Is the OSB board toxic? OSB board: harmful to health and environmental friendliness of the material. Harmfulness is not confirmed

The time when exclusively natural materials were used to build housing is over. Brick, stone and wood are being replaced by new technological solutions that save money. Industrial materials are based on artificial components that can have a negative impact on health in pure form. Whether OSB boards are harmful to health is a heated debate on this issue.

Production technology

To understand how OSB can provide health impact person, requires knowledge of production technology. Special attention worth your time components future material. The use of one low-quality component spoils the product as a whole.

Production stages:

The main component of OSB boards is wood chips. This is an environmentally friendly component. The adhesive composition can be dangerous because it often contains formaldehyde resins.

Natural wood also can highlight permissible level of formaldehyde. Therefore, talking about the safety of fresh wood is a controversial issue. But since wood chips for OSB have been processed, they are considered safe.

Manufacturers who value their customers and reputation claim the safety of the material. According to them high quality OSB is achieved through endurance, and not through the power of the press. The press only gives the shape, and the chip material is bonded with resins over time. Since the binding period is long, formaldehyde has time to erode from the structure of the boards. The concentration of the substance drops, and it does not have a negative effect on human health.

Application: pros and cons

Material properties:

OSB is also used for the production of SIP panels:

  • The material is easy to process and easy to install.
  • Resistant to mechanical stress.
  • Relatively easily tolerates changes in temperature and humidity.

These properties, coupled with the low cost of the material and relative simplicity production lead to widespread use in construction. Recently, the material has become widespread not only in industrial construction, but also for housing.

Negative aspects of the material:

  • Direct contact with water causes the material to swell. Material from some manufacturers can increase in size by up to 25%.
  • It is difficult to carry out communications under the mounted sheets, as well as to change the insulation.
  • The material is fire hazardous due to its high resin content. Treatment with fire retardants slightly reduces this factor.
  • Susceptible to fungi and mold, rodents and beetles can also damage the slabs.
  • It costs more than gypsum board and chipboard sheets.

This is a small thing compared to the fact that, according to marketing research, potential buyers consider the material harmful to health and do not want to use it in construction.

Harmfulness of OSB

The production of slabs was first established in Canada more than 30 years ago. The technology then spread to North America and Europe. On post-Soviet space technological solutions were drawn from Western countries. For the most part, production is borrowed, but there are organizations that work on cheaper equipment. As a result, some stages fall out of the production process, which are removed or replaced with cheap ones.

Classification of OSB boards

Manufacturers mark OSB boards according to the European standard. Their classification is based on the formaldehyde content in the resin. Based on this, we can talk about the safety of the material.

Current marking:

  1. E 0.5. The permissible rate is no more than 4 mg per 100 g of dry slab. There should not be more than 0.08 mg/m3 present in the air.
  2. E1. No more than 8 mg. Concentration in the air - no more than 0.124 mg/m3.
  3. E2. Resin concentration up to 20 mg. There should not be more than 0.5 mg/m3 in the air.

The degree of environmental friendliness of the material

It would seem that if the use of OSB boards in construction is not prohibited in Western countries, they do not have an impact on human health. In the domestic market, not everything is clear - due to the following reasons:

  1. Manufacturers abroad strictly comply with environmental standards, but in the former USSR countries they often use cheap Asian materials containing harmful substances in quantities dangerous to humans. However, slabs made from such materials are popular due to their low cost.
  2. In the domestic market, small producers sin by failing to comply with production technology. You can reduce the amount of harmful substances as follows:
    • The layers of the slab are divided into external and internal. For the outer layer, natural resin is added to the chips, and for the inner layer, chemicals with additional components are added.
    • Production costs increase, but the harmful formaldehyde is sealed inside the slab.

The material by nature contains pores, whether it is polymers, paint or wood. Research into the direction of formaldehyde penetration through wood has not been carried out. This should be taken into account when choosing OSB.

Be vigilant when purchasing

Financial affairs have not been going well for domestic consumers lately. As a result, people try to purchase material at a low cost, but a low price may indicate poor quality of the material. It will contain formaldehyde in a significant amount, which clearly exceeds the permissible standards.

Therefore, when purchasing glued material, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. Presence of a pungent odor. Toxic glue gives off a sharp, unpleasant odor that goes into the nose.
  2. Availability of a certificate. Each seller must receive this document from the manufacturer. Sometimes the procedure may be voluntary, but a conscientious manufacturer will still provide documentation.
  3. Product labeling. Each sheet must be marked. On OSB boards technical specifications such: the indicator of harmfulness to humans is indicated at the end.
  4. Price. The low price of the material, as well as sale on a spontaneous market from an incomprehensible seller, will not provide any guarantees regarding quality or safety.

If something is suspicious, it is better not to purchase such material. Overpaying for quality product, the consumer protects his health. This is especially true for young children.

Actions after purchase

Lucky is the one who read the article before going to the store. These readers can think about their decision, weigh the pros and cons.

The release of formaldehyde does not continue indefinitely - eventually its concentration in the material drops to a safe level, even in material that was manufactured in violation of environmental standards. But to do this you will need to do the following:

  1. Ventilate the material before installation until the characteristic pungent odor disappears completely. The same must be done with the room if the installation has already been completed. Airing will take a little longer.
  2. The surface of the material must not be wetted with water. Because of this, formaldehyde is released more strongly - in proportion to the increase in humidity.
  3. The room temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.
  4. If clothes smell toxic, they should be washed thoroughly several times.

If you don't mind the money, you can buy an air purifier with a photocatalytic filter, or at least rent it for a week or two. Such a device is capable of neutralizing a toxic substance from the air in a short time.

To know for sure whether the installed OSB board is harmful to health, there is a proven and reliable method. You will need an aquarium with fish. It must be installed in a room with OSB material. If the concentration of formaldehyde in the air exceeds the permissible limit, then the fish will not survive.

Dieffenbachia is indoor flower, which is capable of absorbing toxic substances from the air. Its presence will help reduce the amount of formaldehyde.

Effects of formaldehyde on the body

Few consumers question the impact of formaldehyde on human health. However, the impact of poisonous gas on human health is serious. Phenol contained in the air has the following negative effects:

  • The carcinogen poisons all human organs.
  • Causes irritation on mucous membranes.
  • Causes disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Irritates the nervous system.

If, after moving to a new premises, residents began to complain of nausea, constant dizziness, and sluggish health, then it is worth checking the materials from which the interior of the rooms is made. Most likely, the reason is low-quality OSB boards.

The material should be treated with caution, especially cheap ones: in any case, it contains formaldehyde, which negatively affects health. The only question is the concentration - is it safe? However, by carefully selecting slabs, following advice on safe selection, you can purchase safe and high-quality material for construction that does not contain dangerous concentrations of formaldehyde.

No wonder in countries Western Europe And North America This material has become widespread due to its relatively low cost. However, it should be remembered that production control there is strict, and the domestic consumer has no choice but to be strict about the choice in the store.

Those who have already purchased this material should not be upset. The effects of formaldehyde can be eliminated by normal ventilation. This will take considerable time, but will save your health.

Some building materials are not as harmless as they seem at first glance. And we’re not just talking about toxic varnishes and paints - even boards made of pressed chips contain compounds that can harm human health. Is this true? Among numerous disputes and differing opinions, it is difficult to see the truth and figure out whether OSB boards are actually harmful to health.

What are OSB boards

Oriented particle boards (OSB or OSB) are a popular finishing material that is widely used in construction and renovation. They cover floors and walls, use them as a backing for linoleum, as a leveling coating for floors and partitions between rooms. OSB boards are even used for finishing - after varnishing they look original and unusual. How can they be harmful?

The very basis of OSB boards is wood shavings, which simply cannot harm human health, since wood is a completely environmentally friendly product. The fact is that glue, which contains resins, is used as a binding material for the chip component. To give the board strength, it is pressed at a high temperature of 200 C, as a result of which formaldehyde is released from the resin. But are they as harmful as some claim?

Harmfulness of formaldehyde

is a colorless gas with an unpleasant odor. If it enters the body in large quantities or if this substance is constantly inhaled over a long period of time, there is a risk of the following reactions:

  • a sharp impairment of visual acuity, up to its complete loss;
  • depressive states and causeless nervous disorders;
  • dizziness, spastic headaches and migraines;
  • allergic reactions, feeling of lack of air and asthmatic attacks.

Such symptoms can appear either abruptly or gradually - it all depends on how much formaldehyde enters the respiratory tract. One way or another, inhaling this gas in high concentrations is harmful and dangerous to health, especially for children, which is why it is so important to check the quality of the selected finishing materials.

Modern technology for the production of OSB boards

Responsible manufacturers who value their reputation claim that modern OSB boards are of high quality, since they do not gain strength by pressing the particle material after joining it with phenol-formaldehyde resins. Gaining the strength of a slab is a long process, it takes more than one month, and the substance that binds the chips is not so toxic.

Today, OSB sheets are not made from wood chip production waste, as was the case before. It is based on modified wood, and in terms of production cost, a high-quality product can be compared with the production of laminated veneer lumber.

The fact is that many people to this day mistakenly believe that the technology for manufacturing OSB boards was invented in order to compensate for the lack of finishing materials. In fact, particle boards were invented to save energy resources, and a truly high-quality certified product is very expensive.

In this case, we can say that the harmfulness of formaldehyde is exaggerated. After polymerization of the resins, the slab is tested with special instruments that do not detect harmful gases, subject to strict technological standards.

How to choose the most harmless product

In fact, as for OSB boards, you shouldn’t be so afraid of them. If you carefully study the composition of the finishing element and make sure of its quality, then there will be no harm to the body after their installation. Besides modern technologies for the production of boards are still different from those used in Soviet times for the production of chipboard sheets. By giving preference to materials made in accordance with European standards, you don’t have to worry about your health.

Preference should be given to slabs produced according to the European standard E1. Sheets with this marking contain only 8 mm of formaldehyde per 100 g of dry weight. Such an amount is unable to have a negative effect on a person. Domestic OSB contains up to 10 g of colorless gas, but this is not critical.

In the construction market you can see even less quality products. Boards manufactured to less stringent standards, such as E2. It is better to avoid such products, especially if you plan to arrange a children's room, since the formaldehyde content in them is 30 g or higher. But they can also be used for other purposes.

Checking the quality of the product is not difficult at all - just ask the seller for a certificate for the product. This document contains all the necessary information and indicates the standard according to which the slab was manufactured.

Which manufacturers should you prefer?

OSB boards made in China are considered the lowest quality. These products are the most harmful to health, as they are manufactured using simplified technology. Such boards are made of cheap materials, and the glue used to bind the chips contains highly toxic resins that emit phenols and formaldehydes that are harmful to humans. It's unfortunate, but Russian manufacturers slabs also often deviate from technology and the quality of their products leaves much to be desired.

If you believe the reviews, then among well-established companies producing OSB boards, the EGGER brand is considered one of the leaders. Its representatives claim that the emission of formaldehyde from the sheets they produce is so small that it is on a level with the natural release of this substance from wood, because it also exists in small quantities in natural materials.

How not to make a mistake when buying an OSB board

Of course, there are plenty of money-hungry charlatans now. Not everyone can vouch with a clear conscience for the quality of the products offered - there are many underground and cheap manufacturers. Recently, it has become popular among such irresponsible sellers to offer cheap and toxic materials under the guise of products. famous brands. How to protect yourself and buy a certified product from a serious company that sells building materials?

Unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers can be found at every step, so you need to be able to determine the quality of finishing materials yourself. Before purchasing you need to make sure of the following:

  • products have a quality certificate with original blue seals;
  • the product packaging is not damaged, serious manufacturers put markings on its surface and put information about the product inside;
  • OSB sheet should not have a pronounced smell of cheap plastic and chemical impurities.

If the product has passed such a test, then it does not pose any harm to health and you can safely use it for interior decoration.

When the goal is to purchase a product that will not cause harm to health, it is worth understanding that such products are unlikely to be found on the market. Even online you can come across scammers selling counterfeits. Only large construction supermarkets usually offer a sufficient number of certified products from trusted brands.

You may have to pay a little more, but no amount of money can buy health, especially since the pricing policy of the markets is already catching up with large retail stores.

How to protect yourself after purchasing low-quality products

When you plan to sheathe a garage or any outdoor space with OSB sheets, you should not worry about the harmfulness - if there is no heating devices harmful substances will practically not poison the air. As for the interior, the situation here is somewhat different, since a person spends much more time there. Formaldehyde will still be released, albeit in small quantities, so it is better to protect yourself and your loved ones from their influence as much as possible. It is enough to follow these recommendations:

  • paint the OSB board in several layers - this will stop the transport of gases from the stove to the room;
  • pasting the product with wallpaper or special paper;
  • finishing elements with tiles or ceramic tiles;
  • Puttying the surface of the slab and then covering it with wallpaper.

In order to make sure that the slabs are as harmless as possible, they can be exposed to fresh air by laying one on top of the other and placing bars under each. It is best to do this in the summer - then the slabs will heat up, and the lion's share of formaldehyde will be released from them even before installation. It is better to carry out such ventilation for at least two days, and after it you can safely install the sheets and not be afraid of hazardous gas entering the air, which can harm your health.

How dangerous is using OSB?

Dmitry Belkin

Is it possible to suppress the harmfulness of RSD?


Hello, I purchased OSB and want to build a small frame house, I thought it was an environmentally friendly material, now I’m not sure, the question is, are there any impregnations that compensate for this deficiency? And are they effective, if any?

Question asked 01/13/2012

Dear reader!

I’m really sorry that I scared you so much because OSB is not environmentally friendly. In fact, OSB, of course, is not very environmentally friendly, but when used in construction, this is not its biggest drawback. In general, I’ll be honest that modern building materials need to be approached precisely from the standpoint of their non-environmental friendliness, and not vice versa. This eco-friendly material is very difficult to find, and non-ecological ones are a dime a dozen!

Judge for yourself! OSB is not environmentally friendly, because the shavings almost stick together epoxy resin. Plywood, especially waterproof - the same thing - eco-friendly veneer is glued together with non-ecological adhesives. MDF is the same - wood dust mixed with glue.

Further more interesting. Laminate, the one for the floor, is not environmentally friendly for the same reason. Linoleum is generally deadly. Chipboard furniture is just real horror. By the way, have you noticed how unpleasant new office furniture smells? So here is a living example of its non-environmental friendliness! Not only is poisonous glue used, but it also emits radiation into the air. Synthetic wallpaper? Not eco-friendly! Synthetic putties? The same! In general, the vast majority of finishing materials are, to one degree or another, not environmentally friendly and harmful to health.

It gets even more interesting! We go outside. Exhaust gases are terribly unecological. Have you decided to light a fire? Environmental damage. Shall I smoke a cigarette? Generally deadly. But tell me, please, because it is common knowledge that bread made in factory conditions does not go stale for more than a week! Do you think it doesn’t go stale because of its special benefits for the body? I can give thousands of such examples!

What am I getting at? I'm not laughing at all! I am extremely serious and in general, I’m not used to joking so evilly with those who ask me questions! I simply mean that the non-environmental nature of your OSB will cause much less harm than a walk from the subway to your home, or a day at the office. And if you don’t go to work by metro, but use personal transport, then, believe me, any trip in a car seriously undermines your health.

So here's some good advice for you! Don't sweat the small stuff! Otherwise, you’ll ruin your health with unnecessary worry!

I would not like to leave questions unanswered or answer with allegories.

Here is the answer to your question.

In order to suppress the harmfulness of OSB, plywood, chipboard and other materials of this type, they are either painted, or pasted over, or first painted and then pasted over, or vice versa. The meaning of the action does not change. For example, office furniture is laminated with veneer. But she still stinks. But it fades over time. The right owner will always ventilate the item first before bringing it into the house!

If you want to use your OSB on the street side, then you do not need to glue or paint it (the slab). Are you still going to decorate the house with something? Fresh air all around again! But if you want to use OSB indoors, then, of course, it needs to be somehow more carefully protected. This can be done with putty, paint and good wallpaper. Ceramic tiles By the way, it’s good to paste it over. If the tile is not radioactive, then it is an ideal, and most importantly, environmentally friendly material. In terms of environmental friendliness, it can only be compared with clapboard. I don’t know, however, how environmentally friendly tile adhesives and grout are.

Variety of building materials modern market can satisfy any request. If the product is made of wood or other natural material, then questions about environmental safety for humans do not arise at all. But why then are buyers so wary of such a material as OSB board, its health hazards and characteristics, which we propose to consider in this article.

OSB what is it, decoding

Orient Strand Board - or the abbreviation OSB (read as OSB) - is a particle board material made from special types of wood that has super-strong characteristics due to the specific arrangement of these very chips. The environmental friendliness of wood is beyond doubt, but almost 20% of the OSB structure is an adhesive substrate consisting of formaldehyde.

Advantages of OSB

There are quite a lot of advantages of OSB material:

  1. A wall made of OSB boards, like other structures made of OSB, can be assembled with your own hands several times faster and easier than from other building materials;
  2. The wear resistance of OSB floor boards goes back decades of use, if you take care in advance to neutralize the biological threat (surface treatment with special protective reagents);
  3. Based on the weight of OSB boards, they are classified as lightweight building materials, i.e. leveling the floor or walls with their help will not create additional weight load on load-bearing structures Houses;
  4. High sound and thermal insulation.

Disadvantages of OSB

Formaldehyde is a substance obtained from the oxidation of methanol (wood, methyl alcohol + a number of particularly toxic chemical elements). In terms of structure, formaldehyde is a gas, and in terms of chemical activity, it belongs to the group of active elements that react with almost all elements of the chemical table.

The characteristics of formaldehyde allow it to be included in production:

  1. Medical and cosmetic preparations (as an excellent antiseptic);
  2. In the leather, woodworking, agricultural, furniture, chemical and even food (E240) industries.

Based on these data alone, we can conclude that the harm to human health when using formaldehyde resins is minimal. So why is there a debate about environmental dangerous use OSB building materials?

Dimensions and thickness of OSB sheet

Masters of primary and secondary construction have specific requests for the characteristics of building materials: i.e. thickness, length, width, weight, as well as moisture resistance, strength and a number of other indicators are selected according to their intended purpose.

What is on the market for OSB boards:

  1. OSB-1 - this marking is placed on the thinnest types of sheets (up to 9 mm). They are used for temporary construction, the manufacture of packaging boxes, as flooring under laminate flooring in the interior, etc.;
  2. OSB-2 is designed for indoor use. The thickness of such sheets is 9 – 12 mm. The board under this marking is not treated with moisture-resistant mixtures and is recommended only for rooms with a humidity of no more than 60%.
  3. OSB-3 – these boards are the same in size as the previous type (9 – 12mm), but the moisture resistance is much higher. Such characteristics allow this particular type to be effectively used for external construction and finishing work (roofing, attic floors, external/internal walls and floors of the house, etc.);
  4. OSB-4 is the most strengthened and moisture-inert type of material. The thickness can be different (9, 12 more than a millimeter). The main supporting structures of the house are built from these slabs.

Regardless of the marking of the type and size of the sheet (8, 9, 12, 15 mm), the dimensions of the length and width of the surface are always the same: 1250 X 2500 mm.

Where and how to properly use OSB boards (OSB)

Certificates and norms

The production of OSB building boards has been put on stream and global manufacturers guarantee the eco-safety of this material. What is the guarantee? Numerous sanitary and epidemiological tests, based on the results of which certificates of product quality are issued and its production is permitted.

According to the European standard DIN EN120, the amount of formaldehyde and other toxic substances should not exceed 30 mg per 100 grams of dry matter (standard E3). If a product receives the eco-safety category E0, then it is absolutely harmless to human health and environment. Actually, formaldehyde compounds are present in both water and air, but, due to their tiny amount there, no one suffers from poisoning.

Does it make a difference who produces?

The largest European and domestic manufacturers are improving their products to meet global eco-safety standards.

Today, brands such as Glunz (Germany), Norbord (Canada), Egger (Austria) produce OSB boards under the E0-E1 classification. These products are approved for renovation even in children's rooms, bedrooms, hospitals, etc. You can easily build an entire house from OSB boards from the above mentioned manufacturers.

Marking E2-E3 (leaders Kronospan (Germany), Kronopol (Poland) indicates that such OSB plywood boards should be used only for external repairs in non-residential premises, attics, etc.

Impact on the body

Repeated chemical and bacteriological studies of the effect of formaldehyde resins from OSB boards on human physiology have shown disappointing results:

  1. The damage is especially severe for nervous system(depressive states, high degree of irritation, headaches, convulsions, etc.);
  2. All symptoms of poisoning are observed in the food system (nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite). When up to 90 ml of solution enters the body, death occurs;
  3. You can lose your vision 100% if you are in a room with a high content of formaldehyde;
  4. Inhaling formaldehyde resins is extremely dangerous for the respiratory system (even to the point of stopping breathing);
  5. Strong influence on reproductive functions, human gene pool, etc.

All these symptoms are observed at significant (above normal) concentrations of formaldehyde. And if the dose is up to 0.05 ml/l (or 0.5 mg/m3), then there is no danger to the human body.

How to check quality

Buyers often do not know the basic rules for testing building materials for eco-safety.

  1. Poisonous formaldehyde resins have a strong, specific odor. When purchasing, you just need to smell the material and if a sharp, nasty smell hits your nose, choose another product.
  2. No one is any longer perplexed when a buyer demands copies of quality certificates from sellers. These copies must be certified with the blue wet seal of the manufacturer.
  3. Product labeling with a clear indication of the tolerance category is also on the packaging. This is a European standard of service.

How to protect yourself from toxic fumes

In order to efficiently and reliably protect your home and the health of everyone living in it from toxic fumes of formaldehyde, you should:

  1. Carefully and thoughtfully approach the choice of building materials (for OSB boards, be sure to take into account the properties of each type);
  2. Require all permits and certificates for purchase from the seller;
  3. A primer for OSB boards is considered a way to protect against harmful fumes, as well as to preserve wood from fungi, mold, and moisture.

Construction frame house. Rules for installing OSB boards

The technology of construction from SIP panels is widespread throughout the world. It has been used in our country for more than 10 years. But despite the long service life, there is some mistrust of the material, especially OSB-3 boards. These boards are covered with polystyrene foam () inside and outside, so it is important that they are environmentally friendly. That's why many people are interested in whether OSB boards are harmful to health. SIP panels and OSB boards have been used for a long time, and for the same amount of time the influence of these materials on human health has been studied all over the world.

Harm of OSB-3 (OSB-3) to health: truth or myth?

It is worth mentioning that OSB-3 boards were developed precisely as building material for residential buildings. In the USA, residential buildings, office buildings, children's and medical institutions, and sports facilities have been built using OSB-3 for almost 40 years.

In the USA, where great attention is paid to environmental friendliness and the impact of materials on human health, the negative impact of SIP has not been identified over such a long service life. Photo examples of buildings using SIP technology on the website of the American SIP Construction Association (SIPA).

Examples of houses using OSB-3 in the USA

In our country, some people confuse OSB boards with chipboard boards, common in the USSR, in which wood chips were combined with phenol-formaldehyde resins, which were really harmful to health. But modern chipboard is made using new technology, it corresponds to class E1 - the highest in terms of environmental safety. And for the manufacture of OSB-3 boards, much less binders are required, which indicates even greater environmental friendliness and safety of this material. At the same time, the production of OSB-3 is a modern process. OSB-3 boards are not wood processing waste, but modified wood. The technology for their production is similar in cost and process to the creation of plywood or laminated veneer lumber.

SIP technology was invented not because of a lack of building materials, but to make construction energy efficient. It was invented in developed countries, not in the third world. Certified production of OSB-3 boards is very expensive (~100 million euros).

The resins that are used when pressing wood chips to make OSB-3 contain hardeners and fillers. All components do not harden immediately; the slab becomes dense not during pressing, but upon completion of the resin polymerization process - this takes several months. After polymerization is completed, formaldehyde emission is not detected by existing measuring instruments(Egger company). The American Association of SIP Panels states that OSB emit no more than 0.1 ppm, that is, parts per million. This is an extremely low level - much lower than what is allowed in residential construction. Formaldehyde emission classes: E1 (up to 0.1 ppm), E2 (up to 1.0 ppm), E3 (up to 2.3 ppm). From E1 class materials you can not only build houses, but also make children's furniture. For example, ordinary plywood belongs to class E2.

The danger of formaldehyde itself is often exaggerated. This substance is found not only in artificially created materials, but also in natural ones. Formaldehyde is released even from wood. The tree just radiates it minimum quantity, this is recognized even without special research. But artificially created materials are tested for formaldehyde emissions. Formaldehyde is dangerous in high concentrations, and OSB-3 releases the same amount of it as wood. These two materials are in the same environmental safety class. The health risks of OSB-3 are the same as those from wood.

The German OSB manufacturer EGGER states that formaldehyde emissions from the boards it produces do not exceed 0.03 ppm, which can correspond to class E0. True, such a class does not officially exist - it is an advertising ploy. But despite this, the environmental friendliness of EGGER OSB is maximum.

We offer SIP panels made of OSB-3 EGGER E0 made in Germany, OSB-3 KALEVALA made in Russia E1, OSB-3 Glunz made in Germany E0 and Greenboard GB3 made in Russia E1. These panels can be used for housing construction. They are not harmful to health and do not have any effect on the human condition.

Use of OSB in the world

On the Internet you can find statements that OSB-3 is prohibited for the construction of residential buildings in Europe. This is not true. OSB-3's environmental friendliness and health safety are confirmed by its widespread use in European countries. OSB-3 is used most in Germany (15.8% of the total European volume), and is used for both exterior and interior decoration. It is also widely used in Germany - it is the most actively used insulation in the country. The second most widespread OSB and SIP technology country is France. So all statements about a ban on the use of OSB in Western countries are unfounded.

Examples of buildings using OSB in the world

So, OSB-3 is an environmentally friendly building material that does not harm human health. It can be used for housing construction, which has been done successfully for several decades in developed countries.

And finally - photos from the ecology conference in Paris in 2015