Cornflowers flowers where they grow. Cornflower - decoration of a flower bed, medicine or weed. Cornflower useful properties

13 Jun 2015

Cornflowers- not flashy flowers, but they have a natural charm and are well suited for creating natural style flower beds.

Cornflowers are distributed throughout the world, in Russia the name of the flower is given by the name Vasily, which means “royal” because of the crown-like marginal flowers. Latin name this flower is Centaurea, which means “centaur”, since according to Greek legend the centaur Chiron healed his wounds with these flowers.

The genus Centaurea includes up to 500 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants from the Asteraceae family. In cornflowers, the flowers are basket-shaped inflorescences, in the middle of which there are small tubular flowers, and on the outer edge there are larger funnel-shaped flowers. The color of cornflower flowers can be blue, light blue, pink, lilac, yellow and white.

In ancient times, cornflowers were weeds for peasants, since the fields of rye were full of blue lights. This annual blue cornflower (Centaureacyanus) or field, and among the people it was called cherlok, voloshka, blavat, weasel, blue, sinyushnitsa, blue flower.

Blue cornflower blooms from June until autumn frosts. It has a thin, strong, erect stem, up to 70 cm high, branching at the top. The inflorescences, 2.5-4 cm in diameter, are bright blue around the edge and dark blue in the center. There are varieties with white, pink, purple, red and even bicolor flowers.

Previously, bright blue paint was obtained from the juice of the inner dark blue small tubular flowers, which are located in the center of the basket, and pale blue paint was obtained from the blue marginal flowers.

After flowering, cornflowers ripen seeds with a fluffy tuft, so they easily scatter over long distances and multiply like a weed. Cornflowers have minimal requirements for growing conditions; they grow well in dry and damp places, but bloom profusely only in open sunny places.

Cornflowers look great alone, as well as in a group with other bright summer flowers with poppies, daisies, esoltia, and calendula. Seeds of low-growing varieties of cornflowers are included in the mixture for the Moorish lawn, which creates a bright lawn of wildflowers.

Annual cornflowers They are very unpretentious, bloom for a long time from June to September, so gardeners are happy to decorate their flower beds with cornflowers. Annual cornflowers are propagated by seeds; they are sown directly into the ground in April - late May; they can also be sown before winter. Shoots appear in a week, and after some time the seedlings are thinned out leaving a distance of 10-12 cm between plants.

Perennial cornflowers require minimal care, and these plants are long-lived, living up to 10 years or more without replanting. However, some types of perennial cornflowers grow quickly due to their creeping rhizomes, suppressing neighboring plants. But there are perennial cornflowers with a tap root; they are less aggressive and slowly spread in breadth, so they reproduce mainly by seeds.

Meadow cornflower (Centaureajacea) can often be found on forest edges and clearings. This plant is up to 80 cm high with strong, erect stems, branched at the top. At the tops of the stems, single large inflorescences-baskets with lilac-pink and white flowers are formed. The stems and leaves of the plant are covered with pile, like a cobweb, so they appear bluish. Meadow cornflower blooms from mid-summer until frost; it is propagated by seeds.

Mountain cornflower (Centaureamontana) grows in meadows in mountainous areas Pyrenees, Alps and Balkans. This cornflower looks spectacular in gardens, but quickly grows into a dense clump, thanks to its highly branching rhizome. Slightly branched shoots reach a height of 60 cm. Large inflorescences up to 6 cm in diameter are blue-violet, but there are varieties with white, pink and purple flowers. This species blooms profusely in May-June.

Mountain cornflower is propagated by seeds, sowing before winter or early spring, as well as by dividing the bush. Mountain cornflower is winter-hardy and can withstand spring frosts.

Cornflower soft (Centaureamollis) its homeland is the Carpathians, where this flower adorns the meadows. Soft cornflower has a long creeping rhizome, so it grows quickly, forming dense thickets. Thin, low shoots up to 30-35 cm in length end in single blue inflorescences. It blooms all summer, is unpretentious and disease resistant. Easily propagated by cuttings of rhizomes and seeds.

Fisher's cornflower (Centaureafischeru) comes from the Caucasus, it has unusual large inflorescences reaching 9 cm in diameter, white or lilac pink color. Erect shoots 30-50 cm high have silvery pubescence. Blooms from June to August.

Cornflower large-headed forms a tall bush up to 120 cm with large cones that open into bright yellow inflorescences-baskets. Blooms from July to mid-August. Propagated by seeds, does not tolerate bush division. This tall cornflower is best placed in the background in flower beds.

Growing cornflowers

All cornflowers are light-loving plants, so they bloom well only in sunny places, under trees; even with slight shading or dense planting, they grow worse.

The soil for growing cornflowers must be well prepared, filled with humus, and have a neutral reaction.

Most cornflowers prefer moderate moisture; these flowers are watered only when necessary during periods of drought. The rest of caring for cornflowers consists of weeding and loosening. Fertilizing with complex mineral fertilizer is done regularly only for cut flowers.

Cornflowers bloom in June - July. Perennial species in the first year they have not yet gained strength to bloom profusely, but they are already forming a lush bush of leaves. Faded shoots are cut off at the level of the leaf rosette. The basal leaves of cornflowers go green under the snow.

The Cornflower flower belongs to the genus of herbaceous plants of the Asteraceae family, or this family is also called Asteraceae. The flower has a straight stem that can reach over a meter in height. The flowers are collected in baskets and can be of different colors: white, yellow, blue, pink, blue, purple, red or burgundy. The plant can be annual, biennial or perennial. Flowers begin to bloom in June and can delight with their beauty until late autumn.

Cornflower can be found almost throughout Europe and throughout Russia. The most famous species is Blue Cornflower, which is found in fields, in winter crops, and in vacant lots. The plant reproduces by seeds.

The plant itself is unpretentious, drought-resistant and frost-resistant. Loves the sun very much. It can grow in one place for up to 10 years and still maintain lush flowering. Practically not susceptible to disease. Thanks to its unpretentiousness and beautiful flowering, very common among gardeners.

Application of Cornflower:

The cornflower flower is used in cooking. Its leaves have a delicate aroma and are often used as a seasoning for dishes.

Medicine has not been spared cornflowers either. This flower has diuretic properties. Therefore, cornflower decoctions are used for kidney diseases, edema, etc. Cornflower decoctions also have choleretic properties. It is also used for liver diseases, including jaundice. Cornflower also has antipyretic, diaphoretic and bactericidal properties.

The flower is often used in cosmetics. Is cornflower in demand and how? decorative flower. Cornflower is also mentioned as a dye for easter eggs. But in our time, when food dyes are available, it is unlikely that people will run into the field for cornflowers.

Flower Cornflower video

Cornflower varieties:

Blue cornflower is the most famous variety. It is distinguished by a very beautiful turquoise color of the flowers; the length of the flower stem can reach a height of 80 cm. A one- or two-year-old plant. You can meet them in fields, wastelands, meadows.

Mountain cornflower

Mountain cornflower – perennial. Can grow on any soil. Very unpretentious plant– can survive in difficult conditions. Flowers can be blue, purple, burgundy. It can reach a height of up to 1 meter.

White cornflower

White cornflower is a rare variety of flower that is listed in the Red Book. It is distinguished by white flowers and double petals. At the same time, the growth of the flower is quite small - up to 30 cm in height.

Large-headed cornflower is a perennial plant. It is distinguished by its large size. The height of the flower can reach more than 1 meter. The flowers also differ in their size - they can be up to 7 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers is light or bright yellow.

Meadow cornflower is a perennial plant, the size of which can reach up to 80 cm in height. The color of the flowers is lilac, pink, less often white. The plant is covered with a cobwebby cover. Flowers are collected in baskets.

Yellow cornflower is a perennial plant whose size can reach up to 1 meter in height. The color of the flowers is bright yellow and the cornflower flower is approximately 5 cm in diameter. The stem is thick and straight.

Eastern cornflower

Eastern cornflower is a large perennial plant that can reach 120 cm in height. The flowers are quite large, collected in baskets.

Whitened cornflower is one of the most beautiful views cornflower. It can reach a height of up to 60 cm. The lower leaves can be white, and the top ones are green. The cornflower flower itself is also beautiful. The color of the flowers is bright pink.

Pink cornflower is a perennial plant up to 1 meter in height. The inflorescences are large and single pink. The flower stems are strong and swollen under the inflorescences.

Spreading cornflower is a biennial plant up to 50 cm in height. The flowers are white or pink, collected in baskets. The plant itself is very spreading.

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Field cornflower, sometimes called blue cornflower, voloshka, blue cornflower, blue cornflower, blue cornflower, or blue cornflower, has long attracted the attention of flower growers, as well as nature lovers.

The bright blue inflorescences of cornflower have been pleasing to the eye for many centuries. Yes, blue cornflower is a weed, but what a beautiful, graceful, touching one!

The homeland of cornflower is Greece, from where it spread to the fields of many countries around the world.

In Russia, blue cornflower is distributed mainly in the middle and northern territories of the European part, in Western Siberia And Far East. It grows in clearings, along roads, along the edges of fields, as a weed plant found in cereal crops.

In the plant world, blue cornflower is an annual or sometimes biennial herbaceous plant with a tap root. The stem is erect, branches only from the middle. Its height depends on growing conditions and ranges from 30 to 70 cm. The stem is covered with thin hairs, so it appears silvery in the light. The leaves are narrow, shaped like tiny oars.

The flowers form a disc-shaped basket with an extensive bristly bed supported on a bare long stalk. Flowers located around the disk are sterile. The median flowers have both male and female sexes; they are twice as numerous as barren flowers. Cornflower blooms from June to early autumn. When the longest days arrive, cornflowers begin to shine in the vastness of the grain fields.

The seeds are numerous, with a fluffy tuft, spilling onto the ground and giving abundant self-sowing. There are 250-300 seeds in 1 g, which remain viable for 2-3 years. It grows well in moist and dry soils, which is why it grows so widely throughout the world.

The field cornflower became particularly popular due to its use as a decoration for personalized sheaves. In the old days in Rus', peasants called the first sheaf a nominal one, which, accompanied by songs, was carried home by the reapers. The first sheaf of the new harvest decorated with blue cornflowers long time flaunted in the front corner of the hut.

One day the sky reproached the cornfield for ingratitude: “Everything that inhabits the earth thanks me. Birds send me singing, flowers send me fragrance and color, forests send mysterious whispers, and only you do not express gratitude, although it is no one else, but it is I who fill the roots of cereals with rainwater and make the ears ripen.”

“I’m grateful to you,” Niva answered. “I decorate the arable land with ever-wavering greenery, and in the fall I cover it with gold. I don't know how to express my gratitude any other way. Help me, and I will shower you with caresses and talk about love.”

“Okay,” the sky agreed, “if you can’t come up to me, then I’ll come down to you.” A miracle instantly happened: magnificent flowers grew among the ears of corn. blue flowers, similar in color to the blue sky. Since then, the ears of cereals, with every breath of the breeze, bend towards the messengers of the sky, cornflowers, and whisper tender words to them.

It is very nice that there is such a wonderful legend about cornflowers in a grain field.

I have a favorite porcelain plate with images of golden ears of corn and cornflowers. with honey during breakfast, thanks to this image, it seems tastier. This strengthens not only my physical, but also my spiritual strength. Thank you, cornflower!

An annual herbaceous plant 25-60 cm high with a straight branched stem and a well-developed tap root. The lower leaves are petiolate, pinnately or trifoliate; middle and upper - sessile, linear. The inflorescence is a basket, the marginal flowers in it are funnel-shaped, blue, the inner ones are tubular, smaller purple, bisexual. The fruits are achenes. Blooms in June - September.
Location. Found in all areas.
Habitat. It usually grows in fields, sometimes bred as an ornamental plant.
Part used. Edge flowers of cornflower from flower baskets.
Collection time. June - September.
Chemical composition. The flowers contain the coloring matter cyanine, centaurine glycosides, and chicory.

Properties of cornflower

IN scientific medicine Cornflower flowers are used as a mild diuretic - they are part of diuretic teas No. 1,4,5. IN folk medicine the plant is used for diseases of the kidneys, bladder, liver as a diuretic and choleretic, for colds as a diaphoretic, for digestive disorders as a tonic, bitter and stomachic. An infusion of flowers has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects and is often used in folk medicine to wash the eyes for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and night blindness. Leaves are applied to wounds to speed up healing. In Belarus, in addition, cornflower flowers are used for coughs, whooping cough, stomach diseases, uterine bleeding, and pulmonary tuberculosis.

Ways to use cornflower

Pour 1 teaspoon of flowers into 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 40-60 minutes, strain. Take ¼ cup 3-4 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The same infusion can be used to wash the eyes.

Knapweed is a beautiful name for a whole group of plants, divided into varietal varieties of perennial, biennial and annual beautifully flowering crops, which are part of the Compositae or Asteraceae family. In total, about five thousand perennial and biennial varieties are known, which are united in the genus Cornflower of the same name. It is worth noting that all varieties of cornflowers are divided into two groups, and the main criterion for division is the height of the plant stem. The first group includes plant species that reach over half a meter in height, the second group includes shorter plants.

The first group of tall plants is used primarily as cut flowers. The second group includes low-growing plant species, which are mainly used as open ground plants for landscaping garden areas.

By right, cornflower is a beautifully flowering summer plant, but there are species that primarily begin to bloom in the spring, but there are very few such varieties. The inflorescence of cornflower, depending on the species, has a variety of colors, which can be blue, blue, pink, purple or lilac, yellow or white.

The plant has a wide territorial distribution, and many varieties of cornflower can be found in almost every corner of the planet, with a wide variety of climatic conditions. It is precisely because of its unpretentious living conditions and resistance to pests and diseases that the plant has received very large cultivation throughout the globe, mainly as a garden crop.

The most common and well-known variety is "Cornflower - blue". This variety is an annual crop, has a bush-like, abundantly branching form, the height of this variety reaches from 30 to 80 cm in height. It is grown as an open ground plant, mainly in flower beds, borders and gardens, and is also widespread in summer cottages, where it is found practically as a wild crop. There are several varieties that have different color inflorescences, namely blue, pink, corduroy, lilac, blue.

This is a beautiful upright plant that is great for landscaping in summer period flower beds or small alleys. In some countries, it is widely cultivated in parks and also in alleys and city gardens; most often it grows on its own, without requiring special attention.

Cultivation and maintenance conditions

Almost all varieties are grown in open ground, in the garden, or in flower beds. Also, the most decorative species are grown as potted crops that decorate balconies and window sills, as well as terraces, loggias and verandas. In general, cornflower is not a fancy crop that beginner gardeners can do. Cornflower does not require special attention, it tolerates drought well, but waterlogging of the soil is bad, so the soil must be well drained so that moisture does not stagnate in the soil.

Cornflowers are light-loving and resistant crops that are planted in a well-lit place. Plants tolerate high and low temperature changes, frost, extreme heat and drought.

Watering is required only when necessary, recommended in the evening or morning. When watering potted varieties, it is worth considering the water temperature, which should not be low, optimal 15-20 C.

Only potted crops are replanted, based on their own discretion and experience; replanting is carried out in the spring.

Reproduction is carried out using seeds. In temperate or cooler climates, seeds are first germinated in a warmer environment, usually in special containers, indoors, and then planted in open ground. In warm climates, in early spring, I simply sow the seeds into the soil.

Cornflower is a well-resistant plant to pests, but is susceptible to fungi. Some fungal infections contribute to the rapid wilting of leaves and flowers, which is associated with fusarium.