All-Russian history tests and total dictation. All-Russian history tests and total dictation History dictation in April how to participate

Thematic dictations in history lessons

A constant problem of the school educational process is the ongoing monitoring of student progress. There are four generally accepted forms for this:

  • Student's answer at the board.
  • Test.
  • Independent work.
  • Testing.

An interesting and important form of control ishistorical dictation or thematic dictation

The dictation technique is as follows:
Preparation . A history teacher is preparing a dictation on a topic. This is usually 20 questions and 20 answers, divided into two options. The dictation can be developed independently or taken ready-made.
Carrying out . At the end or at another time of the lesson (the teacher decides depending on the situation), a dictation on the topic is announced. Students write only the question numbers and answers on separate sheets of paper. In total, 10-12 minutes are allotted for the dictation.
Examination . For each correct answer, the student receives one point. A half answer can be scored 0.5 points, etc. Overall rating is obtained by summing the points scored by the student. In this case, the teacher first determines general level answers, focusing on the lowest and highest points scored by students. It then translates the scores proportionally into the grading system. As practice shows, no one writes a dictation for a grade of “2”; usually the grade ranges from “3” to “5”.
Discussion . Since such a dictation is competitive in nature and students are keenly interested in its results, they actively respond to the analysis of the work proposed by the teacher.
Distribution of works. It is done only at the end of the lesson, otherwise even the most exemplary students will start folding airplanes from the dictation sheets.

Features of historical dictations

The main methodological feature of historical dictations is their playful nature, based on “immersion” in the historical period being studied with a mental, figurative reconstruction of historical events. Of course, the topic must correspond to the material being studied, and the dictation questions must correspond to the program, textbook, or teacher’s story.
In the dictation itself, its construction plays an important role. The sequence of questions should be logical and at the same time eliminate monotony of perception. After the teacher reads the question, the student should have a certain cheerful emotion: oh! it's easy! wow! how is this? yeah, list it, but how? etc. Therefore, the types of questions must be consistently different. For example, for the question on the topic “Revolt of the Decembrists”: “What were the goals of the rebels on December 14, 1825?” (a difficult question, based on the ability to understand the situation) - the question follows: “Who was appointed dictator of the uprising?” (simple memory question).
Since dictation in two options is optimal, the parallel questions of the options should be of the same type. For example, on the topic “Unification of Italy in the 19th century.” question 1 option 1: “Name the famous Russian scientist, geographer and sociologist who fought in the ranks of the Garibaldians in 1860?” (L.I. Mechnikov) - should be supported by the same kind of question in option 2: “Name the famous Russian surgeon who treated G. Garibaldi, wounded during the campaign of 1862?” (N.I. Pirogov). Violation of this rule upsets the entire dictation, since the students rightly believe that the conditions for them should be the same.

Types of questions

The types of questions should be different. In addition, no matter how the questions are structured, they must necessarily contain either question word(when, who, where, etc.), or an indication (name, list, etc.).
The question is simple. “When and by whom was printing invented in Europe?” Here you just need to indicate the date and name. This is a memory question.
It's a sports question.“What food was mainly consumed in Rus' in the 13th-15th centuries?” Here you need to connect your imagination to your memory, so as not to get into trouble by mentioning, for example, potatoes.
Erudition question. "What is parchment?" In answering this question, it is necessary to briefly highlight the technology of making parchment, which is quite difficult, and explain the name, which is easier.

Sets of historical dictations

Dictations can be used not only for ongoing monitoring of progress. A set of dictations for a one-year course, for example, “Thematic dictations on the history of the Fatherland of the 19th century,” acquires a new quality. In essence, this is a history course, but presented concisely and succinctly and, what is most attractive, requiring (unlike a textbook) an active form of perception. Independent assimilation of material contained in one historical dictation or conducted in the form of dialogue mobilizes thinking and makes this assimilation effective and fast.
At the same time, we must remember that thematic dictation is not just ten tasks, the answers to which “see. at the end of the problem book." Thematic dictation is: 20 questions in 2 options + 20 answers in 2 options + their qualitative sum. When submitting a thematic dictation in writing, both questions and answers should be placed on the same page. The fact is that just reading a question-answer pair requires more effort than just reading.
For those who want to test themselves, no one forbids closing the answer or, conversely, the question in order to formulate them themselves. In fact, a history course in thematic dictations - parallel to the narrative one - awakens other reasons for interest in history - arouses a desire to compete and debate.

Historical dictation (example)

Great geographical discoveries and colonial conquests of the late 15th century - early XVI centuries


Option 1

1. What is the role in the Great geographical discoveries did gold play?
2. Name the Portuguese navigator who first circumnavigated Africa from the south in 1488.
3. How many days did Christopher Columbus’s first voyage to the shores of America last?
4. Who led the first expedition around the world in 1519? How many people were in its composition?
5. For what purpose and representatives of which segments of the population went on colonial expeditions?
6. Which country was conquered by Hernando Cortes at the head of a detachment of 400 people in 1519?
7. What bad habit did the Europeans pass on to the American Indians?
8. For what work did the Spanish colonialists need slaves in America?
9. On which American island by the middle of the 16th century? Did the colonialists completely exterminate the local population?
10. What is manufactory?

Option 2

1. What role did duties play in the Great Geographical Discoveries?
2. Name the Portuguese navigator who first reached southern Asia by sea in 1498.
3. How many voyages did Christopher Columbus make to the shores of America?
4. Who led the first expedition around the world to return home in 1522? How many people are left in its composition?
5. For what purpose did Europeans strive to reach places rich in a variety of spices?
6. Which country was conquered by Francisco Pizarro at the head of a detachment of 200 people in 1534?
7. What bad habit did the American Indians pass on to the Europeans?
8. Why were blacks from Africa used as slaves in America?
9. What European city had become by the middle of the 16th century? center of world trade?
10. Who are hired workers?


Option 1

1. Europeans had nothing to offer eastern merchants for goods other than gold (and also silver). The depletion of gold reserves in Europe prompted expeditions to search for it.
2. Bartolomeu Dias.
3. 70 days.
4. Ferdinand Magellan. 265 people.
5. For the purpose of profit - merchants; robbery - soldiers; propagation of Christianity - priests.
6. Aztec Empire (in the territory of modern Mexico).
7. Drunkenness.
8. To work on plantations that produced colonial goods for Europe: tobacco, cotton, sugar cane etc.
9. On the island Cuba.
10. This is a large enterprise, which used mainly manual labor of hired workers.

Option 2

1. For oriental goods (fabrics, spices, etc.), Europeans paid 8-10 times the original price, due to the collection of duties from merchants when crossing borders. Europeans began to look for direct routes to the countries producing these goods.
2. Vasco da Gama.
3. Three voyages.
4. Juan Sebastian el Cano. 18 people.
5. Living conditions in Europe were extremely unhealthy, there was no hygiene. Spices were used for medicinal and prophylactic purposes.
6. The Inca Empire (in the territory of modern Peru).
7. Smoking tobacco.
8. The Indians preferred death to captivity on their land. Africans brought to foreign lands worked.
9. Antwerp.
10. These are personally free workers who worked in factories for hire, performing not all the work, but each worker performing a separate operation.

Today at the All-Russian Children's Center "Ocean" was the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland. As part of the event, participants in the 14th shift of “Young Leaders of Russia” wrote a “Historical Dictation”. The event took place thanks to the project “Every Day I’m Proud of Russia” (IYPR), which is gaining popularity every day.

The organizer of the all-Russian action was the Youth Parliament under State Duma. The tasks of the “Historical Dictation” test were compiled by scientists from the Moscow State University State University named after M.V. Lomonosov.

In 40 minutes, the guys answered 40 questions about Russian history. The tasks turned out to be difficult. Participants answered questions about Nobel laureates, Russian emperors and historical landmarks of the country.

Immediately after the dictation, the teachers provided the oceanians with the correct answers, and the children were able to learn new and interesting facts. Let us note that some of the guys tested their knowledge in the history of the Primorsky Territory: they were asked 5 additional questions.

We are confident that the test is the best opportunity to remember important events in the life of the country and learn about the people who made a great contribution to its development. They made great discoveries, were revolutionaries and fighters for freedom and equality of people. Young leaders of the shift consider it necessary to conduct such dictations at least once a year, because they help children develop comprehensively!

Text: Valentina Gerasimenko (Altai region), David Medvedev (Irkutsk region)

Photo: Ekaterina Lenchuk (Krasnoyarsk region)

For recent months We have passed several All-Russian tests: two history test And total dictation.
Here's what we found out about the tests.

History tests
In December 2015, on December 19, the first All-Russian history testFatherland.
Testing took place within the framework of the federal project of the Youth Parliament under the State Duma " Every day I am proud of Russia!" The test was developed in two versions by the Ural Federal State University.


There are questions and answers here at once - two options.

All-Russian test on the history of the Fatherland

40 questions and answers
First question: The creator of the Russian Navy is...

All-Russian test in the history of the Fatherland - option 2!

First question: The publisher of the first Russian printed book is...

Check yourself! I got 29 and 30 questions out of 40 correct, that is, 75%

ALL-RUSSIAN TEST on the HISTORY of the Great Patriotic War WWII
passed April 23

The attached files contain tests and keys to them.

Answers: 1 -D 2 c 3a 4 b 5a 6d 7d 8d 9b 10c 11b 12a 13b 14c 15d
16a 17c 18a 19b 20b 21c 22c 23c 24a 25a 26b 27c 28c 29a 30a
Here I got 80% of the answers correct, but I thought it would be worse than in the history of the Fatherland...

Dictation 2016 took place on April 16, the author of the test was writer Andrei Usachev. 3 options (parts)

Dictation texts 2016 and previous years

Topics of the year 2016
Part 1. Briefly about the history of the theater. Part 2. Briefly about the history of writing. Part 3. Briefly about the history of the Olympic Games.