be 200 W. If some parameter is not indicated, you need to connect the device to the network and using a tester you can find the current strength that flows through it and its operating voltage.

To understand how to calculate the consumed load of an electrical appliance, you need to configure the tester to operate as an ammeter. It must be connected in series to the consumer. When the device used operates on direct current, it is necessary to take into account its polarity when connecting. Readings are taken in amperes (current). Then the tester switches to voltmeter mode and is connected with correct polarity, parallel to the device. These readings will produce volts (voltage).

To understand how many watts the consumer requires, you need to multiply the resulting voltage by the current.

When there is a parting resistance value, which is indicated in the documents or measured with an ohmmeter, the tester can perform the function of the latter. Then you need to measure the current and voltage. The power consumption indicator will be equal to the product of the square of the current and the resistance. When voltage is measured, the consumer load is defined as the ratio of the square of the voltage to the resistance of the device.

The consumption of electric motors is determined by the size of the core. You need to measure its diameter, length and rotation frequency, and also find out the pole division of the motor. Using a special table you can understand the constant load of the engine. The load consumption is calculated by multiplying the constant motor power by the squared core diameter, length and synchronous speed. The resulting data must be multiplied by.

Second way

Since every home has many different appliances that are powered from outlets. Often, in winter time year, the power grid becomes overloaded. The consequence of this is that circuit breakers are constantly tripping. In order to avoid such situations, it is necessary to connect through a stabilizer; for this you need to calculate the power consumption of all connected devices.

To do this you will need:

  1. Calculator;
  2. Phase meter;
  3. Instructions from the electrical appliance.

Taking measurements

You should know that electrical appliances have two types of power, such as active and reactive. They differ in that the active one performs useful work, and reactive is needed only in some devices to carry out work.

Apparent and active power have a mutual relationship with each other. This is expressed in the formula Ra = cosφ*P, where P shows the total power, and PA is the active power. Cosφ is the power factor. It is determined by a phase meter, but sometimes this value is already indicated on the back of the case or in the device’s passport book. Knowing the power factor and the value of active power, you can calculate the total power of household electrical appliances.

Electricity quantity and quality analyzer Wibeee

Modern technologies are increasingly penetrating our measured daily lives. This simplifies many tasks that previously required a huge amount of resources and time.

Thanks to them, you can already find out remotely about electricity consumption at any time in your home, country house, or apartment. At the same time, receive all the information about the voltage in the sockets, the connected power and its nature. And all this using an ordinary smartphone.

It is enough to install the Wibeee power quality and quantity analyzer in your switchboard and many parameters of the power network will become available to you in real time remotely.

What does Wibeee measure?

Measured quantities by the Wibeee analyzer:

  • full power. At the same time, he can decompose it into active and reactive components!
  • current in the circuit. On the same principle as current clamps.
  • voltage. Due to the contacts in its design, which come into contact with the screws in the machine.
  • network frequency
In the settings, you can specify the price per 1 kW and immediately receive the result of electricity consumption in monetary terms, and not in kilowatts.

With Wibeee, you can fully analyze what, how and at what hours electricity is used in your apartment. And thanks to the Wi-Fi connection and cloud service, this information will be available anywhere in the world.

All this data can be easily recorded and stored in the memory of a computer, cloud service, and then analyzed. They can be accessed via any tablet, smartphone or PC.

To connect the device, unlike other analyzers, no new wires are required. All you need is to have a stable Wifi signal. You can compare your consumption according to charts for different months and, having drawn the appropriate conclusions, understand where and how much you are losing and how you can save energy on this.

You will no longer need to look for receipts, sort through bills and scrupulously calculate extra kilowatts using a calculator. All this will be at your fingertips at any time.

Installation and connection of an analyzer for the quality and quantity of electricity in a switchboard

Installation of the wibeee device is very simple and does not require a separate space on the din rake in the electrical panel. This may not even require turning off the voltage.

Important note: for the electricity analyzer to work, it is necessary that the neutral wire must pass through circuit breaker.

If your zero sits rigidly on the case or busbar, and only phase conductors are connected through the machine, then Wibeee will not work with this connection!

Connecting and setting up the program

Register your device via the Internet. After registration and final setup, the blue LED will no longer blink, but will start to glow constantly and you will begin to receive all the data electrical parameters your network online.

In this case, you can connect and register not one, but several Wibeee devices at the same time. At least for individual circuit breakers, at least for individual objects. This analyzer of power network parameters is available in both single-phase and three-phase versions.

Therefore, it can be used not only at home, but also for commercial purposes in industrial facilities. By combining individual analyzers into a whole network, you can create something like ASKUE. You will receive all collected information in real time.

Using an electrical network parameters analyzer in everyday life

How else can Wibeee be used in our daily lives? Here are some examples:

  • while at work or in any other place, you can remotely find out from the electricity consumption whether you forgot to turn off the iron, and whether it is worth running home to check it.
  • if the electrical panel with the meter is located in a separate room or is locked, you can find out all the parameters you need while at home (voltage, current, consumption in kW) without waiting for representatives of the energy supply or management company.
  • when you are dissatisfied with the quality of the supplied electricity from the energy transmission company, you can safely come to the office of the head of the organization, and what is called online demonstrate to him what voltage you have at home not only now, but also what it was like during peak hours or during surges, due to which your household appliances have broken down.

Technical data of wibeee network analyzers

The most common models of Wibeee analyzers are designed for currents up to 70A and to connect them they require a modular circuit breaker for a din rail with a maximum load current of 63A. There are also models for industrial use with much higher currents.

Technical parameters of the Wibeee device

  • operating voltage 85-265 Volts
  • consumption at idle - 17mA
  • rated current - up to 70A
  • conductor cross-section for connection - up to 16mm2
  • measurement error - 2%
  • The case material is self-extinguishing plastic that can withstand heating up to 90 degrees.
  • operating temperature - from -25 to +45C

This is what the information looks like on the display that the device transmits to your computer or smartphone:

Correcting the electricity analyzer readings

The Wibeee analyzer has very flexible settings. To improve the accuracy of voltage, power and energy consumption measurements, there is an adjustment function.

To do this, you need to log into the device panel with administrator rights and make changes to some factory settings. Here's what you can change:

  • cross-section of the cable through which Wibeee is connected. If you have a 10mm2 cable, and the analyzer parameters are set to 16mm2, then this will affect the accuracy of the measurements.
  • Voltage measurement data. To enter more accurate data, you can use a previously tested current clamp or multimeter and, based on their readings, adjust the measurements that the analyzer outputs.

In general, the Wibeee analyzer is easy to connect, relatively inexpensive and a very modern device that can greatly facilitate the management of your electricity bills and help save time, nerves and hundreds of kilowatts.

Articles on the topic



The electricity meter shows the amount of energy consumed in kilowatt-hours, that is, the power of a thousand watts, which was consumed within one hour - 1 kWh.

You need to convert the lamp power from W to kW, multiply by the time it burns per day (for example, 8 days), and multiply by 30 days.

(75W/1000) * 8 days * 30 days = 18 kW

In order to estimate the energy consumption when using various household electrical appliances, the table shows their approximate power consumption.


To measure electricity consumption over a certain time, you need to subtract the previous readings from the current meter readings. If the last digit on the right is separated by a comma, then it shows tenths of a kilowatt-hour and is not taken into account when writing off. Tenths of a kilowatt-hour - readings after the decimal point or readings in the red window after the decimal point are not considered.

Unless the last digit on the right is separated from the others by a comma or has a different color, it shows whole kilowatt-hours.

If the current readings of a five-digit meter are 47520, the previous readings are 42450, then the electricity consumption will be equal to: 47520 – 42450 = 5070 kilowatt-hours.

If the current reading of a five-digit meter is 00045, the previous reading is 99540, then the electricity consumption will be equal to: 100045 - 99240 = 805 kilowatt-hours.


Sometimes there is a need to find out how much individual electrical appliances consume at a given time. To do this, you need to turn off unnecessary devices and turn on the ones you need. Next, count the number of disk revolutions or the number of pulses per minute and calculate the load power using the formula: W = (n * 3600)/(Imp * t), kW where W is the power consumption per hour, n is the number of pulses or disk revolutions for a certain time period, Imp - number of pulses or disk revolutions corresponding to 1 kW*h, t - time in seconds.

If the gear ratio of the 1 kWh meter is 600 disk revolutions, the meter makes 8 revolutions in 60 seconds, then its load power will be:

W = (8*3600)/(600*60) = 0.8 kW.


If you divide the load power by the rated network voltage, you can get the load current.

I = W/U = 800W/220V = 3.6A


How is the volume of electricity measured? Electrical energy measurement. Receiving electrical energy. Electric current units

Kilowatt is a multiple unit derived from "Watt"


Watt (W, W) is a system unit of measurement of power. Watt is a universal derived unit in the SI system, which has a special name and designation. As a unit of measurement of power, the "Watt" was recognized in 1889. It was then that this unit was named in honor of James Watt (Watt).

James Watt - the man who invented and made the universal steam engine

As a derived unit of the SI system, "Watt" was included in it in 1960. Since then, the power of everything has been measured in Watts.

In the SI system, in Watts, it is allowed to measure any power - mechanical, thermal, electrical, etc. The formation of multiples and submultiples of the original unit (Watt) is also allowed. To do this, it is recommended to use a set of standard SI prefixes, such as kilo, mega, giga, etc.

Power units, multiples of watts:

  • 1 watt
  • 1000 watts = 1 kilowatt
  • 1000,000 watts = 1000 kilowatts = 1 megawatt
  • 1000,000,000 watts = 1000 megawatts = 1000,000 kilowatts = 1 gigawatt
  • etc.
Kilowatt hour

There is no such unit of measurement in the SI system. The kilowatt-hour (kW⋅h, kW⋅h) is a non-system unit that is derived solely to account for used or produced electricity. Kilowatt-hours measure the amount of electricity consumed or produced.

The use of “kilowatt-hour” as a unit of measurement in Russia is regulated by GOST 8.417-2002, which clearly indicates the name, designation and scope of “kilowatt-hour”.

Download GOST 8.417-2002 (downloads: 2305)

Excerpt from GOST 8.417-2002 “ State system ensuring uniformity of measurements. Units of quantities", clause 6 Units not included in the SI (fragment of table 5).

Non-systemic units acceptable for use along with SI units

What is a kilowatt hour for?

GOST 8.417-2002 recommends using “kilowatt-hour” as the basic unit of measurement for accounting for the amount of electricity used. Because “kilowatt-hour” is the most convenient and practical form that allows you to obtain the most acceptable results.

At the same time, GOST 8.417-2002 has absolutely no objection to the use of multiple units derived from “kilowatt-hour” in cases where this is appropriate and necessary. For example, during laboratory work or when accounting for generated electricity at power plants.

The resulting multiple units of “kilowatt-hour” look like this:

  • 1 kilowatt-hour = 1000 watt-hour,
  • 1 megawatt-hour = 1000 kilowatt-hour,
  • etc.
How to write kilowatt-hour correctly⋅

Spelling of the term “kilowatt-hour” according to GOST 8.417-2002:

  • the full name must be written with a hyphen: watt-hour, kilowatt-hour
  • the short designation should be written through a dot: Wh, kW⋅h, kW⋅h

Note Some browsers misinterpret the HTML code of the page and instead of a period (⋅) display a question mark (?) or other gibberish.

Analogues of GOST 8.417-2002

Most national technical standards of current post-Soviet countries are linked to standards former Union, therefore in metrology of any country post-Soviet space you can find an analogue of the Russian GOST 8.417-2002, or a link to it, or a revised version of it.

Designation of power of electrical appliances

It is common practice to indicate the power of electrical appliances on their housing. The following designation of the power of electrical equipment is possible:

  • in watts and kilowatts (W, kW, W, kW) (designation of the mechanical or thermal power of an electrical appliance)
  • in watt-hours and kilowatt-hours (Wh, kW⋅h, W⋅h, kW⋅h) (designation of the consumed electrical power of an electrical appliance)
  • in volt-amperes and kilovolt-amperes (VA, kVA) (designation of the total electrical power of an electrical appliance)
Units of measurement for indicating the power of electrical appliances
watt and kilowatt (W, kW, W, kW) - units of measurement of power in the SI system. They are used to indicate the total physical power of anything, including electrical appliances. If there is a designation on the body of an electrical unit in watts or kilowatts, this means that this electrical unit, during its operation, develops the specified power. As a rule, the power of an electrical unit, which is a source or consumer of mechanical, thermal or other type of energy, is indicated in “watts” and “kilowatts”. In “watts” and “kilowatts” it is advisable to denote the mechanical power of electric generators and electric motors, thermal power electric heating devices and units, etc. The designation in “watts” and “kilowatts” of the produced or consumed physical power of an electrical unit occurs on the condition that the use of the concept of electrical power will confuse the end user. For example, for the owner of an electric heater, the amount of heat received is important, and only then the electrical calculations.

watt-hour and kilowatt-hour (W ⋅h, kW ⋅h, W ⋅h, kW ⋅h) - non-system units of measurement of consumed electrical energy (power consumption). Power consumption is the amount of electricity consumed by electrical equipment per unit of operating time. Most often, “watt-hours” and “kilowatt-hours” are used to indicate the power consumption of household electrical equipment, according to which it is actually selected.

volt-ampere and kilovolt-ampere (VA, kVA, VA, kVA) - SI units of electrical power equivalent to watt (W) and kilowatt (kW). Used as units of measurement for apparent AC power. Volt-amps and kilovolt-amps are used in electrical calculations in cases where it is important to know and operate with electrical concepts. These units of measurement can be used to indicate the electrical power of any AC electrical appliance. Such a designation will best meet the requirements of electrical engineering, from the point of view of which all alternating current electrical appliances have active and reactive components, therefore the total electrical power of such a device should be determined by the sum of its parts. As a rule, the power of transformers, chokes and other purely electrical converters is measured and denoted in “volt-amperes” and their multiples.

The choice of units of measurement in each case occurs individually, at the discretion of the manufacturer. Therefore, you can find household microwave ovens from different manufacturers, the power of which is indicated in kilowatts (kW, kW), kilowatt-hours (kWh, kW⋅h) or volt-amperes (VA, VA). And the first, and the second, and the third will not be a mistake. In the first case, the manufacturer indicated the thermal power (as a heating unit), in the second - the consumed electrical power (as an electrical consumer), in the third - the total electrical power (as an electrical appliance).

Since household electrical equipment is low-power enough to take into account the laws of scientific electrical engineering, then at the household level, all three numbers are practically the same

Considering the above, we can answer the main question of the article

Kilowatt and kilowatt-hour | Who cares?

  • The biggest difference is that a kilowatt is a unit of measurement for power, while a kilowatt-hour is a unit of measurement for electricity. Confusion and confusion arises at the household level, where the concepts of kilowatt and kilowatt-hour are identified with the measurement of the produced and consumed power of a household electrical appliance.
  • At the level of a household electrical converter device, the only difference is in the separation of the concepts of output and consumed energy. The output thermal or mechanical power of an electrical unit is measured in kilowatts. The consumed electrical power of an electrical unit is measured in kilowatt-hours. For a household electrical appliance, the figures for generated (mechanical or thermal) and consumed (electrical) energy are almost the same. Therefore, in everyday life there is no difference in what concepts to express and in what units to measure the power of electrical appliances.
  • Linking the units of measurement kilowatt and kilowatt-hour is applicable only for cases of direct and reverse conversion of electrical energy into mechanical, thermal, etc.
  • It is completely unacceptable to use the unit of measurement “kilowatt-hour” in the absence of an electricity conversion process. For example, “kilowatt-hour” cannot measure the power consumption of a wood heating boiler, but it can measure the power consumption of an electric heating boiler. Or, for example, in “kilowatt-hour” you cannot measure the power consumption of a gasoline engine, but you can measure the power consumption of an electric motor
  • In the case of direct or reverse conversion of electrical energy into mechanical or thermal energy, you can link the kilowatt-hour with other energy units using the online calculator at

A volt (often written simply as V) is the amount of voltage that pushes current through a circuit. In Europe, the current supplying domestic buildings is typically 240 volts, although the voltage can vary up to 14 volts above or below this value.

Ampere (amp or A for short) is a quantity that is used to measure current, i.e. the number of electrically charged particles, called electrons, that pass through a given point in a circuit every second. Billions of electrons are needed to produce one ampere. The value expressed in amperes is determined partly by voltage and partly by resistance.

Ohm is a quantity used to measure resistance. It is named after the 19th century German physicist Georg Simon Ohm, who established the law that the strength of the current passing through a conductor is inversely proportional to the resistance. This law can be expressed by the equation: Volts/Ohms = Amps. Therefore, if you know two of these quantities, you can calculate the third.

Watt (W) is a measurement of energy that indicates how much current a device is using at any given time. The relationship between volts, amps and watts is expressed by another equation that will help you make any calculations. You may need them for calculations in this book:

Volts x Amps = Watts

It is common to use the kilowatt (kW) as a unit of energy for large-scale calculations. One kilowatt is equal to one thousand watts.

Kilowatt-hour is a value for measuring the total amount of energy consumed. For example, if you use 1 kW of energy in 1 hour, this will be reflected on the meter and this amount of electricity consumed will be included in your electricity bill book.

5 Units of measurement of thermal energy

The value of consumed thermal energy (amount of heat) can be displayed in measurements - Gcal, GJ, MWh, kWh. thermal energy can be transferred to the consumer using two types of coolants: hot water or water vapor.

Thermal energy can be measured as:

heat (amount of heat), which is a characteristic of the heat exchange process and is determined by the amount of energy received (given) by the body during the heat exchange process; in the International System of Units (SI) it is measured in joules (J), the obsolete unit is the calorie (1 cal = 4.18 J)).

enthalpy of the coolant, which is the thermodynamic potential (or state function) and is determined by the mass, temperature and pressure of the coolant, in the international system of units (SI) measured in calories

The enthalpy of the coolant is used as a measure (quantitative characteristic) of thermal energy. Technological features of thermal energy predetermine the uniqueness of its supply and acceptance and, as a consequence, the procedure for accounting for thermal energy, which depends, firstly, on the type of coolant through which thermal energy is transferred; secondly, from the heat supply system, divided into open water (or steam) and closed.

Measuring thermal energy and accounting for it are not identical concepts, since measurement is finding the value of a physical quantity experimentally using measuring instruments, and accounting for thermal energy is the use of measurement results.

The International System of Units will tell anyone how electricity is measured. Such information is needed in order to use electrical household appliances correctly and safely at home.

Voltage units

Voltage is measured in volts. To supply private homes with electricity, a single-phase network with a voltage of 220 Volts is used.

But, there is also a three-phase network, for which the voltage is 380 Volts. There are 1 kilovolt in 1000 Volts. According to this indicator, the voltage of 220 and 380 Volts is equal to 0.22 and 0.4 kilovolts.

Current measurement

Current represents the load consumption that occurs during operation household appliances or equipment. It is measured in amperes.

Resistance measurement

Resistance is an important indicator that shows how much resistance a material has to electrical current. By measuring the resistance, a specialist will be able to tell whether the electrical device is working or has failed. Resistance is measured in Ohms.

Human body has a resistance of two to ten kiloohms.

To assess the resistance of materials in order to subsequently use them for the production of electrical products, the conductor resistivity indicator is used. This indicator depends on the cross-sectional area and length of the conductor.

Power measurement

The amount of electricity consumed by devices in a certain unit of time is called power. It is measured in Watts, kilowatts, megawatts, gigawatts.

Measuring electricity using a meter

To determine the electricity consumption in an apartment or house, a measurement such as 1 kilowatt per 60 minutes is used. When recording electricity consumption, it is important to multiply the power by time in order to correctly measure the electricity.

Now you know how electricity is measured. Now you can easily determine the power of the device and what voltage is in the outlet so as not to damage it. Thanks to the described indicators, you can avoid serious and dangerous errors in the use of electrical appliances.

The term electrical energy (electric energy, electricity) is a physical and widely used term. In everyday life and industry, it means the process of production (generation), transmission and distribution of electricity, which can be obtained in 2 ways:

  • from the energy supply company;
  • using special devices called generators.

The unit of measurement for electricity consumption is kWh. Electricity has a number of positive properties and thanks to them it is widely used in all sectors of our economy and, of course, in everyday life. These include:

  1. ease of production;
  2. possibility of transmission over vast distances;
  3. the ability to be converted into other types of energy;
  4. easily and simply distributed between different consumers.

Currently, it is difficult to imagine production, agriculture and people’s lives without the use of electricity. With its help, buildings, premises and territories are illuminated, various machinery, equipment and devices operate, electric vehicles move, houses and production areas are heated, communications are carried out and much more.

Generation (conversion various types energy into electricity) electricity occurs using thermal, hydro, nuclear and alternative energy. Electricity is generated at special power plants, the functioning and principle of operation of which is determined by their name.

Active and reactive electricity

Electricity is transmitted via overhead or cable lines. Such lines are called electrical networks. The calculation of electricity consumption by subscribers is made taking into account the total power of the current passing through the electrical circuit. Total power costs are divided into 2 energy indicators:

  • active;
  • reactive.

Active energy, which is a component of the generated total power (measured in kVA), performs useful work and for most electrical appliances in calculations it coincides with it. For example, if the passport for some device (iron, electric oven, heater, etc.) indicates the active power in kW, then the total power will be the same, only in kVA.

In electrical circuits with reactive elements (capacitive or inductive load), part of the total power is not spent on performing useful work. This will be reactive electricity. This concept is typical for alternating current circuits. There is such a phenomenon as a mismatch between the voltage phase and the current phase. It either leads (with a capacitive load) or lags (with an inductive load). Losses occur due to heating. Many household and industrial appliances and equipment have a reactive component (electric motors, portable power tools, household appliances, etc.). Then, when calculating for consumed electricity, a power correction factor is introduced. It is designated as cos fi and its value usually ranges from 0.6 to 0.9 (indicated in the passport data for a specific electrical device). For example, if the passport of a portable tool indicates a power of 0.8 kW and a value of cos = 0.8, then in this case the total power consumption will be 1 kW (0.8/0.8). It is considered a negative phenomenon and as the cos indicator decreases, the useful power decreases.

Pay attention! In the absence or loss of a passport for a specific electrical device, the coefficient cos = 0.7 is used to calculate the total power.

The higher the cos value, the lower the loss of active electricity and, of course, such electricity will cost less. To increase this coefficient, various compensating devices are used. These can be leading current generators, capacitor banks, and other devices.

In addition to transmission through conductors, there is also wireless transmission of electricity. Currently, there is technology for wireless charging of mobile phones and some household devices, electric vehicles, etc. They have range limitations and low energy transfer efficiency, so there is no need to talk about their widespread use.

Watt (symbol: W, W) is a unit of measurement of power in the SI system.

For calculations involving power, it is not always convenient to use the watt itself. Sometimes, when the quantities being measured are very large or very small, it is much more convenient to use a unit of measurement with standard prefixes, which avoids constant calculations of the order of the value. Thus, when designing and calculating radars and radio receivers, pW or nW are most often used; for medical devices such as EEG and ECG, μW is used. In the production of electricity, as well as in the design of railway locomotives, megawatts (MW) and gigawatts (GW) are used.

Because of their similar names, kilowatt and kilowatt-hour are often confused in everyday use, especially when it comes to electrical appliances. However, these two units of measurement refer to different physical quantities. Power is measured in watts and, therefore, kilowatts, that is, the amount of energy consumed by a device per unit of time. Watt-hour and kilowatt-hour are units of energy measurement, that is, they determine not the characteristics of the device, but the amount of work performed by this device.

These two quantities are related as follows. If a 100 W light bulb was on for 1 hour, its operation required 100 Wh of energy, or 0.1 kWh. A 40-watt light bulb will consume the same amount of energy in 2.5 hours. The capacity of a power plant is measured in megawatts, but the amount of electricity sold will be measured in kilowatt-hours (megawatt-hours).

Therefore, a kilowatt-hour (kWh) is a non-system unit of measurement of work or the amount of energy produced. It is used primarily for measuring electricity consumption in everyday life, the national economy and for measuring electricity production in the electric power industry.

Interesting facts

With 1 kWh you can extract 75 kg of coal, 35 kg of oil, bake 88 loaves of bread, weave 10 meters of cotton, plow 2.5 acres of land

4 ways to determine the power consumption of electrical appliances

When you receive a receipt for electricity, you sometimes wonder where this amount came from and why the meter counted so much. To make sure that the equipment and electricity meter are working properly, you need to determine the electricity consumption using available methods. To do this, we assume that we have a multimeter, an electricity meter or a current clamp in our arsenal. So, below we will tell you how to determine the power consumption of a device at home!

Looking at your passport

The first way is to look at the passport of the electrical appliance. All factory units are supplied with a label on the body, instructions and a passport with a guarantee. These booklets indicate the scope of application, operating conditions, and technical data.

Above is a small fragment of passport data, or rather a table with data on the model range of convector heaters. Column No. 1 indicates the current passing through the device, the second column indicates how much electricity the device consumes when one heating element and two are turned on. Using the heater as an example, you can easily find out the power consumption of the device using the passport. In a similar way, you can determine how much a TV consumes or even led lamp.

Ohm's Law to the rescue!

The second way is to determine the current strength and calculate consumption using the formula, Ohm's law. Take a multimeter and turn on the dialing or resistance measurement mode. We measure the resistance R ten. Now we can calculate the current that can pass through the A ten system. To solve the formula, you also need to know the voltage, and it is 220 volts in the home network.

After the current is found, the power of the device can be determined. To do this, we multiply amperes by volts.

You can learn more about how to use a multimeter in our article!

We use an electric meter

The third method is that almost all metering devices are equipped with a light indicator; the number of flashes means some kind of power consumption imp/kW.

We disconnect all consumers in the apartment, leaving only the device of interest connected. Within 15 minutes, we count the pulses and multiply by four (to get the number per hour). Having found out the figure, divide it by imp/kW and find out the power of the unit.

You can also record the meter reading and turn on the electrical appliance whose consumption we are trying to determine for some time, preferably for an hour. We record new readings, subtract the old ones from them, and as a result we find out the approximate power.

An electronic meter allows you to view all parameters in real time: current, electricity consumption, network voltage, by going through the menu of the metering device. We talked about how to take readings from an electric meter in the corresponding article!

An analogue of an electric meter can be a household wattmeter, with which you can quickly and accurately determine the power consumption of electricity by the device. The video below clearly demonstrates the operation of this device:

Metering with current clamps

If you have current clamps, determining the consumption is as easy as shelling pears. To do this, it is necessary to measure the current in one of the conductors connected to the device.

The video below clearly demonstrates the method for determining the power consumption of electricity by current using the example of a conventional incandescent lamp:

If you don’t have current clamps at hand, then it’s better to use a regular tester. Every electrician, even self-taught ones, should have this meter in their arsenal.

So we looked at how to determine the power consumption of a device by current, formula and electric meter readings. We hope that the methods provided were interesting for you and useful in determining the parameters yourself!

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How to calculate electricity consumption - load power calculation

Utility bills are a constant expenditure part of the family budget. For some, the amounts on bills are not tangible when paying for the services provided, and some categories of citizens are forced to count every penny.

In this article we will look at some theoretical issues of energy consumption and ways to save energy.

Electricity consumption of household appliances

It’s the 21st century and almost every family has a standard set of electrical appliances, let’s look at the consumption of basic equipment in the house.


The majority of units are used with a power of 250 watts for office computers and 500 watts for home use.

It is worth considering that the unit states the maximum power that the device can produce, but in practice the average consumption is lower, about two times. A monitor (up to 22 inches) consumes an average of 80 watts of power consumption.

Thus, it turns out that, being at work every day for 2 hours a day, you will have to pay for 30 kW/h at the end of the month.


During the calculation period, 365 days of continuous operation are taken at a voltage of 220 volts and an industrial frequency of 50 Hz with a chamber volume of one hundred liters.

Temperature also plays an important role in consumption. external environment, as well as the number of products stored there. That is, if the refrigerator is filled to capacity, then it will consume more than the average value.

Consumption data depending on the operating mode is indicated in the technical documentation for the product. Annual consumption is from 250 kW/H. and can reach 500 kilowatts per year.

Thus, monthly consumption will be about 21 kW for small models and 45 kW, respectively, for larger ones.


Conventionally, they can be divided into two types: cathode ray tube and plasma. For the former, consumption varies from 50 to 90 watts per hour.

The TV settings, namely brightness, have a significant impact, so the brighter the screen is set, the greater the consumption, so multiply the consumption written by the manufacturer by 1.4 and get the result.

If there are several TVs in the house, add up the resulting values.

Washing machine

The power consumption of this electrical appliance primarily depends on factors such as the mode in which the washing takes place, the load on the machine and the material of the laundry.

The average model consumes from 1.8 kW/H. - 3 kV/H, but these are maximum values, and in practice it is limited to half the power declared by the manufacturer.

We can safely combine the iron and kettle into one group because these two appliances are used little over time, and at the end of the month, in terms of total power consumption, they can give a head start to any appliance in the house.

As a rule, kettles are made with a power of 1-2.5 kW/H, so using it on average 5 times a day for 4 minutes can pay at least 20 kW per month.

Irons do not differ significantly from kettles in terms of power consumption, so using the iron 6 times a month can generate about 15 kW.

Do not forget that these are only the most common appliances and in addition to them, the house may also have a microwave oven, dishwasher, heating boiler, convector and many other household appliances.

Cost-effectiveness of household appliances

Advances in technology have made it possible to significantly reduce the energy consumption of many household appliances compared to those manufactured several decades ago.

For example, a Soviet-made refrigerator consumes about 2 times more than a modern model with similar parameters and the same characteristics. So, to save money, the conclusions suggest themselves.

To determine the energy-saving properties of equipment, special markings are used:

Where A is classified as the highest energy saving class, and G is correspondingly the lowest.

Let's look at the example of a TV of category (A) in terms of energy saving, which, compared to an old model with the same screen diagonal, will save about 60 kWh per year.

How to measure electricity consumption?

To carry out measurements at home, you will need a special device, which can be purchased at any specialized store or, at worst, on the market.

There are several types of devices for home use of this kind:

  • Stationary type, installed directly in the distribution panel and accounting for all consumers of outgoing groups of machines.
  • Local purpose. A significant difference is the ability to check each electrical appliance separately, which in turn is both a positive and a negative point. You will have to calculate the total consumption using simple calculations.

If your electrical panel does not have a stationary meter, then it is recommended to purchase a local version. After purchase, check that the device shows the correct power consumption.

For this you will need:

  • Connect the measuring device to an outlet.
  • Using an extension cord and a regular incandescent lamp, check the readings.

With a rated light bulb power of 100 watts, the device should not show a deviation of 1% up or down. This way you can check all the appliances in the house.

Load power calculation

  • Count the number of electrical appliances in the house.
  • According to the factory parameters, you find out the amount of energy consumed in watts or kilowatts.
  • Sum the values.

Thus, you get the maximum amount of possible power consumption in a certain period of time.

The concept of total power implies that all appliances in the house will be turned on at the same time, which almost never happens.

The energy consumption declared by the manufacturer and the actual energy consumption may differ significantly depending on the operating mode of certain types of household appliances.

Load current calculation

This type of calculation is used for the right choice automatic protection, metering devices, cross-section of conductive parts, etc.

If we take an accurate method, then to correctly determine the load current, knowledge of many parameters will be required, which can only be determined with specialized instruments and reference information, not to mention correction factors and other wisdom.

Let's consider the “folk method”, so to speak, for determining the value of the load current.

This will require knowledge of several parameters:

  • Power consumed by the consumer.
  • Network voltage.

We divide the power by the voltage and get the approximate current value.

How to calculate electricity using a meter?

To control energy consumption, you will need to keep independent records with records for each individual month, for example the first and thirty-first day.

It is advisable to adjust your entries so that your entries coincide with the billing periods for payment documents.

When opening an account, record the readings displayed on the display before the decimal point, and at the end of the period you perform the same operation. The difference will be the electricity consumed for the set time.

How to calculate payment for electricity?

To calculate the energy consumed, you will need the exact number of kilowatts for a certain time period. The tariff rate for the region is found out from the receipt and multiplied by the number of kW indicated on the device.

In the case of an installed meter operating on two tariff schedules, the same procedure is performed as with a conventional meter, with the only difference being that the kilowatts consumed during the daytime are multiplied by the rate indicated for daylight hours, and the electricity consumed at night is multiplied by the night tariff. indicated on the receipt.

The two-tariff meter has two special displays with daytime readings of energy consumption and, accordingly, for accounting at night.

The healers gave an aspen splinter to a person. If you don't have one, you can replace it with an ordinary match.

You need to light it and wait until it burns completely. To avoid burning your fingers, you can grab the match: grab the burnt end, or burn it in two stages - it doesn’t matter at all. It is only important that this match is held by the person whose value should be checked.
Why? Because it is fire (or rather, the so-called plasma) that comes into contact with existing energy. And as a result of this interaction, the wood located in the center of the flame changes.

After the match burns completely, you need to throw it into a glass of plain water. If after two or three minutes it sinks, it means that the energy field of the person being tested is disturbed. Everyone can object: the match will naturally sink, because coal is heavier than water. Yes, this is a correct statement, but only from the outside. The thing is that in individual cases (when a person with a sufficiently strong energy field is holding a match in his hands), it is not aspen coal, since it stops absorbing water. Therefore, to understand the experiment, it is better to take an aspen splinter.
If she drowned, don't be upset. Maybe it’s just that there are minor disturbances in the energy system (for example, a person has become infected with someone else’s negative emotions). But if this sunken splinter confirms some long-standing fears, then urgent action must be taken.

Everything that exists in the world - people, animals, stones, trees - has its own energy field or, as it is also called, bioenergy. In essence, human interaction with the outside world consists of a constant exchange of energy and information with other objects. A person who is able to do this better than others lives a more harmonious, fulfilling life.


The human energy field is influenced by many factors. Everything is important - what kind of parents conceived him, whether it was done in an unfavorable place, what time, day of the week, month and year this event happened. If a child was conceived during a solar or lunar eclipse, then his energy field will initially be disrupted, because during eclipses the energy field of the Earth itself changes.

Human energy also depends on solar activity. People born during the active Sun have more powerful energy and are more resistant to the influence of the external environment. People born from 10 to 21 have energy that can attract adventure. Therefore, it is important for such people to constantly clean their bodies, walk barefoot, and engage in physical labor. Children born have more powerful energy and better health than children born under similar conditions, but in other months.

Normally, a person’s biofield is egg-shaped and extends beyond the physical body by 40 centimeters - one and a half meters. However, you yourself could more than once feel changes in a person - when a new guest enters the room, and it seems that he takes up too much space and has crowded out everyone present. On the contrary, a person who has sat unnoticed all evening has weak energy.

Thanks to your intuition, you will be perfectly able to identify a person and understand whether he is right for you. To do this, you just need to listen to your feelings. Do you notice attacks after communicating with a person? Do you have any exacerbation of chronic diseases with prolonged use of it? Do you feel calm and peaceful when you are close to someone? Are you swearing out of nowhere? If you answered “no” to all the questions, then this person’s energy field suits you.

Video on the topic

Human energy is a complex, balanced system that is practically unrelated to the biochemical processes occurring in the body. There are many reasons for the depletion of human energy; it is important to understand which of them are key.

Why do I have a weak energy field?

Energy depends on the psychological state. If a person is a lover of life, his energy field will be much denser than that of people who are constantly dissatisfied with life. So, if you constantly complain about life, look for its dark sides, get irritated over trifles, this can lead to a significant weakening of your energy. It should be noted that this connection works both ways. If suddenly a usually happy person begins to behave like a hypochondriac, most likely this means that something has happened to his field.
If your strength has left you, force yourself to rest. Sleep is best, so use calming teas or sleeping pills to convince your body to get a good night's sleep.

What harms the energy sector

Human energy is a tasty morsel for energy vampires. They are divided into two types. The former provoke people into scandal; in fact, as soon as a person loses his temper in the presence of such people, he loses the lion's share of his energy. The second type is whiners. Eternally dissatisfied people who seek and demand support and sympathy for any reason can drain energy just as much as brawlers. If you suddenly realize that your energy level has dropped significantly, remember if you suddenly lost your temper lately or indulged in fruitless consolations. If such an incident was present in your life, minimize communication with the people who took part in it. Observe your condition for some time.

Often the most dangerous energy vampires are the closest relatives. As a rule, they pull energy onto themselves not out of malice. In this situation, you just need to try to control yourself, not lose your temper in their presence and monitor their emotional reactions.

Do what you love. This is very good for restoring energy levels. While doing something pleasant and interesting, people forget about fatigue and time.

Another common reason for loss of energy is waiting for some very important event. Very often, the most important events in our lives “pull” a huge amount of our energy into the future. This is especially true for situations that can only happen. At the same time, all thoughts are concentrated only on such future possibilities, which means that all the energy also flows there. Try to disconnect from such an event if it is in your future. Such energy depletion will not lead to anything good.

Quite often there is a need to measure the power consumed from the network, or generated into the network. This is necessary to account for consumed or generated energy, as well as to ensure normal operation of the power system (avoiding overloads). Power can be measured in several ways - direct and indirect. For direct measurement, a wattmeter is used, and for indirect measurement, an ammeter and voltmeter are used.

DC Power Measurement

Due to the absence of reactive and active components in the circuits DC A wattmeter is used very rarely to measure power. As a rule, the amount of energy consumed or supplied is measured by an indirect method, using the current I in the circuit, and using the voltage U of the load. Then, using the simple formula P=UI, the power value is obtained.

To reduce due to influences internal resistance devices, devices can be connected according to various circuits, namely, with a relatively low load resistance R, the following connection circuit is used:

And for a large value of R, such a scheme:

Power measurement in single-phase AC circuits

The main difference between alternating current circuits and direct current networks, perhaps, is that there are several powers in alternating voltage - . Total is often measured using the same indirect method using an ammeter and voltmeter and its value is equal to S = UI.

Active P=UIcosφ and reactive Q=UIsinφ are measured using a direct method, using a wattmeter. To measure, a wattmeter is connected to the circuit according to the following diagram:

Where the current winding must be connected in series with the load R n, and, accordingly, the voltage winding in parallel with the load.

Reactive power measurement in single-phase networks is not produced. Such experiments are often carried out only in laboratories where wattmeters are switched on according to special circuits.

Power measurement in three-phase AC circuits

As in single-phase networks, also in three-phase networks, the total energy of the network can be measured by an indirect method, that is, using a voltmeter and ammeter according to the diagrams shown above. If the load of the three-phase circuit is symmetrical, then the following formula can be applied:

U l – linear voltage, I – phase current.

If the phase load is not symmetrical, then the power of each phase is summed up:

When measuring active energy in a four-wire circuit using three wattmeters, as shown below:

The total energy consumed from the network will be the sum of the wattmeter readings:

The method of measuring with two wattmeters has also become equally widespread (applicable only for three-wire circuits):

The sum of their readings can be expressed by the following expression:

For a symmetrical load, the same formula applies as for total energy:

Where φ is the shift between current and voltage (phase shift angle).

The reactive component is measured according to the same scheme (see figure c)) and in this case it will be equal to the algebraic difference between the instrument indicators:

If the network is not symmetrical, then to measure the reactive component, two or three wattmeters are used, which are connected according to different circuits.

The process of measuring active and reactive power

The active power of the alternating voltage circuit is measured. They are connected using the same circuits as wattmeters. Reactive energy in single-phase consumers is not metered in our country. Its accounting is carried out in three-phase circuits large industrial enterprises consuming large volumes of electricity. Active energy meters are marked SA, reactive SR. Electronic electricity meters are also widely used.