How long will my next marriage last. How many years will your marriage last? Matching factors in relationships. Ideal age to get married

Every woman always wants to know the exact date of his wedding. I get a lot of questions from young girls and women over thirty, and they all want to tell fortunes about marriage and ask the same question, “When will I get married?” Thanks to this calculation, you can find out the date of marriage yourself. I will make recommendations and share several ways wedding day calculation. Your date of birth not only determines your character and professional success, but also practically indicates your wedding day. The science of numerology helps to calculate the wedding date. Calculating the date of marriage has become real.

Thus, the scientist Kattakar identified the patterns of birth date and wedding date. Of course, this is not a 100% result. About fifty-fifty. As with any rule, there are exceptions. So it is in this calculation.

Find out your wedding date by date of birth: test

Step 1. First, add up the numbers of your birthday, for example, if you were born on the 22nd: 22 = 2+2= 4 . If the number is single digit. For example, 6, then it will be 6.

Step2. Then you need to add up all the numbers from your year of birth:
for example: 1999 is 1 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 28 = 2 + 8 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 .

Step 3. Compare these data with the table compiled by Kattakar, which is given below:

Your birthday Marriage year number
1 1,4,5,7
2 1,5,6,8
3 3,6,7,9
4 1,4,7,8
5 2,5,7,9
6 1,3,6,9
7 1,2,4,8
8 1,2,6,8
9 2,3,6,7

2015 = 8; Now let’s calculate the numbers that fall in the coming years:

2016 = 9;
2017 = 1;
2018 = 2;
2019 = 3;
2020 = 4;
2021 = 5;
2022 = 6;

What does your wedding date mean using Numerology.

I would like to note that the presence of numbers 3, 6, 8, 9 in your date of birth speaks about the difficulties of this event, like a wedding. There is a high probability that wedding date will be delayed.
Procrastination and various reasons, along which this event is transferred. Here it is worth considering the character that is determined by the numerology of the wedding. That is, the desire for freedom, the fear of obligations. Character traits such as activity and independence naturally influence the desire for personal freedom, and the unpreparedness and fear of couples partnerships. If there is no such desire, then the final impact is on the wedding date. And also, in this case, it is worth looking for a partner with similar characteristics present in the person’s character. In this case, each of the partners, even in the case of marriage, will have personal space.

Numerology by date of birth calculate marriage date

There is also the opposite type of human character. People who really need a couple relationship. Loneliness is difficult and painful for them. These are those whose date of birth contains many twos, fours and sixes. Direct dependence - more numbers, stronger their influence.

Here we can talk not only about the wedding, but also about a more favorable date. Let this reassure those who have a very distant marriage date. It's OK. The main thing is feelings, not numbers. I would like to note that this calculation can be taken fifty-fifty. Or look at other ways to calculate the wedding date, which I will give below.

I would like to note that this numerological calculation of wedding date by date of birth Suitable for established couples who want to legitimize their relationship. You can be legally married at any time except May. So it says popular belief. Although the science of numerology does not adhere to this statement. Even during the period when lilacs and bird cherry begin to bloom, if the calculations fall during this period, get married, for your health. True, the calculation will be slightly different.

1. The number of the bride and groom is calculated
2. We can get the wedding number by adding the numbers of the bride and groom.

For example:

22.4.1990 - date of birth of the bride. We get 2 + 2 + 4 +1 + 9 = 9
14.2.1988 - date of birth of the groom. We get 1 + 4 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 8 = 6

This couple better get married 6 date of any month. If you are careful and believe in omens, just exclude May and that’s it.

Find out your wedding date using playing cards.

There is an alternative to this calculation, it is related to the layout for playing cards Oh. It is much easier and faster to calculate the wedding date using this method. Then you can compare these two results.

Find out your marriage date using a deck of regular playing cards. Focus on the issue of marriage.

Step 1. We shuffle the deck of cards, then you need to draw 9 cards, lay them out in three piles of three cards each. This means day, month and year;

We reveal the cards that they show us. Let's sum up the three card values, taking into account

Jack equals 1 , Queen equals 2 , Ace will be 11

The main thing is that the number should not be more than 31, according to the number of days in the month. If the amount is greater, we add again;

Step2. The next stack of cards will help us determine the month. The number should be no more 12 , since there are 12 months. Let’s say the calculation gave us the number 4, which means month 4 is April; (If there are 28 days in February, then if February falls out, in the first pile, we bring the calculation to 28);

Step 3. To find out the year of your wedding, you need to add up the results obtained above - days and months, in this case 7 + 4, this turns out to be 11, but the 11th year has passed, and from the third pile we still take out one card. The amount must be at least 13.

I want to say, like all calculations in numerology and fortune-telling, they carry only the probability of an event or date. In general, we ourselves play 80 percent of a huge role in achieving the goal. Fate is in our hands.

And remember, there are no unfavorable dates for a love union! I wish you happiness and love!

Numerology is a science that tells you about the influence of numbers on your life. Their mystical influence on human destiny was talked about in ancient times. Our ancestors established that numbers accompany us throughout our lives and are contained in everything that surrounds us. Over its centuries-old history, numerology has collected a huge amount of information about the connection between numbers and human destiny.

So, using figures and numbers, you can calculate the date of marriage based on your date of birth. This became possible thanks to the scientist M.Kathakkara. He developed a simple technique that with a high degree of probability allows you to find out when you will get married.

Correct calculation is a guarantee of results

Most girls wonder with great anxiety: “When will I get married?” Numerology will answer this question! To do this, you need to use simple step-by-step instructions:

1. You need to add up the numbers of your birthday. For example, if you were born on November 28, then 2+8=10=1+0=1. If the birthday is unambiguous, then no additional operations are required.

2. Then, you need to correlate the obtained data with the table:

3. Now let’s compare the numbers from the second column with real years:

  • 2015 = 2+0+1+5 = 8
  • 2016 = 2+0+1+6 = 9
  • 2017 = 2+0+1+7 = 1
  • 2018 = 2+0+1+8 = 2
  • 2019= 2+0+1+ 9 = 3
  • 2020 = 2+0+2+0 = 4
  • 2021 = 2+0+2+1 = 5
  • 2022 = 2+0+2+2 = 6
  • 2023 = 2+0+2+3 = 7

That is, if your number is 1, the probable year of marriage is 1,4,5,7, based on this it turns out that you can get married in 2017, 2020 or 2021 and so on.

Please note that wedding day numerology does not provide a 100% guarantee, but only indicates its likelihood under a certain set of circumstances.

Not everything is so smooth, or possible obstacles

The numerology of the wedding number speaks not only about the possible time span of the marriage, but also about the likely difficulties that may arise.

So, if your birthday contains numbers such as 3, 6, 8 and 9, the wedding may long time be postponed or not take place at all. This is due to the fact that, according to the magic of numbers, people who have such a birth date are strong, self-sufficient and independent individuals. They are afraid of losing personal freedom and taking on such great responsibility as marriage.

Our life path is inseparably intertwined with numbers. Our ancestors also noticed what a strong influence his date of birth has on a person. Character and inclinations were determined by numerical values, and the future was also predicted. Nowadays, the science of numbers has made great progress. And now numerology allows you to calculate even such an important event as the date of marriage.

The most famous and accurate method for calculating the wedding date is the method of the excellent scientist M. Katakkara. Its computing system makes it possible to determine the date of a significant event with an accuracy of up to 60%. In this calculation method, the numbers of the day, month and year of birth of the person wishing to get married are taken as a basis.

How to calculate your wedding day according to M. Katakkar

All the numbers that form her date of birth must be added: 1+8+1+1+9+8+5=33. Then we bring the resulting value to a simple value, again by addition: 3+3=6. At the output we get a number corresponding to the date of birth, in this case it is the number 6.

The year number is calculated in the same way as the date of birth. For example, to find out the numerical value of the upcoming 2018, we do the following calculations: 2+0+1+8=11. If the result is a two-digit number, we perform another addition step: 1+1=2. Two is the number of 2018.

To make it more convenient for you to work with the table, we have already carried out the necessary calculations for the next 10 years. All you have to do is find out the number of your date of birth and see the result.

Numerical values ​​of the year (2017-2026):

  • 2017 - 1;
  • 2018 - 2;
  • 2019 - 3;
  • 2020 - 4;
  • 2021 - 5;
  • 2022 - 6;
  • 2023 - 7;
  • 2024 - 8;
  • 2025 - 9;
  • 2026 - 1.

M. Katakkara's method, of course, cannot become a 100% guarantee of an upcoming marriage. The use of numerology in calculating the date of marriage by birth number makes it possible to find out only the most probable and favorable years to start a family.

However, many girls who have used this numerical forecast note its absolute accuracy.

The influence of numbers on marriage

Numerology makes it possible to look into the future and find out the date of marriage. But, unfortunately, there are some nuances here too. The root of the stumbling block may be the repeating numbers present in the date of birth.

For example, people whose dates are dominated by the numbers: 3,6,8,9 have a difficult time getting married.

  • This is explained by the fact that these numerical values ​​endow people with a great love of freedom and a rebellious character. For such people, realization, self-improvement and an unlimited sense of freedom come first.
  • It is extremely important for them to find themselves. Until this happens, they are unlikely to look for their soul mate, unless marriage is a cleverly thought out plan on the path to a successful future.

No, this does not mean at all that these people are bad, they just are who they are. Although they can be happy in marriage if they start a family with a similar person.

A successful union will take place if both partners have a strong character and at the same time do not claim each other’s personal space.

And on the contrary, people whose dates of birth are dominated by the numbers: 2, 4, 6 - absolutely cannot stand loneliness and get married quite willingly. Those with these numerical values ​​in their date of birth get married earlier than anyone else.

After all, it is in the family that they see the full value of their existence. Such people are simply pathologically afraid of loneliness, and only by entering into a legal relationship do they begin to feel like a necessary and harmonious person.

Calculation of a favorable wedding date

The right wedding date can improve your life together and smooth out rough edges in a relationship. And on the contrary, it would seem that the strongest union of a man and a woman is doomed to failure.

First you need to calculate the total number of the pair. To do this, we combine the numbers of the couple’s date of birth separately. How to find out your birth number is described above. When the numbers of both lovers are already known, add them up. If the addition results in a two-digit value, add the numbers again.

For example, the groom’s birth number is 8, and the bride’s is 9, which means 8+9=17. We reduce the resulting sum to a simple number: 1+7=8.

For the couple in love in question, the lucky number is 8. This means that for them the best numbers for marriage will be: 8, 17, 26. And also all the numbers, when collapsed, forming an eight, will bring good luck to their couple.

We determine the fate of the future marriage union by numerical value

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to set a wedding date on the day planned by the newlyweds. There may be a lot of reasons for this: overload of wedding palaces, problems with guests and relatives, etc.

However, it is not necessary that if a marriage takes place on an unplanned date of the month, then it is doomed to failure. There is a special calculation scheme that allows you to look into the future and find out what the family life of the newlyweds will be like if they sign on this or that day.

  • So, for example, the painting is scheduled for October 18, 2017 - 06/18/2017.
  • First, we calculate the wedding number using the method described above: 1+8+1+0+2+0+1+7=20; 2+0=2.
  • The numerical value of the wedding of this couple is –2.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. All that remains is to look at the decoding of the resulting number and decide whether the date is suitable for painting or whether it is better to postpone the celebration.

Wedding date numbers and their meanings

Number 1

A marriage union with a numerical value of “1” can be described as durable and reliable. People who have created an alliance with the numerical value “1” will experience tender feelings for each other throughout their lives and are unlikely to commit treason.

However, there are stumbling blocks here too.

  • In such a family, both spouses will claim leadership and it will not be easy for them to sacrifice their interests.
  • Although if the couple survives the moment of grinding in and learns to give in, unprecedented harmony will reign in the family.
  • In addition, in families with a wedding number of 1, mutual assistance and support will contribute to increased financial well-being and career success for both spouses.

Advice for newlyweds: to avoid alienation and, as a result, betrayal, become interesting interlocutors and comrades-in-arms for each other.


In the relationship of a married couple with the numerical value of wedding - “2” there will be peace and quiet. These people are not just husband and wife, they are true comrades-in-arms, always ready to lend a helping hand to each other. Their union is built on great respect and tender feelings. However, their marriage can be overshadowed and even destroyed by causeless jealousy.


A difficult fate awaits the union governed by the number “3”. In this marriage, everyone will realize themselves independently, without taking into account the interests of the other half. Communication between a couple can also be called difficult. It will be easier for them to communicate with strangers than with each other. In such a marriage, frequent confrontations and quarrels are possible, and reconciliation will be difficult for both parties.

Advice for newlyweds: in order to reduce all squabbles to nothing and establish mutual understanding among themselves, spouses need to acquire a common hobby or engage in joint creativity.


It must be said that four is not the best number for a wedding date. Both spouses will consider building a career their priority, and the other half will only become an obstacle on the way to the intended goal. By the way? If children appear in such a family, a negative attitude will also spread to them.

Advice for newlyweds: the most correct thing that can be advised here is to move the wedding date to another, more successful day. And if the solemn moment has already happened and your wedding number is 4, try to be more tolerant of each other. Otherwise, divorce is unlikely to be avoided.


This is a very interesting union. The Five promises an interesting and vibrant life together, rich in travel and pleasant surprises. This wedding date is most suitable for a couple who, even before the wedding, had common hobbies, interests and hobbies.


A union with the numerical value “6” is considered very favorable. The relationship between husband and wife throughout their lives will remain as sincere and tender as on their wedding day. Quarrels are rare here, the house is always full, and the children are caressed with love.

Advice for newlyweds: Perhaps there is no need to advise anything here, the six itself knows what it is doing.


The number seven is most suitable for calm and balanced people. Such a union will somewhat resemble a separate cell, where both spouses will be busy strengthening the family hearth and raising children.

Advice for newlyweds: When scheduling a painting for a day with such a numerical value, be prepared for minimal communication with the outside world and unlimited dedication to your family.


Such a marriage can be called successful if we make reference to its commercialism. In such a union, people for whom the financial side of life plays a dominant role will be happy. If one of the spouses is an incorrigible romantic, you should not expect anything good from such a marriage.

Advice for newlyweds: if money and financial well-being is not in the forefront of your mind, it is better not to schedule painting for this day.


Such a marriage can only become successful if the partners learn to respect and listen to each other. Otherwise, one of the spouses risks becoming a victim of the ambitions of the other and taking on the role of a servant in the family. How can a person who plays the role of a servant in his own family be happy?

Advice for newlyweds: Learn to respect and appreciate each other.

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You are loved only if it is beneficial to be around you. If you have a good influence on life, on fate, on fortune, in the end.

Matching Factors in Relationships

You are loved only if it is beneficial to be around you. If you have a good influence on life, on fate, on fortune, in the end. A man loves a woman exactly as much as he has invested in her, spent time on her, money, attention, care, strength, and other resources. It turns out that in others we love our manifestation of ourselves. Of course, it depends on others how and how much you want to invest. And also from the coincidence in soul, body, vision, upbringing and beliefs, it depends on how much motivation and desire to invest in this other is included. A woman loves a man exactly as much as she wants to invest in him with emotions, feelings, time, care, attention... If this man changes her condition.

Love is always giving. Do you have this ability? How do you do this? Easily, on an exhale, or reluctantly from necessity?

“And the question is not to find out who loves you. How to find out who you love? That’s the question. That’s the question! That’s the task. Because finding out who you love is 1000 times more difficult than finding out who loves you.

When you love yourself (yourself), respect and understand what you need. If you feel good in your soul and in your head and in your stomach from yourself, then the feeling of love, which is not contrasting, is recognized by this. The problem with love is that love has nothing to do with pleasure. And even love has nothing to do with pleasure. Love is something that is not noticeable in contrast . This is noticeable in the results, in the attitude, in the perception. This is a person who does not suck from another, but who is a “Cornucopia”, who is the sun himself. He is only happy with what he gives. He's already happy about it. And if you love yourself, then this feeling that flows from you, transferred to your loved one, will lead to the fact that he did not expect anything like this from himself, but received it from you. He will not move a single step in this case. Not because he is dependent, but because he is more profitable with you than with anyone else.

What should you consider when choosing a life partner? 5 factors:

1. Smell. We are mammals, which means our structure is protein creatures. Protein always smells bad. Only the protein acquires the necessary smell, and then the epithelium, mouth, armpits, groin area, discharge and even the smell of thoughts - all this becomes strongly colored. The smell of another body suits you, it is yours - this is when you have an erection on another person. If you give a reaction to this person, then the first factor has worked.
So: The first thing is the smell. You can't agree with the smell.

2. Shape and size of genitals. The closeness of contact matters and affects the level of satisfaction on both sides.

3. Temperament, i.e. entering the ecstatic phase at approximately the same time. Temperament is divided into two things. On the temperament of behavior in everyday life, in life and the temperament of behavior in intimacy.

4. Leisure level. Leisure allows the two of them to be simultaneously interested in similar things. They have traditions shared between the two of them. And most often it depends on a similar, joint attitude to work.
Labor is a compulsion or labor is a thrill.
And this is a basic, fundamental condition.
If work is a thrill, everything is fine, but you are in singular, and it will be extremely difficult for you to find a mate.
If labor is forced service, i.e. If it would be possible not to work, then you should not work, then you will not be able to live next to a person who experiences unimaginable pleasure from work. Idleness is on your mind, but he can’t live without work. You won't get along. There is such a funny phrase: “Work to live, or live to work.” And 98% answer in one direction, and 2% in the other.

5. Feeling of shame, feeling of awkwardness. This is called compliance with social status. Where the person is from. His social status allows you to appear at a social gathering and not be ashamed of his behavior. If you are not ashamed of your chosen one in society, in public places, then you will get along.

When and if level 1 works, such an alliance will last for half a year.
If levels 1 and 2 work, such a relationship will last from 1 to 3 years.
If factor 1, 2, and 3 are triggered, such a relationship will last 5-7 years.
If 1, 2, 3, 4 – such a relationship will last 11-12 years.
When 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are triggered, such a relationship will last 15-25 years. And if both two manage to turn out to be quite polite, friendly, mature and respectful people to each other, then you can live until the end of your life." V. Lyubarov.

“Happiness is not a substitute for life. It is life itself, the open depth, with all its troubles, but also with the strength that depth gives. God, hidden in the depths, does not insure us from misfortunes, but he gives us the strength to endure misfortunes and, having lost everything, start living again. Continuing our journey, we must again go out into the dark gorge, but we know that we will come out again into the light and rejoice in the light, and we will carry this joy through the darkness - until the next explosion of light." Grigory Pomerantz.

Be conscious in choosing a partner. Don't change yourself. Feel yourself. This feeling will not allow you to make a mistake. And if you make a mistake, don’t worry. Admit it to yourself. Smile at yourself and move on.published

Wedding date numerology is a form of fortune telling that is very popular among the fair sex.

Practical ladies, who do not want to remain blissfully ignorant, use numbers to try to find out not so much whether I will get married, but rather when exactly the desired celebration will take place.

Meanwhile, there are several ways in which you can calculate your marriage date for free.

Kattakar method

The scientist and mystic Kattakar several decades ago identified the following pattern: the date on which the wedding is scheduled depends on the birthday. The results of such calculations, however, do not claim to be absolute truth. But in half the cases they are actually justified.

So, to find out when it's time to go for wedding dress, you need to perform simple calculations:

  • Find out your birth number. To do this, we add up all the numbers of the date of birth. Take, for example, 06/11/1984. We add all the numbers 1+1+6+1+9+8+4 = 30. Then we add again 3+0 = 3.
  • In the same way, we calculate the values ​​​​for the coming years to find out which of them will be lucky for you. For example, the number for 2019 is 3: 2+0+1+9 = 12; we bring it to the unambiguous value 1+2=3.
  • Now it’s very easy to find out when I’ll get married. Just look at the table that Kattakar developed and compare the values ​​you get.

The resulting year (based on the sum of all its component numbers) is the most successful year for marriage. In the case of our example, these are years in which the numbers, when added, give 3, 6, 7 or 9. One of these years is 2019, which means girls born on June 11, 1984 have every chance of wearing a wedding dress in 2019.

It is believed that by signing in the destined year, the couple will be happy. However, often couples whose wedding took place in an undestined year live very happily. In such cases, folk wisdom says that they deceived fate.

Another way to calculate the date

  • For example, the girl’s name is Anna Ivanova. We count the number of letters and get the number 11.
  • We bring the resulting result to a clear one: 1+1 = 2.
  • We add up the numbers of the day, month and year when fortune telling for marriage is carried out. For example, let’s take January 20, 2015: 2+1+2+1+5 = 11. Once again, we bring the value to an unambiguous result: 1+1 = 2.
  • We add the resulting numbers to each other: 2+2 = 4. We find that 4 is the ideal number of the year for Anna Ivanova, who in such a simple way found out the answer to the question that tormented her: when will I get married.

It is believed that it is best to determine the wedding day at the beginning or end of the year, at this time there is a high probability of correctly predicting the future. By the way, numerology recommends performing such fortune-telling no more than three times a year. Otherwise, higher powers will become angry and may deliberately show incorrect results in the future.

The influence of some numbers on fate

Wedding numerology experts are confident that the repetition of the same numbers in the date of birth of a person is by no means accidental and helps predict his fate.

So, if the date when a person was born repeats the numbers 3, 6, 8 or 9, then when organizing solemn event Difficulties may arise, for example financial ones. Or one of the partners may be afraid of losing freedom, afraid of future obligations.

In order not to become dependent on unfavorable numbers, you should simply choose your partner more carefully. If you love freedom, this is not a reason to categorically declare: I will not marry anyone. Look for a partner with a similar personality so that after marriage everyone has their own space.

There are also opposing personalities. These are people who need a partner. Loneliness weighs on them. In the date of birth of such a person there are large quantities 2, 4 and 6.

Calculation for a couple

There are already established couples who need to use numbers to find out when is the best time to have their wedding day. Numerologists assure: you can become spouses in May, contrary to popular wisdom.

  • We write down the date of birth of the bride, December 22, 1990, add up the date numbers until a single-digit value appears, as we did above: 2+2+1+2+1+9+9 = 26. Then 2+6 = 8.
  • We add until a single digit value appears for the day, month and year when the groom was born. For example, for those born on December 18, 1989, we get the number 3.
  • We add the resulting values: 8+3 = 11. Then 1+1 = 2.

According to numerologists, for happy marriage The wedding should be planned for the second day of any month.

And yet remember that the main recipe for happiness is in ourselves, and not in a set of numbers. After all, in fact, there are no unfavorable days for a wedding. It is enough to believe: I will certainly marry the person I love. And everything will work out in the best possible way. Author: Valentina Levadnaya