Layout of the site. Where to place the garden, vegetable garden, buildings? Garage on the site: paperwork and general placement rules (85 photo ideas) Location of the garage and house on the site

Planning your summer cottage is very interesting, because you can come up with a bunch of interesting solutions.

In order to beautifully and efficiently improve the territory, you need to have some knowledge.

Our article will help you step by step to complete the basic work and decorate your site.

Where to start?

Before starting work, you need to make a plan. Reflect your site on it, sketch its shape, display all the buildings and be sure to take into account the terrain; streams may flow in such areas.

Also take into account the location of your territory, whether your house is located in a lowland or on a hill. If the dacha is built under a mountain and streams enter the area, then its arrangement will take a lot of time and effort.

The layout of the territory involves dividing it into zones, these are a residential area, a recreation area, a vegetable garden and outbuildings. For each building you need to allocate a specific place and set the area.

The living area, that is, your house, should occupy about 25% of the space of the entire territory, the toilet, bathhouse and shed should fit on 15-17% of the area.

The largest space on the site, as always, is reserved for the garden, which means that you can plant and grow berries, fruit trees, your favorite flowers, build an artificial pond, build a gazebo, in general, make the area beautiful and landscaped.

The first thing to be built on the site is, of course, a house. Everyone builds it in a different place, some in the center, others like the house to occupy the first line, right after the gate.

A gazebo or terrace is built not far from the house, closer to the garden, so that you can enjoy fresh air and the aroma of trees while relaxing. The playground is also placed closer to the gazebo, perhaps at its level or behind it.

The toilet, bathhouse and shed should occupy a place closer to the fence. In this case, they will remain invisible on the site and will not take up space.

There is no single type of landscaping of a summer cottage, since everyone’s territory is different both in size and shape. The standard plot type is a square or rectangle.

On their territory, summer residents love to create rock gardens from stones, plants and a pond.

Planning a site is a creative and interesting process, but to make your dacha cozy and beautiful, it wouldn’t hurt to look at some of the work of landscape designers.

Drawing a diagram

Once you have decided on the location of buildings on the territory, mark them on paper and sketch them. So, you will clearly make your work easier, and you will certainly have an idea of ​​what to place where, namely:

  • Where will the house be located, on which side of the plot will the entrance be.
  • Place for outbuildings.
  • Where will you place the gazebo and play area?
  • Direction of tracks.
  • Place for flower beds and a pond.
  • Communications.

Strictly observing the sequence of buildings, the main place on the site belongs to the house, then we build a garage, sheds, a bathhouse and a toilet.

Lastly, we choose a place for a gazebo, barbecue area, summer shower etc. Enough space is allocated to the garden and vegetable garden, depending on what you plan to plant there.

Site layout depending on size

Depending on how many acres the dacha plot occupies, the location of the buildings should be designed.

If the plot is no more than 6 acres, then with proper zoning of the territory you can build everything you need. A house on such a plot will be no more than 20-25 square meters. m., parking - about 7 sq. m., vegetable garden - no more than 100 sq. m.

If your plot is large, from 12 to 15 acres, then this is conducive to a serious project on which you will have to work hard.

According to the standard plan, everything can be built here, even large objects, for example, the house here will be simply huge, with a summer terrace and spacious parking.

When developing a plan for the development of your site yourself, take into account all the nuances regarding the construction and placement of summer cottages. Use a clear work plan and follow the advice of experienced craftsmen.

Photo of a successful layout of a summer cottage

Before building a house on a purchased plot, it is necessary to carefully study the documentation regulating the development of land plots. Scroll the necessary rules development contains SNiP 30-102-99.

General information

The plot under housing construction(IZHS) is a land plot purchased for personal purposes. Building regulations allow not only recreation and cultivation of crops there, but also construction of residential and commercial buildings.

The status of the main house can be different (this is directly affected by the type of land):

  • Individual house.
  • Garden house (cottage).
  • Country house.

According to building codes land plots, each of the above varieties falls under the concept of “manor house”. You cannot build them wherever you want: the location of the main and auxiliary facilities is strictly regulated by SNiP.

Distance to various objects on the site

When developing a site development plan, you should be guided by the minimum permitted distances from the home to other buildings:

  1. Economic facilities and places where livestock are kept, poultry and animals – 15 m.
  2. Compost pit, country closet, garbage bin - 15 m.
  3. Filtration well with a productivity of 1 m³/day – 8 m.
  4. Filtration well with productivity up to 3 m³/day – 10 m.
  5. Septic tank with productivity up to 1 m³/day – 5 m.
  6. Septic tank with productivity up to 3 m³/day – 8 m.

As for the summer shower, it falls within the standards for a septic tank.

When determining the distance between the main house and various sources pollution, specific factors are taken into account (the presence of noise, electromagnetic vibrations, vibration, radiation, unpleasant odors, etc.). There are special regulations for each situation.

Distance to objects in the neighboring area

You should also take into account the distance of elements specified by the rules neighboring plot:

  1. Country house – 3 m.
  2. Auxiliary buildings – 1 m.
  3. Barn, pigsty, chicken coop - 4 m.
  4. Tall trees - 3 m.
  5. Trees are of average height – 2 m.
  6. Bushes - 1 m.

These standards apply to facilities in each of the neighboring areas.

Distance between two residential buildings

The distance from a residential building to a similar structure on a neighboring site is regulated by separate fire safety standards, and depends on the class fire safety.

There are three such classes in total:

  1. A (concrete, stone, reinforced concrete and other houses made of non-combustible materials).
  2. B (dwellings made of non-combustible materials, where wood treated with fire retardants is used as flooring or finishing).
  3. C (wooden or frame houses).

When determining the distance (it can be from 6 to 15 m) between residential buildings on neighboring plots, their class is taken into account. Two stone cottages must be separated from each other at a distance of at least 6 m. The distance between a stone and a wooden dwelling should be increased to 8 m. Fire safety standards require the greatest distance for two wooden houses: there must be at least 15 m between them.

"Red Line"

In construction, the red line is the boundary separating roads, driveways, highways and other public facilities from the house. As the rules say, the street boundary should be 5 m away from the home, and the driveway should be 3 m away.

Location of the Red Line
a - residential building, b - red line (fence line of the site), c - outbuilding.

Having decided on the location of the house, it is necessary to correctly orient it in space: this will allow you to fill the home with natural light as much as possible, significantly saving costs on lighting and heating. As you know, the sun shines more intensely from some directions, and less from others. In addition, the prevailing wind rose in this area is also taken into account. Despite the fact that each region has its own specifics, there are average statistics for the country. According to it, the western, northern, and northwestern directions are considered the most unfavorable: most often cold and gusty winds blow from there.

Ideally, the orientation of the home according to the cardinal directions looks like this:

  • North side. A place to accommodate various technical and utility rooms and non-residential areas. If the house design has a built-in garage, then it is best to plan it on the north side. It is also possible to locate a boiler room, storage room (it can be heated or unheated) and a toilet without natural light. Since the northern wall is almost not illuminated and is not heated by the sun, it is usually made completely blank (without windows).
  • Northeast side. Great option for the location of the entrance (porch, door, vestibule). In the dwelling itself, along this side, heated premises for utility purposes are usually planned - laundries, workshops, tool rooms. Quite often the kitchen and bathroom face northeast.
  • East side. The most favorable side, along with the south. It is suitable for most general purpose premises. If sports facilities (swimming pool, gym) are planned in the house, then it is recommended to place them in the eastern direction. There are also bedrooms for people with an active lifestyle who love physical work and getting up early. It is also convenient to plan a dressing room on the east side.
  • Southeast side. An ideal option for placing a kitchen: it can be designed as a separate room, or combined with a dining room. Breakfast in the early sun has a very beneficial effect on appetite. This same wing is the most suitable place for placing offices and bedrooms for people with a creative character, as well as workers in mental professions. If there is a guest room, it is also recommended to place it on the southeast side.
  • South side. A place for common areas where all family members are most often present. In the standard list, this applies to the living room, dining room, and children's room. If we are talking about a large house with additional rooms, then the southern wall is the optimal location for the winter garden, music and games room. If there is a terrace in the project, it is best to attach it from the south.
  • West side. This direction, along with the north, is considered the most unfavorable. However, they can only be present here in non-residential premises. From a practical point of view, it is best to place a storage room, hallway and staircase on the west wall. When planning a toilet, it is better to design it with a window, but you need to prepare for the fact that it will be quite cool.

Along with generally accepted standards, each home owner also has his own personal preferences. Therefore, the orientation of the house according to the cardinal directions can be influenced by the habits of the owners and the family’s lifestyle. For example, not every housewife likes flooded sunlight kitchen: when cooking for a long time, this can become a serious drawback. So that the air already heated by a stove or oven becomes heated by sun rays, sometimes it makes more sense to place the kitchen in the north or northeast.

Location of the house depending on the area of ​​the plot

The size of the land area is a serious factor that requires taking into account the location of the house in the planning.

It’s a very small area, so you have to try a lot to squeeze all the important objects into it.

Typically, any site, regardless of its size, consists of three zones:

  1. House and outbuildings.
  2. Garden, vegetable garden.
  3. A place to relax.

The house is the most important element of the site, so first of all it is necessary to determine its location. If the lion's share of a small area will be occupied by a garden and a vegetable garden, then the most suitable place for a cottage will be the northern part of the site, directly next to the fence. This will protect the planted plants from shade and cold northern winds. If the land was purchased for recreation, then any place is suitable for housing: the main thing is to achieve harmony and comfort.

Examples of the location of houses on small plots :

Such land plots are found most often. Thanks to their larger area, there is room for a spacious cottage, bathhouse, garden, vegetable garden, gazebo, playground and a modest pond. If everything is planned rationally, there is also room for a guest house and a summer kitchen. The best option for a house for a plot of 10 acres is a 10x10 building, located, as in the previous case, on the north side of the territory. This allows you to achieve the best lighting for the gardening area, providing it with protection from cold northern winds.

Along with the classic (geometric) layout, the plot area of ​​10 acres allows the use of other, more non-standard options. Lovers of privacy and solitude will like the option of placing the home in the middle of the garden. In this case, the starting point for its orientation is not the axis of the site, but directly the cardinal directions. A gravel driveway can be laid to the roadway from the house. A separate pedestrian path will also be required.

Examples of the location of houses on middle plots (click on image to enlarge):

Such a vast territory removes any restrictions on the implementation of design ideas and the placement of various auxiliary buildings. At the same time, it is important to achieve competent and rational placement of all elements in order to make the territory harmonious, functional and easy to use. As for the suitable landscape style, for plots of 15 acres or more, the so-called. "picturesque" style. It is characterized by the presence of smooth winding lines, asymmetrical placement of elements, and widespread use of decor (forged parts, lanterns, bridges, flower beds, etc.).

This is what a plot of 20 acres looks like

Eco-style, which preserves the almost original appearance of the area, is also very popular in the design of large areas. This approach will require only slight adjustments to the existing natural data, without significant capital investments. Selected style landscape design will directly affect the location of the residential building. Along with the classic location (northern part of the site), the vastness of the territory allows the use of other schemes. In any case, it is advisable to choose the highest point of the area for the house, equipping it with a second exit to the backyard.

Examples of the location of houses on large plots (click on image to enlarge):

Influence of plot shape

In addition to the area of ​​the building area, the location of the main house is largely influenced by its shape.

It is most difficult with elongated sections, because... such a configuration greatly limits architectural and design thought. On many positions it is necessary to compromise, starting from the specific state of affairs. Zoning a narrow territory encounters significant difficulties, and ready-made standard designs for suitable housing are extremely rare. When determining the location for a house, in this case the relief and orientation of the territory are taken into account.

As a rule, a cottage on an elongated area is located so that its pediment faces the street. If the plot of land is adjacent to a central noisy road, the dwelling is moved deeper into a quieter sector. The third option for placing a house on a narrow plot is one of the sides (where there is the most shade). This allows for rational exploitation of the territory, expanding the space in front of the estate and bringing all other objects closer.

Layout of a narrow plot of land

The most convenient form of territory for construction. The location of the house in this case is designed depending on the preferences of the owners and the features of the landscape. If the site is located on a southern slope, it is best to place the house at the highest point. On the eastern or western slope, they try to move the dwelling closer to the north side, also choosing the highest place for this. The slope to the north is considered the most inconvenient: in this case, the most optimal place to place the house would be the western border, or the middle of the slope (for this you have to use bedding). Smooth rectangular plots, depending on their size, can be designed traditionally (a house on the north side) or with the housing shifted deeper into the territory.

The most difficult situation for solving the problem of where to locate the house. Additional difficulties arise when the home has a typical rectangular or square shape. Best option placement of such a building - along the axis of the territory, or with some offset along the axis. A more optimal approach is to design a cottage based on the specific situation on the site. In addition, a corner plot of land usually has a two-way street overtaking. This intersection of streets has a direct impact on the location of objects on the site, limiting the choice of location for a house.

Examples of layout of corner plots (click on image to enlarge):

Recently, when planning the location of a house on a site, the eastern teachings of Feng Shui have been used, taking into account the presence or absence of positive or negative energies. In the process of research, energy flows emerging from the bowels of the earth to the surface are analyzed. It is of great importance whether there are faults in the earth’s crust in the area, and what kind of radiation comes from these formations.

Although our country is Orthodox, there is a certain soundness in the feng shui advice:

  • Don't build a house on top of a mountain. It is not recommended to choose for placing a house top part slope There is a completely logical explanation for this, because... This place is blown by strong winds and lacks shade.
  • Give preference to traditional site forms. It is better not to choose other options: if the acquired territory has an irregular configuration, it is advisable to break it up into more than several sectors of the usual shape.
  • Avoid proximity to places that have negative energy. It is not recommended to build a home near a cemetery, highway, hospital, old ruins, prison, etc. You should also move away from industrial and polluted areas.


The issue of proper placement of the house should be approached with all seriousness. There have been cases when it was necessary to rebuild or displace an already constructed building due to violations of fire or sanitary regulations. It is most convenient to deal with rectangular plots of land with an area of ​​10-15 acres, located on flat terrain. Almost anyone is suitable for them. standard project home, and there are almost no problems with placing a cottage.

How to place a house on a plot: by area, by shape, by cardinal directions

When purchasing a plot for the construction of a residential building (or cottage), the new owner begins to plan in anticipation what and where to build. Unfortunately, plans are not always feasible. Many of them may not comply with the requirements and rules established by law.

When designing a home and developing master plan it is very important to choose correct location houses on the site. The standards regulating these issues will help to optimally position not only a residential building, but also the rooms in it in accordance with the cardinal directions. This will help protect you from cold winds, drafts and let you into the house greatest number sunlight. And this, in turn, will save costs on heating and lighting the building.

Building codes aren't the only thing you should pay attention to. You should take into account the experience of both your own and your neighbors and acquaintances. Some nuances in this matter can make life much easier in the future.

Where to start

First, you need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with your new site. To do this, place pegs around its perimeter if there is no fence yet. This will help you conduct a survey of your possessions. Imagine exactly what you want to see. Create a “preliminary” master plan.

The next step is to study regulatory documents, which regulate the location of the house on the site. There are sanitary, fire, and urban planning standards. All of them need to be taken into account.

It is necessary to take into account all buildings, neighboring buildings, even the location of trees. To do this, you need to order the local area. Documents of this kind are issued by the geodetic service.

Insolation of premises

The location of the house on the site in the cardinal directions must correspond to the standard duration of insolation. Insolation refers to the entry of sunlight into a room. There are clear requirements for its duration. But they only apply to living rooms. Premises for other purposes (kitchens, corridors, verandas, etc.) are not taken into account.

Residential buildings should be located on the cardinal points in such a way that the continuous period of insolation is the following values:

  • More than two and a half hours a day from the north side from April 22 to August 22.
  • More than two hours in the central zone from March 22 to September 22.
  • More than 1.5 hours from the south side from February 22 to October 22.

These values ​​indicate the time during which the sun should penetrate into the room. Moreover, these requirements do not apply to just one room. The number of rooms depends on the size of the house:

  • A one-room apartment has one living space.
  • In a “kopeck piece” or “three ruble” - in any of the living rooms.
  • In houses where the number of rooms is more than three - in two living rooms.

In some situations, the duration of insolation may be reduced by half an hour. This applies to houses located in the northern and central zones. And only in the following cases:

  • The houses were built in the central or historical part of the village.
  • If the sun penetrates more than two rooms in two-room and three-room houses.
  • If insolation is provided in more than three rooms of a multi-room house.

Cardinal directions when designing a house

The location of the house on the site should be planned taking into account the cardinal directions. This will help meet the requirements for insolation of premises, save on heating and lighting at home.

The least amount of light falls on the walls located on the north side. The most light is in the rooms located on the south side. Taking this into account, it is recommended to locate living rooms on the east and west sides.

Simultaneously with the location of the sun and its penetration into the house, it is necessary to take into account the wind rose. They are taken into account for each region of the country separately. If we talk about the central part of Russia, the less favorable sides are the northern, northwestern and western. These are the cardinal directions from which the winds predominate. Such wind flows have higher speed and lower temperature, that is, they are stronger and colder than others.

Therefore, most often the walls on the northern and western sides are made blank or with a small number of windows. On the north side it is recommended to place utility rooms, storage rooms, garage. This arrangement of premises protects the living rooms.

The best way to place a house

The layout of the house on the site may not be ideal. It is impossible to take into account all the nuances at the same time. But you can try to do this. To do this, the following points must be taken into account:

  • Site plan and its relief.
  • Location of the entrance to the site from the road.
  • Neighboring plots and buildings on them.
  • The size of the planned house and its shape.
  • Personal wishes of the owners.

Correctly selected location of the house and bathhouse on the site will help you relax better with your family. If communications need to be connected to the bathhouse, it is located closer to the house. Recreation areas (for example, a barbecue) are arranged far from home, in the most secluded and beautiful place, away from strangers.

The place where plants are grown should be the brightest corner protected from the winds.

The location of the house on the site in the cardinal directions must comply with the most important rule: the shadow of the house should not constantly be on the site. If this rule is ignored, neither the home owners nor the plants planted around will be able to enjoy the warmth of the sun.

Historical location of housing

Previously, when no regulatory documents existed, the location of the house on the site was chosen taking into account the laws of nature. In particular - the sun.

The building itself was traditionally built on the northwestern side of the site, preferably on a hill.

The porch was built on the southeast side of the house. The children's room was also located in the same direction. It was as if they were greeting the rising sun in the morning.

The kitchen windows traditionally face the courtyard. And this means in the north or north-west direction. But the western wall was left blank.

Layout of the house on the site

Building codes are developed for a reason. They help plan the location of the house in such a way as to create the most optimal and comfortable living conditions.

The requirements of sanitary standards clearly define that there should be no windows in the range of 200-290 degrees northern latitude. Windows are installed on the south and southeast sides. This requirement applies to a one-room apartment located in apartment building. As for a two-room apartment, the window of one of the living rooms should face these sides. In a three-room apartment, two windows should be installed in this direction, and in a five-room apartment - three.

On the north and west sides there is a kitchen, storage room, and bathroom. It is permissible to equip the front door in this direction.

All other rooms should be located on the south or east side.

Room location

The location of the house on the site requires individual compromises in solving the problem. Each of the cardinal directions has its own pros and cons. They must be taken into account when choosing the location of premises.

The south side of the house receives the most sunlight. Therefore, in this direction they are usually placed game rooms, verandas, halls, winter gardens.

The northern side receives the least sun. Little light enters the room from this side. AND large windows in this case are not a solution to the problem. They only make it worse. A large glazing area will lead to severe heat loss under the influence of cold winds. On this side of the house there are kitchens, garages, and utility rooms.

The eastern side of the house is best lit in the morning. But in winter time the sun disappears from the windows quite early. Therefore, bedrooms, offices, and dining rooms are arranged on this side.

The disputable side is the Western one. It is more exposed to cold winds and precipitation than others. But after lunch, the rooms in this direction are flooded with sunlight. Typically, guest rooms and bedrooms are located on this side (for those who like to sleep longer).

Recently, following the requirements of Feng Shui has been considered fashionable. The location of the house can also be built according to the laws of this science. But to do this correctly, you need to seek help from a specialist. This is not a cheap pleasure. Therefore, this is a justified step only if you plan to live according to the proposed recommendations. If there is no such desire, you can adhere to only some individual points.

The location of a residential building on a plot of regular shape should approximately coincide with its center. If the section is elongated, it is placed closer to the long side. Moreover, the building is not being built at the edge of the site, but in the depths. But there should be more space behind the house than in front of it.

Common rooms are located on the west side. But it is recommended to arrange bedrooms towards the sun, that is, on the south-east side. There are no bedrooms on the west side.


The location of the house on the site plays an important role in creating comfortable and cozy living conditions. Traditions, recommendations and requirements of legislative bodies will help you do everything right. But all these standards may change taking into account the climate zone of the region of residence.

Today, anyone can build a building on personal land. The location of the garage on the site depends not only on the wishes and needs of the owner; state documents regulate the construction of permanent and temporary buildings. Rules are established by law (taking into account the type of land plot and other features) on the basis of which a place for building a garage is selected. private territory.

Before you build a garage summer cottage, study building codes, environmental and fire safety requirements, urban planning and sanitary standards. Citizens are required to obtain a package of documents permitting work and placement of objects in the specified location, and then proceed to the construction of garages in the local area.

Basic rules for placing a garage on a site

Before construction, the plan must be agreed upon with the government authority. Without following the rule, actions are illegal. Law enforcement agencies will freeze the construction, force the demolition of the facility or impose penalties, and placing a garage on the site will be impossible. Regional authorities amend the law, so different areas have different requirements for construction on private lands.

Owners do not always know that there are rules regarding how to place a garage and other permanent buildings on the site. For example, car gates should not be in line with the fence. It is safe to leave a distance of 5 m between the fence and the garage.

A car parked near the gate must not interfere with other vehicles or pedestrians. If you have in your hands a document regulating how to properly place a garage on your personal property, permission is given in accordance with this requirement.

Before placing an object on the site plan, experts assess the distance from utility buildings and from a residential building; a garage can only be located in places that do not go beyond the red marks. The space in front of the garage can be covered with a canopy. The structure is not considered capital, so it can go to the red line of the approved scheme.

Combining garages: using a garage wall instead of a fence

The adjoining of one garage to another is considered acceptable. A written agreement is concluded between neighbors on the construction of combined facilities. The owner of each plot not only saves territory, but also funds for installing a fence on the border of land ownership.

It is convenient for the owner to build a garage on the edge of the plot, so that the wall serves as part of the fence. The shadow from the object can fall on the neighboring territory and affect the yield if the land is cultivated. Written permission from neighbors is required for construction.

In both cases, an agreement is reached between citizens. When transferring ownership of land to other persons, they can demand the liquidation of a car garage on private territory nearby and go to court.

Reducing the distance between your neighbor's house and your garage

Fire safety requirements state that the distance from the garage to the neighboring plot, road and other objects must be at least 6 m. When a voluntary agreement is concluded between residents, the object is built closer. In this case, the room is equipped with fire extinguishers, a fire shield and sand boxes. The wiring is replaced (if it does not meet the standards), and lighting fixtures with lampshades.

Attached garage

Another option to save space on personal plot. The attached garage is adjacent to the wall of the house, so workers will need less bricks, blocks or other building material. The object is erected to the right or left of the building, and the foundation must be at the same level, otherwise cracking or collapse of buildings due to soil subsidence cannot be ruled out.

Particular attention is paid to fire safety. For this purpose, they use wiring in non-flammable insulation, create several exits (one to the street, the other to the house), and the garage is equipped with a fire alarm.

It is best to build a parking space together with the house, so that the extension is initially included in the cottage plan. If the property is being added to a cottage, you will need to first obtain permission and have an updated building plan entered into the registry, otherwise problems will arise during legal transactions related to the property.

Garage in the house

A built-in garage has its disadvantages and advantages. The room can be noisy, so bedrooms should not be adjacent to it. Care should be taken to remove unpleasant odors and create ventilation system in the technical area of ​​the house.

An unpleasant feature is condensation on the walls due to temperature differences. To get rid of damp walls, the garage is heated. Maintaining a stable temperature will lead to increased material costs for the owner.

Space for a car can be equipped with ground floor, then heating will not be needed. Such a garage is inconvenient because the tenant struggles with snow and ice on the descent in winter. In summer, to avoid flooding, the basement is equipped with water drainage devices.

Standards and required documents for registration

The main document regulating the construction of objects on private land plots is called SNiP (building norms and rules), it describes the features of placing a garage on a land plot. The most popular size of the object (length - 7 m, width - 5 m) allows you to park a car and is subject to a small tax, however, the document allows the construction of a building of a different size.

No permit is required to build a garage without a foundation. Before the start of capital construction work carry out coordination with local authorities: administration or village council. To consider the issue, you need to prepare documents on ownership, a general plan of the land plot, and a diagram of the territory on which the garage is planned to be built.

A response will be received within 10 working days. If the location of the garage on the site complies with urban planning regulations, fire and environmental safety standards are met, you will receive a building permit. A period of time is allotted for the work, which can be increased at the request of the owner of the site.

The location of buildings on the site: houses, bathhouses, sheds, garages and other buildings, it is important to take into account special standards regulating the distance between them and other parameters. Guided by the suggested tips, you will avoid mistakes and be able to properly organize the space on your site.


Of great importance when planning the location of buildings are:

  • building codes and regulations
  • fire safety rules
  • area of ​​the territory and its landscape features

Location of the house

The house is being built in accordance with SP 30-102-99:

  • from the main street at least ——— 5 meters
  • from driveways and alleys at least ——— 3 meters
  • to the neighbors' house: for stone buildings at least ——- 6 meters
  • for wooden buildings minimum ——- 10 meters

We measure the distance from the base of the building if other structures do not protrude more than 5 meters, otherwise you need to measure from them.

How to place other buildings:

  • from the main street at least —— 5 meters
  • from driveways and alleys at least —— 5 meters
  • the distance from the house and other structures is at least —— 4 meters
  • the distance from the house to the bathhouse is at least 8 meters
  • the distance from the garage to the fence is at least ——- 1 meter

Where to put the garage

When building a separate garage, the distance between it and the main house must be at least 4 m. This is reflected in the fire safety and sanitary standards. And between residential buildings there should be at least 6-15 m.

To choose a site for a garage, you need to take into account that there will be a driveway in front of it. For safe passage, this place must have a wide view, and the selected area must be sufficient for maneuvering vehicles.
There should be a flat area under the garage with a slight slope. Thanks to the slope, water will be removed faster after rain or melting snowdrifts. It is advisable to take measures to drain the area near the garage building. This will prevent flooding of the garage and damage to the car and tools stored in the room.

How to position a bathhouse

It is best to install it away from the road. There must certainly be a fence or a full-fledged fence between the bathhouse and neighboring areas. It is also advisable to make a fence between the bathhouse and other buildings. If the bathhouse is built near a river or lake, the distance between the building and the reservoir should be about 15 m, since waste water, formed in the bathhouse, pollute the surrounding area.

The correct solution is to build a bathhouse on a hill. This makes it possible to do without a special sewer system, since the water will flow out on its own.

Sometimes the bathhouse is combined with other buildings or with residential building. When arranging a bathhouse adjacent to the house, it is better to choose a Finnish sauna design. In such a bath there is less moisture and the temperature is higher, due to which the wall materials dry quickly and do not rot.

How to arrange green spaces:

  • shrubs from the neighboring area should be at least —— 1 meter
  • medium-sized trees from neighbors at least —— 2 meters
  • large trees from neighbors at least —— 4 meters

Correct location of the boiler room

The boiler room should be located away from the residential building. This is more reliable in terms of fire safety, as well as from the point of view of environmental friendliness, since fuel combustion is accompanied by the release of harmful gases and soot. Also, for safety reasons, all electrical equipment involved in the operation of the boiler room must be installed behind a partition, in a separate room. This is necessary to protect electrical appliances and devices from overheating during operation of the heating boiler.

The location of buildings on the site is an interesting video: