Job description for the head of the design materials department. Job description for the head of a department (section) of a trade enterprise. Job description for the head of the library service department

Job description head of department

I. General provisions
1. The head of a section of a retail facility (store, pavilion) belongs to the category of managers.
2. A person with a higher education degree is appointed to the position of head of a section (department) of a retail facility. special education and work experience in the specialty of at least 3 years.
3. Appointment to a position and dismissal from it are made by order
director of the enterprise upon presentation (manager of a retail facility; other official)
4. The head of a section (department) of a retail facility must know:
4.1. Resolutions, instructions, orders, other governing and regulatory documents of higher and other bodies regulating the procedure for carrying out trading activities.
4.2. The operating procedure of the retail facility.
4.3. Rules for trading certain groups of goods, rules for preparing goods for sale.
4.4. Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights".
4.5. Standards and technical specifications for goods, their main properties and quality characteristics.
4.6. Methods for accounting for goods and calculating the need for them.
4.7. Assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of goods, rules for decoding articles and labeling of goods.
4.8. Warranty periods for the use of goods and rules for their exchange.
4.9. Product size scales and rules for their determination, basic requirements of standards and technical specifications requirements for the quality of goods, packaging and their labeling.
4.10. Types of marriage and rules of marriage.
4.11. Progressive forms and methods of customer service.
4.12. Forms of accounting documents and reporting procedures.
4.13. Current price tags.
4.14. Labor legislation.
4.15. Internal labor regulations.
4.16. Rules and regulations of occupational health, safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
5. The head of a section (department) of a retail facility reports directly to the manager of the retail facility.
6. During the absence of the head of a section (department) of a retail facility (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job responsibilities
Head of section of a retail facility:
1. Determines the goals and objectives related to the conduct of retail trade and sets them for the employees of the section (department).
2. Organizes, plans and coordinates the activities of the section (department) aimed at reducing the time and costs of conducting trade operations and improving the quality of trade services.
3. Plans and organizes direct trade.
4. Ensures that the section (department) has the necessary documents and information about goods.
5. Ensures that the section (department) has measuring instruments and is maintained in good condition commercial equipment, trade inventory in good condition.
6. Compiles and submits to the warehouse of the retail facility applications for the supply of goods to the section (department).
7. Ensures timely implementation of sales plans.
8. Controls the effective use of material, financial, technical and labor resources in the process of work.
9. Develops and implements measures to reduce trade costs.
10. Analyzes the results of trading activities and presents data to the management of the organization.
11. Monitors the quality of trade services.
12. Ensures the organization of accounting, preparation and timely submission of reports on trading activities.
13. Develops and implements measures to improve the organization and conduct of trade, improve the quality of trade services.
14. Organizes work with personnel, carries out their selection and placement, control over their rational use and improvement of professional skills.
15. Manages the employees of the section (department).
16. Monitors compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection and safety measures when conducting trading activities of the section (department).
17. Performs related duties.

III. Rights
The head of a section (department) of a retail facility has the right:
1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the director of the organization, the head of the trade object, concerning the activities of the section (department).
2. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the work performed by him job responsibilities.
3. Submit proposals for improving the activities of the organization’s section (department) for consideration by the director of the organization, the head of the retail facility.
4. Interact with the heads of all (individual) structural divisions of the organization.
5. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.
6. Make proposals to reward distinguished employees and impose penalties on violators of production and labor discipline.
7. Request from the director of the organization of the manager of the retail facility to provide assistance in the performance of his official duties and rights.

IV. Responsibility
The head of a section (department) of a retail facility is responsible for:
1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s job duties provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation Russian Federation.
2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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Preface to the job description

0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General provisions

1.2. Qualification requirements - full or basic higher education relevant field of study (master, specialist or bachelor). Postgraduate education in management. Work experience in the profession: for a master's degree, specialist - at least 2 years; bachelor's degree - 3 years.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- current legislation in the field of culture;
- regulatory and guidance materials on the work of museums;
- basics of museology;
- methodology for conducting excursion-lecture work and other scientific and educational events;
- topics of museum exhibitions, topics of excursions, lectures;
- advanced experience of scientific and educational work of domestic and foreign museums;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection;
- internal labor regulations.

1.7. During absence, the head of the advertising, press, and information department is replaced by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Provides leadership and responsibility for organization and planning publishing activities museum.

2.2. Provides the issuance of catalogues, booklets, guidebooks and other promotional products, thematic collections scientific works, information from the museum’s experience, etc.

2.3. Liaises with publishing houses and printing houses.

2.4. Ensures rational placement of department (sector) employees.

2.5. Promotes the development of creative initiative of employees and improves their qualifications, monitors compliance by department (sector) employees with rules and regulations of labor protection, industrial sanitation, fire protection, and internal labor regulations.

2.6. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.7. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environment, complies with the standards, methods and techniques of safe work performance.

3. Rights

4. Responsibility

4.4. The head of the advertising, press, information department is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of internal requirements regulatory documents organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. The head of the advertising, press, information department is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. The head of the advertising, press, information department is responsible for causing material damage to the organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.


Head of the city of Kosterevo


Head of the organizational department of the administration

town of Kosterevo, Petushinsky district, Vladimir region

1. General provisions

1.1. The head of the organizational department (hereinafter referred to as the head of the department) is appointed to the position and dismissed from his position by the head of the city of Kosterevo.

1.2. The head of the department is a municipal employee, in his work he reports to the head of the city of Kosterevo.

1.3. The head of the department must have a higher education degree vocational education and at least six years of experience in the municipal and (or) state civil service or at least seven years of work experience in the specialty.

1.4. In his activities, the head of the department is guided by: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Laws, Laws of the Vladimir Region, Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, Government Resolutions, decisions of the Council of People's Deputies of the city of Kosterevo, resolutions and orders of the Governor of the Vladimir Region, resolutions and orders of the head of the city of Kosterevo, the Charter municipality“City of Kosterevo”, other regulations, this instruction.

1.5. The head of the organizational department must know:

Legislation on municipal service of the Russian Federation and the Vladimir region; Charter of the Vladimir region and municipal municipality "City of Kosterevo"; Regulations on the department; internal labor regulations; rules for working with documents in the administration of the city of Kosterevo; the procedure for working with information constituting a state or other secret protected by Federal Laws; labor protection and fire protection standards; other norms and rules necessary for the performance of official duties.

1.5.1. The head of the organizational department must additionally know:

Fundamentals of law, economics, socio-political aspects of the development of society;

Documents defining the prospects for the development of the Russian Federation, the Vladimir region and the corresponding municipal formations according to their profile of activity;

Fundamentals of state and municipal management;

The procedure for preparation, coordination and adoption of municipal legal acts;

Fundamentals of personnel management;

1.6. The head of the organizational department must have the skills:

On organizing personal work and planning working hours;

Proficient in office equipment and communications;

Possession of modern means, methods and technologies for working with information and documents;

Proficiency in the official business style of the modern Russian language;

Labor protection;

Other skills required to perform job duties.

1.7. The head of the department must have additional skills:

Organizational and administrative activities, planning, interaction, coordination and control of activities;

A systematic approach to solving assigned problems;

Making management decisions and monitoring their implementation;

Forecasting the consequences of decisions made;

Analysis and synthesis of information, presentation of its results;

Conducting seminars, meetings, public hearings and motivating the behavior of subordinate employees, forming effective interaction in the team;

Management of subordinate employees, which consists of the ability to determine long-term and current goals and objectives of the unit’s activities; distribute responsibilities among municipal employees; accept constructive decisions and take responsibility for their implementation; optimally use the potential capabilities of subordinate employees, technical capabilities and resources to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of official activities;

Official interaction with authorities state power regions and authorities local government.

2. Main tasks.

2.1. Organizational support for the activities of the Kosterevo city administration.

2.2. Ensuring interaction between the administration of the city of Kosterevo and the administration of the Vladimir region, the Legislative Assembly of the Vladimir region, the administration of the Petushinsky district, and the Council of People's Deputies of the city of Kosterevo.

2.3.Organization of work on the implementation of federal, regional and local legislation on issues of municipal service.

2.4.Organization of work on certification of municipal employees of the city administration.

2.5.Organization of work with citizens’ appeals.

2.6. Organization of personnel work.


The head of the organizational department performs the following functions:

3.1. Manages the activities of the organizational department, ensures the solution of the tasks assigned to it.

3.2. Develops draft resolutions and orders of the mayor on issues within his competence.

3.3. Organizes office work and monitors the organization of office work in the city administration in accordance with the requirements of office work instructions.

3.4. Compiles a list of affairs for the administration of the city of Kosterevo.

3.5. Assures citizens of copies of decrees and orders of the mayor concerning their rights.

3.6. Organizes the preparation of meetings and conferences held by the mayor of the city.

3.7. Interacts with the Council of People's Deputies of the city of Kosterevo.

3.8. Prepares proposals for the regulations of the city administration and monitors their implementation.

3.9. Carries out personnel work in the city administration.

3.9.1 Is an authorized person to work with information on income, property and property-related obligations of persons holding municipal positions, positions of the municipal service of the municipal formation “City of Kosterevo” and members of their families.

3.9.2 Receives, stores and transmits the information specified in clause 3.9.1 to the commission on compliance with the requirements for official conduct of municipal employees in local government bodies of the city of Kosterevo, Petushinsky district, Vladimir region and the resolution of conflicts of interest for the organization and implementation of verification of their accuracy.

3.10. Makes proposals on the procedure for hiring in the city administration, participates in organizing and conducting competitions for filling vacant municipal positions, certification, and passing of municipal employees probationary period.

3.11. Organizes work with citizens' appeals, studies letters and statements from citizens, after their consideration by the head of the city, sends them to executors for taking action and organizing verification of the stated facts, monitors the timing and correctness of consideration of applications, letters and complaints. At least once a quarter, provides the head of the city with a report on the work done.

3.12.Takes part in a personal reception of citizens by the head of the city, gives answers to statements of complaints from citizens, which are signed by the head of the city.

3.13. Interacts with public organizations and the media dealing with local government issues.

3.14. Responsible for the documents that he creates or uses in his work.

4. Rights and obligations.

The head of the department has the right:

4.1. Request and receive, in the prescribed manner, materials from structural divisions of the city administration, institutions, organizations, citizens and public associations, information and materials necessary to perform official duties.

4.2. Provide the head of the city with proposals for the appointment and dismissal of employees of the organizational department and other structural divisions of the city administration, determine the functional responsibilities of employees of the organizational department.

4.3. Sign documents within your competence.

4.4. The head of the department has and enjoys the rights established by the current Labor legislation, federal and regional legislation on municipal service and municipal employees.

The head of the department is obliged to:

4.5. Conscientiously perform the official duties assigned to him;

4.6. Carry out the orders and instructions of the head of the city, with the exception of illegal ones;

4.7. Comply with the internal labor regulations established by the city administration and the procedure for working with official information;

4.8. Observe the restrictions associated with the exercise of powers in the municipal position held;

4.9. Maintain a level of qualifications sufficient to perform the duties of the job.

4.10. In order to combat corruption, the head of the organizational department is obliged to:

4.10.1 Provide the representative of the employer (employer) with information about your income, property and property-related obligations, as well as information about the income, property and property-related obligations of your spouse and minor children.

4.10.2. Notify the representative of the employer (employer), the prosecutor's office or other government bodies about all cases of any persons contacting him in order to induce him to commit corruption offenses.

4.10.3 Take measures to prevent any possibility of a conflict of interest.

4.10.4. Notify your immediate supervisor in writing of the conflict of interest that has arisen or the possibility of one arising as soon as he becomes aware of it.

5. Responsibility.

For failure to perform or improper performance of the duties assigned to him, the head of the organizational department is responsible in accordance with current legislation.

JOB DESCRIPTION OF THE HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMPLETION AND LITERATURE PROCESSING I. General provisions 1.1. The head of the department of acquisition and processing of literature manages all activities of the department, is responsible for the content and organization of its work, for organizing a scientifically based acquisition of the unified fund of the Alikovskaya MCB MUK and disclosing it through the catalog system. 1.2. The head of the department for acquisition and processing of literature is appointed and dismissed from his position by the director of the Alikovskaya MCB in accordance with labor legislation. Reports directly to the director of the Alikovskaya MCB. 1.3.

Job Descriptions

Systematically controls and analyzes the work of rural libraries and other divisions of the Central Bank; participates in the preparation of long-term and annual work plans and text reports of the Municipal Management Company "AMCB". 2.4. Together with the departments of the Central Bank and the DB, it organizes: - the introduction of scientifically based recommendations, effective forms and methods of guiding the reading of mass propaganda of books, the use of a single fund, information and bibliographic services to readers; — schools of excellence based on the best libraries in the area. — visiting rural libraries in order to provide them with practical assistance; — activities to improve the skills of library workers in the region; — advisory and methodological assistance to libraries of other systems and departments in the region in all areas of their work.

Library manager - job description

Organizes accounting and processing of a single fund: - maintains summary records; - provides individual accounting of the fund, bibliographic description, classification and technical processing of books and other materials in accordance with existing regulations and instructions. 2.4. Distributes new receipts of literature between the structural divisions of the Alikovskaya MCB. 2.5. Ensures the creation of a catalog system for the Alikovskaya MCB, organizes the maintenance and editing of central and consolidated catalogues, monitors the status and assists library libraries and rural libraries in organizing and editing catalogs for their collections.

2.6. Together with the department of organization and use of a single fund, it takes part in: - identifying and redistributing unused, non-core multi-copy literature; - in cleansing the single fund from books that are outdated in content and dilapidated. 2.7.

Job description of the head of a library department

Studies and implements the best practices of centralized systems for serving readers into the practice of the department. 2.8.Participates in the work of the organizational and methodological department for improving the qualifications of personnel of the Municipal Institution “Alikovskaya MCB”, providing advisory and methodological assistance to libraries of other systems and departments of the district in accordance with the profile of the department. 2.9. Plans and organizes the work of the department: - draws up long-term annual and quarterly work plans, text and statistical reports on the work of the department; - distributes responsibilities between employees taking into account their qualifications - monitors compliance by department employees with production and labor discipline, labor protection, safety and fire protection rules. HEAD OF METHODOLOGY AND BIBLIOGRAPHY DEPARTMENT I. General provisions 1.1.

Zhanna Denich

The head of the library is obliged to: 2.1. Perform the tasks assigned to him efficiently and in a timely manner in accordance with the requirements of current legislation, regulations, regulations, instructions and orders of the administration. 2.2. Provide high level serving readers and events. 2.3. Prepare for work workplace, check the availability and serviceability of equipment and materials necessary for work.

Turn on the lighting. When using the equipment, check the presence and serviceability of grounding, the serviceability of the power cord, plug and socket. 2.4. Receive from the leading specialist of the culture department the materials necessary for the work. Receive assignments from your supervisor and complete assignments in accordance with the approved work plan.

Job description of the head of the library service department


Job responsibilities 2.1. Manages the activities of the service department. 2.2. Draws up long-term and current work plans for the department. 2.3. Draws up reports analyzing the status and prospects of the department's activities.

2.4. Distributes responsibilities among department employees and ensures compliance with the department's operating schedule. 2.5. Regularly holds production meetings, draws up instructions and recommendations that determine the nature and order of work of the department and its subdivisions. 2.6. Participates in the organization of marketing research in accordance with the development program of the MUK "KBIC".
2.7. Participates in direct service to users of the Central City Library. 2.8. Study the information needs of users. 2.9. Organizes and conducts public events. 2.10. Studies trends in servicing Russian and foreign libraries.


Maintain close contact with vacationers, public organizations, creative unions and societies, creative teams and workers, study the requirements, wishes, recommendations and assessment of library work. 2.13. Participate in meetings and conversations with poets, writers and journalists. 2.14. Take measures to eliminate deficiencies in service and events.


Constantly improve your skills by studying periodicals, attending lectures, seminars, conferences, and making presentations at them. Contribute to the professional development of library staff. 2.16. Supervise library staff. Conduct the selection and placement of library staff, monitor their implementation functional responsibilities, petition the head of the department for incentives and penalties on subordinate employees.

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