Publishing house Academy electronic library. Access to books of the Electronic library system of the Educational and Publishing Center "Academy". Chief specialist of the department of vocational education

Company "Publishing Center "Academy" LLC", exhibition products, types of services

Educational literature (Aristov A.I. Metrology, standardization and certification); Educational literature (Balovnev V.I. Cars and tractors); Educational literature (Belozersky G. N. Radiation ecology); Educational literature (V. A. Vereshchaginya. Fundamentals of general cytology); Educational literature (Dmitriev V.V. Applied ecology); Educational literature (Dubnischeva T. Ya. Concepts modern natural science); Educational literature (Zharikova G. G. Microbiology of food products: Sanitation and hygiene); Educational literature (Zolotov Yu. A. History and methodology of analytical chemistry); Educational literature (Ippolitov E. G. Physical chemistry); Educational literature (Kolovsky M.Z. Theory of mechanisms and machines); Educational literature (Konichev A. S. Molecular biology); Educational literature (O. V. Lozhnichenko, Environmental chemistry); Educational literature (Mamontov S.G. Biology); Educational literature (Melekhova O.P. Biological control environment: Bioindication and biotesting); Educational literature (Moskalenko V.V. Electric drive); Educational literature (Summ B. D. Fundamentals of colloidal chemistry).

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"Publishing center "Academy" in the catalog

  • . / Publishing books, brochures, booklets and similar publications, including for the blind

Mira Avenue, 101vs1

m. Alekseevskaya, Academician Koroleva Street

Publishing Center Academy is a specialized multidisciplinary publishing house that produces educational and methodological literature for higher, secondary, primary vocational education, as well as for secondary (full) general education. The Academy publishes 1,000 book titles per year, 400 of which are new, with a total circulation of 3 million copies. These books make up a significant part of the new textbooks published in the country for higher, secondary and primary vocational educational institutions.

The publishing house employs over 300 qualified specialists. The publishing house cooperates directly with regional organizations education departments, large bookselling companies, bookstores, all types of educational institutions. More than 500 book trade structures are involved in the book distribution system of the publishing house. The Academy's portfolio includes books on the humanities, natural sciences and technical specialties. Traditionally, pedagogy and psychology, as well as philology, are strongly represented. The priority direction is new books on technical specialties, which today find themselves in the most difficult situation in terms of providing literature. The main goal of the publishing house is to work so that high-quality and necessary textbooks and manuals are published in a timely manner and are available to all students in Russia. To achieve this, the publishing house not only looks for the best Russian authors, but also translates some expensive but necessary foreign publications for students.

Vacancies "Academy, publishing center" in Moscow:

from 60,000 rub.

Chief specialist of the vocational education department


Work experience: from 3 to 6 years. Education: higher, preferably pedagogical. Experience in teaching or educational activities (additional vocational training, secondary vocational training, higher education) for at least 5 years. knowledge of the methodological foundations of the system...

from 75,000 rub.

HTML coder


Work experience: from 3 to 6 years. Professional level knowledge of HTML5, CSS3 Knowledge of Less, Sass, SCSS Knowledge of AngularJS, jQuery Knowledge of the principles of adaptive cross-browser layout and layout for mobile...

from 50,000 rub.


55,000 rub.

Leading specialist in the quality control and testing department


Work experience: from 3 to 6 years. Education: higher. Responsibilities: Manual functional testing of the company's information systems and digital products. Resolving issues related to technical errors, errors/typos in the content of digital products. Participation in...

from 50,000 rub.

Content specialist for electronic educational resources


Work experience: from 1 to 3 years. Education: higher, n/higher. Work experience: not required. PC confident user. Fluency in Microsoft Word and Excel. Knowledge of business principles...

from 50,000 rub.

Editor of technical literature


Work experience: from 3 to 6 years. Education: higher (specialized). Three years of experience working in a book publishing house (required). Experience working with technical literature (required). Working conditions: Salary: piecework. Registration according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, salary is white. Probation: 3 months. Opening hours: 5/2, 09:30 18:00; partly work from home. Reason for the vacancy: business expansion.

from 50,000 rub.

Access to books of the Electronic Library System of the Lan Publishing House

Access to the publication of the electronic library system of the KnoRus publishing house is open -

BOOK.RU is an electronic library system that presents more than 13,000 textbooks, teaching aid, monographs on various disciplines and specialties. Teachers and students have access to a number of features that make it easier to work with educational material: compiling individual reference lists, taking notes and reading on any device, interactive bookmarks and contextual search. Search, read, study! The most active users will receive awards and gifts from EBS BOOK.RU.

Edition available in EBS:

Gusev, V. G. Electronics and microprocessor technology: textbook / V. G. Gusev, Yu. M. Gusev. –6th ed., erased. - Moscow: KnoRus, 2016. – 798 p. - (Bachelor's degree).

Registration in the electronic library system is carried out in the library reading rooms.

Access to books of the Electronic Library System of the Urayt Publishing House

Access to books from the electronic publishing house "Urayt" is open.

After registration, students will be able to:

  • Prepare for classes from any PC and mobile device
  • Record the most important things with electronic bookmarks
  • Cite materials in written work
  • Participate in publishing events for students
  • Pass online testing to test knowledge and use media materials
  • Share links to relevant pages with classmates

For teachers :

  • A selection of textbooks on popular subjects
  • RPD templates and checking the relevance of links
  • Testing students' knowledge
  • Filling out applications and orders electronically
  • Weekly free webinars and master classes, schedule here:

Access to books of the Electronic Library System of the Educational and Publishing Center "Academy"

Access to publications of the Electronic Library of the Publishing Center "Academy" is open

To register in the ELS, you must obtain an access code in the library reading rooms.

Access to books of the ZNANIUM.COM Electronic Library System

Access to books of the Electronic Library System ZNANIUM.COM is open. Scientific publishing center INFRA-M.

Registration is carried out in the library reading rooms, after which reading books is possible from any external (home) computer.

Access to the National Electronic Library (NEL)

National Electronic Library (NEL)- this is a state information system, which brings together the digitized collections of Russian libraries, including the largest federal libraries: Russian State Library, Russian National Library, State Public Scientific and Technical Library, All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature, State Public Historical Library, Russian State Library of Arts, Russian State Children's Library, All-Russian patent and technical library (branch of the Federal Institute of Industrial Property).

The combined collections of the National Electronic Library number more than 4 million electronic copies of publications in various fields:
 Scientific and educational literature
 Sheet music editions
 Cartographic publications
 Patent documents
 Abstracts and dissertations
 Periodicals (newspapers, magazines, almanacs)
In the NEB you can familiarize yourself with thematic collections compiled by library experts on various historical events, personalities and current topics.

Use of the NEB is free for users and libraries.
The majority of the NEB collections consist of works that have passed into the public domain. These
works are available for viewing, downloading and copying without restrictions from anywhere.
The use of copyrighted works is limited in accordance with applicable
copyright legislation. Viewing of such works is possible only in
premises of libraries participating in the NEB project (Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy is a participant in the NEB project).

Registration of users on the NEB portal is not mandatory and is not a condition for access to
one or another electronic resource. Registered users receive at their disposal
“personal account”, in which they can use a set of functions that make work with
electronic resources more comfortable - bookmarks, personal collections, notes, quotes, history
search queries.