Homemade heated insoles. Heated insoles: varieties, review of store options, how to make them yourself. Make infrared heated insoles

Winter can be very cold and harsh. This is especially true for places close to the Arctic Circle. Regardless, everyone experiences a cold month or few days from time to time. At this time, your feet can become very cold, and then you are not far from getting sick. Heated insoles can help you cope with frost.

Who will benefit from insoles?

In addition to cold days and very harsh living conditions, there is also a simple daily life. Such a device will not be superfluous for people whose feet are simply cold. They are mandatory for people who spend a long time on the street, whether for work or vocation. I am now talking about sellers at open markets, for whom the working day involves being in different conditions, especially in winter.

In addition, battery-powered heated insoles can help fishermen, for whom this is, if not a mandatory attribute, then desirable and recommended. Hunters also fall into this category, along with people who also work outdoors, regardless of the time of year. These could be farmers, builders, drivers.

How the insoles work

The overall design always consists of several unchanged parts. We are talking about the insole itself, the heating element, which is usually a thin thread of conductor, and the power source.

You've probably already guessed that you can make heated insoles yourself. To do this, you need to select the components yourself. There may be some improvements that depend more on the craftsman who makes the insoles.

When choosing a conductor, be sure to take into account the resistance; you can’t go wrong with it. Calculations play a very important role when working on insoles.

A simple system, a photo of which can be easily found on the Internet, provides for the presence of several power sources. Usually they use simple batteries, which are installed from three pieces. Why? It's all about the several modes of operation of such insoles.

In the first, the batteries will operate at 2/3 of their capacity. This mode ensures that the insoles are constantly kept warm. The second uses the full power of the power source, while the insoles heat up much more and become hot.

It is stipulated that in this mode they should not cause burns or severe discomfort. This is needed more for very low temperatures. Both of these modes should be tested several times before using the insoles personally.

There is no need to save time on this process, as faulty insoles can cause serious harm to your feet.

Materials for making insoles

Nichrome is a good conductor of heat. A thin thread of 2 tenths of a millimeter will be enough, which will reach 25-30 centimeters. After connecting it to the power system, you should check the conductor. This is necessary in order to find out how homemade heated insoles will behave.

To do this, take a not very thick cloth, place the thread connected to the batteries in this cloth, and hold it tightly in your hand. The temperature should be high enough to heat your hand, but not too high so as to burn it. Based on the results obtained, we adjust the temperature.

Let's return to the power source. As mentioned earlier, simple AA batteries will do. Two of these batteries can provide you with a charge of just over 250 milliamp hours. At the same time, three batteries contain up to 400 milliamp hours. Next, we select the required battery volume, which will determine the operating time of the insoles in heating mode.

The instructions on how to make heated insoles at home will tell you more situational components. These include additional conductors that will connect the nichrome thread and other consumables.

Manufacturing process

First you need to connect a nichrome thread with a wire that will lead to the batteries. To do this you will need contact sleeves. The cable should be at least 45 centimeters longer than needed to reach the insole.

How and where the thread will be laid is something everyone will decide for themselves. Most often it is concentrated in the front part of the insole, which freezes the most.

Next you will need to work with a simple needle and thread. Yes, the heating element needs to be fixed, and almost nothing is better for this than a simple thread. At the same time, the other end of the wire will receive a 3.5 mm plug that will connect to the battery system.

Next comes the power source. it will be attached to the leg, and therefore it needs a body. it is selected based on batteries with one condition - no matter how many of them you take, the case must accommodate one more. This is needed for the controller and the connector that will work with the mini jack.

Having finished working with the soldering iron, you will need to secure the whole thing, for which you will need hot glue. To prevent the batteries from falling out, take two simple rubber bands and put them on the top and bottom of the device.

Everything that we have now needs to be somehow secured to the leg. A simple Velcro tape works well for this. It will require holes in the body that will need to be drilled. Then we connect the two parts with threads and the device is ready for use.

Photo of heated insoles

It's time for cold weather, so today's lesson couldn't come at a better time. We will learn how to make heated insoles (shoes). To work, we will need two insoles, nichrome wire (4 m), heat shrink, thread and needles, wire, connector and a 12-volt power supply. First of all, we must thread 2 meters of nichrome wire with a diameter of 0.4 mm. through heat shrink, then warm everything up thoroughly so that the wire does not “walk” when we stitch it.

After warming up, we lay our wire on the insole in the form of a snake and stitch it with threads:

All that remains is to connect the wires, since nichrome practically cannot be soldered, we connect them using four twists. In the middle we strip the wires and solder the connector, the polarity does not matter. We check the functionality and connect the power supply to the network. In just a couple of seconds the insoles are already warm. With this design, the insoles will never get too hot or cold and will support optimal temperature for our feet. These heated insoles can be used while sitting at home at the computer or taken on winter fishing trips, and can be powered by a 12 or 18 volt battery from a screwdriver. True, in this case it is necessary to install a regulator.

Video on how to make heated insoles with your own hands:

Backup video on how to make heated shoes (insoles) with your own hands:

With the arrival of real cold weather, everyone thinks about how to feel comfortable in such uncomfortable conditions. Due to the fact that winters can sometimes be quite harsh, everyone wants to be thoroughly insulated. Sometimes warm, classic things are not enough and it comes down to such little things, it would seem, like insoles. Heated insoles will significantly improve the feeling of comfort and also protect against various colds.

Some fishermen need heated insoles, since they spend almost the entire daylight hours outside in the winter. Heated insoles will allow you to forget about the burning cold and feel comfortable even in the harshest conditions. It is very important to have warm insoles when fishing in the wade, even in the summer. Being in the water for a long time, the feet freeze to such an extent that they stop bending. Of course, you can put another pair of socks on your feet, but using heated insoles is best option.

If your feet get cold in winter, it’s easy to get sick, even if you haven’t spent much time in the cold. The use of heated insoles will create a heated space between the sole and the foot, which will prevent you from getting a dose of hypothermia. This means that the fisherman’s body will remain healthy, without colds.

Many people are interested in how heated insoles work. How do they all work?

The design of the insole is quite simple: in its hollow part there is a heating pad. It is made of such material that your feet can stay warm for several hours. The front part is made of perforated material, which helps to quickly warm the toes. The lower part is designed in such a way that the heat is evenly distributed throughout the foot.

On the market you can find low-quality products that do not meet the declared functions. In this regard, you need to know by what criteria insoles are selected and from which manufacturer.

When choosing heated insoles, you should pay attention to the following details:

  1. The operating principle of the product is based on a chemical reaction. As a rule, they are disposable and this is their main drawback. Before use, the top layer is removed from the insoles, which leads to the start of a chemical reaction. The validity period of such an insole is no more than 4 hours. The advantage is the simplicity of the device, low price, and therefore accessibility.
  2. The operating principle is based on a built-in heating element operating from a low-voltage source. This type of insoles is considered the safest, especially since they can be used long time. The device takes up little space thanks to its slim design. The model is absolutely safe for humans. In addition, the heating temperature is regulated.


Heated insoles are:

What indicates technical progress, which was even projected onto the insoles. The design is simple and has no wires, which is what interests many potential customers. The insole is controlled using a remote remote control. The device has a small battery in its design.

Advantages of such models:

  • Can be used with any type of shoe.
  • The shelf life is about 3 years, although much depends on the intensity of use.
  • Possibility of adjusting temperature conditions.

They differ in that they have a remote control unit connected to the heater using wires. The insole is also connected to the battery with a wire. You can use regular AA batteries as a power source.

Advantages of such models:

  • In appearance, this is a regular insole that can fit any shoe.
  • The ability to quickly replace the battery, which allows you to warm your feet longer.
  • Due to the simplicity of the design, the insole can be adjusted to fit any shoe size.

Heated insoles are absolutely safe and if they get wet, you can simply dry them.

Prices for heated insoles

Prices may vary depending on the manufacturer, and you can purchase them either in a supermarket or in an online store.

Manufacturers of heated insoles

This is a modern wireless product powered by a lithium-ion battery. Warms your feet for 5 hours, after which you need to charge the battery and use it again. Operates from a remote control that controls three operating modes. The product is designed to operate up to 3000 hours.

This development is suitable for various types shoes and keeps warm perfectly. There is a carbon plate inside the insole, and heating comes from a source of infrared radiation. The heating element is located at the top of the insole. The control panel can be mounted on the shin or on the upper side of the shoe. The device runs on batteries, and the charge is controlled on the control unit.

The device includes a battery that is attached to the shin. It works on the principle of an infrared radiation source. The device also includes a sensor that uses battery capacity very economically.

It is very important in winter to feel that you are surrounded by warmth. This is especially true for fishermen who are out in the cold all day. If your feet are warm and do not freeze, then your whole body feels comfortable. As a rule, the feet always freeze first, after which the whole body begins to feel discomfort.

The best option is heated insoles. At the same time, it is worth noting that buying a factory product is an expensive pleasure, although the choice is huge. Don't despair, because you can make them yourself.

To do this, you should stock up on the following elements:

  • Felt insoles and 60 cm nichrome wire.
  • MGTF wire 0.2 mm 2, about 3 meters.
  • Battery compartment for 4 batteries – 2 pieces.
  • Three-position switch – 2 pieces.
  • Mini-connector – 2 pieces (socket + plug).
  • Crimp sleeve 0.2 mm 2 – 4 pieces.
  • Heat shrink tube – 1 m.
  • Velcro.
  • Glue.

If all the elements are prepared, then you can start self-production similar useful device. For heating, thin nichrome wire is used here. The device runs on several batteries, the capacity of which is enough for several hours of continuous operation.

When the device is working, the nichrome will be hot, but you should not panic. Before installing the nichrome thread, it should be tested for heating by connecting it to a power source. If the wire gets very hot, it can be lengthened, and if it gets too hot, it can be shortened. In any case, even the slightest heating will be enough to prevent your feet from freezing. The average current consumption from 2 batteries should be approximately 270 mA. In this case, it is easy to choose the capacity of the power source that will provide comfort for your feet throughout the day.

The MGTF wire should be secured to the nichrome using crimp sleeves. The sleeve is put on the nichrome, after which the stripped end of the wire is inserted here. Crimping can be done using pliers. The length of the wire is taken with a margin. After final assembly of the device, the excess wire will be removed.

The most crucial moment here is to correctly position the heating element (nichrome). At the same time, it should be remembered that the fingers are always the first to freeze, so the heating element should be carefully secured along the entire perimeter of the insole, and especially in its toe. The MGTF wire is attached to the side of the insole, after which a heat-shrinkable tube is stretched over it. Well, finally, the wire is soldered to the mini-connector. The insoles are ready, so you can begin installing the battery compartment. One cell of the compartment should serve to house the second part of the mini-connector, as well as a three-position switch. All connections are carefully soldered and filled with hot glue. On the back side you need to drill a couple of holes for attaching Velcro. That's it, homemade heated insoles are ready to use.

Without heat, especially in winter time, and even when fishing, it’s very difficult to last the whole day, especially in severe frosts. If your feet are constantly warm, then warming up your body will not be a problem at all, and heated insoles will help with this.

It will be useful for all those people whose feet are constantly cold. Of course, these are, first of all, fishermen and hunters; we also cannot forget about the sellers in the markets who stand in the cold for days. Such insoles can be used not only in winter, but also in spring, autumn or even summer, on rainy days. With them, your feet will always be warm and dry, and this is the key to health. The device works very simply, and anyone can do it.

How do heated insoles work?
The author used a nichrome thread with a diameter of 0.2 mm and a length of 25.5 cm as a heating element. As a result of measurements, it was found that such a piece of wire has a resistance of 8.9 Ohms. In total, the system uses two modes, one provides for operation from two batteries, and the second from three. In the first case, the insoles will be constantly warm. And the third case is needed to make them hot, but not a state of discomfort or burn. Before installation, it is recommended to do a test run in both modes.

In order to check whether the nichrome is the optimal length, you need to put the wire in a handkerchief or other similar fabric, and then, connecting it to the battery, hold it between your palms. If it gets too hot in your hands, the length of the wire needs to be increased. Thus, you can choose the optimal heating temperature for the insoles.

When operating two AA batteries, the calculated current will be about 270 mA, and from three about 400 mA. Based on these figures and knowledge of the capacity of the batteries used, you can calculate the operating time of the insoles before discharge.

Materials and tools for assembling homemade products:

- nichrome wire with a diameter of 0.2 mm (length 60 cm);
- two felt insoles;
- about three meters of MGTF wire;
- compartment for installing four AA batteries;
- three position switch;
- two sets of mini jack connectors (plug with socket);
- four crimp sleeves (0.2 mm sq.);
- 1 m of heat shrink tube;
- strips of fabric with a Velcro-type lock;
- hot glue.

Homemade assembly process:

Step one. Connect the wire to the nichrome

To connect the MGTF wire 0.2 mm. sq. The author used crimp sleeves for nichrome. First, the sleeve is put on the nichrome, and then its end must be inserted into the stranded MGTF, cleared of insulation. A sleeve is installed at the joint and then crimped. A special crimping tool is well suited for these purposes, but all this can be done just fine with pliers. The length of the wires is taken such that it is 50 cm from the insole.

Where to lay the wire, everyone decides for themselves, depending on which part of the leg is cold. The author's toe is cold, so nichrome is placed in the front of the shoe. You can see in the photo exactly how to lay the wire.

Step two. Fixing the wire
To fix the wire, you can use thread and a needle. It must be carefully sheathed to form the desired pattern. As for the other end of the wire, a headphone plug is soldered to it for quick connection to a power source.

Step three. Installing the battery compartment and testing the device
The author uses three batteries in total, but the case is chosen to hold four. One compartment is used to install a switch and a mini jack socket. After soldering, the elements are fixed in place using hot glue. If it so happens that there is no cover on the battery compartment, then this is not a problem; the batteries can be pressed with a rubber band.

In order to fix the power source on the leg, you need to drill holes on the other side of the compartment, with the help of which a piece of tape with Velcro is attached. Now

One way to stay warm in winter is with heated insoles. To do right choice, it is worth understanding the varieties of such insoles and the operating principles of each of their types.

Varieties and principle of operation

According to the principle of operation, heating insoles can be divided into two categories: chemical and with a heating element inside.

Chemical heated insoles

These insoles are disposable. They are usually sold in sealed packaging. They can be made in the form of insoles or as a small bag with a self-adhesive side - to be secured directly in a frozen place, usually in the area of ​​​​the toes. The package must be opened and, if indicated in the instructions, shaken so that the chemical reaction starts immediately. After this, you need to put the insoles into the shoes or glue them to the sock, depending on the rules provided by the manufacturer.

Typically the heating effect lasts 4-6 hours. Some companies, for example, Toe Warmer, offer up to 8 hours of operation and an estimated temperature of 50°, and “Warm Up” insoles - 6 hours and a temperature of 38-45°.

Heating is possible thanks to iron powder, which, when oxidized, releases heat. Sodium chloride and salt inhibit this process to eliminate the possibility of burns. In addition, the insole may include activated carbon or small sawdust, their purpose is to absorb excess moisture and unpleasant odors. The outer surface of the insole is coated with a compound that prevents heat dissipation outward.

Typically, the heating temperature of these insoles is not as high as we would like - but this is a matter of choice of manufacturer and price. For example, expensive Japanese heated insoles provide a reliable temperature of about 50° for 6 hours. At the same time, Chinese analogues are only capable of 38-40°, while the operating time can be quite short - 2-4 hours. The price of a quality product may be higher than expected.

A prerequisite for use is air circulation in the shoes. If the shoes fit too tightly, the warmth from the insoles will not be felt. Oxygen is necessary for the oxidation of iron - thanks to this chemical reaction, a warming effect is possible. With the exception of this nuance, the insoles are suitable for any shoes.

Chemical insoles are intended for one-time use. For some, this is a drawback, because if there is a need to warm your feet every day, you need to buy many sets at once. On the other hand, this option is suitable for those who do not want to monitor the battery charge level. At the same time, disposable insoles are perfect for those who do not need such heating often: for example, when going with friends on a winter picnic once a year, or for skiing occasionally. The scheme is as simple as possible: buy, stick, warm up, remove and throw away.

Another plus is that the insoles are comfortable and almost invisible. No batteries, accumulators or wires. Some varieties can be "restarted" with water. However, you should not expect a significant result: a maximum of a couple of hours and the outlet temperature is 30-35°. Unlike other insoles, minimum size of which there are 35, chemical insoles can be placed in children's shoes.

Insoles with heating element

Another type of heated insoles differs in that the heating is carried out by a metal thread or plate that is powered by batteries or an accumulator. Based on the location of the battery, this type of insoles can be divided into two categories:

  • Wireless. The battery is built directly into the insole.
  • Wired. The insoles have a remote mount for batteries.


The battery of such insoles is located directly inside, usually in the heel. A thread or plate is powered from it, depending on the manufacturer and model. Usually this heating element is located under the toes, because they are the first to freeze, but there are models where a strip of metal runs along the entire foot. Both the battery and the heating element are contained in a shell that distributes heat evenly, minimizing heat loss.

The temperature of the insoles can reach 51°, and the operating time and service life depend on the battery. In order to charge it, it will take no more than 4 hours, but it can work up to 10.

The advantages of wireless heated insoles include a certain durability compared to disposable insoles, and the fact that no wires get in the way, creating the risk of breakage. You can control the heating using the remote control - it’s convenient; you can adjust the temperature or turn them off altogether, for example, when entering a room. Models that do not have a remote control can be turned off only by removing the insoles from the shoes; this is not very convenient. The battery can be replaced with regular batteries if necessary. The insoles are not afraid of moisture, but if you get your feet very wet (for example, drown the insoles in a lake), the battery will stop working and the insoles will turn into regular ones.

More precisely, not quite ordinary - and that’s about the disadvantages. The battery is definitely thicker than a regular insole. Because of this, the heel is noticeably higher than the toes, and this is not always convenient. Although insoles can be reduced by one or two sizes by cutting along the dotted lines with scissors, it is not always easy to guess the right one. You will most likely need a shoe size or two larger. The battery operates cyclically, and the operating cycles of two insoles may differ - one heats, the other “rests”. Some types of insoles turn on when you press on the heel - this is not suitable for cyclists, fishermen and hunters in ambush. If the heating element is a metal plate running through the entire insole, there is a risk of breaking it, this can happen faster than it seems.

The battery, like any other battery, does not like shock. Therefore, you should not jump on rocks from great heights wearing these insoles. It is important to avoid tearing or deforming the insole guard.

Wired insoles

This type of heated insoles is very similar to the previous one, except that the battery is located outside. From the heating element there is a wire, which from different manufacturers can be from 40 cm to 60 cm long. At the other end of the wire there is a block into which batteries are inserted. Blazewear models have a power regulator on this block. With its help you can control the temperature, turn the heating on or off.

From positive aspects You can note the maximum operating time - up to 11 hours with one battery and a set of batteries.

The thickness of the insole does not differ from the usual one, and the size can be reduced with scissors up to 35. Heating is not cyclical, but constant - the temperature depends on the selected mode. The operating life of the insoles depends on the battery, which can later be replaced.

The battery is placed on the shin. On the one hand, this is a plus - nothing gets in the way inside the boot. The risk of breaking the wire is small, but still there. The worst thing in this situation is that the insoles will stop working. Moreover, they are designed so that there is no risk of spontaneous combustion. You can jump and run in these insoles without fear of damaging the battery. The Ohm can be attached to the leg or to the inside of a boot or shoe.

Still, you still need to get used to the additional detail on the shin. In this case, a lot depends on the fastening. If it is an elastic band, it is important that the leg is not pulled too tightly - this will impede blood flow. If the batteries are attached with Velcro, they must be quite reliable - that is, the length of the adhesive part is at least 5 cm.

How to choose heated insoles?

Before you go to the store for heating insoles, you need to determine their purpose. If you need them every day, it makes sense to invest in products with a heating element. If such help is needed only from time to time, you can purchase several packages of chemical insoles good quality. If there is a risk of breaking the wire, for example when traveling over rough terrain, it may be better to stick with cordless options.

The best option is if the manufacturer has service center, where you can see and try on the insole and ask exciting questions.

Another important point which touches the insoles with a heating element is a battery. Is it possible to replace wireless insoles? This is usually rare. If it is specific, then what is the probability of finding a suitable one in three years? It may be worth giving preference to insoles that can work from universal batteries or from batteries. If we are talking about wired insoles, you need to check the fastening - its reliability, convenience and practicality.

Care and operation

There is one rule that applies to everyone three types insole - the protective casing must not be damaged. While most insoles can withstand a certain amount of moisture, it's best not to test them for water tolerance - although products with a remote battery have a better chance in this regard.

When you get home, it’s better to take out the insoles. If they were wet, let them dry and charge them. Do not allow kinks or tension on the wire - this can shorten its service life.

Review of heated insoles manufacturers

ThermaCell wireless insoles are powered by a lithium-ion battery, a full charge of which provides 5 hours of comfortable heating. To adjust the temperature, the kit includes a small remote control with three settings. The insoles can be adjusted to five sizes.

Wired Blasewear insoles also have three settings, which can be controlled on a remote battery. Can be adjusted to any shoe size. Temperatures can reach up to 51°, which is necessary only in critical frosts. At the same time, infrared radiation helps improve blood circulation, which is a tangible advantage - after all, heating will be not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Similar properties are also found in DiClime insoles, the battery of which is attached to the ankle. They are equipped with a sensor, thanks to which it is possible to save battery power.

How to make heated insoles with your own hands

There are no particular difficulties in constructing wired insoles, so if you have some skills, you can make them yourself. For this you will need:

  • felt insoles;
  • nichrome thread with a diameter of 0.2-0.3 mm;
  • 3 meters of wire - multi-wire, single-phase, insulated is suitable;
  • mini jack connector and plug (2 sets);
  • compartment for four batteries
  • thread with needle
  • fastening for batteries - Velcro is ideal;
  • crimp sleeves;
  • switch;
  • hot melt adhesive.

Before assembling the insoles, you need to take the nichrome of the expected length, wrap it in a thin cloth and squeeze it with your palms. If the temperature is too high, it is better to increase the length, if on the contrary, reduce it.

After this, the nichrome needs to be secured to the insole with a needle and thread in the place where the foot usually freezes. In this case, it is better to bring the ends to the inside. This end needs to be connected to the wire; a crimp sleeve is suitable for this. A plug is soldered to the other end of the wire. The length of the wire should be about half a meter.

After this, the battery pack is assembled. Three batteries are used, the unit is needed for four, since the charging connector and switch are inserted into the fourth. The elements are soldered and glued. Ideally, you need a cover that protects the batteries from loss; if you don’t have one, you can attach them with rubber bands.

Velcro is attached to the block. This can be done by simply gluing it to the body or drilling holes and pulling it through - whichever is convenient. The main thing is that the length of the fastening is enough for comfortable placement on the leg.

DIY heated insoles - video

Watch a detailed video with instructions for making heating insoles with your own hands from a true professional here:

Heated insoles are definitely a comfortable and useful thing. You can choose them based on your own preferences and price category, or make them yourself. In any case, comfort, reduction of colds, cystitis and other ailments will more than offset possible costs.