What is needed to put a boiler room into operation. Rules for the technical operation of communal heating boiler houses

In this article we will tell you how to properly commission a boiler installation. This process follows after mounting and commissioning works. When the boiler room has been successfully put into operation, a document is prepared stating that this boiler room, according to all standards, is allowed for further use.

So, what does this whole procedure consist of? After the boiler system has been assembled, all installation and commissioning work has been completed, there are two main stages left: actual and documentary.

Actual is when the installation is turned on in normal mode, which indicates its readiness to further provide the consumer with heat and/or hot water supply. Documentary means preparing the necessary package of documents and obtaining official permission to the permanent operation of the boiler room. This is done directly by certified specialists of the Teplokomplekt - Service company. With their help, we obtain permission legally – quickly and efficiently.

First, a statement is drawn up about the inspection and permission to put the boiler plant into use. Then it, as well as a package of necessary documents, is sent to the supervisory authorities. Next, the appointed specialist checks the boiler room, draws up a permanent certificate of admission to industrial operation, after which you have the right to use it on an ongoing basis.

  • carrying out installation and commissioning works, drawing up temporary schedules;
  • preparation of the necessary documents, including an application, their transfer to the supervisory authorities of the Federal Service;
  • review of the provided documentation, addition, elimination of comments by an expert (if necessary);
  • visit to the boiler room by a responsible person from the Federal Service;
  • obtaining an official document allowing the use of the boiler room as usual.

The process of obtaining permission to operate a boiler room, stages:

  1. you must obtain permission to carry out commissioning work;
  2. you need to acquire a permit that allows you to put the object into regular use.

In order to speed up these activities, you need to contact the equipment installation organization. Qualified employees will help with providing the necessary papers, regime maps, and engineering diagrams to the regulatory authorities.

Usually the verification is carried out within one to two days. But if any inaccuracies or equipment malfunctions are identified, the process can take up to several weeks, or even months.

The Commission pays great attention to safety when using electrical and thermal systems, chimneys, smoke exhausters, fans, gas installations excess or atmospheric pressure.

The inspection of the boiler room is carried out by the inspector very carefully, thoroughly, in order to avoid serious undesirable consequences as a result of poor quality examination of all details. Only after making sure that the equipment is 100 percent suitable and safe is a license issued.

Commissioning of a boiler room involves checking:

  • does the applying citizen really have the right to use the land area where the boiler room will be located;
  • report on safety briefings, etc.;
  • is this project registered?
  • availability of a fuel regime map;
  • list of job descriptions, etc.

There must also be logs - accounting, shift, repair, documents on labor protection, safety precautions, evacuation and fire extinguishing plans in the event of equipment failure. These papers can only be officially approved with the help of qualified specialists. In this case, you can save not only on personal time, but also on finances.

Date of introduction 1993-06-01

DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Roskommunenergo association

AGREED with the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia No. 03-35/171 dated 08.21.92 and with the Central Committee of the Trade Union of Workers of Local Industry and Public Utilities Enterprises Russian Federation No. 12 from 08.10.92

APPROVED by the Ministry of Construction of Russia (order dated November 11, 1992 No. 251)

These Rules are a revised edition of the "Rules technical operation boiler houses for housing and communal services", approved by the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the RSFSR on October 22, 1971.

When processing and editing the Rules, the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents (GOST, SNiP, Gosgortekhnadzor Rules), as well as comments and suggestions from industrial energy associations and enterprises, design, repair and commissioning organizations were taken into account.

The rules are mandatory for enterprises and organizations operating, repairing, setting up communal heating boiler houses in the housing and communal services system of the Russian Federation, and are valid along with the “Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and water-heating boilers”, approved by Gosgortekhnadzor, and the “Rules for the design and safe operation operation of steam boilers with a steam pressure of no more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/cm), hot water boilers and water heaters with a water heating temperature of no higher than 388 K (115° C),” approved by the Ministry of Construction of Russia.

These Rules may also be used in other industries with the introduction of the procedure in force in these industries.

These Rules come into force on June 1, 1993; from the same date, the “Rules for the technical operation of boiler houses for housing and communal services,” approved by the Ministry of Housing and Utilities of the RSFSR on October 22, 1971, become invalid.



1.1. Tasks of operating energy enterprises

1.1.1. The main tasks of energy enterprises* operating municipal heating boiler houses are:
* Energy enterprises hereinafter in the text are understood as energy associations and enterprises, regardless of their organizational and legal form.

production, distribution and supply of heat to municipal and industrial consumers;

ensuring sustainable and reliable heat supply to consumers.

1.1.2. The main responsibilities of employees of energy enterprises:

compliance with the specified heat supply regimes for municipal and industrial consumers;

maintaining equipment in a state of operational readiness and ensuring maximum reliability and efficiency of thermal energy production;

compliance with explosion and fire safety requirements, industrial sanitation and occupational safety.

1.1.3. At each energy enterprise, by order of the manager, functions for servicing equipment and communications must be distributed between production divisions (districts, workshops, sections, services, laboratories).

1.2. Acceptance of equipment and structures into operation

1.2.1. New, fully completed, expanded and reconstructed boiler houses, as well as their queues and start-up complexes are accepted into operation by workers and state acceptance commissions in accordance with SNiP 3.01.04-87.

The commissioning of new, expanded, reconstructed boiler houses or their queues and start-up complexes is not allowed:

not equipped with automatic safety systems, control devices, safety valves and other devices provided for by the Gosgortekhnadzor Rules;

not provided with devices to prevent pollution and clogging of water or their harmful effects;

not providing effective cleaning, neutralization, and capture of harmful emissions;

with imperfections and defects that impede their normal operation, worsen sanitary and technical conditions and labor safety, as well as without testing, testing and checking the operation of all installed equipment and mechanisms.

1.2.2. Before accepting the boiler house (start-up complex) into operation, the following must be carried out:

individual tests of individual systems, units and mechanisms;

comprehensive testing of equipment.

1.2.3. Individual tests of equipment and individual systems should be carried out after completion of construction and installation work for this node. Before testing, compliance with state standards, requirements of Building Codes and Rules, Gosgortekhnadzor Rules, these Rules and manufacturers’ instructions for installation of equipment must be checked.

1.2.4. Defects and deficiencies, as well as equipment defects identified during individual testing, must be eliminated before the start of comprehensive testing.

1.2.5. During comprehensive testing, it should be checked collaboration boilers and everything auxiliary equipment boiler room under load. The beginning of a comprehensive testing of boiler units is considered to be the moment they are switched on under load.

Comprehensive testing of boiler equipment should be carried out on the main fuel with rated load and design parameters during continuous operation for 72 hours with simultaneous or alternate operation of the auxiliary equipment of the launch complex.

During comprehensive testing, the control and measuring instruments provided for by the project, interlocks, alarm devices and remote control, protection and automatic regulation.

In the absence of the possibility of conducting comprehensive testing on the main fuel or rated load and parameters, the decision to conduct it on reserve fuel, as well as the maximum parameters and load, are established by the state acceptance commission and noted in the commissioning certificate of the launch complex.

1.2.6. To prepare the boiler room (start-up complex) for presentation to the state acceptance commission, the customer appoints a working commission, which accepts the equipment after conducting its individual tests for comprehensive testing.

1.2.7. The general contractor submits the following documentation to the working commission:

a) a list of organizations involved in construction and installation work, with a list of the work they performed and the persons responsible for performing this work;

b) a set of working drawings for the construction of the facility presented for acceptance with confirmation of the compliance of the work performed in kind with these drawings and the changes made to them, agreed with the author of the project;

c) certificates, passports or others technical documents certifying the quality of materials, structures and parts used in construction and installation work;

d) acts of hidden work and acts of intermediate acceptance of individual critical structures;

e) acts of individual sampling and testing of installed equipment and pipelines;

f) test reports for internal and external electrical installations and electrical networks;

g) test reports for telephone installation, alarm and automation devices;

h) test reports for devices providing explosion safety, fire safety and lightning protection;

1.2.8. Before the test run, conditions must be prepared for reliable and safe operation of the boiler room:

operating and maintenance personnel have been staffed, instructions (operational, job-related, occupational safety) and operational schemes have been developed;

reserves of fuel, materials, tools, spare parts and personnel protection equipment have been prepared;

Dispatch and technological control facilities with communication lines, fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems, emergency lighting and ventilation were put into operation;

monitoring and control systems were installed and adjusted;

permissions from state supervision authorities (fire, sanitary inspections) and technical labor inspection of the trade union to operate the equipment were obtained;

The regulated equipment is registered with the local body of the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia.

1.2.9. Acceptance of boiler houses (start-up complexes) into operation is carried out by the state acceptance commission. After a comprehensive testing and elimination of identified defects and deficiencies, the state acceptance commission issues an act of acceptance for operation of the boiler house with its related buildings and structures.

1.3. Work with personnel

1.3.1. Training of personnel and work with them must be carried out in accordance with the forms, volume and timing in accordance with the approved order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated April 24, 1992 No. 95 “Rules for organizing work with personnel of energy associations, enterprises and divisions of the municipal energy sector of Russia.”

1.3.2. Boiler room personnel must undergo:

preliminary pre-employment medical examination in accordance with the order of the USSR Ministry of Health dated September 29, 1989 No. 555 on the list of positions and professions agreed with the sanitary inspection authorities;

periodic medical examination within the time limits established adj. 1, 2 of the indicated order of the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.3.3. Personnel operating facilities supervised by Gosgortekhnadzor must be trained and certified for the right to service them in the manner prescribed by the relevant rules of Gosgortekhnadzor, and have certificates.

1.3.4. Operational (duty) and operational-repair personnel directly managing the main and auxiliary equipment, including boiler room duty personnel dismissed due to its shutdown during the inter-heating period and rehired, as well as personnel directly performing maintenance and repairs , adjustment, testing, installation and commissioning of equipment that had a break in work must, after returning to work, undergo:

a) during a break from 2 weeks to 30 days - unscheduled briefing on changes that occurred during this period in the condition of the equipment, diagrams, instructions, operating modes, etc., duplication (for those managing the equipment) at the workplace for one or two shifts (days);

b) for a break of more than 30 days to 2 months - unscheduled instruction and duplication at the workplace for three to four shifts (days);

c) with a break of more than 2 months - a qualification test of knowledge, duplication in the workplace to the extent established for this position.

1.3.5. Personnel not directly involved maintenance, testing, repair, adjustment, installation and commissioning of equipment, during breaks in work for more than 6 months, is allowed to work after a qualification test of knowledge.

1.4. Safety precautions

1.4.1. Each employee is obliged to know and follow safety rules (HSR) related to the equipment being serviced and the organization of work in the workplace; in case of malfunction of equipment, mechanisms and devices that pose a danger to people, and violations of safety rules, take urgent measures to prevent danger and report to a superior manager.

1.4.2. The heads of energy enterprises are entrusted with general management of work on safety precautions, and the heads of boiler houses are responsible for organizing work on safety precautions and ensuring safe working conditions.

1.4.3. Heads of departments, sections, services, laboratories and workshops are obliged to ensure regular implementation of organizational and technical measures to create safe working conditions, scheduled instruction and training of personnel in safe work methods and constant monitoring of compliance with safety regulations.

1.4.4. Steam boilers, pipelines, apparatus and vessels under pressure, lifting mechanisms, controlled by Gosgortekhnadzor, must be registered with its local authorities and subjected to primary technical examination with permission to operate, recorded in the passport, and within the time limits established by the rules, be subjected to tests and inspections in accordance with the standards of Gosgortekhnadzor.

1.4.5. Safety equipment and devices used in electrical installations must be tested and inspected in accordance with applicable codes and regulations.

1.4.6. Responsibility for accidents that occur in the operating organization lies with administrative and technical personnel who did not ensure compliance with safety and industrial sanitation rules and did not take appropriate measures to prevent accidents, as well as persons who directly violated the rules.

1.4.7. Each accident, as well as violations of safety regulations, must be thoroughly investigated, the causes and culprits of their occurrence must be identified, and measures must be taken to prevent the recurrence of such incidents. Reporting of accidents, their investigation and recording must be carried out in accordance with the “Regulations on the investigation and recording of industrial accidents”. Accidents and emergencies at facilities controlled by Gosgortekhnadzor must be immediately reported to local Gosgortekhnadzor authorities.

Responsibility for the correct and timely investigation and recording of accidents, execution of acts in the N-1 form, implementation of the measures specified in the acts rests with the head of the energy enterprise, heads of departments and production sites.

1.4.8. Investigations into serious and group accidents and fatalities, as well as related circulars and reviews, must be reviewed with all utility personnel.

1.4.9. Boiler house production personnel must be trained in practical techniques for providing first aid to victims of accidents.

1.4.10. When third-party organizations carry out construction, installation, adjustment and repair work in existing boiler houses, joint measures must be developed for safety precautions, industrial sanitation and fire safety, as well as on the interaction of operational construction, installation, repair and commissioning personnel. Activities are approved by the chief engineer of the energy enterprise.

Responsibility for preparing the workplace, coordinating actions to implement joint occupational safety measures, as well as access to work lies with the administration of the energy enterprise.

Responsibility for organizing and implementing occupational safety measures at their work sites, for compliance with personnel qualifications and their compliance with safety requirements lies with the heads of third-party organizations.

1.4.11. Each workshop, site, service, workshop and other facilities, as well as on-site emergency vehicles, must have first aid kits with a constant supply of necessary medications and dressings. Personnel must be provided with special clothing, safety footwear and other personal protective equipment in accordance with current standards.

1.4.12 Personnel located in boiler rooms with operating equipment (except for control panels), as well as in above-ground and underground structures on the territory of boiler rooms, must wear protective helmets.

1.5. Fire safety

1.5.1. Each employee must clearly know and comply with the requirements fire safety rules(PPB).

1.5.2. Managers of energy enterprises are responsible for the fire safety of boiler room premises and equipment, as well as for the availability and serviceable condition of primary fire extinguishing equipment; in agreement with the local fire department, should be developed on the basis of " Fire safety rules for energy enterprises RD 34.113.301-87 (PPB 139-87)" fire safety instructions and operational fire extinguishing plan.

1.5.3. Managers of energy enterprises, in agreement with the local fire department, must create a fire-technical commission and a voluntary fire brigade in accordance with current regulations.

1.5.4. Managers of energy enterprises are required to appoint from among the management personnel those responsible for the fire safety condition of boiler rooms, workshops, laboratories, warehouses, etc., as well as for the good condition of fire equipment and primary fire extinguishing equipment; approve a schedule for checking fire extinguishing equipment, monitor the training of workers and periodically test knowledge of fire safety regulations.

1.5.5. Each case of fire is subject to investigation by a commission with the mandatory participation of fire department workers to establish the cause of the fire, those responsible for its occurrence, losses and the development of fire-fighting measures.

1.5.6. Workers and employees newly hired are required to undergo initial and repeated fire safety briefings on compliance with fire safety measures at their site and learn how to use fire extinguishing means, drawing up a protocol and signing it in a special journal.

Initial briefing is carried out when workers and employees are registered for work. It is prohibited to allow newly hired workers and employees to work without undergoing initial fire safety training.

1.5.7. The boiler room must develop instructions on specific fire safety measures and fire safety regime in each workshop, laboratory, workshop and other areas, agreed upon with the local fire department and approved by the head of the energy enterprise.

1.5.8. Welding and other flammable work at enterprises must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the "Instructions on fire safety measures when carrying out hot work at industrial enterprises and other national economic facilities."

Hot work on gas pipelines with flammable gases and other explosive equipment, as well as on fire-fighting water pipelines, must be carried out in agreement with the persons responsible for fire safety of the relevant areas, only with the written permission of the chief engineer of the enterprise, agreed with the organizations of the city gas industry and the local fire department .

1.6. Environmental Compliance

1.6.1 When operating boiler houses, the enterprise administration must ensure compliance with the requirements of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection” and regulations issued on the basis of this Law.

1.6.2. When operating boiler rooms, measures must be taken to prevent or limit exposure to environment due to emissions into the atmosphere, discharge waste water into water bodies, sound pressure on nearby areas.

1.6.3. The amount of air pollutants should not exceed the permissible or temporarily agreed emissions into the atmosphere, the discharge of pollutants into water bodies - the norms of maximum permissible discharges and the noise impact - the sound power standards established for boiler houses.

1.6.4. Each boiler house must have an action plan to reduce harmful emissions into the atmosphere under particularly unfavorable meteorological conditions.

1.6.5. Each enterprise must develop measures to prevent emergency and other volley emissions harmful substances into the environment.

1.6.6. To control emissions of pollutants into the environment, each enterprise must be equipped with permanently operating automatic instruments, and in their absence or impossibility of use, direct periodic measurements and calculation methods must be used.

1.6.7. Operation of boiler houses with devices that do not ensure compliance with established sanitary standards and environmental requirements is prohibited.

1.6.8. Installations for the purification and treatment of contaminated wastewater must be put into operation before the start of pre-start cleaning of thermal power equipment.

1.7. Responsibility for compliance with the Technical Operation Rules (RTE)

1.7.1 Knowledge and compliance with the Rules are mandatory for employees of energy enterprises operating boiler houses, as well as for employees of construction, installation, repair, commissioning and design organizations.

1.7.2. Heads of enterprises, organizations and their divisions are responsible for compliance by subordinate personnel with these Rules.

1.7.3. Persons who violate these Rules are subject to disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with current legislation and job descriptions for each employee.

1.7.4. Each case of accident, failure and malfunction of equipment must be thoroughly investigated and taken into account by the enterprise administration in accordance with the “Instructions on the investigation and recording of accidents at enterprises and facilities controlled by Gosgortekhnadzor”, “Instructions on the investigation of accidents that did not result in accidents, at enterprises and facilities controlled by Gosgortekhnadzor" and approved by the Ministry of Housing and Utilities of the RSFSR on May 29, 1986 "Instructions for the investigation and recording of violations in the work of energy enterprises and organizations of the system of the Ministry of Housing and Utilities of the RSFSR." At the same time, the reasons for the occurrence of such cases must be established and measures must be developed to prevent them.

1.7.5. All cases of damage or malfunction of equipment that occurred during startup tests before acceptance of the equipment into operation are also subject to investigation.

1.7.6. Each employee who discovers a violation of these Rules is obliged to immediately report this to his immediate superior, and in his absence, to his superior manager.

1.7.7. In case of violations of these Rules that lead to accidents or failures in the operation of boiler room equipment, fire or accidents to people, the following bear personal responsibility:

workers directly servicing and repairing equipment, buildings and structures of boiler houses - for every accident and failure of work that occurred through their fault, as well as for improper elimination of accidents and failures;

shift supervisors, duty and operational repair personnel of boiler houses - for accidents and work failures that occurred through their fault or through the fault of the personnel subordinate to them;

heads of workshops, sections, boiler houses, services, their deputies, engineers and foremen - for accidents and work failures that occurred through their fault or through the fault of the personnel subordinate to them;

directors and chief engineers of the enterprise and their deputies - for violations that occurred at the enterprises they led.

1.7.8. In case of damage by outside organizations and individuals to equipment, buildings and structures of boiler houses, power lines, underground communications operated by enterprises, the managers of these enterprises must draw up reports and submit them to local authorities and (or) law enforcement agencies to bring the perpetrators to justice.


2.1. Territory

2.1.1. By the start of operation of the boiler room, the following work provided for by the project must be completed:

planning and fencing of the relevant part of the territory;

landscaping and landscaping;

installation of wastewater for organized drainage of surface and groundwater from buildings, structures and from the territory (drains, ditches, ditches, drainage channels, blind areas, etc.);

laying railway tracks, highways, bridges, crossings, railway crossings, fire entrances; laying water supply, sewerage and heat supply networks;

installation of outdoor lighting, communication and alarm networks;

lightning protection and grounding equipment;

creation of reservoirs and sanitary zones for the protection of water supply sources.

All facilities must be kept in good condition at all times.

2.1.2. The routes of hidden underground communications for water supply, sewerage, heat supply, as well as gas pipelines, fuel oil pipelines, cables for all purposes must be marked on the surface of the earth with signs.

2.1.3. If there are stray currents on the territory of the boiler room, electrochemical protection of underground metal communications and structures must be provided in accordance with SNiP 3.04.03-85.

2.1.4. By the beginning of floods, all drainage networks and devices must be inspected and prepared for the passage of surface water. Openings in structures for the passage of cables and pipes must be sealed, and pumping mechanisms must be made operational.

2.1.5. In boiler houses, control over the groundwater regime by monitoring the water level in monitoring wells (piezometers) should be carried out: in the first year of operation - at least once a month, in subsequent years - depending on changes in the groundwater level, but at least once per quarter. Monitoring wells should be located in the area of ​​greatest density of water supply, sewerage and heat supply networks. The results of observations are recorded in a special journal.

2.1.6. In case of detection of subsidence and landslide phenomena, soil heaving in the boiler room territory, measures must be taken to eliminate the causes that caused the violation of normal soil conditions and to eliminate their consequences.

2.2. Industrial buildings and structures

2.2.1. Industrial buildings and boiler house structures must be kept in good condition, ensuring long-term reliable use for their intended purpose, compliance with sanitary and technical standards and occupational safety.

2.2.2. In buildings and structures of boiler houses, by the time they are put into operation, industrial sanitation facilities must be completed to the extent provided for by current standards (showers, changing rooms with lockers, medical center, ventilation and dust removal installations, etc.).

2.2.3. Monitoring the condition of structures and engineering equipment of buildings and structures should be carried out by conducting technical inspections twice a year (spring and autumn) to identify defects and damage, and then natural disasters or accidents - extraordinary inspections.

During the inspection, the causes of defects and damage are identified, the completeness and quality of the implementation of routine and major repairs is checked. The results of inspections are documented in acts or journal entries.

2.2.4. If deformations and other defects in the structures of buildings and equipment are discovered during the inspection, which can lead to a decrease in the load-bearing capacity and stability of structures or disruption of the normal operation of equipment, urgent measures must be taken to ensure the safe operation of the boiler room and prevent further development of deformations.

2.2.5. For each section of floors, based on design data, maximum loads must be determined and appropriate signs must be installed in visible places.

It is forbidden to punch holes and openings in building structures, move equipment and cargo without carrying out verification calculations confirming the admissibility of the work.

2.2.6. Building structures, foundations of equipment and structures must be protected from contact with mineral oils, steam and water.

2.2.7. Metal structures of buildings and structures must be protected from corrosion and systematic monitoring of the state of their protection must be established.

2.2.8. Painting of boiler rooms and equipment must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of industrial aesthetics. The insulation of pipelines that do not have a protective coating must be painted in accordance with GOST 14202. If there is a protective coating, marking rings and inscriptions must be applied to its surface in accordance with the rules of Gosgortekhnadzor.

2.2.9. During the first year of operation of the boiler house, observations of settlements of the foundations of buildings, structures and equipment of boiler houses must be organized at least once a month, in the second year - 2 times, in subsequent years - at least once every 5 years. When cracks and other defects appear in the foundations, an extraordinary inspection of the structures must be carried out to identify the causes and detected defects that must be immediately eliminated.

Observations of the settlement of foundations of buildings and structures erected on class 1 macroporous loams in subsequent years of operation must be carried out once every 3 months until the settlement is completely stabilized.

2.2.10. To monitor the settlement of the foundation of the most critical buildings and structures, it is necessary to lay benchmarks.

2.2.11. Monitoring of foundations of buildings and structures located in permafrost or seismic areas should be carried out in accordance with local regulations.

2.2.12. The roofs of buildings and structures should be cleared of debris and ash deposits in spring and autumn; The storm water drainage system must be cleaned periodically.

2.2.13. Chimneys of boiler rooms and gas ducts must be subjected to external inspection once a year and internal inspection once every 5 years.

2.2.14. Lightning protection of buildings and structures of boiler houses must be carried out in accordance with the "Instructions for lightning protection of buildings and structures" (RD 34.21.122-85).

Liquid and gaseous fuel must be grounded.

2.2.15. Installed lightning protection devices can be put into operation only after their acceptance by the technical commission with the participation of representatives of the design and installation organizations.

2.2.16. During operation, lightning protection devices must undergo routine inspections, and the most critical lightning protection elements (lightning rods, down conductors, connections, grounding conductors) must undergo periodic monitoring.

Inspections of lightning protection devices, as well as production preventive maintenance Based on the findings of these inspections, they should be carried out annually before the start of the thunderstorm period.

2.2.17. Capital and current repairs Boiler house buildings and structures are carried out according to annual calendar plans approved by the heads of energy enterprises.

2.2.18. Responsibility for the good condition and proper operation of industrial buildings and structures of the boiler house and the timely execution of current and major repairs lies with the head of the energy enterprise.


3.1. Transportation, storage and supply of fuel to boiler houses

3.1.1. The quality of all types of fuel supplied to boiler houses must comply with GOST standards and technical specifications for delivery.

Fuel supply contracts must specify:

For solid fuel- brand, ash content group, limit value of ash content and moisture content, volatile content, size class, absence of foreign inclusions in the fuel, in addition, for Kuznetsk coal - oxidation group, and for peat - minimum moisture value;

For liquid fuel- brand, flash point and maximum sulfur content;

for gaseous fuel - lower calorific value, gas density and maximum content of moisture, condensate, mechanical impurities and sulfur.

3.1.2. When entering the enterprise, spent on production and stored in warehouses and tanks, accounting of all fuel must be organized, which must ensure:

weighing of all solid fuel supplied by rail and road transport, or measuring or determining its quantity by the draft of ships when arriving by water transport;

weighing or measuring all supplied liquid fuel;

determination of the amount of all gaseous fuel burned using instruments; inventory of solid and liquid fuels;

periodic fuel quality control;

measuring wood fuel;

filing claims with suppliers when shortages or inadequate quality of fuel are detected.

3.1.3. Scales and other measuring devices and instruments used for fuel metering must be checked and adjusted according to a schedule approved by the management of the enterprise, and presented to state verifiers within the time limits established by Gosstandart.

3.1.4. The size of the territory of solid fuel warehouses must be sufficient to ensure separate storage of fuel in piles.

3.1.5. Solid fuel warehouses must have equipment for unloading fuel, placing it in piles, loading, weighing, ensuring fuel storage conditions (layer-by-layer compaction, control measurements of temperature in piles, etc.), performing work on sampling and cutting samples for chemical analysis, and also to determine the content of rocks and fines in fuel.

Fuel storage in the warehouse must be organized in accordance with the current “Instructions for the storage of fossil coal, oil shale and milled peat in open warehouses of power plants.”

3.1.6. Unloading fuel from cars, placing it in stacks (for self-igniting coals - layer-by-layer compaction) and supplying fuel to boiler rooms must be mechanized.

3.1.7. The mechanisms and equipment of fuel depots must be in working condition to ensure their nominal performance.

3.1.8. The operation of lifting cranes, bulldozers and other machines and mechanisms of fuel depots in the presence of cracks in critical areas of metal structures, faulty brakes, anti-theft devices, limit switches and distortion limiters is prohibited.

3.1.9. Backup mechanisms and equipment (conveyors, crushers, etc.) must operate alternately.

3.1.10. Devices for the preparation and transportation of solid fuel must ensure the supply of crushed and cleaned of foreign objects fuel to the boiler room.

3.1.11. Operation of equipment and fuel supply devices in the absence or failure of guarding and braking devices is prohibited.

3.1.12. Machines and mechanisms, equipment and devices for fuel storage and fuel supply are allowed for operation after inspection and testing, which are carried out with the participation of persons responsible for the operation of machines, mechanisms and supervision of them, at least once a year, regardless of the time of their operation.

Technical and repair maintenance of machines and mechanisms of fuel depots and fuel supply must be carried out according to schedules approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.

The scope and procedure of maintenance should be determined in accordance with the standard and local operating instructions.

3.1.13. In order to prevent an increase in the moisture content of fuel when storing it in a warehouse, for the construction of warehouses it is necessary to select non-flooded sites with a groundwater depth of at least 0.5 m from the surface of the site, and water must be drained from the sites on which coal stacks are located.

3.1.14. To prevent spontaneous combustion coal prohibited:

mix coals of different brands;

form stacks during rain, at high outside temperatures or when there is elevated temperature inside the coal dump;

arrange ventilation ducts or voids in stacks when stacking;

litter coal fuel stacks with debris, sawdust, peat and other flammable materials;

fill wooden poles of electric and telephone lines and other wooden structures with coal fuel.

3.1.15. In galleries and on overpasses of belt conveyors and fuel supply paths from the warehouse and in the underground part of unloading devices, the air temperature in the cold season must be maintained at least 10 ° C, and in the crushing device room - at least 15 ° C. Air temperature in above-ground parts unloading devices must be maintained at least 5° C. On conveyors for supplying fuel to a warehouse where there are no heating devices, frost-resistant tape must be used.

3.1.16. All types of coal and shale must be crushed into pieces up to 25 mm in size. In this case, the residue on the 25 mm sieve should not exceed 5%.

3.1.17. Before supplying fuel to crushers and mills, metal, chips and debris must be mechanically removed from it. On a running conveyor, metal catchers and chip catchers must be constantly turned on and interlocked with it.

3.1.18. The fuel supply path must ensure a uniform flow of fuel entering the conveyors, screens, crushers, chip and root catchers. Measures must be taken to prevent wet fuel from covering screens and crushers (heating, vibration, etc.). Devices that eliminate fuel hanging in bunkers and chutes (wall heating devices, vibrators, etc.) must be constantly ready for operation.

3.1.19. There should be no accumulation of dust on the building structures indoors and on the equipment of the fuel supply system. Fuel supply mechanisms must be carefully sealed and equipped with devices that ensure clean air in the room in accordance with sanitary standards. Cleaning of premises and equipment must be mechanized (by flushing with water or vacuum cleaners) and carried out according to an approved schedule.

3.1.20. When connecting and repairing conveyor belts, the use of metal parts is prohibited. Connecting ends and repairing conveyor belts is necessary by gluing and vulcanizing.

3.1.21. The raw fuel bunkers of the boiler room must be periodically (according to a schedule), but at least once every 10 days, completely emptied of adhering fuel for inspection and cleaning in compliance with safety regulations.

When the boiler room switches to long-term combustion of gas or fuel oil, the bunkers must be emptied.

3.1.22. The internal walls of reinforced concrete bunkers must be iron-plated and carefully smoothed. On inner surface bunkers and chutes should not have protruding parts (parts, structures, etc.). The internal corners of the bunkers, formed by its walls, must be overlapped by planes or rounded; the set of gate valves and disconnecting devices should not protrude inward and narrow the cross-section of the outlet of the hopper or chute.

3.1.23. Major repairs of fuel storage and fuel supply mechanisms must be carried out on schedule, but at least once every 3 years, and current repairs - on schedule.

3.1.24. Draining of fuel oil and cleaning of railway tanks at reception areas must be carried out in accordance with the charter railways within the time limits established by agreements with the railway administration.

3.1.25. All drainage equipment, pumps and pipelines must be grounded to remove static electricity generated when pumping fuel oil and to protect against lightning strikes. Protection must be carried out in accordance with the lightning protection design and installation guidelines.

3.1.26. Areas for drainage equipment must be concreted and have ditches to drain spilled fuel oil into traps.

Drain trays and removable sleeves must be kept in good condition and clean; upon completion of work, they must be put away in places protected from the sun and precipitation.

It is prohibited to discharge storm water and melt water from the territory of the fuel oil facility into the sewer system without preliminary treatment.

The content of petroleum products in waters discharged into public water bodies must be systematically monitored in accordance with the “Rules for the protection of surface waters from pollution by wastewater.”

3.1.27. When draining fuel oil, the steam lines of the receiving and draining device must have the following steam parameters: pressure 0.8-1.3 MPa (8-13 kgf/cm), temperature 200-250° C.

At the fuel oil discharge (in tanks, trays, receiving tanks and storage facilities), the fuel oil must be heated to the following temperature: for fuel oil grade M40-40-60°C, grade M100-60-80°C, grade M200-70-90°C. For sulfur fuel oils of grades M40 and M100, the heating temperature should be within 70-80 ° C.

Lower temperature values ​​should be accepted when pumping fuel with screw and gear pumps, higher temperatures - centrifugal pumps; For piston pumps, average temperatures should be taken.

When using a mixture of fuel oil of different grades, the heating temperature should be based on the heaviest fuel oil.

The maximum temperature of fuel oil in receiving tanks and tanks should be 15° C below the flash point of the fuel, but not higher than 90° C.

3.1.28. Internal inspection of tanks and receiving tanks with the elimination of identified deficiencies must be carried out on a schedule at least once every 5 years. If necessary, they are cleaned of bottom sediments.

3.1.29. Residues of liquid fuel removed during cleaning of tanks, trays, receiving containers, filters, fuel oil heaters and other devices are prohibited from being stored on the territory of the boiler room. They must be burned in boiler furnaces or specially designated areas.

3.1.30. It is prohibited to heat sulfurous fuel oil with live steam. Heating of fuel oil (except sulfurous fuel) with live steam is allowed if the tanks do not have the necessary devices for surface heating.

3.1.31. Fuel oil must be accepted together with a passport, which indicates the quality indicators of the fuel oil. When accepting fuel oil, samples must be taken to check the content of water and impurities according to the passport data. Data on temperature, method and duration of acceptance, quantity and quality of fuel oil are recorded in a log.

3.1.32. Fuel oil should be stored in metal and reinforced concrete tanks. Neck and other openings in tanks must always be tightly closed.

The equipment of reinforced concrete and metal tanks, as well as other fuel facilities, must be maintained in a condition that meets the requirements of SNiP II-P.Z-70 “Oil and petroleum products warehouses”.

Fuel is drained into tanks through nozzles under the upper level of fuel oil.

3.1.33. Calibration tables must be drawn up for all receiving tanks and liquid fuel storage tanks, which are updated after each overhaul tank, when its shape and volume change, after moving to a new location.

The tables are approved by the company's eye engineer.

3.1.34. There should be no unauthorized persons near unloading tanks. At least two people must participate in the work.

The hose into the tank must be lowered so that there is no falling jet of liquid fuel.

When working at a liquid fuel drain point, a tool must be used that does not produce a spark upon impact.

Reservoirs should only be filled and cleaned during daylight hours.

3.1.35. According to the approved schedule, the following should be carried out:

external inspection of fuel oil pipelines and fittings - at least once a year;

selective inspection of fittings - at least once every 4 years.

3.1.36. The viscosity of fuel oil supplied to the boiler room should not exceed: for mechanical and steam-mechanical nozzles - 2.5° VU (16 mm/s), for steam and rotary nozzles - 6° VU (44 mm/s).

3.1.37. Fuel filters must be cleaned (by steam blowing, manually or chemically) when their resistance increases by 50% compared to the initial (clean state) at the design load.

Burning the filter mesh during cleaning is prohibited.

Fuel oil heaters must be cleaned when their thermal power is reduced by 30% of the nominal value, but at least once a year.

3.1.38. Backup pumps, heaters and filters must be in good working order and in constant readiness for operation.

Checking the activation of the backup pump from the operation of automatic transfer transfer devices (ATS) must be carried out according to the approved schedule, but at least once a month.

3.1.39. When pipelines or equipment are taken out for repair, they must be reliably disconnected from the operating ones, drained and steamed.

In disconnected sections of fuel lines, steam or other “satellites” must be turned off

3.1.40. Before putting the fuel oil tank into operation after long-term storage in it, a fuel oil sample should be taken from the bottom layer (0.5 m) for moisture analysis and measures should be taken to prevent settled water and heavy fuel oil from entering the boiler room.

3.1.41. Gates and valves must be opened by hand. It is prohibited to use levers or impact tools to open them.

3.1.42. Tanks must be freed from fuel vapors by natural ventilation, and the steam line and wire of the steam hose must be grounded during steaming of the tank.

3.1.43. For lighting inside tanks, only explosion-proof battery-powered flashlights should be used, which must be turned on before entering the tank and turned off after leaving it.

3.1.44. Access for service personnel into tanks or equipment that may emit harmful gases or contain residues of substances that emit these gases is permitted only after the tank or equipment has been ventilated in the presence of the person responsible for this work at the place of work.

Cleaning of tanks must be carried out by a team of at least three people; two of them should work alternately inside the tank, and the third should observe from above and monitor the condition of each worker using a rescue signal rope tied to his life belt.

Before closing the hatches and manholes of the tank, the work manager is obliged to make sure that there are no workers in them and that there are no materials, tools, or special clothing left inside.

3.1.45. When repairing containers containing flammable materials, welding work can only be carried out after taking the necessary safety measures (preliminary washing hot water, caustic soda, steam blowing). Welding work must be carried out with open hatches and necks.

3.1.46. In pressure fuel oil pipelines of boiler houses equipped with mechanical nozzles, constant pressure must be maintained according to the design with a deviation of no more than 0.1 MPa (1 kgf/cm).

3.1.47. Cleaning of the fine filter should be done when its resistance increases by 50% compared to the initial resistance in the cleaned state under normal load.

3.1.48. Routine and major repairs of liquid fuel pumps must be carried out according to the approved schedule and within a time frame that meets the requirements of the manufacturer: routine repairs - at least once every 1.5 years, major repairs - at least once every 3 years.

3.1.49. According to the approved schedule, but at least once a week, the operation of the alarm for the maximum increase in pressure and increase in temperature and decrease in pressure of the fuel supplied to the boiler room for combustion, the correctness of the readings displayed on the control panel of remote level meters and instruments for measuring fuel temperature in tanks and receiving areas must be checked. containers.

The temperature of fuel oil in tanks can be controlled using mercury thermometers installed on the suction pipe of fuel pumps.

3.1.50. The operation of the gas facilities of boiler houses must be organized in accordance with the “Safety Rules in the Gas Industry” approved by Gosgortekhnadzor.

When operating a gas facility, the following must be ensured:

uninterrupted supply to the combustion burners of gas of the required pressure, cleared of foreign impurities and condensate, in an amount corresponding to the load of the boilers;

control of the quantity and quality of incoming gas;

safe operation of equipment, as well as safe maintenance and repair;

timely and high-quality maintenance and repair of equipment;

supervision of the technical condition of equipment and its safe operation.

3.1.51. Commissioning of the gas boiler house facilities is permitted if there is a certificate of acceptance of the facility, technological schemes gas pipelines, instructions and operational documentation for the safe use of gas, a plan for eliminating possible accidents, documents on training and testing the knowledge of engineering and technical workers and workers servicing the gas industry, as well as an order on the appointment of persons responsible for the gas industry.

3.1.52. For each gas pipeline and equipment of gas control points (GRP), a passport must be drawn up with basic data characterizing the gas pipeline, equipment, instrumentation and GRP premises.

The passport must also include information about the repair of gas pipelines and hydraulic fracturing equipment.

3.1.53. Boiler rooms must have a list of gas-hazardous work approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise and instructions defining the procedure for preparation and the safety of their implementation in relation to specific production conditions. All gas-hazardous work must be carried out according to the order, and commissioning, gas start-up, connection of gas pipelines, repair of the gas pipeline and equipment “under gas”, work in hydraulic fracturing using welding and gas cutting must be carried out according to the order and a special plan approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise. Persons who have the right to issue orders for hazardous gas work must be appointed by order of the enterprise. The list of gas hazardous work must be reviewed and approved at least once a year.

The work plan must indicate the strict sequence of work, the placement of people, responsible persons, the need for mechanisms and devices, and provide for measures to ensure maximum safety of work.

3.1.54. Fluctuations in gas pressure in the boiler room gas pipeline should not exceed the values ​​specified in the local instructions, but not higher than 10% of the operating pressure.

According to the schedule, but at least once a month, the operation of the maximum and minimum gas pressure alarm in the boiler room gas pipeline after the automatic pressure regulators should be checked.

3.1.55. Gas through the bypass line (bypass) is allowed to be supplied only for the time necessary to repair equipment and fittings, during the period when the gas pressure in front of gas control points or gas control units (GRU) is reduced to a value that does not ensure reliable operation of the pressure regulator. The work must be performed by a team of workers consisting of at least two people, one of whom is appointed senior.

3.1.56. When filling gas pipelines with gas, they must be purged until all air is displaced. The end of the purge should be determined by analysis or combustion of the samples taken, while the oxygen content in the gas should not exceed 1%, and the combustion of the gas should occur quietly, without popping.

When purging gas pipelines, the release of the gas-air mixture must be carried out in places where there is no possibility of it entering buildings, as well as ignition from any fire source.

When emptied of gas, gas pipelines must be purged with air until all gas is displaced. The end of the purge should be determined by analysis, and the residual gas content in the purge air should be no more than 1/5 of the lower flammability limit of the gas.

3.1.57. Inspection of the route of underground gas pipelines located on the territory of the boiler house must be carried out according to a schedule, but at least once every 2 days. In this case, gas pipeline wells must be checked for gas contamination, as well as other wells located at a distance of up to 15 m on both sides of the gas pipeline (telephone, water supply, district heating), collectors, basements of buildings and other premises in which gas accumulation is possible.

If gas is detected in any of these structures, wells, basements and other underground structures within a radius of 50 m from the gas pipeline must be additionally inspected.

Simultaneously with the ventilation of buildings and basements, gas leaks must be identified and eliminated.

3.1.58. To service underground gas pipelines, linemen must be issued route cards with assigned numbers. Each of them must indicate the layout of the gas pipeline route and its length, as well as underground utility wells and basements of buildings located at a distance of up to 15 m on both sides of the gas pipelines.

3.1.59. The presence of gas in basements, collectors, wells and other underground structures must be checked with an explosion-proof gas analyzer.

Analysis of air samples in the basements of buildings can be carried out directly in the basement using explosion-proof gas analyzers, and if they are not available, by taking an air sample from the basement and analyzing it outside the building.

When taking air samples from collectors, wells, basements and other underground structures, it is prohibited to go down into them.

When in the basement, as well as near wells, sewers and other underground structures, smoking and using open fire is prohibited.

3.1.60. Checking the density of underground gas pipelines and the condition of their insulation should be organized depending on the operating conditions of the gas pipelines according to the schedule, but at least once every 5 years using instruments without opening the soil. The inspection results must be entered into the gas pipeline passport and taken into account when assigning the types and timing of their repairs.

3.1.61. Inspection of all gas pipelines of the boiler room should be carried out once per shift, and checking the tightness of the connections of the gas pipeline and the fittings installed on it - once a day based on external signs of gas leakage (smell, sound) using a soap emulsion.

The use of open flames to detect gas leaks is prohibited.

3.1.62. External and internal inspections of hydraulic fracturing premises with sampling and analysis of air samples for gas contamination at a level of 0.25 m from the floor and 0.4 - 0.7 m from the ceiling should be carried out daily.

3.1.63. Maintenance gas equipment should be organized according to a schedule, but at least once a month. Scheduled repairs should be carried out at least once a year with disassembly of pressure regulators, safety valves, filters, unless other terms are indicated in the manufacturer’s passport.

The filter housing must be thoroughly cleaned after removing the filter cassette. Disassembly and cleaning of the cassette must be carried out outdoors.

The filter must also be cleaned when the permissible pressure drop has been reached, as specified in local regulations.

3.1.64. Checking the settings and operation of safety devices (shut-off and relief devices), as well as automatic control devices, must be carried out before starting the gas, after a long (more than 2 months) shutdown of the equipment, as well as during operation at least once every 2 months, if in the manufacturer’s instructions no other dates specified.

3.1.65. Repair of the installation of electrochemical protection of underground gas pipelines must be organized according to schedule, but at least once a year.

3.1.66. Gas pipelines must be drained regularly (according to schedule) through special fittings installed at the lowest points of the gas pipeline. Condensate must be collected in mobile containers and disposed of.

Discharging liquid removed from the gas pipeline into the sewer system is prohibited.

3.2. Steam and hot water boiler systems

3.2.1. The general procedure, sequence and conditions for performing basic technological operations that ensure trouble-free and environmentally friendly operation of steam and hot water boilers are established by production instructions approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise, taking into account the instructions of the manufacturers, "Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers", " Rules for the design and safe operation of steam boilers with a steam pressure of no more than 0.07 MPa (0.7 kgf/cm), hot water boilers and water heaters with a water heating temperature of no higher than 388 K (115° C)."

3.2.2. When operating boilers, the following must be provided:

reliability and safety of operation of main and auxiliary equipment;

the ability to achieve the nominal boiler performance, parameters and quality of steam and water;

economical operating mode established on the basis of tests and factory instructions;

adjustable load range defined for each type of boiler and type of fuel burned;

minimal environmental pollution.

3.2.3. Commissioning of newly installed boiler units, controlled by the state mining and technical supervision authorities, is permitted only after their registration and inspection in the manner prescribed by the “Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers”, “Safety Rules in the gas industry” and guidelines for the technical inspection of boiler houses.

Boiler units not under the control of Gosgortekhnadzor authorities are allowed for operation only after they have been registered and inspected by the enterprise administration.

3.2.4. The administration of an enterprise operating boilers controlled by Gosgortekhnadzor must carry out technical inspection of boilers at the intervals prescribed by the Rules of Gosgortekhnadzor.

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