Cabbage types. Types of cabbage: photos, names of the best varieties and description of characteristics. Main varieties of cultivated cabbage

When choosing cabbage seeds or seedlings to grow on their plot, many gardeners give preference to the white cabbage variety. This limitation is more likely due to the disappointment experienced with the unsuccessful cultivation of other species.

Undoubtedly, each type of crop is endowed with its own advantages and characteristics of agricultural technology. The composition, although there are slight differences, is Each variety is rich in useful minerals and vitamins regardless of size and ripening period. In one garden bed you can grow cauliflower, broccoli and, for example, kohlrabi, thereby diversifying your menu and winter preparations.
In red-headed form the most large number vitamin C and carotene, and cauliflower is famous for its dietary qualities and wonderful delicate taste. It is especially useful to eat vegetables, which increase the body's resistance to radiation and unfavorable environmental conditions. Such healers include broccoli with small heads, which was previously considered exotic. Modern gardeners successfully grow a fairly unpretentious vegetable in their beds, collecting generous harvests from them.

The article describes brief characteristics only a small part existing species cabbage Before compiling an assortment for garden beds, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with brief description and methods of application.

Red cabbage, pure purple vitamin

It should rightly be called violet-headed. Externally, the red cabbage species is similar to the white cabbage one, however, the leaves have a red-violet color and are denser in structure. The composition also exceeds the content of valuable minerals and vitamins, their quantity. Leaves from the head can be plucked as early as June for preparing salads. The vegetable is consumed pickled and stewed, either as a stand-alone product or in combination with other ingredients.
The growing season of the red cabbage species lasts from 150 days, the average weight of the head is 1-3.5 kg. Among the main advantages:

  • cold resistance (young shoots can withstand frosts down to minus 5°C);
  • root system well developed;
  • the composition includes anthocyanin, which has a positive effect on human health (increases the elasticity of capillaries, regulates their permeability).

This type has only one drawback - it cannot be used for pickling.


True to its name: the fruits come in all the colors of the rainbow. A popular vegetable in the garden of many gardeners and an equally famous product among chefs. Vitamin bomb is eaten as an independent ingredient or in combination with other components. The growing process does not contain complex procedures and does not require much attention. You just have to follow the basic rules of agricultural technology.
The annual plant forms dense inflorescences weighing from 350 to 1500 kg. Soil fertility and growing conditions affect the taste of the fruit. Harvesting takes place 90-105 days after the sprouts appear (early ripening varieties).

A huge number of advantages are counteracted by the vegetable’s weak resistance to various diseases and pests.

Broccoli, characteristics

Broccoli, a source of vitamins

The vegetable is similar to cauliflower, but the inflorescences are rich green in color. The rich composition of proteins and vitamins has elevated this species to the category of popular crops. Cabbage delicacy that slows down aging, many gardeners are trying to cultivate on their plots. This is facilitated by unpretentious agricultural technology and cold resistance of cabbage; it does not lose its qualities when frozen to minus 7°C. Unlike other species, the crop is undemanding to soil fertility, but this does not mean that the plants do not need fertilizer; some kind of fertilizing is still needed. Regular watering is also necessary, especially when the heads are maturing.
Benefits of growing broccoli:

  • usefulness and nutritional value of the product;
  • the ability to diversify the menu;
  • low maintenance during cultivation;
  • vegetable exposed various types processing (stewing, salting, etc.).

The lack of agricultural technology features deprives the vegetable of disadvantages.


Savoy cabbage, drought tolerant

An ideal vegetable for growing in the middle zone. Savoy cabbage is drought-resistant and is not attractive to pests. The structure of the vegetable is similar to the white cabbage variety, however, the leaves are more tender and airy. They are easy to disassemble for preparing different dishes, you just need to pour boiling water over them. The composition contains a large number of valuable minerals and vitamins, exceeding the amount of other types.
The vegetative period of early varieties lasts 105-120 days, hence the low yield. The taste of the vegetable is very delicate due to the small amount of mustard oils in the composition and the absence of coarse fibers. Suitable for fresh consumption, stewed. The peculiarity of the species is its cold resistance, and during short frosts it retains its marketability and taste.
The downside is the short shelf life.

Savoy cabbage is not suitable for pickling. Varieties of this species do not differ in productivity in comparison with white cabbage varieties.

Kohlrabi, health variety

The chemical composition of kohlrabi is comparable to citrus crops, so the vegetable is very popular among chefs. Gardeners are less willing to use the crop for growing on their plots. And in vain, because the fruits have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, stabilize blood pressure, and cleanse the intestines of toxins.
The ripening period of early varieties is 65-80 days. The stem fruit reaches a weight of 220 grams, some varieties weigh over 2 kg. The short growing season allows for several harvests per season. The vegetable can be cultivated in open ground and in greenhouses. Plant care is generally similar to other types of cabbage. The crop is stored for a long time without any loss of valuable properties.

Brussels sprouts, small heads of cabbage

Brussels sprouts, delicacy

The rarest type of cabbage in our beds. The composition contains a whole storehouse of vitamins and microelements, exceeding the quantity of white cabbage varieties. A special feature of the vegetable is the presence of mustard oil, which is typical for radish. This component gives the product a nutty flavor.
The main advantage of cultivating the crop is the unpretentiousness of plants to the climate of the middle zone. The main disadvantage is the long growing season. When planting seeds in April, the harvest will only be obtained at the end of the warm season (ripening period is about 150 days). To speed up the process, it is recommended to grow vegetables through seedlings.

Beijing, not afraid of frost

In Russian vegetable growing, the cultivation of Chinese cabbage is only gaining momentum. The vegetable gained popularity thanks to its rich vitamin composition, interesting taste and high yield (900 centners are harvested from 1 hectare). The plant grows in conditions low temperatures, which is typical for the climate of the middle zone. The growing season lasts only 50-70 days, which gives opportunity to get 2-3 harvests per season. The crop can be grown both in open ground and in greenhouses all year round.
Benefits of cabbage:

  • composition rich in nutrients;
  • young shoots can withstand short-term frosts down to minus 7°C;
  • high productivity.

The culture is not without its disadvantages:

  • yield depends on soil fertility;
  • agricultural technology has not been fully studied;
  • the vegetable attracts the attention of pests and is vulnerable to diseases.

Chinese cabbage, Glass variety

You can sow seeds for seedlings and directly into open ground. Sowing work is carried out in April-May.

Marine, from the bottom of the sea

A product unique in its qualities and effects on the human body. The complex biochemical composition is distinguished primarily by the content of iodine, an essential substance for the thyroid gland. In addition to it, kelp is rich in vitamins B, C, folic acid, amino acids, pantothenic acid and other microelements. Essentially it is an algae that grows on the seabed. With any type of processing (pickling, drying), cabbage retains valuable properties. It can cause harm to health only if a person has increased sensitivity to iodine.

Chinese, source of longevity

In composition, Chinese cabbage is very similar to white cabbage, but differs significantly in appearance. The leaf formation of a vegetable without a head ovary is more reminiscent of lettuce leaves, but with a more saturated green color. Special value represents lysine, an amino acid that cleanses the body of toxins and other harmful substances.

Chinese cabbage bok choy strengthens the immune system

The vegetable is highly valued among the Chinese not only taste qualities, but also the ability to strengthen the immune system, which is necessary for longevity. Among the undeniable advantages:

  • harvesting as early as June, which is useful for replenishing vitamin deficiency in the body;
  • delicate leaf structure, can be used for baby food;
  • simple rules of agricultural technology.

There is only one minus - the large size of the stalk, which occupies almost half of the vegetable. But you can also use it for cooking.

Can be eaten fresh leaves, pickled, stewed and dried. After the onset of cold weather, the pots with the crop can be placed indoors and harvested until December.
An assortment of cabbage in the garden beds will provide an opportunity to enrich the body with beneficial microelements, strengthen the immune system and diversify the menu with delicious dishes.

Greetings to blog readers!

I want to tell you about different types of cabbage with photos and names. And with this article, begin a series of different articles about the many-sided cabbage lady. In them I want to talk in detail about each species - how to grow them, about their beneficial properties and maybe a few cooking recipes. We know about white cabbage, which is grown, probably, by everyone without exception. This is the most common cabbage. But there are many more different types of it. Today we’ll talk about

Different types of cabbage

  • Red cabbage
  • Colored
  • Broccoli
  • Savoy
  • Kohlrabi
  • Brussels
  • Beijing
  • Chinese

Red cabbage

It is very similar to its relative, white cabbage, but as the name suggests, it is a wonderful red cabbage. purple. It contains more vitamins than regular cabbage. Vitamin C is twice as much, and carotene is 4 times more. It also contains more minerals, sugars, protein and iodine.

You can pick leaves for salad as early as June, without waiting for the head of cabbage to be completely ripe.

And although many people are more accustomed to such cabbage in salads, fresh, it is good both stewed and pickled.

Red cabbage comes in early, medium and late varieties.

Red cabbage

I think this is a popular crop among gardeners. This is a wonderful dietary product. It is good both as an independent dish and assorted with other vegetables.

She has her own vagaries when growing. Cauliflower loves fertile soil and the heads need to be covered with leaves from the sun to keep them snow-white. Contains protein, mineral salts of potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins C, PP and group B.


She produces inflorescence heads green, but otherwise similar to cauliflower. This cabbage is rich in proteins and vitamins, and has healing and dietary properties. It contains a lot of vitamin C and methionine - it increases resistance to radiation and increases performance.

The composition of amino acids includes anti-sclerotic substances that prevent the aging of the body. This cabbage delicacy is quite easy to grow. It is unpretentious, can withstand frosts down to -7°C, the heads do not need to be shaded and does not require special fertility. Loves watering when the heads grow.

This vegetable is simply a storehouse of usefulness, easy to care for and prepare. You can boil, fry, marinate. The conclusion is simple - be sure to plant!

Cabbage - Broccoli

Savoy cabbage

This is an incredibly beautiful cabbage. Its leaves are curly and as if in air bubbles. The composition is much richer compared to white cabbage. Lots of protein, mineral salts, vitamin C, carotene, sugars. The taste and structure of the leaves are more delicate than that of ordinary cabbage.

Great for dietary nutrition. Good in salads, and great for cabbage rolls. Its leaves are easy to disassemble; just pour boiling water over the head of cabbage. It is grown in the same way as cabbage, but is resistant to drought and pests do not like it.

Savoy cabbage


This interesting cabbage forms a stem fruit. This is such a huge sweet stalk, the taste is more tender than turnips and radishes. Goes great in salads. This type is especially recommended for diabetics; it contains more vitamin C than lemon, a lot of potassium and calcium, fructose and glucose. The main thing is to cut off the heads in time and not allow the fibers to become coarse.

It is very unpretentious in cultivation. You can sow in open ground - it ripens in 2-2.5 months. Can be stored for a long time in suitable conditions.


The rarest cabbage in our gardens. It has small heads of cabbage, no more than 4-5 cm. And the growing period extends until October, when sown in April. But despite such shortcomings, it has great advantages.

Much more than white cabbage, it contains vitamins and amino acids, especially a lot of phosphorus. She keeps mustard oils like a radish. This explains the savory, nutty taste of Brussels sprouts, which is not at all like cabbage. Boiled heads of cabbage are a real delicacy.

Brussels sprouts

Chinese cabbage

In appearance and composition it is similar to cabbage and lettuce at the same time. It has loose, elongated heads of cabbage with tender, juicy leaves. It is eaten mainly in salads, fresh. She ripens quickly, in two months. It is better to sow early in April-May, so as not to go into arrows. You can grow through seedlings and sow directly into the ground.

Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage

This is an unusual kale. She doesn't have a head of cabbage. Contains many vitamins and minerals, its composition is similar to white cabbage. Contains lysine, an essential amino acid that cleanses the body of toxins and improves immunity. Considered a source of longevity.

Types of cabbage with photos, names and descriptions

There are many types of garden cabbage, some of them have subspecies, while the varietal diversity of the crop numbers in the hundreds.

Considering the types of cabbage, let's start with the most popular - white cabbage. It is light- and moisture-loving, does not tolerate acidic soil and excess organic matter. Withstands frosts down to minus two degrees Celsius.

Late varieties (Kamennaya Golova, Moskovskaya late-15, Amager, Kolobok, Kharkovskaya) are stored until spring and are good for pickling. Early and middle varieties (Iyunskaya, Transfer, Slava, Golden Hectare) are used fresh and for preparing various dishes.

Red cabbage

Cabbage leaves are dark purple in color. White veins are clearly visible on the sections. Red cabbage tolerates heat well and loves sun and moisture. When grown in the shade, the leaves lose their characteristic color and the heads of cabbage are poorly formed. Withstands temperatures down to 7 degrees Celsius.

The most popular varieties: Faberge, Mars MS, Rubin. Red cabbage is consumed mainly fresh, although it is suitable for heat treatment and pickling. Most varieties store well in winter.

Brussels sprouts or cabbage

This subspecies of cabbage produces a long stem, but which produces many small, bright green heads. Brussels sprouts are more drought-resistant than other types of cabbage, photos of which you will find in this article.

Frost resistance is high - up to minus 7 degrees Celsius. Does not tolerate dense plantings. It is classified as late-ripening - 150-180 days pass from germination to harvest. Varieties such as Hercules, Gornet, and Sapphire are common in the Russian Federation.

Cauliflower and its subspecies

Annual species cabbage At the top of the stem, multiple shoots with white or yellowish buds are formed, collected in dense inflorescences - they are used for food. Cauliflower can withstand temperatures down to minus 7 degrees Celsius, but does not set heads at temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius. Does not tolerate drought and heat well.

Productive varieties: Lateman, Coquette, Snowball, Snowball. For long storage Cauliflower is not good. They use it frozen, fried in batter, and pickled.

Broccoli or cabbage

As you can see in the photo, broccoli varieties are shaped like cauliflower. The inflorescences are predominantly green, but there are varieties with purple and white heads. Broccoli loves moderate watering and fertile soil. Cold-resistant.

Common varieties: Linda, Tonus, Caesar. Broccoli has a spicy taste. It does not last long, so it is often stored frozen.

Romanesco or Roman cabbage

This species is interesting for its delicate taste and decorative effect - the buds form pointed inflorescences in a spiral. Romanesco is used pickled or after freezing in salads and for decoration.

Kohlrabi cabbage

Types of cabbage and their characteristics differ in many ways. Kohlrabi forms a stem fruit with a dense, juicy core. Its peel is light green, yellowish or purple.

Kohlrabi is an early ripening species. During the season, it can produce two harvests, while its cold resistance is lower than that of other species. The best varieties: Delicacy, Giant, Povarikha, Vienna blue, Violetta.

Savoy cabbage

Forms loose heads of rich green color with curly, vesicular leaves. When grown, Savoy cabbage is resistant to drought and low temperatures. It is practically not affected by pests.

Popular varieties for central Russia: Moscow lacemaker, Petrovna, Zolotaya rannyaya, Nadya. Fresh savoy cabbage does not last long. It can be dried and used as an addition to salads and other dishes.

Chinese cabbage or salad

Salad cabbage can form a rosette of leaves or elongated, loose heads, depending on the variety. The plants are early ripening and can bear two harvests. When there is long daylight, it bolts, so it is planted early (in April), and when planted in summer, in the shade.

Common varieties: Cha-cha, Glass, Grenade, Kudesnitsa. The keeping quality of cabbage is good. Leaf varieties can be grown at home after frost.

Chinese cabbage

Similar to Beijing. It can also be formed in the form of a head of cabbage or a dense leaf rosette. The plant is unpretentious and grows well in poor soils. Cruciferous flea beetles love to eat Chinese cabbage, so you need to fight them in a timely manner.

There are many varieties of Chinese cabbage. The most famous: Chill, Swallow, Goluba, Coral, Yula. Used for making salads.


Cabbage, the types of which we are considering, can also be grown for decorative purposes, if we are talking about the leaf variety. The plants form a dense rosette of curly leaves of different colors. Some varieties are bicolor. Withstands up to minus 15 degrees Celsius. Can grow in shade.

Proven varieties: Tintoretto, Kale, Redbor, Reflex.

Bottom line

Having considered the types of cabbage, photos, names and their main characteristics, you can choose the most suitable one for growing on your site. A variety of vegetables will allow you to create unique beds, or decorate other plantings, making your garden not only useful, but also decorative.

One of the most favorite vegetables is cabbage. It is very useful for eating in any form. Many people love fresh salads, and some types of cabbage are better suited for pickling or pickling.

What makes this vegetable stand out? It contains many useful substances that increase immunity, participate in metabolic processes, create the necessary balance of vitamins and promote their absorption by the body.

To all this it should be added that cabbage itself has minimum quantity calories. It is often used in dietary nutrition for various diseases organs of the gastrointestinal tract and when losing weight. Different types cabbage has its own advantages and each of them is used depending on the methods of dietary programs.

For the first time this vegetable was noticed in the vastness of modern territories of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia in the distant 9th century AD. There were no varieties of varieties back then. They were produced in very limited quantities. To date, breeders have done a good job of creating hybrid cabbage species (see photo). There are also many natural varieties that have survived almost in their original form to this day and are successfully grown in garden beds and garden plots.

What makes cabbage unique is its large amount of vitamins K and U (about 7%). Their concentration in such quantities is not found in any vegetable. Cabbage also contains substances such as iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and lactic acid.

What types of cabbage (photos, names) exist?

The modern agricultural market offers quite wide range this vegetable. Among the varieties of cabbage, natural and hybrid varieties can be distinguished. All of them have qualitative properties, characteristic external distinctive features and principles of cultivation.

Almost all types of cabbage are biennial plants. In the first year, vegetative organs (heads of cabbage, stalks with leaves) are formed, and already in the second year, flowers, pods, flowering shoots, and seed material are fully formed. The exception is cauliflower.

What types of cabbage are there? There are 3 main types of cabbage:

  • Headed. It has a developed, expanded, apical bud of complex structure. It is based on a central rod in the form of a small head of cabbage, from which the fruit is formed. Cabbage is one of the most common. The entire fruit, except the head, is eaten.
  • Leafy. The leaves form the main fruit. They grow directly from the stem. They do not have a core base inside. This vegetable is completely consumed as food. Types of kale - Chinese, kale, Savoy, kohlrabi.
  • Colored. The head of this cabbage is formed by branching short flowering shoots, which consist of many dense formations in the form of an airy soufflé. The surface of this vegetable is uneven.

White cabbage

This vegetable contains a large amount of carotene, potassium, vitamins C and B, and fiber. Due to its composition, this type of cabbage is used as a medicinal product. The juice is especially healing and is used to treat stomach diseases and duodenum, and also a remedy is prepared from it to eliminate edematous processes.

Very useful when fermented. It contains a large amount of vitamin C. The peculiarity of this form is that this vitamin can be preserved in its original form for a long time and not be destroyed, unlike fresh. It is distinguished by high yields, hardness, and transportability.

It should be noted that this type of cabbage was first mentioned in the chronicles Ancient Egypt. At that time there were about 10 varieties. IN late XIX centuries, up to 30 species were known, and today hundreds of its varieties can be counted.

All varieties of white cabbage are divided into:

  • Early ripening. The growing season lasts only 55 days from the moment of planting in the soil. The most common varieties are the following: Iyulskaya, Gribovsky 147, Zarya F1, Kazachok F1, Transfer F1.
  • Mid-early. The growing season is 75 days. The best varieties: Golden Hectare, Stakhanovka 1513.
  • Mid-season. From planting to fruiting, 80 to 100 days pass. Varieties: Slava, Belorusskaya 455, Nadezhda.
  • Mid-late. The period of active growth is 105 days. Excellent varieties: Judge 146, Krasnodarskaya 1.
  • Late ripening. Ripen in 165 days. Some varieties can produce a full harvest in 180 days. The best and most popular are Amager 611, Moscow late, as well as hybrids Geneva, Aros, Crumont.

Red cabbage (types and varieties)

This species is very similar in appearance to the white cabbage. A distinctive feature is a rich lilac shade. Refers to a type of cabbage. This vegetable contains a complex of vitamins B (B1, B2, B6), C, PP, pantheic acid, fiber, carotene, iodine, iron, and mineral salts. A very important substance is cyanine, which helps strengthen the walls of capillaries, large and small blood vessels. It is definitely recommended for use for varicose veins, as well as for people suffering from cardiovascular pathologies. Very useful when eaten fresh. Growing red cabbage (see photo) does not require special care.

Types of red cabbage:

  • Early. They ripen 80 days after planting in the soil. The best varieties: Primero F1, Benefit F1, Vorox F1.
  • Average. The growing season lasts about 125 days. Varieties: Mars MS, Kalibos, Firebird, Rubin MS, Redma P3 F1, Garat F1, Rebecca F1.
  • Late. They ripen 160 days after planting the seedlings in the soil. Popular varieties: Juno, Geko, Lectro F1, Fuego F1, Rodima F1, Autoro F1, Regilius F1, Fuego F1.

Brussels sprouts

Also refers to cabbage. The basis of this cultivated plant is a long stem, on which small fruits in the form of small heads are abundantly located, reminiscent of miniatures of large heads of cabbage.

No different from other types of this vegetable. Thanks to the consumption of Brussels sprouts, the tone of work increases immune system body, brain function improves, and some processes of the nervous system are stimulated. It is very good when boiled, stewed or fried.

: Hercules (the most common late-ripening variety in Russia and Ukraine), mid-ripening varieties - Cassio and Zavitka (Czech Republic), Rosella and Rundef (Germany), mid-late Boxer F1 (Netherlands), mid-early Explorer F1 and Regatta F1, as well as early Dominic F1 ( Netherlands).

Savoy cabbage (see photo)

Refers to a type of cabbage. The shape resembles a white cabbage. Distinctive feature is a richer green hue and slightly ruffled leaves. The cabbage head is less tough and the leaves are much more tender. The composition includes protein and a high concentration of vitamin complex. According to this indicator, it is much higher than the white cabbage. Mainly used in dietary foods in the form of liquid first courses. There are also recipes for second courses. Savoy cabbage has a very pleasant aroma and a corresponding mild taste.

What types of cabbage are there (see photo)? Mostly, summer residents plant varieties such as Zolotaya rannyaya, Yubileynaya 2170, Mila 1; and hybrids - early Julius; mid-early Melissa and Sphere; later – Ovasa, Morama, Vetru 1340, Verosa.


This type of cabbage belongs to the leaf varieties. It has the shape of a stem, at the top of which an ovary of leaves is formed. Summer residents willingly introduce this vegetable into their garden landscape.

The composition contains a large amount of protein and vitamin C, as well as glucose and calcium. It is eaten in the form of a salad, or it is simply cut into pieces and eaten.

Types of cabbage Kohlrabi. Mainly grown early varieties Atena, Moravia, Violetta (Czech selection), Vienna White 1350, and hybrids Kossak, Sonata.


Refers to leaf species. It has a decorative leaf shape. , since it contains many minerals, a complex of vitamins, microelements and beneficial substances for the human body. It can be found in the gardens of summer residents only in some regions (mainly eastern and southeastern). It is eaten fresh. Doesn't last long.

Beijing (Chinese) cabbage

A very popular type of cabbage in the vastness of Central and Eastern Europe. Refers to leafy types of cabbage. The fruit has an oblong shape. The leaves are formed with a light, free stitch. At the base the leaves are denser, but towards the top they grow more freely. Very healthy vegetable. It contains many useful substances. The main advantage is that it can quite long time preserve vitamin C in its original form. This vegetable is used mainly in salads.

Types of Chinese cabbage:

  • Early varieties - Orange Mandarin, Khibinskaya, Russian Size, Cha-Cha.
  • Mid-season - Pomegranate, Kudesnitsa, Glass, Nika.
  • Zoned - Vesnyanka, Lastochka, Alyonushka, Lebedushka, Pava (Russian selection).
  • Hybrid varieties - Bilko, Manoko, Little Miracle, Tenderness, Hydra, Vorozheya, Knyazha.


The fruits have a delicate structure, excellent taste and a unique shape. The surface is uneven with many separate branches. As a rule, it is rich in protein, vitamins C, B, PP, A, mineral salts, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus. Loves careful care.

It is very important to remember that cauliflower leaves must be protected from the sun so that the fruit has its original shade. The color can be white, yellow, lilac.

They are eaten boiled, steamed, stewed or fried. Very tasty. Included in the diet when various diseases Gastrointestinal tract.

. Among the best varieties you should pay attention to:

  • Early varieties - Snow Heat, Express, Movir 74 F1.
  • Mid-season varieties- Flora Blanca, White Beauty.
  • Late varieties - Cortes F1, Amerigo F1.


This type of cabbage is a variety of cauliflower. A distinctive feature is the greener inflorescences. They develop in a peculiar way, at the end of the stems in the form of miniature lush balls. This is a very healthy vegetable. Its squeeze is used for the production of drugs, medicines, and cosmetics for skin care. It is also successfully used to create folk medicines.

It is also useful to eat this vegetable. It helps to cope with the manifestations of cardiovascular abnormalities, in stressful situations it helps to calm the nervous system, and is also used to eliminate oncological pathologies. It can be eaten in any form.

. The most useful and frequently grown varieties: Tonus, Broccoli F1, Linda, Lazar F1, Vitamina, Lucky F1, Curly Head, Arcadia F1, Gnome, Monterey F1, Caesar.

Types of cabbage, names, varieties. Video

Cabbage varieties for long-term storage, video

Belgian “dwarf” - this is how Brussels sprouts are lovingly called by their admirers (and you probably thought about Hercule Poirot?). And there is nothing offensive in this. Cabbage is actually small - the heads of cabbage barely reach 5 cm in diameter. And this type of cabbage was developed from leafy cabbage by farmers from Belgium. And Carl Linnaeus decided to perpetuate the work of vegetable growers, calling it Brussels sprouts. It was then that breeders from Turkey, the Czech Republic and Holland developed their own varieties based on the main variety.

The plantation on which Brussels sprouts grow looks interesting, the photo will clearly demonstrate this to you. The stem is up to 95 cm high and is topped with cabbage leaves. But they are not valued and used for food. Around the entire stem from the ground to the top, small cabbage heads are located on small cuttings. This is Brussels sprouts, carefully bred by the Belgians. From one bush you can remove 50, 70, or 90 heads of small cabbage.

The value of Brussels sprouts

Yes, Brussels sprouts are small, but their benefits are, however, incomparable to their size. One in cabbage contains from 85 to 120 mg for every 100 g, and this is more than in, and the same as in black currant. So we can’t be healthy by fruits alone; vegetables are also good helpers.

In addition to vitamin C, small heads of cabbage contain vitamins A and K, group and PP, vitamin E and. But that's not all. The amount of calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium contained in cabbage is enough to take care of our bones, internal organs, and nerves. These are macronutrients. Among trace elements, analysis can detect iodine and copper, iron and fluorine, molybdenum and manganese, cobalt and zinc. It’s amazing how the heads of cabbage with such a content of elements do not ring or become magnetic.

There is not much in cabbage, only 1 gram, the calorie content per 100 g of fruit is 28-40 kcal. And yet, Brussels sprouts are considered dietary products and help to lose extra pounds.

Useful properties of Brussels sprouts

Such small Brussels sprouts beneficial properties hers, however, are oh so great. The vegetable helps cure or alleviate many diseases. And this is not only intestinal peristalsis, that is, improved digestion - all cabbage relatives are famous for this quality.

Here is an approximate list of ailments that Brussels sprouts can help treat. Benefits and harms, I wonder if it has any advantages or only advantages:

  • anemia and diabetes;
  • coronary heart disease and insomnia;
  • tuberculosis and constipation;
  • bronchitis, tracheitis and other similar diseases;
  • atherosclerosis and asthma;
  • problems with the pancreas and urinary system.

Cabbage is useful for expectant mothers. Great content folic acid makes it invaluable for the little person growing inside - the baby develops better and without any deviations (if this is not a pathology).

And cabbage juice speeds up the healing of wounds and cuts, acting as an antiseptic. Sailors take dried or frozen heads of cabbage with them on long voyages as a remedy for scurvy and other inflammatory processes.

As it turns out, there are also contraindications. But they are associated with exacerbations of diseases.

So, with gastritis with increased acidity, exacerbation of ulcers or acute pain in the gastrointestinal tract, after operations on chest or abdominal cavity, immediately after a heart attack it is better to take care and stop eating cabbage for a while. People with thyroid problems should not eat it either - substances contained in cabbage cause disruption of the gland, interfere with the absorption of iodine and can even provoke hypothyroidism. This applies to all cruciferous products.

How to cook delicious Brussels sprouts?

Like any cabbage, Brussels sprouts do not like prolonged cooking. It is enough to boil the heads of cabbage for 4-7 minutes so that they retain their sweetish taste and elastic structure.

To ensure that the vegetables are cooked and crispy at the same time, you need to use one trick. In the beloved TV series “Kitchen,” local celebrity Rodion Sergeevich taught the novice chef Max the art of cooking al dente vegetables. After boiling, the vegetables are placed in a colander and immediately immersed in ice water. Try it, you will like it.

From cabbage you can already prepare the most different dishes. From vegetable risotto to vegetable casserole. Do you already have your Brussels sprouts peeled and washed? We post recipes for finger-licking dishes immediately.


This salad needs to be eaten before it gets cold. Although it is good in any form.

  • Fry about 100 grams of a mixture of any nuts (,) in a frying pan and cut into large pieces.
  • Melt a couple of large spoons of butter in a frying pan, squeeze out a clove and sprinkle with a pinch. Add salt to taste, pepper and mix.
  • You already know how to cook Brussels sprouts. Boil it. We need 500 grams.
  • Place the vegetable in a frying pan with aromatic nut oil and stir.
  • Place in a salad bowl and serve immediately. You can crumble the cheese on top and add a leaf.


For starters we have vegetable soup - light and tasty. After winter and before summer, the body needs unloading.

  • Take the leek and cut it. Leaves in stripes, the white part in thin rings.
  • Cut two washed and peeled into slices. Three potatoes - slices.
  • Pour 2 spoons into a saucepan vegetable oil and fry onion rings in it.
  • Add carrots to them and simmer for another 3 minutes in oil, stirring constantly.
  • Now you can add the potatoes and fry them for 5 minutes.
  • Pour one and a half liters of vegetable broth (you can use chicken broth if you want a rich soup) into a saucepan. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Wash 300-350 grams of Brussels sprouts and place in a saucepan. Add spices.
  • After 5-7 minutes turn off the soup.

If desired, add chopped greens and green onion strips to the soup, season with sour cream or natural yogurt and serve.


For the second course we will serve the most delicate casserole.

  • Boil one chicken breast.
  • Boil 200-250 grams of Brussels sprouts.
  • While the cabbage is cooking, chop 2 onions into rings or half rings and fry them in vegetable oil.
  • Transfer the finished cabbage to the onion and fry vigorously for another 5 minutes.
  • Cut the breast into cubes and simmer in a frying pan with cabbage for 8-10 minutes. Salt and pepper everything to taste.
  • Place the semi-finished product from the frying pan into a baking dish. Flatten, season with aromatic herbs, pour a glass of cream, sprinkle with cheese and place in a preheated oven (190 degrees).

In 20 minutes the casserole will be ready.

For dessert we serve fruit: orange or fruit salad.

Brussels sprouts. Growing and care

It’s not enough for us to have tomatoes and potatoes in our gardens; we want to grow something like that, experiment, feel like “Michurins”. So who's stopping?

For those who appreciate how good Brussels sprouts are, growing them on your own plot will not be difficult - anyone walking can handle the road.

Brussels sprouts prefer soil that is fertile and rich in calcium. Therefore, before hibernation It is worth fertilizing the area allocated for vegetables with ash or lime.

If there are no ready-made seedlings, you need to make them. If you sow seeds in cups of soil in April (if you have a greenhouse or greenhouse, you can do this there), then by May the seedlings should already appear. From mid-May until the first days of June, cabbage can be planted in the garden. The sprouts should be planted at a distance of at least 65-75 cm so that the upper leaves do not interfere with each other. There is no need to make a hill near the sprout, since the heads of cabbage will grow directly from the base of the stem.

The plant has not yet reached 25 cm in height, but the first heads of cabbage have already appeared under the upper leaves. And while the cabbage grows, small heads of cabbage also grow on the stem.

Heads of cabbage are collected as they ripen. The bottom rows ripen first. Medium-sized heads of cabbage are collected, very large specimens are bitter and no heat treatment can get rid of this.

Brussels sprouts love to drink. Therefore, it needs to be watered regularly, especially in dry summers. Although it is cunning, the root system is powerful and can survive in underground waters for some time. But this is a last resort.

Ripe heads of cabbage can be frozen. They can be stored in the refrigerator in a bag for a month, two or more.

For the winter, cabbage is dug up with roots (if not all heads of cabbage have been collected) and stored in the basement at above-zero temperatures or in greenhouses in boxes, sprinkled with moist soil.

Do you know?

Brussels sprouts are so popular in Belgium that only crystal sprouts are given as a prize to the creators of the most interesting and educational popular science programs.

I wonder if our crystals are also a prize for any achievements? Although rather for anti-achievement...