How to bake buckwheat bread. Cooking buckwheat bread at home: delicious and original recipes. How to bake bread

The beneficial properties of buckwheat are well known; dishes made from it are especially widely used in the diet of people suffering from diabetes. But baking from buckwheat flour is not so popular.

Although even ordinary bread turns out to be more healthy, aromatic and piquant due to the fact that the product contains buckwheat flour. The dense crumb is ideal for creating holiday canapés, as well as serving with broth, cream soup, curdled milk, and even as an independent dish with a cup of strong tea, hot coffee or liquid chocolate.

Buckwheat bread is much easier to digest than wheat bread, and the calorie content of such bread is 228 kcal per 100 g of product, which is even slightly less than that of wheat bread.

Buckwheat bread with yeast in the oven - step by step photo recipe

Despite the popular belief that making bread yourself takes a lot of time and requires effort, even an inexperienced cook can prepare it.

The main thing is to use fresh, dry yeast granules, high-quality flour, and also observe the “proofing” time. After all, the quality of finished homemade baked goods depends on this.

Buckwheat flour can be purchased in almost every shop or market and you can even make it yourself. To do this, you need to pour the cereal into the container of the coffee grinder and grind it thoroughly.

After sifting through a fine sieve several times, you can immediately use the flour at your discretion. It is not necessary to make the product in large quantities, because in this simple way you can get the required amount of buckwheat flour at any time.

Honey in the recipe can be replaced with any other sweetener.

Your rating:

Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes

Quantity: 1 serving


  • White flour: 1.5 tbsp.
  • Buckwheat flour: 0.5 tbsp.
  • Honey: 1 tsp.
  • Salt: 0.5 tsp.
  • Yeast: 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil: 1 tbsp. l.
  • Water: 1 tbsp.

Cooking instructions

    Pour warm liquid into a container and add the recommended amount of honey. Stir the products until dissolved.

    Pour dry yeast granules into sweet water and give time for activation.

    Add odorless oil.

    Pour into the dough required quantity white flour. Add table or sea salt.

    Add buckwheat flour.

    We begin to carefully combine all the components until the dough comes together.

    If the mass is too soft, add another handful of white flour.

    Leave the workpiece (covering it with a napkin) for 35-40 minutes.

    Place the buckwheat dough in the mold and let it rise for another 30-35 minutes.

    Bake fragrant homemade bread for 40-45 minutes (at a temperature of 180 degrees).

    Recipe for bread made from buckwheat flour for a bread machine

    The bread maker has recently appeared an indispensable assistant housewife in the kitchen making delicious homemade pastries.

    For 500 g of a mixture of buckwheat and wheat flour you need to take:

    • 1.5 tbsp. water;
    • 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
    • salt, sugar to taste.

    Modes in the bread machine is installed as follows:

    • first batch – 10 minutes;
    • proofing – 30 minutes;
    • second batch – 3 minutes;
    • proofing – 45 minutes;
    • baking - 20 minutes.

    When deciding to bake buckwheat bread, you should remember only 2 nuances:

    1. Buckwheat flour must be mixed with wheat flour, since the former lacks gluten, which helps the dough rise and makes the bread so fluffy.
    2. Yeast can be used dry (pour directly into the flour) or pressed. In the latter case, they are first dissolved in a small amount of warm water, a little flour and granulated sugar are added, and the mixed liquid mass is added. When the dough is suitable, make the dough in the usual way.

    Buckwheat bread without yeast

    Instead of yeast, kefir or homemade sourdough is added to the buckwheat bread recipe. It’s easier, of course, to use store-bought kefir, which contains live fungus, which will help loosen the dough.

    Making bread sourdough is a more labor-intensive process and may take about a week to mature. But with patience and just two ingredients - flour and water, you can get an “eternal” leaven for rising and loosening dough.

    Our ancestors used it for baking bread in those days when there was no yeast yet.

    Preparing sourdough

    It can be obtained from both wheat and rye flour. But under no circumstances should you take boiled water, since the necessary microorganisms in it have already been destroyed. To prevent this from happening, tap water you just need to warm it up a little. Then:

    1. Clean liter jar add 50 g of flour (about 2 heaped tablespoons) and pour in 50 ml of warm water.
    2. Cover with a plastic lid and use an awl to make several holes so that the mixture can breathe.
    3. Leave in a warm place for a day.
    4. The next day, add 50 g of flour and 50 ml of warm water, mix everything and leave again for a day.
    5. Repeat the same thing a third time.
    6. On the 4th day, put 50 g of starter (about 3 tablespoons) into a clean 0.5-liter jar, add 100 g of flour and 100 ml of warm water to the main mass and leave in a warm place this time, covering the jar with a piece of calico and securing it with an elastic band.
    7. You can bake pancakes from the remaining starter.
    8. After a day, add 100 g of flour and 100 ml of warm water to the renewed and risen starter.

    Every day the starter will become stronger and acquire a pleasant kefir smell. As soon as the mass grows even in the refrigerator, the starter is ready. This speaks to its strength and ability to be used for baking bread.

    How to bake bread

    Sourdough, flour and water are taken in a ratio of 1:2:3. Add salt vegetable oil, sugar, knead well and place in a warm place to rise. After which the dough is settled, kneaded and placed in a mold. Bake in the oven at 180° for 20-40 minutes depending on the size of the product.

    Gluten Free Homemade Baking Recipe

    Gluten, or in other words, gluten, makes bread fluffy. But for some people, consumption of such a product leads to gastrointestinal disorders, since the sticky protein is not digested very well. Buckwheat flour is valuable because it does not contain gluten, which means that buckwheat bread is useful when used in dietary and therapeutic nutrition.

    Most often, gluten-free bread is baked from flour obtained from green buckwheat, that is, its living grains that have not been subjected to heat treatment. There are 2 ways to bake this bread.

    First option

    1. Grind green buckwheat into flour in a mill, add yeast, vegetable oil, warm water, salt and sugar. The dough should look like thick sour cream.
    2. Place it in the molds and let it sit for 10 minutes in a warm place to firm up a little.
    3. Then send the forms with the dough to an oven heated to 180° and bake for 20-40 minutes, depending on the size.
    4. You can determine readiness using a special kitchen thermometer; the bread is ready if the temperature inside it reaches 94°.

    Option two

    1. Wash green buckwheat and pour clean cold water and let stand for at least 6 hours until the cereal swells.
    2. Add salt and sugar to taste, vegetable oil (a delicious aroma comes from adding melted coconut oil) and a few washed raisins (they will enhance fermentation in the dough).
    3. Grind everything together thoroughly using an immersion blender, the result should be an almost white liquid mass.
    4. If it is thick, you need to add a little more warm water or kefir.
    5. Place the dough in a mold greased with oil and sprinkled with sesame seeds. Bake in a hot oven until done.

    Main ingredients for buckwheat bread:

    • buckwheat flour, which is best mixed with wheat flour, the proportions can be any, but 2:3 is best;
    • dry or pressed yeast, which can be replaced with kefir or homemade sourdough;
    • any vegetable oil to taste;
    • salt in mandatory, sugar - optional;
    • warm water.

    Buckwheat bread is healthy in itself, but you can make it even tastier and healthier if you add it to the dough walnuts or cashews, sesame and pumpkin seeds, flax-seed and chopped pieces of prunes.

    The surface of the bread can be sprinkled with sesame, flax or pumpkin seeds before baking. Or simply sift a little buckwheat flour onto it - during the baking process, a whitish crust is formed, covered with beautiful cracks.

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There is no doubt that buckwheat bread made at home is much better than what is sold in stores. After all, such baked goods are more aromatic, with an inherent crispy crust, as well as a unique taste. That is why in this article we decided to tell you how you can make your own buckwheat bread using simple and affordable ingredients.

A step-by-step method for making delicious homemade bread

Buckwheat bread, the recipe for which we are considering, requires the use of the following components:

  • buckwheat - about 130 g;
  • high-grade light wheat flour - approximately 260 g;
  • dry instant yeast - approximately 1.5 dessert spoons;
  • refined oil - about 30 ml;
  • filtered water - approximately 300 ml;
  • medium-sized sand-sugar - a large spoon;

Making buckwheat flour

Unfortunately, the bread from which is incredibly tasty and healthy is not always sold in regular stores. In this regard, we decided to make this product ourselves. To do this, ordinary buckwheat should be sorted well, rinsed in warm water, and then fried in a dry frying pan until the appropriate aroma appears. Next, the cereal must be ground to a powder using a coffee grinder.

Kneading dough

After the buckwheat flour is completely ready, you should proceed to kneading yeast dough. To do this, you need to warm up ordinary water a little, and then dissolve fine sand-sugar in it and add yeast. After waiting for the last product to swell (for 10 minutes), add iodized salt to it. After this, add wheat and buckwheat flour to the same bowl, and then mix the ingredients well with your hands.

Having received a homogeneous dark dough, you need to cover it with a thick cloth and leave it warm for 60 minutes. During this time, the base should become very fluffy.

The process of shaping and baking in the oven

Buckwheat bread can be shaped in different ways. We suggest rolling out a regular bun from the risen dough and lightly dusting it with flour. Next, place the product on a baking sheet with cooking paper, cover with a napkin and leave aside for 20-40 minutes. After this time, several cuts must be made on the semi-finished product with a sharp knife, and then immediately sent to the oven.

Serve homemade bread made from buckwheat flour to the table

After homemade baking will become voluminous and lightly browned, and your whole house will be filled with the aromas of flour products, the bread should be removed from the oven and cooled at room temperature. You can serve it at the dinner table with tea, or with the first or second hot dish.

Making buckwheat bread in a bread machine

If you have the mentioned device, then you are incredibly lucky. After all, with the help of such a device you can do incredible delicious bread from buckwheat, without making any special effort. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the bread maker will do almost all the main work for you.

So, we will need:

  • high-grade light wheat flour - approximately 210 g;
  • filtered water - approximately 150 ml;
  • buckwheat flour - about 50 g;
  • refined olive oil - about 10 ml;
  • fresh milk - about 60 ml;
  • rye flour - approximately 40 g;
  • iodized salt - a pinch.

Cooking process

To bake delicious buckwheat bread without much effort, all of the above components should be placed in the container of the device, and then set the mode to 3 hours 25 minutes. After the specified period, homemade baked goods will be completely suitable for consumption.

Baking buckwheat bread with nuts in a slow cooker

You can bake bread from buckwheat flour not only in the oven or bread maker, but also using a device such as a multicooker. To do this, we need to prepare the following components:

  • high-grade light wheat flour - approximately 450 g;
  • buckwheat flour - about 100 g;
  • buckwheat honey - dessert spoon;
  • fresh milk - about 300 ml;
  • any roasted nuts - ½ cup;
  • dry instant yeast - dessert spoon;
  • refined olive oil - about 20 ml;
  • high fat kefir - approximately 100 ml;
  • iodized salt - a small spoon.

Making buckwheat dough

Before making real buckwheat bread at home, you should knead the dark base well. To do this, fresh village milk must be heated over very low heat, and then the active ingredients must be added to it. While the ingredients dissolve, you should begin preparing the second part of the base. To do this, buckwheat flour must be mixed with homemade kefir and left aside for ¼ hour. Next, you need to add milk with yeast, as well as refined vegetable oil, to the components. All ingredients should be mixed, after adding roasted and chopped nuts. After this, you need to add sifted wheat flour to the same container.

Form the bread and bake it in a slow cooker

After waiting for the base to swell, you should begin to directly form the future bread. To do this, the multicooker must be thoroughly greased with any vegetable fat, and then lay out all the dough. By placing the device in baking mode, the bread needs to be cooked for half an hour. After this time, the flour product must be turned over and heat treatment continued in the same mode. After another 30 minutes, the buckwheat bread will be completely ready to eat.

Buckwheat is famous beneficial properties. Flour obtained from buckwheat grains is rich in vitamins A, group B, E, PP, and minerals. However, bread made from buckwheat flour does not contain gluten, so it is included in the diet of people with allergies to this type of protein. Buckwheat bread is indispensable during a gluten-free diet as a safe and tasty alternative to conventional flour products. On its basis, so-called fitness bread is baked, intended for those who play sports.

Typically, this bread contains wheat flour - it contains gluten, which is necessary for baking. However, you can experiment: add a small amount, replace it with a more valuable one, or choose a cooking recipe that uses only ground buckwheat.

The total number of calories depends on the quality and ratio of flour, as well as the presence of additional ingredients. The lowest calorie bread will be bread baked from flaxseed flour and buckwheat flour that has not undergone heat treatment.

You don’t have to buy this product: you can bake bread at home according to one of your favorite recipes, adding nuts, raisins, olive oil or linseed oil, spices. The finished product will be nutritious and low in calories.

Not all stores sell buckwheat flour. A home mill will solve this problem. Buckwheat is washed, calcined, and ground. If you purchase green (unroasted buckwheat) for this purpose and grind it without pre-heating, the bread will turn out even more vitamin-rich.

In the recipes below, where oil is mentioned, any of the vegetable oils are added to the dough - sunflower, olive, sesame, corn, etc.

You can bake the product only with buckwheat flour, the result will be gluten-free bread, aromatic, slightly sweet. But the presence of wheat flour in the dough makes it sticky, makes it rise and hold its shape.

For this recipe you will need:

  • 200 g buckwheat flour;
  • 1 cup starch (corn);
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 20 g dry “fast” yeast;
  • 200 ml slightly warmed milk (water);
  • 3 tbsp. oils;
  • 2 eggs.

Add sugar, yeast, then all other products to milk (water). Knead the dough, cover. Leave it to “grow” for 2 hours (the volume will increase 3 times). Preheat the oven in advance. Bake for 60 minutes at 180°C (do not open the oven for the first 40 minutes).

Gluten-free buckwheat bread - with various additives

Gluten-free bread prepared according to this recipe:

  • strengthens and cleanses blood vessels;
  • tones the body;
  • saturates with a maximum of vitamins;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  • stimulates the immune system.

This bread is baked with yeast, however, it does not threaten the health of patients diabetes mellitus and safe for gluten allergies.

Yeast-free bread

Bread with wheat flour will appeal to those who do not consume yeast baked goods.

Baking recipe yeast-free bread contains:

  • 100 g buckwheat flour;
  • 100 g wheat (preferably first grade);
  • 0.5 tsp sea ​​salt(small);
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • 200 ml warmed milk;
  • half a lemon;
  • 2 tbsp. oil (unrefined).

Cooking steps:

  1. Sift the flour.
  2. Quench soda with lemon.
  3. Prepare the dough: pour soda into milk, add salt, add butter, then flour, alternating buckwheat with wheat.
  4. Knead the dough with your hands. Form a loaf and preheat the oven to 180°C.
  5. Bake for 30-50 minutes.

The product baked according to this recipe is good for digestion. It is recommended for high blood pressure, problems with the heart and blood vessels, during pregnancy and lactation.

On rye sourdough and in the oven

In the oven you can bake a buckwheat-wheat loaf with rye sourdough. Making sourdough bread takes four days: the natural yeast substitute should work well.

Preparing sourdough

To obtain the starter you will need rye flour (300 g) and water.

Divide the flour into three parts of 100 g each. Dilute the first part with water to a thick mass, put in a warm place overnight. In the morning, add the second part of the flour, and dilute the resulting thickening with water to its previous state. On the third day - repeat. By the fourth day the starter will be ready.

Baking a loaf

What you will need:

  • 100 g finely ground buckwheat flour;
  • 250 g of first grade wheat;
  • 60 g peeled rye;
  • 1 cup sourdough;
  • 2.5 tsp. with a pile of sugar;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 180 ml slightly warmed water;
  • 50 ml milk.

Baking steps:

  1. Mix water with milk, add salt, flour, sourdough.
  2. Knead until an elastic form is obtained.
  3. Let the dough rest to increase its volume (2-3 hours).
  4. Preheat the oven to 220-230°C, place a frying pan or bowl with hot water.
  5. Place the bread in the oven and adjust the temperature.
  6. Bake for the first quarter of an hour at 230°C. Then remove the pan with water from the oven, reduce the heat to 200°C and then bake for 30 minutes.
  7. After baking, wrap the loaf in wet gauze or a towel for half an hour.
  8. In appearance, bread made from buckwheat flour baked in the oven resembles an ordinary loaf. But it is more aromatic and pleasant to the taste, and the sourdough makes it healthier for the body.

Bread machine recipe (bread with honey and seeds)

When baking bread from buckwheat flour in a bread machine, there are fewer difficulties. For the oven and multicooker, the dough is kneaded by hand, it sticks a lot. The sweetish taste of bread can be enriched with honey and sunflower seeds.

List of ingredients:

  • 300 g wheat flour (v.s.);
  • 100 g buckwheat;
  • 1.5 tbsp. milk (powdered);
  • 1 tsp "quick" yeast;
  • 50 g peeled sunflower seeds;
  • 1.5 tbsp. granulated sugar;
  • 1.5 tsp. salt;
  • 15 g butter;
  • 2 tbsp. warmed honey;
  • 260 ml water.

Baking steps:

  1. Prepare the bread machine, set the time to 4 hours.
  2. Add the dough components in this order: yeast, flour, sugar, salt, milk powder, butter, honey.
  3. Pour in water.
  4. Place the seeds in the additive dispenser.
  5. Immediately transfer the finished bread to a cooling rack.
  6. Cooking in a bread machine takes less time and is hassle-free.

Multicooker recipe

This yeast-free and gluten-free recipe is intended to be prepared in a slow cooker. Its basis is a mixture of three types of flour (rice, buckwheat, corn) without sugar.

For baking you will need:

  • 60 g buckwheat flour;
  • 90 g corn;
  • 100 g rice;
  • 1 tsp baking soda;
  • 50 g starch (potato);
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. oils;
  • 250 ml kefir.

Baking steps:

  1. Mix dry and liquid ingredients separately.
  2. Pour dry ingredients into liquid ingredients. Stir until lumps disappear.
  3. Fill the multicooker bowl with dough and set the “Baking” mode. Turn the dough over after half an hour. Total baking time is 50 minutes.
  4. This type of bread will not rise much when cooked in a slow cooker, but finished product the crust will be crispy, and the bread itself will be soft and satisfying.

Product value, contraindications

Products of this type have appeared recently, but their range is constantly growing. Against the backdrop of increased interest in gluten-free dietary products, buckwheat noodles, cookies, and pancakes appear. Bread baked from crushed buckwheat, as well as recipes for its preparation, continues to be in great demand. It remains to compare the benefits and harm that this product can bring.

Manifestations of the therapeutic effect of buckwheat bread:

  • dilates blood vessels, improves blood flow;
  • reduces cholesterol levels;
  • reduces the risk of developing gallstones;
  • reduces the secretion of bile acid;
  • improves appetite;
  • removes toxins and excess fluid;
  • reduces swelling;
  • cleanses the skin and restores its healthy appearance.

Possible contraindications:

  • inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease);
  • buckwheat intolerance.

When you bake bread, add a little buckwheat flour to the dough - you will be surprised how aromatic and tasty it will turn out! With a soft, slightly moist and very holey crumb of a pleasant beige shade, smells amazing!..

These properties are given to bread by buckwheat flour, which does not contain gluten. Therefore, the crumb turns out to be porous and crumbly, crumbling when cut. The light brown color and pleasant aroma also come from buckwheat flour, although there is less of it in the dough than wheat flour. The two types of flour should be combined approximately 2:1, and no more than 1:1 - that is, for 2 parts wheat flour 1 part buckwheat, or in half. This is because there is no gluten in buckwheat, and if you knead only with it, such dough will not “knead” and the baked goods will crumble.

I have already prepared baked goods with buckwheat flour - pancakes, sweet and savory biscuits, and even with the addition of buckwheat porridge (yes, it was a chocolate cake and very tasty!). The more unusual flour, the more noticeable its special aroma. But buckwheat bread doesn’t smell like buckwheat (those who don’t know, won’t guess), but simply very appetizing fresh baked goods :) Try it, I liked it just like our favorite pumpkin bread :) A slice of buckwheat bread is delicious to eat with a plate of soup or with a cup of tea... and you can also spread it with butter and wash it down with milk! Here's a hearty afternoon snack for the kids :)

I buy unusual flour in the online store, and if it is difficult to find in your area, you can grind buckwheat in a blender, coffee grinder or spice grinder. Only the grind should be fine.


For 2 loaves, approximately 400-450g:

  • 15 g fresh yeast;
  • 350-400 ml warm water;
  • 160 g buckwheat flour;
  • 500-550 g wheat flour;
  • 2 tablespoons sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons salt;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

How to bake:

The proportions are approximate. I had 160 g of buckwheat flour, so I took it all for the dough. More is possible, but no more than 1/3-1/2 of the total amount; depending on the ratio of types of flour, the result will vary. I think that the more buckwheat, the more crumbly, dark and aromatic the bread will be. Then I’ll try it and tell you :) The amount of wheat flour and water depends on the flour itself; different types of flour require different amounts of liquid. Add enough to make the dough soft and pleasant. It may stick a little to your hands, then when kneading, grease your hands and table with sunflower oil. You shouldn’t add a lot of flour; the dough won’t be too stiff and the bread will turn out fluffy.

We prepare the dough as usual for yeast dough: activate the yeast by grinding it with sugar, pour in half of the warm (36C) water and sift through 1 cup of wheat flour, stir until smooth. Now the dough is ready, which we will put in a warm place for 15-20 minutes to rise.

Now the dough has risen twice as much, bubbles have appeared in it - the yeast has woken up and got to work! Add the rest of the water (if it has cooled, heat it up), then gradually add the rest of both types of flour, stirring and looking at the consistency of the dough.

When there is almost enough flour, salt the dough and pour in vegetable oil. For example, refined sunflower, or olive, or half of both. Very tasty bread comes from mustard oil.

Put the spoon aside and continue kneading with your hands for 10-15 minutes. The longer you have the patience to knead, the better, the fluffier the bread will turn out, and the further the dough goes, the less it sticks - because when kneading, that same gluten is formed in it. In wheat-buckwheat dough you will get less of it than usual, so if the dough is still slightly sticky, don’t worry. Grease a bowl with oil and place the dough there, cover with a towel and place in a warm place for 45-60 minutes, depending on how warm it is in the house. If it is very warm, it will take less time to prevent the dough from fermenting; if it is cool, then about 1 hour.

When the dough has doubled in size, punch it down, divide it into 2 parts, form loaves and place them in greased pans. You can bake one large loaf or two small ones. We put the molds on heat again for 30-60 minutes, until the bread rises.

Lubricate it with a mixture of water and flour (1 tablespoon of water and 1 teaspoon of flour), sprinkle with seeds to your taste, for example, sesame and flax.

I first put the bread in the oven at 150-160C for 25-30 minutes, and then, when it rose and was almost baked inside (we try with a wooden stick), and the crust began to become hard, I turned up the heat to 200C and put a frying pan with water on the bottom of the oven . The bread browned beautifully and remained soft without drying out. After 10 minutes you can turn it off. But everyone’s oven is different, and besides, the baking time and temperature will depend on the size of the pan or loaf. Therefore, focus on appearance bread (is it suitable, is it golden brown) and testing with a skewer (so that the crumb inside becomes dry, not raw).

Let the bread cool in the pan for 5-10 minutes, then carefully remove it and place it on a wire rack to cool.

You can cut and taste it when it has cooled down, because fresh yeast bread is so soft that it wrinkles when cutting.

What a nice buckwheat bread this turned out to be! Help yourself!

Buckwheat flour, like the cereal of the same name, is rich in vitamins and minerals and is great for any baked goods, from pancakes to homemade bread. Today I want to offer you a recipe for delicious, aromatic homemade bread with buckwheat flour. The result is a very healthy, tasty and soft bread with a delicate buckwheat aroma.

Let's prepare the ingredients. The water should be warm.

Mix yeast with warm water and sugar.

Add remaining ingredients.

Knead soft elastic dough.

Place in a bowl and cover with film, put in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours. I often put a bowl of dough in the oven at a temperature of 30 degrees, there are no drafts and a constant temperature - these are ideal for its growth. The dough should increase in size by 2-3 times.

Then knead the dough well and roll it into a layer.

Roll the dough into a roll.

Place the dough into the mold. Cover tightly with film and place again in a warm place for 30 minutes. Bake at 180 degrees, 40 minutes.

Remove the finished bread, leave it in the pan for 10 minutes, then remove it and cool completely on a wire rack. Buckwheat bread cooked in the oven can be served warm or chilled.

Bon appetit!