Drawing of luck and success. How to attract money using Feng Shui. Chinese money coins

Beautiful paintings will decorate the interior, and cleverly selected canvases will also help to attract good luck to the house. Knowing what exactly the plot you like means, the artist will be able to fill his work with the “right” emotions

When choosing a painting by numbers, it is advisable to find out what exactly its plot means. To make it easier to navigate the variety of sets presented, for those who want to attract good luck to the house, you should pay attention to the following paintings:

1. “Colorful Estate” - a picture in the center of which a small waterfall is painted will definitely attract good luck and prosperity to the house. This canvas will be “comfortable” in the living room or kitchen. The image of moving water will help fill the room with positive energy.

2. The swift sailboat in the painting by numbers “In the Ocean” is one of the main symbols of good luck. When choosing a place to place the canvas, you should definitely pay attention to ensuring that the bow of the sailboat is directed towards the apartment, and then success and good luck will enter the house “in full sail”. By the way, the fact that the painting depicts the emerging dawn is also significant. Morning is both the beginning of the day and the beginning of a new prosperous period in the life of the owner of the painting. The coloring book will become excellent option this story is for a child.

3. Birds of Paradise symbolize both a happy couple and are birds that bring good luck. A gentle and touching story will decorate any room in the house. But most best place This painting will be used in the bedroom. Good luck will certainly accompany the artist who painted such an emotionally vivid plot.

4. The sakura in the picture will also serve as an excellent symbol of good luck. The flowering of this beautiful tree is surrounded by ancient legends, and in Japan, in honor of the wild cherry, which grows everywhere, they organize a national holiday - hanami, admiring flowering trees. This tree is credited not only with attracting good luck, it symbolizes many concepts - beauty, wisdom, love, youth, renewal. , - the theme of these paintings is the same, it is intended to create an atmosphere of joy and well-being in the room. The mountains depicted in the painting by numbers will serve as additional support in business if you decorate your office with this painting. But you need to hang the canvas behind your back, so that the peaks do not become an obstacle to career growth, but serve as a reliable rear.
5. Images of a flower, beloved by so many, will give the viewer not only pleasant memories of the tart aroma. Beautiful and majestic chrysanthemums will bring good luck to your home or office. This flower, like cherry blossoms, is a symbol of Japan and the imperial family.

6. The fish in the painting by numbers will also be very busy useful thing, because they tirelessly “care” about the financial success and luck of the artist who worked on creating a masterpiece. Bright and funny ones symbolize good luck. There is an ancient Chinese legend about how a stubborn person even became a dragon. If you look closely, the carp's fins really resemble the wings of a dragon.
7. Ideal for a study or living room. Such a picture, painted as a gift to a colleague or boss, will contribute to the successful promotion of the business.
Thus, paying attention not only to color scheme, but also on the meaning of the plot, the artist will not introduce disharmony into the subtle world of energy by decorating his home or workplace your own masterpieces, but will create a comfortable atmosphere for everyone around you.

Ancient Chinese practices help in modern world achieve maximum life harmony through the special organization of your own space.

Feng Shui is simply necessary to attract money, since wealth is very important for every person, both physically and morally.

According to the teaching, wealth is a special type of energy that should be learned to manage.

Feng Shui for attracting money: rules

The method of increasing one’s own wealth always takes into account the internal state of a person. Feng Shui for money will work only when a readiness for wealth settles in the soul. Therefore, you need to follow simple life principles.

Respectful attitude

Money of any denomination requires respectful treatment. Banknotes and coins love to be carefully counted. Therefore, keeping a notebook with your expenses and income according to Feng Shui is extremely necessary.

Thoughts on ways to make money

Feng Shui for attracting money will not help if thinking is not aimed at new earnings. It's completely normal to look for fresh ways to increase your wealth because it demonstrates being mindful of your money.

The easiest way to develop thoughts in this direction is to write questions about how best to make money. Then you need to give your own answers.

Successful environment

The desire for prosperity must certainly affect a person’s environment. You should be around successful and wealthy people whom you respect. As a result the flow energy metabolism will be inevitable, and money will definitely attract. The initial step in Feng Shui to attract money is a photo.

Try to surround yourself with images of rich and successful individuals so that you even subconsciously strive towards them.

How to attract money using Feng Shui

The laws of Chinese harmony work primarily in the space of the home. Therefore, according to Feng Shui, in order for money to flow, you first need to draw up a plan of your apartment and determine the cardinal directions.

The wealth zone is located in the southeastern sector, so its design directly affects the entire family wealth. As soon as this territory is precisely determined by you, the question of where to place the figurines for money according to Feng Shui will be immediately resolved.

To activate this area, you must follow several steps:

  • The setting must be related to living nature. Even the paintings will be distinguished by bright flowering landscapes in this sector. It is better to choose furniture from natural materials. The design of the sector is best done in earth tones, which brings money according to Feng Shui. First of all, all tones of the green palette will look great.
  • Think about plant decoration of the area. In the wealth zone, small potted trees or simply plants with thick leaves associated with coins would be a great addition. Best choice- succulents or crassula. But thorns or sharp foliage are not suitable in this area.
  • Be sure to pay attention to the presence of the water element in the money zone. This could be a small artificial fountain or a photograph of it, as well as a picture of a lake or river. You shouldn’t choose bodies of water that are too large: the wealth from your home will simply be carried away by a powerful current. Another option on how to attract money using Feng Shui is to install an aquarium. Its size should correspond to the area of ​​the room, and the fish should be carefully cared for.

Attracting cash flows is influenced not only by the south-eastern territory of the apartment, but also general condition Houses. Therefore, be sure to get rid of broken things and excess trash, clean up on time, especially on balconies and in the storage room. Keep even the hallway clean and under no circumstances hang a mirror in front of the door, creating a reflection of positive energy.

To avoid losing the wealth you've already accumulated, keep the bathroom and toilet tightly closed, don't let guests wash the dishes, and hide the trash can. Such tricks will help keep money energy in the house.

How to attract money using Feng Shui at work

The question often arises of how to attract money using Feng Shui while at work. The flow of energy here also plays an important role for career growth and salary increases.

  • It is not advisable to sit with your back to the door, window or your colleagues in the room. Also, do not place the table directly opposite a doorway or a solid wall.
  • It is better to design an office or office in light colors using natural wood. This will help unlock the potential of all employees.
  • There should be figurines with a dragon or turtle on the table. You can also place crystal or glass balls in the north-eastern half of the workplace.
  • The chair must have high-quality armrests and a high back. Such seats bring success in money matters and symbolize stability.

To increase wealth, where you store your finances is of great importance. Most often, a wallet is used for money, so a number of requirements are put forward to it. Try to learn right away which wallet attracts money according to Feng Shui.

Which wallet attracts money

  • In any monetary accessory, order is very important. Money is placed unfolded and paper bills are kept separate from coins.
  • You should also pay attention to the well-groomed nature of your wallet. The appearance of this item should be associated with luxury and beauty. Therefore, old wallets with holes and scuffs are immediately thrown away.
  • You can’t store anything unnecessary in a money accessory, but talismans are quite appropriate. The best option is three Chinese coins with a red thread.
  • The naturalness of the materials largely determines which wallet attracts money according to Feng Shui. Energy must pass freely through its walls. Plastic and artificial leather are considered bad companions for wealth.

You can also read more about choosing a wallet according to Feng Shui

How to save money according to feng shui

When flows of wealth have already been attracted to your home and quietly penetrate your wallet, the problem arises of how to properly save money according to Feng Shui. Maintaining your wealth is an important aspect of managing your finances.

  • Learn to part with banknotes calmly and cordially so that the energy of money does not stagnate. It is better to carry out all financial transactions with a satisfied smile and gratitude for your wealth.
  • Do not spend all your income at once, because your wallet should not be empty. For specific material purposes, it is better to have a separate Feng Shui money envelope. Any future purchase should be visualized by putting its image in your accessory.
  • In gratitude for your financial success, return a tenth of the money you earn to the sky. To do this, simply donate banknotes to charity.

Feng Shui money mat

Money napkins and mats act as real energy activators in Chinese practice. They are the ones who attract abundance and long-term prosperity to the home.

Money mat color

  • It is better to choose a Feng Shui rug in red or gold colors. To place it, you should choose a wealth zone in the house, i.e. southeast side. Pay attention to rugs with hieroglyphs. The best option would be the “Incoming Money” symbol, which will increase your financial luck.
  • The color of the rug should take into account the direction of the main doorway. For a passage leading to the south, red or green models are suitable, and for doors facing southwest - brown. The unfavorable position of the doors can be smoothed out if you turn the rug diagonally in the desired direction.

How to use a money mat

  • If you lay out a money mat before entering a room, hide three ancient coins with a scarlet ribbon underneath it. You can also put the usual 5 rubles in the amount of three pieces, the main thing is to place the money with the heads up.
  • Feng Shui rugs should not be used for household purposes. A neglectful attitude offends the talisman, so do not throw the carpet anywhere and do not place dishes on it.
  • The money mat can be successfully placed on your desktop. It works effectively both near the computer and on the wall as a panel. With the help of such a thing, you can activate the wealth sector, especially if you put an additional talisman on top for prosperity.
  • Placing money mats in the bathroom is very harmful to financial energy. The water almost immediately carries away all positive energy from home.
  • The thing that Feng Shui rugs very accurately sense is the meaning of money for a person. That is why it is useful to recalculate your finances on a money carpet so that the powers of such a talisman increase.

Money box

A Feng Shui money box will help strengthen the role of a talisman. This thing must be used to increase your savings, so that some bills attract others.

Take any box suitable for storing money, put a few units and visualize how their number grows thanks to some magnetism. When you take bills from this storage, be sure to imagine the newly filled space.

Be sure to take care of the box and do not show it to strangers.

Pictures to attract money

The design of the southeastern wealth sector involves not only the placement of small talismans, but also the decoration of the walls. A very effective Feng Shui decorative element for attracting money is pictures.

  • An excellent option for personifying financial prosperity would be images of mountain peaks. Such paintings are especially good in the office, behind the employee’s back. Any type of nature is suitable there, except deserts.
  • A drawn dragon will be a good symbol for attracting finance. Feng Shui pictures for money and happiness usually involve the image of golden monsters on a red background. This image should be hung opposite front door.
  • Place photos of rich cars and luxurious mansions in the southeastern sector. Choose any cityscape that is identified with wealth and prosperity (Wall Street, for example). Just avoid aggressive images.
  • Feng Shui pictures for money with the theme of wealth itself are ideal. We are talking, first of all, about images of valuable coins and banknotes of foreign countries. You can post illustrations of money symbols (for example, a dollar sign), jewelry, and gold bars.

What to refuse

The presence of waterfalls and sea waves does not have a very positive effect on energy conservation, so pictures for money should not contain the water element in all its magnitude. If you are used to relaxing by contemplating such pictures, replace them with images of cranes, deer or photographs of bamboo.

Avoid any images that bring melancholy and sadness to a person. Even if a picture that is lucky in Feng Shui evokes negative associations or unpleasant memories for you, there will be no beneficial effect.

Please note that in the wealth sector, all images should be formatted in wooden frames. Framing drawings and photos should not be massive, so always take into account the overall style.

Feng Shui pictures for attracting money can also be chosen based on the universal golden color scheme and shape - slightly oblong or rectangular.

Money colors according to feng shui

According to Feng Shui, the color of money is associated both with the overall design of the wealth sector and with the choice of wallet. Shade should also be taken into account when creating talismans such as money napkins or trees.

  • The palette of existing elements directly determines which Feng Shui colors attract money. First of all, Earth and Metal are useful for financial energy. Therefore, the optimal shades will be chocolate, yellow, silver and black.
  • Avoid colors associated with the water element because they allow money to escape from the home. The taboo extends to green, blue and cyan shades.
  • According to Feng Shui, the color of money does not have to be uniform. Can be skillfully combined different shades, choosing pleasant and suitable tones for the interior or image. If we consider the palette of wallets, then they appearance may differ from interior decoration.
  • Be sure to consider which money colors will suit you. To do this, you can define main element personality according to Feng Shui, turn to numerology or study your personal horoscope.
  • What is the most controversial color of money according to Feng Shui? Of course, red. This is a very vibrant shade that can be used as a powerful wealth tool. However, the fire element associated with this color will have to be tamed, otherwise all income will simply burn out. It is better to use red tones only in certain details of the wallet and space.

Money symbols and signs

Figurine of Hotei

The most powerful feng shui symbol of money and wealth is the figurine of Hotei. The mascot is a plump, joyful Chinese man with a bag of money on his back and a couple of coins or peaches in his hands.

An additional attraction of wealth is the installation of a figurine of Daikoku - a deity who guards financial wealth. It can be combined with the image of the god Ebisu or the fish Tai.

Chinese money coins

- the oldest symbol of money according to Feng Shui. Pictures of traditional Asian money are especially powerful if there are corresponding hieroglyphs and designs on the surface of the coins. It is also recommended to have in the house not only the image, but also the ancient coins themselves.

You can store them in your own wallet, under a rug, even within the walls of your home. The effectiveness of the talisman increases when the coins are tied with a scarlet or gold ribbon. If you wish, you can arrange not only three coins, but it is undesirable to use the number 4.

Golden toad with coin

Another great feng shui sign of money is with a coin in the mouth. It should be directed deep into your home. therefore, the talisman should not be turned towards window or door openings.

It is useful to place such a symbol near expressions of the water element - fountains and aquariums; moreover, the toad is activated precisely by being lowered into a simple liquid. You should not wipe it after this ritual.

Money owl

According to Feng Shui, the symbol of money should be associated with stability, so the use of owl figures is not uncommon. The bird should be placed near the money tree so that it protects the house from thoughtless expenses.

By the way, money animals also include goldfish and rats, whose figurines are placed in the wealth zone.

Citrus fruits

Tangerines and orange fruits are also feng shui symbols for attracting money. They help not only through their presence in their natural form, but also due to the presence of pictures with citrus fruits or their dummies in the house.

These fruits also allow you to earn easy money.

Money envelope

A money envelope is a symbolic place for storing finances. Like wallets with boxes and rugs, this decorative element can contain the hieroglyph of money according to Feng Shui.

In Chinese practices, the Prosperity hieroglyph is usually used to add everyday money for household expenses, the Justice hieroglyph is used to return borrowed bills, and the Wealth hieroglyph is used to accumulate wealth in the home.

Feng Shui suggests using a variety of decorative elements and talismans to attract money. However, the main and effective method remains the positive attitude of the person himself.

Have you thought about learning how to manage your wealth, happiness, and luck? This is quite possible. It's enough to have a little secret. Sooner or later, every person feels that their own strengths are not limitless. There is sorely not enough time to do everything at once. Maybe that's why we feel the need for constant support from the outside in order to control our happiness, luck, and well-being? Feng Shui, an amazing, unique controller of positive energy, can provide support. Thanks to the theories of Feng Shui, each person can surround himself with objects that are suitable for him, will work to attract well-being, and “generate” good luck.

Any thing that surrounds us has a powerful energy formula.

It is very important to learn how to select the right things that can accumulate good luck and help attract money, wealth, happiness, and harmony. Such objects can be paintings that bring wealth, luck and happiness to their owners. In order not to make a mistake with your choice, you need to learn to read the symbols. Advice from Feng Shui experts will help with this.

Birds as one of the Feng Shui symbols

Feng Shui works a lot with symbolism. Birds are considered one of the symbols of good luck and the development of personal capabilities. You can have figurines, photographs or paintings of birds in your home. Only the birds depicted must not be in a cage. You can have live birds. Just forget about bird cages! Only a free, happy bird can become a symbol that brings happiness and good luck.

If you are looking for a way to improve things at work, just place a picture of a large flock of birds on your office wall. It will attract new clients and partners, promote careful handling of finances, and restrain from wastefulness.

Image different types birds have different influences, this also needs to be remembered:

  • birds of prey attract wealth and good luck;
  • rooster - career success;
  • small birds - messengers of good news;
  • pigeons promise love and harmony for married couples, and for single people they bring closer the time of a happy meeting with their destiny;
  • owls - personify care and patronage, the appearance of a mentor in life.

Pay attention to the color scheme of the birds in the painting - the yellow one will serve as support at work, the blue bird is considered a symbol that brings happiness.

The flying flock of birds depicted in the picture promises a well-deserved career advancement, opening up wide opportunities; a picture with the image of a peacock will contribute to good luck and success in all areas of activity.

Images that attract wealth

To attract money and wealth into your life, you can choose paintings depicting different symbols, traditionally denoting fertility, wealth, and abundance. These can be still lifes with fruit or lush orchards teeming with harvests, fountains, springs, springs, crystal clear ponds, a tree with a rich crown, green meadows or ripe cereals.

The image of a mill will bring success in business and attract wealth. The mill in all cultures serves, prosperity, change for the better.

No less effective for attracting wealth are images of an aquarium with fish or “money fish”. Have you noticed such pictures from your friends, do you often see them in your partners’ offices?

It’s just that all these people already know about the wonderful property of the gold money fish, which can make wishes come true. Try an experiment: try hanging a picture of a fish above the safe where the money is kept. Soon the money will begin to multiply.

In pursuit of happiness

Advice for those who lack love and joy to be happy - you should immediately hang a picture with butterflies in the living room, because this is a symbol of joy and love. Let there be two or more butterflies in the picture, but an even number. Pairs of carefree bright butterflies are a guarantee of harmony in the family.

If for some reason you think that a painting with butterflies looks too frivolous and will not look harmonious in the room, think about painting bats - one of the most powerful symbols of happiness and longevity.

Pictures for good luck

Feng Shui names quite a lot of symbols of good luck. Therefore, it will not be difficult to choose one of the artistic images of luck that is suitable for any interior style. Chrysanthemum, for example, is not just beautiful flower, in the east, the image of a chrysanthemum is considered a symbol of good luck. Pictures with a bouquet of chrysanthemums look very elegant. This picture will give the interior a romantic touch and bring a feeling of tenderness. To attract good luck, it is better to hang such a picture in the office or living room.

Good luck is attracted by the famous Feng Shui symbol, the Taoist Wheel of Fortune. It will also protect the owner from adversity, troubles, and will protect against troubles while traveling. This symbol is more suitable for an interior with elements of oriental style in its design.

Trees with fruits, as mentioned above, symbolize wealth. Another meaning is the image of a tree in bloom - it is a symbol of good luck, happy love. The image of a blossoming plum has the strongest energy to attract good luck.

The image of waterfalls attracts good luck to the house. Do not overdo it by looking for a painting of Niagara Falls - such a strong flow can “wash away” wealth from your home. To prevent this from happening, the picture should be hung so that the water flows away from the front door, and does not flow out the door along with the money.

A painting depicting a sailboat with full sails against the backdrop of a calm sea is a worthy decoration for home and office, not just an interior decoration, but one that brings good luck.

In the practice of Feng Shui, images of hieroglyphs are used that denote wealth, love, happiness, luck, and fidelity. Use such images to attract money, happiness and other benefits into your life only if you know exactly what a particular hieroglyph means. Or contact a specialist. There should be no dissonance between the image in the picture and what kind of energetic influence you expect from it.

Catch your luck, be rich, happy and prosperous.

Of course, as skeptics and cynics, we do not at all claim that these paintings are cursed. We do our best to believe that their tragic story is a chain of absurd accidents and idiotic coincidences. But they wouldn’t hang them at home anyway. Yes, just in case.

Giovanni Bragolin (Bruno Amadio). Crying boy

The picture was painted in the 50s of the XX century. The artist achieved such stunning realism by frightening the model, his little son, by lighting matches in front of him, which the child was afraid of. The painting became popular, many copies and reproductions were made from it, and in the mid-80s news appeared that fires often occurred in houses where these reproductions hung.

The British newspaper The Sun took up the investigation, which confirmed that many fire victims actually decorated the walls of their homes with copies of “The Crying Boy.” The “Burn the Boy” campaign was held: volunteers from the newspaper collected and bought all available reproductions of the painting and then ceremonially burned them in a vacant lot.

The original work is in the private collection of an anonymous collector (presumably kept in his fireproof safe).

Henry Fuseli. Nightmare, 1791

This charming painting now belongs to the Detroit Institute of Art, which is for the best, because it has the property of driving its owners to insomnia.

The first to complain about this effect were the artist himself, as well as his friend Nikolai Abildgaard, who made a copy of the painting and later painted his own canvas based on it with a similar plot. It is known that a large reproduction of “The Nightmare” hung in the reception room of Sigmund Freud, who was interested in its influence on human consciousness.

Claude Monet. Water lilies, 1803

The French impressionist painted a great variety of lilies in all poses, but only “Lilies” have a bad effect - they set fire to the houses and museums in which they are located. This innocent picture is responsible for dozens of fires, including fatalities.

The first victim was Monet himself, whose workshop burned down immediately after finishing work. Many works were destroyed in the fire, but “Lilies” remained untouched. The painting was purchased by a cabaret in Montmartre - and burned down a month later.

The Lilies remained undamaged and were purchased by the Parisian collector Otto Schmitz. A year later, Schmitz's house was reduced to embers. The fire started in the collector's completely burnt-out office; the only part of the room that survived the fire was the wall with the “Lilies” hanging on it. There were already ominous rumors about the film.

The further fate of the painting is connected with several more fires, of which the most famous is the fire at the Museum of Modern Arts in New York in 1958. Shortly before this, the museum acquired “Lilies”. Then one of the museum workers died in the fire, and “Lilies” seemed to be satisfied with this sacrifice. They still belong to the New York museum, but there are no more fires.

Unknown author of the 20th century. Tortured man

This elegant work of art has been arousing the burning interest of all kinds of lovers of the paranormal for several years, because prolonged contemplation of the painting can lead to panic attacks and hallucinations. The owner of the painting, Sean Robertson, who has fully felt the magical effect of the power of art, now keeps it in a closed basement and only allows in specialists in exorcising ghosts and evil spirits, many of whom then complain about the above symptoms.

And here is a video showing some of the effects of the wonderful picture.

Bill Stoneham. Hands resist him, 1972

But this beauty cannot be kept in homes where there are small children. Several of its owners’ children, after purchasing it, became seriously ill and suffered from nightmares (they complained that the children from the picture appeared to them at night). Since the early 2000s, the painting has been listed on eBay several times, where its price has risen from $150 (first purchase) to $1,000,000 (last purchase).

All sellers confirmed the negative properties of the canvas in the description ( nervous breakdown in children, night terrors, enuresis). Psychics who examined the painting at the invitation of the last owner insisted that it should be destroyed, with which the owner did not agree. The author of the painting claims that the painting caused an uneasy feeling in himself while working on it.

In 2004, Bill Stoneham wrote a pair for a bad picture, giving it the name Resistance at the Threshold (see left).

Diego Velasquez. Venus with a Mirror, 1650

If someone urgently needs to go broke, go missing or be stabbed to death, then one of the surest ways is to purchase this masterpiece. For the first two hundred and fifty years of its existence, the painting brought all kinds of misfortune to its owners. True, it must be taken into account that it was usually bought by scandalous aristocrats, the richest merchants and all sorts of rebellious dukes, that is, a public with an increased risk of duels, ruin and hired killers.

In 1906, it was bought by the National Collections Foundation for the London Gallery, and then the luck of the “Venus” itself changed: it was cut into shreds by the suffragette Mary Richardson, who considered the painting degrading to the dignity of women. After the restoration, “Venus” seems to have lost a considerable part of its harmfulness, although perhaps it is simply waiting for the opportunity to again end up in private, unfortunate hands.

Vladimir Borovikovsky. Portrait of Maria Lopukhina, 1797

It has long passed, and those eyes are no longer there

And that smile that was silently expressed

Suffering is the shadow of love and thoughts are the shadow of sadness,

But Borovikovsky saved her beauty.

So part of her soul did not fly away from us.

Ya. Polonsky

Soon after painting the portrait, Maria Lopukhina fell ill with consumption and died a few years later. After this, the portrait acquired notoriety - it was believed that it threatened the death of young unmarried girls, since part of Mary’s soul, jealous of the living, remained in the paints. It is not known whether this rumor corresponded to reality, but the management of the Tretyakov Gallery, having bought the painting, even considered whether to place the portrait in the exhibition because of the legend associated with it. Now the portrait is exhibited in the Tretyakov Gallery, and the number of misfortunes it brought to young visitors has not been statistically established.

Painting has been around for many centuries. It has come a long evolutionary path, starting from rock paintings on the walls of caves of ancient people and ending with innovative paintings. Every art lover chooses his own direction - modernism, expressionism, cubism, landscapes, portraits, marine painting.
There are many directions, but The paintings have one goal - to bring joy to the owner, to tune him into harmony and comfort. Many people prefer to buy paintings for their home, rather than just admire them in museums and art galleries. And it has often been noted that these pieces of art influence the lives of their owners.

Buy, order a painting for luck, order a painting for good luck

Paintings by Oksana Tumadin

Artist Oksana Tumadin (psychologist and art therapy specialist, her own methods, including the exact sciences, have helped many change their lives for the better) is sure that all painted paintings have a special gift to influence a person. For example, her paintings are based on one of the main sources for creating the painting - dive into the essence phenomenon (concept, request), deeply understood at the level of naturally working laws and precisely working formulas. It is this mood that awakens a person’s connection with the source, plus inspiration, thoughts, feelings and sensations that the picture shows on the canvas with the help of brushes and paints. When a picture is painted from the soul, from a pure heart, there is no doubt that the owner of the picture will feel wonderful changes in his life.

A painting that brings happiness

People often ask - Are there such paintings that bring happiness and good luck?
There are all sorts of amulets, amulets, medallions, why shouldn’t paintings perform the same function?

The answer to this question is Yes, there is!

The paintings have their own aura, which can influence certain events in the life of the owner. Everyone knows that aquarium fish calms nerves and instills calm. Paintings can do the same. Many end up in serious or difficult situations, can't find a way out or clues. And pictures, in the essence of which there is an entrance and an exit, there is a path and implementation, suggest a way out or the right solution, invisibly guiding in the right direction.

How to choose “your” painting?

It is so difficult, people think, because there are a great many paintings, and all are beautiful, colorful and attractive. However, there is one little secret - when looking at the picture, unusual physical sensations arise - rapid heartbeat, goosebumps. This means that the picture chose you. It contains the option for implementing your request, request, desire that is right for you.

Oksana Tumadin paints pictures for all occasions - for inspiration, for successful business, good luck in her personal life, and for getting out of difficult situations. The main thing is to choose the one that suits you. Many people like to order their portrait, before painting which work must be done so that a transformation of energy occurs inside and the Higher revelation and social realization The personality of this person.
Many owners have already found what the picture essentially conveyed, reviews and kind words you can read on the page provided.

✳️First, a copy of the painting you choose is made on a high-quality canvas.
✳️ Then the Author tunes in to you (for this you send your FAVORITE photos - where the eyes are burning and the smile and light are pouring through - this is the state of openness, happiness and joy that we all want to preserve and increase).
✳️You receive a video instruction, you do the work to restore energy before writing, send it via WhatsApp to the Author and the process of transformation has begun!!!

🙏By purchasing a Magnet Painting, you get the opportunity to connect with the best option receiving your Request (Desire), sincerely expressed in the essence (source) of the picture you have chosen. Choose 💗with your heart, and only then read the description.

For more detailed information, you can contact the Author - Oksana Tumadin’s official website www.school-prosvobodu.ru

Beautiful paintings will definitely improve your life and bring more bright colors, positive emotions, freedom and energy into it.

Watch the video of how a painting is created to complete the group work process(in the format of an on-site group training with Oksana Tumadin on art therapy and revealing one’s resource and purpose (training and drawing on the island of Ischia)

How do paintings change our lives? paintings by Oksana Tumadin

See below video gallery of paintings by Oksana Tumadin